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Prue's Closet

by Demille

NOTE: Part 1 of 23, in the Chronicle Series.

DISCLAIMER As usual, none of these characters are mine. This story is Written exclusively for the enjoyment of the Internet reader. Print it out if you like, but please don't reproduce it or post it on your site without notifying me first.

Phoebe was perusing through Prue's closet. Not an uncommon thing for the youngest and prettiest of the Halliwell sisters to do. She had often found just the thing when nothing in her closet seemed to fit the occasion. This infuriated Prue even though Phoebe felt since she didn't mind Prue going through her closet; Prue should be willing to reciprocate. It was just that Phoebe had nothing likeable to wear and Prue had worked VERY hard for everything she had earned and had so many wonderful things to wear. Here lay the big difference between the oldest and youngest Halliwell sisters. Phoebe continued to stiffly shift through the hangers not yet finding what was appropriate.

She passed through Prue's immaculately tailored suits. She wore them at the museum where she used to work and when she started working at Buckland's. Prue loosened up after that. Both Phoebe and Piper appreciated that change in their oldest sibling. Then came the shawl she had worn to see Love Story just a few weeks ago when they ran into Cupid. A very nice chap that Phoebe would not mind running into again. Then came her more recent work clothes in brighter colors and more chic lines. A definite improvement that looked real good on Prue and not so bad on Phoebe either.

In the back of the closet Phoebe found a box of clothing all carefully marked and packed away.

"Prue, I never knew you were so sentimental. That seemed so far from your normal personality," thought Phoebe to herself.

In it she found the prom dress she wore in high school when Andy had taken her as his date. It had was her Mother's formal black dress, but being the oldest Prue wore it first.

"Oh, Mom, Andy. Both gone now." said Phoebe out loud choking just a bit.

Then she found the suit she had bought for her engagement party when she and Roger had announced their intended marriage. It was one of the prettiest outfits Prue ever had. So bright and cheery. Something changed in Prue after that breakup.

"I wondered what made you keep that after what happened?" Phoebe asked herself.

Then there was Andy's high school letter jacket and some of Prue's favorite sweaters and skirts from high school. And Prue's old college sorority sweater and her college graduation cap. Near the bottom was her Princess Leia Halloween costume that was so old that Pheebs had only seen it in pictures.

"Prue you never cease to surprise me," said Phoebe with a tear.

She put everything back carefully; lovingly.

In the other end of the closet she found Prue's formal clothes. The dress she had worn to Grams' funeral, the suit she had used to get her first real job at the museum and Prue's formal gowns. Prue never wanted anything too fancy, so she had a good royal blue long gown, a red hot and spicy revealing short gown and three different black ones. One real short gown showing lots of skin, another short one that wasn't quite so daring and a long formal simple black gown good for any formal occasion. Anything from an informal gathering of friends to meeting with the Chairman of the Board of Buckland's.

"Yes, that it's that the perfect dress. I have worn it several times. It will look perfect on Prue. It showed every bit the lady she is and every curve she has. It's perfect [Sniff] for Prue to wear with her head lying on satin surrounded by that beautiful dark oak."

Phoebe fell down clutching the dress sniffing and then crying out loud. "Just what Prue would have wanted. Now she can wear it for always. Piper has one like it, too. Both of them can rest in peace. Now that they're both gone."

"Now that they're gone!" said Pheebs crying hysterically as she wrapped her arms around her legs and leaned up against the door. She clutched the dress as tight as if it were her own child. "Now that they're gone!" Phoebe said leaning up against the wall deep inside, deep inside Prue's closet.