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Questions And Answers

by Leo's Girl

DISCLAIMER: Based on the Spelling Productions TV show, created by Constance M. Burge. All characters are property of Spelling Productions, except for the ones I created myself. Unauthorized reproduction or reposting of text is not allowed. Contact Leo's Girl to ask for permission.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is my third Charmed FanFic story. It is the sequel to "The Choice" and starts the day after. And it precedes "The Test". As always I would appreciate your comments and feedback.

We open in the Halliwell manor. It is about six thirty in the morning and Piper and Leo are in the kitchen. Piper is feeding Kit, and Leo is looking in the fridge.

"There you go Kit, now you can stop complaining," Piper said setting a dish of food in front of the cat.

"What should we have for breakfast this morning?" Leo asked turning to face Piper.

"How about waffles and fruit?" she replied standing up.

"Sounds good. Lets get started," he agreed. Leo started to mix the batter, and Piper began to cut up strawberries and melon.

Piper started to think how perfect this was. She and Leo were right for each other. Last night they had sat up talking until one in the morning. And now here they were cooking breakfast perfectly in sync.

"How are you coming with the fruit?" he said breaking into her thoughts.

"Really well. How about you?" she answered.

"I'm finished mixing and am going to start cooking," he said. Leo then leaned over and got the waffle maker out from under the counter and plugged it in. She finished cutting up the fruit and started to watch him as he poured the batter on the grill.

Fifteen minutes later he had cooked a whole stack of waffles that he put on a platter. "What are you doing?" he asked turning around to face Piper.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"You've been watching me for the last twenty minutes," he said.

"I just like looking at you. I've been thinking how great it is that we're dating again. Being with you is perfect. I've never dated a guy I enjoyed doing such normal things, like cooking breakfast with," Piper said.

"I'm glad. And I love being with you also. But I have to point out that we haven't actually gone on a date yet," he said.

"Is that so," Piper said stepping over to him and giving him a kiss. "We have to do something about that," she said placing her arms around his neck and kissing him again.

Leo wrapped his arms around her waist and returned her kiss. "I think I have a solution to our problem," he said as they pulled apart a few minutes later.

"What's that?" Piper asked.

"It's really simple. If we have dinner tonight and then see a movie it'll be a date and then we'll be dating," he said.

"I think that'll work. Where and what time?" Piper asked.

"I won't tell you the place. Be ready to leave at seven. Don't worry about dressing formally it's casual," Leo said.

"Ok. I'll be ready tonight at seven," she said.

"Great seven it is. That is if I can get my boss to give me the night off," he said.

"Don't worry I'm sure she'll let you off," Piper said kissing him again.

* * *

Ten minutes later Prue came in followed by Phoebe. Piper and Leo were sitting next to each other eating.

"Morning you two. Do you want some breakfast," Leo asked pleasantly.

"Sure. Thanks Leo," Prue said pouring her self a cup of coffee and sitting down. Leo stood up and walked over to the cupboard.

"How about you Phoebe," he asked cheerfully

"How can you be so cheery this early in the morning?" Phoebe mumbled.

"Sit down Pheebs. I'll get you some coffee," Piper said standing up. Phoebe sat down at the table and yawned. Piper got her a cup of coffee and handed it to her.

"Thank you," Phoebe said taking a sip. Leo handed the plate to Prue and she got a few waffles and put some fruit on the top.

"These are really good," Prue said taking a bite. Phoebe grabbed a fork and speared a piece of Prue's waffle. "Hey," Prue said.

"Your right. These are good," Phoebe said. "I sill don't see how you could wake up this early and function. Much less cook."

"Really Phoebe this isn't that early. Leo and I got up at six," Piper said.

"Really you and Leo got up at six," Phoebe said raising her eyebrows.

Piper turned red "Yes I got up at six and came downstairs. Leo had just gotten up," she said regaining her composure.

"Ok what ever you say," Phoebe said taking another bite of Prue's waffle.

"You know you could get your own, don't you," Prue said.

"What and have to stand up," Phoebe said dramatically.

They all finished breakfast and started off to their various destinations. Phoebe to the attic to review the Book of Shadows, Prue to a job interview. And Piper and Leo to the club.

* * *

Piper and Leo got to the P3 in twenty minutes. They worked the whole morning. Later around noon they ordered lunch and ate in Piper's office. Then they went back to work.

At five thirty Leo came to Piper and asked "Can I have an hour off and borrow your car? I need to get things ready for tonight."

"Ok," Piper said handing him her car keys.

"Thanks," he said taking the keys from her. "I'll be back in an hour," he said giving her a kiss. He got back an hour later. He worked for the next half hour.

"Ready to go?" he asked coming up behind Piper.

"Yes. Can I please have a hint?" she pleaded.

"Nope, but I know you'll love it," he said. Piper got her purse and followed him out the door.

When they got to the car Leo opened the door for Piper. She got in and thanked him. He then walked around to the driver's side and got in.

After he had gotten in he pulled out a blind fold. "Put this on," he said handing it to her.

"Why?" she asked taking it from him.

"Because tonight's destination is secret," Leo said mysteriously. She looked at him for a minute before putting it on. If anyone else had asked her to wear a blindfold on a date she would have questioned them and not put it on. But she trusted Leo with all her heart.

He started the jeep and drove out of the parking lot. They drove for at least half an hour, they kept up a lively conversation the whole time.

"How much further?" Piper asked.

"Were here," Leo said slowing the car to a stop. "Now you sit here I'll set up," he said opening the door and climbing out.

"Ok," Piper said sounding mystified.

"Don't peak," Leo said before shutting the door. She heard him open the trunk and get something out. Then she heard him moving around outside. It sounded like he was setting things down.

A minute later the door opened. "Here watch your step," Leo said helping her out of the car. He guided her over to a spot a few feet away from the jeep and helped her sit down.

He sat down behind her and took off the blindfold. "What do you think?" he asked.

"Leo it's amazing," was all she could answer. She was looking out over the bay at the stars. She cold see the outline of the city in the distance, and the bridge lit by the light of the cars and lights up the towers.

She was sitting on a blanket with a picnic basket set out. There were two candles to light the area. And it was all bathed in the soft light of the moon. All together a very romantic atmosphere.

"I'm glad you like it. It one of my favorite spots," Leo said sounding pleased. Piper turned around and gave him a kiss.

"This is perfect Leo thank you," she said. They ate the dinner Leo had packed and talked for a half hour. When they were done they packed up the basket and put it in the car. Then they went back and laid out on the blanket and gazed at the stars.

"I hate to say this but we had better get going if we're going to make it to the movie in time," he said after a while.

"You know the movie will still be playing later this week," Piper said gazing at him.

"You're right," Leo said looking into her eyes. He turned on his side and placed his arm on her waist. He pulled her close and kissed her passionately. She kissed back and they had soon forgotten about the movie.

* * *

They got in late that night. It was two in the morning. They walked in next to each other with Piper's arm around his waist and his arm around her shoulders. They walked into the living room and kissed again.

"Thank you for tonight Leo it was perfect," Piper said.

"Your welcome Piper. I loved it to," he said.

"Good night," she said.

"Good night," he said. They kissed and then Piper headed up to bed and Leo stretched out on the couch. Piper changed into her pajamas and climbed into bed.

She laid there thinking about her night with Leo. It had been great. She was so glad she had chosen Leo over Dan. She drifted off with the image of sitting there with Leo gazing up at the stars.

* * *

The next morning Piper woke up and opened her eyes. She looked at the clock. It was six. She got up and changed. Though she had only gotten four hours of sleep she was wide awake.

It was probably the prospect of seeing Leo as soon as possible. She walked down the hall and noticed that Phoebe and Prue were still asleep. She went down the stairs and into the living room.

