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Farewell to Love Past

by Tim

DISCLAIMER: This story is based upon the series, Charmed, that was created by Constance M. Burge. All Charmed characters are the property of Spelling Productions, with the exception of Sybil Williams McPherson, whom I created.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The events of this story occur after the events of my story "Elizabeth".


"WAHHHHHHHHH!!!" the shriek of a hungry baby ripped through the night. With a groan, Hannah Webster rose from the bed and tottered over to where Little Phoebe was laying in her crib. It was 3 in the morning, the Sierra Nevada Mountains still lay under a cloak of darkness. Here in Jessica Llewell's mountain retreat, all was peaceful, most of the time. Quickly, Hannah took Little Phoebe into the kitchen, got her bottle ready, and soon the baby was happily drinking her milk. As she fed her daughter, Hannah puzzled as to why Rex wasn't awakened by all this.

Rex Buckland had fallen into a deep sleep the moment his head hit the pillow, however, soon something strange began to happen. Rex suddenly found himself floating above the bed, looking down at himself and Hannah: I'm astral projecting! Rex thought to himself: But I haven't done that in ages, not since we turned against the Source! What is going on here? Rex could find no answers. Suddenly, his astral self began to rise up, out of the retreat and over the mountains. What the... Rex couldn't help but think as his astral self picked up speed as it hurled eastward, over North America and out over the Atlantic, gradually it became lighter as Astral-Rex crossed into daylight. Within minutes, Rex found himself flying over a country he had never thought he would see again: England! Rex thought as he recognized the landscape below him, but why had his astral self come here? Rex had not thought of his home country in ages. His astral self soon found itself flying over London, heading for what appeared to be a hospital. Soon he found himself in one of the rooms of the hospital, facing a bed. Lying on the bed was a very old woman, who was hooked up to a dozen monitors and tubes. I know this woman. Rex thought as his astral self got closer: But who is she? There were two doctors standing by the bed, and Rex decided to listen in. One of the doctors was talking: "Her name is Sybil Williams McPherson, 86 years old. She was admitted last week."

"What's the prognosis?" the second doctor asked.

"Not good, I'm afraid." replied the first doctor. "She has terminal cancer, I'm afraid it's only a matter of days, perhaps hours."

Sybil? Astral-Rex puzzled, before realization hit him! Before he could do anything else, however, Astral-Rex was suddenly yanked out of the room, hurled back across the world, and into his body, where he awoke with one word: "SYBIL!"

"Okay, Rex, out with it. Who's Sybil?" Hannah asked, a short while later. Little Phoebe had fallen back to sleep, and Hannah had taken her back to her crib.

"Hannah..." Rex began and then realized that Hannah deserved to know the truth. "Sybil was my wife."

"Your wife!?" Hannah blurted out, wondering if she had heard Rex correctly: "Since when?"

"Come on, Hannah. You know I had a human life before I became a Warlock, that my original name was Charles Williams. While I was drifting around in London in the early 1930's, looking for work, I met a woman named Sybil Doherty. We hit it off and were married in August of 1934."

"How long were you..." Hannah trailed off.

"How long were we together." Rex answered for her. "Until the end, when I killed myself in 1942." Rex remembered that Sybil had stood by him, even after his arrest for selling military secrets to the Germans. "It must have been hard for her, after I was gone." Rex said slowly. "But at least I know she did go on with her life. At some point, she re-married." He told Hannah about the new last name he had heard the doctor use when describing Sybil.

"Rex, in the two years we have been together, how come you have never mentioned this to me?" Hannah asked.

"Because maybe I didn't want to think about the hurt I caused Sybil. I made a bad mistake, Hannah, and Sybil got hurt by it. Maybe I just wanted to let that part of my past rest."

"Until now." Hannah said as she sat down beside Rex. "Do you think you astral projected to her because somehow, a part of you knew she was dying? That maybe you wanted to say good-bye one last time?"

"I don't know, Hannah. I have no idea, but maybe you are on to something." He stood up and looked out the window. "I have to go to her. I have to see her one last time." He turned to Hannah: "Please try to understand, Hannah."

"I do." Hannah said as she got up and took Rex's hands in hers: "Sybil was a part of your life for eight years, you deserve a chance to put some closure to it." she paused for thought: "But how are you going to get there in time?"

"I know just who to ask." replied Rex.

"Sorry, but I can't help you, Rex." Leo Wyatt replied as the three of them sat in the living room of the mountain home.

