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If Leo Never Existed!

by Tim and friends

NOTE: Tim's friends are Ozzie, Fan_#1, Little Piper, Charmed_Canadian, Dennis, Krystina and Prue2.

DISCLAIMER: This story is based upon the series, Charmed, that was created by Constance M. Burge. All Charmed characters are the property of Spelling Productions.

The Halliwells stood watching in horror as the black panther advanced on them. How could they have been so stupid as to believe Rex when he said he would clear Prue of murder? Rex himself stood back out of harm's way and watched. Suddenly, Hannah-the black panther-leaped towards the Halliwells. At the last second, Phoebe spotted a fire extinguisher on a nearby wall, grabbed it, and sprayed it at Hannah. Hannah was thrown off balance by the sudden impact of CO2. "Quickly!" Prue said before Hannah had a chance to recover: "Into my office!" The three sisters quickly turned and dashed towards Prue's office. "We better find something to barricade the door with." Piper said, once they were safely inside. Soon the three sisters managed to push Prue's desk up against the door and added some other furniture to reinforce it. "That seems to have worked for now." Phoebe said to her sisters: "But now here comes the $100,000 question: Just how do we get our powers back?" Neither Prue nor Piper had an answer.

Outside the office, Rex and Hannah, who had reverted to her human form, were pushing against the door. "It's no use." growled Hannah. "They seem to have it sealed pretty tight!"

"That doesn't matter." Rex said as he held up the lantern. "Now that I have their powers." Quickly he opened the lantern, stuck his hand in, and felt the powers flow into him.

"What are you doing?" Hannah asked: "We were supposed to bring the powers back to the Source."

"I've had a change of heart." Rex said with an evil smile. "Why should the Source get the powers when we did all the work? Besides, I have plans of my own. Come with me." The two Warlocks left Prue's door and entered Rex's office. Rex opened his window and looked at the busy city street below. "Watch this." he said and waved his hands. The street below came to a halt as time froze.

"Incredible!" Hannah said as she took in the frozen scene below. "Now you can command the power to freeze time."

"Correct!" Rex replied: "I also possess Prue' and Phoebe's powers as well. Now that the Halliwells are powerless, we shall take over the world and nothing will stop us now! HA HA HA!"

"Care to place a bet on that?", a voice came from behind the pair of Warlocks, and as Rex and Hannah turned to see who the owner of the voice was, a blinding flash of light caught them squarely in the eyes.

"Wha...?!?", came their reply as they were lifted bodily off the floor of Rex's office. "I'm afraid THAT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!", a livid "Grams" Halliwell said whilst holding them in the air. "I'll take that", and the lantern flew from Rex's hands into the hands of the elder Halliwell, "...and now to DISPOSE of you!". A great wind appeared to come from what looked like a hole in space, and with a wave of her arm, Grams flung the two Warlocks into the great void. "Well, that's the end of those two. Now to take this lantern to my girls." the elder Halliwell muttered to herself as she floated through the wall of Prue's office, to confront the totally stunned faces of her grandchildren.

"Grams!" Prue said as Penny Halliwell appeared before them, holding the lantern. "Hello my dears, I've come to.." Suddenly a befuddled look came across Penny's face as she examined the lantern. "Oh no! I'm too late, they already took the powers."

"What?" Piper said as she wandered over and examined the lantern. It was dark and empty, clearly nothing was there.

"Come with me." Grams quickly said to her three granddaughters. They all gathered together and orbed out.

Meanwhile, in the attic of Halliwell Manor, Rex and Hannah materialized beside the Book of Shadows. "That old fool!" Rex snickered: "She didn't realize I had already taken the powers!"

"Still we must be careful, Rex." Hannah said as she looked around. "They could be back here any second now."

"I know." Rex replied and turned to the Book of Shadows and chanted:

Book of Shadows, I command thee
Now that i command the Charmed One's powers
You belong to me!

The Book glowed for a second and then flew into Rex's hands. "Excellent. Come Hannah, our work here is done!" The two Warlocks trans-located out.

Minutes later, Grams and the girls appeared and saw the empty space where the Book of Shadows had once been. "Oh man, are we screwed!" Phoebe commented.

"Don't give up, Phoebe." Grams said as she put a comforting hand on her youngest granddaughter. "Where there's life, there's hope!"

"We must travel to another time line." Grams said. "One, where you three still have your powers." "How do we do that." said Piper sitting in a chair a little exhausted. "I will." said Grams "All I need is a long mirror."

"There's one in the woman's washroom." said Prue. "What about Rex and Hannah?" asked Phoebe. "They might still be out there."

"I will freeze everything then we'll go to the washroom. Wait, I can't oh man I am so used to using my powers." said Piper. They pushed the barricade aside and then opened the door. Then they all ran to the washroom. Grams waved her hand in front of the mirror "There!" said Grams, "Hurry get through." Phoebe, Piper, and Prue made it in but the Rex and Hannah appeared!

"Oh no you don't." said Rex using his new powers to send Grams flying away from the mirror. "It's to late." Grams said. She then disappeared and the mirror went back to it's original state.

Phoebe, Piper, and Prue were in their house all crammed into the washroom. "Where's Grams?" asked Piper, looking around.