Leo was still asleep. He was curled up under a blanket on the couch. She didn't want to wake him so she went into the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. She poured a cup and sat reading yesterday's paper.

Twenty minutes later she heard a noise in the living room. She stood up and walked in. Leo was sitting up stretching. Piper came and sat down next to him. "Good morning," she said giving him a kiss.

"Good morning to you," Leo said.

He had on the same blue jeans he had been wearing last night, and no shirt. He stood up and pulled on a t-shirt. They walked into the kitchen and started breakfast.

"I really enjoyed last night," Piper said.

"I glad. It was one of the best nights of my life," Leo said. They talked the whole time they were cooking. After they finished making breakfast they sat down and ate. At seven Prue walked in the room.

"Morning," Prue said. She then walked over and poured her self a cup of coffee, and sat down.

"Good morning Prue," Piper and Leo said. Prue got her food and started to eat. After a few minutes Piper asked "So Prue what are you doing today?"

"Well, yesterdays job interview didn't go very well. But I set up another interview for today. I really hope I get the job.

It's at a photography studio. The studio just opened and the owner is looking for an assistant. It has real potential for advancement," Prue answered sounding excited.

"I'm really happy for you. Photography, that's a big change for you," Leo said.

"I know, but I want to do this," Prue said.

"Well then go for it. You always wanted to be a photographer. You took the job at the museum so we wouldn't lose the house. You helped Phoebe and I find our paths. It's about time you follow your dreams. If you need help with anything, all you have to do is ask," Piper said.

"Thanks Piper, I will," Prue said. "I have to go I have a few errands to run before the interview," she said standing up and walking to the door. "Bye you two I'll see you tonight at the club tonight,"

"We'll be waiting," they said. Prue walked out the door and shut it. Piper and Leo continued to talk and about ten minutes later Phoebe walked into the room.

"Morning Pheebs. Sleep well?" Piper asked.

"Morning Piper, Leo. I slept well. When did you guys get home last night? I didn't hear you come in," she asked.

"Not that it's any of your business, we got in at two," Piper answered. "Leo we have to go," she said standing up. Leo stood up also.

"Bye Phoebe see you tonight," they said walking out the door.

* * *

The day went well. There were no accidents, and Piper managed to freeze one of her employees before he dropped a box on the floor.

That night when Prue came in she found that Phoebe had already gotten there, and was sitting with Piper and Leo at a table. She went over and sat with them.

"So Prue were all anxious to know how the interview went," Phoebe said.

"It went really well. It turns out the owner is the only one in the company. We met for lunch and talked for an hour. He said he would call within two days and tell me if I had gotten the job.

Brad also said he had only had three other people apply, and unless the last candidate turned out to be a nationally famous photographer. I had the job," Prue said.

"Prue that's great. I'm really happy for you," Piper said.

"I agree that sound great," Leo said.

"Good for you. So what does he look like? Is he cute," Phoebe asked.

"He's in his late twenties. He grew up in Boston, but other than that I don't really know much about him," Prue said.

"Come on Prue. You found out were he grew up, his age, and first name. But didn't notice how he looked," Phoebe said.

"I guess pretty good," Prue said. Phoebe gave her a look. "Ok really good. He had black hair and was about six feet tall. It would not be at all hard to work with him," she said.

Phoebe gave a triumphant look before saying "See did you think you could fool your sisters. We know you too well," They all laughed and the rest of the night went great. Phoebe danced the whole night. Prue sat at a table with a pleased look on her face. And Pipe and Leo took care of the club, but managed to steal a few dances.

* * *

The next day went extremely well. Leo worked very hard at his new job and his relationship with Piper. This morning they were sitting at the table talking.

Prue had gone in for a second interview with Brad, and was dropping Phoebe off for one of her classes. Piper and Leo had worked so hard the night before that they didn't have to go into work until later that day.

"Thank you so much for your help last night Leo. I never would have finished in time if it weren't for you," Piper said.

"It was no trouble," Leo said. "In fact it was kinda..," he was about to continue but he was overtaken by a yawn. "I'm sorry," he said a minute later.

"Leo it's ok. I know you must be tired. Why don't you stay home today. I'll come home early and we can have a quiet dinner here before Phoebe and Prue get back," she said.

"That sounds nice Piper. But I feel all right, I'm a little tired, but I want to help you," Leo said. "Tell you what, I'll take this morning off and sleep. But only if you agree to meet me on the top of the hill, in the park at one thirty this afternoon," he said.

"Ok," she agreed slightly puzzled. "I've got to go or I'll be late," Piper said standing up. She bent over and gave Leo a quick kiss. "Bye Leo. I'll see you this afternoon.

"Bye Piper. I'll see you later," he said. Piper walked out to her car and drove to work.

The morning was uneventful and went by quickly. She was sitting in her office looking over some receipts when she glanced down at her watch. It was almost one.

"I have to go or I'll be late," she said standing up. She grabbed her purse and walked briskly out of her office. "Karen your in charge. I'll be back later this afternoon," she said as she passed her assistant.

Once Piper was out of the club she raced to her tan jeep and climbed in she drove to the park. She parked the jeep and started to walk to the top of the hill. When she got there she was speechless. Leo was lying on a table cloth with a beautiful picnic set up in front of him.

"So Piper what do you think?" Leo asked her.

"Leo, it's perfect. I don't know what to say," she said walking over to him and sitting down. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a passionate kiss. They had a wonderful meal. They spent the time talking and eating the delicious food Leo had brought.

After they had finished eating and had packed up picnic basket Piper sat down on the blanket. Leo reached into his pocket and kneeled down on one knee.

He pulled out a ring and gazed deep into her soft brown eyes. "Piper Halliwell, will you marry me?" he asked.

"Yes," Piper said gazing back into his clear blue eyes. She didn't have to think at all she just said what was in her heart. "I want to be with you as long as I can. Even if it's only for a month until you become a White Lighter again," she said.

"Piper there is something I need to tell you. The elders contacted me this morning. They made my suspension permanent. They said since I had not learned from my mistakes and stayed away from you. They had no choice but to end my life as a White Lighter permanently. But they did give my an identity, so that I can live in this world without attracting attention," Leo said.

"Leo I'm so sorry. I want to be with you. Be awfully hard on you to have the life you have known taken away from you," she said softly.

"Don't be. Yes that life was important to me. But deep in my heart all I've ever wanted was to be with you. I love you," he said leaning forward and kissing her.

As soon as they pulled apart she said "I love you too."

* * *

Later that night when Prue and Phoebe arrived at the P3 they spotted Piper and Leo sitting close to each other at a table in the corner. They walked over to the table and greeted them.

"Hi you two. How was your day?" Piper and Leo asked.

"I had a great day. I got back my grade for my fist paper. And I got an A," Phoebe said happily.

"I also had a great day. I got the job. Brad said I was the most competent person for the job. We have a wedding to photograph this weekend. It is a big society affair and Brad says if we do well it will be all uphill from there," Prue said excitedly.

"It seem like we all had good days," Piper said looking at Leo.

"Oh sorry Piper. How did your day go?" Phoebe asked

"Well Leo and I got engaged," Piper said her face glowing.

"Engaged that's great. Congratulations to both of you," Phoebe said.

"Congratulations. I'm so happy for you both," Prue said.

"Thank you," Piper and Leo said looking at each other and smiling.

"So have you set a date yet?" Prue asked.

"Yes we decided on the twenty seventh of next month," Piper said.

"This is great. Leo now that your going to be part of the family I think you need to know what Piper was like as a kid," Phoebe said with a grin.

"Phoebe don't you dare. We don't want to scare him off by telling him all the wild things I did when I was younger," Piper said.

"Actually I was thinking more along the lines of telling him what a boring kid you were. Always the responsible one. Never taking risks. "Phoebe said.

"Or what about not going to your senior prom because the one guy who asked you out was someone you had only know for two years," Prue said jumping in.

