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Help From Beyond

by archerygirl

As the sun began to set on the horizon, 14 year old, Rachel Littrell and, 15 year old, Janna Kirpatrick ran franticly down the sidewalk. As their tennis shoes thudded against the hard cement, the sky began to get a dark blue color. The girls raced to beat the darkness home.

"Mom will kill us if we're not home before dark." Rachel shouted to her sister, while jumping over a rock.

"We'll be grounded for the rest of the summer!" Janna said dodging a low hanging branch that nearly clipped her in the head.

They took the corner sharply onto Prescott Street. They ran faster seeing their home come into view on the right side of the street.

"Come on!" Rachel said nearly tripping over her sister's feet.

"Watch it!" Janna shouted breathing hard.

They had been running hard for the past 15 minutes straight. The girls had promised their mother, Jamie Littrell, that they would be home before dark. Ever since Rachel had discovered her secret powers, her mom felt it would be better if the girls didn't stay out late at night. She wanted both girls to stay as far away from warlocks and demons as possible. That was kind of hard considering whom they had for neighbors, the Charmed Ones.

Prue, Piper, and Phoebe Halliwell looked like any normal women. But inside they had a secret that they shared with Janna and Rachel. All five were witches with magical powers. But Prue, Piper, and Phoebe were the all-powerful Charmed Ones, the most powerful witches ever. They each had a different power. Prue had the power of telekinesis, Piper had temporal stasis, and Phoebe with clairvoyance.

Without their mother knowing Rachel and Janna had helped the three destroy a few demons in the past month. Cause if she would have found out she would've forbade them all from seeing each other. It was almost two months ago Janna had come to live with Rachel and her mom.

The girls' father, Jesse Kirpatrick who was a good warlock, had raised Janna in New York. He had left Jamie before Rachel was even born. The girls had not known about each other for their lives. But in June Jesse had to make a "business" trip and Janna came to stay with Rachel. It was in those few days Rachel had discovered her powers and both found out about the Halliwells. Even though Rachel had known those three her whole life. But a tragic event made Janna have to take permanent residence there. Jesse had been killed defending an innocent from some demons. It was now the last week in July and the two had become extremely close. And the five witches saw each other regularly.

Piper, the middle sister, walked by the window. She happened to glance out to see the girls running as fast as their teenage legs could carry them. She laughed to herself.

"Looks like someone lost track of time again." She said to her sisters.

Phoebe, the youngest, and Prue, the eldest, stood and walked over to the window. They looked out. Rachel and Janna ran faster nearly tripping on a crack in the sidewalk.

"What is this, the third time this week?" Phoebe asked.

"No I think the fourth, you're not counting Sunday." Prue said.

"You're right, I forgot." Phoebe said.

They girls reached their house and dove onto the front lawn. They collapsed on the soft grass. Then both lay there trying to catch their breath. Their hearts beating hard in their chests.

"We… made… it." Rachel said trying to breathe.

"Okay, now who wants to tell them Jamie is still working?" Piper asked.

"You can." Phoebe said to Prue.

"No, you can." Prue said to Phoebe.

"No, she can." Phoebe said to Piper.

Piper sighed and opened the window

"Hey girls!" Piper yelled out the window.

Both looked up and over at the manor. The spotted their friends in the window.

"Hey… Pi…Pip…Oh…you… know what…I…mean." Janna said still quite out of breath.

"What's up?" Rachel managed to get out.

"Uh, I hate to tell you this but Jamie's not home yet!" she said.

Rachel and Janna let out a loud groan. So loud they could hear it all the way across the street.

"Noooo!" they said together.

"We ran all that way!" Rachel said pretending to cry.

"And she's not even home, yet!" Janna cried.

"Sorry to tell you the bad news." Phoebe said.

Suddenly, Jamie's blue Dodge Stratus turned onto their road. She honked the horn at the Halliwells. They waved then shut the window. Then the car pulled into the driveway. Jamie got out and walked over to the girls, who were still lying in the grass. She looked down at them.

"Glad to see you made it home before dark." She said laughing at them.

"Just barely." Rachel said sitting up.

"We had to fly!" Janna said sitting up as well.

"Literally." Rachel added.

"What were you two up to today?" Jamie asked.

"We were in the park with Holly, Travis, Randy, Alyssa, and Ian." Rachel said.

"And Ian's husky, Ice. Have you ever seen a dog with so much energy?" Janna said looking over at Rachel.

Rachel shook her head.

"Well just as long you got home on time." Jamie said.

Jamie leaned down and hugged and kissed them both.

"Man you smell like burgers and fries, mom." Rachel said.

"Well when you work at a restaurant, that's what tends to happen." Jamie said. "Come on let's go inside, it's getting chilly." Jamie said helping both girls up.

Then all three walked into the house. Piper was still glancing out the window.

"Piper what are you looking at?" Prue asked.

"Are we doing the right thing?" she said.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Prue asked.

"I mean involving the girls in this stuff. You know demons and warlocks." Piper said.

"What brought this on?" Prue said.

"I don't know I was just watching them with their mom. Jamie would be crushed if she lost both of them. I mean so would we, but…"

"I understand what you're saying but Jamie trusts us enough to teach the girls. Even though we don't have that much to teach them. I'm sure she knows we'll do our best to keep them safe." Prue said.

"I hope you're right, Prue." Piper said as they both walked away from the window.

Inside their home Rachel, Janna, and Jamie all sat around the table eating dinner.

"Can you believe school starts in a month?" Jamie said.

"Don't remind us mom." Rachel said taking a bite of pizza.

"Hey isn't this your first year of High School?" Janna said.

Rachel nodded.

"Hey, don't be nervous. I'm the one who's going to be a nervous wreck. I'm starting a whole new school." Janna said taking a bite of pizza.

"Yeah, but at least you know kids. Thanks to me." Rachel said.

"For that I owe you." Janna said wiping her mouth.

"Okay lets drop school. I'm getting all depressed." Rachel said.

"Okay another subject, Rachel's birthday." Jamie said.

"That's right Rachel's birthday five days." Janna said.

"Four if you don't count today. I'll be fifteen." Rachel said smiling.

"One year away from driving." Janna said laughing.

"God help us all then." Jamie said rolling her eyes.

It was about ten at night when Jamie decided to turn in for the night. The girls kissed their mother good night and went to change.

They had fixed up the guest room into Janna's room. It had a double bed with a light blue comforter pushed against one wall. Its white walls were barely visible under all the *N'Sync posters. Her light purple surfboard with a magician's hat on it was propped up against the wall. Her blue carpet had all kinds of junk on it. The girls walked out of their rooms now in their pajamas. Janna wore light gray pants and a blue tank top. Rachel had on dark blue pants and an orange tank top. They both sat down on the couch to do some channel surfing.

"Man there is absolutely nothing on!" Janna said tossing the remote over to Rachel.

"I know, I hate late night television." Rachel said putting her feet up on the table and leaning her head back.

After a minute Janna spoke.

"Come on lets just turn in." Janna said.

"I guess you're right." Rachel said turning off the TV.

Both girls walked to their rooms. They were about to say goodnight, when they heard blood-curdling screams coming from across the street.

"That came from the manor, come on!" Rachel said as she and Janna ran back down the hallway.

They opened the door quickly and ran, barefoot, across the lawn, across the street, and up the Halliwells' front steps. Just as they reached the front door, two figures pushed past them. Janna and Rachel lost their balance and fell on their backs on the lawn.

"Are you okay?" Janna asked.

"Yeah I'm okay. But who were those jerks?" Rachel asked.

"I don't know, but I don't like the way this looks." Janna said and looked towards the house.

They both got up and ran into the house.

The house was totally destroyed. Furniture was broken, windows were smashed, and pictures lay on the floor. It was like a bomb had gone off in the house.

"Oh my God." Rachel said in disbelief.

"Come on! We have to find them." Janna said and began to run though the mess.

They ran carefully not to cut their feet on the glass.

"Prue! Piper! Phoebe! Where are you?!" Rachel yelled as she ran in the kitchen.

"Come on guys! Answer us!" Janna said running into the solarium.

"You find them?" Rachel said coming onto the porch.

"No, but we didn't look upstairs." Janna said.

Both girls ran to the stairs, then up the stairs, skipping every other step. They ran down the hallway.

"Guys come on!" Rachel said looking in each of their bedrooms. "If this is a joke. It isn't very funny!" Rachel yelled looking in the bathroom.

Suddenly, Rachel noticed Janna was gone.

"Janna where are you?" She shouted.

Great now I can't find her either, she thought.

"Rachel get up here, now!" Janna shouted very faintly.

"Where are you?"

"I'm in the attic! Hurry!"

Rachel bolted down the hallway and up the stairs to the attic. She reached the top step and stopped dead in her tracks. She felt as though she was going to be sick. She slowly sank to the ground, and held her stomach. There in front of her lay her friends all around the podium that held The Book of Shadows. They all lay on their backs staring blankly up at the ceiling. The book remained close; they didn't even get a chance to open it. Rachel slowly stood and walked forward towards Prue. Janna walked over towards Phoebe.

"You guys if this is a sick joke, you can stop." Rachel said.

They all remained motionless on the floor. Both girls felt for a pulse. There was none.

"No, no, no! If only I would have been here!" Rachel said in heavy sobs.

Suddenly, Rachel felt someone shaking her shoulder very hard.

"Rachel wake up!" She heard.

Then more shaking.

"No, No, NOOO!" she screamed as her eyes flashed opened.

"Whoa, calm down, Rach. Are you okay?" Janna said.

"What? What happened? Where are we? " Rachel asked sitting up on the couch.

She looked at the clock; it was now about one in the morning.

"You were screaming in your sleep." Janna said sitting down beside her.

"Thank God it was just a dream." Rachel said trembling as she hugged her sister.

"You're trembling. I'm going to get mom." Janna said trying to get off the couch.

Rachel grabbed her arm.

"No." Rachel said and held her on the couch. "No, I'm okay it was just a very bad dream." She said leaning her head back.

"Want to tell me?" Janna said.

"I dreamt we were going to bed when we heard a scream coming from the Halliwells. We got there and the house was destroyed and we couldn't find them anywhere. Then we went in the attic and they were there lying dead on the floor. Just even thinking about it makes me sick." Rachel said leaning over gripping her stomach.

"That's awful. But it didn't really happen. They're all safe at home just like us." Janna said.

"Yeah, I know that but I felt I was responsible for their deaths. Like the reason they died was because I wasn't there." Rachel said.

"Rachel it was just a dream. Come on let's get you into bed." Janna said helping Rachel off the couch.

"I don't know if I can sleep." Rachel said leaning on her door frame.

"Well try, okay?" Janna said opening her door.

"All right, night." Rachel said and walked into her dark room

"Poor kid she's really shaken up." Janna said to herself as she went into her dark room.

Rachel just tossed and turned all night long. She just couldn't get that image out of her head. She was up at six and went out to lie on the couch. Without her even knowing it she fell asleep. And once again she had the same horrifying dream. She woke up in a cold sweat. It was almost as if the dream was telling her something. She thought.

"Hey Rach." Janna said as she came out of her room.

"What time is it?" Rachel asked.

"Almost ten." She said and looked at Rachel "What's wrong?"

"I had the same dream again." Rachel said standing up.


"It's almost like I'm having a premonition." Rachel said.

"But you can't you don't have that power, Phoebe does, remember?" Janna said.

"I know but it makes me wonder." Rachel said.

"Stop worrying about it. That pizza probably didn't agree with you. That's what sometimes happens to me." Janna said.

Rachel thought to herself for a moment.

"Your right, Janna. Come on you want to go to the mall?" she suggested.

"Cool come on." Janna said as they both went to change.

Piper walked into the kitchen all ready to go to P3, the nightclub she owned. Phoebe sat at the kitchen table.

"Hey Phebes." She said and poured herself a cup of coffee.

Phoebe remained silent.

"Phoebe what's wrong?" she asked sitting down next to her.

"I don't know, but I have this weird feeling." Phoebe said taking a sip of coffee.

"What kind of feeling?" Piper asked.

"I feel like something bad is going to happen. And I have no clue why." Phoebe said.

"Did you eat pizza before you went to sleep last night?" Piper said.

"Piper I'm serious. I really think something bad is going to happen." Phoebe said setting down her blue coffee cup.

"You really are serious, Phoebe. What can I do to make you feel better?" Piper said putting her hand on Phoebe's shoulder.

Phoebe put her cup down and turned to Piper.

"Just be careful today, okay? I already talked to Prue she's agreed too." Phoebe said looking deep into Piper's brown eyes.

"All right I'll be careful today, promise. I love you." She said and quickly kissed Phoebe on the cheek.

"I love you, too." Phoebe said.

Piper walked out of the kitchen. Phoebe sat there for a moment. She just couldn't shake that awful feeling.

