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Hard Times

by Talula

DISCLAIMER: The Halliwell sisters, all other characters previously seen on the show, and all locations belong to Spelling Productions and are the creations of Constance M. Burge. All other characters were created by me. Reproduction of this story for commercial use without permission of the author is prohibited. (Timeline: Takes place after "Give Me A Sign.")

Phoebe and Piper are sitting at the bar at the club talking while Piper goes over the books.

"Okay, Piper. Be honest," Phoebe says, leaning on the bar. "Do you think it's weird for an older woman to date a younger guy?"

"Pheebs, you're only a year older than Dave," Piper says. "Don't make such a big deal out of it. And no it's not weird, as long as they're within a decade of each other and it's legal."

"That's just wrong," Phoebe says, wrinkling her nose at the thought of dating someone underage. "It's just that I've never been with a younger guy before."

"And that's an amazing feat coming from you," Piper jokes.

"Piper, I'm serious," Phoebe says. Piper puts down her pen and looks Phoebe in the eyes.

"One year, Pheebs," Piper says. "That's all I have to say."

"All right, whatever," Phoebe says. "So, have you decided?"

"Decided what?" Piper asks coyly.

Phoebe rolls her eyes. "Dan or Leo. Which one is it going to be?"

"I don't know, yet," Piper says with a smile. "Let me think about it."

"Ugh! You've been thinking about it ever since Leo became mortal. Come on!" Phoebe says with frustration. Piper just smiles at her. "I give up. I'm going home to see what Prue's up to."

"See you, Pheebs," Piper says. Phoebe waves her hand absently as she walks up the stairs and out of the club.

As she walks past the side alley by P3 someone reaches out from the shadows and pulls Phoebe into the alley. Phoebe struggles with her attacker and manages to get away after kicking him a couple times. She steps back in a defensive stance. The man looks at her with his dark eyes and pulls a gun from his back pocket. Phoebe puts her hands up in a position of surrender, but he doesn't care. He grabs Phoebe's purse and then fires his gun. Phoebe falls into darkness. Inside P3, Piper hears the gunshot and a sickening feeling of fear fills her. "Phoebe," she says as she runs up the stairs and out of P3. Piper looks around in the sunlight not seeing anyone. Then she remembers the side alley. Piper stops a few feet from Phoebe. Her face pales at the sight of so much blood. Piper screams and then passes out.

* * *

Piper wakes up on a couch in a room she doesn't recognize. She looks to the other end of the couch. Prue is sitting on the edge of the couch near Piper's feet, her head in her hands. She is quietly crying. Piper doesn't completely remember what happened.

"Prue," she says. Prue turns her head to reveal the tears the have created mascara trails down her cheeks. Piper sits up. "What…" Then she looks to her right. They are in a hospital room. Piper sees Phoebe in the bed and the reality of what happened hits Piper full force. A white bandage covers most of Phoebe's head. Wires and tubes connect to her body in dozens of places, including a large tube going down her wind pipe to regulate her breathing. Phoebe's eyes are open, but they are not focused on anything.

Piper bursts into tears and she and Prue cry, holding each other. Once they regain their composure somewhat, Prue explains the situation to Piper.

"She's in a deep coma. They say there's only a 25% chance that she'll come out of it. She lost some brain tissue from where the bullet passed through," Prue says. Her voice is very shaky. She takes a deep breath and then continues. "If she comes out of the coma there's an 85% chance that she'll have to start from scratch and learn everything again - walking, talking - she'll be like an infant."

"She finally got her life together, going back to college, and now it has been taken away from her," Piper says sadly. Tears roll down her cheeks as she looks at her little sister.

Prue looks to Piper seriously. "Piper, Phoebe has a living will. In case a situation like this ever arose, she left it up to us to decide…"

"Woah, you're not saying that we pull the plug on her are you?" Piper asks, cutting Prue off.

"No, of course not," Prue says. "I just wanted to make sure we were agreed on that."

"Phoebe will pull out of this," Piper says. "She spends her life defying the odds."

"I know. If anyone can make it through this it's Phoebe," Prue agrees.

"So, do they know who did this?" Piper asks.

