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The Bloody Nightmare

by Charmingal

DISCLAIMER: All characters in this story belong to Aaron Spelling Television and Constance M. Burge except for the following characters which I made up: Stephanie, Joseph, fat police officer, and the beast. Copyright: All literature produced on this page was produced by Charmingal. Unauthorized reproduction of text is not allowed.

Stephanie Shukart sat down in her chair her legs stiff from her lucky escape only a few hours earlier. As her fingers trembled and shook uncontrollably, she finally managed to grab a pencil. Sitting at her desk she began to write a letter.

Dear Joseph,

I'm sorry I had to leave so suddenly but he's after me. I can sense him getting closer to me right now. I'm so scared, Joseph. My magic isn't working and I have no choice but to run. I love you and I promise I will come back for you.



As Stephanie stood up she looked in the mirror. Dry mascara stains were streaked down her pale complexion. Quickly, she went and washed it off, left her note on her fiancées pillow, and ran out the door forgetting to shut it.

Two days later, Inspector Morris arrived at the crime scene. Morris stared at what used to be a body, horror filling his eyes. A knife had carved the number one on the bodies left hand. The grass was smothered with fresh blood; the sickening smell made Morris' stomach churn. Some type of animal appeared to have chewed up the rest of the body leaving bits and pieces of body parts scattered all over the ground.

"Do we know who this is?"he managed to say.

A fat police officer with donut crumbs smeared on his mouth and chin replied: "Stephanie Shukart."

* * *

A nasty creature feasted on a dying man. The man seemed to be glowing a bright yellow as the beast devoured him. Tearing off arms and legs, his sharp fangs caused blood to squirt at its face. Soon the man stopped glowing. The creature licked his hands like a cat would and grabbed the man's broken off left hand. With this, it slowly carved the number two in his hand. More blood oozed out of the hand on to the grass.

* * *

"Aaaagh!"screamed Phoebe sweat pouring down her face from the nightmare. A sharp pain in her left hand was barely distracting her. Prue and Piper rushed into her room with worried expressions and turned on the light.

"What happened?" Prue asked.

Phoebe could barely let out a word. Her dream was so realistic and gory. It was like she was the man being eaten alive. She quickly turned to the trash can beside her bed and vomited.

"Oh my God! What's that on your hand?!"Piper almost screamed out.

The pain in Phoebe's hand was now excruciating. Phoebe slowly looked down to see her hand. She gasped and froze in terror. On her left hand was a bloody carving that showed the number three on her palm.

* * *

Three days after Stephanie Shukart's murder, Inspector Morris still had no idea as to who the killer might be. Then it dawned on him. 'Call the Halliwells!' Morris quickly went to the phone and dialed their number. No one answered so he left a message describing the murder.

* * *

Phoebe was sitting on her bed, staring at her bandaged hand, and thinking about last night.

"What exactly did I see last night?"she wondered.

Curious about the 3 mark on her palm, she unwrapped the bandage hoping that some how it had magically healed or else she might have it as a scar for the rest of her life. To her relief, it did disappear proving that it was just some type warning to Phoebe.

Phoebe rushed downstairs and walked over to the answering machine. Being a sound sleeper she can never hear the phone ring. She checked and heard Morris' message, immediately hanging up afterwards. Phoebe's eyes wandered off outside the window realizing that she saw the second victim being murdered.

'So it was a vision,' she realized in her head, 'No wonder it was so real.'

Now Phoebe is normally a very brave person when it comes to things like these, but this just about scared her out of her wits end! When the man was being shredded to death it was as if it was her not him. She could feel his fear, his pain, and even hear him praying to God in his mind to save his dear life!

"My powers must be growing," she said out loud as she sat down and grabbed her stomach from the thought of being eaten alive.

"What's growing?" yelled Prue's voice curiously from the front door. She had just gotten back from work.

"My power," Phoebe yelled back.

