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Suicidal Tendencies

by Talula

DISCLAIMER: All the usual. I don't own anything except the plot, Melissa, and Caltaca. Don't use anything without asking.

Prue is sitting behind her desk looking through some papers. It's late afternoon and she's hoping to leave the office early. She quickly glances out the window and does a double take when she sees a woman inching her way along the ledge.

"My God!" Prue exclaims, picking up the phone to call security. "This is Prue Halliwell on the tenth floor. There's a woman on the ledge outside my office. Thank you."

Prue walks over to her window, slides it open and leans out. She wonders what to say to the woman. She decides to play it off as casually as she can. The woman stops moving and Prue decides it's time to get her attention.

"Nice day, isn't it?" Prue asks nonchalantly. The woman whips her head around, startled by Prue's question.

"Stay away from me! I'll jump," the woman shouts.

"I figured as much," Prue says calmly. She can hear sirens. 'Fast response,' she thinks. "It'd be easier to talk if you came inside. I'd join you out there, but I'm afraid of heights."

"No. You don't care about me," the woman says. "I'm just an inconvenience. I'm nothing. You don't even know my name."

"You're right. I don't know your name. You look familiar. I know you work here, but this is a big company," Prue says. The woman gives her a look that says, 'This isn't helping.' Prue gets to her point. "That doesn't matter. I do care about you. I've helped a lot of people without knowing their names. I could help you if you'd just come inside and talk to me."

"You're lying. You don't care. I'm just an ant," the woman says, stepping forward. Prue starts to reach out to her. Prue is inches away from the woman's hand. "Time to squash the ant." The woman jumps. Prue grabs the woman's hand with her right hand and the edge of the window with her left. She's struggling to keep her grip on the woman's hand, half her upper body hanging over the edge. Prue can see a fire truck preparing to raise its ladder. Onlookers below scream as the woman dangles in Prue's grasp.

"Let go of me!" the woman screams. "I want to die."

"Help me out here, and try to pull yourself up," Prue says, ignoring the woman's request. Instead, the woman struggles to get out of Prue's grasp. "Stop struggling!" Prue is about to take the risk of releasing her grip on the window to free the use of her left hand when the woman breaks free. "No!" Prue screams. She closes her eyes just before the woman hits the pavement ten stories down. Prue can hear people screaming at the ghastly sight of the woman hitting the ground.

Prue sits on the floor and lays her head in her hands, distraught that she couldn't save that woman.

* * *

Piper is reading a magazine on the living room couch when Phoebe rushes in and turns on the television.

"Check this out," Phoebe says as she moves Piper's legs and sits where they were stretched out. Piper looks annoyed by Phoebe and then watches the news broadcast.

"Employees at Buckland Auction House are shocked by a suicide that occurred only thirty minutes ago," The reporter states. Piper looks at Phoebe, who is engrossed in the report. "Mimi Ramsey worked in payroll at Buckland's, and coworkers state that there was no prior evidence that she was suicidal.

"Authorities were first informed of Ramsey when Prue Halliwell called security with a report of a woman outside her tenth story office."

The camera switches to Prue talking to the reporter. Her name and title are flashed on the screen.

"When I tried to talk her inside she jumped," Prue says. "I caught her and was able to hold onto her for a minute, but then I lost my grip. She definitely did not want to be saved."

"I don't believe this," Piper says. Phoebe shushes her and the reporter continues.

"Based on Miss Halliwell's statement, police have ruled this a definite suicide, and will not investigate further. Miss Ramsey's family refused to comment at this time. For channel five news, I'm Sherri Wiedenfeld."

Phoebe switches off the television. "That poor woman," she says, turning to Piper. "Prue must feel terrible."

"She didn't look so hot on TV," Piper says. "I hope she's not planning on working after that."

"Knowing Prue..." Phoebe trails off when she hears the front door. They hurry out to meet Prue. Prue hangs up her jacket and turns to display her grief-stricken face to her sisters. They all embrace when Prue begins crying for a woman she didn't even know. They pull apart and Prue wipes away her tears as they head for the living room. They all sit on the couch, Prue in the middle.

