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The Wedding of Rex and Hannah

by Tim

DISCLAIMER: This story is based upon the series, Charmed, that was created by Constance M. Burge. All Charmed characters are the property of Spelling Productions. The character of Jessica Llewell was created by Tim McCree (Jethro) and Denise Stevenson. The character of Elizabeth Halliwell was created by PurpleCharm.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story follows the events depicted in "Elizabeth" and "Farewell to Love Past".

DEDICATION: This story is dedicated to all my friends in the Charmed First Family. Although I have yet to meet any of you in person, you already feel like family to me.

"Okay, that should be it then." Prue said as she finished loading the film into her camera. "All ready for the shoot tomorrow."

"At least you're having a good time." Piper grumbled from the couch. "I'm still trying to get that new group booked for P3. Their manager can be a real bas..." she got no farther as the front door opened and Phoebe, accompanied by their new younger sister, Elizabeth, entered. "So how did the shopping go?" Piper asked.

"Great!" Phoebe replied as she sat down next to Piper. "I got Beth some great new clothes for school! She'll be the talk of Baker High!"

"Well I hope not that much." Elizabeth said: "After all I don't want to attract too much attention."

"What attention is that?" Jessica Llewell said as she entered the room. Jessica was making an extended visit to Halliwell Manor, bunking in Phoebe's room. She was there because she wanted to keep an eye on Elizabeth, for the time being.

"Oh nothing, just school stuff." Elizabeth replied.

"Still I think you..." Piper began and stopped as Leo suddenly orbed in, but he was not alone. Rex, Hannah, and Little Phoebe were with him. "Leo!" Piper said as she ran up and gave him a hug.

"Hello." Prue said to Rex and Hannah. "So what brings you two by."

"We have some great news we want to share with you all." Hannah said and held up her right hand, on which could be seen a beautiful diamond ring: "Rex has asked me to marry him!"

"Oh wow!" Phoebe said: "Congratulations!" everyone joined in the cheer. Everyone that is, except Elizabeth: "Excuse me?" she asked: "Forgive my ignorance, but who are these people?"

"Oh right, you wouldn't know about Rex and Hannah." Prue said and launched into a detailed story about the Halliwells encounters with the two former Warlocks. Prue began the story with Rex hiring her at Buckland's and ended it with the birth of Little Phoebe.

"So you two used to be Warlocks." Elizabeth said after Prue had finished. "I didn't realize that Warlocks could turn good."

"It doesn't happen very often." Rex replied: "But sometimes with the help of the right people, it can be done." Rex stopped and looked at Elizabeth. "So you're the newest Halliwell. Leo told us all about you."

"That's me." Elizabeth replied and gestured to her three older sisters: "Although I have a different father than they do, we all have the same mother."

"Okay, enough of that." Prue said, stepping in and turning to Rex and Hannah. "If you two are going to get married, we have a wedding to plan."

"If you are looking for a place to hold the ceremony, P3 is available." Piper said, jumping in. "I've catered weddings before, and now I can do it in my own club!"

"Thank you." Rex said and turned to Leo. "Leo, I would really appreciate it if you would be my best man."

"I would be honoured." Leo replied.

"Now I have to pick a Maid of Honour." Hannah said as she looked around the room. "I think it's only fitting that I choose Prue."

"Me?" Prue asked.

"Yes, you have known me the longest out of your whole family, even if our first meeting was not too friendly." They both remembered their first encounter at the Auction House, almost two years ago, which had ended with Hannah getting sprayed with paint! "Anyway, I hope you'll accept my offer."

"Okay, Hannah, I'll be your Maid of Honour." Prue turned to Jessica and her sisters: "I guess that makes all of you bridesmaids!"

"Always a bridesmaid, but never a bride." Phoebe sighed and then added: "Sorry, I couldn't resist."

"Hannah and I would like to get married in a week from today, if that is all possible." Rex said: "Can you pull it off?"

"We're witches, Rex." Phoebe said with a mischievous smile: "We can do anything!"

"Okay, we have a million things to do." Prue said, taking charge: "We need to get some dresses. As for a photographer, I guess yours truly can do it." She turned to Rex, Hannah, and Leo. "Okay, Rex, Hannah, and Little Phoebe will stay here in the living room. Leo, I guess you can bunk with Piper." Both Piper and Leo smiled. "Anyhow!" Prue said, resuming: "Piper, as you just said, you have catered weddings before, so you will be handling the food. Phoebe, I want you to go down to P3 and tell Lindze what is going on. I think we'll need her help with this."

"Aw, do I have to?" grumbled Phoebe.

"Okay, Pheebs, I know you and Lindze have had your problems in the past, but now is not the time. Please, Pheebs, do this for me?"

"Okay, Prue, I will."

"Great, and now..." Prue broke off as the phone rang and she went to answer it.

"How about that, Elizabeth." Phoebe said to her younger sibling: "Your first wedding!"

"I know." Elizabeth replied: "I hope I make a good bridesmaid."

"Don't worry about it, you'll do great." Phoebe looked up as Prue came back into the room. "Who was on the phone?" Phoebe asked.

"That was Jack." Prue said slowly: "He wants to have dinner with me!"

"Whoa! You mean Jack as in Jack Sheridan?" Piper asked.

"One and the same." Prue replied. Jack Sheridan had been Prue's boyfriend some months back. At first, Prue could barely stand to be in the same room with the man, but she had warmed up to him over time, especially when Jack had started working at Buckland's. There they weathered some changes when Buckland's had been bought out and a man named Caldwell had been put in charge, although Jack adjusted easier than Prue did. Soon after Piper had her brush with death and Prue realized it was time to make some changes in her life. She had been unhappy with Caldwell selling off worthless junk, pretending it to be quality items, so she had quit Buckland's and broken up with Jack at the same time. That is the last time she had heard from Jack, until now that is.

"So what did you tell him?" Piper asked.