"I don't think she made it." said Phoebe. "Ow you're elbowing me." said Phoebe to Prue. "Sorry, but now what do we do?" asked Prue.

The three left the bathroom and headed to the attic (where else?). They found the Book of Shadows lying in its place on the stand. "Hey it's back!" Phoebe cooed skipping over to it. "No we are back. Back before it was taken and before we lost our powers." Prue reminded her "Oh yeah." Phoebe smiled sheepishly. She took the book from it's stand and began to flip through it looking for an answer to fight Hannah and Rex. "I wonder what time we're in?" Piper asked. "Grams didn't say." As if in answer a familiar light thud was heard against the front door. Prue smiled. "I'll get it." She ran down the stairs and opened the door to find a neatly rolled newspaper. She opened it to see the date that she was arrested for the murder.

Meanwhile back in the attic a now frustrated Phoebe put down the book. "Nothing."

"Nothing?" Piper asked. Phoebe shook her head and got up. "I guess I could check the Internet." Just then Prue returned to the attic looking pale, still clutching the paper to her. "Prue what is it?" her sisters asked rushing to her side.

Andy Trudeau sat at his desk, lost in thought. He couldn't believe that Prue Halliwell, the girl he had dated in high school and had recently romanced, was a cold blooded killer. "It just doesn't make sense, Daryl." Andy said to his partner, Detective Morris: "I know Prue, and I can tell you she is NOT a killer."

"That may be so." replied Morris: "But her fingerprints were on the carving that was used to kill the security guard, and she is shown on the tape leaving the vault with the Tierra." he walked over and put a hand on Andy's shoulder. "I know you have feelings for her, Andy, but facts are facts. The sooner we bring her in, the better."

"Yeah." Andy replied and then said: "I think I would like to be alone for a few minutes." Nodding with understanding, Morris walked away. Soon after, the phone ringed and Andy picked it up: "Trudeau."

"Andy, I have to see you now." Prue's voice replied.

"Prue?" Andy said and quickly lowered his voice: "What is going on? Did you know there is an arrest warrant out for you? Murder One."

"I know," Prue replied and then continued: "Andy, there is something about me you have to know, something I have been keeping from you. Please come to our secret place, where we used to go when we dated in high school. Be there in one hour and come alone. I have to go now."

"Prue wait..." Andy began and then heard the click of a disconnected line. He leaned back in his chair and decided that he would meet Prue at their secret place. He knew that Prue had been keeping a secret from him for some time now, and now it looked as if he would finally find out what it is.

Meanwhile back at the house Phoebe and Piper looked at each other in confusion, Prue had made the phone call and then left, not even telling them where she was going. "What do we do now?" Piper asked, "I can go on the Internet and see if I can find anything." Phoebe replied. Phoebe and Piper went downstairs to look on Prue's computer, just as the computer was logging on to the Net, they heard a loud noise coming from the washroom. "What was that?" Piper asked worriedly. "Maybe Grams made it after all." Phoebe answered hopefully as they headed for the washroom, but when they entered the bathroom they found Rex and Hannah standing there looking very angry.

With the Warlock pair standing in the bathroom, Piper is the first of the sisters to arrive just in time to be given Rex's full attention, freezing in place with a shocked expression showing as she stops there. Hannah giggles, "Well, well... Looks like this is going to be quite enjoyable after all!" Rex pulls her back with a short grunt for his ladylove. "Kitten, not so fast. We have more important things now than your girlish and petty thoughts of getting even here." Hannah just laughs at this. "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. I have the Perfect plan, forgive me for being so forward here."

Phoebe, still outside the bathroom, was not affected by Rex's freezing and flattened herself against the wall. When Rex stepped out the door, Phoebe grabbed his arm and flipped him, she watched as he landed on a table, stunned. Suddenly, Hannah grabbed Phoebe from behind, but Pheebs drove an elbow into Hannah's stomach. When the Warlock doubled over in pain, Pheebs delivered a karate chop and laid Hannah out cold.

"I'm impressed!" Piper said as she came out of the bathroom and looked at her baby sister: "Since when did you turn into Chuck Norris?"

"I guess the cat's out of the bag." Phoebe said: "I've been taking self defense courses for a couple of months now. Since I'm the sister with the passive power..." she broke off and smiled weakly.

"Okay, Pheebs, we should.." Piper broke off as Rex and Hannah began to stir. "Make tracks to the attic now!" The two sisters bolted up and stairs and soon were safely in the attic. Phoebe began flipping through the Book of Shadows, looking for a spell to either vanquish Rex and Hannah, or get her and Piper to safety. "Hurry, Pheebs! Hurry!" Piper said as she listened by the door.

"Hannah, are you alright?" Rex asked as he helped his lover to her feet.

"I'm fine." Hannah replied: "For a passive witch, that Phoebe sure packs a wallop!"

"Well we'll be more careful this time. They went upstairs. Let's get them, and later we can finish Prue off as well!"

"I found something!" Phoebe said excitedly. "It looks like some kind of time travel spell."

"Great!" Piper groaned, "More time travel. But I guess we don't have a choice. Read it!"

"Okay." Phoebe said and read the spell. Piper didn't catch much of it, just about some pact being undone. When Phoebe had finished, the two sisters vanished!