Across the city two figures sat a table.

"Which one?" One figure said.

"The youngest one. She is the newest to the power." The other said.

"Are you sure, Rafael?" The other said.

"Yeah I'm sure Otto. We will take her out of the picture tonight." Rafael said.

Later that evening once again Rachel and Janna were flying home. Their T-shirts blew in the wind, and Rachel's orb necklace bounced against her chest.

That necklace held the first warlock she had defeated. She hadn't taken it off her neck since that day, about two months ago. Rachel looked at her watch.

"We have one minute." She yelled to Janna.

They reached home just like the night before. The only difference this time was that Jamie was home. The sisters flew in the door with a moment to spare.

They headed straight for the couch. Rachel wore blue flare jeans, a gray T-shirt, and a blue tech vest. Janna wore khaki pants and a blue tank top.

"Hey girls glad to see you made it." Jamie said.

"Very funny." Janna said as they lay in the couch.

"Oh before I forget the Halliwells wanted to see you tonight." Jamie said looking into the fridge.

"About what?" Rachel asked propping her feet up on the table.

"They didn't say, but go over before it gets to late. And Rachel get your feet off the table." Jamie said with her head still in the fridge.

Rachel quickly pulled her feet off the table.

"I think all mom's have a sixth sense." Janna whispered to her.

Rachel giggled.

"I knew I forgot something!" Jamie said.

"What is it?"

"I forgot to get milk after work." Jamie said coming into the living room.

"Bummer." Janna said grabbing a pillow.

Suddenly, Rachel's eyes lit up.

"I can go get it." Rachel asked sitting up.

"No." Jamie said and whirled around. "Absolutely not, nah ah No way."

"Come on mom, its about two blocks away. I will be home in about ten minutes, tops." Rachel said.

"Maybe Janna should go with you." Jamie said.

"I was going over to the Halliwells to see what they want. Plus she's a big girl I'm sure she can take care of herself." Janna said.

Jamie thought for a moment.

"Okay but hurry home." Jamie said.

"Cool thanks mom, I'll be home before you can say, warlock." Rachel said and walked into her room to get her green book bag.

"Don't joke about that." She said pulling some money of her purse.

Rachel took the money and kissed her on the cheek.

"I'm only kidding. Bye mom." Rachel said and walked out into the early twilight.

"Hurry back." Jamie called out.

"Okay mom I'm going over to the Halliwells, to see what's up." Janna said.

"Okay I'll send Rachel over when she's back." Jamie said.

"Thanks Mr. Thomas." Rachel said taking her change, and then she placed the milk in her bag.

"No problem Rachel. Tell your mom I said hi." Mr. Thomas said with a smile.

"I will, see-ya." Rachel said and walked out of the convenience store.

She pulled the bag on her back then began to walk home. She glanced at her watch. Wow I still got five minutes. She thought. She continued to walk when suddenly she heard someone.

"NO! Stay away from me! Help someone! Help!" the woman screamed.

Rachel turned her head to look into an alley. A woman was lying on the ground while a man stood over her.

"You'll pay for what you have done to me." He said and grabbed her forearms.

Quickly, his face transformed into a hideous monster like shape. It hit Rachel like a ton of bricks. He's a warlock. She thought to herself.

"Noooooo!" she screamed and tried to pull away.

But it was no use. The warlock had a grip on the woman's arm like a bear trap. But still she continued to struggle.

Oh my God, what do I do? She thought. Suddenly, something just seemed to snap in her. A little voice in her head told her to go help her. That it was her duty to help this innocent. She had forgotten her own safety and ran for the alley.

"I told you this would work." The warlock whispered to the woman.

"You're a genius Rafael." She said.

"Hey!" Rachel cried.

Both stopped and looked at her.

"Leave her alone!" Rachel said.

"Oh and what if I don't?" Rafael asked.

He stood tall and released the woman. The woman stood up and dusted off her pants. Then quickly she transformed into the tall, dark hair Otto.

"What going on?" Rachel asked backing up.

"Don't you know?" Otto said.

"Know what?"

"You're time on earth is up." Rafael said.

She backed up and glanced behind her.

"You're not gonna take me." Rachel said and turned to run.

"Oh really. Well I have a different idea." Rafael said and quickly moves his hand.

Rachel flew backwards towards Otto. Otto grabbed Rachel's arms and held her tight. He pulled her wrist sharply. She felt an awful pain shot up her arm. She screamed in pain.

"You broke my arm, you jerk!" She said through gritted teeth.

"Oh that's not all the pain you will feel tonight." Rafael said.

Then Rafael raised his fist and punched Rachel in the jaw. She felt as a sledgehammer had hit her. She was too scared to cry for help.

Again and again he raised his fists and struck Rachel's face and stomach. She tried hard to fight it but she couldn't break Otto's grasp. For about three minutes the beating continued. When finally Rachel felt her knees buckled. Otto released her and she fell to the ground. Otto picked up a wooden plank. He smashed it across her back. She didn't move. She was completely numb. They both went to leave the alley.

"Oh one last thing." Otto said pulling her to her knees.

Rachel looked at him through her squinted blood covered eyes.

"We're the last sight you will ever see." Otto said and extended his hands.

A blast of flames shot from his palms. It hit Rachel's chest and she went flying backwards. Amazingly her clothes didn't catch fire. But, she hit a hard concert wall with the back of her head and blacked out. Then she fell to the ground in a heap. Her last thought that ran through her mind was: who's gonna warn the others? Then she sank into a pit of blackness.

"Good job." Rafael said and both men vanished.

A woman walked past the alley on her way home and couldn't help looking in. She was shocked to see a teenage girl's body lying motionless on the ground. She dropped the bags she was holding.

"Someone call 9-1-1! Hurry!" she screamed and ran into the alley to see if she could help.

A few others passing by stopped to help her.

Jamie glanced nervously at her watch. Rachel should have been home twenty minutes ago. She thought. Where the heck can she be? she thought nervously. Suddenly, there is a knock on the front door. She leaped to her feet, hoping to see Rachel on the other side. But her heart sank when she saw a man instead.

"Hello Mrs. Littrell, I'm Inspector Morris." He showed him his badge. "I have some rather bad news to tell you, about your daughter Rachel." He said his face grim.

Jamie's heart sank to her feet.

"What is it?"

"I'm afraid there's been a terrible accident." He said.

"What type of accident?" Jamie said her voice trembling.

"We found you're daughter in an alley near the Fast and Shop. Apparently a couple of people mugged her, and beat her up. She was unconscious when the ambulance came. They've taken her to the hospital, she's pretty bad." He said.

Jamie was to shocked to even speak, she felt as though she was about to faint. She supported herself against the door frame.

"I'll be there in a minute. I have to get my other daughter." She said with tears rolling down her face.

"All right I'll meet you there. She's at San Francisco Memorial. " He said and helped her walk out of the house.

She got to the Halliwells front door and knocked rapidly. After a second Prue answered the door. She looked at Jamie. She could sense something was wrong.

"Jamie, what's wrong?" she asked.

"Where's Janna?" Jamie asked trying to control her tears.

"She's in the kitchen." Prue said shutting the door.

Jamie walked into the kitchen. Piper, Phoebe, and Janna sat laughing around the kitchen table drinking soda. But they stopped the second they saw Jamie. The smiles fell from their faces.

"Jamie what's wrong?" Piper asked.

Janna turned to see her mom in the entryway of the kitchen.

"Come on, all of you, we have to get to the hospital." She said wiping her cheeks.

"Jamie is it…" Phoebe started but dare not finish.

She looked away from Phoebe.

"Mom what's wrong?" Janna asked standing up in a trembling voice.

"There's been an accident. Rachel's hurt really badly. I don't know all the details but we have to leave now." Jamie said.

Piper, Phoebe, and Prue felt a sick feeling rush over them. They were so shocked this was normally a safe neighborhood. Well except for the occasional warlock attack. They ran and got their coats.

"We'll follow you." Phoebe said all most in tears.

Janna and Jamie ran out the front door and got in their car. The three sisters jumped in Piper's jeep and followed the others there. They drove quickly to the San Francisco Memorial Hospital. Inspector Morris stood outside waiting for them. He led them onto the floor where Rachel was. Jamie ran to the front desk.

"I'm looking for my daughter Rachel Littrell." She said placing her hands on the counter.

"She's still being stabilized. We'll call you when you can see her." The receptionist said.

"How is she?" She asked.

"I can't tell you, you'll have to ask the doctor." She said.

"Where can we find the doctor?" Jamie asked.

"You can see him when he's finished with her." She said.

"Can't you tell me anything? This is my daughter we're talking about here!" Jamie said trying to grab the receptionist.

"Come on Jamie." Piper said pulling her away.

"You're lucky they're here." Jamie said.

"Don't make me call security." She said picking up the phone.

"That won't be necessary." Prue said.

They all went over to the waiting room and sat down. Janna placed her head on her mother's shoulder. Prue, Piper, and Phoebe all sat next to each other, holding the others hand. They sat there for about fifteen minutes but it felt like hours.

"Littrell?" the doctor said.

He was a tall grayed hair man with glasses. All five jumped up and the doctor walked over to them.

"I'm doctor Austin." He said.

"How's my daughter?" she asked.

"Well she's in serious condition. But she's stable. It's amazing she's even still alive, she took quite a beating." He glanced at her charts. "She has multiple cuts and bruises. Her right wrist was broken, her back has a large wound across it, almost like she was hit with a piece of plywood, and…" he paused.

"And what?" Prue asked.

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but she's in a coma." He said weakly.

They all gasped and Jamie almost fainted, again. Prue and Piper caught her but had to lock their knees to keep from fainting themselves.

"What do you mean she's in a coma?" Phoebe said.

"She has major head trauma. This may cause some brain damage; we'll know when she wakes up. Which can be days, weeks, months, or even years. It all depends. I'm just sorry we can't do more." Dr. Austin said looking them in the eyes.

Once Jamie regained herself she spoke.

"Can we see her?" Jamie asked.

"Are you all family?" he asked.

Jamie looked at the three.

"Yes, we're all family." She said.

He nodded and put the charts under his arm. He motioned towards the hallway of rooms.

"Follow me. I'll take you to her." He said and began to walk down the corridor.

They all passed the many rooms. Then finally they reached room 234 at the end of the hall.

"Here we are." He said and began to turn the knob.

Rachel jumped up and her eyes shot open.

"Ahhhhhh!" she screamed.

She sat up and looked around.

"What a nightmare!" she said.

She sat in a chair in the corner of the small hospital room. She reached to adjust her necklace. It was gone, so was her backpack.

"Hey where's my stuff?" she said and looked up.

I wonder who's in the bed, and why am I here? she thought.

"I guess I'll see who that is." She said and started to rise from the chair.

Suddenly, the door creaked opened. She sat back down and leaned forward in the chair so she could see who it was at the door.

"You might be shocked at what she looked like. She looks pretty bad." He said.

They all walked in the room. Rachel lay in the bed with her eyes shut. Her battered and bruised body was covered in a pair of hospital pajamas and a blanket. Her face was covered in many bruises and cuts. Her head was bandaged, and rested on a big pillow. Her right wrist lay in a cast by her side, with IVs in the other wrist, dripping a liquid in her body. A mask was over her mouth and nose assisting her to breathe. While all kinds of machines beeped and monitored her heart rate. It was a horrible sight to see.

"Oh my God." They all whispered at the sight of her nearly lifeless body.

"Mom! What are you doing here? Plus why am I here? Please get me outta here. I really, really don't like hospitals." Rachel said and went over to hug her.

Rachel ran right through all of them. She stopped on the other side of them. What just happened here? she thought.

"Can she hear us?" Piper said in tears.

"It is possible but what she needs most are familiar voices. I'll let you spend time with her," he said and left.

A nurse walked into the room and walked towards Jamie.

"She was wearing this when she came in. We thought you might want them." She said and extended her hands.

She held the glass orb necklace and the green book bag. Jamie took them. She opened the bag and pulled out the dented carton of milk.

"This is the reason she went out." She looked at Rachel "I'm the reason she's in here. If I just would have picked up the milk on the way home. Then she wouldn't have gone out. I knew it was unsafe after dark. Why did I ever agree to let her go out?" She said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Jamie don't blame yourself. You couldn't have known this would happen. And don't worry they'll find the jerk who did this." Prue said placing her hands on Jamie's shoulder.

Jamie nodded and turned towards Janna.

"Wear this for her." She said and put the necklace around her neck.

Janna nodded.

They all walked over to the bed. Rachel followed them. She looked at the figure in the bed. She was quite shocked, in fact aghast, at what the figure looked like.

"Oh my God she looks just like me! I've heard of twins but this is ridiculous!" she said jumping back in fear.

Once she had composed herself she went to stand next to her friends.