"I said yes." Prue replied: "After all, Jack and I did have some fun together, and since Andy is dead and Bane is likely to be in prison for some time to come, I don't have that many options. Jack and I will be getting together tomorrow night at-you are going to love this, Piper-Quake!"

"Once again forgive me." Elizabeth said: "But who are Jack and Bane?"

"Well, Elizabeth." Phoebe began: "It's this way...."

A few hours later, P3 was getting ready to open for the night. Inside, Lindsay "Lindze" Brock, the assistant manager, was getting things ready. Lindze was more than just the assistant manager of P3, she was a witch in her own right, with the power to make things appear and had a few adventures with the Halliwells. Like the Halliwells, Lindze had tragically lost her mother, and so she felt a closeness to them, even to Phoebe, although Lindze would never admit that out loud. Suddenly, Lindze saw Phoebe enter the club and walk towards her. "Hello, Phoebe." Lindze said: "What brings you by?"

"Business." Phoebe replied in an icy voice that dropped the temperature in the area about ten degrees. "Some friends of ours are getting married and we decided that the wedding will be held here, in a week. Prue asked me to come down and see if you can help us out with this."

"Sure I can."

"Great." Phoebe said and turned to leave.

"Phoebe..." Lindze began, thinking: I know I was mean to you in high school, but why can't you let it go? The past is the past, can't we get over it and move on? "I was just wondering how that new sister of yours, Elizabeth, is getting along." Lindze had been totally blown away when Piper told her that a fourth Halliwell sister had been magically born, the daughter of their mother, Patty Halliwell and her white-lighter lover, Sam Wilder.

"She's fine, Lindze. Thanks for asking." Much to Lindze's surprise, there was actually some warmth in Phoebe's voice.

"Well Phoebe, you can tell Prue that whatever needs to be done here, I can handle it."

"Okay, then. See you later." Phoebe then turned and left, but without all of the coldness she had when she came in. Well it's a start! Lindze thought before returning to work.

The next day, Prue and Hannah went down to the mall to pick out a wedding gown. After some searching, Hannah finally settled on one with a long train behind it. "I like this one, Prue. Can we afford it?"

"That doesn't matter." Prue said as she took out her credit card. "This is your wedding, Hannah, and if you like that dress, then that is the one we are going to buy."

After having made arrangements to have the dress delivered to Halliwell Manor the next day, Prue and Hannah headed for a nearby snack bar. As they ate their hamburgers and french fries, Prue noticed that Hannah seemed somewhat on edge. "Pre-wedding jitters?" she asked Hannah.

"No, not exactly." Hannah replied: "It's just that a wedding is something that comes out of good and purity, and considering our past, I was wondering if Rex and I can...." she trailed off.

"Hannah, you and Rex love each other, you have even brought a child into the world. Love is one of the strongest emotions there is. Whatever you did in the past, it is what you have now that counts. Trust me, everything will be fine."

"I guess you're right, Prue. Sorry I brought it up."

"That's okay. We better be going, I have a date to get ready for." The two of them paid for their meal and left.

All thought their meal and discussion, neither Prue nor Hannah had noticed the man in his mid-forties staring at them from a nearby booth. His name was Joe Packard, and he had been one of the few employees of Buckland Auction House to survive the purge when Caldwell took over. He had noticed Prue enter the snack bar and had been about to say hello, when he saw, and immediately recognized, the red-haired woman who was with Prue. Oh my God! Joe had thought: It's Hannah Webster! Joe then remembered that mess with the Romanov Tierra and how Hannah and Rex Buckland, had tried to steal it, framing Prue. Although they had failed to get the Tierra, they had made off with a lot of the Auction House's money, that had disappeared along with them. The resulting scandal had rocked the reputation of the Auction House, and Joe had faced the prospect of losing his job. Luckily, with no small help from Prue, they had turned things around. Now sitting here, watching Prue and Hannah acting like old friends, some new thoughts had come into Joe's head: That cold hearted bitch, Halliwell. She must have been in on that Tierra plan the whole time. To think I actually trusted her! Well it's time I did my civic duty! So after Prue and Hannah had left the snack bar, Joe headed for a nearby phone to call 9-1-1.

As evening set in at Halliwell Manor, everyone was talking about the wedding and the things that needed to be done. At one point, Elizabeth excused herself and walked into the living room, where Hannah was holding Little Phoebe. "Can I hold her?" Elizabeth asked: "She's beautiful."

"Sure." said Hannah and handed Little Phoebe to Elizabeth. The baby cooed happily. "She likes you." the smiling Hannah said.

"Well she's adorable." Elizabeth replied. Suddenly, Little Phoebe reached out with a tiny hand and touched the ring Elizabeth was wearing on her left index finger. A blue glow was then briefly seen, and the baby gurgled with delight.

"What was that?" Hannah asked after the glow had faded.

"I don't know." Elizabeth said as she handed Little Phoebe back to Hannah and looked at the ring. This was the ring Leo had delivered to Halliwell Manor shortly after Elizabeth's "birth", and he had said the Council of White-Lighters had sent it, but not why they had. Then Elizabeth had a thought: "When was she born? Little Phoebe, I mean."

"Last Christmas." Hannah replied: "Right at the start of the day, in fact."

"The day of everything that is pure and good. Obviously there was some significance in that."

"There was." Hannah said: "The white-lighters told us that Little Phoebe will play an important part in the fight against evil. But they weren't very specific on the matter."

"So there must be a connection between that and what just happened here." Elizabeth pondered: "I wonder what it could be?"

At that same time, Piper and Phoebe were waiting at the bottom of the stairs as Prue came down in her best dress, ready for her date with Jack. "So how do I look?" Prue asked her sisters.

"You look great, Prue." Phoebe replied: "Knock him dead!"

"Thanks, Pheebs." Prue said as she headed for the front door. "Don't wait up!"

Quake looked very much the same to Prue as she arrived, in fact many of the employees recognized her and said hi. Prue was returning the greetings, when she spotted Jack at a nearby table. Politely excusing herself, Prue headed over and sat down at the table. "Hello, Jack. It's nice to see you again."