Moments later, Rex and Hannah came charging into the attic. "Where are they?" Rex said as he took in the empty attic. "How could they have escaped?"

At first the attic looked the same to Piper and Phoebe, but then they noticed items they had thrown away years before. Eight track tapes, pet rocks, and other childhood things. "I think we've gone back a bit farther than a few hours this time." Phoebe commented.

"Okay, let's just find out when we are." Piper said. The two sisters crept out of the attic and made their way downstairs. Suddenly, Phoebe spotted a newspaper lying on the hall table and picked it up. She read the date on it:

MARCH 23, 1975

"Oh wow," Pheebs said: "We're back in the Seventies! And Mom... Mom is still alive." The thought of her mother being alive brought tears to Phoebe's face.

"I know, Pheebs." Piper said as she put a comforting hand on her sister's shoulder. "But now we have to focus on..." she broke off as the Penny Halliwell of 1975 came around the corner and confronted them. "Oh boy!" Phoebe whispered under her breath.

"Who are you?" Penny thundered: "And what are you doing in my house?"

All of a sudden 2 little kids rushed into the room one that looked older said "grams, grams can i have a cookie" the younger one screamed "but it's the last one that not..." before she could continue she noticed Piper and Phoebe standing there "who are you?" she asked, "Prue, Piper, go upstairs now!" grams commanded in a stern voice.

Penny took a few moments looking at the older Piper and Phoebe studying them, like she was waiting for them to turn into something else. "Grams we can explain!" Piper tried to blurt out just before Grams yelled "WARLOCKS BEGONE!!" and before they knew it the girls were magically thrown outside of the Manor. "Piper!!" Phoebe called as she ran down Prescott street dragging Piper behind here. "She is one scary witch sis, what are we going to do, were stuck in the past and probably can't even get our own grandmother to listen to us." Phoebe mumbled "Listen to us?" Piper replied: "Did you here what she said? She thinks we're Warlocks! Great, Grams thinks we're Warlocks, Prue has been arrested, we have Rex and Hannah trying to kill us, were stuck in the past and Prue is still in the future." Piper had a worried look on her face and both sisters blurted out: "PRUE! SHE'S ALL ALONE WITH REX AND HANNAH!!"

Meanwhile, back in 1999

Prue waited in the glade, near the swing set for Andy to show up. She had debated bringing him into this, but now it seemed there was no choice. She looked up as Andy approached her. "I'm probably risking my badge for this." he said as he walked up to her.

"I know, Andy, and I'm sorry." Prue replied and then continued. "But you deserved to know what has being going on with me these past few months." She paused, took a breath, and said: "I'm a witch, Andy."

"A what?"

"A witch." Prue repeated and went on to explain about the Book of Shadows and the Halliwell family history. "After Pheebs moved back here from New York, she found the Book of Shadows and activated our powers. Since then, Warlocks and Demons have been after us. That's why I couldn't tell you what was happening."

"Prue I..." Andy began: "I mean..." he stumbled around, looking for the words to say.

"If you don't believe me, watch this." Prue said and used her powers to move a nearby rock through the air. Andy looked like he was about to faint. "Convinced?" Prue asked.

"Yeah, I guess." Andy said: "All this time and I never suspected this. So I guess you are innocent of murder."

"Yes I am." Prue said and continued: "I was framed by Rex Buckland, my boss. Turns out he and Hannah Webster are Warlocks, after our powers. We've already had several close calls with them."

"Well if that's the case, then I am sticking to you like glue." the determined Andy said.

"But Andy, it can be..." Prue began.

"Save it." Andy said: "After all, I'm a cop and I have faced a lot of scum before this. Trust me, Prue, I can handle it."

"Okay." Prue said after a few seconds: "Let's get back to the Manor. Piper and Phoebe will be getting worried about me."

The two of them headed to Halliwell Manor and once they got inside, Prue called out: "Piper! Phoebe! I'm back!" There was no answer. Suddenly she heard a thud and a groan behind her. She turned around to see Andy lying on the floor, out cold. "Andy!" she called and ran towards him.

"Hello Prue." Rex said as he and Hannah appeared before her. "It seems your two sisters have given us the slip, but at least we have you!"

Prue stepped back as she squinted throwing Rex into the staircase wall "Where are my sisters!" Prue demanded. Rex just got up and brushed himself off while replied to, "There not of your concern anymore Halliwell," Hannah was behind Prue as she locked the front door of the Manor so Prue had no way of escaping the house.

Andy started coming to as he asked Prue who was kneeling above him "What's going on?" just then Andy was alert as he saw Rex. Andy held up his gun trying to shoot Rex but he didn't seem effected by it. "Andy, you cant kill a Warlock with a gun." Rex then looked pissed and said to Hannah, "Get em honey," just then Hannah got on all four's and turned into huge Tiger and leaped after Prue and Andy, but Prue was a quick thinker and tried to use her powers on Hannah but she was too strong, but she barely missed Prue by a few inches and slashed her on the arm. In the background Rex was laughing as Prue grabbed Andy and the two ran upstairs and into the attic with Rex and Hannah hot on there trail. Rex yelled to Prue: "Get back here you bitch!"