"I spoke with Darryl. It's not his case, but he's keeping an eye on it for us," Prue says. "Some guy shot a clerk at a convenience store a couple blocks away from P3. The bullets match up. They got the guy on camera so all they have to do is find him."

"Good. I hope they put a bullet through the bastard's brain so he can know what it feels like," Piper says angrily. Prue doesn't say anything. She simply squeezes Piper's hand. They sit in silence for a while, staring at their comatose sister. She looks so small and fragile now, nothing like the strong, free-spirited young woman they knew before. Prue remembers when Phoebe first got Slam Man. She saw how determined Phoebe was to hold her own against demons and warlocks and not depend on her sisters for constant protection. Piper remembers Phoebe's strength when they went to the future. She was ready to give up her life even though it was her future self that had made the mistake. She helped her sisters grasp a valuable lesson. Piper has no idea how they can continue on as the Charmed Ones without Phoebe. 'We can't,' she thinks. Prue looks at Piper and puts her arm around her shoulders. Piper drops her head in her hands and Prue just holds her sister. "She'll be okay, Piper. She has to be."

* * *

Prue has left to get some food. Piper is sitting at Phoebe's bedside holding her younger sister's limp hand. Piper looks into Phoebe's eyes, but sees nothing to suggest Phoebe knows what is happening around her. Piper silently wishes that Leo had never saved her life. "Then he'd still be a white lighter and maybe he could help you," she says.

"I doubt it," someone says from the doorway. Piper looks up to see Leo. She says nothing. "I heard on the news. I'm sorry." Leo walks over and stands beside Piper. "How bad is it?"

"Bad," Piper says quietly, looking at Phoebe. Leo stands silent for a moment.

"Is there anything I can do?" he asks finally. Piper doesn't say anything for a moment.

"I left the club unattended. Could you make sure it's locked up and everything is put away," she says finally. "And then do you think you can handle it tonight? All you would have to do is count the money and lock up."

"Of course," Leo says. "I can take care of it."

"Joe is scheduled to tend bar. Dave and Kiefer are covering the door and security. Mindy and Tracy are waitressing. There shouldn't be any problems."

"Don't worry about the club. Just stay with Phoebe." Piper turns to Leo and gives him a hug.

"Thank you, Leo," Piper says. Leo nods his head and leaves.

Prue returns ten minutes later with coffee for Piper. They sit across from each other on either side of Phoebe's bed and just stare at her. Prue finally breaks the silence. "I don't think this would be so hard if her eyes were closed. Then it would just seem like she's sleeping. I feel so helpless."

"Is there nothing we can do? What about what you guys used on me?"

"Don't you remember what happened when we did that? The disease spread all over the hospital," Prue says.

"But this isn't a disease, Prue," Piper says. "And sure the guy wasn't a demon, but he was a bad man."

"Piper, it's that kind of justification that always gets us into supernatural trouble," Prue reminds her. "We just have to accept this and let it run its course."

"I hate waiting, Prue," Piper says. "I hate not knowing if she's going to wake up or if she's going to be different. I hate this."

"I know, Piper. I hate it, too," Prue responds. She reaches across the bed and grabs Piper's hand. "The best we can do is be here for her."

"You're right, Prue," Piper says. She looks at Prue, whose eyes are dark and weary. "But you're also exhausted. Go home and get some rest. I'll stay with her."

Prue hesitates but then agrees. "Okay. Call me if you need anything or if there's any change." Prue goes to Piper, they hug, and Prue leaves.

Piper holds Phoebe's hand and looks at her sadly. "Pheebs, they say that coma patients can hear when their loved ones are speaking to them. I believe that's true so I'm just going to keep talking. Feel free to wake up and tell me to shut up." Piper giggles to herself. "I think I've decided who to choose, Pheebs," Piper says. "Between Dan and Leo, I mean. I need you to wake up so you can give me some advice. I know who Prue wants me with. It's clear she wants me to choose Leo. I'm not sure about it yet, but she may be right. Dan is great. He's too great. And I just don't think he can handle our secret. Andy set the precedent. He started to accept it, but then look what happened to him. Leo knows our secret. He knew it before we fell in love. He will always understand me. I can always count on him." Piper hears a noise behind her and turns to see Dan walking away. "Great. It looks like I just made my choice." Piper jumps up and follows Dan down the hall. "Dan! Wait!" Dan stops but doesn't turn around. "Dan we need to talk."

