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Thy Will Be Done

by Chuck

DISCLAIMER: All characters belong to their respective creators. The characters: Astire Demon, Imp, Darkwing, Serena Sutherland are my creation and fictional. Any connection to real people, living or dead, is coincidental.

The scene is dank and dark, it seems like a bottomless pit and the smell of sulfur is in the air. Steam is rising and it's very thick. Through the steam, figures can be seen, but it looks like they are out of focus. In the distance, you can hear many different voices screaming and crying out in agony. Finally, we are able to make out two figures clearly. They are dressed in robes that are blood red. Their features are angular and dark, as if they are always covered in shadows. Wings are growing from their backs, but instead of Angelic white, they are raven black. The conversation is as follows:

Imp: Darkwing, I have news!

Darkwing: What is it, Imp?

Imp: The appointed time is coming soon! Within two days, the planets will be clustered together, which will mark the beginning of the end times, and open the door that we've been locked behind!

Darkwing: The time that we've been waiting for. Excellent. Those stupid mortals above us have always come to see the landmark of the San Andreas Fault. Little do they know that it is actually a hell-mouth. A doorway to Earth from Hell. Once the time is right and the cosmic energies are in place, the mouth will open and allow us above ground. We, the Fallen Angels, will be one of the many armies Satan unleashes upon the Earth to claim souls for him. Fallen Angels, demons, vampires and every other creature under his control will be set free at last. Perpetual darkness will fall on Earth. And mortals will fall to their knees! Let the signs start! Come, Imp! We must prepare.

The scene changes and we are now on a college campus. Students run back and forth to class and the main quad is full of students relaxing between classes. Near the center of the group, two normal looking (but special) girls are talking.

Willow: So Buff, will you be telling me of the latest romantic adventures of Buffy and Riley, defenders of innocence?

Buffy: Willow, I wish there was a story to tell.

Willow: Oh no! Have the fireworks of romance dulled to the sparklers of mediocrity already?

Buffy: Well, I'm not quite sure what that means, but we've just been apart too much to get down to business, so to speak. We're both students carrying a full load of classes. He has a job, and I patrol every night, so just when are we supposed to have... you know... fireworks?

Willow: I hear you. I haven't had... you know... fireworks since Oz left for parts unknown.

Buffy: Maybe we need to hook up with some demons. Xander's been getting... fireworks since he and Anya became an item.

Willow: How weird is that? She used to be a revenge demon, now that she's been stripped of her powers, she's Xanders girlfriend.

Buffy: Have you seen Xander lately?

Willow: Not as much as I used to. He's been busy with his new job at the post office sorting mail.

Scene changes to Xander sorting mail, but you still hear Buffy & Willow

Willow: Are you ok, Buffy?

Buffy: Yeah, it's just that my patrols at night have been quiet lately. Too quiet. I know I'm acting paranoid, but it's almost like it's the calm before the storm.

Close-up to Xander's hand as he sorts his last piece of mail. It is addressed to a Phoebe Halliwell.

Scene change again, we are at the apartment of Cordelia Chase, one time friend of Buffy, and current employee of Angel. She is examining herself closely in a mirror.

Cordelia: I can't believe the way that I look. If my old high-school crowd could see me, they'd say I look almost as bad as Buffy! My hair is a mess, I'm pale from lack of sun, dark circles under my eyes, is there some kind of law that states if you work for a vampire you have to start looking like one? I really need to catch up on my beauty sleep. It's always more important to look good than feel good! Shoot, I forgot Angel's coming over to review some cases with me later. This crime-fighting avenging Angel stuff is starting to take over my life! Oh, well. I'll leave him a message to just let himself in and wake me when he gets here.

Cordelia gets into bed. Later that day, as we see Angel making his way to her apartment, we see Phoebe at home with Piper.

Piper: Hey Pheebs, what are you doing home so early? I thought you had classes until later this evening.

Phoebe: Hey sis, my last two classes of the afternoon got canceled. Lucky me, huh?

Piper: Was it luck or was know luck?

Phoebe: Hey, I follow the rules of wicca. No personal gain spells. It was just fate, not magic, that my classes are done early for the day. Speaking of done early for the day, why aren't you at P3 getting ready for your next big night.

Piper: Everything is in place and ready to go. I hope that my concert goes off without a hitch.