"There's no B in Witch!" Prue replied as she and Andy made it to the attic, she found the BOS open to a page, Prue didn't have anytime to think right now so she just read the spell and Prue and Andy magically disappeared from the attic, but accidentally taking Rex and Hannah with them.

The next thing Prue and Andy knew was that they were all alone in her attic "What happened?" Andy asked. "This is nothing, and I mean nothing to what I thought a witch does." Prue tried to smile but just mumbled: "Welcome to my world," the two looked around themselves for Rex and Hannah but they were no where in sight. "Well what ever that spell was it must of gotten rid of those two," Andy thought. Prue looked at her shoulder and saw that it was still bleeding from when Hannah the Tiger slashed her "Ouch!"

"Here lets go down stairs and well fix that up," Andy replied and the two went downstairs, as soon as they reached the bottom of the stair case they heard little plastic guns going off, little Prue and Little Andy were playing cops and robbers, Andy was the cop no doubt... Andy and Prue looked beyond the staircase to see none other but their little selves running around in the living room. Little Prue raised up her hand and magically threw a few pillows at Little Andy so he would trip and she could get away, then Little Andy yelled "No fair, using magic!"

Adult Prue and Andy just looked at each other in amazement "WHOA!"

Meanwhile, Rex and Hannah had appeared on the corner of Prescott St. "They're giving us a run around." said Rex "But that will soon be over."

Back in the Manor, Penny Halliwell of 1975 appeared and confronted Prue and Andy. "More of you! Well I'll banish you two like I did those other two!" She raised her hands.

"Grams, wait!" Prue said, "It's me, Prue! You're name is Penny Halliwell, you were born in Boston, you've been married several times, and Melinda Warren was our ancestor, the one who started our line!"

"Wha..." Penny said as she lowered her hands. "How can you be Prue? What is going on here?"

"I've come back in time from the year 1999." She indicated Andy: "This is Andy Trudeau, all grown up. Please Grams, you have to believe me!"

"I am still not 100 percent convinced." Penny said, "But I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt."

"Thanks, Grams. I..." Prue began and then realized something: "You mentioned two others, who were they?"

"Two young woman just came out of nowhere." Penny replied: "I thought they were Warlocks and threw them out of the house. Do you know who they were?"

"Phoebe and Piper!" Prue said and turned to Andy: "They are here. We have to find them!"

Rex and Hannah began to wander around town to get their bearings. "Rex, look!" Hannah said as she pointed to a banner in a nearby store window that proclaimed: THE LOOK FOR '75!

"But that means..." Rex said and then grabbed a newspaper that was lying on the ground. "Hannah, that spell threw us back in time!" he paused for thought: "But why would the Halliwells come back here. It doesn't make sense."

"Maybe..." Hannah began and then stopped as a police car pulled up to them. The door opened and a mean looking officer got out and walked up to the pair. "Is there a problem, officer?" Rex asked.

"Call me Nicholas." the cop replied and held up a ruby red ring. "You two are Warlocks, with this ring, I can tell. Why are you here?"

"Well it just so happens we are after the Charmed Ones!" Hannah blurted out.

"The Charmed Ones? How interesting." Nicholas replied: "Perhaps we can help one another. Listen..."

Piper and Phoebe arrived at Buddy's to hear Cher singing "Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves" on the jukebox. Quickly they took a table and picked up some menus. "You okay, Pheebs?" Piper asked after a few seconds.

"I'm fine." Phoebe replied: "Just the thought of seeing Mom. I have so few memories of her. I just want to..." Phoebe broke off as emotion threatened to overwhelm her.

"Can I take your order?" A new voice asked. Piper and Phoebe looked up to see their mother, Patty Halliwell, in her waitress outfit, standing over them.

"Mom." Phoebe whispered under her breath.

"Er.. Yes, we'd like...two coffees please, mom, er I mean miss," answered Piper.

"Ok I'll bring them right out," answered Patty turning away.

Phoebe looked to Piper, "Why didn't you tell her who we were?" she asked.

"Oh yeah, like I can really just blurt it out. Hi, we're your two daughters, I know we're probably about the same age as you, but well we've come back from the future."

"I guess you're right," answered Phoebe. With that Patty returned with their coffees, she looked at them strangely "Do I know you from somewhere?" she asked. "You kinda look familiar."

"No, I don't think so we're from out of town," answered Piper.

"Way outta town," mumbled Phoebe. Piper nudged her sister.

"Ok." smiled Patty. "I better get back to work." with that she left.

Meanwhile Rex and Hannah were still talking with Nicholas. "So you have come back from the future," said Nicholas.

"It looks that way," answered Rex. "One moment we were in the Halliwells attic, the next we were here, and as for the Charmed Ones, they disappeared too."

"So you have been after the Charmed Ones powers also," said Nicholas. "Well in this time the Charmed Ones do not really exist yet, the younger sister."

"That would be Phoebe." interrupted Rex.

"Right Phoebe, she has not been born yet, her mother doesn't not even know she is expecting."

"You mean you know where their mother is?" asked Hannah.

"Why yes, see that diner over there." said Nicholas pointing to Buddy's. "She is working there as we speak."

"Then we should go over there." said Rex. "She might have been in contact with her daughters, the older ones that is."

