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And We Have To Trust...

by Andrew Nevill

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a sequel to "The Gremlin" but you don't need to have read it.

THANK YOUS: Suzanne and Seneca for proofreading and their always invaluable suggestions. All my readers for their feedback on my stories, which is always appreciated.

DISCLAIMER: Based on the Spelling Productions television show, Charmed, created by Constance M. Burge. All Charmed characters are the property of Spelling Productions, with the exception of Jonah whom I created. Copyright 2000 Andrew Nevill.

"I can see what's Haaappen-ing,
And they don't have a clue,
They'll get engaged, and heeere's the bot-tom line
The Power of Three's down to two"

Phoebe sang her version of "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" from the Lion King, just loudly enough so that Piper could hear it but Prue, who was upstairs getting ready for her date with Jonah, could not.

They'd been "going steady" as Jonah had put it, when he'd asked her to be his girlfriend, for about a year now, but in the last month, Prue had sensed a change. When Jonah had called asking her to go out tonight, it was almost as if the eldest sister had a premonition. She was convinced that Jonah might finally have worked up the courage to ask her to marry him.

Phoebe continued singing, not hearing the doorbell. Piper did and went to answer the door

"The sweet caress of twilight
There's magic everywhere
And with all this romantic atmosphere
Disaster's in the air."

"Can you feel the love tonight?
The peace the evening brings
The world for once in perfect harmony
With all its living things."

As another voice, pleasant and melodious picked up the chorus, Phoebe turned. It was Jonah. Shocked at seeing - or rather hearing - this new side of Jonah, Phoebe just stood and listened as he out did her little ditty. Jonah sang the whole song, until he reached the final chorus,

"Can you feel the love tonight?
You needn't look too far
Stealing through the night's uncertainties
Love is where..."

Jonah stopped singing as he heard a door open upstairs. Prue exited her room and started to descend the stairs. Walking forward to meet her, Jonah kissed his girl gently, "Ready?"

"Willing and able," quipped Prue cheerily.

Jonah took her hand and escorted Prue to his car. The two got in and drove off. Phoebe closed the front door and looked at Piper, a huge grin on her face, which her sister returned. Together the two younger Halliwells improvised the final verse.

"And if Prue gets engaged tonight
It can be assumed
Her carefree days with us are history
In short, our sister's doomed!"

* * *

"You're quiet," commented Prue. "You must have been staring out over the Bay for five minutes already. Is everything alright?"

It was a beautiful spring evening and the pair were seated in the open-air courtyard of the Bay View restaurant, which as its name suggested, commanded a stunning vista over San Francisco Bay. It was dusk and the fiery orange sun was setting, its fading light dancing and reflecting on the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

"I was just thinking," replied Jonah. "About everything that's happened in the past year. I finally got a job and an apartment, which I've managed to keep. I've found out that my bad luck wasn't bad luck at all but magic, and I can even control it now. So many things have changed. I'd walk into a room and everything would break. Now it only happens if I want it to."

"Not to mention your effect on magic," interrupted Prue. Jonah's power was an ambient energy field which left to itself knocked out electrical and electronic devices and also prevented the use of magic anywhere near Jonah. Any used directly against him tended to backfire.

"At least I can turn it off now so Piper doesn't freeze herself!" laughed Jonah referring to the incident that had revealed his ability.

Jonah had been plagued throughout his life by bad luck. He'd walk into a room and electronic and electrical devices would go haywire, or just completely break down. It had cost him countless jobs and apartments. On one occasion he'd been forced to sleep over at P3, where he'd recently been employed as the janitor. Piper had caught him, still asleep the following morning. On hearing his story, the kind hearted middle sister had offered Jonah a place to lay his head until he found somewhere else.

He'd been staying at the Halliwell's a week when a warlock had attacked. Piper's attempt to freeze him had resulted in Piper herself becoming frozen. But that wasn't all. The fireball thrown by the warlock had hit Jonah, and then rebounded turning the warlock into charcoal. That moment served as Jonah's initiation into the Halliwell's world, and once they'd figured out his power, it was the start of a change for the better.

Jonah's misfortune hadn't given him a great deal of self confidence and had led him to build up barriers, never letting anyone too close, avoiding the disappointment of rejection. Knowing that his misfortune was no misfortune at all, but a power that he could learn to manipulate had destroyed the walls he been hiding behind and the true Jonah started to emerge.

On his arrival at the Manor, there had been an instant spark between Prue and Jonah, and with his improving confidence, Jonah had taken the leap and started dating the eldest Halliwell. Now a year later, he steeled himself for the next step.