Scene change to Cordelia's apartment. She is tossing and turning in bed. She's having a vision of six people standing in two circles. One has a pentagram, and Willow, Anya and Tara are in it. The second has design she's not familiar with, a circle with a three pointed design, and three women she doesn't know are in it.

Phoebe: Speaking of hitched, when will we be hearing wedding bells for you and Leo?

Piper: Don't you think it's a little soon for you to be anticipating a wedding when we've just started seeing each other again? We've just begun to date. Don't make me banish you from my private life.

Phoebe tosses a throw pillow at Piper, who promptly freezes it, grabs it and tosses it back at Phoebe. Meanwhile, Angel has reached Cordelia's apartment and lets himself in. He can hear Cordelia moaning and talking in her sleep as she watches her vision. Back at the Halliwell house, the mailman approaches the door, with a letter for Phoebe.

Piper: Speaking of early, the mail man is here already.

Phoebe: I'll get it. I'm expecting a letter.

Phoebe gets the letter, that was handled by Xander, and receives a vision. She sees herself, her sisters and a group of people she doesn't know battling monsters. While this is happening, Angel is trying to wake Cordelia, who is still dreaming of the six women in the two circles, being defended by Buffy and her friends, chanting a spell. They both snap out of it at the same time.

Phoebe: Whoa!

Piper: Are you ok? What did you see?

Phoebe: I think it was the end of the world.

Cut to Angel and Cordelia

Angel: Cordelia, wake up!

Cordelia: Oh my God. Angel , we've got trouble.

Angel: What did you dream?

Cordelia: I think it was the end of the world.

Angel: What do you mean, the end of the world?

Cordelia: Am I mumbling or speaking a foreign language? I mean what I said. I think I saw the end of the world. In my dream, there were all sorts if icky monsters and demons. Probably former friends of yours. Anyway, they were gonna take us over, but we were fighting them.

Angel: Who's we?

Cordelia: That's the funny part. I saw the two of us, Giles, Willow, Buffy, Xander and Anya, but there were four other people I didn't know in the dream. They were helping. But you woke me up before the vision finished, so I don't know if we were successful.

Angel: I've heard enough. Get dressed, we've got things to do.

Cordelia: Off to save the world?

Angel: Off to find Giles and Buffy. If you saw them in the dream, chances are they may already know about what's going to happen and we can get answers from them. I've got a feeling we can only get those answers in Sunnydale.

Back to the Halliwell house

Prue: OK, I got here as quick as I could. What's the big deal.

Piper: Phoebe thinks...

Phoebe: Phoebe KNOWS!

Piper: Phoebe knows she saw the end of the world in a vision she had about 20 minutes ago.

Prue: Wow. That's a big deal. Ok. So what did you actually see in the vision?

Phoebe: We're fighting our way to a big open field. Demons, vampires, and some type of winged monsters are after the three of us and a group of people we don't know. In the background, the ground is shaking and opening up, releasing demons upon the world.

Prue: Sounds like Piper's last date with Leo.

Piper: Very funny.

Phoebe: Look, let's take this seriously. This vision was very frightening! It was much clearer, more vivid, more realistic than any other vision I've had. This is really bad news.

Prue: Ok Phoebe. Look, let's go upstairs and consult the Book of Shadows. Maybe we can find some answers or spells there that can shed some light on this situation.

The sisters start to go upstairs when suddenly, the house begins to shake. The Halliwells run to the nearest doorway and hold on. At the same time, Angel and Cordelia are trying to drive to Sunnydale, and pull to the side of the road. An earthquake is threatening to toss their car off the road. At college, Buffy and Willow try to find some shelter in their dorm room. Back at the Halliwell house

Phoebe: So... lucky coincidence that we had an earthquake the same day as my vision, or scary moment?

Piper: Scary moment. Definitely a scary moment.

Prue: Well, we know that something is going on, so let's get to the Book and hope we can do something to stop it.

Later that afternoon, at Giles' apartment, we see Buffy, and the crew.

Giles: I'm glad that you're all here. We have something to discuss.

Xander: Great. I still haven't recovered from the earth deciding to toss me around like a salad this afternoon, now I'll have to hear about some demon mess we have to clean up.

Buffy: Well, I can only speak for myself, but I was starting to get bored. It's been quiet lately.

Giles: I pray that you will stay bored Buffy, but I don't think that will happen. I have a friend who is a seismologist. She gave me some special information on today's earthquake.