"You look great!" Jack said as he took in Prue in her dress. "Thanks for coming."

"Thank you." Prue said, accepting the compliment: "So how are things going at Buckland's?"

"Oh, just the same old stuff." replied Jack: "Although to tell you the truth, things just haven't been the same since you left, at least not for me."

"Caldwell still passing off junk as priceless items?"

"Yeah, he is. At first I thought I could handle it, but now it's beginning to bug me. It seems there is no depth that the man won't sink to in order to make a profit."

"Sorry to hear that." Prue said. Although she no longer worked there, Prue felt bad that Buckland's was seemingly headed into the sewer, thanks to Caldwell.

"Well enough about that." Jack said, brightening up: "I see you've done well for yourself." He reached down, pulled up his briefcase, opened it, and took out a stack of magazines. "I've been keeping up with your new career."

"You have!" Prue said as she recognized the magazines as those she had taken pictures for. "I'm flattered."

"Look, Prue, I know that you said you wanted to start over when you left Buckland's, but the truth is that I miss you. I was hoping that perhaps we could get back together, or at least make a start of it."

"Well I..." Prue began and then considered: Why not? After all Jack and I did have some chemistry together. Maybe we can get it going again. "Listen, Jack. Some friends of mine are getting married in a week, and the ceremony is going to be held at P3. Would you like to come?"

"Sure." Jack said, a smile coming onto his face. "Guess I'll have to dig out my fancy suit. So what can I bring as a present?"

"To tell you the truth, Jack, I'm not really sure."

At the same time that Prue was having her date with Jack, at the police station, Joe Packard was being interviewed by Inspector Darryl Morris. "That's the truth, Inspector." Joe said: "I clearly saw Prue Halliwell and Hannah Webster together today. Prue must have been in on that Tierra business the whole time! So just what are you going to do about it?"

"Take it easy, Mr. Packard." Darryl replied: "You can be assured that I will look into it."

"Yeah, right." Joe sneered: "Which means you'll do nothing. I know how you guys work. Just remember that I'm a taxpayer. I pay your salary!"

"Really? Well then I suppose that this is a bad time to ask for a raise." Darryl replied, not missing a beat. He gestured to a nearby uniformed cop. "Thank you Mr. Packard. No matter what you believe, I will look into this." Darryl watched as the cop escorted Packard out. After that, Darryl leaned back, thinking. It had been quite some time now since the Halliwells had let him in on their little secret, and Darryl still wasn't quite sure of what to make of it. Witches, real life witches! Darryl thought to himself: How did Andy cope with this? I wonder. Pausing that thought, Darryl considered what had happened today. He knew that Prue was not a criminal, but then what had she been doing with Hannah Webster, if indeed that was Hannah she had been with. He remembered how Rex and Hannah had vanished after that incident with the Tierra. Andy had put out an APB on them, and some sightings had placed them first in New York City, and then Niagra Falls. However, they had vanished again before any of those sightings could be confirmed. Then Rex had reappeared alone in San Francisco, robbing banks and jewelry stores. That had ended with Andy tracking Rex down to an abandoned factory, where a shoot out took place, ending with Andy shooting Rex dead. That had been one of the last cases Darryl and Andy had worked together on, for Andy had been killed shortly after. Another strange thing about this case forced its way into Darryl's mind, and this had to do with when the Auction House had been dusted for prints of Rex and Hannah. Darryl's mind did a slow dissolve back to the night he and Andy had gotten the results back:


"Damn!" Andy Trudeau growled: "This can't be!"

"What is it?" Darryl asked as he came over to the desk where Andy was holding a file with the results in them.

"I sent the fingerprints we got of Rex and Hannah to the lab, and this is what they got after trying to match up the prints to see if Rex and Hannah had any priors." Andy paused and then said: "According to this, Rex's real name is Charles Williams, born in Liverpool, England, in 1912!"

"1912!?" Darryl replied, unable to keep the astonishment out of his voice: "That's nuts, Rex certainly doesn't look like he's 87 years old."

"It gets better." Andy said: "Charles Williams was arrested in 1942 for selling military secrets to the Germans, but he hanged himself before he could stand trial."

"Great, not only is Rex 87 years old, but he's dead as well? Andy, are you sure the information in that file is correct?"

"Yeah, I am." Andy replied: "You should see Hannah's results. Abigail Hughes, born in Chicago in 1866, committed suicide in 1893 after murdering her husband!" Andy threw down the file in disgust.

"So what do we do?" Darryl asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't know." replied Andy: "But we certainly can't use this as evidence. The only answer is to have the lab check the prints again. They must have made a mistake somewhere."

"It's the only answer that makes sense to me." said Darryl.


Darryl continued to think of that incident. He and Andy had asked for the prints to be checked again, but they came back with the same results. After that, he and Andy had quietly buried that report, realizing that their superiors would never believe it. Snapping out of his reminiscing, Darryl decided that now action was called for, starting with a visit to Halliwell Manor. Perhaps the answer would be found there.

"So when do you think Prue will be back?" Phoebe asked as she and Piper were sitting alone in the kitchen, everyone else being in the living room.

"I don't know." Piper replied: "I really hope her date with Jack goes well. Prue could use the time to unwind." Suddenly the doorbell rang, and Piper went to answer it. Standing on the porch was Darryl Morris, and he didn't look too pleased either. "Darryl." Piper said, wondering just why Morris was here: "So what brings you by?"

"Police business." Darryl replied as he stepped into the Manor: "I need to talk to Prue, right now."

"Well she's out on a date. I'm afraid you'll just have to talk to me. Is it routine stuff, or witch related."

"I'm not sure." Darryl said: "We had a man at the station today who told us he witnessed Prue with someone matching Hannah Webster's description, so I came here to find out just what is going on."