"I think I've already heard what you would say to me, Piper," Dan says, spinning to look at Piper. "I came to express my concern for your sister and see if you needed anything, and all I hear is you talking about Leo - how you fell in love with him, how you can always count on him. It's clear that you don't want to be with me. So, I guess what I'm saying is that I need you to tell me straight to my face what your decision is. I know you're going through a hard time right now, but I think this would be best for both of us."

Piper looks down for a moment. "You're right, Dan. I'm sorry. I've tried to deny it for certain reasons you really don't need to know, but I never stopped loving Leo. My relationship with Leo is…different. I thought that I could get a nice normal relationship. But it's not working. I'm sorry, Dan. I wish I could tell you something different."

Dan nods his head and mulls over what Piper has said. "I see. I wish I could change your mind and I wish you would let me know what it is that Leo understands that you think I won't understand. But it's obvious there's nothing else I can do. If you change your mind it will be on your own terms. I hope Phoebe gets better and I'll let you do what you need to do."

With that Dan turns and leaves. Piper watches him walk away and then returns to Phoebe.

* * *

Phoebe opens her eyes and looks around. She's standing in her old high school by her old locker. There's a boy standing next to her leaning on the lockers. She recognizes him as Richard Owens, a boy she dated her freshman year of high school. Phoebe's ears catch up and she hears all the typical high school sounds - kids yelling, radios blaring. Phoebe is confused by the situation. Then an 18 year-old Piper approaches Phoebe.

"Come on, Pheebs," Piper says. "Grams wants us home so we can throw Prue her 'family' birthday party before she goes to party with her college friends."

"It's Prue's birthday?" Phoebe asks.

"Phoebe! It's Prue's 21st birthday," Piper says. "You know that. Please tell me you didn't do your usual gift…"

"A card, three days late," Phoebe interrupts. "Let's go."

They walk out of the school and suddenly Phoebe is under some bleachers kissing a boy, Tony Martin. It's still her freshman year in high school. She can hear people cheering as a man calls off names. It's Piper's graduation. Phoebe pulls away from Tony, and he looks confused. Then Phoebe hears Piper's name. 'What is this?' she thinks. She runs out from underneath the bleachers and she is at home answering the front door. She opens it and Prue's former fiance is standing there.

"Hi Phoebe. Is Prue here?" he asks.

"No, but I'll tell her you stopped by," Phoebe says, starting to close the door. Roger stops her. "Did you want something else?"

"Can't I just wait for her?" he asks.

"I don't know when she'll be back," Phoebe says. Roger continues to try to get in.

"We could talk till she gets back," he says.

Phoebe is suspicious of his intentions. "I'm busy," she says. Roger forces his way in and shoves her against the wall. Phoebe knees him in the crotch and pushes him out the door.

Suddenly, she is in the living room. Prue is yelling at her. It's the argument that spawned Phoebe's move to New York. "Roger told me that you came on to him and got him to sleep with you," Prue shouts angrily. "How could you do this to me? You're my sister. How could you sleep with my fiance?"

"Prue that's a lie and you know it," Phoebe says.

"No, I don't, Phoebe," Prue says. "And I hope you're happy. I broke it off with Roger. All because of you."

"Good. You could do better because he's a big liar," Phoebe says in her defense. "He came on to me."

"Why? God, Phoebe you have crossed the line this time. Why the hell do you do this stuff? Can't you just get a job, lead a normal life, and not sleep with my fiance? Why are you even here?"

"Do you not want me to live here?" Phoebe asks. "Is that what you want?"

"Sure. That would be great," Prue replies. Piper has been watching the argument wide-eyed.

"All right then. I'll go pack my bags," Phoebe says as she storms off.

When she leaves the room she ends up in a cemetery. Except the grave stones she sees in front of her should not be next to each other. There's grave stones for Grams, Patty and Andy.

"Andy shouldn't be here," Phoebe says.

"I know," someone says behind her. It's Patty.

"Mom," Phoebe says. "What's going on?"

"You're in a coma," Patty says. "You were shot in the head by a mugger."

