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Guilty Until Proven Innocent

by Talula

DISCLAIMER: Do I really have to do this when this is my 15th fan fiction? I didn't think so. If you really want to know about copyrights and ownership here, read my first fan fiction.

Piper is doing some much needed cleaning around the manor while Phoebe has gone grocery shopping. As usual, Prue is at work. The noise of the vacuum and the radio Piper has blaring covers the noise of someone coming in the front door. Piper switches off the vacuum and turns around just as the intruder hits her and knocks her into the wall. Piper looks up at him, and just before he knocks her unconscious, she sees him morph to look like Prue. Then there is only darkness.

Phoebe walks past the living room, drops off the groceries in the kitchen, then goes to find Piper.

"Piper! Are you here?" Phoebe yells over the music. She goes to the living room to see Prue standing over Piper.

"Prue. What happened?" Phoebe asks as she rushes to Piper's side. Piper has a large gash on the side of her face and it is already starting to bruise and swell. Then Phoebe sees the club in "Prue's" hand. "Prue, what did you do?"

"Prue" raises the club, ready to strike, but Phoebe blocks it. Phoebe knocks the club away, but "Prue" continues to attack. Phoebe remains on the defensive, reluctant to hurt someone she thinks is her sister. This gives her attacker an advantage. "Prue" manages to grab Phoebe by the arm and swings her around into the wall. "Prue" continues to throw Phoebe around. Phoebe is quickly on the floor, weakened too much to fight back. "Prue" repeatedly kicks and punches Phoebe until she is bleeding and unconscious. Finally, Prue leaves the two women and goes to retrieve what she came for.

"Prue" heads up to the attic, grabs the BOS and tries to blink out of the house. When she arrives at her destination, however, the book is not in her hands. She blinks back to the attic. She finds the book on the floor and throws it out the window. It does a boomerang and flies back into the attic. "Prue" yells in frustration and goes downstairs. She looks at the younger Halliwells and then walks out the front door.

* * *

Dan steps out his front door just as he sees Prue Halliwell leaving her home. He jogs next door and notices Prue left the door open. 'I guess someone else must be home,' he thinks, hoping it's Piper Halliwell. Ever since he first heard her voice on his answering machine, he couldn't stop thinking about her.

Dan knocks on the open door. "Anybody home?" he yells over the blaring music. He slowly walks in the foyer. Dan looks in the living room and sees Phoebe and Piper unconscious. "Oh my God." He checks to make sure they're both breathing and then goes to call 911.

* * *

Prue is catching up on some appraisals when her phone rings. "Prue Halliwell."

"Prue. It's Darryl. I called to warn you," he says.

"Warn me about what?" Prue asks. "What's going on?"

"I couldn't stop them. They have a witness this time and they already got a warrant," Darryl says. Prue is confused, but doesn't have time to ask for an explanation. A detective and two uniformed officers burst into her office.

"Prue Halliwell, I have a warrant for your arrest," the detective says as he takes the phone from Prue and hangs it up.

"For what?" Prue asks, pulling away from the officer who is trying to cuff her.

The detective takes on an official tone as he motions for the officers to cuff her. "Prue Halliwell you are under arrest for the assault and attempted murder of Piper and Phoebe Halliwell."

"What? I would never hurt my sisters. And I've been here all day," Prue protests. The detective ignores her.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed by the court. Do you understand these rights?"

"I understand my damn rights," Prue says as the officers finish cuffing her hands behind her back. "What gives you the right to barge in here and harass me?"

"This does," the detective says, waving the warrant in her face. "And it would be to your benefit to cooperate, Miss Halliwell."

Prue reluctantly goes with the officers as they take her out of Buckland's.

* * *

Prue is taken to a cell after being searched and dressed in an orange jumpsuit. She sits Indian style on her bunk, wondering how this could be happening and wondering if her sisters are okay. Then Darryl shows up. Prue walks over to the bars.

"Darryl, what the hell is going on?" Prue asks.

"Your neighbor saw you leaving the house just before he found your sisters. Prue, this is not good," Darryl says.

"Are they okay?" Prue asks, worry spread across her face.

"Piper is still unconscious, but the doctors say she'll be fine. Phoebe was still in surgery when I was there. They said she had a lot of internal injuries."

Prue sits on her bunk and lays her head in her hands. "If she dies, I don't know what I'll do."