"Care for a walk?" Jonah got up from his seat, and Prue joined him. Hand in hand they walked to the end of the restaurant's courtyard, which extended to the water's edge. Then standing by the Bay, it's waters bathed in the reflected orange glow of the sunset, Jonah told her "This last year has been amazing. I found out about my power, and finally I feel like someone. I used to be scared to get out of bed, in case something went wrong. I'm not scared anymore, and it's all because of your sisters and you. Especially you." Jonah took a small box from his jacket pocket and opened it. In the box was a gold ring set with a heart shaped diamond, a miniature of the jewel always at Prue's neck. Jonah kneeled and proffering the box to Prue continued, "You make me feel so special. When you're with me, there's no barriers, no limits. Anything is possible. Prue Halliwell. I love you. I want to be with you forever. Will you marry me?"

Prue's world whirled around her as Jonah delivered his speech. She stared into Jonah's startling hazel eyes, "Oh Jonah. Yes." Standing up, Jonah slipped the ring on his new fiance's finger and then with all of the San Francisco Bay spread out before them, Prue and Jonah kissed beneath the Californian sunset.

* * *

Lingering at the restaurant until it finally closed, Prue and Jonah eventually made their way back to the Manor. Piper was at P3, and Phoebe had gone out for the night, so the couple had the place all to themselves. They spent the rest of the night talking and telling jokes, just generally enjoying the glow of being newly engaged. Finally around 1am Prue was feeling tired, "I'm beat," she said, "It's been quite a night."

"Yes," smiled Jonah, "It has. I better not drive home. I must've had at least four John Daniels."

"That's Jack," corrected Prue

"Yeah, but when you've known him as long as I have..."

"It's John," finished Prue. "Scent of a Woman, Al Pacino. As I recall he could tell what scent a girl was wearing. Care to guess?"

Jonah nuzzled her neck, catching a whiff of her perfume, "White Magic," he told her, "I bought you that for your birthday. It suits you."

"The name or the smell?" giggled his fiance.

"Both," he replied "Now what were we talking about?"

"I was saying I was tired and you were saying you couldn't drive home."

"I'll take the camp bed." Noticing Prue's smile, he asked, "What?"

"You. Being so chivalrous," teased his fiance gently. "You're wasted in this era. You should have been one of King Arthur's knights."

"The one time I stopped in your room, on the floor I might add, your sisters ragged you the whole day. I didn't like it so now I make sure they've no ammunition."

"That's what I mean. Defending my honour. As if I had any."

Putting a finger to Prue's lips, Jonah chided her, "Don't ever say that."

The couple ascended the stairs, Prue to go to her room and Jonah to get the fold up guest bed that was kept in the attic. Stopping outside Prue's room, Jonah bowed extravagantly, "I will greet you upon the morrow, my lady fair." Then he kissed her tenderly, "Good night. I love you."

"I love you." Prue turned to enter her room as Jonah started up the stairs to the attic. Then Prue turned around again, "Jonah." He turned on the stairs halfway up. "I understand about the camp bed and appreciate the thought behind it, but I've had a thought of my own." Nonchalantly she continued, "When we're married, we're probably going to sleep in the same bed. We should get used to it."

Jonah started descending the stairs, "You're right. It can be awkward getting to sleep if you're not used to sharing a bed."

"Exactly." Standing outside her door, they kissed again and entered Prue's room together. The door closed softly with a barely audible click and then there was silence.

* * *

Piper and Phoebe came down the stairs to see Prue kissing Jonah goodbye on the front steps of the Manor. The eldest Halliwell turned around to meet her siblings' questioning looks, "What?"

"You know what," answered Piper "Did he ask you?"

Ask me what?" came the coy reply.

"To marry you," demanded an impatient Phoebe. "Make an honest woman of you."

"Well, at least I can be made honest," shot back Prue.

"Bitch," accused her youngest sister, "So did he?"

Extending her hand to show off her engagement ring, Prue beamed with happiness, "Yes."

Piper and Phoebe screamed with delight, rushing to hug their sister. Breaking the hug, the sisters admired the fabulous ring that adorned Prue's finger.

Then Phoebe realized something, "The guest bed is isn't up. Where is it?"

"In the attic," replied Prue

"So where did Jonah..." Piper started to ask. "No?"

A smiling Prue just nodded. Despite her sisters' enthusiastic questioning Prue refused to reveal any more.

* * *

Three months passed, three months that were heaven for Prue and Jonah. The date they'd set for their wedding was now a little over a month away. Prue had thrown herself into the preparations of the biggest day of her life with all her usual drive and determination, along with her sisters' willing help. Prue had already picked her dress and those of her bridesmaids, Phoebe and Piper; the church was booked, as was the hotel in Hawaii. Piper was organizing the reception, to be held at P3 of course, and Phoebe was planning the biggest, wildest hen night San Francisco would ever see.

Jonah and Prue had been out on a date down by the piers and were preparing to return to the Manor when it happened. "Jonah," Prue started, "I've been thinking, I'd like Brendan to marry us."

"Who's Brendan?" asked Jonah.

"A priest, and a friend. A very good friend. We helped him out once."