"That's just what I was about to do," answered Nicholas, crossing the road, Rex and Hannah followed.

"Wait a minute Rex, I've an idea," Hannah said as she stopped Rex in his tracks while continuing "Think about it, Patty is carrying Phoebe, Prue is 5 and Piper is 3, everything we do in this time effects our time 1999."

"So, what do you have in mind pet?" Rex asked.

"I say we just get rid of Patty, kill her so Phoebe will never be born." Hannah replied: "But why stop there, we kill Little Prue and Piper to, from what I hear they should have there powers now, all three of them."

Rex couldn't help but smirk, "So we kill the little Charmed Ones, the adult Charmed Ones would die too, so we take there powers, and we know how easy it would be to kill those kids, they problem don't even know how to use those powers yet. Going to the past to kill the Charmed Ones as kids is pure brilliant."

Back at the diner Grams has just walked in with Prue and Andy behind her, "Pheebs!" Prue called as she saw Piper and Phoebe sitting in a booth, Patty comes over to them after seeing Grams while saying "Mom, what are you doing here?"

"We need to talk its important," Grams replied as Piper asked Prue. "Um, Prue, sis, hon, sweetie, is it just me or do you know that Andy is here too!"

"Ya well it's nice to see you to Piper" Andy replied.

Suddenly, Phoebe looked out the window and saw the three Warlocks approaching. "Uh oh! Here comes trouble!" The group looked out.

"We better take the back way out of here." Patty said: "Innocent people might get hurt if the Warlocks attack us in here." The group quickly made their way to the back entrance of Buddy's and went out into an alley. "Let's go." Patty said as she led them towards the street.

"Hello all." Rex said as he, Hannah, and Nicholas, stepped out to block their way: "Going somewhere? Now why is it that every time I say hello, you Halliwells run away." Rex mockingly shook his head. "Quite rude, if you ask me."

"Oh stop with the games, Rex!" Prue snapped and then looked at Nicholas: "Who's your new friend?"

"Him? Just someone who shares our interest in you and your powers." Rex replied.

Suddenly, Andy drew his gun and pointed it at Rex. "You stupid mortal!" Rex said with contempt in his voice. "Surely you must know by now that bullets won't kill us."

"Who said anything about killing you?" Andy replied: "I'm counting on the force of impact." Andy immediately fired at Rex, the bullets slammed into him and threw him backwards into a row of garbage cans.

"Your blood is boiling!" Nicholas said as he held up his ruby ring, which began to glow fiercely. Andy suddenly doubled over in pain. "Soon you will die and then..." Nicholas got no further as Phoebe managed to use a martial arts move to sweep his feet out from under him. Nicholas toppled backwards and hit his head on the pavement, knocking him unconscious. Hannah was taken aback by this and didn't see Prue's fist until it impacted with her face. Hannah flew back against the alley wall and slid to the ground, out cold.

"Well done." Grams said: "I see you all have handled this before."

"Oh yeah." Phoebe replied: "Everyday almost."

"Let's get back to the Manor before our not so good friends here wake up." Patty said and the little group hurried away, got in Patty's car, and drove off.

Soon after, the three Warlocks came to and got painfully to their feet. "That's the second Halliwell sister that's hit me!" Hannah said as she rubbed her aching jaw.

"I know." Rex replied: "Those Halliwells are really starting to PISS ME OFF!" In frustration, he kicked over one of the garbage cans.

"Don't worry about it." Nicholas said to his two new allies: "We'll just have to think of something else!"

Once safely back at Halliwell Manor, Patty got the shock of her life. "You three are my daughters?" she asked the Charmed Ones.

"Yes, Mom, we are." Prue said, trying to keep her emotions in check. "We've come back in time from the year 1999."

"It's true." Penny added: "They knew things only our family would know."

Patty took a moment to look over her three grown daughters. "You're all so beautiful! Prue, Piper, and..." she paused and looked at her youngest, and still yet to be born, daughter: "Phoebe. I must have named you after my favorite aunt. Of course I could always change the name if you don't like it."

"No." Phoebe replied: "I love it." Suddenly the emotion got the better of her and Phoebe embraced Patty. "I love you, Mom!" Pheebs said in a shaky voice. She just wanted to keep holding her mother and never let go.

Meanwhile, Andy had sat down in a nearby chair and out of habit pulled out his cell phone to call Morris. Of course, the phone gave nothing but dead air. "Boy, am I slow." Andy mumbled to himself when he realized what he was doing. This was 1975, cellular technology had not been invented yet and Daryl Morris was just a kid! He sat there, looking at the useless phone and almost jumped out of his skin when a voice behind him asked: "Is something wrong, Andy?" he turned to see Prue standing there.

"Yeah." Andy replied and continued: "All this is just sinking in. Just where and when I am. Events have been moving so fast that I haven't had time to think about it, now that we have this down time..." he broke off.

"I guess this is a lot for you to handle." Prue said as she came down and sat beside him. "That's another reason why I didn't want to tell you our family secret. I was afraid that you couldn't handle it."

"I just need a little time." Andy said slowly, hoping that he could handle it. He still loved Prue deeply and did not want to lose her now.

