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Three's A Charm

by P3charmed0717

At P3 the sisters sit at a booth and give themselves a toast for another great night of demon hunting.

"You know we really need to celebrate more often," said Phoebe, "I don't think the world really appreciates all that we do for it."

"Amen to that sister," said Prue. The three girls laughed and gave a high toast to themselves.

"So ladies what are we celebrating," said one of the new waiters, Cole. "Oh nothing just celebrating the fact that we're sisters," said Piper. "We Halliwells always have a reason to party."

"Well enjoy your night and if you need anything just holler."

"Oh well Piper will get us what we want, I mean she is the owner," said Prue.

"One of three," Phoebe said reminding her sister, "And who said I would just get up and serve you? I mean this is my night off," said Piper.

"Okay I'm sorry."

"You better be, unlike some people, I don't have off every weekend, some of us have to work seven days a week."

"I work on weekends also."

Piper just gave her sister the oh give me a break look.

"Okay so I don't go in every weekend but I was at work last Saturday."

"Because you wanted to be there," said Piper.

"Oh like you don't want to be here, I mean how hard can it be to work in a club, all you do is sit around and listen to music and dance and..."

"And I have to get food ready, and hire the bands to play, get the club ready for inspections, put my waiters under extreme training..."

"Yeah well I am constantly having to look at new paintings that are coming in and other antiques to get them ready for the auction, and let me tell you that is no easy job."

"Please that's nothing I..."

"You guys stop it!" yelled Phoebe. Her sisters looked at her in shock at the level of her voice.

"You guys we just got finished telling that hottie waiter guy that we were celebrating being sisters, and look at you too. I am shocked, especially at you Piper, what are you doing fighting with Prue when you know that is my job. Now I want you two to make up before I get really mad."

"I'm sorry Prue, I know that you work hard," said Piper.

"I'm sorry too I don't know what came over me, I love you," said Prue.

"I love you too," said Piper giving Prue a hug, "I love you guys too," said Phoebe hugging her sisters.

Somewhere in the night two men meet.

"I almost had them this time, did you see how quickly that fight broke out between the two."

"Yes I saw it, but it wasn't good enough, your spell wasn't strong enough. I can not have the weak working for me."

"I understand but I beg for a second chance."

"The last time we met I gave you a second chance Sacirious."

"I know master but my father was the warlock that wiped out an entire community of witches before, I know that I have carried on his strength and power."

"Very well. Prove to me that you can defeat the Power of Three and I will grant you immortality, but remember Sacirious this is your final chance."

"Do not worry master, third times a charm."

The Next Day

"Morning Phoebe," said Piper, "Sleep well?"

"Almost too well, if it wasn't for that alarm clock I would have slept in for hours."

"Well its a good thing that it woke you because you have class in an hour," said Piper.

"An hour you have to be kidding me, it's going to take at least 15 minutes to take a shower then another 20 to put on my make up, I don't even want to think how long it will take to pick out clothes to wear."

"Well don't be telling me about it go get ready," said Piper.

"I'm going," Phoebe said as she ran upstairs. "Wow! Where's the fire?" said Prue backing out of the way so that Phoebe could get passed her.

"Phoebe's going to be late for school," Piper said.

"Very, very late!" Phoebe yelled at her sisters from upstairs.

"So Piper I wanted to talk to you about last night."

"What is there to talk about we both just lost it for a minute, we'll just make sure we don't fight again, deal?"


Upstairs Phoebe is getting ready, she looks at a picture of the three sisters together and suddenly has a premonition.

She sees the sisters arguing, like they have never argued before and some guy, obviously a demon or warlock comes out of no where laughing, the sisters are to busy arguing and refuse to come together to vanquish this guy with the Power of Three.

The premonition goes away.

Phoebe is speechless by what she has seen, she can't believe it. She knew she had to tell her sisters and fast, she ran down into the kitchen and saw her sisters eating breakfast.

