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Just Let Her Sleep

by BufGal

DISCLAIMER: None of these characters belong to me, except Brian and Mike. Everyone else belongs to Aaron Spelling and Spelling Television

It's late evening at P3 and Piper Halliwell is sitting at the bar watching all the satisfied customers laugh and dance to the new DJ. Leo is laughing with some of the female customers at the bar. Piper notices him look at her and smile, indicating that he's just joking around. Piper's been noticing that she is straying farther away from Dan to spend time with her former white lighter. Dan's becoming more and more protective of her lately and she's been fighting more and more for breathing space. She looks at her little sister Phoebe who's hitting it off with some stranger on the dance floor. Leo walks up behind her and sees where she's looking. Piper notices his presence and smiles.

"My little baby's growing up," she says with a smile. Leo notices some freak style moves that Phoebe puts on a number of guys and laughs.

"I'll say," he says. Piper smiles and looks for her older sister. She sees her sitting on a couch with her new boyfriend, Ben. They're talking and laughing with a occasional kiss. Piper smiles. All the sister's lives have been going incredibly well in the past few weeks. She sees her older sister leave the club with Ben, arm in arm. Piper didn't expect to see Prue in the morning at the manor. Despite the whole boyfriend issue, Piper's been content with her life as well. She looks around and smiles. Suddenly, a woman stumbles into the bar right next to her. Piper jumps back while Leo holds the woman steady. She looks incredibly drunk, but Leo lifts her head to reveal that her eyes are completely black and she's bleeding from the eyes and ears.

"Call 911!" Piper screams and a man lowers the woman to the ground. She's groaning and clutching her head. Piper grabs a towel off of a bartender's shoulder and wipes some of the blood off of her face. The woman grabs Piper's hand and lifts her head slightly.

"He's coming... he's after her." she says. She takes one last breath and her head falls back and her hand goes limp. Piper checks for a pulse, but finds none and stands up. She notices Phoebe with her hand over her mouth in shock make eye contact with her. Piper steps back and everyone waits for the police to arrive.

* * *

The next morning the news of the death is all over the newspapers. Piper's reading it as Phoebe walks in yawning. Piper is sitting at the table glassy eyed as Phoebe calmly pours herself a bowl of cereal and a glass of milk. She sits down at the table and looks at Piper through bleary eyes.

"Is there a problem?" she asks. Piper simply looks up for a moment and then continues reading. Phoebe sits back. "Did they release the clubs name?" she asks. Piper rubs her eyes and bangs her head down on the table.

"Three articles blamed the food for the way she died," Piper moans. Phoebe nearly chokes on her cereal.

"Not even my cooking would result in bleeding from eyes and ears. This is obviously something supernatural," Phoebe remarks. Piper nodes her head.

"Where's Prue?" she asks. Phoebe smiles.

"She partied all night with Ben and she spent the night at his house." Phoebe replies.

"Well, she's getting over Jeff well I'd say..." Piper remarks when they hear the front door open. "Speak of the devil," she continues when Prue walks into the kitchen. "Hangover, not devil," she says as she thumps her forehead down on the table. Phoebe slides her cup of coffee over to her. "I think you need this more than I do." she says. Prue grabs it and takes a gulp. Piper leans forward.

"So, Prue, what did you and Ben get up to last night?" Piper asks with sarcasm. Prue looks at her for a moment then smiles.

"Well, we talked, then the rest is history..." she says, taking another sip of coffee. Piper slides the paper over to her.

"Because I hope you had a better time last night than I did," she says. Prue picks up the paper and looks at it. Hey eyes grow wide.

"What happened?" she exclaims and Piper thumps her head down on the table again.

"I wish I knew." Prue puts the paper down.

"I'm guessing supernatural." Prue says. Phoebe smiles.

"I think we're starting to pick this up faster now," she says as she stands up. "Last one to the Book of Shadows is a rotten egg!" she exclaims scampering from the kitchen. Piper growls as she and Prue slowly stand up.

"You know I wish she would just humor us and try to be a little depressed..." Piper says as they walk out of the kitchen.