Outside Halliwell Manor, the three Warlocks were staking the place out in Nicholas' police car. "Excellent." Rex said from his place in the back seat. "Soon the 1975 incarnations of the Charmed Ones will be in our hands. Victory is within our grasp!"

Overwhelmed by the sudden encounter of her future daughters, Patty had completely forgotten about the younger ones, it suddenly hit her. "Oh my god, my girls, where are they?" she panicked.

"Don't worry dear, Prue and I left them with our next door neighbors. They're fine." answered Penny.

"All the same, with all these Warlocks around I think we should fetch them back where we know they will be safe." said Patty.

"I'll go get them Mom" smiled Phoebe, it felt so good to be able to say that she thought.

"Well I'll come with you," added Prue, "The neighbors knows me from earlier." With that the sisters left the room.

"How long do we have to sit here for?" asked Hannah. "I say we just spring a surprise attack on them now."

"Patience, Kitten, you'll have your chance." answered Rex.

With that they saw Prue and Phoebe leaving the manor and heading towards the house next door.

"What do you suppose they're up to?" asked Hannah.

"Why don't you shut up, and we'll find out!" answered Nicholas.

Hannah glared at Nicholas, then turned to Rex. "Are you going to let him speak to me like that?" she asked.

"Of course not my darling."

"Well tell him then!" she scowled. A few moments later Prue and Phoebe, could be seen again, leaving the neighbors house, with two little girls in tow.

"There's no time for bickering now." said Nicholas. "This is the chance we have been waiting for! They have the younger Charmed Ones with them."

Quickly the three Warlocks left the car, in a blink of an eye they were stood before the sisters. Startled by their sudden arrival, Prue went to use her power, then realized it did not work in this time. Rex made a grab for Little Prue. Prue tried to stop him, but Nicholas held out his hand pointing the ruby ring at her: "Your blood is beginning to boil..." Phoebe jumped in with a karate kick that knocked Nicholas flying, Hannah took her chance and made a grab for little Piper, but Phoebe was too quick, she turned and punched Hannah in the face.

"Ouch, that's like the third time today!" Hannah said, rubbing her jaw again.

"Hannah! Quickly! Get in the car!" shouted Rex. Before Prue and Pheebs knew what was happening, Hannah had gone, and so had the car, with little Prue inside.

Penny, Patty, Piper and Andy, came out of the manor to see Phoebe helping Prue up from the ground. "What happened?" asked Penny.

"It was the Warlocks, Grams, we tried to stop them." said Phoebe.

"Where's Prue?" screamed Patty "Where's my little girl?"

Prue walked up to her mother, "They took her, Mom, I'm so sorry, its all my fault, I tried to use my powers but they wouldn't work." She hugged her mother who was now sobbing.

"Wait your powers are not working?" asked Grams. "Well the younger ones are, so that must mean there can only be one set of Charmed Ones at one time."

"Well how can that be? Phoebe isn't even here yet." said Patty.

"Well I am in a way." answered Phoebe touching her mothers stomach: "You just didn't know it yet."

"Let's get back into the house and try and work out a solution to this mess." said Penny.

As they entered the house the phone rang.

The Halliwell sisters looked over at the phone as Patty went over to pick it up "Hello" on the other line was Buddy's they were wondering where she was Patty tried to explain, "Sorry, I can't come to work I have a family emergency." With that Patty hung up the phone. "Is something wrong Mom," Phoebe asked. "No, its ok."

Prue was lying on the couch beside Andy recuperating from Nick's ring while she said to her Mom "The old family emergency excuse huh? Used it a hundred times." Prue couldn't help but smile a little. "Where do you think there taking Prue? um little Prue?" Piper asked as Little Piper went over to her mom and asked in a little sweet voice, "Mommy where's sister?" Patty looked at her daughter and replied, "Its ok, honey." Big Piper smiled as she came over to give her little self a hug just as Phoebe blurted out, "Ah Piper is giving herself a hug, how sweet!" Big Piper looked over at Phoebe annoyed as she said, "Shut up." Prue then sat up quickly replying "Piper" Little Piper looked over at big Piper while asking "Piper!, your names Piper too?" everyone smiled while Prue got up and said "Ok what are we going to do, Rex is going to kill me and we don't have our powers to defend ourselves with?"

Grams looked over at Prue as she replied "Yes you do, the little ones have their powers and I have my powers and Patty has hers. If we stick together and I write a few spells I'm sure we can get everything back to normal." Phoebe looked a little surprised as she said, "Ya right, like we can just make up our own spells, wait can we?" Grams looked over at Phoebe as she continued "Were witches dear we can do anything." The girls started to have a sad look on there face as Phoebe mumbled while looking at there Grandmother and mother "I wish that were true." Patty looked over at Phoebe little worried as Patty stiffed up and little Phoebe gave her a premonition of little Prue crying in terror "MOMMMMYYYYYYYYY"

"I think I can find her.", Patty said to the others.

"How?" Phoebe replied, "Unless they've taken little Prue to Buckland's , I can't think of any place they'd go!"

Prue said, "Buckland's doesn't exist in this time, but I can remember an old building being on the site where Buckland's will be."

"Wait!" Patty called out in a loud voice.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Grams replied, a look of concern came across her face for her daughter.

"That's where they've taken her, to the old warehouse!" Patty exclaimed. "Yes!, that's it, the warehouse, why didn't I remember that?!!"