"Am I going to die? Is that why we're here? There's a blank grave stone next to Andy. Is that for me?"

"That's not decided yet," Patty replies. "They're seeing if Prue and Piper can manage without you first. They don't want to break the circle if Prue and Piper can't figure out how to reconnect."

"What does that mean? What do I do until it is decided?"

"You'll wait," Patty says.

"But why did I relive those times from my past?"

"Sometimes the spirit gets lost in its own life on its way here, often in hard times, times that it regrets," Patty explains. "You were simply lost."

"So, I have to wait," Phoebe says. She sits on the ground in front of the blank grave stone and does just that - waits.

* * *

It has been a month since Phoebe was shot. There has been no change in her condition. Piper arrives home after closing the club and finds the house a mess and Prue asleep on the couch. For the past month Prue has done nothing but stay with Phoebe. She has given up looking for a job and all the camera equipment she ordered just sits untouched, her dream of becoming a photographer forgotten. Piper sees the mess and grunts in frustration.

"Prue," Piper says. Prue doesn't move. She yells. "Prue!"

Prue jolts awake. "What?"

"I thought you were going to clean the house," Piper says.

"What time is it?" Prue asks.

"Two a.m.," Piper replies.

"Oh, God. Piper, I'm sorry. I went to the hospital today and I was just so exhausted when I got home that I just fell asleep on the couch."

"I'm tired too, Prue, but we can't stop our lives because of Phoebe," Piper says. "I need you to help out around here at least, if you're not going to get a job. I can't run the club and take care of the house and visit Phoebe. You need to accept the situation and go on with your life. You can't visit Phoebe every day. And it's not like she knows you're there anyway."

"She does know," Prue says. "I believe that. Don't you even care?"

"Of course I care, Prue. How can you even ask me that?" Piper says defensively. "But I don't have time to visit Phoebe. Her medical bills keep piling up. We have expenses, the club has expenses, and we're barely breaking even, Prue. And I can't keep doing this all by myself. I finally decided to pursue a relationship with Leo, but I don't even have time to have dinner with him. He's been so patient. I'm constantly working or sleeping, and I haven't been able to go visit Phoebe for a week. I need your help. You need to let go of Phoebe enough to move on with your life. I believe she'll wake up, Prue, and I believe that she'll, in time, be able to get back to her life, but until that happens you have to get back to yours."

Prue thinks about what Piper has said. "You're right, Piper. I'm sorry. I've been so selfish. I'm surprised you have been this patient with me. I probably would've snapped long before now. I've been so concerned with Phoebe that I've totally blocked out you and everyone else. I can't believe I've done this. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, Prue. I understand what you're going through because I'm going through it, too," Piper says.

"But you've dealt with it the right way," Prue says. "Look, how about this? Tomorrow I will clean all this up, I will take care of the club, and you can have the day off. You can go visit Phoebe and then you and Leo can spend some time together. You deserve it."

"Thank you, Prue," Piper says with a smile. "Well, I need to get some sleep. I'm exhausted. I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight, Piper," Prue says as Piper heads upstairs. Prue rests her head in her hands and thinks about how she has neglected her life and all the people around her. 'What has happened to me?'

* * *

The next day Prue is cleaning the house. Piper has gone to the hospital with Leo to visit Phoebe. Then, Prue hears a noise upstairs. "Kit!" she yells, wondering what that cat has broken now. She feels like she only sees the cat when it's breaking something. Prue heads upstairs to see what broke. She sees a shattered vase on the floor. "Damn cat," she mutters under her breath as she picks up the large pieces of glass. Suddenly, Prue gets this feeling that someone is behind her. She stands up and spins around to see Anton behind her. She tries to use her power on him, but then remembers they don't work on him. Anton grabs her by the throat and shoves Prue against the wall. He's making it very difficult for her to breathe. She grabs his wrists but he's too strong for her.

"You thought you got rid of me, witch," he says angrily. "But that was just some interesting fireworks compared to what I'm going to do to you and Piper. Where is Phoebe?"

Prue starts laughing hysterically. "You're too late," she says through her laughter. "Phoebe won't be any use to you now."

"What are you talking about?" Anton asks. He squeezes Prue's throat tighter to stop her laughter.