"Honey, are you okay?" Phoebe asks, with a comforting hand on Prue's shoulder.

Prue regains her composure somewhat. "I had her. I caught her and then..." Prue trails off. "I didn't even know her name until the police told it to me. That's why she did it. She said no one knew her. She considered herself an ant."

"Did you tell the police that?" Piper asks.

"Yeah, pretty much." Prue looks at her sisters. "I was the last person she talked to. Do you know what she said before she jumped? She said, 'Time to squash the ant.' Can you believe that?"

Phoebe and Piper just shake their heads. They sit in silence for a moment. Then, Prue rises. "I'm going to take a long bath. Maybe that'll help me shake this feeling." Prue heads upstairs.

"Prue is pretty shaken up by all this," Phoebe says.

"She witnessed a suicide first hand," Piper replies. "Prue was the last person that woman talked to. That puts a lot of weight on Prue's shoulders."

* * *

Caltaca crosses another name off his list - Mimi Ramsey. He laughs demonically at the though of never being caught. After decades of causing witches to commit suicide, Caltaca had neared the end of his list.

'Destiny has nearly been fulfilled,' he thinks as he runs his bony, clawed finger across the third to last name - Phoebe Halliwell. "First you, Phoebe. Then your sisters. I will play on your doubt."

Caltaca shape shifts from his one scaly, demonic form into two beautiful human forms - Prue and Piper. Then he disappears in a black mist.

* * *

It's the next morning and Phoebe sleepily drags herself downstairs after showering and changing. She enters the kitchen to see Prue drinking coffee and reading the paper at the table, and Piper making herself a bowl of cornflakes. Phoebe looks at the clock, which reads 9:30, and then at Prue.

"Shouldn't you be at work, Prue?" Phoebe asks. Prue simply starts laughing. Phoebe looks at her curiously.

"I'm sorry," Prue says, stifling her laughter. "That comment just sounded really funny coming from you."

"What?" Phoebe asks quietly. She's afraid of where Prue's going with this, considering they haven't argued about Phoebe's unemployment for months.

"You know," Prue says. "Considering the fact that you haven't seemed to be able to hold down a job your entire life. Do you even know what work is?"

Phoebe is shocked that Prue is bringing this subject up out of the blue. "Prue, just because I don't get paid doesn't mean I just sit on my ass all day." Phoebe turns to Piper. "Help me out here, Piper."

"Why?" Piper asks sharply. Phoebe's jaw drops. "Why should I help you? I always have to defend you to Prue. What do I get out of it? Sisterly love? Why should I get crap because you can't get a job? What do you do here? Nothing." Phoebe has broken into tears. She can't believe Piper is saying this, Piper of all people.

"You're worthless here, Phoebe," Prue says. "If you can't hold your own, then you can't live here. Why don't you do us all a favor, and get lost?"

Prue and Piper go back to what they were doing before Phoebe came in, while she stands, crying and speechless. Prue glances up "You're still here." That throws Phoebe over the edge, and she runs out of the house sobbing.

Piper looks at Prue and approaches her. They grasp hands and melt together, turning into Caltaca.

"That should take care of her," Caltaca says in his deep demonic voice. He makes his list appear in his long scaly claw. He doesn't cross off Phoebe's name, knowing she isn't dead yet. He runs his finger along the next name on the list - Piper Halliwell. He turns his head when he hears someone come in the front door.

"Pheebs, are you awake yet?" Piper asks an empty house, well almost empty. Caltaca sees this as the perfect opportunity to get his next target. He quickly morphs to look like Leo. Piper walks in the kitchen carrying a bag of groceries. She sees Leo/Caltaca and drops the bag.

"I hope you didn't have any eggs," he says.

"Leo. What... how are you... why are you here?" Piper stammers.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" he asks. "I've missed you more than I can handle. Eternity without you is like being in hell."

"Of course, I'm happy to see you. I wish that we could still hold each other. I miss you so much," Piper says. "But it's too late. You're gone." Tears are forming in her eyes.

"You want to be with me so much, don't you?" he asks. "You do. You miss me even more than I miss you. I can tell. We can be together again. It won't be hard."