Prue exclaimed in return. "Well, let's not stand around waiting, let's go!"

Phoebe intoned to everyone, "If we don't make a move, our goose is cooked." Penny turned to Patty, and with a wry smile said, "That Phoebe, she's a feisty one, don't you think?. You'll have to do something about that."

"Yeah, Mom, she's more like you than I care to think!" Patty replied cheekily. Penny gave her a piercing look of black humour, one that Patty knew her mother was only having a joke with her. In fact, both the elder Halliwells were extremely proud of their future daughter/granddaughter - so pretty, and smart.

Once in the old wagon that they remember their mother owned, Piper reminisced, "It's been a long time since I drove in this car." Patty looked at her with a quizzical expression and said, "Long time, you were only in it... oh, that's right, silly me," having just remembered she was talking to the older version of her middle daughter.

"Aren't you going a bit fast, Grams?." Piper said to her grandmother, who was driving the car. "I can't remember you ever having a lead foot."

"Honey, when our family's future is at stake, I don't care if I get a speeding ticket, they can go to hell!." Penny replied with much conviction. "Come to think of it, that might be a good idea.", she continued with a hint of fake honesty in her voice. All her girls replied in unison, "MOM, GRAMS!!".

After much dodging and weaving amongst the traffic, and a few judicial bypasses of the police, they arrived at the old warehouse. "Well, let's get moving." Phoebe said once they pulled up. "Not so fast, sweetie," Grams said. "First I have to cast a special spell to retrieve the Book of Shadows that you have in the future and then we have to deal with getting little Prue back. Can you feel her presence Patty?"

Patty replied, "Yes Mom, she's in some sort of room out the back of the building." "OK, then, I'd better get to writing that spell, where's the book?" Grams said. "Here Grams," Piper said as she gave Grams the book. Grams opened the book and began to write on a spare page:

When book of past and book what's to come
Meet in space where once were none
The good shall triumph over evil
And this will bring a speedy retrieval.

Suddenly, a second Book of Shadows appeared in Prue's hands. "Well here is the 1999 edition." Prue said as she held up the Book. "A little thicker, of course."

"Good." Penny said and opened the future Book. "Now to write a couple of spells to take care of our Warlock friends. Since neither you or Piper have your powers, Patty and I will have to cast them. Let's go."

Inside the warehouse, Little Prue, tied up in a chair, was terrified: "I WANT MY MOMMY!" she cried.

"There, there." Rex said, trying to sound friendly. "You have nothing to fear from your Uncle Rex."

"YOU'RE NOT MY UNCLE! YOU'RE A BAD MAN!" with that, Little Prue used her powers and Rex flew back into the wall.

"You really have a way with children." Nicholas said mockingly. "Can we get on with it now?"

"Very well." Rex said and picked up a dagger that was on a nearby table. As Hannah watched with anticipation, Rex advanced on Little Prue. "Time to finish the Charmed Ones once and for all!"

Suddenly the door flew open. Rex, Hannah, and Nicholas turned to see the 1999 Charmed Ones, Andy, Patty, and Penny Halliwell standing there. "Not so fast, Rex!" Big Prue said: "The game is over!"

"Hannah, get them!" Rex shouted. Hannah advanced on the group, but before she could do anything, Penny threw some glowing powder at her. "Nice try, old woman!" Hannah sneered: "But not enough. Now to finish you off!" Hannah then tried to morph into a panther, but nothing happened! "What's happening?" she shouted in frustration.

"Very simple." Penny replied: "My magic powder has neutralized your shape shifting abilities."

"Really." Piper said. She walked over to Hannah, grabbed her by the collar and raised a fist.

"Oh no, not again!" Hannah exclaimed just before Piper's fist smacked into her and Hannah crumpled to the floor, out cold.

"Damn you all!" Rex shouted in rage and charged at Piper, the dagger held high. However, Phoebe was faster and delivered a kick right to Rex's solar plexus. Rex slumped to the floor, next to Hannah.

"Okay, Patty." Penny said: "Time for us to read the first spell I wrote." The two witches began to recite:

You two who know only evil's might,
Vanish forever from our sight.
Leave forever this place in space,
May you find peace and comfort in another place.

Both Rex and Hannah shimmered and vanished.

Nicholas had watched as all this went on, and now he sprung into action. "You won't defeat me that easily." he held up his ring: "You blood is boiling and soon..." he got no further as a bullet, fired from Andy's gun, shattered his ring. "My ring! Curse you all, you've ruined everything!"

"Now to deal with you!" Penny thundered and then recited with Patty:

Lavender, momoso, holy thistle,
Cleans this evil from our midst.
Scatter it's cells throughout time
Let this nick no more exist!

With these words, Nicholas began spinning around and soon he vanished forever, never to be seen again.

"Mommy!" Little Prue said as she saw the group approach. "You came!"

"Yes, my darling." Patty said as she began to untie her daughter. "I came."

"Let's go home." a smiling Penny said.

The mood was happy back at Halliwell Manor. "We won!" Phoebe said. She looked at Patty and then sadness began to creep in. "Mom there is something I have to tell you. On..."