* * *

At the police station, Inspector Morris is looking over the file of the woman that died at P3 the night before. The woman was wanted in a series of burglaries that had happened over the past few days. He closes the file and sits back wondering what or who had killed her in such a ugly manor. He reaches over and picks up the phone. He dials a number and sits back again.

"Officer Reynolds speaking," the voice on the phone said.

"Hey Tom, Darryl here. What'd the autopsy pick up on the body we found at the club last night?" Morris asks. The voice on the phone grunts slightly.

"Well, all I can say is that I regret eating breakfast this morning when I saw some of the photos. Basically, the woman was almost completely mentally insane," Reynolds replies. Morris frowns and looks through the file again.

"There were no reports that said she was in any way mentally unstable," he says.

"That's what they told me, but that's when the autopsy showed. But that isn't the weirdest part. Get this, the woman's brain almost exploded which is what caused the bleeding from eyes and ears. They also found that portions of the brain were almost completely dry. This is a case that they have no idea what could have caused it. She was a completely healthy woman before this," Reynolds explains. Morris's eyebrows lift slightly as he thanks him for the report and requests that the report be sent to his office. He hangs up the phone and dials another number.

* * *

Back at the manor, the sisters are upstairs looking through the BOS, or rather Phoebe and Piper are while Prue sits to the side giving instructions. They haven't found anything. The phone rings and Prue stands up to answer it. She walks into her room and picks it up.

"Hello?" she says.

"Hey Prue, it's Darryl." Prue smiles slightly.

"Oh, hi. How's everything going?" Prue replies.

"Not so well. I'm sure you've heard about the murder at P3 last night?" he asks. Prue frowns.

"I know that someone died, but I didn't know she was murdered," she replies sitting down on the bed. "What happened?."

"Well, the death is defiantly not natural, so most are calling it murder for lack of a better explanation. But this is defiantly not a normal situation. That's why I'm calling you." he replies. Prue smiles slightly.

"Oh, I see..." she says.

"Listen, I can have a copy of the report sent over. I really need to see if you can pull some voodoo on this one. I'm out of ideas. But we can't let this happened again to anyone. It's a terrible way to die," he says. Prue nods.

"Okay, well check on it as soon as the reports get here. Thank you." she says.

"No, thank you." Prue hangs up the phone and lays down on the bed.

"Phoebe! Piper! Come here a minute!" there's some rumbling upstairs as the two sisters run downstairs. "That was Darryl. The police are on this too, but they have no idea what could have happened. Darryl said they'd send the reports over later and we could see what we find. Maybe Phoebe can pull some premonitions from it," Prue says. Piper and Phoebe both nod in agreement. Prue stands up. "Until then, we need to keep going through the BOS and see if we can find anything before hand," she concludes. Piper and Phoebe walk out of the room and Piper notices Prue laying down on the bed.

"What are you doing?" she asks sternly.

"Piper, I only got about a half hour of sleep last night and I have a headache that could kill a elephant. I'm going to take a little nap so I can help once we know what going on," she replies. Piper shrugs and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. Prue lays down and closes her eyes. As Piper enters the attic, Phoebe is already looking though the book.

"There is absolutely nothing in here. It could have been anything." she says. Piper looks over her shoulder at the book.

"There has to be someth.." Piper begin when they hear the front door open then close. They walk downstairs expecting to see Morris, but no one's there. Then they hear a car pull away and Phoebe looks out the window and sees Prue's car driving down the street.

"Apparently Prue had somewhere to go..." she says. Piper frowns and looks out.

"That's weird, she didn't seem to have anywhere special to go besides bed." Phoebe shrugs.

"Maybe we don't have any Aspirin." as says as she walks back upstairs. Piper follows.

* * *

There's a large abandon apartment complex in the city with Prue's car parked outside. Prue is climbing through on of the windows leading down to the cellar. She drops into the large room and we see a man sitting in a chair. He's large and has people serving him platters of food. Prue walks up to him and kneels.

"New host I see..." the man says, taking some grapes. Prue looks up.

"Yes sir, the first recently died. She wasn't as strong as we thought." Something has distinctively changed about Prue's voice. It's now the voice of a man. The large man stands up.