Jamie grabbed her hand.

"Rachel can you hear me honey?" she said her voice trembling.

"Mom I'm here! Can't you see me? I'm right here!" Rachel said waving her hand in front of her mother's face. "Hel-lo! Earth to mom! Come in Mom!"

Her mother's eyes remained fixed on her in the bed. Then she gently kissed her hand.

"Rach it's me. Come on you're strong you're gonna pull through. I know it." Janna said kneeling down next the bed.

"What's with you guys? I'm right here!" Rachel asked standing next to them.

"We're here too Rachel. Come on sweetheart you have to pull through." Piper said with tears rolling down her face.

Phoebe grabbed her shoulder for support.

"Don't worry she'll make it." Prue said to Jamie.

"I hope your right, Prue." She said looking up at her.

"Guys why can't you see me? I'm right here! Right in front of you. Come on this isn't funny! Stop it will you!" Rachel said and jumped up and down.

They continued to talk to her in the bed. Finally, Rachel couldn't take being ignored. She reached forward to grab Prue's left shoulder.

Her hand passed right through it. Rachel pulled her hand back quickly. She began to panic. She looked over at the figure in the bed. That's me. I'm in the girl in the bed, she thought to herself.

"Am I dead?" she said.

She glanced up at the monitors. It showed she did in fact have a heartbeat.

"God this is a bad dream. It has to be a bad dream. Any second I'll wake up." She said and pinched herself on the cheek. "Ouch! Okaaay I'm not asleep that's for sure." She thought for a second "Wait I've heard of this. I'm not fully dead but I'm not fully alive. I'm stuck somewhere in the middle." She said to herself.

They all sat there for several hours talking to her. All the while Rachel tried to tell them some how she was fine. Finally around ten the Halliwells had to leave.

"Are you coming, Jamie?" Phoebe asked.

"No, I can't leave her. But will you take Janna, and can she stay with you?" Jamie asked taking her eyes off Rachel for the first time they were there.

"Of course." Prue said putting her hand on Janna's shoulder.

Janna stood to leave. Then she ran over to her mom. She hugged her.

"I love you, mom." She said.

"I love you, too" Jamie said.

Janna walked over and squeezed Rachel's hand.

"I love you." Janna said.

Prue, Piper, and Phoebe all kissed Rachel on the cheek.

"We love you too, sweetheart. Get better soon." Phoebe said as they left the room.

Rachel decided to follow them, maybe then she could figure out what's going on. They walked down the hall in silence. She followed right behind them. They all got in the jeep. Janna climbed in the backseat and stared out the window. Rachel sat down next to her. They drove home in silence. When they got out of the car Rachel ran into the living room first.

"There has to be some way I can show them I'm all right." Rachel said looking around.

Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Janna all walked in. They sat down on the couch.

"I feel like I'm going to be sick." Janna said putting her head down.

"We all do." Prue said brushing Janna's hair out of her face.

"I feel so guilty." Phoebe said covering her eyes.


"Cause I could have prevented this. I told you about that feeling I had this morning. If I would have just warned her…"

"Phebes you couldn't have know this would happen." Piper said putting her arm around Phoebe's shoulder.

Rachel felt tears burning in her eyes. And lots of anger building up inside her. Then it exploded in a furious rage.

"Will all of you stop blaming yourselves! You couldn't have done anything to stop this! I made my own decisions and it was my fault!" Rachel said and slammed her fist down on the end table.

The end table shook tremendously, nearly falling over. All four of them jumped and looked around.

"What was that?" Janna said.

"I don't know." Piper said.

Rachel looked at her fist.

"How did I do that?" Rachel said trying to make the table move again.

She swung her fist again and again, but her hand just kept going through it.

"Oh come on, please work! Please!" Rachel said trying several more times.

Suddenly, Kit walked into the room.

"Hey Kit." Janna said picking her up.

Kit purred and rubbed against Janna's chest. Then she turned and looked in Rachel's direction. She took one look at Rachel. She hissed loudly, jumped from Janna's arms, and ran from the room.

"What's wrong, Kit?" Piper said.

"I don't know she just freaked out." Janna said.

"She must be able to see me." She said "Kit get your furry butt back here." Rachel said and ran after her.

Janna stood up.

"I'm going to try to get some sleep." Janna said.

"Okay you can take my room. I'll bunk with Prue." Piper said.

"Why with Prue?" Janna asked.

"Cause Phoebe kicks." Piper said.

Rachel walked back in the room. She had given up on chasing Kit.

Janna gave a weak laugh. Then she walked up the stairs and disappeared onto the second floor. They all looked at each other.

"Poor kid, first her dad now..." Phoebe started.

"Don't talk like that Phoebe. Rachel is going to be fine." Piper said.

"I know that but I feel so helpless." Phoebe said.

"There's not much we can do but hope and pray." Prue said.

Phoebe suddenly went silent.

"What's wrong, Phoebe?" Prue asked.

"I just thought of something."


"By the way Rachel looked no person could have done that." Phoebe said.

"So what are you suggesting? That Rachel got attacked by a warlock?" Prue said.

"It's not like it isn't likely. We have seen warlocks do worst." Phoebe said.

"But why?"

"I don't know why, I just know all warlocks are jerks. And would kill someone for just looking at them wrong." Phoebe said.

"You're right there Phebes." Rachel said out loud.

"Well I'm going to turn in." Prue said.

"Yeah, so will we, I guess." Piper and Phoebe said.

"Guys come on why can't you see me? I'm right here, please hear me. I need to tell you something important." She said and run in front of them. "Stop!" Rachel said.

They all walked right through her. Rachel felt sick to her stomach, and dropped her knees. She sat on the stairs with her face in her arms.

"I wish I could tell you I'm okay." She cried rocking back and forth.

"Why so glum, hun?" a male voice said.

Rachel looked up.

"Who said that?" she said looking around.

Suddenly, a tall, blue eyed, dark hair man stood in front of her.

"Who are you?" Rachel said standing up.

"Oh come on Rach, don't you know your own father?" he said.

Rachel gasped.


"Wow did you grow." He said.

Rachel ran forward and hugged her dad. To her surprise she didn't go through him.

"I saw what happened to you. I'm so sorry." He said with tears forming in his eyes.

"Why are you sorry?" she asked.

"Remember that little voice in your head?" he asked.

She nodded.

"That was me." He said.

She gasped.

"That was you? I thought that didn't really sound like me." Rachel said. "Why are you here?"

"I've been assigned to help someone in trouble. But they didn't tell me it was you. And I understand you want to show some of your friends you're okay." He said.

"Yeah, I need to warn them about something! Do you know how to?" she said.

"Indeed I do. It's a known fact witches can see spirits when the spirit allows them to. But since you're not dead it will be a little difficult. It could take you all night to learn how to make yourself known. But it will probably be worth it." He said with a smile.

"I guess all I got is time." Rachel said.

"Come on the best place to practice is the attic." He said as they both walked up the stairs.

They where up half the night. After hours of practice Rachel learned how to move stuff. By taking all her emotion: love, hate, anger, sadness, happiness, and fear. Then she pushed it down into the pit of her stomach. Then with a little concentration she could essentially move anything. They mostly concentrated on moving the pointer to the spirit board. Rachel, who was quite exhausted, fell asleep on a chair in the attic around eight. Her dad walked down the stairs to see Janna sitting at the kitchen table holding a cup of hot chocolate. She stared in the cup. Never once drinking from it. She looks so miserable, he thought to himself.

"I may regret this but here goes." He said out loud.

He took a deep breath and concentrated real hard. He began to become visible.

"Why so sad?" He said.

"Who said that?" she said and looked up.

"Over here." He said.

She turned her head and her jaw dropped open. Her heart gave a great leap.

"Dad!" she screamed.

Her screamed echoed through the whole house. It woke up everyone in the house and everyone within five miles of the manor. Rachel jumped, flew off her chair, and landed on the floor.

"Oh come on I just went to sleep." Rachel said and rolled on her back.

Janna ran forward and tried to hug her dad. She went through him; it felt as though she had walked through an icy shower.

"I'm sorry sweetheart you can't hug me." He said.

Suddenly, Prue, Piper, and Phoebe came running down the stairs, still in their pajamas.

"Janna what's…" Piper said and looked at Jesse, and quickly backed up. "Who's that?"

"Oh guys this is my dad." She thought for a second "Or my dad's spirit." Janna said.

"Hello, I'm glad to see you're taking care of my little witch." He said walking forward.

They stared at him shocked at first. After a minute of silence Phoebe spoke.

"Hey, it's no problem she's a good kid." Phoebe said.

"Dad what are you doing here?" Janna asked.

"Follow me up to the attic. I have something amazing to show you." He said and began to walk up the stairs.

All of them followed him up the stairs. He drifted through the large wooden door. They opened the door and walked up the stairs. He stood in the middle of the floor.

"Come on get up." He said nudging Rachel's shoulder.

"Umm five more minutes." She said without opening her eyes.

"You guys hear something?" Piper asked.


"Will you get up!" he said.

Rachel just rolled over. Jesse smiled quickly over at them.

"Come on they're up here get up and show them." Jesse said.

"What is he doing?" Phoebe whispered to Prue.

She shrugged her shoulders.

Rachel rolled over and looked up.

"I'm up, I'm up." Rachel said standing up.

"Are you sure you didn't hear something?" Piper asked looking around.

Phoebe felt her sister's forehead.

"No fever." Phoebe said to Prue.

"Are you sure?" Prue said sarcastically.

"Cut it out Phebes." Piper said.

"All right go over to the sprit board." He said. "You too." He said looking at the four.

They walked over to the old wooden sprit board, which was given to them by their mother.

"Okay just like I taught you." He said to Rachel.

Rachel took a deep breath and placed her hand pointer. She concentrated very hard and began to move the pointer.

"Oh my God, not again." Piper said.

Rachel waited for her father to give the signal.

"All right who are you?" he said.

She moved it to the R.

"Quick Phoebe get a pen and paper." Prue said.

Phoebe found a pad and pen and wrote the R down. Rachel slowly moved it to the A, once again she wrote it down. Soon Rachel had gone through the rest of her name. Phoebe gasped.


Phoebe turned the paper around. It read R-A-C-H-E-L.


"She's trapped between worlds. And she desperately needs your help." Jesse said.

"How do we know this is, Rachel?" Janna said.

Suddenly, Rachel cried out in pain and grabbed her chest. Then she collapsed to the ground in a heap.

"Rachel what's wrong?" Jesse said and ran over to her.

"Pain, serve pain. It hurts so much! I think my chest may explode." Rachel gasped gripping her chest. "Please, please make it stop! I can't stand it."

"What's going on?" Prue said.

"I don't know. I've never seen this before." Jesse said kneeing down next to her.

Suddenly, Rachel slowly began to become visible, but they could see through her. She lay on the ground, sweat rolling down her forehead. They all gasped.

"It was really her." Phoebe said.

She looked at them.

"Oh no bad sign you can see me." Rachel gasped.

"What's going on?" Janna asked.

"I think I'm dying. My heart feels like it's on fire." Rachel said.

"No you're not going to die! We won't let you! I just found you, I'm not ready to lose you." Janna said and ran over to her.

"Don't let them get you, too. Protect yourselves or…" She said then faded from view.

"Where'd she go? Is she… please don't even tell us she's…" Piper said.

Suddenly, the phone downstairs rang. Prue ran down the stairs to get it. In a minute she came up the stairs with a grim look on her face.

"Who was it, Prue?" Piper asked.

"That was Jamie." She said.

"What she want?" Phoebe said quietly.

"She said they almost lost her. Her heart stopped and they had to revive her. The doctor thinks there could be more brain damage." Prue said her voice shaky.

Janna hid her face so know one would see her cry.

"Look." Piper said.

They all turned and saw the pointer of the sprit board move. It spelled out I-A-M-O-K-A-Y. Then it stopped moving.

"Dad where is she?" Janna asked.

"She's in the chair by the window. She's pretty weak." He said.

Janna walked over to the chair.

"I wish you could see me." Rachel said.

"She said she wishes you could see her." Jesse said.

Janna kneeled down in front of her. She then set her hand down on the chair.

"Uh Janna."

"Yeah Dad?"

"You may want to get your hand out of her knee." Jesse said.

"Oh sorry Rach." Janna said and pulled her hand back.

Rachel laughed weakly.

"How can we get her back into her body?" Piper asked.

"The only way is if she wakes up from the comma, and she is avenged." Jesse said sitting on the window ledge.

"Yeah but we don't have a clue who did this to her." Prue said.

"But she knows." Janna said looking forward.

"You're right." Jesse said.

"Rachel who did this to you?" Phoebe said.

Rachel looked at them.