"Before or after he became a priest?" Jonah questioned, an edge in his voice.

Prue didn't notice it. "Before. Why?"

"Seems funny how it's not Father Someone-or-other, but Brendan. Sounds almost like an old flame." Prue dropped her gaze and Jonah seized on it. "He is! You want your old boyfriend to marry us? "

Prue was not one to be defensive. She went on the attack. "I was attracted to him, yeah. And he liked me. But nothing ever happened. Brendan Rowe is one of the kindest, most caring men I ever met. He wanted to be a priest and help people. He wanted it so much that he refused to throw away his life's vocation on a relationship, no matter how much he might have been tempted to do so. He's a friend. That's all he was, is and will be."

"Yeah right, whatever you say. As always," snapped Jonah.

"And what does that mean?" Prue demanded angrily.

"I mean how come everything in this wedding is the way you want it? You've chosen the church, the date, the reception venue, and now your boyfriend to marry us. Next you'll want me to have Andy as my best man."

Prue exploded "How dare you? Andy saved our lives and got killed doing it. You have no right bringing him into this." Trying to remain reasonable, she continued, "And I didn't choose everything. The church is your parish church, it's just I know Brendan is posted there, or whatever they call it. You wanted to get married there. And unless you forget, you chose Hawaii."

"Yeah, I chose Hawaii," conceded Jonah. "But Miss Charmed One wanted to stay in California. In case of an emergency. I'm not marrying you am I, Prue? I'm marrying you and your sisters. You say you want to spend your life with me. So why is it you're more concerned with them than you are me?"

"That's damn untrue, and you know it," Prue roared furiously. "I might have suggested having our honeymoon in California but Piper and Phoebe had nothing to do it. I thought the Sierra Nevada would be romantic."

"OK Granted. But what sort of life are we going to have, with you and your sisters fighting demons and warlocks all the time. What's it gonna be Prue? A note on the fridge? 'Darling, just popped out to vanquish Yob Soddoth, Infernal Demon of the Black Pit. Dinner's in the microwave'," he mocked. "And then two hours later, the cops come round and our happy reunion doesn't happen because your body is lying on a slab in the morgue."

There was silence for a full thirty seconds. Then Prue spoke, her voice calm, her anger exhausted "Jonah, I do love you but my sisters have been the only family I've had until you; and being one of the Charmed Ones is not something I can ignore. You've always known it and as a witch yourself I'd have thought you'd understand. We aren't ever going to get normal lives. I told you once being a witch, being 'Charmed', was a part of me. It's who I am. If you're marrying me then you have to accept everything that comes with me. And we have to trust each other. That's part of marriage, but more than that, with the kind of married life we're likely to have if we can't trust each other it could cost some innocent their life, or cost us our own." Prue continued in the same soft voice but inside, her heart was breaking, "If you can't do that, and I told you the truth about Brendan, then maybe we shouldn't marry."

Prue slipped the diamond heart ring off her finger, then gently took his hand palm up, and placed the ring in it. She closed Jonah's fingers around the ring. "Goodbye Jonah."

* * *

Jonah stood, stunned, his hand still closed about the ring. Then realization dawned as he became aware of what he'd just done. He took off at a run, chasing after Prue. "Prue. Come back."

As he came to an intersection his thoughts raced. Which way? Left or right? Prue would most probably go home which meant a cab. Round here they parked on Dawson, two blocks away. Turning left, Jonah continued his pursuit.

His guess was right, but he was too late. As he made it to the end of Dawson, he saw Prue climbing into a cab. The cab pulled away and she was gone.

Jonah turned around, and walked slowly back to where he'd parked his car, cursing himself for being all kinds of a fool. Suddenly it was all too much and at the top of his voice Jonah roared, "Damnit!"

From nearby, there came an explosion, Jonah looked towards the sound and groaned inwardly. Across the street was an electricity substation, a power distribution point for a five-block area. He ran through darkened streets as quickly as he could to his car.

* * *

The cab pulled up outside Halliwell Manor. After paying the driver, Prue got out of the vehicle and went into the Manor.

"No Jonah?" questioned Piper. "I thought you went in his car."

"Took a cab home."

Piper was just about to ask why when Phoebe caught her eye. Piper followed her sister's gaze to Prue's ring less hand. "Prue, no?" asked Phoebe in disbelief,

Prue nodded and then letting out all the emotion she'd held in on the way home, collapsed to the floor in tears. Piper and Phoebe helped her up and got her on to the sofa and then hugged their eldest sister as Prue cried and cried and cried.

* * *

"Police are saying that the fire at an electricity substation on Harris Drive, last night, which knocked out the power over a five block area for over three hours was probably a juvenile prank. Officer Robert Peters had this comment."

The image of the TV news reader faded to be replaced by a police officer, "I would just like to remind young people that places like these are extremely dangerous. Not only are you committing an offence but more importantly, you're putting your own life at risk."