"Uh.. Well..." Piper began, not knowing what to say. Quickly she threw up her hands and froze Darryl where he stood. "Everyone, get in here! We have a big problem!" Soon the group gathered around and Piper relayed what Morris had said to her.

"I think the only thing we can do is tell him the truth." Phoebe said: "After all, he already knows about our family secret. Surely informing him of this will not do any real harm."

"I agree with Phoebe." Jessica said: "If we don't inform him, he will keep digging around, looking for the truth. That could cause some major problems."

"Let's tell him." Rex said: "Hannah and I have nothing to hide."

"Okay." Piper replied and unfroze Darryl.

"What the..." Darryl began, and then saw Rex and Hannah. Quickly he pulled his gun: "Don't move!"

"Wait, Darryl, you don't understand." Phoebe said.

"That's an understatement." Darryl said, still keeping his gun trained on Rex and Hannah. "I saw you dead." he said to Rex: "Andy shot you!"

"That wasn't me." Rex replied: "That was a clone of me."

"A clone." Darryl muttered. He looked around the group: "Okay, I want some answers and I want them now!"

"Okay, Darryl, come into the living room." Piper said: "You'll get your answers."

Meanwhile, Prue and Jack were finishing up their date. "I had a great time tonight." Prue said as they stood by her car, in the parking lot of Quake.

"Me too." Jack replied: "Maybe we could do it again soon."

"Maybe." Prue said. The next thing the two of them knew, they were kissing. After what seemed like an eternity, the kiss ended.

"Call me." Jack whispered.

"You bet I will." Prue replied.

Back at Halliwell Manor, Darryl Morris sat on the couch and listened as Piper and Phoebe told him the whole story about Rex and Hannah. "So let me get this straight." Darryl said after the girls had finished: "Rex and Hannah used to be evil, but now they're not."

"That's it." Phoebe said.

"That security guard they killed was really a..." Darryl broke off, looking for the words.

"A white-lighter." Leo said helpfully.

"That's it, a white-lighter." Darryl looked up at Rex and Hannah: "So really you killed no one."

"That's right." Hannah said: "And believe me it was a great weight off my mind as well."

"I see." Darryl said and turned back to Phoebe: "I hate to ask this, but just how much of this did Andy know about?"

"He knew the whole story towards the end." Phoebe said: "Sorry he hid the truth from you, but he did it for Prue, and for the rest of us as well."

"I understand, he was a good man." Darryl said in agreement.

"I'm back!" Prue suddenly said as she swept in the front door and entered the living room. "Jack and I had... Darryl, what are you doing here?" Prue said when she saw Morris.

"It's okay, Prue." Piper said, jumping in: "We've brought him up to speed on current events."

"You mean he knows about the wedding?" Prue asked.

"Wedding?" Darryl said with a puzzled look: "What wedding? Who's getting married?"

"We are." Rex replied and took Hannah's hand: "Would you like to come, Inspector Morris?"

"Well... I mean.... I don't know." Darryl finally said and stood up: "I think I should be headed back to the station now. As far as anyone outside of this house is concerned, I was never here." After saying his goodbyes, Darryl headed out the door.

"Poor Darryl." Phoebe said after a few seconds: "I guess police work never prepared him for this."

"I guess not." Piper said in agreement and then turned to Prue: "So how did your evening with Jack turn out?"

"It was great." Prue said as she sat down on the couch: "I never realized that I missed him until tonight. Funny how these things work out."

"Yeah, I guess it is." Phoebe said: "A year and a half ago, Rex and Hannah tried to kill us, and now here we are helping them plan their wedding! Life can be strange at times!"

Later that night, everyone had retired to bed. Phoebe was asleep in her bed, Jessica on the cot nearby. The door to the room quietly opened, and Elizabeth came in. She crept over to the bed and began to gently shake Phoebe. "Phoebe." Elizabeth whispered: "Wake up."

"Hmmmmm..." Phoebe moaned and opened her eyes. What is it, Beth?" she asked after seeing just who her late night guest was.

"I was just thinking about something." Elizabeth replied: "If Rex and Hannah could be turned away from evil, maybe other Warlocks could be too. Is that possible?"

"To tell you the truth, Beth, I really have no idea." Phoebe said: "I suppose it all depends on whether the Warlock in question wants to be turned. A lot of them like the powers they get with being a Warlock and don't want to give that up."

"So what you're saying is that Rex and Hannah are a rare exception."

"Kind of." Phoebe replied: "Deep down inside they never really wanted to be evil, but circumstances worked against them and they ended up that way. They would still be evil if we hadn't helped them see the truth. The desire for good was buried inside them and we helped bring it to the surface."

"I see." Elizabeth said: "Thanks, Phoebe."

"You're welcome, Beth. Now go get some sleep, we've got a busy week ahead of us."

The next morning, everyone was sitting at the dining room table, eating breakfast, Hannah feeding Little Phoebe the baby food. "I know who we can get to perform the ceremony." Prue announced.

"Who?" asked Piper.

"Brendan Rowe." Prue replied and turned to Rex and Hannah. "Like you, Brendan was controlled by the forces of evil, although he wasn't as far along as you two were. He was part of a family of three brothers called the Evil Charmed Ones."

"I've heard of them." Rex said, nodding his head.

"Well we had a run in with them just over a year ago." Prue continued: "It was touch and go for a while there, it seemed that Brendan could go either way, but in the end, his two evil brothers were vanquished and Brendan became a priest, forever renouncing evil. I was thinking that it would be fitting if he performed the ceremony."

"That's a great idea, Prue." Piper said: "I was wondering just who we could get to perform the ceremony. Well done, Prue."

"Thanks." Prue replied: "I plan to go see him in a little while."

A short while later, Father Brendan Rowe was in his room at the Church, when someone knocked on his door. "Coming." Brendan said and quickly answered the door. Much to his surprise, Prue Halliwell was standing there. "Prue!" Brendan said: "Long time no see. So what brings you here?"

"A favour." Prue replied as she entered the chamber: "Two friends of mine are getting married in a few days and we would like you to perform the ceremony."