"I don't remember giving you permission to change hosts or to destroy the last one," he says stepping down towards Prue. "And, I will absolutely not tolerate INSUBORDINATION!" he screams. As he does, his demon features are revealed. He's got a face like a troll with large horns. His skin is green and wrinkly and his teeth are large and very sharp. As soon as he stops screaming, his face goes back to human. All the servants freeze and are silent. The man sits back down and takes a deep breath. Prue's face is frozen with fear and her eyes are wide. The man grabs some more grapes and relaxes. "Now, make sure you deliver with this one. I'm starting to get impatient." he says. Prue stands up.

"Yes Jassen, I will not fail you again." Prue says as she backs up toward the window. She quickly turns and crawls out.

* * *

Back at the manor, Piper and Phoebe are still hard at work in the attic. Phoebe has moved to Prue's laptop for research while Piper looks over some notes. They hear the door and footsteps walking upstairs. Piper stands up and walks into Prue's room. She's asleep on her bed. Piper shakes her shoulder and Prue's eyes open slowly.

"Piper, what? I told you I was gonna take a nap before Morris came." she mutters. Piper looks confused.

"Prue, you've been gone for almost two hours. You left the house and we had no idea where you were." Piper says getting slightly annoyed. Phoebe walks into the room. Prue looks almost as confused.

"Piper, I just closed my eyes. You just left. What are you talking about that I left? I haven't been anywhere." Phoebe looks confused as well until here eyes grow wide.

"Prue, look." she says lifting Prue's left arm. On her upper biceps is a large cut with blood staining the t-shirt. Prue looks confused as Piper runs out of the room to go and get some bandages.

"It didn't even hurt." Prue says. Phoebe puts her hand on it and looks at Prue. Prue looks up and her eyes fill with tears. "What's happening to me?" she asks. Phoebe hugs her and Piper returns with the bandages. They bandage up Prue's arm and she falls asleep with her head in Piper's lap. Phoebe is laying down next to her. As they sit on the bed, Piper looks at Phoebe.

"She must have gotten it while she was gone. I don't think this is natural." Phoebe sits up.

"You think this is a demon?" Phoebe asks. Piper shrugs.

"It has to be. No one sleep walks out of the house and does something to get a cut on your arm like that." Piper replies. Phoebe looks a Prue and sighs.

"Well, we'll watch her tonight and if she leaves, we'll follow. We have to make sure about the demon thing before we do anything to freak her out. It may have just been a coincidence."

"Good idea, we'll ta-" Piper starts when she hears the doorbell ring. "That must be Morris, we'll continue this later," Piper says as she gently lifts Prue's head and puts it on a pillow. They sisters walk downstairs and answer the door. Sure enough, it's Inspector Morris on the porch. He walks in and they sit down on the couch in the living room. He lays some pictures out on the table.

"Well, this case, as I told Prue, has us completely stumped. We have no idea what could have caused this woman to die the way that she did," Morris explains. Phoebe picks up one of the pictures and looks at it in detail then grimaces.

"How, exactly did she die?" she asks setting it back down. Morris leans back on the couch.

"Well, to make a long story short, her brain was being eaten away by something, then it exploded." Phoebe's eyes were large and Piper looked a tad sick. after a few more questions, Morris left, leaving the pictures with the sisters. After he left, Phoebe went back upstairs to look for the book. On the way to the attic, she went to check on Prue. She opened the door and saw a empty bed and the window open.

"Piper!" he screamed. Piper hurried in and saw it.

"Okay, it's official, no person sleep walks out of a window," she says walking over to the bed. Phoebe closes the window and notices Prue's car missing.

"Well, she defiantly had someplace to go, her car's gone." Piper sits down on the bed. Phoebe begin as to leave the room. "We have to go and find a spell quickly," she says.

"Wait," says Piper holding up her hand. "Forget spells. Lets think about this for a minute. She must've known we were downstairs so she couldn't get by us. This means that she's not controlling herself. She didn't know about her leaving last time, so that was our first hint." Piper remarks, rubbing her face. Phoebe sits down next to her on the bed.

"Well, what do we do now?" she asks. Piper looks at her.