As Piper turned off the set she muttered, "That was no juvey prank."

From behind her came Phoebe's voice, "Morning Piper."

Piper smiled, but there was no life in it, "Morning Pheebs," she greeted, "How's Prue?"

Phoebe sighed. The boundless energy she always seemed to have, gone. "Still asleep," she told her sister. At least it's Sunday so we can leave her to it."

"That's the only good thing about this," mused Piper. "We've never seen her like this, Phoebe."

"Yes we have," contradicted her sister, softly. She looked at Piper. "When Andy died."

Prue stayed in her room all day, just lying on her bed, not saying a word to anyone, not even Piper, who took her meals up on a tray. Prue took the meals from her sister's hands in silence and twenty minutes later when Phoebe went up to collect it, the half-eaten meal and the tray had been placed outside the door.

The following morning, Prue was no better and Phoebe phoned in sick for her sister. Then she tried to persuade a reluctant Piper to go into P3 as usual. "Piper, I can look after Prue. You've got a club to run. And anyway..." She paused, not sure how to continue

"You're thinking about Jonah, aren't you?"

Phoebe nodded, "Yeah, I am. We both know Jonah isn't Argument Boy. I reckon he'll be kicking himself. He's probably hurt as much as Prue."

Piper silently acknowledged the truth of her sister's comment. "You're right. OK, I'm going. But if anything happens..."

"I'll call," promised Phoebe

Piper arrived to find P3 in chaos. The phone lines were dead. The disco lights were switched on, and couldn't be switched off. Knowing the cause of the trouble, she sought out P3's janitor. He was in the men's restroom, mopping up the sea of water that covered the floor.

Hearing the door open, Jonah turned to meet his boss' gaze. "Hi boss," he greeted sheepishly, "Your office?"

"No. You look like you need a hand." Piper left and returned shortly with a mop and bucket. Starting to soak up the water she asked, "What happened here? And the rest of my club?"

"I guess you know what I did. I can't stop thinking about it. I thought work would take my mind off it. But you know what my power gets like when I'm upset. I came in to fix the hinge of a stall door that got mangled on Saturday, and then all of a sudden, the main water pipe burst, and to top it off, the stop valve fell off."

"I assume the Harris Drive power outage was you as well?"

Jonah nodded, "I'm an idiot. Could you tell Prue that I was stupid, and I don't know what I was thinking and that I'm sorry? I really am."

Piper shook her head. "You'll have to tell her that yourself. But give her a couple of days. She's in no state to receive visitors."

Jonah looked at his feet. Quietly he asked, "That bad?" Then in a rare display of temper, hitting the stall door with his fist, making the hinge creak precariously, he exclaimed, "What have I done?"

"Don't beat yourself up too much. You made a mistake. A big one. But Prue's strong. She'll get through this. And so will you Jonah. You're stronger than you think." Piper paused, letting her words sink in before continuing, "Take a few days paid leave, to get yourself together. Starting now. While I still have a club."

Jonah turned to go, "Thanks Piper."

"Anytime." Piper finished mopping up the floor, then went to her office. With Jonah's departure the phones had miraculously started working. Placing the receiver to her ear, Piper called a plumber.

Prue had missed work for two days, and had been closeted in her room for three when she finally emerged. Her sisters went downstairs to find her finishing a mug of coffee.

"Morning Prue," greeted Piper, relief evident in her voice.

"Hi Pipe. Can't talk. I'll have a huge backlog. Better start clearing it." With that, the eldest Halliwell grabbed her car keys and was gone. She didn't return until late. For the rest of the week Prue buried herself in her job, working long hours. Although they were happy that Prue had ended her self-imposed isolation, Piper and Phoebe were concerned their sister had merely swapped one form of not dealing for another. Their fears were confirmed when Piper tentatively raised the subject of the break-up. Prue point blank refused to discuss it and when Phoebe pushed a little bit, the chilling edge that crept into the eldest sister's voice was a hint that even the rarely subtle Phoebe could understand.

The following Monday Jonah returned to work and that evening telephoned to speak to Prue. But she refused to take the call. Jonah waited a few days hoping Prue would cool off then tried again but to no avail. For her part, Prue, if it was possible, spent even more time at work; her sisters suspected in order to make sure she wasn't at the Manor if Jonah called again. Jonah tried to phone Prue at work only to find she'd told her assistant not to take his calls. In desperation he went to Buckland's to see her, only to be refused entry by the security guard at the reception desk. Prue had thought of that too.

It was a depressed household. Prue was being her typical self at her worst, stubborn and unyielding. The times when she wasn't working, which were becoming less and less, she remained uncommunicative, stubbornly refusing to talk about Jonah. Piper had it worse. She also had to deal with the dejected Jonah at her club. Fortunately, he was able to keep his power from becoming erratic. Jonah was putting a brave face on his pain, but inside he knew he'd blown his chance with Prue. He'd tried everything to get her back but she wouldn't even talk to him.