"Phoebe's in a coma, has been for the last month," Prue replies. Anton squeezes Prue's throat tighter and then throws her across the hallway into the wall. She gasps for air. "You'll just have to kill us yourself, instead of using her to do your dirty work."

"With pleasure," Anton says. He grabs Prue and drags her down the stairs. Then he ties her to a chair, gags her, and waits for Piper to return home.

An hour later, Piper and Leo arrive. "Prue, are you home?" Piper asks. She and Leo walk into the living room and see Prue bound and gagged with Anton holding a knife to her throat.

"Well, hello there," Anton says. "I hope you're ready to die, because if you're not I really don't care." Anton throws the knife at Piper, but she ducks out of the way. She tells Leo to get out of the way and then she tries to freeze Anton. It doesn't work and the only person frozen is Leo.

Piper looks at Prue who is making eye contact, trying to tell Piper something. Piper is confused, but she thinks that Prue wants her to just distract Anton for some reason. Piper does so. Anton goes after her and tries to strangle her. Piper is struggling with Anton, and Leo is still frozen. In the meantime, Prue astral projects herself behind Anton. She picks up a lamp and smashes it over Anton's head. He falls unconscious and Piper gasps for air. Prue helps her up and then Piper unfreezes Leo. Then, Prue returns to her body. Piper and Leo go to untie her.

"Are you okay?" Piper asks. Prue nods her head as she slips off her gag.

"Yeah, I'm all right," Prue replies.

"What are we going to do with him?" Leo asks, pointing towards Anton.

"Tie him up, for a start," Prue says. "We'll have to look in the Book of Shadows for a way to vanquish him. We didn't get a chance to look the last time we encountered him."

They tie Anton up and then bring the Book of Shadows downstairs. They don't find a spell specifically for Anton, but they do find a spell to vanquish immortal warlocks. "Close enough," Piper says.

"I wish we could find something more specific," Prue says. Piper nods her head.

"Phoebe would know," Piper says. "She knows this book better than anyone."

"Well, this will have to do," Prue says quietly. Prue and Piper stand and begin reciting the spell. Halfway through, Anton regains consciousness.

"You stupid witches. You can't vanquish me without your sister," Anton says. "You can't defeat me without the power of three. Without the power of three you are nothing."

Prue and Piper stop the spell. They both are thinking the same thing. Prue is the one who says it, "He's right. We need Phoebe. We can't fight evil without the power of three." Piper nods her head. Leo looks at them, confused.

"No, that's not true," he says. "You can do this. Together you can do it."

"Prue's right, Leo," Piper says. "We need Phoebe."

* * *

Patty is sitting next to Phoebe when she is told the news. "Well, they have decided. Your sisters need you. They aren't ready and I think we knew that. They need your help right now."

"But I'm in the hospital. Even if I did come out of the coma, I wouldn't be able to help them right away," Phoebe says.

"They are going to allow you enough strength to astral project to the manor to help Prue and Piper," Patty explains. "This will be the only time you are able to astral project, but it is the only way you can help them. Also, after you have helped vanquish the warlock you will have to return to your body and deal with any problems that you would normally have faced due to your injury. You have long, hard times ahead of you, my dear, sweet girl."

"I know, mom," Phoebe says. "But I'm ready to face whatever life throws at me."

"You have always been ready for that," Patty says. "You have to go now. When you wake up in the hospital, all you have to do is concentrate on home and you will astral project there. I love you, Phoebe. And remember that I am always with you, especially at the hardest moments of your life."

"I love you, too, mom," Phoebe says. With that she disappears and wakes up in the hospital. Her head is throbbing, but she ignores the pain and concentrates on home. It takes a while, but then it works. She appears in the manor behind Prue, Piper and Leo. Leo is still trying to convince them to continue, that they can do it without Phoebe. Prue and Piper have given up. Anton sees Phoebe and is shocked.

"What the hell?" he asks. The rest of them turn to see Phoebe standing there in a hospital gown with her head bandaged. Prue and Piper are stunned. Leo is stupefied. Prue is the first to speak.

"Phoebe, what, I mean how are you, I mean…" Prue pauses. "What is happening here?"