"You guys I just had a premonition."

"What about Pheebs?" Piper asks concerned.

"It was about us, we were fighting and then a warlock came into the picture and we wouldn't come together to defeat him, needless to say we the ones destroyed."

"Have any of your premonitions ever not been true, I mean I can't picture us fighting like that," Prue said.

"I can," Piper said, "I mean we almost ripped each others heads off last night, and you and Phoebe are always fighting."

"The only way that I know my premonition won't come true is if we promise not to fight, I didn't like the fact that the Halliwell beauties became so ugly."

All of a sudden Leo orbed in and on the look of his face he wasn't here on a social call.

"Hey Leo," Piper said giving him a kiss, Leo returned the kiss but made it quick, he was here on business.

"Is this visit about my premonition?"

"Afraid so."

"Okay but can you give us the short version?" Prue asked.

"There is this warlock named Sacirious. He is going to try to defeat you by breaking you apart, and after what I saw last night he's winning."

"Leo we were just fighting like sisters do," Piper said.

Piper I know you, and I know that you don't fight over work, neither do you Prue. and besides you three have a bond stronger than any I have seen, you are brought together by blood and magic, if you loose that bond then there is no telling how much else you will lose."

"Thanks for the lecture Leo, but how are we supposed to defeat this guy?" asked Phoebe.

"The only way to defeat him is to use the Power of Three, I have to go now but I'll be watching."

Leo orbs out.

Later that night outside Phoebe's school campus

"What is taking her so long?" Prue asked.

"Maybe she stayed after to get some help on something."

"Yeah well she could have told us. I mean the only reason we agreed to pick her up was with the understanding that we would be at P3 30 minutes ago."

"Oh look here she comes," Piper said.

"Hey guys! Look I got an A on my math test," Phoebe said smiling but her smile vanished when she saw the look on her sisters face.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Phoebe you were supposed to out over 30 minutes ago," Prue said.

"Sorry I stayed after, while he graded my test."

"Come on you guys I have to get to P3," Piper said.

"Of course lets stop everything so Piper can get to work on time, no one cares how well I do in school."

"Phoebe that's not true, now knock it off," Piper said.

"Both of you knock it off your giving me a headache," Prue shouted.

"Here take an asprin and shut up," Piper said throwing her the bottle.

"You know I hear if you take to many of those you can die or at least have suffer side effects. Hey, why don't you take the whole bottle Prue?" Phoebe said.

"Oh that showed maturity," Prue snapped back. "Phoebe your in your second year of high school why don't you actually decide what you want to do with your life instead of living off of me all the time?"

"Who said she is living off of you? I mean I think that I give a lot to this family way more than you two anyway," Piper said.

Suddenly Phoebe remembered her premonition, this was the exact location that it was at.

"You guys shut up a minute and listen, this is where my premonition took place, and look at us we are fighting like mad here."

"Your right, I can't believe this, the warlock must be close," Prue said.

"You guys I am so sorry," Piper said.

"I know so am I but we have to find that warlock and kill him before he can do any more damage," Phoebe said.

Suddenly they saw movement behind the bushes.

Piper lifted her hands and froze the man who was running away.

"That's him that's the guy from my premonition."

"Well girls, you know what we have to do," Prue said grabbing her sisters hands.

Piper's time freeze wore off but before the guy could get away the girls chanted:

"The Power of Three will set us free," and he disappeared into smoke.

Later at P3 the girls are at there usual booth.

"You guys let's promise never to fight again," Piper said.

"I'll toast to that," Phoebe said.

The three girls lifted there glasses as Cole came to there table.

"So ladies what is it this time?"

"The same as every time," Prue said. "We are celebrating the fact that the three of us make a great team."

"Well is there anything I can get you?"

"No thanks, we're fine," Piper said.

Cole walked away.

"We really do make a good team don't we?" Phoebe said.

"Of course we do, three's a charm," Piper said and they all lifted there glasses for a finale toast.