Buffy: Well Giles, spill the beans.

Giles: My friend tells me that there were no warnings or before-shocks that occurred. Also, there were no aftershocks either. It's probable that the earthquake wasn't natural.

Buffy: Giles, how can you say that? People have been talking for years that California would slip into the sea during some big earthquake. I'm sure that it's nothing more than that.

Angel: Then you would be wrong.

Everyone turns to see Angel and Cordelia standing in the doorway of the apartment.

Giles: Angelus

Buffy: Angel..?

Cordelia: Look, there's no time for happy reunions. We all need to hear what Giles is saying.

Giles: What do you know about this?

Cordelia: I had a vision about the end of the world. We were all trying to stop it. I don't know if we were successful.

Buffy: Of course we were. That's what we do best. Save the world.

Giles: Buffy, this is no time for you to be flippant. I suggest we all put our heads together and see if we can figure out what is going on.

Back at hell

Imp: That earthquake was impressive Darkwing.

Darkwing: Yes Imp, and it's one of the two signs of the coming battle for the earth. The second is the planets' convergence tonight. Once that takes place, we will be able to leave this plane of existence and go above ground. The earth will be ours in hours!

Back at Giles' apartment

Anya: I'm bored here Xander. Isn't there something else we can do?

Xander: Like what?

Anya: We could have sex.

Xander: Um.... I think the state of the world is more important.

Buffy: Do you think you can keep your libidos in check long enough to find the info we need?

Willow: Buff's right. Don't make me come over and spank you now.

Anya: Oh! Spanking! Xander and I tried spanking last night!

Xander: Anya!

Cordelia: I always knew you had a little freaky side Xander.

Giles: Everyone please. Enough of the tom-foolery. We must concentrate and locate a solution to this problem. Has anyone found anything yet?

Angel: I think I just did.

Buffy: What did you find?

Angel: This book has something. It's written by a Serena Sutherland.

Xander: Who?

Tara: Serena Sutherland was an 18th century witch. Willow and I learned about her through our wicca club up at college. She was supposedly a pretty powerful witch and psychic.

Angel: According to her book, sometime in the year 2000, the planets of our solar system are going to cluster together. That same day, there will be an earthquake and the two events will signal for the largest Hell-mouth to open. This will unleash demons, fallen angels and vampires on the Earth's surface. They will kill off all humanity, sending the souls of all to Hell, to the open arms of Satan.

Giles: Good God! Is there some way to stop this?

Angel: I'm not sure. There is a spell here that will stop the opening of the Hell-mouth, but according to the book, it has to be chanted before the opening takes place, and it has to be chanted by the Charmed Ones.

Back with the Halliwells

Prue: Well, I wasn't able to find anything in the Book of Shadows. Any more visions Phoebe?

Phoebe: No. But I'm sure one will hit me.

Piper: I've tried to call Leo, but I don't get an answer. He must be busy.

Phoebe: Too busy to help save the world?

Piper: I've been thinking. What if this is a test?

Prue: What do you mean?

Piper: You know. Like... a test of humanity. Are there humans who are decent enough to save the world? Should it be saved? If that's the case, then we can't expect help from Grams or Leo, because they won't be allowed to interfere. We'll be on our own.

Phoebe: No big deal. We handle most of our cases alone. We can do this too. We just have to put our heads together and find the solution.

Back at the apartment

Anya: I know. I know who the Charmed Ones are. Well, sort of.

Giles: Go on Anya.

Anya: Three witches. Sisters really. Each with a specific power, but when they cast a spell together, it's all the more powerful.

Cordelia: So how do you know this?

Anya: You don't spend the majority of you life as a demon without learning who to avoid. They are supposed to be so powerful, they are only whispered about in the demon realm.

Giles: So tell us who they are so we can contact them.

Anya: I don't know exactly who they are. Most of the demons who've fought them ended up dead. Those that survived are keeping quiet.

Tara: Willow and I can find them. All we need is a mirror.

Giles: I have a full length mirror in my bedroom, I'll bring it here.

Willow: You're thinking of that spell we found last night, aren't you?

Giles: Here's the mirror.

Tara: Lie it on the floor, mirror side up, and Willow grab my hands.

Willow and Tara: Glass and reflections, open to me. There are more things that we need to see. Help us, we beseech thee, though we are not blind, help us to locate the ones we can't find.