"They gave me enough strength to temporarily use the power of astral projection," Phoebe says. "They said you need my help to get rid of Anton."

Piper is crying tears of joy. Phoebe walks up to her and puts a hand on Piper's shoulder. "Later, Piper," she says. "We have to do this before I can't astral project anymore." Piper nods her head and they turn and face Anton. The three of them start to say the spell together. Anton is starting to panic. He never expected this.

"No. Phoebe wait. You can be powerful. I can heal you. Then we can kill them and there will be no stopping us," Anton pleads. The sisters finish saying the spell and Anton disappears.

"Not in this life, Anton," Phoebe says. Then she disappears from the manor.

"Where?" Piper wonders.

"She's back in her body at the hospital," Prue explains.

"Well, let's go," Piper says. Piper and Prue are too excited to drive, so Leo drives Piper's car to the hospital. By the time they arrive, the doctor has discovered that Phoebe is awake. Prue and Piper rush to Phoebe's bedside. They all grasp hands; tears are flowing from Prue and Piper's eyes. Phoebe can only speak to them with her eyes; the oxygen tube is still down her throat. The doctor begins asking Phoebe questions.

"Do you know where you are Miss Halliwell?" Phoebe nods her head in response. Then she lifts her right hand and makes a writing motion in the air. The doctor pulls out a pen and paper and hands it to Phoebe. Phoebe labors to write one word. "Tube?"

"You'll get that out soon. We need to run some tests to see if there's any brain damage," the doctor explains. Phoebe looks confused and shakes her head. The doctor smiles.

"I know you think that there's nothing wrong, but thinking capacity isn't the only thing that constitutes whether you have brain damage or not. We'll have to test your memory and your motor functions as well. And as soon as we get the tube out we'll see if it affected your ability to speak," the doctor explains. "I need to go get a nurse to assist me first and then we'll come back and get that tube out. Okay?" Phoebe nods her head and the doctor leaves to get a nurse. Prue and Piper look to Phoebe. They just stare at her, crying tears of joy. Phoebe scribbles on the paper, "Who'd you choose, Piper?" Piper and Prue burst into tearful laughter. Leo steps a little closer and smiles at Phoebe.

"Hi, Phoebe," he says. Phoebe waves and then struggles to write, "Good choice, sis. You think Dan will date me?" Everyone laughs.

"I'd give him a little while, Pheebs," Piper says with a smile. "I don't think it would be good for you to be part of a rebound relationship."

The doctor returns and gets ready to take out the breathing tube. "Okay, I need you take a deep breath and when I tell you, breathe out as hard as you can. Okay?" Phoebe nods her head and takes a deep breath. The doctor tells her to breath out. She breaths out and he pulls the tube out. Phoebe coughs and gasps for air. Each cough makes her head ache worse. Prue has been holding Phoebe's hand during this and Phoebe squeezes it tightly. "All right, Phoebe. You'll only be able to whisper so don't even try to talk normally."

"My head hurts," Phoebe whispers. The doctor tells the nurse to take care of the respirator and then turns back to Phoebe. "Well, believe it or not that's a good sign," the doctor says. "We can up your pain meds now that you're awake. Unfortunately, it will still hurt a little, most likely. Now, I'm going to ask you some questions to test your memory and then we'll test your motor skills. What do you remember doing before you were attacked?"

"I was at P3 with Piper, talking about guys," Phoebe whispers. "Then I left. That's all I remember." The doctor looks at Piper and she nods her head.

"You don't remember who attacked you or where it happened?" the doctor asks.

"No," Phoebe replies.

"Do you recognize everyone in the room?" the doctor asks.

"Yes," Phoebe whispers. Then she smiles. "Except you."

"Well, of course," the doctor says with a laugh. "Do you know what exactly happened to you?"

"I was shot in the head by a mugger," Phoebe replies. The doctor looks confused as he scribbles on his notebook.

"Did your sisters tell you that?" the doctor asks.

"No," Phoebe replies. "My mom did."

Prue and Piper smile at Phoebe, knowing that their mother must have visited her while she was in her coma. The doctor is still confused.

"Your mother? When was she here?" the doctor asks.

"Don't worry about it doctor," Leo says. "You wouldn't believe her if she told you."