It was the Monday, two weeks after the argument. Piper was the second person at P3, after Jonah. As she walked through the club to her office, she heard a voice singing. Following the sound to the main floor, she found Jonah sweeping up the dance floor. He was singing a country number, venting all his feelings into the music, moving Piper, who was standing unseen in the doorway, to tears. Leaving Jonah to deal with his emotions privately, she turned and quietly walked to her office.

Prue was working late yet again. The two younger Halliwells ate dinner by themselves. Finally Piper spoke, "Phoebe we have to do something. Prue's going to work herself to death if she carries on like this. And as for Jonah. He's absolutely miserable without Prue. I heard him singing today. It broke my heart."

"Council of War time," smiled Phoebe. "We have to get them back together. That's the only cure for this."

"Phoebe. No magic. Remember Doug, my waiter at Quake. And don't mention the Love Spell."

"I wasn't even considering it," Phoebe reassured Piper. "No, this requires cunning. And lucky for you big sis, when it comes to cunning, I'm the one you want to be talking to!"

"If we could just get Prue to listen to Jonah, they'd start talking and maybe work something out."

"Yeah," mused Phoebe. "To do that we have to get them in the same room. But Prue won't do it."

"That's where the cunning bit comes in then." Piper smiled. "So my sneaky one, any ideas?"

The sisters thought for a while. Then an idea began to germinate in Phoebe's fertile mind. "Piper, I've got it! Are you still holding that special event on Wednesday, you know the one I've been looking forward to?"

"You mean the..."

"Yeah. Listen. Here's what we do."

* * *

Traditionally, Wednesday was a quiet night so Piper had started putting entertainment on in a bid to boost the club's income. Previously she'd held an open talent night, which in the true Californian spirit, had been a huge success. To her surprise, some of her employees had expressed an interest in getting up on stage themselves. Piper had no hesitation in putting on a talent night with her staff as the stars.

"Prue," asked Piper on Tuesday night. "Could you help out at the club tomorrow? It's the staff talent show and I'll be shorthanded."

"Well, I'm not sure..." began Prue.

"You must have caught up with your backlog by now. The way you've been working you should be two weeks ahead." Piper told her. Seeing her sister's still reluctant face she added. "Jonah won't be there. It's his night off."

"OK," agreed Prue, grudgingly.

Piper had lied. Jonah was working that night. He'd been assigned to help backstage. The trick that Phoebe and she had to pull off was not to let either Jonah or Prue know that the other was in the building - until the right moment. Piper intended to keep her janitor and her elder sister very busy.

Wednesday night came, and the three set off for the club. Phoebe, who had a part time job at the club tending bar to help pay her college fees, was doing a stage act herself, and was the first one up. Asking Prue to look after the bar, Phoebe went and got ready.

The club slowly started to fill up as people took their seats in anticipation. Martyn, the head bartender, who'd volunteered to be the MC, in order to avoid potential embarrassment, kicked off the show. "Ladies and gentleman. Welcome to P3's staff talent night. To start us off with a bang, we welcome a familiar face from behind the bar, who dispenses the humour as fast as the drinks, with a song that'll set your pulses racing. Our very own Phoebe Halliwell."

Martyn walked off into the wings, and the band started up. Phoebe came on to the stage wearing a half top and tight pants, which showed off every one of her curves to their best advantage.

"I feel like I've been locked up tight
For a century of lonely nights
Waiting for someone to release me
You're throwing hugs and kisses my way
But that don't mean I'm gonna give it away
Baby, baby, baby.
My body's saying let's go
But my heart is saying no."

The song was one of Phoebe's favourites, and a song she could sing well. She launched into the chorus.

"If you wanna get with me
Baby, there's a price to pay
I'm a genie in a bottle
Gotta rub me the right way
If you wanna be with me
I will make your wish come true
Gotta make the right impression
Gotta like what you do."

Phoebe stormed through "Genie In A Bottle", giving a raunchy performance that, if she had seen it, would have had Christina Aguilera thinking of retirement. Finishing the song, Phoebe made her bows, exiting the stage to the sound of a tumultuous round of applause.

The night continued with Piper's employees demonstrating an amazing range of talent that their boss had never known they possessed. She'd never suspected that Pete, her dour sound technician, would be such a good comedian, his deadpan delivery, making P3 ring with laughter. Then she heard Martyn announce Helen and Paul's magic act. Phoebe's cue.

After her song, Phoebe had taken her usual position behind the bar. As the magic act was announced, she caught Prue's eye. "Prue, we're out of Bud. Could you go and bring a crate up."

"Phoebe, those boxes weigh a ton."

"I know. I'd ask Paul except he's doing magic," Phoebe told her sister, indicating the stage. "You can as well, remember," reminded Phoebe giving Prue a pointed 'Wicca woman' look.