"NO!" Penny interrupted: "You can't tell us anything about our futures. No matter what happens, we have to remain in the dark."

"But Grams, you don't understand..." Phoebe began and looked to Prue and Piper for support, but when she saw the looks on their faces, she knew.

"She's right, Pheebs." Prue said and walked over to embrace her baby sister. "I know how your feeling, I feel it too, but Grams is right. We've already done enough damage to time by coming back her and bringing Rex and Hannah along. We have to face that this is one thing we cannot change." Phoebe knew Prue was right, even though it hurt.

A short time later, everyone gathered in the attic to send the 1999 Charmed Ones and Andy back home. Since the future Charmed Ones did not have their powers, the spell would have to be cast using the help of Little Prue and Piper, who would stand with their hands on Patty's stomach, to channel the powers of the yet to be born Phoebe. It was a sombre time as they said goodbye. "I love you so much, Mom." Prue said as she embraced Patty.

"I love you too." Patty replied. "I'm so proud of you." she looked at Piper and Phoebe: "I'm proud of all of you."

Penny too was emotional: "You're going to be a handful, aren't you." she said to Phoebe as they embraced.

"You'll get used to it." Phoebe replied.

Soon it was time to go, and the 1999 Charmed Ones with the 1999 Book of Shadows firmly in Prue's hands were ready. Andy stood with them. "Wait!" Phoebe said and grabbed a camera that was lying nearby. She snapped a picture of Patty with Little Prue and Piper. "A keepsake for you." she said to her mother.

"Okay." Penny said to Little Prue and Piper: "Let's say the spell I taught you." Penny, Patty, Little Prue and Piper then chanted:

A time for everything
And to everything it's place
Return what has been moved
Through time and space.

The 1999 Charmed Ones and Andy shimmered and vanished.

"Now there is just one more matter to attend to." Penny said and waved a hand in front of Little Prue and Piper and said a single word: "Forget."

Little Prue then looked confused: "Grams, why are we in the attic. Are we going to do more magic?"

"No darling." Patty said, jumping in. "It's time for you to go to bed now." She led the two little girls out. Penny said behind and paused for thought, it had been necessary to erase this adventure from the minds of Little Prue and Piper, and soon Penny would bind their powers, once Phoebe was born. Now they could grow up like normal children, for now at least.

Back in 1999, the sisters and Andy looked around. They were still in the attic, but back in their own time. Slowly, Prue replaced the Book of Shadows in it's place and they all headed downstairs.

Once in the living room, Andy's cell phone came to life and he excused himself to take the call. "I wanted so much to save Mom." Phoebe said slowly: "I even wrote a note telling her about how she died." Phoebe pulled out the note and handed it to Prue. "I was going to leave it in the Book of Shadows, the 1975 Book that is, but I didn't. Guess maybe some things just weren't meant to be." Tears began to form in her eyes.

"Oh Pheebs." Prue said and embraced her sister and soon Piper joined in as well.

"Uh, that was Morris." Andy said as he came back into the room. "They searched Rex's office at the Auction House and found the Tierra hidden there. Prue, they've dropped the charges against you."

"That's great." Phoebe said, delighted at least to have some good news.

"Yeah." Andy said and then continued: "Listen, I'm going to need some time to get used to all this witch stuff. But if you ever need my help, I will be there." He walked over and touched Prue on the cheek. "Always."

Later, the girls got a roaring fire going in the fireplace. Soon Prue held up a page she had torn out from the Book of Shadows. "This is the spell we used to relinquish our powers. Never again." she threw the page into the fire and they all watched it burn. "Witches Forever!" the three sisters declared. Soon they all relaxed, Phoebe looking at the family album, found the picture she had taken of Patty, and her little Charmed Ones, just before they had left 1975. "Pretty good picture of you two." Pheebs said to Prue and Piper: "But I'm afraid I still don't take a good picture." The three sisters laughed about this and one thought crossed Prue's mind: I wonder where Grams sent Rex and Hannah?

Nearby, but unseen, the spirits of Penny and Patty Halliwell stood and watched. Their little angels had come through this adventure stronger than ever and both were very proud. "Look's as if our family legacy is in good hands." Penny said.

"I couldn't agree more." Patty replied as the two spirits looked on as the sisters talked and laughed the night away.


Rex opened his eyes and looked slowly around. He appeared to be in a forest, but clearly not one on Earth. The trees were blue, not green, and two orange suns were in the sky. He turned and saw Hannah lying next to him. "Hannah! Wake up!"

"Hmmmmmm.." Hannah moaned and opened her eyes. Soon she took in the strange landscape. "Rex, where are we?" she asked.

"I don't know." Rex replied as they got to their feet. "It's strange, but somehow I feel... I feel at peace."

"Me too." Hannah said, for indeed a feeling of peace and serenity was washing over her, a feeling she had never experienced before. "What's happening?"

"I don't know." Rex replied: "But part of me feels that it no longer matters. None of it, the Halliwells, their powers, it all seems so far away now. I just want to explore this new world, with you at my side." He took her in his arms, the woman he loved, the woman he would spend eternity with.

"Then let's do it." Hannah said: "Let's go forth and find our place here."

"We will." Rex replied: "Now we have all the time in the world." The two of them kissed under the sky of the new world they now called home.