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Dan's Secret

by MoonQuartz

It is just a regular Saturday morning in the Halliwell manor. It is 10:00 and Piper and Phoebe had already left for P3. Prue is sitting on the couch drinking coffee. She says to herself, "Well, I guess I will go to P3. I'll chat with Piper and Phoebe." She gets dressed, calls Piper to tell her she is coming over, and heads out the door.

Piper and Phoebe are listening to music while setting the place up for tonight. "I am sooo glad you are letting me help out, Piper." Phoebe said. "Yeah, Yeah." Piper replied. "Um, Piper, I was just wondering... Are you going to break up with Dan?" "PHOEBE! Oh, I am sorry. I am just so confused about that, I love Dan, but I love Leo too. I don't know." Piper says.

Prue pulls up next to Piper's jeep 10 minutes later. She walks up to the door, about to open it, but a strong man grabs her and covers her mouth with a cloth covered it chloroform. Prue struggles, but passes out a couple of seconds later. The man drags her to his car around the corner and speeds off.

"Isn't Prue coming?" Phoebe asks. "Yeah. Hmmm. I will call her cell. You go wait outside." Piper replies. Phoebe walks up the stairs and walks out the door. Meanwhile, Piper calls Prue's cell. "Hmm, no answer." Phoebe see Prue's car outside and yells to Piper. "PIPER!" Piper rushes out and stands next to Phoebe. Phoebe asks, "Her car is here, but where is Prue?" Phoebe go up to the car, touches the car door handle, and has a premonition. "Phoebe, what did you see?" "I saw Prue. She was tied to a chair in an empty room." Piper replies, "Oh my god! We have to find her." They jump into her jeep and speed off.

Prue finally wakes up, discovering herself blindfolded. "Where am I?" Prue asks. "You are at Harry's Storage." The man says. Prue asks warily, "DAN?!" "Prue, you sure are quick." Dan said, laughing evilly. "Why did you kidnap me?" Dan replies, "It is the only way to lure your sisters. Don't you see? I am a WARLOCK! I am very powerful. I want to become even more powerful." "Piper will be pissed, Dan," Prue says. With that remark, Dan leaves the room to call Piper.

"Hello Dan," Piper says. "Hi. What is wrong?" "Prue is in trouble. She was kidnapped. We are going to try to find her." Piper replies. Dan says, "She is at Harry's Storage." Piper asks, "How do you know that, Dan?." "How do you think? I am a warlock. I kidnapped her." "OH MY GOD! Don't hurt Prue!" Dan hangs up. Phoebe asks, her voice shaking, "What is wrong?" Piper says, "Dan is the one who kidnapped Prue."

Piper and Phoebe arrive at the storage house about 10 minutes later. Dan is waiting out front. When Piper gets out of the car, she freezes him. "I am glad he freezes," she said. Phoebe and her run into the building to find Prue. They find Prue tied, gagged and blindfolded in the middle of a room. "Prue!" Piper and Phoebe say in unison. "Piper? Phoebe? UNTIE ME!" Prue responds. They rush over and untie her.

Seconds later Dan comes into the room. "Do you think you can get away that easily?" The three sisters say in unison, "Yup. All right, hit it! The Power of Three Will Set us Free. The Power of Three Will Set us Free. The Power of Three Will Set us Free." Nothing happens. "That spell won't work. Now I will kill you and take your powers." Dan says. "Not so fast," Piper says. She freezes him and says this spell: "Go away, Dan I wish you away, Go away, Dan. Die forever today!" Dan spins and spins and explodes. Prue and Phoebe say, "That was a corny spell." "Well, at least it did the job." Piper replies with a smile on her face.

Later that night, the three sisters are at P3. "Hey, Pippy. I guess you broke up with Dan, huh?" Phoebe asks. "Yeah, Phoebe. I guess he was wrong for me." Piper says, laughing, "I wish Leo were here." A couple seconds later, Leo walks in. "HI Piper," Leo says, "care to dance?" "Sure!" Piper says. "I think she is over Dan." Phoebe tells Prue." She agrees. The two sisters leave the club so Piper and Leo can be alone.