Prue walked inside the living room where Phoebe was.

"So, how are you? You weren't looking so good last night," asked Prue as she got ready to check the messages.

"I already checked. Morris called to tell us about a murder that happened three nights ago. Since were experts when it comes to odd cases like these, he's asking for our help on the case."

She watched Prue check the message anyway and then looked back out the window hoping to avoid discussing her dream. It was too much to bear. Last night, Prue and Piper had her go back to sleep and was to tell them all about her nightmare in the morning.

"Phoebe, do you think whatever your dream was has to do with this case?" asked Prue, still ignorant to what was going on.

"Yeah," Phoebe was obviously in no mood to talk.

"Hey, what's that in the paper?" Prue asked after picking it up.

After Prue was done scanning the story she handed it to Phoebe, speechless. Phoebe took one look at the picture on the front page and closed her eyes. It was a photograph of the man she saw killed last night, shredded all over the ground.

"This was the creatures second victim," she said softly.

"What creature?" Prue asked sitting down next to Phoebe.

Phoebe cleared her throat, Last night I had a vision of some creature killing a man by tearing him up with his claws. While he was feeding on the man, I'm assuming, he was also stealing the man's power. The carving on my hand from last night isn't there anymore and it must have been a sign that if I'm not careful, I could be it's next victim!"

"Whoa... you actually saw this man get eaten. I couldn't feel more sorry for you," she said putting her hand on Phoebe's shoulder.

Phoebe reached for the paper again and right afterwards had a premonition. In her vision, she sees' the same creature except clearer now. He must be 8 feet tall. His long hairy legs appear as that of a monkeys, his feet too. Long, black, curly hairs cover it from head to toe. At the very top of its head are two curling horns on both sides. Below in his mouth, he has fangs that appear sharper than vampires. She sees him approaching the front door of the manor not even seeming to care that it was board daylight and anyone could see it. Quickly, it used its foot to bust the door open. Wasting no time; it barged into the living room where the two sisters were. It attacked both Phoebe and Prue at the same time. The end of the vision resulted in their bodies torn apart, and the couch soaked in blood. Of course, the numbers three and four were carved by a claw in both left palms. The premonition was over.

Phoebe had no time to really think about what she just saw; she only focused on the fact that there was a cannibal outside their door.

"Run!" she yelled at Prue.

Prue, not knowing what was going on, got up and ran anyway. Phoebe was close behind. They ran to the front door and then stopped.

"Okay, the creature is going to burst through the door any second now so just get ready to throw him out into the street or something," Phoebe instructed while beginning to hide behind Prue for protection.

Prue was still confused when she quickly reacted to the beast bursting through their door. His eyes were fixed directly on Prue now. Just by instinct, Prue threw it clear across the yard and right into a moving truck.

"Cool," said Phoebe.

Prue gave her a funny look as they watched it scurry away.

"Okay, to the Book of Shadows!"

* * *

Piper Halliwell was just finished cleaning up P3. She was about to leave and meet Dan for lunch when she received a phone call.

"Hello? Um, Piper?" asked Prue's voice.

Piper sighed, "What's happened now?" immediately she knew she was going to have to cancel her date with Dan.

"We have a problem related to the incident with Phoebe last night and we need all the help we can get," explained Prue quickly.

"Did something happen to Phoebe?" Piper was starting to get worried.

"She's fine, just a little spooked. I'll explain it to you when you get home," Prue replied.

"Okay, I'll just call Dan and cancel another date and be on my way," she sighed, obviously disappointed.

"Great, love ya, bye!" Afterwards Prue immediately hung up.

"Love you too," Piper said to nobody and then dialed Dan's phone number.

* * *

Prue frantically searched through the BOS to try and figure out what this thing was. Phoebe tried to help out but the visions of her recent premonition filled her head and made her sick to her stomach. Prue obviously noticed this and stopped turning the pages for a moment. Phoebe's soft brown eyes had wondered elsewhere and her sun-tanned face had turned a ghastly white. Prue reached out and felt Phoebe's forehead.