"Two warlocks! They attacked me in the alley. I thought I was helping an innocent. I didn't stand a chance. I couldn't run they were so strong!" Rachel shouted. Then she stopped. "Oh wait you can't hear me. Man this sucks! Hold on I'll go over to the spirit board. Just give me a sec, okay?"

Piper stood still.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" Phoebe asked.

"I heard her." She whispered.


"I heard her!" Piper said looking over at Jesse.

"What do you mean you heard her?" Prue asked walking towards Piper.

"No, you think you heard her." Jesse said.

"No, I mean I heard her voice. It was just like she was standing there in front of me." Piper said.

"I've heard of this, but it's very, very rare. Then again the Charmed Ones do a lot of unusual things." Jesse said.

"But why only her?" Janna asked.

"I heard that the one most connected with the person. She must be most connected with Rachel." Jesse said.

"But why me? Rachel is close to all of us." Piper asked.

He thought for a moment.

"Who's known her longest? That's usually the one who can hear her." Jesse said.

"Well that's me I guess, I started watching her when she was two. I meet her, and Jamie the day before she came over and met the other two." Piper said.

"I was downstairs trying to contact you guys last night, after the accident." Rachel said raising from the chair.

"You mean you were the one who nearly knocked over the end table?" Piper said.

"Yeah, that was me." Rachel replied. "But why didn't Piper hear me talk?"

"Well probably because she didn't know your spirit was present in the house. Plus when she heard you, you weren't even trying to contact her. " Jesse said.

"Okay totally unfair you can have a whole conversation, with her. When all we can hear is just Jesse and you." Phoebe said.

"Isn't there some way they could hear her too?" Piper asked looking at the others.

"No, I don't think so. Well I've never heard of a way." Jesse said thinking for a moment.

"I really hate you, Piper." Phoebe said.


"Cause you got this cool new ability and I'm stuck with the same old stuff." Phoebe said.

"I'm sorry Phoebe, I didn't plan to meet her first." Piper said.

"I know." Phoebe said.

"Face it Piper you're the only one who can hear me." Rachel said walking around the room.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Piper said. "Can you do me a favor, Rachel?"


"Can you not talk and walk around at the same time. You're making me dizzy." Piper said sitting in the chair.

"Oops sorry." Rachel said with a giggle.

"Are you sure she's dead? I mean what if…" Otto asked slicking back his brown hair.

"There are no what ifs. There is no way anyone could survive that kind of beating." Rafael said pulling out a crystal orb.

"Yeah but she's a witch. She could have had some kind of invisible protection." Otto said nervously sitting in a chair.

It was later that evening around seven o'clock and Otto and Rafael were sitting in their apartment.

Rafael walked over and pulled another chair over to the table. He set the orb in the middle if the table.

"She didn't or else we wouldn't have been able to harm her at all. So stop worrying about it." Rafael said.

"What's that gonna do?" Otto asked pointing at the orb.

Rafael smiled at him. He then grabbed two candles and placed them on either side. He then looked at his finger and flicked it. A small flame began to glow on the fingertip. He gently touched the wick and the wick began to catch. In an instant he had lit both candles with his fingertip. Than he sat down across from Otto. He looked at Otto with his deep brown eyes, and smiled.

"This will prove it to you she's dead." Rafael said brushing a piece of his blonde hair out of his brown eyes.

Both he and Otto placed their hands on the orb. Slowly a picture began to take shape inside the glass ball.

"Now watch." Rafael said.

"I hope this works." Otto said under his breath.

"Just shut up and watch." Rafael said.

Otto breathed a sigh.

A hospital bed began to form. Next to it a middle-aged woman sat in a chair looking at the figure in the bed. Finally, a teenage girl in the bed began to take shape. Otto's coal black eyes brightened upon realizing who it was.

"You're right I feel better already." He said.

"Shh!" Rafael said.

Quietly, the woman began to speak to the girl. She was trying hard not to cry.

"Rachel, honey, you have to come back to us. To tell you the truth you're the real reason I was born. And don't worry." She said leaning in close to her. "They'll find who did this to you, and make them pay for it. I promise. If not the police then the others. They haven't let me down yet, and they won't now." She said and placed her head next to her on the bed and wept silently.

Then the picture disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

"So that's it. We just put her in the hospital!" Otto exclaimed and stood up.

"Wait we're not done. So sit back down and concentrate." He said and pulled on Otto's sleeve.

Otto reluctantly slumped back down in the chair. Then he placed his hands back on the glassy surface.

Another picture began to form. First a wooden kitchen table began to form. Around it three women, a girl, and a transparent man sat. Between them all lay, on the table, a pad and pencil with an empty chair pulled out. They looked to the space.

"Memorize their faces, Otto. Cause these are the one's we're going after next." Rafael said opening his eyes.

Otto opened his eyes also and studied their faces.

"They don't look so tough." He said shifting in his seat.

"Looks can be deceiving my friend. They don't look tough but they are very powerful. With the youngest one near death, the bond is broken and we can now defeat them easily." Rafael said.

"But…" Otto started.

"They're beginning to talk." Rafael said.

Otto leaned back in his chair.

Suddenly, the figures began to speak.

"Ready?" Janna said.

"So what did these warlocks look like?" Prue asked looking in the direction of the empty space.

"Man they're crazy, there is no one there. Who is she talking to?" Otto asked.

"I don't know, just shut up and listen." Rafael said.

Otto leaned in closer.

Without warning the pencil slowly lifted off the table. The slowly it began to write. Rafael and Otto gasped. Once it was finished the pencil laid back down on the hard wooden surface. Piper took the pad and read it.

"I hope you can read my handwriting." Rachel said propping her elbows up on the table.

"I'm sure they will be able to make it out." Jesse said.

"Both were tall and thin. But one had short blonde hair with brown eyes. The other had brown slicked back hair and black eyes." Piper finished reading.

"Well that helps. There are thousands of guys who look like that." Janna said.

"Yeah but how many of them can transform into a monster?" Phoebe asked.

"With the guys I know, all of them." Rachel said to herself.

Piper and Jesse laughed. Then they looked at the others.

"Never mind." They said together.

"All I know is that we have to catch these two. Before they hurt and innocent or one of us." Prue said looking at the tablet.

"Yeah, but it will take awhile to find them." Janna said.

"But Rachel may not have that much time. You saw she's right on the borderline of life and death." Jesse said sliding the pad over.

Once again the pencil rose and began to write. Phoebe picked it up. She snickered to herself.

"What's it say?"

Phoebe flipped the pad around to show everyone. The read "Don't remind me!" They all laughed a little.

"Right now we have to figure out who these warlocks are." Janna said shifting in her chair.

Suddenly, the picture disappeared from view. Otto grabbed the orb. He roared in anger and threw it out the window. The glass window shattered all over the carpeted floor of the apartment. Then it smashed on the pavement 12 floors down.

"She's still alive! And she still has contact with them!" he cried.

"How can that be? Her spirit can't leave the body unless she's dead!" Rafael said.

"Well obviously hers can. I knew this was going to happen. Something bad always happens, nothing ever goes right." Otto said sitting back down.

"SHUT UP!" he said jumping up, then he sat back down again. "Just shut up a second, okay." Rafael said then went silent for a moment. "We may have to go finish her off in the hospital." Rafael said massaging his temples.

"But first we may have to deal with her friends." Otto said.


"If they find out what we're up to they will try and stop us. But if they are lying flat on their backs, with blank looks on their faces. They won't be able to stop us." Otto said.

"I like the way you think. But how?" Rafael said clasping Otto's shoulder.

"Well it may take us awhile to think of a way to kill them." Otto said.

"But hey all we have is time." Rafael said and blew out the candles.

"So now what?" Phoebe asked propping her head up with her hands.

"Now we try and find these guys." Jesse said.

"But that could take days." Janna said doodling on the tablet.

"And that may be days I don't have." Rachel said to herself.

"That's all we can do." Piper said looking over to the empty space.

"Great!" Rachel said leaning back in the chair. "Wait a second!" Rachel cried and slammed the chair down.

All of them jumped.

"Sorry." Rachel said and jumped up.

She ran from the room and up the wooden staircase.

"Rachel?" Phoebe said.

No answer.

"Okay where'd she go?" Janna asked standing up.

"Just follow me." Jesse said and glided up the stairs.

All of them stood and followed the two "spirits" up the stairs. When they got to the top the stood there. Jesse and Rachel had disappeared.

"Where'd they go?" Janna asked looking in the bedrooms.

"They better of not gone in our rooms." Prue said and shut her bedroom door.

They did a thorough search of the floor. Soon they all stood in front of the attic door.

"It's like they disappeared into thin air." Piper said scratching her head.

Suddenly, Jesse popped his head through the attic door.

"Boo!" he said.

All of them screamed and jumped backwards. They all leaned up against the wall.

"Don't do that!" Janna said grabbing her heart.

"Sorry I couldn't resist." He said laughing.

Then she tried to hit him. But her hand went right through his forehead.

"Sorry honey can't do that anymore." He said and stepped the rest of the way through the door.

"What are you two doing up there?" Phoebe asked straightening up.

Jesse smiled sweetly at them.

"Come on up." He said and once again went back through the old door.

Piper opened the attic door.

"After you, Piper." Janna said motioning up the stairs.

"Chicken." Piper said walking up the attic stairs.

The rest followed at a short distance. When they got to the landing they just stood there stunned. The Book of Shadows' pages was magically flipping by themselves.

"Let me guess." Prue said.

"Hey, I don't know what she's up to." Jesse said defensively.

Suddenly, the pages stopped flipping.

"I found it!" Rachel said stepping back.

"Found what?" Piper asked.

"What'd she find?" Phoebe asked stepping forward.

Rachel looked over at them.

"I found the jerks that attacked me." Rachel said.

Piper looked over at the rest.


"She said she found the warlocks that attacked her." She said.

They all gathered around the podium, and began to read.

"I remembered when you were showing us the Book of Shadows, I saw a type of warlock. It said they were the most powerful warlocks in five generations of warlocks. Every generation is getting stronger. They are called the Firesomes, and I think these are the same two warlocks." Rachel said.

"Well let's see. It says here that they can transform into many forms, move things with their minds, have fire come out of their hands, and blink. Sounds like some great guys to me." Phoebe read.

"That's them all right." Rachel said rolling her eyes.

"Well what do they want?" Janna asked glancing over Piper's shoulder.

"It says that they need to feed off the power of other witches, the more powerful the better, namely us. But they need our spirits because that is were our power is." Phoebe said looking over at her sisters.

"But why'd they attack Rachel?" Janna asked.

They read for another second. Finally, Rachel spotted something that might be useful.

"Here, Piper read this." Rachel said and pointed at a paragraph on the opposite page.

"Read what? I can't see where you are pointing." Piper said looking up.

"Sorry I keep forgetting." Rachel said pulling her hand back.

"Right here." Jesse said pointing to the exact same spot as Rachel was just a second ago.

They all glanced over to where Jesse's index finger rested. Piper began to read it out loud.

"But if a group of five witches forms a tight bond, they will be one of the most powerful groups. Without all five the bond is broken, and they cannot defeat the Firesomes. But if all remain close. The bond they will override the demons." Piper read.

"So that's why they attacked Rach. To break the bond between us." Janna said.

"But they planned to kill her, not just put her in a coma. But what they really didn't plan was, that she still has contact with us." Prue said.

"But the question is do her powers still work?" Jesse asked looking over at Rachel.

"I don't know, that really hasn't been on my mind. I guess I didn't think I could still do it. I mean I could hardly do it when I was conscious." Rachel said stepping back from the group.

"Well couldn't you try?" Piper said.

"Yeah come on Rach! Without you we're dead." Janna said.

"You're our only hope." Phoebe said.

"But what if I can't? What if my powers only work if I'm in my body? Dad do you still have yours?" Rachel said sitting down.

"No, I lost mine when I crossed over. But I'm completely dead, you are only about half way." Jesse said.

"So I should be able to use my power?" she said.

"Yeah you should." He said.

"Okay I'll try. I'm going for a dog." Rachel said.

"Just like moving things, hun. Take those emotions and push them down deep into your stomach. Then concentrate with all your might and let 'em rip." Jesse said.

Rachel thought hard about everything that made her mad, sad, happy, love, and hate. She began to think about how the dog would look, act like, and move. Nothing happened. She looked up.

"I can't do it." Rachel said.

"What do you mean you can't do it?" Jesse said.

"I mean I can't do it! I did what I normally do and it won't work." Rachel said walking across the attic.

"Well maybe you're not trying hard enough." He said.

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe you're not doing what you're normally doing." Jesse said.

"Jesse give her a break. I'm sure she's trying her hardest." Prue said.

"Hey, this is between her and me." He said towards Prue.

"Dad don't talk to them like that." Rachel said.

"What did you say?" he said.

"You heard me." She said glaring at him.

He glared back.