"I'm honoured." Brendan said: "The answer is yes, thanks for asking me."

"There's more." Prue continued: "I think you'll find this somewhat ironic. These two friends used to be my enemies, in fact, they used to be Warlocks."

"I see." Brendan said, remembering his own struggle with the evil in himself and his family, a struggle he won thanks to the help of the Charmed Ones. "So these two have completely renounced all evil?"


"Well then just let me get something to write with." Brendan said as he hunted for a pen. "Where is the wedding to be held?"

"P3." replied Prue: "The club my sisters and I own. The wedding will be held there next Tuesday. Are you free that day?"

"Let me check." Brendan said and then consulted his papers. "Yes I am."

"Thanks, Brendan. I owe you one."

"No, Prue, I owe you one. If it weren't for you and your sisters, my brothers would have converted me over to their side. I would be doing evil now, not good. I have a big debt of gratitude to all of you. Consider my performing this wedding as part of the payoff." Both of them shook hands and Prue left.

"It's all set." Prue said once she got back to Halliwell Manor. "Brendan will perform the ceremony."

"That's great." Piper said: "Now all we need are some guests to invite."

"I'm already on top of that." Phoebe said, jumping in: "I've invited a bunch of friends of ours to attend." For Rex and Hannah's benefit, she added: "It's okay, they're all Wiccan, I met them all at a gathering. We can trust them."

"That gives me an idea!" Prue suddenly said: "Wasn't one of them studying to be a chef?"

"Yes, her name is Sara." Piper replied: "She used to work part time at Quake when I was there. She was quite good."

"Well then why don't we ask her to help with the food, maybe even bake the cake." Prue suggested.

"Way ahead of you there, sis!" Phoebe said: "I already asked Sara, and she said yes."

"What would we do without you, Pheebs?" Piper asked as she gave her little sister a hug.

"Who knows." Phoebe replied, returning the hug. "I have one more call to make." Phoebe then said and headed out of the room. After a few minutes, she came back. "Well that was the last one."

"Who?" asked Piper.

"Denise." Phoebe replied: "The one whom everyone calls Denny." Looking over at Jessica, Phoebe commented: "In fact, Denny looks a lot like you, Jessica."

"Really?" Jessica asked.

"Yes, she does." Phoebe considered: "In fact, Denny is originally from back east somewhere. I wonder if the two of you could be related?"

"I wouldn't know." Jessica said: "I lost track of my family tree a long time ago. It could be possible though."

"Well Denny is into researching family trees. I could ask her to look into it."

"Okay." Jessica replied: "It would be interesting to see if I have any surviving members of my biological family."

"Okay, I'll call her back and ask her." Phoebe said and headed back to the phone.

Meanwhile Prue took Piper into the kitchen and said: "I invited Jack to the wedding."

"You what?" Piper asked, unable to believe her ears: "Prue, are you out of your mind? If Jack shows up, he may find out about Rex and Hannah, not to mention finding out about us!"

"I know that. But I felt that he and I were actually connecting again and I thought this would be a good way to help the sparks fly. Okay, I admit that I listened to my heart, not my head. Sorry."

"Okay, Prue, but this means we may have to tell Jack our secret." Piper said slowly.

"Well if it comes to that, I will tell him." Prue replied: "It's my mess, let me handle it."

"Well that's it." Phoebe said to Jessica: "Denny will look into her family tree and check if she had any ancestors with the last name Payne in, or around, Salem in the 1690's."

"Thanks, Phoebe." Jessica replied and then looked around: "Where did Prue and Piper disappear to."

"I think they went into the kitchen." Elizabeth said as she walked up to them: "Prue looked troubled somehow."

"Thanks, Beth." Phoebe said as she herself headed for the kitchen. At that point, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." Elizabeth said and headed for the door. Standing there was a man with a package. "Can I help you?" Elizabeth asked.

"I have a wedding dress that I was told to deliver to a Halliwell Manor. Is this the right place?"

"It sure is." Elizabeth replied, taking the dress. "Thank you." After giving the man the appropriate tip, Elizabeth closed the door and brought the package into the living room where Rex, Hannah, and Leo were sitting.

"Is that the wedding dress?" Rex asked as he got up from the couch.

"Yes it is." Elizabeth replied as she put the package down on the table.

"Maybe I'll just take a look at it." Rex said and reached for the package.

"Oh no you don't!" Elizabeth jumped in, slapping his hands away.

"Why not?"

"Sorry, Rex, but you can't see the dress before the wedding." Jessica added as she came into the room: "Tradition says it's bad luck, and we all want this wedding to go smoothly."

"You did what?" Phoebe blurted once she had joined Prue and Piper in the kitchen and gotten the news about Prue inviting Jack.

"Look, Pheebs, I don't want to argue about this with you as well. Jack is coming, end of story." Prue said sternly.

"But..." Phoebe began and then gave up. Once Prue made up her mind about something, that was it. "Guess we'll just have to take this as it comes."

"Hey, what's going on in here?" Elizabeth asked as she entered the kitchen and saw her three older sisters: "The wedding dress just arrived."

"Really?" Phoebe said, brightening up: "We'll let's go see it!" she led the way out.

Soon the six women were looking at Hannah's wedding dress (Leo had taken Rex upstairs while this was going on). "It's beautiful!" Phoebe said after a few minutes.

"It sure is." Piper added, thinking: I just hope my own wedding dress is as beautiful as this one. After all, according to that alternate future, Leo and I are supposed to get married at some point. I wonder if it will really happen?

The next day, as noon approached, Jack was in his office at Buckland's. Although he was supposed to be working, Jack's mind was millions of miles away, going over his date with Prue the other night. He was pleased that things seemed to be going well. Suddenly, his phone rang and he picked it up: "Buckland's Auction House, Jack Sheridan speaking."

"Hi Jack, how are you holding down the fort?" Prue's voice asked.

"Prue, I was just thinking about you." exclaimed Jack.

