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Piper's Very Special Daughter

by Erica Halliwel1

It was a bright summer day and the sixth month of Piper's pregnancy and still she had the little witchy attitude she had three months ago. She was very tired from walking all day and she and Phoebe were sitting in her forest green jeep. Prue and her new job were doing very well. She had to take pictures for Woman's Day. The assignment was pictures of a pregnant woman, so she decided to go to Piper's Lamaze class with Leo to take pictures. After Phoebe drove Piper home, Piper just plopped down on the couch exhausted, as Prue was just coming home, determined to get her cranky attitude adjusted. Not just to shut her up but to tell her something very special about her baby. But she had no attitude anymore. Instead she was way too happy. Because she just got the truth about her baby. Something Prue were going to tell her. "Hey, Piper why are so happy?" said Prue. "Well I just found out my baby is very special!" "You already know?" Prue said. "Yeah, just before you came in Leo told me." Phoebe butted in asking what was so special? Piper explained her child was a mix of white lighter and witch, and some how got a mix of eternal youth. So the child was special.

Four months later

While sitting on the couch listening to Phoebe talk to her new boyfriend Jason. Prue was also talking to her new flame Kyle. Piper was waiting for her hubby Leo when she had a very sharp pain in her stomach. As she screamed in pain Prue, Phoebe and both their boys came running to where Piper was sitting. Leo orbed in and they all asked what the matter was. Breathless Piper choked out the words "I-i-i-i think somethings wrong with the baby!" Piper was again calm because the pain had passed but she knew it wasn't normal to feel the way she felt at that moment. She knew she should get to the hospital immediately. Another sharp pain tore through Piper's abdomen. Right then Piper was so tired she just fell asleep.

"Piper! Piper! Wake up," Phoebe said franticly. Piper woke up and said, "Oh my God my water just broke!" As they pulled up to the Hospital Piper yelled again. Piper and Leo were waiting in the delivery room for Dr. Adam. Just then Phoebe and Prue come in wearing scrubs. "What are you doing guys?" Leo asked. "We're going to see the birth of our very special niece or nephew. Just then Dr. Adam came in ready for delivery. "Push, push, come on you can do it !" Just as Piper pushed and the baby came out.

"It's a girl!" "Oh she's beautiful Piper," they said in unison. Phoebe asked what her name was. Piper and Leo chimed in together and said, "Erica Marie Halliwell." "That is a beautiful name Piper!" Phoebe said.

Two days later

Piper, Prue, Phoebe and Leo were sitting on the couch cooing at Erica. All of a sudden Piper freezes the warlock that comes around the corner. In his hand is a letter that read:

You Charmed Ones have always gotten my Warlocks and now its payback time! I will some how get your baby. That is the most valuable thing except Leo and your sisters! HA hA HA HA hA hA!

Your worst night mare

Piper was so frightened. Then Phoebe had a premonition about Erica killing their worst nightmare. It was in a warehouse and she had to get there before they were attacked again. As they got in the warehouse a streak of light came from Erica's hand instantly killing all the warlocks around. But not their worst nightmare. He was immortal, so he could not die but instead he was afraid of Erica would try to. Erica was only two weeks old but was stronger than Hercules. So their worst nightmare just left screaming, "Some day some how I will kill you all, all of you witches."

One year later

Piper was having a great time with her daughter. She forgot about that mishap but did not forget her daughter. She was strengthen her powers.

They all lived Warlock free. Not really, but that's a different story.