As the spell is chanted, the reflective surface of the mirror fades away and becomes black.

Willow: We need to find the Charmed Ones.

The blackness starts to lighten up until the mirror is filled with a brilliant white light. As the light fades, images of the Halliwell sisters fill the mirror.

Tara: Where can we find them now?

The mirror responds by showing the Halliwell house from the outside, as well as some surrounding houses and landmarks.

Xander: I know that area. I sort the mail that gets delivered to there. I can take you right to the house.

Buffy: Well, we've got no time to lose. According to today's newspaper, there's supposed to be a great view from the observatory of the planets clustering together. If the Hell-mouth is gonna open, it's gonna be tonight.

Back with the Halliwells

Piper: No spells, no chants, no nothing.

Prue: I don't understand. If an event is supposed to happen that is going to end the world, why can't we find any information?

Phoebe: I wish we had a more extensive library. There are so many books that we don't own.

Piper: Well, now that P3 is on a hot streak, we can spend some of the surplus cash on wicca books. We really should have more than just the Book of Shadows.

While the sisters are in the attic discussing options, everyone else is at the front door knocking. No one answers.

Tara: Well, we know they live here. We could always wait.

Willow: Right, maybe they'll be back soon.

Buffy: Nope. No time like the present to get things accomplished.

With one kick, Buffy kicks down the door, and it is heard in the attic.

Phoebe: What was that?

Prue: We won't find out by staying up here. Let's go!


Angel: Perhaps someone needs to explain the concept of breaking and entering to you.

Buffy: We needed to get in, we got in. Now to find the witches.

Prue: Look no further, you've found us.

Everyone looks up to see Prue standing on the steps. She waves her hand and knocks everyone to their feet. Angel and Buffy are the first to recover and run towards Prue. She waves her hand again and they are thrown back to the broken down door with everyone else, still on the floor. Everyone gets to their feet and stops in mid step, frozen by Piper.

Piper: Why is it that every time the power of three is called on, the house has to be damaged in some way? I really don't know how Grams managed to keep it in such good condition through all these attacks.

Prue: We can make repairs later. Just help me get a spell to get rid of these intruders.

Phoebe: Wait!! Don't do anything! It's them.

Prue: Them. Oh look Piper... it's Them.

Phoebe: From my vision. These are the strangers I said were helping us save the world.

Piper: Well how about that? While we were so busy looking for a solution, it seems a solution was looking for us.

Prue: O.K. Piper. Unfreeze them, but stay on guard.

Piper releases everyone from her spell.

Giles: Ladies. Please excuse this rude entrance. We come to you with a very large problem.

Piper: Let me guess. It's got to do with the end of the world.

Buffy: You guessed it.

Prue: And you are...

Buffy: Buffy. I'm a slayer.

Piper: You're a...

Phoebe: Wow. A slayer. I don't believe it.

Piper: You know what a slayer is?

Phoebe: We studied it in my Legends and Mythology class. A special female from her generation is chosen to be a slayer. She gets abilities to slay vampires and protect the innocent. But I thought it was just a legend.

Angel: We thought the same about The Charmed Ones.

Piper: Touche.

Xander: Can we just get to the part about joining forces and saving the world?

Phoebe: Yeah, what he said.

Giles: Apparently, there is a hell-mouth...

Prue: Wait a minute, a what?

Buffy: Hell-mouth.

Prue: And that is...?

Anya: What it sounds like. An opening to hell.

Giles: Yes, to continue, the earthquake we experienced before was one of two signals which would allow the hell-mouth to open, releasing Satan's army to conquer Earth.

Prue: And I guess it's up to us to wire it shut.

Buffy: Yup. We even found the spell to do it.

Cordelia: But it has to be chanted before the mouth opens, and by the Charmed Ones.

Buffy: So here's the book. Get to chanting.

Phoebe: Um.... OK, see, there's more to casting a spell besides chanting.

Piper: Right, we have to get the ingredients.

Xander: Ingredients? Is this the food network? One recipe for disaster, coming up!

Prue: We need to save the world, and we get sarcasm. Yes, ingredients. The components that are necessary to complete the spell.

Buffy: Oh, you mean like wing of bat, eye of newt.

Prue: Don't tell us how to spell-cast, we won't tell you how to slay.

Buffy: You wouldn't even begin to know how to tell me that.