"Some help you two are. When you two find guys and get engaged, remind me to tell them all the embarrassing stories about you two," Piper said. "And for you Phoebe. At least the guys in high school didn't call me Freebie."

"Hey that's unfair," Phoebe said. "It's supposed to be our turn to tell embarrassing stories about you. Not the other way around," Phoebe said.

"Turn about is fair play," Piper said. Leo started to laugh.

"Hey what are you laughing at?" Piper and Phoebe asked.

Do you three know how funny you look?" he asked.

"What this is a perfectly normal, logical, case of trying to out do each other," Phoebe said.

"And you had better get used to it. Or you'll have a hard time being married to me," Piper said with a laugh.

"Believe me I would walk over hot coals for you. It'll take more than a little sibling rivalry to scare me away," he said placing his arm around Piper's shoulders and pulling her closer.

"Isn't he wonderful?" Piper asked dreamily.

"Your right he is," Phoebe said looking at Leo.

"Hey Phoebe he's all mine," Piper said. Phoebe turned to Prue.

"How can she doubt me? I was merely commenting that she had made a good choice," Phoebe said.

"Sure you were," Prue said.

"Come on Piper, you knew I was joking didn't you?" Phoebe said.

"I don't think she's listening Phoebe," Prue said.

"Oh and why do you think that?" Phoebe asked. "You were listening right Piper?" she said turning around to see Piper and Leo in the middle of a long, slow kiss.

"Will it be like this all the time? Not that I'm sad that Piper has finally found the right guy. It's just that I don't get listened to very much as it is," Phoebe said.

"No, not all the time," Prue said.

"Well that's good to know," Phoebe said sighing and leaning back into her chair. She picked up her drink and started to take a sip.

"Just for the first year or so," Prue said with a laugh.

"What!" Phoebe said sitting up and almost spilling her drink. Prue just laughed.

* * *

The next morning they were all sitting around the table discussing the wedding plans. "So were are you going to have the ceremony?" Phoebe asked.

"Well Leo and I though that the top of the hill in the park would be perfect. That's where Leo proposed," Piper said, looking at Leo lovingly.

"That sounds really romantic," Phoebe said.

"I think that's a great choice Piper."

"We think so too. Neither Piper and I are religious. We also decided it would be a small ceremony," Leo said.

"I just hope we can get everything set up in time. We only have a month," Piper said sounding worried.

"Don't worry. Phoebe and I will help. I bet Brad will agree to photograph the wedding if I ask him," Prue said.

"That would be really helpful Prue," Leo said.

"If you need any help with the decorations, or anything else I would be happy to help. And I can get a few of my collage friends to help," Phoebe said.

"Would you," Piper said hopefully.

"Of course it's no problem. Your my sister and I love you. I want your wedding to be perfect," Phoebe said.

"Thanks you guys," Piper said standing up and giving them both a hug.

* * *

Later that day Prue was at work and had just finished checking over the equipment. She was walking to Brad's office to tell him how things had checked out. She knocked on the door to his office.

"Come in," he shouted. She opened the door and walked in.

"Hello Prue. How did the equipment check out?" he asked pleasantly.

"It looked good. We should be ready by Saturday," Prue said.

"Good. Now I need you to order the film for the wedding. I'll call around and check with the family of the bride to make sure we have everything worked out," he said.

"Ok," Prue said. She walked to the door and placed her hand on the knob. She was about to open the door, but hesitated.

"What is it? You look like you want to ask me something," he said.

"Well. It's just I wanted to know if we're booked up on the twenty seventh of next month," Prue said.

"No. Why do you ask?" Brad said sounding slightly puzzled.

"Um, well my sister is getting married then and I wondered two things. The first was if I could have the day off," Prue said.

"Of course. Tell your sister congratulations from me. What's the second," he said.

"I told my sister that I would ask if you could photograph the wedding. I know you'll probably say no because you could find a better job. But I told her I'd ask," she said starting to walk out the door.

"Prue where are you going. I would love to photograph the wedding for your sister. What's her number? I'll give her a call and we can work out the details," he said.

Prue turned around. "Really. Because you know you don't have to," she said.

"It's fine. I probably couldn't schedule another job this late anyway," he said.

"Thank you," she said. She walked over and gave him a quick hug before she realized what she was doing. "I'm sorry," she said moving back quickly.

"It's all right," he said stepping out form behind his desk and stepping over to her. She looked at him as he moved closer. He reached out his arm and placed it on her shoulder. He leaned forward towards her. She leaned forward as he kissed her.

* * *

That night Piper, Leo, and Prue were sitting at a table in the corner of the P3. "Come on Prue. Tell us what you've been smiling about all evening," Piper said.

"Nope. I'm waiting till Phoebe gets here to tell you," Prue said smiling.

"To tell us what?" Phoebe said walking up to the table. As soon as Phoebe sat down they all looked at Prue expectantly.

"Ok now I'll tell you. Brad agreed to photograph the wedding," Prue said.

"That was what you had to wait for Phoebe to tell us?" Leo asked.

"No. You didn't let me finish. I also think I'm falling in love with him," Prue said.

"When did this happen? Tell us all the details," Phoebe said leaning forward.

"Well today I asked him if he would photograph the wedding. He said yes and I hugged him. I was really embarrassed. But Brad walked around his desk and kissed me. After that we went out to lunch and took a walk on the beach. I have always thought he was cute but today I don't know what happened. But I think I fell in love," Prue said dreamily. "I haven't felt this way since. Since Andy,"

"That's great Prue. We're happy for you" Piper and Leo said.

"Yah that's great," Phoebe said.

"Thanks you guys. I have a date with him tomorrow night. He's going to pick me up around seven," Prue said pausing. "And I wondered if you were going to be around at about eleven. I want to bring Brad by to meet you all."

"Of course. We would love to meet him," Phoebe said.

"Yah. I want to meet the man who can make you this happy," Piper said. They spent the rest of the night talking and laughing.

* * *

The next afternoon they were sitting around the table in the kitchen discussing plans for the wedding. "I called the city and got a permit to have the wedding in the park. Now we need to worry about flowers and dresses and..." Piper was about to continue but Phoebe cut her off.

"Don't worry Piper. It'll be fine. My friends and I are looking into the flowers. And Prue is taking care of the photos. And about the dresses, why don't we go shopping this Saturday. Prue has the day off and I don't have any classes," Phoebe said giving Piper a hug.

"Yah, sweetie don't worry," Prue said. "So what do you think of shopping this weekend?"

"That sounds good. Thank you both for all your help. I don't know what I would do without you. It seems like I've been falling apart lately," Piper said sighing.

"Piper your just nervous. You love Leo so much you want the wedding to be perfect," Prue said.

"I guess your right," Piper replied. "I really want this to be perfect. Leo gave up so much so we could be together."

"Piper he wanted to be with you. He liked his life as a White Lighter. He Loves you," Phoebe said.

"Thanks Phoebe. Your right. I think that part of my nervousness is about feeling guilty. Leo gave up his life for me. I just don't want him to wake up one morning and regret making the choice," she said. "But what you said makes sense. He wouldn't have proposed if he didn't love me. Leo has always been a very straight forward person. And I love him with all my heart. When I met him I knew I had found my soul mate."

"See you have nothing to worry about," Prue said.

* * *

Later that night Prue was sitting on her bed worrying. What should I wear? I want tonight to go well. I really like Brad. She stood up and started trying on outfits.

Half an hour and twelve outfits later she had finally decided on a black dress and shoes to match. Phoebe's crystal pendant necklace finished off the outfit. Prue normally never borrowed Phoebe's things. But the outfit seemed incomplete without it. And besides Phoebe borrowed her things without asking all the time.