"How?" Piper asks with a wavery voice. It has been a long time since she thought about Leo. All the emotions are overwhelming her.

"Do you really want to be with me?" he asks.

"Yes, I'll do anything," Piper says, tears streaming down her face. "I can't stand being without you anymore. I've tried, but I can't do it."

"Take that knife up to your room, and I'll tell you how."

* * *

Prue rushes into the house to retrieve a file that she forgot. She runs up to her room, grabs a folder and heads for the stairs. She glances in Piper's room as she walks by. Prue stops when she notices Piper's bed isn't made. 'That's odd,' Prue thinks. 'That's usually the first thing she does in the morning.'

"Piper? Are you home?" Prue shouts. Then she sees a letter on Piper's bed. Prue goes in and sees that the letter is addressed to her and Phoebe. She opens it and reads:

To my dear sisters,

I wish that it didn't have to come to this. After all we've been through, it doesn't seem right. We've looked death in the face so many times and made it out alive. I guess you could say this is one of those big ironies of life. But I can't live like this anymore. I've tried, and failed miserably. I want you to know that the past year and a half was the best year and a half of my life, even with all the loss and danger. I love you both dearly, and I don't want you to feel guilty about this. I'll be happier. I'll be with Leo.

Forever, Piper

Prue shoves the letter in her pocket and yells for Piper. "Piper! Where are you?" Prue yells, running out of Piper's bedroom. She looks down the hall and sees that the bathroom door is closed. "Piper can you hear me?" She tries the door, but it's locked. Without even knocking, Prue breaks the door open with her power. She's horrified by the sight of Piper, unconscious on the floor, bleeding from both wrists. Blood is all around Piper on the floor, the knife nearby.

"Oh, God no!" Prue cries. She pulls her cell phone out of her coat pocket and dials 911 while checking for a pulse. Prue tries to use anything she can find to stop the bleeding.

* * *

Phoebe sits in the quiet corner of the park that Piper had shown her. Piper had said it was a great place to relax and think or just be alone. It was a secret they shared when Prue became a little too overbearing. 'I never thought I would be hiding from Piper here.'

Phoebe wipes at her tears and wonders why her sisters were so awful to her. The thought of that morning's events triggers a premonition.

She sees her conversation with Prue and Piper that occurred earlier. She watches herself run out of the kitchen. Then she watches as Prue and Piper mesh together to become an ugly demon.

Phoebe comes out of the premonition shocked by what truly happened and appalled at herself for believing her sisters could be so cruel to her. She gets up and starts walking home.

* * *

Prue is pacing in the waiting area in the ER. Piper's blood stains her clothes. Morris rushes into the ER and approaches Prue. She sees him and they embrace.

"Thanks for coming, Darryl," she says as she pulls away. "I haven't been able to reach Phoebe, and I just didn't know who else to call."

"It's no problem, Prue," Darryl says. "How is she?"

"I don't know. They haven't told me anything," Prue replies. She sits down and runs her hands through her hair. "I just want to know what could make her even consider this. It's just not Piper. And I thought she had a handle on the whole Leo thing," Prue says, her voice wavering. "And what the hell is taking so long?"

Morris places his hand on her shoulder. "Stay calm, Prue. She'll be okay." Prue grabs his hand and holds it. If anything good came out of Andy's death it was the blossoming friendship between Prue and Darryl Morris.

Then, a doctor comes out to talk to Prue. She stands quickly, not sure if she's ready for the news. "How's Piper?" she asks expectantly.

"Your sister lost a lot of blood. We did a transfusion and for now she's stable. Unfortunately, she's in a coma. There's no telling how long it could last. Best case scenario, she's awake within the next twelve hours."

"And the worst?" Prue asks worriedly.

"It could last indefinitely," the doctor says solemnly. Prue mulls over this information for a moment and then says, "I want to see her." The doctor nods his head and leads her and Morris to Piper's room. Prue winces when she sees her sister hooked up to machines, her wrists bandaged. Prue sits next to Piper's bed and grips her sister's hand tight.