"What happened here, Prue?" Darryl asks. "I know you didn't do this. You know it and so do your sisters. But this is what they've been waiting for. The infamous Prue Halliwell, who's been linked to several unsolved cases including the death of a cop, is finally sloppy enough to leave a witness."

"You know that's not true," Prue says. "I would never hurt my sisters."

"I know it, but they don't," Darryl says. "They want you, Prue. They ignored the fact that everyone at Buckland's said you were there." Darryl steps closer and lowers his voice. "Andy did a decent job covering for you and I tried my best after he died, but the more they investigate this the quicker it's going to blow up in all our faces. What do you want me to do?"

"Nothing. You've done enough. I don't want you getting in trouble," Prue says. "All we can do is wait. Piper and Phoebe are the only ones who can clear me. They had to have seen their attacker."

"What about the witness?" Darryl asks. "The neighbor who saw you leaving the house."

"We'll figure that out later," Prue says. "If he really did see me then this case falls more under my area of expertise. Right now we just have to worry about my sisters and clearing my name."

* * *

Prue is cuffed and led to a room with a table and two chairs. The officer leaves her there to retrieve her visitors. Prue is relieved at first to see Piper walk in with Darryl, but then shocked to see the mass of bruises on the left side of her face. A large white bandage covers a cut above her left eyebrow.

Piper hugs Prue who can't hug her back because her hands are cuffed in front of her. Darryl looks at the guard.

"Uncuff her," he orders.

"I'm sorry, sir. I can't," the guard says.

"Damn it," Darryl says, but Prue grabs his arm.

"It's okay, Darryl," Prue says. Darryl nods his head and the guard leaves the three of them alone. "Are you okay?" Prue asks Piper.

Piper nods her head. "Yeah. A little dizzy occasionally, but I'm fine."

"What about Phoebe?" Prue asks with concern for her little sister.

Piper looks at her hands. "They say she's stable, whatever the hell that means. She hasn't regained consciousness. There was damage to her liver and they had to remove her appendix and one of her kidneys. They're not sure if there's any brain damage. She has two broken ribs. Her left arm was broken in two places and her left knee was dislocated. She took quite a beating."

Prue closes her eyes to fight back the tears. Piper grasps Prue's hand. "She'll be okay, Prue. Wild horses couldn't drag Phoebe away from us."

"I know. You're right. Phoebe is too stubborn," Prue says.

"Runs in the family," Piper says with a smile. Prue smiles back and then becomes serious.

"So, what happened, Piper? Did you see who did this?" Prue asks.

"Yes. It was a shapeshifter," Piper says. "That's why Dan thought he saw you. I told the police a man attacked us."

"So, why am I still here?" Prue asks, looking at Darryl.

"Because Piper didn't see the attacker before he got his first hit in," Darryl explains. "They said she was too traumatized from her injuries to clearly see her attacker."

"Which is a load of bull," Piper says.

"I told you, Prue. They'll do anything to get you. You're only hope now is Phoebe. They can't deny the fact that she had to have gotten a good look at her attacker with the fight she put up."

"The only problem is he had already turned into you before Phoebe saw him. Which means I have to be at the hospital. I have to be the first person she talks to when she wakes up before she starts telling people you tried to kill her," Piper says, rising from her chair.

"She wouldn't believe that I did this," Prue says.

"She'll believe what she saw, Prue, until I tell her otherwise," Piper says.

"Don't worry. We'll get you out of here."

"I know," Prue says as they leave.

* * *

Piper has fallen into a light sleep at Phoebe's bedside. She is awakened by mumbling.

"Piper," Phoebe says quietly. Piper grasps Phoebe's hand.

"I'm here, Pheebs," Piper says. "Can you hear me?" Phoebe groans. "If you can understand me squeeze my hand twice." Phoebe does so. "Good, Pheebs. I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay here as long as it takes. I just need you to wake up."

Phoebe struggles to open her eyes, but she's too weak yet. "Piper, what happened? Where?" Phoebe asks weakly.

"You're in a hospital, Phoebe," Piper says. "We were attacked. Do you remember?"

"Yeah. Prue. She hit you," Phoebe says. "Then she hit me. Threw me around."

"Yes, Pheebs, someone attacked us, but it wasn't Prue," Piper explains.

"But I saw her," Phoebe says.

"It was a shapeshifter," Piper says. "He changed himself to look like Prue. Do you understand?"