"You feel hot, maybe you should go lie down," suggested Prue in a worried expression.

"I'm fine, honestly," Phoebe lied.

"Phoebe, what exactly did you see in your premonition?'

Phoebe looked away but spoke.

"I really don't want to talk about it, and we already fixed the problem that caused it," she said as she walked over to the nearest chair and sat down, holding her stomach.

"Fine, you don't have to tell me right now, but please go lie down. You're making me worry," Prue said turning back to the Book of Shadows. Phoebe hadn't been listening.

Just then, Piper walked into the attic with a serious expression on her face.

"Ok, what's up?" she asked as she joined Prue in her hopeless searched.

Knowing that Phoebe wasn't going to say anything, she explained everything that happened while closing the Book of Shadows. The searching was indeed pointless.

Phoebe felt seriously sick now. She got up quickly and headed downstairs to the bathroom.

"Poor Pheebs. She has to see these dreadful things happen," said Piper right after Phoebe left.

"I wish she would tell me what happened in her premonition," said Prue.

"Think about it Prue. If that creature came right after she had the premonition, then wouldn't you think she saw you getting eaten or something?" Piper reasoned.

"Oh, your probably right. That's awful," said Prue as they started to leave.

"What's that noise?" Piper asked cautiously.

"What noise?"

But right then Prue heard it also. It was a faint pounding noise most likely coming from the side of the house. The noise was slowly getting louder by the second. Both sisters' hearts were pounding and Piper was getting a little dizzy. Soon the pounding sounded more like claws, climbing up the wall.

"Prue, you don't think...?"

"It couldn't be, could it?" asked Prue backing away and taking deep breaths.

The beautiful stained glass window started shaking, as did the floor. The sisters turned around to get out of the attic but right afterwards there was a big crash from behind them, startling Piper so much she fainted.

Prue whirled around and stared directly into the demon eyes of the monster she saw earlier.

"I don't get it. You have to steal out powers but you also have to eat us?" Prue said, knowing she wasn't going to get a response.

It quickly tried to go attack Piper who was helplessly unconscious, but was stopped when Prue flung it across the wall. Now the creature seemed to be unconscious also. Prue hurried and grabbed a knife that lay on a small table and was just about to stab it when it disappeared, causing Prue to jab the knife into the floor.

'Weird' she thought as she stared at the spot where the creature was just at. She also that it was odd that Phoebe hadn't heard any of this.

Prue screamed when a stinging pain scratched the back of her neck. She could feel blood gush out and roll down her back. Another hit forced the pain to surge through her entire body, paralyzing her. She immediately passed out.

* * *

Inspector Morris decided to go on a coffee break after five hours of researching and finding nothing on what killed those victims. He sat down by a group of fellow officers and they discussed this odd case. Morris soon had the craving for a cheese danish and got up to the pastry box to get one. Next to the box sat the same fat police officer from a few days earlier, and donut crumbs were still smeared all over his mouth and chin.

"Hey, did you question Stephanie's fiancée yet, um, what was his name?"Asked Morris opening the pastry box.

"Joseph," he replied and looked down to watch Morris grab nothing out of the box. Morris' eyes turned cold as he stared at the fat man.

"Sir, what is your name?" asked Morris, throwing the box into the trash can.

"Farley," he replied and sat up.

"This pass week I have seen you do nothing around here except for eating donuts, and taking five lunch breaks at least!" he started to speak more loudly now.

"I can explain, sir. See, I'm always so very hungry and I can't help but eat everything in site," he said as he stood up.

"That's not an excuse, that just means you're pig! If I catch you sitting around one more time doing nothing but eating all of the donuts, you're fired!" Morris shouted and turned his back away from the disgusting man to do more heavy research.

