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Pardon My Past, But Different

by Brianna

AUTHOR'S NOTE: All of the characters are from the show. Charmed is by an Aaron Spelling production and the show belongs to WB but the story is mine.

It was Wednesday January 22, 2000. Piper and Prue threw a party. "We should do this more often, don't ya think?" Prue said. "Yeah except next time maybe we can cut the guest list by one." Piper says while looking at Leo. "Piper, I had to invite Leo when I went to P3 to get the stuff he was there and he knew we were throwing a party. I feel bad for him he doesn't know anybody and it's not like there's a fallen white lighter support group to join." "Prue, I'm not upset with you, I'm upset with the whole situation." "I'm glad Leo's here but don't you think he might feel a bit awkward with Dan here." Piper said. "Trust me Piper I don't think Leo is feeling awkward with Dan." Prue said looking at Dan and Leo talking. "Hey guys do think you could keep it down I'm studying my Phobias" Phoebe asked. Prue and Piper and exchanged strange looks and then they look at Phoebe. "To learn about. Agoraphobia, claustrophobia, xenophobia..." Phoebe exclaimed. "RELAXaphobia," Prue Interrupted. "Cute," Phoebe said looking a bit annoyed. "Just trying to help," Prue says grinning. "You can help by keeping it down." Phoebe said. "Okay Pheebs, the party is breaking up anyway." Piper said. "Thank you," Phoebe said as blowing Piper and Prue a kiss. The party broke up. Phoebe heard fighting noises down stairs. She ran down stairs but she was still hearing the noises but nobody was there so she went farther into the living room and something flipped her over. Prue, Piper, Leo and Dan heard a big thump then they all ran in the house and saw Phoebe lying on her side passed out. "Phoebe!" Prue said with a worried tone in her voice Phoebe got up slowly. "What happened?" Piper asked. "I don't know, but I wanna find out." Piper and Prue helped Phoebe over to the couch. "Is there anything we can do?" Leo asked. "An Advil and a glass of water wouldn't do any harm" Phoebe replied. "Ok," Leo said as going into the kitchen. "Your lucky you know you could've really hurt yourself falling like that." Dan said. Leo came back into the living room and handed Phoebe the Advil and glass of water. "Thanks," Phoebe said. "No problem," Leo said. "Maybe we should let Pheebs get some rest, huh." Prue said hinting to Piper to escort Dan out. "Right. I'll walk you out." Piper said walking Dan to the door. "Leo, you coming?" Dan asked. "No, Leo has to stay here and take glasses back to P3," Phoebe said. "At this hour?" Dan asked. "I'm a tough boss," Piper said. Piper kissed Dan good bye and as soon as he left Piper asked, "Okay what really happened?" "Well I heard fighting noises and I came downstairs to see what was going on but there was nobody there so I went further into this room and something invisible flipped me over by the arm." "A ghost?" Prue asked. "If it were a ghost I would've been able to see it," Phoebe replied. "True," Piper said.

Friday at P3. "No more attacks after I left?" Leo asked. "Nope Prue and I took turns watching her all night," Piper said. "Oh that's good." Leo said. "Wait a minute I know that tone of voice. What do you know?" Piper said. "Nothing just..." Leo says. "Just what? Come on Leo if this has anything to do with Phoebe..." Piper said. "It may not, I don't know. I stayed up all last night trying to recall a similar case a different White lighter had with one of their charges and it had to do with past lives." Leo said. "And what's frustrating is I have no way of finding out more." "You miss being a white lighter don't you?" Piper asked. "At times like this I do, when I know I can help and also when I think that we'll never be together." Leo said. They looked deep into each others eyes. Then Piper leaned over the bar and gave him a passionate kiss a couple of seconds later he put his hands on her waist and pulled her over the bar without breaking the kiss. They just stood there and passionately kissed for a minute when they did break the kiss Leo said, "May I have this Dance?" Leo said turning on stereo the song playing was "Dreaming of You" by Selena. "Sure," Piper said smiling they danced. Near the end of the song Prue and Phoebe came in and saw them dancing. "Oh, Hey Pheebs, Prue." Piper said just noticing they were there. "Hey Piper, Leo." Phoebe walked over to the stereo "Oh, Selena I love her it's too bad she's dead." Phoebe said looking at the CD case. "Well we're here for demons we found the spell, questions later. "Hello witches, ex-white lighter." "Anton." Phoebe said. "Ah, you've done research," Anton said. Phoebe handed Prue and Piper a piece of paper. "Ready, Now!" Phoebe said.

Evil warlock in my sight
I vanquish thy self
I vanquish thy might
in this and every life

Evil warlock in my sight
I vanquish thy self
I vanquish thy might
in this and every life

Evil Warlock in my sight
I vanquish thy self
I vanquish thy might
in this and every life

The warlock exploded. "So why did you get flipped?" Piper asked. "I don't know." Phoebe replied. "Well then how did you get the spell?" Leo asked. "Grams." "Piper, if you and Leo are getting back together you gotta talk to Dan." Phoebe said. "I know."