"But dad what are you getting at?" Rachel said.

"Maybe you aren't using you're power to your potential. I know you to well…"

"Stop right there! You don't know a thing about me, you were gone my whole life. So don't say you know me! Cause you don't! And you never will! You weren't there for me, and frankly I don't care anymore!" Rachel said and kicked the chair.

The chair flew across the room and smashed on the wall. It smashed into a million pieces. Everyone jumped back.

"Now you see why I never make her mad." Janna whispered to Phoebe.

"Yeah, don't mess with her." Phoebe whispered to Janna.

"Leave me alone! I don't want to talk to you. Sorry about the chair, guys." Rachel said looking back, then glided quickly through the door.

Then a moment later she popped her head back through the door's surface.

"If I could I'd slam this door!" she said and vanished.

Jesse turned around to face the others. They all were staring at him.

"What?" he said angrily.

"Nice going dad." Janna said under her breath.

"You know what Janna I don't want to hear it!" he said and turned towards the pile of splintered chair. "I can't believe the way she acted after all the things I did for her." Jesse said and then disappeared into thin air.

"Great now we're spiritless, and so screwed." Phoebe said and shut the book.

An hour later Rachel was walking down the long corridor to her hospital room. She had no idea how to open the door. She gritted her teeth.

"Looks like I have to go through it. I really hate doing this." She said stepping backwards.

She didn't like the way it felt, almost like she was becoming part of the door. But she did it as quickly as possible. The only problem her foot got caught on the other the side of the door. She yanked with all her might, but her foot remained stuck on something.

"Oh come on! What's the deal here? I'm suppose to be a sprit." Rachel said pulling on her leg.

Her foot remained tightly stuck.

"LET GO!" she cried.

Finally, her foot slipped loose and she ended up face down on the floor. She stood up and dusted off herself.

"Well one advantage of being a spirit, is you don't get hurt, if you fall. Now why'd my foot get stuck? " Rachel said inspecting her foot.

It appeared to be the same as it all was.

She then looked up. She saw a sight that nearly broke her heart. There sat her mom next to her bed. She was nearly asleep and was supporting her head up with her hand. Her eyes were fluttering open and close. Rachel walked over and sat on the bed. She looked at her mom. Jamie's eyes had completely closed. Get some sleep mom, it's gonna be a long night, she thought to herself. Rachel then looked at herself in the bed. It made her hurt all over.

"God I look awful!" Rachel said looking away.

She looked back at her mom in the chair. She felt a lump form in her throat. She swallowed hard.

"Don't worry mom, I'm not going to leave you. Not now or hopefully not anytime soon. I'll come back to you anytime now. We just have to take care of a little personal business." Rachel said.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Jamie's eyes shot open. She looked quickly at Rachel, just to check and see if she was awake yet. Once she saw she was still out, she turned to the door.

"Come in." Jamie yawned.

The door slowly opened. Dr. Austin walked in with Rachel's charts. Rachel turned her head and listened in on the conversation.

"Oh hello Dr. Austin." Jamie said.

"Hello Ms. Littrell, you still here?" He said looking surprised.

"Yeah I can't leave her side." She said looking back at Rachel.

"Well she appears to making good progress." He said looking over her charts. "Why don't you go get something to eat?"

"No, even with the good progress I can't leave her. What if she wakes up?" Jamie said.

"Well how about something to drink? The soda machine is right down the hall." He said motioning towards the door.

Jamie looked at Rachel, she'd only be gone a second.

"I think you're right. Could you stay with her while I'm gone?" Jamie said grabbing her purse.

"Of course I will. Take your time." He said walking over next to Rachel's bed.

Jamie stood and walked out of the door. Dr. Austin waited till she left the room. He then went over to the door and shut it.

"What is he doing?" Rachel said to herself.

He walked back to her bedside. And quickly looked around, then he glanced in the corner.

"Come on out. She's finally gone." He said.

Suddenly, Otto appeared in the corner of the room. Rachel gasped and jumped off the bed. She realized this wasn't Dr. Austin, it was the other warlock.

"You two!" she screamed.

"Well Rafael I think we did a pretty good job on her." Otto said looking over to the bed. "So we gonna kill her now?" he asked moving his hands close to her neck.

Rafael grabbed his hand.

"No, her mom will be back any second. I think we should do a surprise visit tomorrow evening. Till then we'll wait at the apartment." Rafael said.

"Yeah, but what will we do with her mom?" Otto said.

"We'll decide when the time occurs. But you know what I'm thinking." Rafael said looking at Rachel's body.

"Indeed I do." Otto said giving a low raspy laugh.

"You're not going to touch her! You want me, you got me. Leave my mom out of this! " Rachel shouted and dove at Rafael.

She flew right at him and through the door. She hit the floor and slid up against the wall.

"Ouch." she said.

She lay on the floor in the hallway, listening to them.

"Then after the brat is gone. We'll go finish off the rest of the witches." Otto said.

"I gotta warn them." Rachel said to herself.

She looked down the hallway and saw her mom come into view. Hurry mom, she thought. Jamie was walking at a slow pace. Come on mom now is not the time to slow down. Move your butt! Thought Rachel jumping up. Rachel ran through the door but now her leg got stuck from the shin down. She angrily pulled and her leg slipped loose, again.

"What is going on with me getting stuck?" She said.

Then it hit her. She must slowly be coming out of the coma, which means she didn't have that much time left. Suddenly, the door opened and Jamie began to walk in. Otto noticed her and blinked away. Upon seeing that her mom would be fine she ran from the room.

"So how long do you think they'll be gone?" Janna asked.

"I don't know they were both pretty pissed when they left." Prue said.

They all were sitting in the attic reading from the Book of Shadows. It had been at least two hours since Rachel and Jesse stormed off. It didn't seem like they were coming back anytime soon.

"I think they just need to blow off some steam." Piper said.

"I hope you're right, cause were screwed with out her." Prue said.

Rachel came running up the stairs to the attic. She tried to jump through the door. Then maybe she wouldn't get stuck. She was caught mid jump and fell to the floor. Her leg was now stuck from the knee down. Rachel stood up the best she could. Then she grabbed her leg and pulled. It wasn't budging; it was getting less and less smooth going through anything. She was beginning to get very mad.


Her leg slipped loose and she went flying into a pile of boxes. The boxes all fell around her and on top of her. And made a very loud noise. Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Janna all jumped.

"Oh my God what the heck was that?" Janna asked.

"Finally." Rachel said sitting up. "It's happening faster than I thought."

"She's back." Piper said to the others.

"Rachel where are you?" Janna asked.

"I'm under the boxes. I'll be over in a second." Rachel said throwing a box off her.

Rachel got up and ran over to the podium.

"I need paper and a pencil. Quickly!" Rachel said leaning her hands against it.

"Where's the pad and pencil?" Piper asked looking around.

"It's over there by the spirit board." Phoebe said looking over her shoulder.

Piper walked over and picked up the paper. She walked back and gave it to Rachel.

"Here Rachel." Piper said setting it down.

Rachel picked up the pencil and began to write. After a minute or two the pencil came to rest. Prue picked it up.

"It says I went to the hospital. I was seeing myself when Dr. Austin came in to check on me. He told Mom that she could go get something to drink. She left and when she did one of the warlocks showed up. That's when I realized that Dr. Austin was an imposter, the other warlock. They said they were going to try and finish maybe mom and me off tomorrow evening. Then they're coming after you." Prue paused.

"Oh no we're running out of time." Janna said.

"Wait there's more." Prue said. "She thinks she's coming out of the coma."

"But that's good news. Then she will be able to use her power." Janna said looking up.

"No that's not good news, because she's not going to able to move in the hospital, when she wakes up. We need her spirit more than her body." Phoebe said.

"But I still don't know who to use my power." Rachel said sitting down on the window ledge.

"Don't worry Rachel. I'm sure you can figure it out." Piper said looking to where Rachel's voice was coming from.

"But what if I can't, huh? What if I can't, then you'll all die and it will be totally my fault." She said placing her head in her hands.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm sure you can do it." Piper said reassuringly.

"I don't know, but what I know is I need help." Rachel said putting her head down.

"Does someone here need some help?" A voice said.

Suddenly, Jesse appeared in front of them all. They all jumped back.

"He has to stop doing that." Phoebe whispered to Prue.

"I know." Prue whispered back.

"Dad." Rachel and Janna both said together.

"We thought you were never coming back. You looked pretty mad." Janna said.

"Well, I'm here and I heard what you were saying. And I'm back to help. I'm sorry I freaked out on you earlier. I just don't want to lose you or any of you." Jesse said looking over at the other. "I'm sorry and now it's time you learned to kick some demon asses, okay?" He said walking over to her and sat down next to her.

"Thanks dad." Rachel whispered.

"Well, I think we should start with using you're power. It may take all night but we have to get it done. Or else you're all doomed." Jesse said looking at the other.

"No pressure huh, Dad?" Rachel said standing up and with a little laugh.

"All right one more time." Jesse said unbuttoning his top button of his shirt.

"Okay dad what time is it?" Rachel said sitting down.

She looked at a clock. It was now two in the morning. Rachel looked around. Prue had fallen asleep in an old chair. Janna was asleep on the window ledge. Piper and Phoebe were both asleep on a couch. They had fallen asleep hours ago. But Rachel and Jess were still awake, and very miserably. They had been working on Rachel's power for the past four hours.

"I'm sorry dad this is taking so long." Rachel said running her fingers through her hair.

"It's fine I know you're trying your best." Jesse said sitting down.

"Okay I'll try again." Rachel said standing up.

"All right I want you to take everything I taught you and concentrate." Jesse said leaning back.

"All right here goes." Rachel said.

She began to concentrate. Come on work, she thought to herself. Nothing happened, just like the other fifty zillion time. She stomped her foot.

"Aaaaaah! This is so frustrating!" she said angrily.

Suddenly, she felt her eyes twitch. She rubbed them. I must be getting tired, she thought. She turned towards her father. He looked over at her. Jesse's jaw dropped and he gasped as looked at her. He began to walk forward towards her.


He was silent.

"What?! What are you staring at? I hate when people stare at me." She said looking at him.

"You're eyes." He said.

"What about them?" she whispered.

"Look at them in the mirror over there. They look like dog's eyes." He said pointing to a large mirror.

Rachel looked into the old mirror in the corner; they were now ice blue and dog like. She rubbed and blinked her eyes to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

"Oh my God! They look like Ice's eyes." Rachel said looking at herself."How'd I do that?"

"I don't know." Jesse said sitting back down.

Then he thought for a second.

"Wait I have an idea." Jesse said and stood up.



"Are you sure?"

"Only one way to find out. Think about the warlocks who did this to you. Think about them hurting your friends or worst you're mother. Then they leave you all by yourself. " Jesse said leaning in close towards Rachel's face.

Rachel felt this anger building up inside her. She felt as if she were going to explode.

"They won't touch them! I won't let them hurt them. Even if they have to kill me." She said.

"Use the anger." He whispered.

"I'm trying." She said with her eyes shut.

"Come on you can do it, honey." Jesse said rooting her one.

Work, please work, she thought.

Suddenly, she felt her body shift. She dropped to her hands and knees. She looked down at her hands, they looked like paws. White and gray fur began to grow over her whole body. Her ears grew and stuck up. He nose grew into a snout, with little whiskers. And finally she felt her tail grow. She looked behind her and saw it. Rachel wagged it happily. She stood up on all fours. Then she let out a long howl. It had worked, she was a husky. But not just any husky, Ian's dog Ice.

"She did it!" Jesse whispered

Rachel looked at him and changed back.

"All right! I did it!" she said jumping into the air.

"Yahoo! You did it!" Jesse yelled, ran over, and hugged her.

Piper's, Prue's, Phoebe's, and Janna's eyes all shot open.

"What… what's going on?" Janna said nearly falling off the ledge.

"What'd she do?" Piper asked pushing Phoebe's head off her shoulder.

"She did it! She transformed. I knew you could do it, Kido." Jesse said still hugging her.

Rachel playfully let out a long howl.

"All right Rachel!" Janna said.

"Hey, we knew you could do it, Rach." Prue said.

"If I wasn't a spirit I'd hug you all. And dad don't call me Kido, okay?" Rachel said releasing her grip on her father.

She dropped to her knees.

"Are you okay?" he said.

"Whoa, I don't feel to good." Rachel said laying her head down on the floor.

"That's normal, it's like when you used your power for the first time. It takes time to get use to it." Jesse said helping her up.

Rachel stood on her two feet.

"Okay, that feels a little better." She said fixing her hair.

"So any clue how to destroy them?" Jesse said looking over at the others.

Phoebe stood and opened the book.

"I think we may have found it." Phoebe said.

Everyone gathered around her and the podium. Phoebe read.