* * *

The attic ceiling was spinning in circles when Piper woke up. She tried to make her eyes focus as she sat up. Blinking a few times first, she quickly reacted when she saw the beast beginning to carve a number in Prue's palm. Freezing it, she rushed over to Prue who was just beginning to wake up. Next to Prue, the knife that was jabbed in the floor was still there. Piper attempted to pull it out many times before giving up.

"It's no use. Prue, can you get up?" she asked still staring at the knife.

"I can try," she managed to say, and with Piper's help she was successfully pulled up.

"We have a hand gun somewhere downstairs in some cabinet. Come help me find it," she almost commanded to Prue and took her hand, leading her downstairs.

"What about that beast? I'll stay here in case he unfreezes, you go downstairs," Prue said while stopping.

Piper paused for a moment was ready to object but decided against it and left.

She raced downstairs towards the kitchen and frantically searched in every cabinet. She finally came to a drawer that required a key which she didn't have and had no idea what happened to it. She had no time to search for a key. She remembered a small bobby pin that Prue was wearing in her hair and thought it might work as good as a key. So she flew back upstairs to get it from her.

When she reached the attic she was gasping for air from exhaustion.

"Prue, *gasp*, I need *gasp* I need your-" her face turned a frightening white.

"Where did the beast go?" she let out of her dry throat.

"I, I, don't, kn... know, he just... vanished!" Prue replied, stunned a second time by the animals disappearing act.

A loud frightened scream coming from the downstairs bathroom startled them.

"Phoebe!" said Prue as she made a run for downstairs.

"Wait, Prue! Give me your pin in your hair!" yelled Piper. Prue yanked the pin out and threw it behind her back towards Piper.

The pin slid across the floor and... fell into a crack.

"Oh crap!" Piper muttered falling down on hands and knees. She pulled up board after board and threw them behind her eventually making a pile. Once almost the whole attic floor was torn apart, she finally found it sticking out in a pile of sawdust. She grabbed it and ran down to where the cabinet was not even noticing that she was covered in sawdust from head to toe.

The pin did work as a key and there was a handgun inside. She made sure it was loaded and ran back upstairs to the bathroom where everyone was.

Prue had been constantly throwing the beast out of the bathroom and keeping it away with no help from Phoebe who was standing in the middle of the bathroom shaking to death. She kept doing this until Piper arrived.

"What took you so long, Piper?" she asked.

She didn't respond. Instead, she fired three times at the animal's chest. A purple liquid squirted out of it's wounds and the creature let out a high pitched yelp. It slumped down against the wall and tried to swallow the purple substance gushing out of its mouth. The bright liquid soon faded but then appeared to come back transforming into crumbs. Yes, donut crumbs. Where the crumbs lay, was a blubbery chin. Soon the beast had turned into a fat man. He was wearing a jelly donut stained police uniform and the purple liquid on his chest turned into dark dried blood. All three sisters stood in shock as the man's eyelids slowly opened, revealing devilish eyes. He slowly turned his head and fixed his eyes on Prue, who was stunned a third time.

"You and your sisters will pay for this. My master will make sure of it," he said in a cold evil voice.

Piper immediately shot him in the head after this was said. Fire came from underneath the man and surrounded him. He vanished, this time for good.

"Well, my tummy feels much better now," said Phoebe breaking the silence. She took a step out of the bathroom. Prue did this also but Piper stayed back.

"Guys, he said something about his master making sure we pay for this. Who is his master?" she asked setting down the gun on the bathroom counter.

Phoebe turned around, "Good question. But as long as he's not a man-eating monster, I'll be patient until he shows himself," she said, "By the way, you are aware of the sawdust all over you?"

Both of the sisters grinned at her.

"Yeah well, if a certain someone had turned around and actually watched where she threw a certain bobby pin, instead of letting it fall into a crack, then I wouldn't have had this problem now would I?" she asked glaring at Prue.