"How many?" sighed her sister.

"Can you mange two?"

Prue nodded and headed for the drinks cellar. As she went Phoebe scanned the room for her other sister. Catching Piper's eye Phoebe nodded, receiving a thumbs up in return. Piper went backstage to carry out her part of the scheme.

Piper had thought hard about how best to carry her role. She knew Jonah would be reluctant to do it and so had decided to present him with a fait accompli. The magic act ended and Martyn went on to announce the last act. Finding her janitor, she said, "Jonah, you're on."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you're going to sing."

"I can't sing. Even if I could I've no song prepared"

"Jonah, you've got a great voice and I know you can sing this song. Besides, Jackie cancelled, and I need you to go on." Then in a voice that brooked no argument Piper ordered, "Now get out on that stage."

Reluctantly, Jonah walked on to the stage. The band started. Jonah instantly recognized the tune and all the emotions came flooding back. He wasn't even aware of the crowd as right on cue he came in on the tail of the intro.

"How do I
Get through one night without you?
If I had to live without you
What kind of life would that be?
Oh I, I need you
And my arms need you to hold
You're my world, my heart, my soul

Oh, if you ever leave
Baby you would take away everything
Good in my life
And tell me now"

Piper smiled. She'd known Jonah could sing this. It was what he'd sang secretly on the dance floor that day when he'd broke her heart with the intensity of his feeling. With any luck Prue would be back with those crates real soon.

"How do I live without you?
I want to know
How do I breathe without you
If you ever go?
How do I ever, ever survive?
How do I, how do I
Oh, how do I live?"

As Prue came up from the cellar, levitating two crates of Budweiser, she heard the next act start. A singer, and a damn good one. Somehow the voice was familiar. She placed the crates behind the bar then turned to see who was on the stage. Her jaw dropped when she saw who it was.

As Jonah finished the chorus he glanced around the room. Then he did a double take. Prue. What was she doing here? He stared straight at her as he started to sing the second verse. Unconsciously, he changed the words so that instead of being about what would be, the verse reflected what was.

"Without you
There is no sun in my sky
There is no love
In my life
There's no world left for me
And I, baby I don't know
What I can do
I'm lost now I lost you"

If you ever leave
Baby, you would take away everything
Real in my life
And tell me now

Prue was transfixed. She'd never before heard Jonah sing. She thought of all that she and Jonah had shared together, about how happy she had been the moment he had gotten up the nerve to ask her to be his wife. She thought of all the wasted time that they had been apart, all due to a silly misunderstanding. And as the words filtered through to her subconscious, all she could do was stare across the room at the figure on the stage, who was now powering through the second chorus. There he was, staring back at her, singing not to the crowd but to her and her alone, his voice full of loss and longing.

"How do I live without you?
I want to know
How do I breathe without you
If you ever go?
How do I ever, ever survive?
How do I, how do I
Oh, how do I live?

Please tell me baby
How do I go on?

If you ever leave
Baby, you would take away everything
Need you with me
Baby. Don't you know that you're everything
Good in my life?
And tell me now

How do I live without you?
I want to know
How do I breathe without you
If you ever go?
How do I ever, ever survive?
How do I, how do I
Oh, how do I live?"

Jonah sang the final chorus, ending the song on a wistful but powerful note. The music faded out and for a full ten seconds silence blanketed the room. Then the silence was ruptured by an explosive round of applause that reverberated around the club as the audience showed their appreciation for Jonah's awesome and heart-rending performance.

Prue crossed the room toward the stage. Jonah walked down the steps and met her half way. Together the pair crossed to a corner booth. They talked for twenty minutes, the time it took for the audience's votes to be counted, naming a winner for that evening's talent extravaganza. Prue and Jonah were still head to head, deep in conversation when Martyn stepped onto the stage to announce the results.

"OK we've got the results. So without any hesitation here we go. In third place, he had you rolling in the aisles. Please give a big hand for Pete Stevens." Pete went up on stage to receive his prize of $25. Martyn continued, "In second place, a genie who definitely shouldn't be kept in a bottle, give it up for Phoebe Halliwell." An ecstatic Phoebe went up to the stage to get her $50 dollar prize before rejoining Piper at the end of the bar. Finally, Martyn announced the winner, "And the winner, who receives $100. He polled over half the votes and stunned us all with his breathtaking performance. Ladies, and gentleman, the winner of the P3 Employee Talent Night is Jonah Jameson!"

Hearing the announcement, Prue looked up from their conversation and nudged Jonah, who got up and dazedly made his way to the stage accompanied by the sound of the crowd's cheering and applause. Martyn handed him the prize envelope. As he did, the two exchanged words, and Martyn passed Jonah the microphone. Hesitantly Jonah began, "Thank you everybody for your votes, but if you'd allow me, I'd like to ask my inspiration, Prue Halliwell to come up here." Looking around, Prue got up from her seat and made her way through the crowd, and up on to the stage. When she was standing in front of him, Jonah continued, "Prue, I'm sorry. I wish I could take back the things I said but I can't. But I think we deserve another go. I love you so much Prue Halliwell. And so I'm asking, will you marry me?"