* * *

It has been a month since Phoebe woke from her coma, and she has finally been released from the hospital. There is now only a small white bandage covering where the bullet entered her head. She had to learn to walk all over again. Phoebe went through weeks of painful physical therapy to get the use of her legs back. During the whole time she never gave up or became discouraged because she knew her sisters were there and that they would help through everything. Piper pulls her truck up to the house and Leo gets ready to carry Phoebe into the house.

"Wait, Leo. I want to try walking in," Phoebe says.

"Are you sure, Pheebs?" Piper asks. "Are you ready for that?"

"I think so," Phoebe replies. "Just stay close. Okay?"

Leo hands Phoebe her crutches and she struggles up the front walk with Leo and Piper close behind. Phoebe makes it up the first few stairs and all the way to the porch steps before she loses her balance. Leo is ready for this and catches her before she hits the ground. Phoebe is breathing heavily and sweating. "Do you want to keep going?" Leo asks.

"Yeah, just help me get my balance," Phoebe says. Leo helps her and she continues up the porch steps. Leo opens the door while Piper keeps an eye on Phoebe. Phoebe gets to the door of the living room to see a group of ten people, including Darryl, Prue, Dan, and Dave, who yell, "Surprise!" Tears roll down Phoebe's cheeks. She looks at Piper and mouths the words, "Help me walk."

Leo takes Phoebe's crutches. Phoebe puts one arm around Piper's shoulders while Piper puts her arm around Phoebe's waist. They slowly make their way into the living room. As they make their way to the couch everyone welcomes Phoebe home. Piper helps Phoebe sit on the couch and then goes to get Phoebe a drink. Prue sits next to Phoebe.

"This is great. I can't believe you guys did this," Phoebe says. "And you invited Dave."

"That was Piper's idea," Prue says with a smile. "She said you were worried about dating a younger guy, but that you seemed to like him. We were kind of surprised he showed up after two months."

"I'm more surprised to see Dan here," Phoebe says. "What's going on with that?"

"Piper and Dan are trying to remain friends," Prue says. "She still cares about him, just in a different way."

"Well, that's good," Phoebe says. Then she smiles at Prue. "Now get out of here so I can talk to Dave." Prue laughs and leaves Phoebe on the couch. Dave approaches Phoebe and sits next to her.

"Hi, Phoebe," he says. "I'm glad you're okay."

"So am I," she says with a smile. "I was kind of surprised to see you here. I thought maybe you had forgotten about me."

"How could I?" he says. "I'm sorry I never got a chance to visit you. I really wanted to, but my mom was really sick for a while. She's okay now."

"That's good that she is," Phoebe says. She and Dave just smile at each other for a moment.

"Well, whenever you think you're up to it, I was wondering if you might want to continue where we left off," Dave says.

"Of course," Phoebe says. Piper returns with her drink. Darryl is nearby when he gets a call on his cell phone. Phoebe, Piper and Dave overhear his end of the conversation.

"Hello. Yes. Really, that's good news. All right, bye." He hangs up his phone and gets everybody's attention. "I've got good news people," Darryl says. "They just caught the guy who shot Phoebe. He was holding up a liquor store on Grand Avenue."

Everyone cheers. Phoebe smiles at Darryl. Then she sees someone standing in the living room doorway. It's Patty. She looks at Piper.

"Hey, Piper could you help me for a second?" Phoebe says. Piper nods her head and helps Phoebe up. "Excuse us, Dave."

Piper helps Phoebe into the hallway where they see Patty. Piper is somewhat shocked. "Mom." Patty turns.

"Hello girls," Patty says. "I was hoping you wouldn't see me."

"What are you doing here?" Phoebe asks.

"I just wanted to check up on you," Patty says. "And I see that you'll be fine. As always you have lots of people who love you and will support you. It makes me happy to know that."

"I'm glad you're here, mom," Phoebe says. "It means a lot to me."

"I know, dear," Patty says. "But I should go now. You weren't supposed to see me. Goodbye girls. And tell Prue I said hi."

"We will," Piper says as Patty disappears. Piper and Phoebe stand there for a moment. Piper finally breaks the silence. "Well, let's get back to your party."