Prue straightened after hearing this and made a dash for downstairs before Piper could complain anymore. Phoebe followed her soon afterwards. Piper sighed as she stood there by herself.

"You asked for me?" asked a deep voice coming from the end of the hallway.

Piper looked up to see a complete stranger. A handsome one too. He was tall and had dark brown hair that was closely shaved to his head. His eyes resembled Phoebe's, wide, brown and soft. He wore a long dark coat and a goatee.

"Who are you?"asked Piper bravely. The man stepped a couple steps forward before he spoke.

"My name is Joseph and I am the master you were asking for. That man you killed was a chubby officer leading a pathetic life and I came to his rescue. I made him a beast and in return he got all the riches he ever asked for. I sent him off to kill good witches and warlocks. He enjoyed these tasty meals like he enjoyed everything that was food, and I enjoyed the power's he stole from them and gave to me. I even had to give up my fiancée in order to have world domination. She was a very powerful witch. But now you've killed my ticket to ruling the world and you and sisters will pay the price. So if you don't mind, and you have no choice, I am going to kill you now," he evilly grinned as he said this and rose his arm in preparation to kill her somehow.

Panicking, Piper immediately froze him and ran downstairs to where her sisters were.

"Piper, what's wrong?" asked Phoebe seeing the terror on her face. They had both been enjoying a bottle of Coca-Cola.

"You wanted the master to show himself right?" asked Piper quickly.

"Yeah," said Phoebe.

"Well, he just did," Piper said and motioned for them to come upstairs. Once they got up there, Phoebe went up to the attic to see how to vanquish the master and to see if he was in the BOS.

The book flipped to a certain page by itself. Phoebe read it and was interested from what it said:

Some warlocks are like scientists, they can create things by doing experiments or Making their own potions. There is a different way to vanquish this type of warlock Because they are usually more powerful. Chant this following incantation:

Away with you! Be out of our sight,
No longer can you create things at night
Be gone with you! You cannot come back,
For now it is your powers you lack
The power of three will set us free
The power of three will set us free
The power of three will set us free.

Taking out a pen in her pocket, Phoebe copied the spell onto her palm, jumped over the large hole in the attic floor, and ran back down to her sisters. She showed them the spell and they all memorized it. They then held hands and chanted the spell a couple times before it's magic kicked in.

The master quickly unfroze and tried to shoot fire out of his hand, but it did not work. He stood there in confusion and tried several more times.

"Some master you are, that fat man was more powerful than you!" said Phoebe and giggled.

"Silence! Or I'll, I'll..." he paused for a moment and looked in the bathroom. He ran in there and picked up the gun that Piper had laid down earlier.

"Or I'll shoot!" he yelled and fired at Phoebe's head. Piper froze it just in time and walked over to where he stood. She grabbed the gun out of his hands. Piper then walked back over to her sisters and held their hands again.

"We have to say the spell again. It didn't completely work the first two times," she said and they chanted the spell once more.

The "master" unfroze again, this time he was in engulfed in flames.

"Aaaaaggghhh!!! Nooo! I will make sure that my master kills all of you, and he will! You haven't seen anything like him. He's waiting for the perfect moment to kill you ONE BY ONE!!! Aaaagghh!!" He insanely screamed this out over the loud flames. Within seconds, Joseph was gone. And now he was gone for good too.

"Well, I'd say that was a kick you in the ass good time we had today. Let's go celebrate!" Phoebe said and wrapped her arms around both sisters. They just stared at her.

"Phoebe, today you were haunted by gory visions, you ran a high fever, puked a few times, and you were almost shot in the head, and you said that this was a good day? You have got to be kidding me," Prue said.

"Okay, so there were some tough parts but all in all it was pretty fun, right?" she said unwrapping her arms around them.

They both looked at her and shook her heads and then looked at each other with grins.

"Guys?" said Phoebe backing away.

Both Prue and Piper dashed at Phoebe and chased her down the stairs. Phoebe screamed with laughter.