For once in her life, Prue was at a loss for words. Jonah doing this here now, in the middle of a crowded club, was the last thing she'd expected. She knew from their conversation that he'd been forced onto the stage by her own sister. He had been unsure about performing in public, yet he'd carried on beautifully, and now he once again braved his stage fright, risking rejection in front of hundreds of people. And it was all for her. He loved her that much. With that thought came the realization that Prue had been trying to block out with all of the long hours at work, the truth that she'd tried to deny. She loved Jonah. And her stubbornness and intransigence had nearly caused her to lose him. Finally with the crowd waiting expectantly she answered his question, "Yes."

As the crowd exploded, Jonah took from his pocket a box he'd been carrying for over two weeks. He knelt on the stage, opened it, took Prue's hand, and placed the gorgeous diamond heart ring where it belonged. On his fiance's finger. Prue pulled him from his knees and the two exchanged a glorious kiss of renewal and love. Then the couple looked out across the crowd to the end of the bar where Piper and Phoebe were exchanging a victorious high five. The usually quiet middle sister suddenly roared, "Phoebe! Break open the bubbly. A glass for everyone. On the house!"

* * *

It was 8am on the Saturday morning after the eventful talent show, which after the couple's declaration had quickly turned into an engagement party. Jonah and Prue had stayed to have a glass of P3's champagne, and mildly chastise the 2 scheming sisters, then had quietly slipped back to the Manor. They still had a lot to discuss. Jonah had left shortly thereafter, requesting that Prue be ready at 7am on Saturday as there was somewhere he wanted to take her. Something important that he had to show her.

A curious Prue had got up at 6.30 and had been picked up at 7 by Jonah. Her fiance drove the pair to Shelter Cove. The Cove was an area of coastline just north of downtown San Francisco. It had magnificent views over the ocean thanks to the high cliffs that crowned the cove. The pair left Jonah's vehicle and walked up the steep path that ascended to the summit of the cliffs. The wind was blowing fiercely and Prue pulled her coat around her to keep in the warmth. Jonah led the way, following the cliffs until they were at a point beyond the cove, with the cliffs jutting out into the calm waters of the Pacific, hundreds of feet below them.

Jonah stopped walking and turned to face Prue. Indicating a medium sized boulder he asked, "Move that."

"You know I can't. That power of yours, remember?"

"It's off. But it's important that you see for yourself."

An intrigued Prue gestured with her hand, and the rock tumbled over the cliff into the ocean. "What's this all about?"

Jonah composed himself for a moment then told her, "You were right about me having trouble accepting you as a witch even though I am one - of sorts. You were also right about trusting each other, how it's more important for us than anyone else. And I didn't trust you. You have to know that I do accept the Charmed deal and that I do trust you. But it isn't enough for me to just say that I trust you, I have to prove it. As much to myself as to you. I have to know that I'm capable of trusting, because it's one thing I've never been able to do."

With that, Jonah ran forward off the edge of the cliff, quickly plummeting down towards the water. "Jonah!" screamed Prue. She ran forward to the cliff edge and pointed downward, exerting all her concentration. At first it seemed nothing was happening, then inexorably, Jonah's descent began to slow until he was no longer falling, but suspended 300 feet above the waves. Then, again slowly at first, gradually building up speed, Jonah began to levitate back up the cliff face. Prue brought him back up over the edge to safety, then held him suspended about ten feet from the ground for a minute, and then quickly cut off the power.

Jonah landed heavily with a thud, and yelled out in pain.

"That's for scaring me out of half of my life! You could have killed yourself!" shouted Prue furiously.

Calmly Jonah answered, "No, you were here. I knew you had the power. I knew you wouldn't let me fall."

Prue steamed for a minute more, then the calm assurance of Jonah's words began to take all the heat out of Prue's fire. "I think I understand. You felt you couldn't marry me until you'd proved that you trusted me."

Jonah nodded, "I felt I didn't deserve to. You've always trusted me Prue, but I didn't fully trust you in return. I'm sorry I scared you." He said, stepping toward her for a hug.

"It's OK," smiled Prue returning his embrace "But don't ever frighten me like that again," She added, "Or next time I may just leave you hanging in the air indefinitely."

Changing the subject Jonah asked, "So when do we get Brendan to marry us?"

"I happen to know my scheming sisters countermanded all of my cancellations, so we can still get married next week, if ... Father Rowe ... is available on such short notice."

"He is," Jonah told her, grinning widely. "I asked him yesterday. He said he'd be honoured."