She got to the bottom of the stairs just as she heard a knock on the door. She raced to answer it. She opened the door and there was Brad standing with flowers looking gorgeous. "Hi," she said.

"Good evening Prue. You look beautiful tonight as always," Brad said. "Here these are for you. "he said handing the flowers to her.

"Thank you. There beautiful" she said. "Come in. Let me just put these in some water and I'll be ready to go. Make your self comfortable," Brad stepped in and sat down on the couch. Prue got out a vase and put some water in it before placing the flowers in.

"Ok I'm ready to go," she said stepping into the living room.

"All right then lets go," he said standing up. They walked out the door and to Brad's car. He opened the door for her and she climbed in.

* * *

After a wonderful dinner at a quite little restaurant near the bay they went to the P3 to meet Piper, Leo, and Phoebe. They walked in and Prue spotted them sitting at their usual table in the corner. She waved and Phoebe waved back. Piper and Leo were to busy kissing to notice much.

"Finally. I thought you would never get here. There is only so much a single girl can take of these two before she wants to be rescued," Phoebe said pointing to Piper and Leo as they approached the table.

"Brad I would like you meet my younger sister Phoebe," Prue said.

"Nice to meet you. Phoebe," Brad said holding out his hand. Phoebe shook his hand.

"This is my sister Piper and her fiancee Leo," Prue said pointing to Leo and Piper who had finally realized that they were not the only people in the room.

"Hello Brad. Prue has told us so much about you, it's nice to finally meet you," Piper said.

"Nice to meet you Piper. But I'm sure Prue can't have told you two much about me. We just met a few days ago," Brad said.

"Actually Prue really has talked about you quite a lot," Leo said.

"Let's move onto another subject," Prue said in a not so subtle attempt to change the subject.

"But this is such an interesting topic," Brad said. "I had no idea you talked about me so much," he said.

"Well I don't talk about you all the time," Prue said unconvincingly. They all looked at her.

"Yah sure you don't," Phoebe said. Prue turned slightly red and looked down at the floor.

"Don't feel embarrassed Prue. I'm flattered that you told your sisters about me," Brad said putting his arm around her shoulders. He leaned closer and pulled her into a kiss. Leo looked at Piper before he did the same. Phoebe just rolled her eyes.

"I have to get myself a guy," Phoebe said to no one in particular.

* * *

It was the day of the wedding and Leo was standing in front of the preacher. They were on the top of the hill where Leo had proposed. Phoebe had come through on the decorations.

The whole area was decorated with flowers and soft colors. It looked very beautiful. Leo knew what Phoebe and Prue were wearing , but he had no clue what Piper was wearing. She had been very secretive about it when he had asked.

He was a little nervous. What if later in their lives he couldn't help her when she needed him. He didn't regret clipping his wings, but he hated the thought that because he was with her that she might get hurt. But he loved her, he knew that deep in her heart. And he would do what ever it took to be with her. If that meant protecting her even though he was mortal so be it.

Just as he reached this conclusion the music started to play. He turned around and saw Piper walking towards him. She was wearing a pale blue dress with long sleeves. Leo thought she was the most beautiful woman on the entire planet.

As she reached her they both smiled. He reached out his hand to her and she took it and they walked the few steps up to the preacher.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered her to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. If there are any here who know of a reason why these two should not be wed. Let them speak now or forever hold their peace," the preacher said.

No on spoke so he continued. "Piper Halliwell, do you take Leo Wyatt to be your lawfully wedded husband. To cherish, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Piper said looking first at the preacher then at Leo. She took his hand and slid the ring on his finger.

"And Leo Wyatt, do you take Piper Halliwell to be your lawfully wedded wife. To cherish, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Leo said looking deep into Piper's eyes. He took her hand and gently slid the ring on her finger.

"Then with the power invested in me by the state of California. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride,"

Leo took her in his arms and gave her a passionate kiss. When they broke apart a few moments they looked at each other and then walked hand in hand down the isle.

* * *

Later after the reception Leo and Piper were sitting at a table at the P3 talking to Phoebe and Prue. They had held the reception at the P3 and it was closed for the rest of the day.

"I still can't believe your married," Phoebe said.

"I'm so happy for you both," Prue said.

"Thanks. Today wouldn't have gone very smoothly if it weren't for your help. I love you guys," Piper said hugging them.

"You're welcome sweetie. We want you to be happy," they both said.

"I am. I'm the happiest I have ever been in my life," Piper said gazing at Leo. He put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her.

"I hate to rush you. But we have to get going if were going to get to the hotel in time to keep our reservation," Leo said softly.

"Ok," Piper said standing up. "Now you have the number of the hotel in case the forces of darkness decide to attack. I left some suggestions for things you both might do for meals."

"Yes. But there is no way we're going to call. It's your honeymoon. Enjoy it," Prue said. Piper came over to them and gave them another hug. She stood up and started to walk to the door with Leo. Just as they reached it she turned around and looked like she was going to say something.

"We'll be fine. Now go," Phoebe ordered with a laugh. Piper walked out the door with Leo. She turned around as they were stepping out the door, but Leo took his arm and guided her out.

"She takes her role as the responsible sister way to seriously. I though she would never leave," Prue said.

"Does she think that you and I can't get along with out her? She's only going to be gone for a few days. I think we can handle the forces of darkness by our selves till then," Phoebe said.

Just then Brad walked in. He had photographed the wedding beautifully. He made sure to get pictures of every major event as well as lots of candid shots. And even with all this Prue and he had managed to steal a few dances.

"Hi Brad," Prue said rather loudly, since Phoebe hadn't spotted him yet.

"Oh hi Brad. Prue and I were just talking about who would do the cooking while Piper and Leo are gone. Piper seems to think that we won't be able get along without her for the next few days," Phoebe said. "We may not be the worlds best chefs, but I think we can handle scrambled eggs and coffee," Brad started to laugh.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you. But why are you here?" Prue asked.

"I know I gave you the day off. But I was thinking that if we worked for the rest of the day we could finish developing the pictures. That way they would be done when your sister and her husband get back," Brad said coming over and sitting next to Prue. "And I thought after we finished we could go out to dinner, and then go take a late night stroll on the beach."

"That sounds really good. Lets get going," Prue said standing up. "That is if you'll be ok by your self Phoebe."

"I'll be fine. Your as bad as Piper. I don't see why you both feel you have to protect me. I'm not fifteen any more. Just please leave me you car keys so I can get home," Phoebe said.

"Ok I get the point," Prue said setting her car keys down on the table. She started to walk after the door with Brad. "Your right Pheebs we shouldn't treat you like your fifteen. Now that your old enough to drive. We need to be even more protective."

"Hey," Phoebe said standing up to go after Prue. But she was all ready out the door. Phoebe drove home and spent the rest of the afternoon reading her new books on witchcraft, and studying for next weeks quiz.

At seven Phoebe put her books down and started to look into dinner. She looked in the fridge but didn't see anything that looked like it could be made into an edible dinner.

Just then she remembered that Piper had left suggestions for meals. She went over to the table and saw two envelopes. One addressed to her, the other to Prue. She picked up her envelope and opened it. Inside there were two sheets of paper. The first was a letter that read:

Dear Phoebe,

Included in this envelope are instructions on what to do for meals. I hope you have a good week. Thank you for all your help. I love you little sister.


PS Remember to water the plants.

"I will Piper. You didn't need to remind me. Now let's see what suggestions Piper left," Phoebe said flipping to the next page. Listed were the numbers of a pizza parlor, a Chinese take out restaurant, and the location of a supermarket were she could buy frozen dinners.

"Doesn't any one think I can cook anything," Phoebe said. "That's it. I'm going to take cooking lessons. But until that time I think I'll call for pizza."

She dialed the number and ordered a large pizza with pepperoni, black olives, and extra cheese. She figured that if she got a large she would have leftovers to eat for the next few days. Phoebe then sat down at the table and continued to read while she was waiting for the delivery man.