"Yeah," Phoebe says. She starts to slowly open her eyes. Her vision focuses and she can finally see Piper clearly. "Your face."

"I'm okay. It was you we were worried about," Piper says.

"Where's Prue?"

"She's in jail. Dan saw the shapeshifter leaving as Prue. The police won't believe me, but they'll have to believe you."

"Well, get them in here. We have to get Prue out of jail," Phoebe says, trying to sit up. She cries out as pain shoots throughout her body. Piper puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Woah, tiger," Piper says as Phoebe settles back to her original position. "Doctors first. You're our main concern right now. Just remember, we were attacked by a man with black hair about Dan's size, in case anyone asks."

Phoebe nods her head and Piper goes to find a doctor.

* * *

Piper is sitting in the hospital waiting room while the police talk to Phoebe. Dan walks up to her holding a bunch of flowers.

"Hi, Piper," he says. He hands her some of the flowers. "These are for you. The rest are for Phoebe."

"The police are in there. You'll have to wait," Piper says.

"Look, I'm sorry they put Prue in jail for this. Especially since you say it wasn't her," Dan apologizes. He laughs. "I guess I should probably give her some flowers."

Piper smiles. "It probably wouldn't hurt."

"I just could have sworn I saw her," he says. "I guess we all make mistakes."

"It's okay, Dan," Piper says. "I understand."

"So, they're going to let Prue out soon, right?" Dan asks.

"I don't know," Piper says. "They should, but if they will is another story. It's like they don't even care if she did it or not."

"If you three have any problems you can call my lawyer," Dan offers. "I'm sure he'd be glad to help."

"We're hoping it won't be necessary," Piper says. "We can't exactly afford a layer right now."

The police finally leave Phoebe's room and head for the elevators. Piper and Dan go in to see Phoebe.

"How are you, Phoebe?" Dan asks as he lays the flowers on her bedside table.

"I've been better," Phoebe says. "Thanks for the flowers."

"Yeah, um, like I told Piper, I'm sorry for getting Prue locked up," Dan says.

"It's okay. You thought you saw her. There was nothing you could do about that," Phoebe says. Then she looks at Piper. "And I'm guessing Prue will be out of jail soon anyway."

"They didn't say anything to me," Piper says. "They didn't look happy when they left, though."

* * *

Darryl shows up at Prue's cell. Prue jumps up and walks over to the bars. "Please tell me I'm getting out of here."

"They're stalling, Prue," Darryl says. "Phoebe woke up and told them that you didn't attack her. Now they're saying they have to process your release."

"Process? What is there to process?" Prue asks angrily. "You turn a key and give me my clothes."

"Prue, calm down," Darryl says. "They're buying time to find something concrete to hold you for. But unless you've got some unpaid parking tickets, the longest they can stall is a day."

"Damn it, Darryl. I just want out of here so I can see my sister," Prue yells. Then she gets a feeling that she's leaving her own body, which she is. She's astral projecting herself into Phoebe's hospital room. She looks around, a little dazed.

Phoebe sees Prue and her eyes widen with excitement and surprise. She then realizes she has to get rid of Dan. As Prue hides behind the other bed in the room Phoebe pretends she's tired.

"Well, all this stuff with the police has really worn me out," Phoebe says. "I should get some sleep."

"Okay, Pheebs," Piper says. "As soon as Prue gets out we'll be here."

"Take it easy, Phoebe," Dan says as he leaves. Piper follows him and is about to leave when she sees Prue hiding in the shadows. Her eyes widen and she shoos Dan out the door.

"I'll call you later, Dan," Piper says as she gets rid of him. She shuts the door to the room and Prue hurries over to Phoebe.

"Pheebs are you okay?" Prue asks with concern. She grasps Phoebe's hand.

"I'll live," Phoebe says. "Are you astral projecting?"

"Yeah, so I can't stay long," Prue says. "Darryl's probably freaking out right now."

"Did he say anything about you getting out?" Piper asks.

"They're stalling. He says they won't be able to hold me more than a day longer, though," Prue says. "So, tomorrow it'll be back to my own clothes and private showers."

"Prue, I know this isn't the best time to bring this up, but while you're here I guess I should tell you," Piper says. "Buckland's left a message. You were fired. They said it had something to do with bad publicity."

"Great!" Prue exclaims. "Like we don't have enough problems, and they drop me like a bad habit."