Piper: Hmmmm, let's see.... You beat a vampire into submission, then stake it in the heart.

Buffy: There's more to it than that.

Willow: Right. You have to have witty sayings as you kill them!

Phoebe: Look, let's put all this aside for now. Time's running short and we've got a world to save.

Tara: It looks like that won't be as easy as we would like. I've just found the ingredients to the spell in the following pages of Serena's book. There are three of them and they have to be ground to a fine powder and released on the wind just before the spell is chanted.

Prue: So, what are the three items?

Tara: The horns of a demon, the fangs of a vampire, and two feathers from the wings of a fallen Angel.

Xander: Is that all? I'll just run to the corner store and buy some.

Prue: It looks like we've got a lot of work to do. Aside from getting the ingredients for the spell, does anyone know where the chant is supposed to take place?

Giles: One would assume that it should take place near the hell-mouth, if not at the actual hell-mouth itself.

Piper: Hmmm... Yes, one would assume that. So where is the hell-mouth, or is that another problem altogether?

Angel: The prophecy called for an earthquake. Where would that happen?

Willow: At a place where the tectonic plates of the planet were most unstable.

Phoebe: Repeat please, in English.

Willow: At a fault line.

Prue: And we have one of the most famous fault lines in the U.S. right at our front doors. So we need to get to the San Andreas Fault to perform the chant. The only problem is to get the ingredients for the spell so we can stop all this from happening.

Giles: All you have to do is meet the creatures and defeat them in battle, and then take what you need from them. You should split into groups, and then you can find your monsters and get back here as soon as possible.

Phoebe: Since the power of three won't be needed until the spell is chanted, we should split up the others, so our powers will be of more use. It would be useless for the three of us to just hang around waiting for the rest of you to finish.

Giles: Agreed. It shouldn't be hard to find the necessary ingredients. Once the forces that be find out that you're all trying to prevent the disaster, I'm sure that a few will be released from whatever hole they call home to stop you.

Xander: We can always count on you to bring out the bright side, Giles.

Giles: If I may continue. You'll find a horned demon underground. I suggest the first group go to the mine shafts on the outskirts of town. Vampires will be found in any cemetery. As for the fallen angel, I would suggest the condemned mansion near the mine. My sources tell me it was the site of satanic rituals. Just as an angel would be attracted to a place of good, a fallen angel would be attracted to a place of evil. I will stay here with Cordelia. The two of us can get other things ready.

Cordelia: Wow. I get to miss out on the major ickiness. Thanks Giles.

Buffy: Well, I was born to slay, so I'll go to the cemetery to find a vamp. Who's with me?

Phoebe: If the, 'beat the vamp into submission' crack Piper made before was true, I'd be best with you. I'm a black belt in karate.

Buffy: Cool. Once we get through with that vampire, all we'll have to do is strain the pulp for the fangs. Xander, we need you on our team.

Xander: You got it Buffy. You tell me what you want to do, and I can do it.

Piper: Well, the Charmed ones have fought vampires and demons before, so the only real unknown is the fallen Angel. I'll go to the mansion and face that. With my powers, I'll be able to freeze it and get the feathers before it can suspect what is going on.

Prue: That could be dangerous. I'm not sure I agree with that plan.

Buffy: All the missions will be dangerous.

Prue: I don't care, I'm not sending my sister into a death trap!

Willow: Try not to worry Prue. I'm not a Charmed One, but I've cast some pretty powerful spells recently. I can help keep Piper safe.

Tara: I'll go to the mansion too. Willow's and my powers are more powerful together. Three witches should be able to handle the angel.

Angel: That leaves me, Prue and Anya for the mines.

Prue: Unfortunately, those mines go on forever. Time is a luxury we don't have right now.

Anya: Not a problem. We're looking for a demon. I used to be a demon. I'll be able to sense the presence of one when it appears. I'll be able to lead us to it, so we can finish this quickly. Then I can get back to Xander. You make sure he doesn't get hurt Buffy! I want my man back.

Giles: Now that it's all settled, you best get going. The planets are supposed to converge at midnight and the sun set an hour ago. Cordelia and I will stay here and prepare the grinding tools and magic dust that is needed to place an image of your magic symbol on the ground, so you can stand in it to recite the chant.

Cordelia: Alright, let's save the world.

Back in hell

Imp: Darkwing, have you heard? Intruders from above are trying to stop the planned apocalypse.