"We have to create the bond between us. And recite: This bond is now and here. It will never disappear. Hear our words and listen to our call. The evils' reign will fall. Banish them forever, where they can hurt an innocent never."

"Okay the chant will be easy. But that creating a bond thing. How are we supposed to form it? We can't touch Rachel." Janna said.

"Oh no." Rachel said.

"I didn't like the way that sounded, Rachel." Piper said looking next to her.

"I think she knows what she'll have to do." Jesse said.


"I… uh… I have to enter one of you." Rachel said looking away.

"What?" Piper asked.

"What'd she say Piper?" Janna asked.

"You don't want to know." She said. "What do you mean you have to enter one of us?"

"I mean one of you has to let my spirit enter your body." Rachel said.

"Piper, what's she saying?" Phoebe asked.

"She said one of us has to let her enter our body." Piper said looking down.


"Sound like that would hurt." Janna said.

"It doesn't hurt, but you'll be happy to know it can't be one of you." Jesse said.


"Cause when a spirit enters the body the person will lose the ability to control themselves." Jesse said.

"Kinda like Piper with the Wendigo." Janna said.

"Or Phoebe with the Woogeyman." Rachel said.

"Why did we ever tell them that?" Piper said.

Phoebe shrugged her shoulders.

"Seemed like a good idea at the time."

"Exactly, but with Rachel entering the body, her powers will block out the others." Jesse said sitting down.

They thought for second.

"So, she has to get a mortal." Janna said.

"Right again, Janna. I seen you and Rachel have been taught well." Jesse said looking at the Halliwells.

"Okay dad stop flirting, with the Charmed Ones. We need to get to work. Incase you forgot two warlocks are plotting to kill us in 14 hours." Rachel said.

Piper tried not to laugh.

"I'm not flirting." He whispered sharply.

"Dad I'm 15, I think I know flirting when I see it." She said with a giggle.

"Okay, now what time are these two showing up at the hospital?" Jesse said.

"I don't know, except it's in the evening." Rachel said.

"All right we'll just have to stay there all afternoon." Piper said.

"Oh no."


"I have to work today." Prue said.

"Well can't you call in sick or something? This is really important." Janna said sitting up.

"I don't know. Jack will flip if I miss another day because of "family problems"." Prue said.

"Oh come on Prue! What's more important? Us all dying or you losing your job?!" Rachel said jumping up.

"Well Rachel I wish it was that…" she stopped.

"Wait did you just answer me?" Rachel asked.

"I think I did." Prue said.

"Great now you can hear her. I really don't like you two." Phoebe said.

"Hey, don't feel bad Phebes. I can't hear her either." Janna said looking over at her.

"You're coming out of the coma quicker than I thought." Jesse said looking over at Rachel.

"How much time is left?" Janna asked.

"I don't know." Jess said.

"Wait here's a way to find out." Rachel said and stood up.

"What are you going to do?" Piper asked backing up.

"I'm gonna run through the door." Rachel said backing up.

"You're gonna what?" Prue said.

"I'm gonna run through the door, if I get stuck I'll know how far out of it I am." Rachel said.

"But you could get hurt." Jesse said.

"No I won't. Besides spirits can't get hurt," she said looking over at him.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay I can't stop you. Janna, Phoebe you might want to move." Jesse said.

They moved backwards.

"Here goes nothing." Rachel said.

She ran forward towards the door. Rachel leaped and slammed into it. The she made a loud thud and the door shook violently. She slid down the wood surface and onto the ground.

"Ohh! That's gotta hurt." Jesse said wincing.

"I didn't like the way that sounded." Janna said to Phoebe.

"I didn't either." She said back.

"So much for spirits not getting hurt." Rachel whispered.

"Rachel what happened? What was that noise?" Prue said.

There was no answer.

"Rachel? Answer us." Piper said.

Jesse walked over to her.

"That really hurt." Rachel said lying face down on the floor.

"Oh my God is she okay?" Piper asked walking forward a bit.

"I think so. She didn't make it through the door. I think she's out cold." Jesse said picking her up. "Rachel wake up. Come on Kido, wake up." he said tapping her cheek.

She opened her eyes.

"Her eyes are open." He said.


"Hello Mr. Thomas, which way to the cereal aisle? I promised mom to pick up some." she said and shut her eyes again.

"She's gone again." Jesse said placing her arm around his shoulders.

"Not good."

Piper walked over to her. She opened her eyes.

"Her eyes are open again." He said.

"Okay, sweetheart how many fingers?" she said holding up three fingers.

She focused her eyes at Piper's hand. She slowly counted the fingers in her mind.

"Six." She said and dropped her head to her chest.

"Close enough." Piper said.

"Okay, I think we'll let you rest awhile." He said laying her down on the old couch.

He picked her head up and slid a pillow underneath it.

"Just rest." He whispered.

He guided the others over to the podium.

"Will she be okay?" Phoebe said.

"Sure she just needs a little rest." Jesse said.

"So how much longer till she's awake from the coma?" Janna asked.

"Well…" he said glancing over his shoulder, "She's moving a lot quicker than I thought. But she should stay in this stage for about 24 hours. Then it's only a matter of hours before she wakes up. Now I think we should all get some sleep. We have to be prepared to kick some demon butt tomorrow."

"I think you're right, Jesse. Come on lets go downstairs." Phoebe said.

"But what about her?" Piper said motioning towards the couch.

"Don't worry I'll keep an eye on her." Jesse said crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Okay, night Jesse." Prue said.

"Night guys." He said and sat down in the chair.

The morning sun shown through the attic windows, crept across the attic floor, and onto Rachel's face. She opened her eyes, stretched, and yawned.

"Oh my head hurts." She said touching a tender spot.

She placed her head back down. Then she glanced over at Jesse sleeping on the window ledge. Not wanting to wake him up, she rose silently. I think I'll go downstairs, she thought. She walked to the door, not remembering much about last night; she persisted on gliding through the door. Her head bounced off it.

"Oh yeah, now how do I open the door?" she said scratching her hair.

She heard a noise made by her father. She turned her head. Jesse had changed position.

"I'm just gonna try it the old fashion way." She whispered.

She placed her hand on the brass knob. She slowly turned the doorknob. The door squeaked open. Jesse grunted and propped his feet up on the chair.

"Shh!" she whispered to the door.

Rachel wiped her brow and breathed a sigh of relief. She slowly walked out into the hallway and shut the door behind her. She quietly walked down the hallway looking in each of the bedrooms. All four of them were still sound asleep. Rachel walked down the stairs and into the living room. Kit lay on the couch basking in the sun. I wonder if she still can see me, she thought. Well I better find out. Rachel slowly crouched down on the ground.

"Hey Kit, here kitty, kitty." She said tapping her thigh.

Kit's ears poked up and she picked her head up. She turned her gaze towards Rachel's general direction. Kit stared at Rachel with her icy blue eyes. It made Rachel shiver. She meowed at her. I think she can see me, she thought.

"Here Kit, come on kitty." Rachel said tapping the floor.

Kit gingerly leaped off the couch and walked over to Rachel. She purred and rubbed her head against Rachel's shins.

"Well at least you can see me. I don't know how much longer I can take not being seen." She said to Kit.

Kit looked up at her and meowed. The she sauntered away and jumped back up on the couch. Then she laid back down in the sunlight.

Rachel had to laugh to herself.

"Typical cat." Rachel whispered shaking her head.

Suddenly, Rachel heard footsteps from above. They moved back and forth across the ceiling. Then there were some mumbles. The steps began to move faster and frantically. What the heck is going on up there, she thought looking at the ceiling.

"Rachel where are you?!" Jesse shouted.

"Dad, chill I'm down here!" Rachel shouted up the stairs.

Jesse suddenly appeared down the stairs. He ran forward and embraced her.

"I'm so glad you're okay. When I woke up and you were gone, I panicked. I thought that maybe they had gotten you in the night." He said holding her tight.

She tried to talk but her face was buried in his chest. She quickly tapped him in the arm.


"Air!" she gasped.

He released her and she took in several deep breaths. Jesse put his hand on her back.

"Sorry." He said and smiled at her.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the others run down the stairs, still in their pajamas. They stopped at the bottom and looked at Jesse and Rachel.

"Thank God you found her." Phoebe said.

"It's okay I just came downstairs to see Kit. Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Rachel said.

They nodded and walked over to Jesse.

"So do you think that we'll be able to kill these two?" Janna asked.

"I think that we will. But first Rachel needs to find a mortal to use as her body." Jesse said looking over towards Rachel.

"I think I may have found me "new" body." Rachel said smiling.


"Oh, I'll tell you when the time comes." Rachel said looking away from his gaze.

Prue glanced at her watch.

"It's 7:15 I'll be really late if I don't go now. I better call and tell Jack I'll be a little late." She said turning towards the stairs.

She picked up her cell phone, and dialed

"I'll handle this." Janna said to the other. "Rachel I need you to help me."

"You got it." Rachel said.

Janna looked at Piper. She nodded her head.

"Hi, yes may I please speak to Jack? Thanks." Prue said.

Janna walked up behind her. She quickly grabbed Prue's phone from her.

"Hey." She said and tried to grab it back.

She tried to step forward but found she couldn't.

"What the hell?" she said.

"Hi Prue." Rachel whispered in her ear.

"Rachel, will you let go of me." Prue said.

"Not till we're finished." Rachel said holding her shoulders. "Now watch."

Janna cleared her throat and held the phone up to her ear.

"Hello?" Jack said.

"Hi Jack its Prue." Janna said in Prue's voice.

"I always knew that her power would come in handy." Rachel said.

"What's up Prue?" he said.

"I hate to tell you this but I can't make it into the office today." Janna said.

Jack groaned.

"What's it now, Prue? More "family problems"?" he said.

"No I uh I caught the flu that's going around. So I can't make it today or maybe not even tomorrow." Janna said.

"What? One day is enough." Prue yelled.

"Keep quiet, you'll spoil it." Piper said placing her hand over Prue's mouth.

"Who was that?" Jack asked.

"Oh that was just Phoebe. Shut up Phoebe I'm on the phone!" she yelled.

"Are you sure you're sick? You sound fine to me." Jack said running his fingers through his blonde streaked hair.

"Well Jack do you want me to come in, possible give you the flu, have you get sick, and then you have to stay at home for the next three days, and worst miss the Anderson meeting?" Janna said.

"No, no I believe you. Hope you feel better Prue. See-ya later." Jack said.

"Bye Jack." She said and disconnected.

Rachel released Prue's shoulders.

"Bravo! Encore!" Rachel said clapping her hands.

"Excellent job, Janna. Done like a true master." Jesse said beaming with pride.

"Thank you." Janna said bowing. "Well Prue I guess you're free for the next two days. So how 'bout you come to the hospital with us?"

"I can't believe you did that." Prue said crossing her arms. "Where'd you two learn to be so sneaky?"

Janna and Rachel looked over at Phoebe. Prue looked over at her.


"What? I can't help that they picked that up. It just kinda happened." Phoebe said.

"All right you made your point. I'll come this afternoon." Prue said.

"Great, now what do we do till then?" Janna asked.

"Well Rachel could practice entering a mortal." He said. "Which one of you wants to be her test body?" he asked.

"Uh I was thinking more along the lines of a movie." Janna said backing up.

Around five in the evening, when all six of them were walking down the hallway towards Rachel's room. Piper knocked gently on the door.

"Come in." Jamie said.

"All right we understand what we're going to say?" Prue said.

"I think we're as ready as we're gonna be." Phoebe said.

"And remember don't mention anything about me. It's going to be hard enough, just trying to convince her Rachel's here. If necessary I'll make myself present." Jesse said.

"I said come in." Jamie said.

Piper turned the knob and opened the door. They all walked into the room. Jamie looked up.

"Hey guys." She said and stood up.

She walked over and hugged them all, except Rachel and Jesse. She looked at Janna

"You just missed the group." She said.

Janna nodded.

"How is she?" Piper asked.

They looked over at Rachel's body.

"It makes me hurt all over to see you like that." Jesse said to Rachel.

"Don't worry dad I can't feel any of it." Rachel whispered back.

"Well the doctor says she's doing better. Her cuts and bruises are starting to heal a little, but her head trauma is still so bad. That they still don't know if she'll make it." Jamie said biting her bottom lip.

"Hey dad look over there." Rachel said pointing towards her mom.


"So what do you see?" she said smiling

"Your mom, what else? Why? What do you see?" he said.

"I see my new body." Rachel said.

"Excellent choice, my dear." He said wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"Mom, Rachel is going to be fine." Janna said placing her hands on Jamie's shoulders.

"I'm glad to you have so much faith in her recovery. But we still got a long road ahead of us." Jamie said placing her hand over Janna's hand.

"I actually think she will be awake before tomorrow." She said.

Jamie turned her head.