"Sorry, Prue," Phoebe says. She gives Prue a small grin. "Welcome to my world. The world of the unemployed."

Prue laughs and then looks around. "Well, I better get out of here. I just hope Darryl hasn't called anyone else to come see what's wrong with me." She gives Phoebe a kiss on the forehead and Piper a hug. "I'll see you guys soon." With that Prue disappears.

She opens her eyes and sees Darryl staring at her calmly. She's winded by the experience and sits down.

"What was that, Prue?" Darryl asks.

"I'll explain later," Prue says. "You just let me know when I can get out of here."

"All right, Prue," Darryl says. "I'll see you when I get word of your release."

"Thanks, Darryl," Prue says as he leaves.

* * *

Jack Denby paces back and forth across his living room. He's trying to think of some way to get the BOS. He got the oldest Charmed One put in jail, but he knows it won't last much longer. He had tried repeatedly to blink in and out of the house with the book. He tried throwing it out windows and walking out the door with it. Every time it flew right back in the house.

'They have some kind of spell on the book, but I'll get it from them,' Jack thinks. He blinks away to find the Halliwells.

* * *

It's midnight and Piper can't sleep. She's reading in bed when she hears a noise downstairs. She picks up the baseball bat Dan gave her and heads down to check it out.

"It's not the best weapon, but it's effective," Dan had said. "And if you don't get any use out of it I'll sign it for you," the ex-pro baseball player joked.

'I'm getting use out of it,' Piper thinks. She gets to the bottom of the stairs and can see someone in the dark.

The person turns around just as Piper is about to swing and ducks. Suddenly, Piper flies across the room and hits the wall, getting the wind knocked out of her. The person turns on a lamp.

"Piper?" Prue asks. Then she hurries over to her stunned sister. "I'm so sorry. I thought you were someone else."

"It's okay. I thought you were someone else, too," Piper replies as Prue helps her up. "When did you get out of jail?"

"Darryl came and got me as soon as he heard. He knew I wanted out of there," Prue replies. Then she picks up Dan's baseball bat and smirks at Piper. "A baseball bat?"

"Dan gave it to me," Piper says. "It seems silly after all the stuff we've gone against, but I feel safer with it."

"I think it's the fact that it's Dan's that makes you feel safer," Prue says with a smile.

"Maybe," Piper says coyly. "Maybe not."

"Well, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed," Prue says. "Actually I might take a nice long bath. I feel so gross after being in jail."

"Well, you have fun," Piper says as she heads to her bedroom.

* * *

Phoebe has not been able to sleep because of the pain. No matter how many painkillers the doctors give her, nothing makes her comfortable enough to sleep. She flips through a magazine that one of the nurses brought her and stops at the picture of a man with dark hair that's in his mid-thirties. She starts to read the article, and she is then overcome with a premonition.

Her muscles stiffen and this reaction causes pain to shoot throughout her body. She cries out as she watches the man try to take the BOS. He apparently is the shapeshifting warlock that attacked Piper and Phoebe. The premonition ends and Phoebe lies in bed for a moment, waiting for the pain to subside a little. Then she calls a nurse in and asks for a phone.

"It's one in the morning," the nurse says dryly.

"I know," Phoebe says. "But I can't sleep and I really need to call my sister. Believe me she won't mind."

The nurse just glares at Phoebe for a moment. Then she leaves mumbling, "I really shouldn't be doing this." A minute later the nurse returns with a cordless phone. "Call me when you're done with it."

"Thank you so much," Phoebe says with a smile. The nurse just nods her head and leaves. Phoebe dials the manor.

* * *

Piper relocated to the kitchen and made herself some tea after Prue came home. She's reading her novel, wishing she could get herself to sleep. She's starting to get a headache. Then the phone rings. 'It's one in the morning,' Piper thinks. 'Who the hell is calling now?'

"Hello," Piper says.

"Hey, Piper. It's Phoebe. Were you asleep?"

"Actually, no. I couldn't sleep," Piper replies. "But Prue is finally home and she was extremely happy to sleep in her own bed. What's up?"

"I couldn't sleep either," Phoebe says. She pauses to make sure no one is listening. "I had a premonition, Piper. I was reading this article and it triggered a premonition of some guy who was trying to steal the Book of Shadows."

"Who is he?" Piper asks.

"His name is Jack Denby. He's a singer in some local jazz band," Phoebe explains. "He fits the description you gave of the shapeshifter."