Darkwing: It was written that humans would interfere. Don't worry, the Dark Lord has released two of his army to intercept them. A fire breathing Astire demon, and a thousand year old vampire. I'm to go above ground as well, and assist in the destruction of these humans. Don't worry Imp, it will all go according to plan. Nothing can stop us now!

The three groups of young people meet outside the house, wish each other luck, and go their separate ways. The first group is Buffy, Xander and Phoebe, waiting around at the Sunnydale cemetery.

Phoebe: Ok, so we're here. So now what do we do to catch ourselves a vampire?

Buffy: I have a plan. Sunnydale is full of vamps. We just need to set a trap. Xander, are you ready?

Xander: You know it. Making traps is my speciality. What do you need?

Buffy: Bait.

Xander: Bait?

Phoebe: Ha-ha.

Buffy: Look Xander, Phoebe and I are trained for this. What we need is a good hunk of bait to trap our vampire. Just make loud conversation with us. Phoebe, can I use your rope-styled belt?

Phoebe: Sure, what's the plan?

Buffy: Be loud and make like we're playing a joke on Xander. We'll use the rope to tie his arms to a tree. When the vamp comes, we'll double team him, knock out his fangs, and stake the heart.

Phoebe: Sounds like a plan. So let's get started.

Buffy and Pheebs grab and fake pull him towards a large tree in the center of the graveyard.

Xander: Hey! Come on! Let me go. I'll be good, I'm sorry.

Buffy: This is what you get for trying to trick us. We'll see you tomorrow.

Phoebe: [whispering] The two of us will be watching from behind those shrubs. We won't be far.

Buf and Pheebs are laying low behind the shrubs making conversation. Xander hears movement in the nearby trees, and sees a vampire approaching.

Vamp: Well now. What do we have here?

Xander: Ummm... little help here.

Buffy: [in hiding] You know Pheeb, sometimes the whole slayer thing gets to me. What I wouldn't give to have a night to myself. A night where I don't have to kill anything.

Vamp: So what happened? Angry girlfriend? Fraternity prank? Doesn't matter, as long as I eat.

Xander: Hello... is anybody out there?!

Phoebe: [in hiding] I hear ya Buf. I enjoy being a witch, but it can get overwhelming sometimes. I'd even try a vacation, but if something happened while I was away, I'd feel so guilty. Like I pushed my responsibilities aside for fun.

Vamp: If you don't resist, it will be less... draining on you. Heh-haha!


Phoebe: Oh my gosh! Coming!

Buffy and Phoebe come running from their spot and take the vamp by surprise. Buffy lands two punches to the vamp's face. He swings at Buff, and misses. Phoebe gives him a kick to the legs, causing him to fall. She kicks his back and face and when he tries to get up, she elbows him to the back of the neck. He quickly turns and grabs Phoebe and throws her into a large tombstone. Buffy starts more hand to hand combat. Phoebe gets to her feet and as she looks up, she sees a shovel left behind by one of the caretakers. She grabs it and runs to the vamp. He punches Buffy in the stomach and she falls back. Phoebe swings the shovel and slams the vamp in the mouth, knocking out his fangs. They land at Xander's feet. Buffy walks up and quickly stakes the vamp, and he turns to dust.

Phoebe: Wow. Did we just do that?

Buffy: Yep. I would never guess you to be a witch. You make a pretty good slayer.

Phoebe: Thanks.

Xander: Wow. Watching you two... Wow. I don't mind saying, I'm all hot and bothered now. Anytime you're ready to untie me, is good for me.

Buffy: Hot and bothered? Maybe we should leave you here. How does that sound?

Phoebe: I'm not sure I'd want to deal with Anya if we left him here.

Buffy: I guess you're right. Let's untie him and get back. We can help Giles and Cordelia until the others get back. I hope that everyone else's battles are going as well as ours did.

Back at Giles' apartment

Phoebe: All hail the conquering heroes! We've returned from the battlefield.

Cordelia: I guess this means you did your part to save the world.

Xander: You know it. In Buffy's back pocket is one mean set of vampire fangs.

Giles: Excellent. Now we just have to wait for the horns and feathers and we can prepare the ingredients to the spell. I hope the others get here soon. There isn't much time left.

At the old abandoned mansion

Tara: Well, we're here. So what do we do now?