"Well, we can't do anything right now since she took her car. We have no way of finding her." she says. "But we do have a new thing to look for in the Book of Shadows. Lets go." The girls stand up and head to the attic.

* * *

In downtown, Prue's car is parked outside P3. Inside, she's unloading money from the cash register when Mike, the new bartender walks in the back door. Prue stops immediately and shoves the money in her pocket.

"Oh, hi Prue. I didn't think anyone was here today." Mike says setting a box down and begins unloading glasses.

"Neither did I." Prue says under her breath. Mike looks at her.

"Huh? Did you say something? Your voice sounds weird. Are you sick?" he asks. Prue hoists herself onto the counter and smiles slightly.

"Not really." her voice sounds completely normal. Mike just smiles. He puts down the glasses and leans on the counter.

"Umm, you know, I saw you the other night here. You looked amazing, but I also saw that guy you were with. Unfortunately someone else got to you first." he says smiling. Prue's smile grows wider and she moves to Mike seductively.

"Well, Ben's not here now is he?" she asks. She runs her arms up to Mike's shoulders. Mike looks surprised but extremely pleased. Prue looks at him. "And in a moment, neither will you." Prue grabs his chin and throws his head up. There's a snap and Mike falls to the ground dead. Prue just laughs as her voice grow's manly again. She continues with the cash register and eventually the safe. She then leaves the club, Mike still on the floor.

* * *

Back at the manor, Phoebe is finishing a late lunch while Piper turns the pages of the BOS. They hear a thump from upstairs and they rush to see what it is. They find Prue on her floor sound asleep under the window. They quickly wake her up.

"Okay, this is getting annoying guys. Can't you let me sleep?" she complains as they shake her into a sitting position.

"Prue, you left again." Piper says. Prue looks angry.

"I didn't go anywhere! All I know is that I'm tired and I have a splitting headache." she complain trying to lay back down. Phoebe stops her when the phone rings. She stands to get it as Piper holds Prue. Phoebe grabs the phone on Prue's table.

"Hello? No, this is her sister. What? Oh my god... yes I'll tell her. Thank you." she says and hangs up the phone. Piper looks at her as Prue dozes off again.

"Who was it?" she asks. Phoebe sits down.

"It was Al from the club. The club was robbed and the robber killed Mike. He broke his neck." Phoebe replied. Piper's eyes grew very large and then angry. She stood up and left the room. Phoebe looked at Prue who was sound asleep. She pulled a comforter over her and left her on the floor. She walked out of the room and closed the door. She then sat down at the end of the hallway to wait. About two hours after that, Piper came home. She sat down next to Phoebe.

"They said the robber must've either worked there or been close friends to someone because they knew the combination for the safe and everything. Mike wasn't killed in any special manor, but no normal human can simply break someone's neck." Piper whispers looking around. The house is completely dark and Phoebe shivers.

"Do you think it might have been Prue, or whatever's controlling her?" Phoebe whispers. Piper shrugs.

"God, I hope not. She's not in control, but if she get's caught doing something, it's her that's gonna get arrested." Piper remarks quietly. Suddenly, Prue's door opens slightly. Prue pokes her head out and looks around. Phoebe and Piper are silent in the darkness at the end of the hallway and Prue walks down the stairs. Piper waits until the front door opens before she stands and walks after her, followed by Phoebe. On the way out of the house Phoebe notices the clock. It's almost two a.m. They pull on their jackets and watch Prue get in her car and pull out of the driveway. They follow in Piper's jeep. They follow Prue all the way to Bucklands. Prue stops outside and walks to the door, pulls out her keys and opens it. She walks in and leaves it unlocked. Piper pulls up behind her car and they watch her go inside.

"Maybe one of us should stay out here to watch." Phoebe says. Piper nodes. Phoebe looks at her. "Let me rephrase that. Maybe I should stay out here and watch. You need to go in so you can freeze her if she tries anything stupid." Piper looks at her annoyingly then gets out of the car. She walks to the door and pulls it open slowly. She walks through the dark hallway slowly listening for any sounds. She hears a door open somewhere and she walks to the storage area. She sees Prue fiddling with the combination to the safe. The lock pops open and she smiles.