"Why not?" Rex asked, as he exchanged a glance with Hannah, who was sitting beside him.

"Because the rules are the same for Warlocks as they are for white-lighters: Under no circumstances can we try to re-connect with those we loved as humans." he looked at Rex: "Sorry but my hands are tied."

"That's not good enough!" Rex said as he stood up: "These rules are ridiculous! What harm in there in just wanting to say good-bye?"

"I know how you feel, Rex." Leo replied slowly: "I was married when I was killed. Her name was Lillian." Leo paused and then continued: "After I became a white-lighter, I wanted so much to go to her, to tell her everything was okay, but they wouldn't let me. Finally we reached a compromise and they allowed me to go to her in a dream. It was hard, Rex, but I had to let her go with her life."

"But it's not the same!" Rex countered: "Your former wife is still alive and well. Sybil is dying! Me going to her now will not make one bit of difference on how she lives her life, because her life is almost over! Please, Leo, you have to help me. Let me say good-bye, before it's too late."

"Let him do it." Hannah added: "If you were in his place, wouldn't you want to do the same thing?" Rex and Hannah looked on as Leo thought it over.

"Very well." Leo said after a few minutes: "But this is strictly off the record." he extended an arm towards Rex. "Take my hand."

"I won't be long." Rex said to Hannah as he took Leo's hand. Hannah watched as the two of them orbed out.

The London hospital was quiet as Rex and Leo orbed in. "I have decided to use a cloaking spell for this trip." Leo said to Rex: "No one here will be able to see or hear us."

"Thank you, Leo." Rex said and pointed towards a nearby door. "That's Sybil's room."

"I'll wait out here." Leo said: "I think this is something you should do alone."

Sybil still lay on her bed, as Rex entered the room. Looking at the old woman, Rex remembered the young dark haired beauty that had captured his heart sixty-six long years ago. "Hello, Sybil." Rex said to the old woman: "It's been a long time. I just wish you could hear me now, I just wish..." he broke off as the heart monitor began to beep erratically. Suddenly the door to the room flew open and a doctor and some nurses came charging in and began to work on Sybil. As Rex watched, he noticed a misty outline slowly leave Sybil's body and move towards him. Soon it stopped and he recognized the woman he had fallen in love with, so long ago. "Sybil?"

"Hello Charlie." Sybil, her dark hair flowing, said: "It's been so long, but I knew you would come."

"I had to come." Rex said, tears beginning to form in his eyes: "I had to say I was sorry for leaving you. I had to say good-bye this time."

"I understand." Sybil said as she placed a spiritual hand on his cheek. "I was depressed for a long time after you died, Charlie. It was hard for me, but in time I was able to go on."

"You re-married." Rex said.

"Yes I did." Sybil replied: "He was a good man, he and I were very happy together, but deep down I still loved you, Charlie. I never stopped loving you."

"I'm so sorry, Sybil. I just wish that I could make it up to you."

"I forgive you, Charlie." Sybil said: "What is past is past. I see that somehow you have been given another chance at life. Is there anyone special, if I may ask?"

"Yes, her name is Hannah. We have a baby daughter."

"Then you have my blessings." Sybil said: "I must go now, my time on Earth is over. Be happy, Charlie, in your new life."

"I will. Good-bye, Sybil." Rex replied and watched as Sybil faded away, headed for the spirit world. He turned and left the room as the doctor was saying to the nurse: "Make a note. Death occurred at..."

Leo was still waiting in the hall when Rex came out of the room. "My business here is finished." Rex said slowly: "Take me home."

Hannah watched as Leo and Rex orbed back in. "How did it go?" Hannah asked as Rex sat down on the couch.

"I did it." Rex said: "I was able to say good-bye. This time I got it right."

"I know how hard this was for you." Hannah said as she sat down beside Rex: "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I think I'll leave you two alone now." Leo said and orbed out.

"Yes, Hannah, there is." Rex replied: "I loved Sybil, but now she is gone, part of a life that is over for me now. Now I have to look forward, to a new life, a new future, and I think it's time a did something I should have done ages ago." Rex got down on one knee, took Hannah's hand in his, and asked: "Hannah Webster, will you marry me?"

"I..." Hannah began before realization of what Rex had asked hit her. "YES! I will marry you!" The two of them embraced and kissed passionately. They had come through a lot together, they had thrown off the chains of evil, they had befriended those they had been sent to kill, they had conceived a child out of love, and now soon they would be joined together, under the embrace of undying love.