"What makes you think that?" she asked.

"Mom this may be a little hard to believe but Rachel has contact with us." Janna said.


"It's true Jamie she has come to us to ask her for help. Piper and Prue can even talk to her." Phoebe said.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you saying this?" Jamie asked.

"Cause it's true, Rachel is going to be all right. She has contacted us and told us that two warlocks attacked her. She's right here…" Piper said.

"Stop!" Jamie said jumping out of her chair. "Stop I don't want to hear anymore." Jamie grabbed Janna.

"Wait, we can prove she is really here." Prue said turning. "Rachel go move that chair against the wall."

"Yes mam'." Rachel said saluting Prue.

Rachel walked over to the chair and pushed it slowly across the room. It bumped against the wall then she sat down in it.


"Wait, Prue did it." Jamie said. "You have the power of telekinesis. You moved that chair. Trying to trick me."

"Jamie believe us, why would we make this up? We love Rachel like she was our sister." Phoebe said.

"Get out! Get out all three of you. Don't come near me or my daughters." Jamie said blocking their view of Rachel's body.

"But Jamie…"

"Out!" she said pointing towards the door.

"Mom they're telling the truth." Janna said.

"Shh! They have you under some spell. I knew it was a bad idea for you to see them." Jamie said.

"Wait!" Rachel said jumping up. "I have an idea."

"What is it?" Piper asked.

"What are you doing?" Jamie asked.

"I'm talking to Rachel." Piper said.

"I thought I asked you to leave?" Jamie asked pointing towards the door.

"Mom give them a chance to prove this." Janna pleaded.

Jamie thought for a second.

"All right one chance, and if I don't believe Rachel's spirit is present. Then you are never to come near us ever again." Jamie said.

Prue, Piper, and Phoebe all looked at each other. They seemed to speak to each other in their minds.

"All right we agree." Piper said. "Rachel you better make this good. Or we'll never be able to see you again."

"Hang on I think I may have thought of something good." Rachel said.

Piper and Prue were silent for a moment or two.


"Okay Jamie, Rachel told us something that only you and her know about. Try and remember this day. It happened when she was six. It was a beautiful spring day. You decided to take her to the park to spend the day together. While you were there a magician was performing. Rachel begged you to let her watch. You agreed and you two spent the next hour watching this guy do tricks. She was so excited that she wished that she could magic. You pulled her aside and said what to her?" Prue said.

Jamie felt tears well up in her eyes. She looked over at her in the bed.

"What did you say, Jamie? Piper asked.

"I said that you don't know, maybe you will be able to, someday. The reason why is that you are a very special girl, who is full of surprises." Jamie said sitting down on the bed. "Oh my God you do have contact with her. I never spoke of that day to anyone."

"Now do you believe us?" Janna asked.

"How could I have ever of doubted you?" Jamie said.

"It is pretty hard to believe. But you just have to learn to have some faith in us." Piper said.

"Is she okay?" Jamie asked regaining herself.

"She's fine. She just want our help to help her get back into her body." Prue said.

"And we need her to help defeat the two who did this to her." Janna said.

"What? You mean warlocks did this to her?" Jamie asked surprised.

They nodded.


"Okay here goes nothing." Piper said.

It took them nearly fifteen minutes to explain everything. All the while Rachel was on the look out for Otto and Rafael.

"But how can she help you defeat them? I mean look at her." Jamie said looking over at her daughter.

"I guess you could say she needs a body to enter." Phoebe said.

"And I want my mom." Rachel said jumping in on the conversation.


"I want my mom to be my new body, it's seems only right." Rachel said.

"What is she saying?" Jamie asked.

"She says she wants to us your body to help with the spell." Prue put simply.

"What?" Jamie said in disbelief.

"Well think about it Jamie. She needs a mortal to enter or else she'll cancel out the other's powers. That's why she wants you." Piper said sitting next to her on the bed.

"I don't know has she ever done it before?" she asked looking at the others.

"Well not exactly." Phoebe said.

"What's not exactly? Either she did or she didn't" Jamie said.

"She can go through doors, or at least she could." Janna asked.

"You see she can't go through doors anymore, because she's coming out of the coma." Phoebe said.

"She is?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah, she should be awake before tomorrow at least she should be." Phoebe said.

"Okay what will I have to do to help her?" Jamie asked.

"First, of all we have to take you to our house." Piper said.

"What? I can't leave her if these two are still trying to kill her." Jamie said.

"Jamie don't worry. They only want to be where her spirit is. That's were our power is located…" Prue said.

Suddenly, Jesse crumpled to the floor.

"Dad!" Rachel yelled and ran over to his side.

Piper and Prue went silent.

"Rachel what's going on?" Piper asked.

"Something happened to dad. He collapsed, Dad wake up!" Rachel said pulling on his arm.

Jesse slowly opened his eyes, and looked at her.

"I think they're close. I can feel them." Jesse said.

"They're coming!" Rachel said to the others.

"Jamie they're right outside. Just act like nothing is wrong." Phoebe said leading Jamie to the chair. "We'll hide in here and take them by surprise."

They all went and hid in the bathroom. Jesse remained motionless on the floor.

"Come on Dad get up, we need you more than ever." Rachel said trying to help him to his feet.

"No sweetheart, my time is up." He said.


"I did what I was sent to do. Now that I did that, it is time for me to go back to the other side." He said.

"No, dad we need you. You can't go yet." Rachel said holding him.

"Rachel look inside yourself. You all need is what you have inside yourselves. You don't need me anymore." Jesse said.

"But Dad I'll never see you again." Rachel said near tears.

"Oh yes you will. I never actually leave you. That's the trouble with humans. Once someone dies they think that they are gone forever. They never leave. And plus I'll see you on the other side. But not for a long, long time." Jesse said.

"I love you, Dad." Rachel whispered.

"I love you, too Kido." He said.

Rachel laughed.

"I thought I asked you to not call me Kido." She said.

"I know I just did it to annoy you. See- ya." He said and disappeared from her arms.

She got up and wiped her eyes. She then walked over to the bathroom door.

"Piper, Prue he's gone. You better tell Janna." Rachel said through the door.

There was a series of mumbles then they went silent. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Jamie turned around and took a deep breath.

"Come in." she said her voice shaking.

The door slowly opened the door. Dr. Austin and a young man walked in. The young man had light blonde hair, and blue green eyes. Man why do you have to be a warlock? You are so hot! Rachel thought in her mind. She stood behind the men, never once taking her eyes off of them. She turned her head to see the bathroom door open a crack, and a brown eye staring out. She moved towards the door.

"I'm right behind them. So don't sneak up behind them, cause you'll run into me." Rachel said looking back at the doctors.

The eye moved up and down with the nodding head.

"Ah Ms. Littrell, how are you?" he said with a smile.

"Hello Dr. Austin." Jamie said not looking him directly in the eyes.

His smile faded.

"This is my new assistant Dr. Cole. He will be helping me with your daughter's care." He said motioning towards him.

"Hello Ms. Littrell, I'm truly sorry about your daughter." Dr. Cole said shaking his hand.

"Yes, aren't we all." Jamie said reluctantly shaking his hand.

He pulled his hand back and placed it in his pocket. Dr. Austin looked at Rachel's charts. He shook his head sadly.

"I'm sorry Ms. Littrell but I don't think your daughter will make it till morning." He said grimly.

"What?" Jamie asked surprise.

"We have some rather bad news. We have located those people who did this to her." Dr. Cole said walking over to the door.

Rachel quickly got out of his way. If he ran into her it blow their cover.

"That's great news." Jamie said smiling.

He quickly turned the silver knob and locked the door.

"Why'd you do that?" Jamie asked standing up.

"Just a precaution my dear. Incase these two want to come and finish the job." He said and walked back.

"But why'd you lock yourselves in here with me?" Jamie said eyeing the bathroom door.

"Well, if you must know. We are not really doctors." Dr. Austin said.

Jamie backed up and blocked her daughter's body. They glanced around her. An evil grin spread across both of their faces.

"Who are you? What do you want with us?" She demanded backing up to the edge of the bed.

Dr. Austin and Dr. Cole both put their heads down. A second later the looked up to reveal what they really looked like.

"You're…you're warlocks!" Jamie said jumping back in fear.

"Oh you are so quick!" Rafael said.

"You did this to her!" Jamie shouted.

"Right again." Otto said.

"Why did you do this to her?" Jamie asked.

"Well it is to late to explain that. We are just here to finish the job, and claim her soul." Otto said.

"You will take her over my dead body." Jamie said sitting on the bed.

"That can easily be arranged." Rafael said advancing forward.

"Not if I can help it, you jerk." Rachel said and jumped forward.

She landed on his shoulders and pulled his hair out of his scalp.

"Ouch! Man what's this?! Ouch! Let go of me!" He said and tried to shake her off, but she held on tight. She wasn't giving up without a hard fight, "Otto get her!"

Otto began to walk forward, when the bathroom door flew open.

"Not so fast!" Piper said and flung her hands forward.

Otto, Rafael, and Jamie froze on the spot. Frozen in the same expression on their face. Once Rachel realized that it was safe, she slide off his shoulders.

"Piper can you just unfreeze my mom? I have a plan." Rachel said.

"Yeah, just give me a second." Piper said and walked forward.

She stood in front of her and slowly moved her hand. Jamie suddenly unfroze.

"What happened?" Jamie asked looking over at the frozen warlocks.

"I froze them, come on we don't that much time." Piper said pulling Jamie to her feet.

"What are we going to do?" Jamie asked.

"Don't worry I have a plan." Rachel said.

"Well let's hear it, Rach." Prue said looking in her general direction.

"I'm gonna try and enter mom. But I need you tell her a few things." Rachel said standing next to her mom.

"All right."

"Tell mom to think about me and about times we had together." Rachel paused for Prue to relay the message. "Now close her eyes and picture me entering her." Jamie did so, "And with that here goes nothing." Rachel said and took a step forward.

Her legs melted into her mom's legs. Jamie shifted uncomfortably.

"Jamie hold those thoughts, don't pay any attention to her." Prue said.

"Hurry they could unfreeze any second." Janna said glancing nervously at Otto and Rafael.

Rachel melted more with her mother. She was now more than half way.

"One more second." Rachel said and slid the rest of the way in.

Jamie remained motionless in front of them.

"Jamie?" Phoebe asked advancing forward.

Jamie eyes flashed open and she looked cautiously round the room.

She looked over at Piper and Prue.

"Testing one two, testing. Can you guys hear me?" Rachel said.

They all stared at her in amazement.

"Loud and clear, Rachel. You even have the same voice." Piper said.

"It is really you." Janna said.

"All right, Piper, unfreeze them." Rachel said.


"Trust me, okay." Rachel said and walked back in front of Otto.

"I trust you, it's them I don't trust." Piper said.

Piper sighed and reluctantly unfroze them.

Otto was about to grab her throat.

"Stop right there, buddy." Rachel said.

He and Rafael stopped dead in their tracks.

"It's the kid." Otto whispered.

"My spirit is no longer in my body. It's in here now." Rachel said tapping her mother's chest. "So catch me if you can."

"Oh we will, you can count on that." Rafael said.

Piper froze them again.

"Now what?"

"We head back to the manor, they're bound to follow us. Remember they follow where ever the spirit goes." Rachel said unlocking the door.

"Yeah, but how do we know they won't kill you here? It's to risky leaving your body unprotected. You're a sitting target for them." Phoebe said.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take." Rachel said stepping into the hallway.

"But…" Janna started.

"But nothing. I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you guys. You all mean the world to me, and if it means losing my life to save yours then so be it. And if that is my destiny in life, to save you all. I'm willing to accept that. " Rachel said and looked down the hallway. "Are you coming?"

They all looked nervously at each other. Then Janna was the one who spoke first.

"I'm with you Rachel." She said stepping forward.

"Right behind ya." Phoebe said.

"Count me in." Piper said.

"Don't try leaving me out." Prue said.

"Thanks guys." Rachel said smiling.

They all walked out of the hospital and drove back to the manor. Suddenly, Rafael and Otto unfroze and looked around.

"Where'd they go?" Otto asked.

"They probably went back to their house. And they are just waiting for us to come and catch her." Rafael said looking at Rachel's body.

"How 'bout we just kill her?" Otto said.

"No, if we kill her we lose her power, as well as her spirit." Rafael said.

"So when should we go claim our reward?" Otto asked.

"We will go when they least expect it." Rafael said.

Rachel glanced up at the old grandfather clock. It was quarter to ten. She sighed.

"Man when are they coming? I don't know how much longer I can stay in mom." Rachel said pacing back and forth.

"They are probably trying to catch us off guard." Janna said.

"You're probably right, they will probably going to come when they think we are asleep." Phoebe said.