"Really! Anyway, are you free for lunch?"

"Yes I am."

"Then meet me at Quake." Prue said: "There is something you need to know about me, it's very important."

"I'll be there."

Prue was already at Quake when Jack arrived. As soon as he sat down at the table with her, he asked: "So what's the big news?"

"Well it's this way." Prue replied, took a deep breath, and then continued: "I'm a witch, Jack."

"A what?"

"A witch. I have the power to move things with my eyes and hands."

"Oh come on, Prue." Jack said, trying to keep from laughing: "Surely you're not serious."

"I am. Watch this." After checking to make sure that no one else was watching, Prue used her powers to move a salt shaker across the table.

"Whoa!" Jack said, not believing what he had just seen. "Did you really do that?"

"Yes I did."

"Wow, but... I mean...." Jack really had no idea what to say.

"Come back with me to the Manor. I will explain on the way, unless you would rather run away screaming."

"No of course not." Jack said: "Let's go."

The others were in the living room of Halliwell Manor when Prue walked in with Jack. Seeing the look on Jack's face as he took in the people before him, Piper said: "You told him, didn't you."

"Yes I did. I had to."

"Let me get this straight." Jack said as he moved around the group. First he pointed at Piper: "You freeze time." He pointed at Phoebe: "You have premonitions of the future and past." He pointed at Elizabeth: "You can read minds and make fire." Finally he pointed to Jessica: "You can heal injuries."

"That's about it." Phoebe replied.

"So you're the infamous Rex Buckland." Jack said as he walked up to Rex: "They told me all about you at the Auction House. About that little incident with the Tierra."

"I guess they would have." replied Rex: "But all that is water under the bridge now."

"I know, Prue told me." Jack said as he shook Rex's hand. Jack then turned to Hannah: "And this is the blushing bride."

"Yes I am." Hannah said and offered her hand. Jack shook it. "Prue has invited me to your wedding. Hope you don't mind." Jack said.

"Of course not." said Hannah: "Any friend of Prue's is welcome."

"Well then..." Phoebe began and then stopped as the doorbell rang: "I'll get it." she said and headed off. Soon she came back with Morris. "Look who the cat dragged in."

"Hi Darryl, what brings you back here?" Prue asked.

"Well I was thinking things over and I realized that you can't get married without a license, so I got one for you." He held up the paperwork.

"Hey, thanks Darryl." Phoebe said: "Guess we forgot about that. Would you like to come to the wedding?"

"Well... Sure, why not. It'll be different, to say the least."


"So how do I look?" Leo asked Piper as he stood there in his tuxedo.

"Wonderful." Piper replied as she admired him. "How do I look?" she asked as she showed off her pink bridesmaid dress.

"Do you really have to ask?" Leo said as he took her in his arms.

"Sorry." Piper said with regret in her voice. "But there is no time for that now. I have to go over to Sara's house and pick her, and the food, up and head over to P3. You better get Rex there."

"Right." Leo said and headed out the door.

Rex was standing in the living room of Halliwell Manor, dressed in a tux, when Leo came in. "Time to go?" Rex asked.

"Yes it is." Leo replied. The two of them, plus Piper, were the only ones still at Halliwell Manor, everyone else having headed for P3 a few hours before.

"I just wish I could have seen Hannah this morning."

"Now you know it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding takes place." Leo pointed out: "Besides, you'll be seeing her real soon. Let's go."

Sara was all ready and waiting when Piper arrived. "You got the food and cake ready?" Piper asked.

"Yes I have." Sara replied: "Piper, I just want to thank you all for asking me to do this."

"No problem." replied Piper. Quickly they loaded up the food into Piper's jeep, being very careful when handling the wedding cake, and headed off.

Outside P3, a sign hung which said: CLOSED-PRIVATE CEREMONY. Inside the club, the place was beginning to buzz with activity. The chairs for the guests had all been set out, the alter itself was set up, with Brendan Rowe already there. Darryl Morris and Jack were standing nearby, both had volunteered to be ushers. Phoebe, Jessica, and Elizabeth were standing by the buffet table, Elizabeth having been put in charge of taking care of Little Phoebe, who was sleeping in a baby carriage beside the sisters. The photographic equipment had all been set up, and Prue was giving it a last minute inspection, making sure that everything was in its place. Finally, Phoebe went over to where her older sister was giving a camera a once over. "Prue, you've checked the equipment half a dozen times now. Everything is working fine."

"I know, Pheebs, but an experienced photographer always double checks her equipment."

"It's okay, Prue. But I think you should go back and see how Hannah is doing. After all, you are her Maid of Honour."

"Okay, Pheebs, you're right." Prue then headed for the back corridor of P3.

"Thought she'd never go." Phoebe said to herself. Then Piper and Sara arrived with the food and Phoebe went to give them a hand.

Hannah was standing in one of the storage rooms of P3, that had been given to her to wait before the wedding began. She was just getting into the wedding dress, when someone knocked on the door. "Come in." she said.

"Hi Hannah." Prue said as she entered the room: "Everyone will be arriving soon. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine." Hannah replied: "I just wish some of my family could be here, the family from my human lifetime that is. It would have been nice if someone could have given me away."

"I'm sorry, Hannah." Prue said as she placed an understanding hand on Hannah's shoulder: "I just want this to be a good wedding. You and Rex deserve no less."

"Thanks, Prue." Hannah said and the two women hugged each other.

Back in the main club area, Piper and Sara had finished setting the buffet table. "Wow, this looks delicious!" Phoebe said as she gave the food a once over: "Think I'll take a little sample." She picked up a mini-sausage and popped it into her mouth. "Mmmmmmm! Yummy!"

"Ahem!" a somewhat annoyed Piper commented from behind Phoebe.

"Sorry." Phoebe said sheepishly. "I know, I know. We're supposed to wait until after the ceremony. But I got hungry."

"Okay, Phoebe, but if one more piece of food goes into your mouth, I'm going after it." Piper said: "Now why don't we all get ready. The ceremony will be starting soon."