"There's really not much I can do right now, Pheebs," Piper says. "I'll try to find out where he lives, and I'll do some research on the web. Prue and I will come see you tomorrow. Okay?"

"All right, Piper. Be careful. There's no telling when this guy will try to get the book," Phoebe says.

"I'll be careful, Pheebs. I promise," Piper says. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye," Phoebe says.

"Bye, Pheebs." Piper hangs up the phone. Then she goes to get the BOS and the laptop.

* * *

Prue comes down in the morning feeling very rested and refreshed. She also feels free, and not just in the legal sense. Being cooped up in jail made her realize she had been cooped up in her normal life. She's not sure she's all that upset about being fired.

She walks into the kitchen to see Piper asleep at the kitchen table. The laptop is on in front of her and the BOS is to her right. Prue brushes Piper's hair away from her mouth and looks at her sleeping sister for a moment. Then she looks at the screen of the laptop. An article that talks about a local jazz band is on the screen. It talks about how they perform in clubs throughout California, but mostly in the San Francisco area. Prue is not sure why Piper was looking up stuff about this band. 'Maybe she was looking for a band for the club,' Prue thinks as she starts making coffee, totally disregarding the presence of the BOS. She decides to let Piper wake up on her own. When the coffee's done, Prue pours herself a cup and goes into the parlor to read the paper.

* * *

Two hours later Phoebe starts to wake up. She had fallen asleep about an hour after she talked to Piper. She opens her eyes to see a doctor who looks vaguely familiar. Phoebe is still in a daze due to painkillers and the fact that she just woke up.

"Hello, Ms. Halliwell. How are you feeling?" the doctor asks.

"Tired," Phoebe replies. She wipes her eyes and gets a better look at the doctor who's casually looking at her chart. "I know you from somewhere." He says nothing. Phoebe looks at the magazine sitting on her bedside table and remembers Jack Denby. As she looks at the doctor she suddenly starts to feel light-headed. "You did this to me," she says.

"I know you're allergic to penicillin Phoebe," he says holding her chart up. "I just gave you some five minutes ago. Now, I can give you something to counteract it or I can let you die. Tell me how to get the book out of the house."

Phoebe shakes her head. "You can't," Phoebe says. Her speech is slurred and she's starting to lose consciousness. "Only a Halliwell." Phoebe loses consciousness. Jack morphs into a bird and flies out the open window. Seconds later Phoebe flatlines and doctors and nurses rush in to help her.

Prue and Piper have just arrived to inform Phoebe of their progress with Jack Denby. They see all the commotion and hurry to Phoebe's room. They try to get in, but the nurses make them stay by the door. They watch, horrified, as the doctors use a defibrillator on Phoebe. Her body is jolted by the shock, but there is no change. They try again, no change. Prue and Piper watch fearfully as the doctor charges the paddles again and shocks Phoebe one more time. Seconds feel like minutes as the doctor waits for some kind of reaction from Phoebe. Prue and Piper are afraid that they have lost their sister until the heart monitor picks up a heartbeat. Phoebe starts breathing again and the doctors go to work overtime to figure out what happened.

It's at least an hour later when all the tests are done and Prue and Piper are finally allowed to see Phoebe.

Prue grasps Phoebe's hand. "You really gave us a scare, Pheebs."

Phoebe looks at Prue and weakly says, "Jack Denby."

"I found out where he lives, but we haven't checked it out yet," Piper says. "But that's not really important now."

Phoebe shakes her head. "No. He did this."

"What are you talking about?" Prue asks.

"He injected penicillin into my IV. He wants the book," Phoebe says.

"Oh my God. You're allergic to penicillin," Piper says. "The doctors haven't said anything about penicillin though. They gave us some bull about a blood clot."

"They're afraid of malpractice," Prue says. "They made something up to cover themselves. Ironically, this wasn't their fault."

"You have to find Jack Denby," Phoebe says. "Before he gets the book."

"But it's obvious we can't leave you alone," Piper says.

"Call Melissa," Phoebe says. "I'm sure she'll stay with me."

Prue and Piper kiss Phoebe on the forehead and start to leave. "Get some rest," Piper says as they leave to find Jack Denby.