"Boy, this is gonna be easier than I thought," Prue says. Piper's eyebrows shoot up at the sound of a man's voice. Prue enters the vault and Piper sneaks closer and kneels behind some boxes. She watches Prue pull a bag out of her coat and fills it with jewelry, money and any other valuable items from the safe. Piper crawls closer, but knocks a box over on top of her. Prue drops the bag and looks behind her. Piper throws her hands up and freezes the room, Prue too. She pulls the box off of her and stands up painfully. The box had landed on her leg and she quietly limped out of the room. Time resumed and Prue looked around then continued. Piper emerged from the building and Phoebe ran over to her.

"What happened? What'd you see?" she asks helping Piper to the car. Piper winces and sits down.

"Well, Prue has a new hobby. She's stealing from the vault." Piper replies. Phoebe gets angry.

"What'd she do to you?" Phoebe asked referring to her leg. Piper shook her head.

"She didn't do anything. I knocked a box on top of me." Phoebe climbed to the drivers side. The girls sit there waiting for Prue to emerge. In about fifteen minutes she did and got in her car. She pulled away from the curb and pulled onto the highway. Phoebe followed slowly, pulling into some traffic behind Prue. Piper sat in the front seat watching her car. After about fifteen minutes on the highway, Prue's car pulled off and pulled up in front of the old apartment building. Phoebe parked a few blocks away and watched Prue go around back she opened her door.

"I'm going in. You stay out here." she said getting out of the car.

"Phoebe, be careful!" Piper exclaimed. Phoebe ran to the building and saw Prue sliding in through a window. She crept over and knelt next to it. She heard two men talking.

"Jassen, this is all I could get for now. I promise you'll have more."

"Ben, you've had the new host for almost three days now and all I get is some measly cash from a new club, and some old pieces of clay!" Phoebe heard something shatter on the floor and she winced. There go some artifacts she thought. "You had better give me a better explanation!" he screamed. Phoebe knelt onto her stomach and slid forward and peeked into the room. Prue was kneeling on the floor and a man was sitting on a chair in front of her. There were other people milling around, some with platters of food.

"Sir, you don't understand. This woman's sisters are always there. They have police coming to the house! I have to climb out windows to escape!" Prue says. The man stood up. He stepped down to Prue and put his hand on her shoulder. "You are forgiven, but let me tell you; if you don't deliver to me soon, I will kill you and your host in one swipe." His grip tightened and he yanked Prue into a standing position. She winced in pain as he thrust her to the window. Phoebe jumped back as Prue's body slammed into the glass, shattering it. Phoebe stood up and ran back to the car. She jumped in and they sped away. A moment later, Prue limped away from the building, holding her left hip in pain. She got in her car and drove home.

* * *

The next day, Phoebe was eating breakfast in the kitchen. Prue had come in a few minutes after she and Piper had quickly slipped into bed. Everything was okay now. They had nailed some wood to her window so the only way Brian could get out of the house was out the front door and Piper and Phoebe would guard it every night. Prue was now sleeping soundly upstairs with Piper in her room reading. Phoebe finished her breakfast and went upstairs to relieve Piper so she could go to work. She walked in with a stack of magazines, college study books, and notebooks. Piper saw her come in and stood up.

"I'm gonna get off early tonight so I can get home to watch. I'll see you later." Piper whispered as she left. Phoebe set her books down and looked at her sister. Prue was curled into a fetal potion breathing deeply. She had a cut over her left eye from the glass last night. It almost made Phoebe cry to see her sister. She sat down on the bed next to her.

"How could anyone be evil enough to do this to you?" she asked with tears in her eyes. She brushed the hair out of Prue's face an she gave her a kiss on the head. She sat down with her books and started her work.

* * *

At Bucklands, there were cops everywhere. Some employees were standing around watching the cops.

"Why does it seem like every week there's a major investigation going on?" one man said. the other one nodded and laughed.

"Yeah, I'm surprised with all the theft that we haven't gone bankrupt yet." The cops were investigating the vault and fingerprinting the combination wheel. They had pulled up a list of five names of current employees and past employees that all fit the description of the finger prints that they could pull. Morris was there and he took a look at the list. He groaned when he saw Prue's name. He gave it to the inspector working the case and he left the room. He got in his car and drove away to question the sisters.