Piper: Time is running short. I don't know if we can wait around for this thing to show itself.

Willow: Well, I was thinking... maybe we should try to summon it. It won't show up on its own accord, so perhaps Tara and I can reenact a satanic ritual. It would show, and Piper can freeze it.

Piper: Messing with those forces are something that I usually don't agree with, but time is short and we've got a world to save. Draw a protection circle on the ground and call on the forces of evil. I'll hide behind that couch and pop up as soon as he shows himself.

Tara: OK, the circle is finished, are you hidden Piper?

Piper: Yes.

Willow: OK then, Tara, give me your hands. We summon the powers of darkness. Come to us, meet with us, speak to us. We ask for you to share you forbidden knowledge with us.

The room starts to fill with a foul odor and there is a loud explosion. Darkwing has appeared.

Darkwing: Foolish mortals, your souls will be mine.

He raises his arms just as Piper appears from behind the couch. He releases bolts of electricity toward Tara and Willow. Piper acts quickly and freezes the bolts, but Darkwing remains unfrozen.

Darkwing: So, you thought a time-freezing witch would be a secret weapon. I'm immune to her powers. The three of you will now serve on Satan's army.

Darkwing throws another bolt of energy, and Piper once again freezes it. Tara and Willow join hands and concentrate on a levitation spell. They mentally throw the couch at Darkwing and it knocks him to the floor. As he gets up, Piper runs to Willow and Tara.

Piper: Listen, I have an idea. I'm going to that dresser and hide. You let Darkwing come over to you. Step aside, and I'll take care of the rest.

Piper hides, and Darkwing gets to his feet. He slowly approaches Willow and Tara. When he is in arms reach, they take a few steps to the side. Darkwing turns to see Piper step out from behind the dresser. She raises her hands and unfreezes the energy bolts she froze before. Too late, Darkwing realizes that he walked into a trap, and he is hit by his own energy bolts. He stiffens up and drops to the floor. Before he can vanish, Willow runs over and grabs two feathers from his burned wing.

Tara: Quick thinking Piper.

Piper: You can thank me later, after we've saved the world. Let's get back to the others.

Back at the apartment

Cordelia: Hey everyone, it looks like group #2 is back, alive and well.

Phoebe: I take it that you guys kicked butt too.

Willow: Yes, we kicked major butt. And here are the two feathers needed for the spell.

Buffy: Excellent work ladies. Giles is in the kitchen working on the spell, so you can take it back there to him. I just hope that group #3 is successful too.

Finally, the abandoned mines

Prue: Why is it that anything that we have to battle is fond of waiting around in creepy, dark places?

Angel: Evil hates the light of day. But we don't have time to discuss this now. Are you getting anything Anya?

Anya: Oh yes. The demon is here, but he's quite a way off, further down the cavern.

Angel: Ok then, let's go.

Prue: We better find him soon, it's 11:00 now. We've only got one hour to save everything.

Anya: Wait. Stop right here! It's here.

At that moment, the Astire demon drops from the top of the cave. It has dark hair covering its body, and a large horned head. It growls at the group and spits a stream of fire at them. Prue raises her hand and the fires are deflected to the side wall of the cave. Angel then jumps forward and knocks the demon to its back. It throws Angel off and he falls to the floor. As he advances, Prue raises her hand and the demon flies against the far wall. Angel grabs it by the ankles and swings it around and again it hits the far wall. It spits fire and it hits Angel. Before he can burn badly, Prue redirects the fire to the roof, where it burns out.

Anya: Prue, look up there, do you see what I see?

Prue: You mean that group of rocks?

Anya: Yes, they're loose. If Angel were to toss the demon over there, could you cause a cave-in?

Prue: I've never tried that, but there's a first time for everything.

Anya: Angel... throw the demon over there. She'll handle the rest.

Angel leaps over the demon and before he can recover, lifts him up and tosses him over where Anya pointed out. When he lands, Prue lifts her hands above her head and concentrates on the rocks. She pulls her hands to her sides and the rocks fall, covering and killing the demon. Angel walks over and grabs the thing's head and rips the horns off, and places them in his pockets.

Prue: Well, that's done, do you think the others were successful?

Angel: We won't find out until we get to Giles' place. Anya, are you ok? You look a little odd.

Anya: I'm fine... it's just... well... didn't anyone find this whole thing.... exciting? I mean wow. Let's go, I've got to get back to Xander!