After he came and she paid him she decided that she would finish studying the next day. And spend the evening watching movies, and goofing off.

* * *

Prue unlike Phoebe had an exciting afternoon. She and Brad managed to finish getting the film developed by ten. "Piper and Leo are going to be so excited. I told them that the pictures wouldn't be ready until next week," Prue said. "Thank you so much for rushing them through so we could surprise them."

"It was no hardship on my part Prue. Working with you for these last few hours has been fun," Brad said. "Now how about we go out for that dinner I promised you."

"Ok, that sounds wonderful," she agreed. "Just let me get my purse," she picked up her purse and then they both headed out to Brad's car.

"Where do you want to go?" he asked her after they had gotten in the car.

"I don't know. Not anywhere formal, because we're not dressed for it," Prue said looking down at her blue jeans and t-shirt.

"Well in that case I know the perfect place," he said starting the car. They talked during the entire drive to the restaurant. Prue had no clue where they were going.

After twenty minutes of driving they pulled up in front of a fifty's style diner. Brad turned off the car and stepped around and opened Prue's door. "I think you'll love this place. I discovered it when I first moved here and was taking some classes at a local college. I could come here at two in the morning and bring my books and study. I swear it was a god send to find a casual place that was open late at night, that was not a club."

"It looks fun," she replied getting out of the car. They walked in and were seated. "Any suggestions?" she asked.

"Well this place has the best burgers and shakes in San Francisco. It's a crime to come here and not try them," he said with mock seriousness.

"I didn't know they had made that law. But I'll take your word for it officer," Prue said teasing him.

They both ordered cheese burgers and chocolate milk shakes. Prue had a wonderful time. It was not the type of place she normally ate at. But she thought it was great. She had to remember to tell her sisters about this place.

After they had eaten Brad and she had sat and talked for at least an hour. They talked about what they had been like as kids, their college years, and their dreams. Prue even told him about Andy, and how when she lost him she had given up on love. And how since she had met him that had changed.

It amazed her how comfortable she was with him. Though she had only met him a few weeks ago she was most definitely in love. Prue never talked about Andy. Not even to Phoebe and Piper. Yet she felt totally at ease talking about him to Brad.

Prue looked down at her watch and was surprised to find that it was two in the morning. It seemed like they had only been talking for a few minutes. "Brad I hate to cut this conversation short because I'm having a really good time. But I think I'd better get home to check on Phoebe," she said reluctantly.

"Of course," Brad said standing up. "Just wait here while I pay," he went up to the register and paid. Then he came back to Prue. "Ready to go?" he asked.

"Yes," she said picking up her purse and standing up. They walked out to his car and got in. Once they were on the road Brad turned to Prue and said "You know Phoebe was right. You are very protective of her."

Prue looked down and said "Well it's just that after mom died Phoebe and started to drift apart. I was the reason she left and went to New York. And after grams died, and she moved back I have tried really hard to mend things. I want her to be able to forgive me," she ended softly.

"Prue I'm not saying it's wrong. I think Phoebe is very luck to have older sisters who care about her as much as Piper and you," he said kindly. "Why don't you talk to her about it. I bet that if she hasn't all ready forgiven you, she will."

"Thank you, your right. I'll talk to her tonight or tomorrow," she said. They talked the rest of the way. When They got to the manor Brad opened the car door for Prue and walked her to the door. "I had a wonderful night Brad. Thank you," Prue said.

"I had a great time also. I was wondering if you would consider going out with me Tuesday night. We could have diner and then go to the P3 and show Piper and Leo how well the pictures turned out," he said.

"That sounds great. Why don't you pick me up around seven," she said.

"All right seven it is," he said. Prue kissed him and after they broke apart a minute later she said good night and walked inside.

She looked around to see if Phoebe was up. Most of the lights were off, except for a single light in the living room. The house was quiet save the soft sound of the TV. Prue walked into the living room to find Phoebe asleep on the couch with the TV on.

It was obvious that Phoebe had been asleep for a while, considering that the program on TV was an infomercial. Prue walked over and picked up a blanket. She started to cover Phoebe up when all of a sudden Phoebe sat up and shouted "Warlock!" she jumped up and took a fighting stance. All without opening her eyes.

"Phoebe it's me," Prue said. Phoebe opened her eyes and looked at Prue.

"Sorry Prue. I thought you were a.." Phoebe started.

"Warlock," Prue finished. "We have to start training you not to shout out things like that when you wake up," she said with a laugh.

"Right," Phoebe said sitting down on the couch looking embarrassed. "So I guess your date was pretty good considering it's three in the morning. Come on and tell me about it."

Prue sat down next to Phoebe and said. "I had a really great time. Brad and I finished developing the pictures from Piper and Leo's wedding. After that we went to this old fifty's style dinner and had diner. It was perfect.

We talked about everything. About our childhood's, and our dreams. I even talked to him about Mom. And how after her death I took it upon myself to become the responsible one in the family. Someone you and Piper could depend on.

I also told him about Andy. How after he died and I gave up on love. But since I met him my faith had been restored," Prue said. "I think he's the guy. The one I'm meant to be with for the rest of my life."

"That's great. I'm really happy for you. Have you told him how you feel?" Phoebe asked sounding excited.

"No not yet," Prue said hesitating. "I did tell him about how I feel so bad about driving you away. How I tried to control you, and only ended up almost losing my relationship with my baby sister. Phoebe I'm so sorry I was so critical of you. It wasn't my place to tell you how to run your life. I've tried for the last year and a half to make it up to you. Will you forgive me?" she asked.

"Prue I forgave you last year. I didn't know it meant that much to you to be forgiven," Phoebe said. She hugged her older sister.

"Thank you," Prue said. "Now I think we had both better get some sleep."

"Now your starting to sound like Piper," Phoebe said.

"I am not," Prue argued.

"You know we really shouldn't make fun of Piper. She just protects us. We would never be able to do well without her to keep us on the right track and referee when we get into arguments," Phoebe said.

"I know your right. But it's fun to make fun of her sometimes," Prue said.

* * *

The next day Prue spent the day with Brad and Phoebe went out with her friends from college. The next few days went smoothly. Prue spent most of her time with Brad.

Phoebe finished studying for the quiz. And when she finally took it Monday morning she passed with flying colors.

Finally Tuesday afternoon Phoebe and Prue were sitting at the kitchen waiting for Piper and Leo to get back. At about one fifteen they heard Piper's jeep coming up the driveway. A minute later Piper and Leo opened the door and walked into the kitchen.

Piper was smiling at Leo, who was carrying their suitcases. Leo was laughing at something she had said. "Hi guys. I didn't expect you to be here," she said.

"Hi Piper, Leo. We wanted to know if you had a good trip," Phoebe answered. "We're glad to have you back," she stood up and gave Piper a hug.

Prue stood up and joined in the hug. "Yeah it's great to have you back. Both of you," Prue said looking at Leo.

"I'll just go up and unpack. You three look like you three want to talk," Leo said.

"Thanks Leo. Just give us a few minutes," Piper said. Leo headed upstairs and they sat down at the table.

"So how was your weekend?" Phoebe asked.

"It was great. I'm so happy that I married Leo. We stayed at this wonderful little bed and breakfast on the beach. I feel like my feet aren't even touching the ground," Piper said.

"I know how you feel," Prue said.

"You do?" Piper asked. "You must have had quite a weekend."

"I did. I'm totally head over heals in love with Brad. It so odd. I never fall for a guy this fast. This weekend we went to a diner and we talked. We talked about everything. About our childhood's, and our dreams. I even talked to him about Mom, and Andy," Prue said.

"I spent my weekend studying. I got an A. Thank you so much for those helpful meal tips. It's nice to know my older sisters have so much confidence in my cooking skills," Phoebe said playfully punching Piper's shoulder.