She looked over at her still pacing. If she kept pacing she would ware a rut in the floorboards. Phoebe grabbed her by the shoulders to stop her.

"Will you stop that, you're driving me nuts!" Phoebe said.

Suddenly, Phoebe went stiff and went into a premonition. She saw Prue glance up at the grandfather clock. It read ten o'clock. Suddenly, the warlocks appear in front of them. Jamie (Rachel) and the rest of them ran in the attic. Janna quickly shut the door. Then she joined the rest in helping them look for the spell. Suddenly, the door flew open and the two warlocks stood in the doorway. Rafael and Otto walked forward and in one swift movement killed them all. Phoebe came out it and looked around.

"Phebes what's wrong?" Piper asked touching her sister's shoulder.

"I had a premonition, the warlocks killed us." Phoebe said.


"They appeared and when we went to cast the spell they killed us." Phoebe said.

"Did you happen to see when they attack? That is really important." Rachel asked.

"I think the clock said ten." Phoebe said.

"Are you sure?" Janna asked.

"Yeah, I'm 99% sure. It was ten o'clock." Phoebe said.

"All right, we need to be ready. They'll be here in five minutes." Prue said.

Rachel looked at herself in the mirror. It was still a little weird seeing her fifteen-year-old spirit in her mother's thirty five-year-old body. She looked away.

"I hope I'll be able to see me in my body again. Not mom's." Rachel said sitting down on the couch.

"Don't worry Rachel, just think in a matter of hours you'll be back in your body." Janna said sitting next to her.

"Hopefully." Rachel said and stood up.

Just then Kit walked up to her and rubbed against her leg. Rachel bent down to pet her. Suddenly, Kit hissed and ran from the room.

"What's with her?" Piper asked.

"I'll go get her." Rachel said and walked into the dark kitchen.

She looked around on the floor. She couldn't find her anywhere.

"Here kitty, kitty. Come on Kit." Rachel said kneeling under the table. "Where the heck are you, you stupid cat?"

"Hello Rachel." A low deep voice said.

Rachel jumped banging her head off the table. She stood up and looked behind her. There stood Rafael and Otto. She backed against the table. She tried to warn the others, but she couldn't scream. She felt the same fear wash over her like in the alley.

"Surprise." Otto said. "What not happy to see us?" he said with an evil laugh.

"Come to me." Rafael said and motioned to himself.

Rachel felt an invisible force drag her towards him. She tried to brace her feet against something. But the tile floor was to slick, and she continued to slide forward.

"Don't try to fight it, you can't win." He whispered.

Finally, Rachel flew into his arms. He pulled her arms behind her back, and covered her mouth. They turned and began to walk to where the others were. Piper heard the footsteps. She began to walk towards the kitchen.


Suddenly, out of the darkness appeared the three shapes. She screamed and jumped back. They all huddled in a group in the middle of the room.

"Well hello again." Otto said.

"What do you want here?" Prue asked.

"Oh nothing much… just your souls." Rafael said.

"Sorry pal I'm kinda attached to mine." Phoebe said.

"Oh well we'll start with yours." He said looking deep into Rachel's eyes.

Her eyes grew wide with fear.

"Let her go." Piper said.

"Not till we're finished." Otto said and leaned in towards Rachel's face.

"Rachel hang on." Prue shouted.

"Huh?" Rachel mumbled.

Before the warlocks could do anything, Prue casts her hands forward. Hurling all three across the room. The hit the wall, then the floor, and lay there. Rachel struggled to her feet. She was a little dizzy. Janna ran across the room and grabbed her by the arm.

"Come on! Move it!" she said and pulled her towards the stairs.

Rachel and Janna ran faster and faster up the stairs. The others were already up there.

"Come on! Hurry!" Piper said and pulled them both into the attic.

Janna slammed the door behind them and locked it. They ran over to The Book of Shadows, and began franticly flipping the pages. They couldn't find the page about the Firesome.

"Where the hell is it?!" Prue asked.

"I remember, right after the Wendigo." Rachel said looking over her shoulder.

She heard the footsteps getting louder.

"Hurry they're coming!" she said stopping on a page.

They had found it, and with a second to spare.

"Quick form the bond." Phoebe said and they all formed hands around the podium.

The attic door flew open, and two very ticked off warlocks walked in.

"Show's over!" Rafael said.

"For you, it is!" Rachel said.

Otto and Rafael walked forward.

"Now!" Piper yelled.

They read.

"This bond is now and here. It will never disappear. Hear our words and listen to our call. The evils' reign will fall. Banish them forever, where they can hurt an innocent never!"

A cloud of gray smoke began to form at the warlocks' feet.

"What's this? I'm being held to the floor." Rafael said tying to step back.

"I'm stuck!" Otto said.

"Try harder to break the hold." Rafael said.

But they appeared to be stuck to the floor. The witches continued to read faster and stronger.

"This bond is now and here. It will never disappear. Hear our words and listen to our call. The evils' reign will fall. Banish them forever, where they can hurt a innocent never!"

"Nooooooo!" Both men shouted as they began to sink into the smoke.

"This isn't over, far from it! There will be more of us. Your future generations will never be safe. We get stronger every generation." Rafael said and sank into nothingness.

They stopped and looked at each other.

"They're gone?" Rachel asked.

"They're gone." Piper said with a smile.

"It feels like a load has been lifted off me chest. Finally, those two will hurt no one again." Rachel said looking out the window.

Suddenly, she dropped to her knees. The others ran over to her.

"Rachel hey you, okay?" Prue asked helping her up.

She looked at her.

"Prue are you okay? You just called me Rachel." She said.

"Jamie? Is that you?" Piper asked.

"Yeah, who else would it be?" Jamie asked looking at everyone.

"Where'd Rachel go?" Janna ask.

"I felt her leave me body. But I don't know where she could be." Jamie asked.

Suddenly, they felt a cool breeze blow past them all. They looked at each other.

"We have to get to the hospital, now." Jamie said.

They all ran the stairs and out to Piper's jeep. In ten minutes they were pulling into the hospital parking lot. They ran to the floor to see doctors and nurses running in and out of Rachel's room.

"Oh my God what if?" Jamie whispered.

"Don't even think that Jamie." Phoebe said as they rushed forward.

The recipient blocked their way.

"Ms. Littrell, we've been trying to reach you." She said.

"Why? What wrong?" Jamie asked.

Suddenly, the real Dr. Austin walked forward. He had a broad grin on his face.

"She's awake." He said.

"What?" Jamie said her heart giving a great leap.

"She just woke up." He said still smiling.

Everyone felt tears of joy rush into their eyes. Jamie turned to the Halliwells.

"Thank you." She said and hugged them.

"For what?" Prue asked.

"I think you know what I mean." Jamie asked.

"Pardon me, would you like to see her." Dr. Austin said.

"Of course." Jamie said with joyful tears streaming down her cheeks.

Dr. Austin led them into the room.

"She's still a little groggy." He said adjusting his glasses.

There was Rachel still lying in the bed. When she heard the footsteps she turned her head. Her face still was covered in cuts and bruises but they were staring to heal. Her breathing mask was off and instead she had on an oxygen tube. She smiled at them.

"Hi everyone." She said her voice a little scratchy.

That's when the tears started to flow heavily. Rachel even felt her own eyes burn with tears. Jamie walked over to her.

"Hi, sweetheart." Jamie said gently kissing her forehead.

"Hey mom, miss me?" Rachel said jokingly.

"Oh you better believe, Rachel." Jamie said wiping tears away from Rachel's cheek, then she grabbing her left hand.

Rachel looked around her mother. Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Janna stood back by the wall with Dr. Austin.

"Why are you guys hanging back? Afraid you're gonna pull something out or something? Get over here." Rachel said waving her broken hand.

They all walked forward. Then they all kissed her on the forehead.

"So how you feeling?" Piper asked wiping the tears off her cheeks.

"Really, really sore." Rachel said shifting.

She winced.

"No, no don't move if you don't have to." Jamie said placing her hand on her forehead.

Rachel laid back and took a deep breath. Then she looked at her friends.

"Was it a dream?" she asked quietly.

"No, it wasn't." Prue said stroking Rachel's hair.

"I just wanted to be sure they were gone." Rachel said.

"Don't worry honey, they're gone for good." Phoebe said.

"Well, Dr. Austin is there any brain damage." Jamie asked cautiously.

He looked over her charts, as everyone held their breath. He looked up.

"You'll be happy to know we could find no signs brain damage. She's going to make a full recovery." He said with a smile.

"Oh thank God." Jamie said letting her breath out.

"Dr. Austin can I go home now? I really, really hate hospitals." Rachel asked looking over at him.

He laughed a little.

"No, I'm afraid you're going to be in here for about another two weeks." He said.

Rachel groaned loudly.

"I'll leave you alone." Dr. Austin said and turned to leave.

"Wait." Jamie said and walked over to him.

She hugged him.

"Thank you, for everything." She said.

"No problem." He said and opened the door. "I'll be in to check on you later."

"See-ya doc." Rachel said waving her hand."So no brain damage, huh?"

"No more then what you originally had." Janna said.

"That was so mean." Jamie said.

But everyone couldn't help laughing.

"If I could I would get out of this bed and smack you." Rachel said trying to rise from the bed.

Her mother pushed her back down on the bed.

"Don't make me have to get them to restrain you. Or get them to put a spell on you." Jamie said smiling as she looked over at the Halliwells.

"We'll do it, too." Phoebe said jokingly.

"All right I'll behave." Rachel said laughing.

"You better." Piper said smiling.

"Hey do you know what today is?" Jamie said looking up.


"It's you're 15th birthday." Jamie said.

"That's right, I forgot totally." Rachel said.

"This is a twist." Piper said.

"What do you mean?" Rachel asked.

"We got the present instead of you." Phoebe added.


"Having you come back to us." Jamie said.


"It has to be the best present ever given to any of us." Prue said.

Janna nodded her head in agreement.

The next two weeks were happier. Rachel continued to get stronger and her injuries began to heal. All the while she was never alone. If her mom wasn't there one of the Halliwell sisters was there. And of course Janna was never far behind. Finally the day came when Rachel could go home.

Jamie glanced over at Rachel in the passenger seat. Her face was better and most of the cuts and bruises were gone. Just a few small ones remained. And of course her wrist was still in the cast. It would be about two more weeks before it was going to be taken off.

"I'm so glad to have you home." She said.

"Me too, I glad to get out of that hospital." Rachel said as they pulled into their driveway.

They got out of the car and walked up to the door. Jamie unlocked the door.

"After you." Jamie said stepping aside.

Rachel walked in first.


Rachel jumped back in shock. She looked back in and saw her living-room decorated. Then she saw Janna, Prue, Piper, and Phoebe all standing there.

"Oh my God!" Rachel said covering her mouth.

"Welcome home, sweetheart." Piper said as she hugged her.

"Thanks everyone." Rachel said as she hugged them all.

"I believe this is yours." Janna said placing the orb necklace around Rachel's neck.

"Thanks for taking such good care of it." Rachel said looking at it.

"All right I propose a toast." Jamie said handing out cups of Pepsi.

Everyone took a plastic cup.

"A toast to everyone who helped make my little girl better." Jamie said hugging Rachel.

"Oh mom! Come on not in front of my friends." Rachel said rolling her eyes.

"You mean family." Janna said as the all tapped their glasses.

"Wait I have one." Rachel said.

"Let's hear it." Piper said.

"To Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Janna. For helping me kick some true demon butt, and helping me get back in my body. I owe you my life." Rachel said. "And to someone special, I know you're listening. Thanks for everything. "

They all drank, and then sat on the sofa.

"Oh no, I juts remembered something." Janna said.


"Rachel, I think we have a big problem." Janna said.

"What kind of problem?" Rachel asked.

"One that can't be fixed by witchcraft." Janna said.

"I don't like the way that sounds." Jamie asked.

"Well what is it?" Rachel asked.

"To some people it is a simple task, to others it is a matter of life and death…"

"Tell me it, already!" Rachel said jumping up.

"Its called High School." Janna said calmly.

"No not that, anything but that!" Rachel said pretending to faint.

"Hey, one word of advice." Piper said.

"What?" Rachel and Janna said looking over at her.

"If you can survive High School. You can survive any warlock." Piper said.

"No warlocks for me, for awhile at least." Rachel said. "But just remember the power of six is the perfect mix."

"Power of six?" Janna asked.

"Don't forget mom." Rachel said.

"Hey, I'm not going to do that again for a long time, trust me." Jamie said.

"Oh well life goes on." Rachel said.

"I'll toast to that!" Jamie said raising her glass. "To life." Jamie said.

"To life." The other echoed.

"To friends and family, wherever they are." Rachel said smiling.

"To friend and family." They echoed.

They all tapped their glasses together. The bond between these five witches will never be broken. For the power of friendship is so much stronger, then any evil power.