Prue: True lust, must be nice.

Back at the apartment

Giles: At last, you're back.

Buffy: We've been waiting for like, forever.

Phoebe: If you think about it, they are the oldest ones in the group. They must move slower then everyone else.

Anya: There are benefits to moving slowly. At least that's what Xander told me.

Xander: Anya!

Cordelia: So, do you have the horns?

Angel: Here they are.

Giles: Good, let me have them. The main work is almost done. I just have to grind these, and everything is complete.

Cordelia: I got the powder ready for you to make your special design thingy.

Piper: You mean the Triquetra. It's our symbol, it represents the power of three.

Twenty minutes pass, and the group begins to get antsy. Finally, Giles walks into the room carrying a pouch full of powder.

Giles: We must hurry everyone, we've only got 15 minutes left to save the world. OK sisters, all you need to do is grab a handful of the powder as you stand in the circle and then throw it into the air and say the chant. This will stop the apocalypse from happening.

Willow: Well, let's go!

They drive as quickly as they can and get to the open field before the fault-line can open. When they get out of their cars, the planets get into position and the ground begins to shake.

Giles: It's started. Hurry. Everyone get to that hill.

Everyone starts running, carrying bags of supplies and weapons. Before they can reach the hill, the hell-mouth opens and demons, vampires, and fallen Angels start to appear on the earth's surface.

Buffy: Giles, we got here too late. You help the sisters with the circle and the chant, the rest of us will fight these things and keep them away from you guys.

The Halliwells and Giles make the triquetra and everyone else goes into battle. Xander, Cordelia and Anya are staking the vamps, Angel and Buffy are fighting the demons and Willow and Tara use their wiccan powers on the fallen Angels. During the making of the circle, Phoebe looks up and recognizes the scene as the vision she got when she touched the letter she received this afternoon.

Piper: OK Giles, everything is ready. Step back now!

Giles steps away and Phoebe grabs a handful of powder and throws it up to the sky. Prue, Piper, and Phoebe grab hands and begin the chant.

The Halliwells: We are servants of good, to do what must be done. To Chase away this evil, make it leave, make it run. To vanquish the darkness and bring back the sun. We ask this of you , Thy will be done.

The scene remains the same. More of Satan's armies are leaving the mouth and soon the group will be overwhelmed.

Prue: It didn't work! Why didn't it work?

Phoebe: The book said that the chant must be done BEFORE the mouth opened up. We started too late.

Giles: NO! I refuse to believe that nothing else can be done.

Cordelia: Wait. My vision. At this point the power of three needs to be doubled. Quick! Draw a pentagram on the ground. While you do that I'll get Anya, Tara, and Willow!

The second circle is completed, and the missing members are in front of the Halliwells.

Cordelia: In my dream, there were six people chanting the spell. Not only the Halliwells, but Willow and Tara because they're witches, and Anya because of her spell-casting experience as a demon.

Prue: Hurry Willow, grab a handful of powder and the three of you get in your circle. On three, we toss the powder up and begin the chant!

Angel: HURRY! We can't hold out much longer!

Willow: OK, we're ready!

Piper: 1-2-3!

Willow and Phoebe toss the powder into the air and all six ladies begin the chant.

All:We are servants of good, to do what must be done. To Chase away this evil, make it leave, make it run. To vanquish the darkness and bring back the sun. We ask this of you, Thy will be done!

The wind begins to blow and swirl around everyone. A shaft of light appears in the sky and strikes the hell-mouth. A cyclone begins and starts pulling the army back into the ground. The winds get stronger and stronger and finally, all the monsters are back and the hell mouth collapses upon itself, ending the danger and the spell.

Giles: Is everyone OK?

Xander: That depends on your definition of OK.

Buffy: It looks like we're all OK.

Phoebe: Whoa. No offense, but this is one night I would never want to repeat again.

Willow: I hear you. This doesn't rank up there with one of my favorite ways to spend an evening.

Giles: You should all be proud of yourselves. You've fought to the best of your abilities, and saved the world. It was an honor working with you all.

Willow: How about an old-fashioned group hug?

Prue: Corny, but appropriate at this point.

Everyone comes together before leaving in one group hug as a celebration.

Angel: Um.... Anya, please take you hand off my butt. Xander's on your other side.

Anya: Ooops. Sorry!