"Well I remember the last time you tried to cook. It took Grams and I a week to clean the kitchen," Piper said.

"Hey I was younger then. Why are you still holding it against me?" Phoebe asked.

"Phoebe you were fourteen," Piper said laughing.

"Well," Phoebe said not quite sure what to say. Just then Leo poked his head in the room.

"Should I come back later?" he asked not wanting to interrupt.

"Leo it fine. Come on in and sit down," Piper said motioning to the chair next to her. Leo walked in and sat down.

"What were you three laughing about?" Leo asked. "Or should I ask?" he added.

"We were just discussing Phoebe's last cooking endeavor," Prue said.

"Don't believe anything they tell you. They exaggerate," Phoebe pleaded with Leo.

"What exactly happened?" Leo asked sounding amused.

"Well Phoebe decided that she would try to cook spaghetti," Piper started.

"With perfectly innocent motives. I was just trying to help out," Phoebe said.

"Phoebe stay quiet. Let Piper finish," Prue said using her disapproving older sister tone of voice. Phoebe sank down in her chair and sulked.

"Ok Piper please finish. Now I'm really interested since Phoebe is making such a big deal out of it," Leo said.

"All right. Phoebe was trying to prove to Grams that she was responsible enough to stay at home by herself while we went to check out a college in LA. She decided that she would cook dinner by herself. Phoebe ordered all of us to stay out of the kitchen, and hung up a sheet so we couldn't see in. Grams and I were sitting in the living room talking, and Prue was back from collage for the weekend studying up in her room. Things had been pretty quiet when all of a sudden we heard and explosion in the kitchen. We rushed in to find Phoebe standing in the middle of the kitchen covered in spaghetti and sauce," Piper said momentarily stopping to take a breath. Both Prue and Leo started to laugh, after a moment they were all laughing.

All except Phoebe. She was sitting in her chair looking embarrassed. "How did that happen?" Leo asked gaining control of him self.

"Phoebe had followed the recipe pretty well but she thought that if she doubled the temperature she would be done twice as fast. So she mixed all the ingredients and started cooking them. That might have gone all right, if Phoebe had actually watched them. But she got a phone call and didn't pay any attention to dinner. By the time she got off the phone, the water had all boiled away from the spaghetti. And the sauce had long ago started to boil over. Phoebe was in the process of turning the stove off when the contents of both pots exploded. Other than Phoebe being covered by her creation, the kitchen was a mess. The floor was covered in sauce, and noodles were hanging from the blinds. It took Grams and I a week to get the kitchen back in order. And even the we kept discovering globs of sauce and noodles in odd places for the next month. Grams insisted that we take Phoebe to the hospital to make sure she was ok. Luckily she was. We ended up going to a diner that night. Needless to say that Phoebe didn't get her wish to stay at home. In fact Grams banned her from doing any cooking except for canned soup. And even then only when she was in the room," Piper said.

"Well little sister I see why you would never want to cook again," Leo said laughing. "Maybe Piper could teach you. She is a really great chef."

"No way," Piper said.

"Why not? Wouldn't it be easier if we both knew how to cook?" Phoebe asked.

"Not after last time. It took Grams and I six weeks to scrub the pots clean after your exploding spaghetti disaster. There is no way that I'm going to let you go near my cooking pans. I want my set undamaged, thank you," Piper said.

"Piper that was almost ten years ago. When will you let it go?" Phoebe asked.

"Oh it'll be at least a few more years. I have to have some way to get you back for all those Warlock magnet jokes. You never have let me live Jeremy down. Now it's pay back time," Piper said with a gleam in her eyes.

* * *

That night at the club Piper and Leo were working at the bar and Phoebe was sitting talking to them. Prue and Brad were dancing to a slow song. "I think Prue may have finally found the right guy. Look at the way she is looking at him," Piper said.

"Your right the last time I saw two people that much in love was when I caught a glimpse of our reflection in the mirror," Leo said looking at Piper.

"Ok you two back to Prue. What is she going to tell him about our being witches? I mean with Leo we didn't have to deal with that problem," Phoebe said.

"Your right Pheebs. We don't have a clue how he'll take it. I guess that we'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it," Piper said.

"We'll I think we're coming up to that bridge fast," Phoebe said looking at Prue and Brad in the middle a passionate kiss. A minute later Prue came over to them.

"Hi Prue, where's Brad? From the looks of it I didn't think you were going to let him out of your sight," Phoebe said teasing her.

"Oh he went out to the car to get something. He'll be right back. Can we go back to your office Piper? Brad and I want to show you all something," Prue said excitedly.

"You two aren't getting married are you," Phoebe joked.

"No," Prue said. "At least not yet."

"What," Piper said practically spitting out the drink she had been sipping.

"Don't worry you three. I would tell you if we were getting that serious. I haven't told him how I feel yet. I don't want to come on too strong."

"That's good," Phoebe said sounding relieved. "You know I'm getting annoyed that I'm the only one of the Halliwell sisters that does not have a guy."

"Don't worry Pheebs. You'll find the right guy. Remember what horrible luck Piper had with guys. That is until she met Leo. She somehow managed to date a Warlock, a dead guy, a banker, and our next door neighbor. And even then our sister the Warlock magnet still managed to get a great guy," Prue said.

"Ok lets go to my office. I want to know what you and Brad want to show us," Piper said quickly changing the subject.

"Right," Prue said. They all headed into Piper's office to wait for Brad. They only had to wait for a minute. A minute later they heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," Piper shouted. The door opened and Brad stepped in carrying a wrapped box.

"Hi," he said closing the door. "Sorry it took me so long," he apologized.

"It's ok. What's that your holding?" Piper asked. "Prue stepped over to Brad and smiled at him.

"Well it was Brad's idea. We spent the rest of Saturday putting this together. We hope you like it," Prue said taking the box from Brad and handing it to Piper and Leo. They took it and set it on the desk.

Piper glanced at Leo before unwrapping it, and lifting off the top of the box. She pushed back the tissue paper and lifted out a bound album. Piper flipped open the cover and got a surprised look on her face. "I thought you said this wouldn't be ready for a week."

"Well we decided to surprise you," Prue said. "Do you like it?"

Leo looked at it and said "Thank you. It was really nice of you two to put together a wedding album for us."

"Thank you," Piper said giving Prue a hug. "This is the best wedding present you could have gotten us. But I still don't see how you got it done this fast."

"Well it was Brad's idea. He asked me if I would help him develop the pictures so they would be ready when you two got back," Prue said.

"That may be true," Brad said. "But it was Prue's idea to make the album," he said smiling at Prue.

"Well thank you both," Leo and Piper said.

"If you don't like the way it's organized there are copies of all the pictures in the bottom of the box," Brad said.

"It looks great," Piper said flipping through the pages.

"Let me see," Phoebe said. Piper sat down at the desk and Leo stood behind her with his hands on her shoulders. Phoebe came and stood next to them.

"This really looks beautiful. It's just what I wanted it to look like," Piper said looking at Prue. She and Brad just stood there smiling.

"I especially like this picture," Phoebe said laughing and pointing to a picture of Piper standing next to Leo with her tongue out.

"Hey," Piper said. "I was just wetting my lips. Prue why did you put this in there?"

"Well you need a few embarrassing pictures to look back on and laugh," she answered. Phoebe cracked up and Leo started to chuckle.

"It's not that funny," Piper said trying not to laugh.

"Don't worry Piper look back a few pages I put in a picture of Leo I think you'll find funny," Prue said smiling.

Piper flipped back a few pages and started to laugh. "Leo I'm not the only one who looked a little odd in one of the pictures," she said pointing to a picture of Leo with frosting on his nose.

Leo looked before saying "Your right. We're even. But hey at least I look cute."