Back at the manor, Phoebe was upstairs working on her homework. She heard a knock at the door and she walked over to the window. She saw Morris and tapped the window and motioned for him to come upstairs. She met him at the bedroom door. He looked at Prue and questioned Phoebe.

"Oh, she's had a slight case of insomnia the past few days. She hasn't slept well and she's just now starting to get some rest." Phoebe lied. She didn't want to tell Morris directly that Prue's responsible for the robberies and murder. Morris walked over to the bed. He felt Prue's forehead.

"She's a little warm," he says with a smile. Phoebe relaxes a little bit. Morris stands up. "I'm here to question her actually. Could we discuss this downstairs?" he asks motioning towards the door. Phoebe shakes her head.

"No, I need to stay with Prue, but I'm sure we can talk in here, I doubt we'll wake her up," Phoebe replies sitting down. Morris shrugs.

"Okay, Bucklands was robbed last night and we got some fingerprints. We IDed them all we could to a few current and past employees and Prue's name came up. Where was she last night?" Morris asks leaning on the dresser. Phoebe thinks quickly.

"Well, we were all here. Piper was at the club." Phoebe lies. Morris nods.

"So, you and Prue were here? All night?" Phoebe nodes. Morris stands up. "Okay, thanks. We'll get back to you." He leaves and Phoebe stands up and gives a sigh of relief. She sits down on the bed.

"We'd better find out what's wrong with you. You're going to get us all in trouble." Prue simply sighs in her sleep.

* * *

Later that evening, Phoebe is sitting out in the hallway. The clock strikes two a.m downstairs and she sighs. She looks at Prue's door and waits. Another half hour before she can go and get Piper. She'd been sitting on the wooden floor for almost two hours. Suddenly, the door to Prue's bedroom cracks open. Phoebe catches her breath as Prue's steps out quietly. She closes her door quietly behind her and she tiptoes downstairs. Phoebe waits a minute and she goes in to wake Piper up. They girls hurry downstairs and they hear Prue's car pull away. They wait a moment then follow in Piper's jeep. They follow Prue car onto the highway and she takes an exit ramp off. Piper's about to follow when Phoebe stops her.

"I say we go to that building she was at last night. There's nothing we can do now." Phoebe says. Piper agrees and stays on the highway. They arrive at the building and the sisters sneak to the window. It's still broken from last night and Phoebe peers through it. There's no one in the room. They quietly crawl through the window. Phoebe winces as some broken glass rips her shirt and cuts her arm. She drops onto the floor and looks around. Piper follows and stands behind her. It looks the same as last night, minus the servants and the big guy. Phoebe walks over to the "throne" and picks up some papers laying on the floor. Piper picks up some other ones and the sisters look through them. One has a list of items with a prices. There's a total of over twenty thousand dollars summed up at the bottom. Phoebe lets out a soft whistle as she shows it to her sister and puts it in her pocket. Piper looks through her papers. One in a police warrant for a guy named Brian. Stapled to it is a death warrant for the same man. It's dated March 3rd, 2000. Piper puts that in her pocket as well. They suddenly hears a noise from the other room and duck behind a table. The door swings open and two men walk in. One is holding a box and the other is carrying a stack of papers. They drop them on the floor.

"I'm getting pissed. Brian isn't performing. This is gonna affect the whole group if he doesn't do this," one of the guys says. He starts going through some of the papers. He pulls some of them out and laughs. "My God, he's terrified of this new body."

"No way, Brian's getting good at this." the second man says. The first man shakes his head. He pulls some more papers and piles them in a stack in the middle of the floor.

"No, he says there's something different about this body. He says she has powers or something," he finishes with the papers and the second guy looks at him quizzically.