* * *

Prue and Piper arrive at Jack Denby's apartment. Piper knocks on the door. When she sees shadows of movement through the crack under the door she signals for Prue to astral project inside the apartment. Prue does so and reappears standing behind Jack. She looks around for something to strike him with. Jack still hasn't opened the door and Piper's growing anxious. Prue finally finds a bottle to knock him out with, but before she can hit him, he blinks out of the apartment. He didn't see Prue, but he saw Piper through the peephole and didn't want to stick around for that confrontation.

Prue sets the bottle down, unlocks the door, and returns to her body.

"He blinked before I could get him," Prue explains as she enters the apartment. Piper follows close behind. The two of them look around Jack's apartment for any clue as to where he might be.

Piper looks through stacks of papers on a desk while Prue looks around on his coffee table. Piper finds several sheets of paper with their names on them.

"Prue, listen to this," Piper says. She begins reading. "Oldest, Prue. Works 9 to 5, lots of overtime. Good scapegoat. Piper, middle. Days at home. Nights at P3. Easy target. Phoebe, youngest. Lots of shopping. No known job. Warning, takes self-defense classes."

"This guy's been watching us," Prue says. "He had this whole thing planned out." Prue moves a couple magazines off the coffee table and finds a stack of flyers.

"What was his band's name?" she asks.

"Jazz Kings, I think," Piper replies. "Why?"

"They're performing tonight at O'Reilly's Pub," Prue says, holding up a flyer. "Looks like we'll have to catch him there."

"What are we going to do with him when we catch him?" Piper asks as they take a flyer and leave.

"You'll freeze him in the club. I'll move him outside and we'll use that spell we used the last time we encountered shapeshifters."

They go back to the manor to refresh their memories on the spell; then they go O'Reilly's Pub. It's a small bar/club with lots of tall tables and stools. At one end there's a small stage where Jack and his band is performing. Piper looks to Prue.

"Wait till they take a break. It will look less conspicuous than if he disappeared during a song." Prue and Piper have to wait through five songs before the Jazz Kings take a break. Jack heads towards the bathroom.

"Now, Piper," Prue says. Piper freezes the entire club and Prue moves Jack out to the alley. Once they get out there, however, he unfreezes. Jack panics and grabs Piper. He pulls a knife and holds it to Piper's throat. Prue lowers her head and astral projects herself behind him.

"What's she doing?" Jack asks. Piper doesn't have time to answer him before astral Prue knocks him over the head with a beer bottle. Jack falls and Prue returns to her body. The two sisters regroup and begin the spell. Jack yells in rage as the spell destroys him.

* * *

A week has passed and Phoebe has finally been released from the hospital. Dan sees Prue and Piper struggling to get Phoebe into the house and runs over to help.

"Do you ladies need a hand?" Dan asks. The three of them nod their heads and Dan picks Phoebe up in his arms. "Where to, Miss?"

"The living room couch, please kind sir," Phoebe says with a smile. Dan takes her inside and gently lays her on the couch.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" Dan asks.

"I think we're good for now," Prue says. Dan looks at her.

"I don't remember if I apologized for getting you arrested," Dan says. "I'm really sorry about that, especially since Piper told me you got fired."

"It's okay," Prue says. "I'm really not sure I'm so upset about that anyway."

"Well, let me know if there's anything I can help you with," Dan says. He's about to leave, but turns back. "Piper, are we still on for tonight?"

"You bet. P3, eight o'clock," Piper says.

"All right. See you then," Dan says as he leaves.

"Oh, so you're just ditching us, then," Prue says with mock disappointment.

"Oh, please," Piper says. "You'll be fine. And you should be happy. You two have been bugging me to start dating again."

"I know. I'm just teasing you," Prue says. She smiles. "But don't think that just because I'm unemployed now that I can constantly take care of Phoebe."

"I love you, too, Prue," Phoebe says with a smirk.

"Just as long as you don't give her a bell," Piper says. "Remember when she broke her leg in fifth grade and Grams gave her a bell to let us know when she needed something."

"Of course, we were Phoebe's slaves for two weeks," Prue says. "It was hell."

"That was really nice, actually," Phoebe says. "Let's do that again."

Prue and Piper look at Phoebe, laugh, and then go to the kitchen. Phoebe yells for them to come back. "Hey! Where are you going?"

"Do you want some tea, Piper?" Prue asks, ignoring Phoebe.

"I'd love some, Prue. What a good idea," Piper replies, also ignoring Phoebe.

"Not funny, you guys," Phoebe says. "Guys?"

Prue and Piper look back into the living room. "Gotcha!"