"You mean I don't?" Piper asked.

"Well what I mean is..." Leo fumbled for an answer. After a moment they all started to laugh.

* * *

The next few weeks went really well. Phoebe was doing well in all her classes. Piper and Leo walked around like they were in a dream world they were so happy that they were together.

And Prue was more and more convinced that she was in love with Brad. Which was the topic they were discussing at the table that morning. "I really think you should tell him how you feel," Piper said.

"Yah if he's at all the man you think he is. Then chances are he feels the same way." Phoebe added. Prue sighed and sipped her coffee.

"I don't know. Telling Brad that I love him is a big step. I don't want to lose him," she said after a minute.

"Prue take it from me if he loves you. Then there would be nothing in the world he would rather hear than that the woman he loves feels the same way. He probably is just as scared of losing you. Trust me I have personal experience in this area. You don't want to push it, but it tears you up to think that maybe she doesn't feel the same way," Leo said looking lovingly at Piper. She smiled back.

"I guess you're right. Piper told you she that she loved you and look how it turned out for you. You got married and you both look happier than I've ever seen you. I'll tell him today. We're going to have lunch in the park," Prue said.

* * *

Later that day Prue and Brad were standing looking out on a beautiful view of the bay. They were at a park that Prue had never gone to before.

She had gotten to work and found that Brad was not there. She had gone into his office and found a note saying he was sorry that he was not there and to meet him at the park. She followed the directions that were on the back of the note and had gotten there to find that he had brought sandwiches for an early lunch. She had a wonderful time sitting and eating her sandwich and talking to Brad.

She turned to him and gazed into his eyes. "I have something to tell you," she said softly.

"What is it?" he asked turning to face her. In the process a necklace that he had carefully tucked in his shirt fell out. It was a deep blue stone set in gold.

"What's that," she asked curiously.

"A necklace that's been passed down in my family for generations," he said dismissively. "What do you want to tell me?"

"I know that we've only known each other for a few months. But I feel more comfortable with you than I have with any other person. I wanted to tell you that I've fallen in love with you," Prue said. She was so caught up in the moment that she didn't notice that Brad's necklace started to glow and change colors from blue to red.

He smiled and she leaned forward to kiss him when all of a sudden he started to laugh. She pulled back with a hurt look on her face. "You witches are so easy to fool," he said. "I had no idea it would be this easy."

"Who are you?" Prue said taking a step back.

"I'm a Warlock, I come from a long line of Warlocks I'm here to steal you and your sisters powers. I can't believe you didn't catch on. After what had heard I was expecting this to be hard. It wasn't even a challenge," he said laughing. "If you come here I can make this less painful."

Prue waved her hand and sent him flying back into a tree. He fell to the ground unconscious. She ran to her car and jumped in. She pealed out of the parking lot and stated to drive to the Manor. She called the P3 on her cell phone and waited till Piper picked up.

"Hello Piper Halliwell speaking how may I help you?" she answered.

"Piper, it's me Prue. We have an emergency. Get back to the manor as fast as you can. I'll meet you there," Prue said.

"What happened?" Piper asked.

"Just get there as fast as you can. And make sure to bring Leo," Prue said before hanging up. She then dialed the manor to see if Phoebe was there.

"Hello Halliwell residence. Phoebe speaking," a voice answered.

"Phoebe. It me Prue. We have a crisis. Don't leave the house, Piper and I are on our way," Prue said.

"Ok Prue I will," Phoebe said. Prue hung up the phone and concentrated on driving.

* * *

About fifteen minutes later Prue jumped got to the manor. She jumped out of the car and rushed into the house. She walked into the living room and was glad to see that Piper, Leo, and Phoebe were waiting for her.

"Hi Prue. Now what's this crisis that you were talking about?" Piper asked.

"You know Brad. Well I told him how I felt and he laughed..." Prue started.

"I'm so sorry sweetie. But that's not exactly stop the presses kind of news," Phoebe said.

"You didn't let me finish. He's a Warlock. All this time he was just trying to get me to trust him so he could steal our powers. We need to look in The Book of Shadows for a spell to vanquish him," Prue said. They all headed up to the attic and Phoebe started to flip through The Book of Shadows.

"Could you tell us anything that might help me know what I was looking for?" Phoebe asked.

"Well he was wearing this necklace that was blue until I told him I loved him and then it changed colors to red," Prue said.

"Ok that gives me a clue. I saw something like that the other day," Phoebe said flipping to the back of the book. "Here it is. A race of Warlocks that control emotions. They are born mortal and must gain the love of a witch to be granted their powers. They must gain the trust of a witch and get them to fall in love. When she admits her love the power is stored in an amulet worn around the neck. It starts out as a dark blue but when the witch admits her love the stone red. After they gain the power of love they must kill the witch and gain her powers. And also control of the other key emotions, Fear and Anger. When this is done they have complete control of all human emotions, which they use to cause evil," Phoebe said.

"It's good that we know what he is. But what does the book say about vanquishing him?" Piper asked.

* * *

"It says that you must first break the amulet and then not show anger or fear as you recite this spell:

For those who mislead me,
and took my love.
I banish thee,
to a place free of all emotions.
A place free of your control,
where you cannot hurt any others.

It doesn't sound that hard, but there is one thing," Phoebe hesitated.

"What is it Phoebe?" Piper and Prue asked.

"The spell must be said three times by the witch whose love was taken advantage of. And we only get one chance. If there is a trace of Fear or Anger in your voice he will gain control of that emotion and become too powerful to defeat," she answered.

"Well then let's get started," Prue said. "Brad should be here any minute. I knocked him out but I'm sure he's woken up by now. When he comes in Piper can freeze him, Phoebe will take the amulet off of his neck and we can destroy it with a hammer. Then I'll recite the spell and vanquish him."

"Prue there is one thing about that plan that I'm concerned about," Phoebe said.

"What's that?" Prue asked.

"You have to push your emotions out of your mind while you say the spell. That means not betraying how you feel in any way," Phoebe answered.

"You don't think I'll be able to do that?" Prue asked. "How could you doubt me?"

"Sweetie I'm not doubting you. It's just that Brad has hurt you so badly. I just think that maybe we should wait a while to face him. Let you get control of yourself," Phoebe said.

"You mean you don't think I'm capable of vanquishing him," Prue said.

"No Phoebe doesn't mean that Prue. She's just afraid of you getting hurt any more. Just like I am. We're worried that if you have to go up against Brad so soon that you might not be able to handle it. That all your feelings of anger and fear might come rushing at you when you see him. And that these feelings might be so strong that you might not be able to control them," Piper said gently.

"Thank you for your concern, but one of the things that I learned because I had to take responsibility so young after Mom died, was the ability to put my own feelings aside for the greater good," Prue said.

"Are you sure?" Piper asked.

"I'm sure. If I don't face him then he'll just go and hurt more people. No mortals should have to endure the pain of having their emotions manipulated," Prue said.

"No one should have to endure it. Mortal or Witch," Phoebe added.

"We should head down stairs. Brad should be here soon. We can hope that he thinks that I was so broken up that I did not have the sense to call you three, or look in The Book of Shadows," Prue said. Leo was secretly quite pleased that Prue had included him when she was talking about calling for help. It was good to know that he was being accepted into the family, and that even though he was no longer they still considered him to be important.

* * *

A few minutes later they were sitting in the living room waiting for Brad. Piper and Leo were sitting on the couch, Phoebe was sitting on a chair, and Prue was standing up pacing. "When will he get here?" Prue asked anxiously.

"Relax. Here be here soon," Piper said.

"Right relax," Prue said sitting down and taking a deep breath. Just then they heard the sound of the door being broken open and a second later Brad rushed into the living room. Piper quickly froze him, and Phoebe stood up and took the amulet off him. She set it on the floor and smashed it with a hammer.