"I'm going, I'm going." Phoebe grumbled, followed by both Elizabeth and Jessica, who were keeping their faces straight with a mighty effort.

Soon the guests arrived and took their seats, escorted by Jack and Darryl. These were all Wiccan friends from gatherings that Phoebe had attended. There were quite few women: Denny, Andrea, Tessa, Kate, Melissa, Christina Jo, Teresa, Krystina, Mandy, Megan, Tanya, Claire, Aimee, and Jenn. The men were fewer, consisting of Gary, Tim, Larry, and Adam. Also arriving was Lindze, and Sara took a seat as well.

Soon after, Rex and Leo arrived and took their places by the alter, along with Jack and Darryl. Father Brendan was waiting, ready to begin.

"Okay, I think that's about it." Prue said in the back room. The bridesmaids were all ready, Elizabeth holding Little Phoebe. Hannah was in her wedding gown. "Let get the show on the road." Phoebe commented.

"You okay, Rex?" Leo asked as they waited.

"I'm fine." Rex replied, even though he was a little nervous.

Soon the music began and first the bridesmaids came out, Piper, Phoebe, Jessica, and Elizabeth (who was still holding Little Phoebe). Then the Maid of Honour, Prue, appeared. Finally there was Hannah. As she walked down the aisle, she was a vision of beauty in her wedding dress, which seemed to glow like the moon on a clear summer night. She soon arrived at the alter, Prue at her side. Rex moved in beside her, with Leo at his right side. Soon Father Brendan began to speak: "Dearly beloved, we are here to witness the union of Rex Buckland and Hannah Webster. Despite the odds these two faced, they finally found true love in their hearts. Rather than the traditional wedding vows, Rex and Hannah have chosen to give their own. Let us begin."

"Hannah." Rex began: "From the moment I first laid eyes on you, my heart was yours. Without you, I would dwell in darkness. With you in my life, the sun will shine forever. We have come so far together, beaten incredible odds, and we shall go further still. Be mine, now and forever."

"Rex." Hannah replied: "You gave my existence meaning, when it had none. Together we are strong, united, never to be apart again. The road ahead for both of us may be difficult, with lots of unexpected turns, but I will be at your side, always."

"The ring, please." Brendan said and watched as Leo gave Rex the ring in question.

"With this ring, I thee wed." Rex said as he slipped the ring onto Hannah's finger.

"If anyone here has any reason as to why this couple should not be married, let them speak now, or forever hold their peace." Brendan said and of course, no one said anything: "Then by the power invested in me by the Church, I pronounce you Man and Wife. You may kiss the bride." Rex took Hannah, his new wife, in his arms and gave her a deep, passionate kiss. Everyone in the room applauded.

"Okay, smile everyone!" Prue said as Rex and Hannah prepared to cut the wedding cake. Quickly she set the automatic timer in the camera and ran to join the group. As the cake was cut, the camera snapped the happy occasion.

With the wedding ceremony itself now concluded, the reception began. Rex and Hannah had the first dance, the song played was a Whitney Houston one called "Count On Me", singing the song was Tessa, one of the guests, who had a beautiful singing voice. Everyone watched as Rex and Hannah glided across the floor. Soon after, it came the time for the tossing of the bouquet, and all the women got in position as Hannah threw it. The bouquet flew high in the air and landed firmly in the arms of Piper Halliwell. "Guess that means you're the next one to get hitched, Piper." Phoebe said, grinning. Still holding the bouquet, Piper stared over at Leo. "Maybe that's not a bad idea, Pheebs." she said under her breath.

"What?" Phoebe asked.

"Nothing." Piper replied: "Say I'm hungry. Let's go over to the buffet table and get a bite to eat."

As the reception proceeded, the guests mingled with one another. Jessica was at the buffet table, when she heard a voice behind her. "Are you Jessica Llewell?"

"Yes I am." Jessica replied and turned to face a young dark haired women, who greatly resembled her. "You must be Denny." Jessica said after a few seconds.

"Yes I am." Denny replied: "I did some digging into my family background, like you and Phoebe wanted me to. Turns out one of my ancestors was Nathaniel Payne, who lived in Salem in the 1600's. My father is descended from one of Nathaniel's brothers. Looks like we are related after all." Denny paused, and then continued: "What is odd is that Nathaniel and his wife, Sarah, had a daughter, who was named Jessica too. But for some reason she just disappears from view in her early twenties. No one in Salem ever saw her again."

"You're looking at her." Jessica said. When she saw the look of puzzlement on Denny's face, Jessica continued: "It's a long story. It began when...."

At that same time, Phoebe was talking to Lindze. "Listen, Lindze, I know you and I have had our difficulties in the past, but I would like to try to move beyond them, if it's okay with you."

"Of course it is." Lindze replied: "Phoebe I was hoping you would say that for a long time now."

"Really? I guess I just never took the time to realize it."

"Look at it this way." Lindze said: "Surely if you can forgive Rex and Hannah after what they did to you, you can forgive me for any trouble I may have cost you in the past."

"I guess you're right." Phoebe said and the two of them shook hands.

As the reception proceeded, everyone had a good time, Andrea passed out bottles of her specially imported German beer, Larry announced that he was working on his latest Raven novel, continuing the successful series of novels about a young female pop singer who was in reality a crime fighting secret agent (Phoebe loved these books), and Gary announced that he was one of the moderators of a website for celebrities that actually respected them for their talent, not just their bodies. Finally, Prue tinkled her champaign glass to get everyone's attention: "I just want to raise a toast to the happy couple, Rex and Hannah!"

"Rex and Hannah!" everyone replied and drank and the fun continued.


"Now there is one more thing that has to be attended to." Prue told Rex and Hannah, the next morning at breakfast. Also present at the table were Piper, Phoebe, Elizabeth, Jessica, and Little Phoebe, in her mothers arms.

"What's that?" Hannah asked.