Prue grabbed Jonah's face and kissed him deeply. Then hand in hand they walked down the cliff path back to the car.

* * *

Jonah stood at the altar nervously, waiting for the first musical strains of the Bridal March to begin, heralding the arrival of his beautiful bride walking down the aisle. Beside him stood Martyn, the MC from the talent night, and Jonah's best man. Father Brendan Rowe looked down the length of the church to the vestibule where a nervous Prue along with her bridesmaids Piper and Phoebe, waited for his signal to start the procession down the aisle.

Prue herself was just as nervous as Jonah, and wondered aloud about the delay to her two attending sisters. "What is taking Brendan so long?" Prue fidgeted, pulling on the stems of the long lilies of her bridal bouquet. "I mean, I know its fashionable to be late and all, but after all Jonah and I have been through to get to this moment, I don't think I can wait another minute."

The two bridesmaids, each decked out in stunning dresses of pale lavender satin looked at each other, with the younger one biting her lip against the words begging to tumble out. Piper gave her younger sister a stern look, "I'm sure its just some priestly thing that they need to do," she said as she turned Prue's face toward the light streaming in from the side window, and adjusted her veil. "You know that making sermons as long as possible is their forte."

Phoebe came around to join her sister in fussing over the bride. "Don't worry hon," she grinned, "Everything will go just as planned."

Just then from outside, came the squeal of brakes, and the slamming of a car door. Prue heard running steps, and then a jumpy but familiar voice, "Am I too late? Did I miss it?" Prue turned to see Victor Halliwell, short of breath, and dressed in a morning suit. He stopped short and looked at his daughter, "Prudence you look beautiful."

Prue regarded her father with a mixed expression of shock, bewilderment, and strangely enough, relief that he had come to see her wed. Victor and his eldest daughter, had never quite seen eye to eye, but since the incident with the Shapeshifters had made an effort, albeit a long-distance one, to build more trust into their relationship, which had improved dramatically since she'd started seeing Jonah. Nor was this a coincidence. Jonah had a lot to do with the reconciliation, pushing an often-reluctant Prue to go the extra mile to break the frequent impasses that occurred between Victor and her. Just how successful he'd been was evident in that he had persuaded Prue to allow Victor to give away his daughter in marriage.

When Jonah and Prue had their falling out, she had a sent a telegram to Victor, telling her father that the whole thing was off. But the day the couple had announced the resumption of their original plans; her scheming siblings had sent another one telling him that it had simply been a case of cold feet.

"We're sorry, Prue," apologized Piper. "We knew Dad was on his way, so we had Brendon stall until he got here." Prue shot her two manipulative sisters an exasperated glance, then fell into a fit of laughter and tears. The three sisters hugged hysterically.

"Forgive us?" Phoebe cooed.

Prue smiled through her tears, "Yes, of course, I'm actually glad you did what you did...but we're going to have a long talk about your scheming ways later," she threatened. Phoebe beamed at her innocently, and Piper turned to give Brendan a thumbs up sign. He nodded and the organist began to play.

As the two younger sisters began to march down the aisle side by side, Prue turned to her father. "I am glad that you came." She whispered. In response, Victor took his handkerchief and gently wiped the smattering of tears from Prue's face. With that, Prue took her father's arm, and a deep breath, and followed her sisters down the aisle.

As she passed through the congregation she noticed a number of familiar faces. Innocents she once helped to save. Among them Eviva who was sat on the back row, with her aunt and another woman that Prue guessed was her mother. Seated next to them were Max and his father, and as she made her way to the altar she spotted other people including the Spencer-Michaels couple, whose own wedding, would never have happened without the Charmed Ones. Now they were all gathered together to see the eldest Charmed One marry.

She stopped next to her fiance. Jonah couldn't believe how beautiful Prue looked. She wore traditional white, and the classic style dress was a masterpiece. The two looked at each other, grinning with glee, then turned their attention to Brendon as he began the ceremony, "We are gathered together in the sight of God..."

The service went by in a haze for both Prue and Jonah. They couldn't believe that finally it was happening. The two solemnly made their vows to each other and exchanged matching wedding rings as Prue's two sisters looked on with teary eyes. The rings were Phoebe's wedding present to them. Each was the traditional gold band but engraved on the inside of each ring was a special invocation to preserve love that the youngest Halliwell had found in the family's beloved Book of Shadows. Then finally the moment that everyone had come to see arrived.

"Having made vows which they have solemnized by the giving and receiving of rings, I now declare that Jonah Jameson and Prudence Halliwell be husband and wife together. What God has joined, let no man tear asunder."

Jonah turned to the new Mrs. Prudence Jameson, lifted her veil and kissed her like there was no tomorrow. Prue returned the kiss with absolute devotion, and as the congregation thundered to their feet with cheering and applause, the couple, to the accompaniment of Mendelssohn's Wedding March, proceeded up the aisle, finally and forever husband and wife.