Prue stood up and unfolded the slip of paper with the spell written it. She took a deep breath as Brad unfroze. She slowly started to recite the spell:

For those who mislead me,
and took my love.
I banish thee,
to a place free of all emotions.
A place free of your control,
where you cannot hurt any others.

"You don't think you can defeat me, do you witch?" Brad taunted as she continued to recite the spell with a lack of emotion in her voice.

"I deceived you easily. What makes you think that you strong enough to defeat me now?" he said.

Prue recited the spell a second time:

For those who mislead me,
and took my love.
I banish thee,
to a place free of all emotions.
A place free of your control,
where you cannot hurt any others.

"You stand no chance. Your angry at me. Let it out," he said. Prue looked at both of her sisters before reciting the spell for one final time:

For those who mislead me,
and took my love.
I banish thee,
to a place free of all emotions.
A place free of your control,
where you cannot hurt any others.

When she finished Brad started to smoke and burn. A moment later he disappeared entirely. Prue fell to there ground sobbing.

"It's ok. It's over now you defeated him," Pier and Phoebe said rushing over to her and holding her as she cried. After a few minutes she managed to get control of her self.

"I'm sorry for breaking down in front of you," Prue said.

"Prue it's ok. The stress would have gotten to anyone. I'm amazed that you were able to get through the spell without any problems," Piper said.

"Yah, sweetie you did great. It's over you defeated him," Phoebe said.

"Thank you guys. I couldn't have done this without you. On the final verse I was about to crack but then I looked at your faces and there confidence in me and it gave me the strength to finish," Pure said hugging her sisters.

* * *

The next few days were tough. Prue was trying to get over Brad and was an emotional wreck. It was hard enough getting over a guy, without finding out he was a Warlock and having to vanquish him.

She had avoided going anywhere for the last few days, but today she decided that she would go into the office and clear out her things. She didn't tell Piper or Phoebe because she knew that they would insist on coming with her. It was great to know that she had such supportive sisters, but this was something she had to face alone.

Prue was sitting at the table sipping her coffee. It was past ten and she knew she was deliberately going slowly to put off going in. A minute later she had finished her coffee and stood up and went out to her car. She drove to the office as slowly as she could.

When she got there thirty minutes later she took a deep breath before stepping out of the car and walking in. Once in the office she quickly packed up her things and started to walk out. On the way she passed the door to Brad's office.

She looked at it for a moment before deciding to go in and look. She told herself it was because she needed to check and see if he had left anything suspicious.

But deep down she knew it was because she needed to confront her fears and sadness over losing him. Maybe if she saw his office empty then she would realize that he was really gone.

Prue set down the box with her things in it and opened the door. She stepped in and flipped on the light, and glanced around. It was just as he had left it papers on the desk and his camera equipment in its bags on the floor. She walked over to the desk and started to look throughout the papers.

She had gotten through most of them and seen nothing out of the ordinary. They mostly consisted of invoices and purchase orders. But towards the bottom of the stack she found an unmarked envelope.

She opened it and pulled out a thin stack of papers, and started to read over them. They were the paper work to make someone a partner in the business. She looked on the front page and saw her name on the line for the name of the partner to be added.

Everything had already been signed and authorized, all that was left was for her to sign her name. She wondered why it was there. Brad had been a Warlock, his only purpose in hiring her had been to gain her trust and make her fall in love with him so he could gain her powers.

Why would he go to the trouble of getting the paperwork ready to make her a partner in his business when he intended to kill her? She pondered this for a moment before coming to the conclusion that he must have thought that if she would not admit that she was in love with him then making her a partner in the business would make her fall in love.

But that plan had backfired. She had admitted her love and he had tried to kill her, but she had managed to escape and vanquish him. Thinking of what had happened with Brad brought tears to her eyes. She had trusted him and he had betrayed her. She sat there for a few minutes trying to focus her thoughts.

After she was done collecting herself she smiled. Though he had betrayed her she could use his plan to help herself. She decided to sign the paper and make herself an official partner in the business. That would give her control of the finances and since he was gone she would be the sole owner.

She signed the paper and smiled, she pick up the phone to call Piper but the decided to tell her and Phoebe that night at the club. She had a business to run. She started to look through the papers to find the information on the next job Brad had lined up.

* * *

That night she got to the club and walked over to the table where Piper, Leo and Phoebe were sitting. "Hi guys," she greeted them excitedly.

"Hi Prue. What are you so happy about?" Piper asked her.

"Well I went into the office today to clear out my stuff I found out that Brad was going to make me a partner if I didn't admit I loved him. I signed the papers and I now own the business," Prue said.

"Wow Prue that's great," Piper and Leo said.

"I'm so happy for you Prue," Phoebe said.

"Thanks. I'm really happy. I've always wanted to own my own photography studio. I didn't want to get it this way, but since it happened I'll take it," Prue said.

"We're really happy for you," Piper said. They spent the rest of the night celebrating, they all got home around three in the morning.

* * *

The next morning when Piper got up the next morning the house was quiet. She looked at the clock and saw that it was already twelve o'clock. Leo was still asleep so she got up quietly and headed downstairs to see if Prue and Phoebe were.

She walked downstairs and into the kitchen. She found a note on the table from Prue. It read:


I guess that you and Leo decided to sleep in. I'm taking Phoebe to one of her classes and then I'm going to the newspaper to place an add for and assistant. Hope you have a good day, I'll see you at the club tonight.


"Trust Prue to leave a note," Piper thought out loud. She made a pot of coffee and poured herself a cup. She sat at the table for a while sipping her coffee and reading the paper. About ten minutes later she heard noises upstairs and knew that Leo had just gotten up. Just then she heard a knock at the door. She went to answer it and was surprised to find Dan standing there. "What are you doing here?" she asked sounding surprised.

"Hi Piper. How are you feeling?" he asked pleasantly.

"Fine. Why do you ask?" she said still in a state of shock.

"I saw your jeep here and looked at the clock. I thought you would be at work and I thought you might be feeling bad," he said.

"I feel fine. Though I could see how you could get the wrong impression," she said looking down at her pajamas. She was wearing a t-shirt and flannel pants. "You still didn't answer my question. Why are you here?" she repeated.

"I went to Dallas and when I got back I realized that though I knew we had broken up I don't remember how it happened. It all seem a little fuzzy. I came to apologize for anything that I might have said and to see if we could try again," Dan sad sincerely.

"Dan that's really nice..." she started.

"But.." he prompted.

"But Leo and I got back together," Piper said. "We got married a few weeks ago," Just then Leo walked up behind her.

"Hi Piper. Who are you talking to?" he asked. He had not yet seen Dan. "Oh hi Dan," he said placing his arm protectively around Piper's shoulders.

"Hi Leo. I should have realized it sooner. I've seen the way you two look at each other. Somewhere deep down I knew I would never be able to hold on to you long. Your heart always belonged to someone else. I always knew that you loved him, but I pushed it out of my mind in the hopes that maybe you would fall for me," Dan said.

"Dan you were really good to me. I thank you for that. And I'm sorry you had to find out this way," Piper said.

"It's ok. Congratulations to both of you. I wish you happiness in your life together," he said turning to walk away. "You're a lucky man. You got the most wonderful woman on the planet. I hope you realize that," he said turning around to face Leo.

"I do. And thank you," Leo said.

"I am sorry you had to find out this way. You are a really nice guy. You'll make some woman very happy," Piper said.

"Thank you. I'm just glad that we could part on good terms," Dan said. Piper and Leo watched as he left. When he had walked away they went into the house, and closed the door.

"You know he's not such a bad guy," Leo said once they were in the kitchen.

"Your right. He's a pretty nice guy. But I'm gad I have you. He may be nice, but I love you," Piper said kissing Leo.

"And I love you," Leo said when they pulled apart a few minutes later.