"Why the gifts of course. You'll find them in the solarium."

"I was wondering about something." Phoebe piped up and turned to Hannah. "Did you decided what your last name will be? Will your hyphenate it, or something like that."

"Well actually it may seem old fashioned to some people." Hannah replied: "But I will now be known as Hannah Buckland. As for Little Phoebe, we'll just changed her last name to Buckland as well." she turned and smiled at Rex, adoration shining in her eyes. Little Phoebe cooed with happiness.

Soon enough, everyone went into the solarium, where all the gifts were waiting. Hannah picked one up, saw it was from Piper, and opened it. "Oh look, honey." Hannah said once she saw what the gift was: "It's a toaster."

"But you can make toast by just blowing on bread, dear." Rex whispered, not wanting the others to hear: "In fact, you could set it afire. Why would we need a toaster?"

"Just smile, Rex, dearest, and pretend it's a great gift." Hannah whispered back.

"We love it." Rex said, for the benefit of the others.

"Hope I'm not late." Leo said as he suddenly orbed in: "I have a gift as well."

"Where is it?" Phoebe asked as she saw that Leo had nothing with him.

"Oh it's not something I can give here at the Manor. Let's just say that my gift is a little too big for that."

"What do you mean?" Rex asked.

"Come with me." Leo replied: "I'll explain on the way."


Caldwell sat back in the office chair, wondering just what junk he could sell to the next poor sucker, when the door opened Rex entered. "Who the hell are you?" Caldwell asked: "And just what are you doing here?"

"My name is Rex Buckland, as in Jared Buckland's son. This Auction House legally belongs to me." Rex took out a document and placed it in front of Caldwell. "Just sign this, and we'll get matters concluded."

"The hell I will!" Caldwell snapped: "I won't just give this business up without a fight."

"I'm afraid you would say that. Guess you'll have to speak to my legal representative." Rex gestured and Leo entered the office, wearing a business suit. "Mr. Wyatt, it seems Caldwell here doesn't want to give up without a fight."

"Well okay." Leo replied: "Of course, if we do go to trial, certain things may come out that the press would be very interested in."

"What things?" Caldwell asked slowly, dread creeping to his voice.

"Oh, how you told Reverend Devine that his genuine 16th Century alter was just a cheap imitation so you could buy it from him cheaply to auction it. Or how about when you overpriced that orphanage for a sub-standard piano. Or how about the time..."

"Okay, okay!" Caldwell said: "Let me see that document." Quickly he looked it over and signed it. "There, Buckland, this Auction House is all yours. I hope you like it, I'm out of here!" Quickly, Caldwell got up, gathered his personal effects, and cleared out. Rex and Leo shook hands.

"Okay, Leo, how did you pull this off?" Prue asked as the Halliwells, Jessica, and Hannah, who was holding Little Phoebe, entered the office.

"Think of this as a wedding gift from the Council of White-Lighters." Leo replied: "No one, besides all of us here, has any memory of Rex and Hannah's previous ownership of this Auction House. The slate is clean, and I figured that Rex should have his Auction House back."

"Thank you, Leo." Rex said as he went and sat down behind the desk-his desk. "Feels like I've come home again."

"Speaking of which, your old penthouse is waiting for you." Leo said. "After you had to leave it, I purchased it under the name Leonardo Wyattouski. Let's just say that I had a hunch that one day, you would be moving back into it."

"I really don't know what to say." Rex said and then turned to Prue: "If you want your old job back, Prue, it's yours."

"Thanks, Rex, but no thanks." Prue replied: "I'm a photographer now, and that is how things are going to stay, but I do have someone in mind who can work here. Hannah told me that she wants to be a stay-at-home Mom to Little Phoebe, so that means her old job will be vacant."

"That's right." Rex said.

"So I have someone perfect in mind to fill the position: Phoebe."

"Me?" Phoebe asked with surprise.

"Why not, Pheebs." Prue said: "After all it won't be too hard. Besides, your salary will help pay your college expenses."

"Well..." Phoebe said, thinking it over: "Okay, sure, why not? I'm in!"

"Thank you, Phoebe." Rex said: "Welcome aboard."

"Now that we have settled that, I have something I have to attend to." Prue said and left the office.

Jack was busy in his own office, when Prue arrived. "Hi Jack." Prue said: "Can we talk?"

"Sure, sit down, Prue." Jack replied.

"Well it's like this." Prue said after she took a seat: "Two years ago, I got involved with my old boyfriend from high school, Andy Trudeau. Despite the ups and downs that followed, it looked as if we were getting really close. Then he died, and a piece of me died with him."

"I see." Jack said: "And since then you have been reluctant to get involved again, afraid you might get hurt again."

"That's it. However this past week with you has been great. What I am trying to say, Jack, is that I think I am ready to make a commitment, if you are."

"All you had to do was ask." Jack said with happiness and he and Prue embraced.

Soon the Halliwells, Jessica, and Leo left the Auction House and headed back to Halliwell Manor. "Full circle." Phoebe suddenly commented.

"What do you mean, Pheebs?" Piper asked.

"I meant that once again, Rex owns the Auction House, and once again a Halliwell sister will be working there. Events have come full circle, in a way that is."

"Plus Jack and I are back together." Prue added: "Life can be strange at times. I wonder what will happen next, what the future will bring." Of course, no one had an answer.

It was night at the penthouse, when Rex, Hannah, and Little Phoebe arrived. "Home at last." Rex said as he took in the sight of the penthouse that they had once lived in and now were living in again. They saw that all the furniture was in place, including a crib for Little Phoebe.

"There we go." Hannah said as she gently lowered the sleeping baby into the crib.

"Good, now we can do this right." Rex said as he stepped back out into the hall.

"What is going on?" Hannah asked, as she followed him.

"Tradition." Rex said and suddenly swept Hannah up into his arms. "It's tradition for the husband to carry his new wife across the threshold of their home." Smiling, Rex carried Hannah into the penthouse, both of them looking to the new future they would make together.