"What do you mean powers?" he asks. The man pulls a lighter out of his pocket and starts to light the stack of papers. Phoebe quickly nudges Piper in the rib and she throws up her hands and freezes everything. Phoebe jumps up and races to the stack. the lighter is only a few centimeters from the papers. She picks them up. They're documents of other sleepwalkers. Piper picks up some and Phoebe grabs the rest. They head to the window and begin to crawl out. Phoebe is the first pulling Piper through. Phoebe stands up and runs straight into Prue. Both look surprised, but Prue reacts first. She throws Phoebe against the building with her power and Phoebe lands on a confused Piper. Prue grabs Phoebe and hauls her off of her sister and then she pulls Piper away from the window. She drops through as Piper inches over to Phoebe. She's unconscious with a minor head wound. Piper shakes her gently, then hears cracking glass. She turns to see one of the guys climb out. He laughs softly and brings a butt of a gun down on Piper's head. She falls into blackness.

* * *

Piper stirs as she lifts her head and looks around. Her vision in blurred heavily and she tries to stand up. She notices her hands are tied behind her back and she's sitting in a chair in a dark room. She hears slight breathing and looks over next to her. Phoebe is in the same situation, but Piper notices her little sister sitting in the chair next to her, blood dripping down her face from a large ugly head wound. Piper struggles against the ropes as suddenly the door opens. Prue walks in, or rather Brian in Prue's body.

"Welcome. I'm surprised it took you this long to find me, you've been quite perspective to me." he says walking down the stairs. Piper grows angry. Suddenly, Brian stops and grabs Prue's head. He hold it for a second, then shakes it. "Sorry, your sisters starting to fail me. It will only be a matter of time before she breaks and I'll have to infest one of your minds. I can't decide. If your sister wakes up in time, I'll use her, but if she doesn't, I'll have to just use you. It's quite sad, Prue's in a lot of pain right now. Care for me to tell you about it?" Brian asks with a evil laugh. Piper's close to tears as she struggles against the ropes hold her hands. Brian grabs a chair and sits down. "Well, I'll tell you anyway. She's to the point where she can see everything. She's crying and she's pleading not to kill you." he smiles. "Quite sad isn't it?" Piper's look of evil quickly grows sympathetic.

"Prue, it's okay. We'll find a way out of this!" Piper screams. Brian laughs and stands up. He walks to Piper's chair and tips it backward. Piper crashes to the ground and lets out a quiet moan. Brian stands over her as she shakes her head. Suddenly, something drips on her forehead. She looks up to see blood dripping out of Prue's right eye. Brian dabs it with his hand as he shrugs.

"Well, this is happening somewhat sooner than I though it would. I guess I'll just have to use you," he says. he leans over about to put his hand on Piper's face when he jerks forward and fall to the ground. Piper looks up to see Phoebe bouncing around in her chair. Piper struggles too as Brian attempts to get up. Phoebe yanks her hands around and the ropes loosen and she pulls her hands out. She jumps up and tackles Brian. Piper rolls onto her side to watch the fight, sister versus sister. Phoebe struggles and Brian gets a few cheap shots due to Phoebe's head wound, but Phoebe soon recovers and knocks him flat with a roundhouse. She quickly unties Piper and they run over to the extremely dazed Brian. Phoebe kneels over and looks into his eyes and sees that's they're completely black. Prue's fading through and she's wincing in pain.

"Do something Phoebe!" Piper screams. Phoebe looks panicked.

"Umm, uh, demon who has ruined lives, with possessions strong. Leave the body of this soul, and undo all your wrongs." Phoebe exclaims. Prue convulses and a spirit rises out of her chest of a man.

"NOOOOO!" he screams as he explodes into a oblivion. Phoebe and Piper hoist Prue up and quickly leave the building.

* * *

A few days later, Prue's still recovering from some "severe head trauma" as the doctors put it. The truth was that they had no idea what was wrong with her. Phoebe was treated for a cracked rib and a severe concussion and Piper has stitches on her left eyebrow. At the manor, the sister's were calmly watching TV.

"Well, if you look at this in prospective, that was just another day on the job." Phoebe remarks. Prue snorts.

"Yeah, well you didn't have some guy eating away at your brain," she remarks. Piper laughs.

"Well, Prue. You had no idea what was going on. Half the time we were trying to save you and you just yelled at us for waking you up. Some thanks." Piper says Phoebe laughs and Prue just looks grumpy. The sisters turn back to the TV and continue watching.