"Piper, can you hear me?" Prue asks. "Please don't leave us." Prue succumbs to a crying fit. Morris lays a comforting hand on Prue's shoulder.

"Prue, why don't you go home, change into some clean clothes, and try to find Phoebe," Morris suggests. "I'll stay with Piper till you get back."

Prue reluctantly releases Piper's hand and accepts Morris' suggestion.

Before she leaves the room she turns back. "If there's any change..."

"I'll call you," Morris finishes for her.

Prue heads back to the manor, hoping to find Phoebe there.

* * *

"Phoebe?" Prue asks. She doesn't notice the person in the living room that follows her up the stairs. "Pheebs, are you here?" Prue glances in the bathroom, sees the blood on the floor, and breaks down. Tears stream down her face as she grabs a washcloth off the counter and scrubs at the stains. She scrubs fruitlessly for several minutes, sobbing the entire time. Then she stops and cries into her hands.

"My dear, little girl," someone says. Prue looks up quickly to see her mother and grandmother standing there.

"Mom. Grams. What are you doing here?" Prue asks through her tears.

"You failed us, Prudence," Grams says disappointedly.

"And you failed your sister. You were supposed to look after her for me, Prue," Patty says. "I trusted you."

"I tried, mom. I really tried," Prue replies.

"And you failed," Andy says as he appears in a black mist. "Why didn't you save me, Prue?"

"Andy," is all Prue can say before another person appears. It's Leo.

"You failed me, Prue," Leo says. Mimi Ramsey appears and joins in the chorus of disappointment.

"No." Prue is sobbing and closing her eyes tightly, trying to shut out all these dead people from her past.

"Piper! Prue!" Phoebe shouts from downstairs. Prue doesn't hear her. Everyone continues to tell Prue she failed them. She's starting to believe them.

Phoebe comes into the bathroom and puts her hand on Prue's shoulder. Prue doesn't look up. "Prue, listen to me. These people are not who you think they are. It's a demon playing on our insecurities, Prue. Don't listen to them."

"I failed them all," Prue says, still sobbing into her hands. Phoebe grabs Prue by the shoulders.

"Prue, look at me," Phoebe says. Prue looks up, her face stained with tears. "You haven't failed anyone. Say it."

"I haven't failed anyone," Prue says shakily. Caltaca, in his many forms, disappears in a black mist. Prue and Phoebe embrace and then Prue pulls away, wiping at her tears. Phoebe explains what happened to her earlier and describes her premonition.

"I think this demon was trying to separate us. We need to call Piper before he gets to her," Phoebe says.

"Too late," Prue says as she pulls Piper's note out of her pants pocket. This is when Phoebe finally notices the blood on Prue's clothes and the bathroom floor.

"What the hell happened?" Phoebe asks. Prue simply hands her Piper's suicide note. Tears stream down Phoebe's face as she reads. She finishes and looks at Prue. "She isn't..."

"No," Prue shakes her head. "But she's in a coma. The doctors don't know how long it will last."

"I can't believe this," Phoebe says.

"Well, at least we know this demon made Piper do this," Prue says. "I couldn't even imagine her doing this on her own."

"I guess we should get back to the hospital," Phoebe says. "Piper shouldn't be alone."

"Actually, I think she's safe for now. And Darryl's with her. We need to find out what kind of demon we're dealing with. And we need to stay together. We're more vulnerable alone."

"Okay, so you go change clothes and I'll start looking in the Book," Phoebe says. Prue nods her head in agreement and goes to her bedroom while Phoebe heads up to the attic. Ten minutes later Prue joins her.

"I haven't found anything yet, but I have a theory," Phoebe says. "I think it's playing on our emotions and insecurities to get us to commit suicide. Then there's less suspicion and he gets away with it easily."

"That sounds about right," Prue agrees. "I know I wanted to die before you helped me."

"After what happened earlier this morning I felt worthless. Insignificant, like an ant."

"An ant," Prue repeats, thinking. "That woman at work said the same thing."

"Do you think she's connected to this?" Phoebe asks.

"I don't know. Maybe," Prue says. She pulls out her cell phone and dials information. Phoebe continues to look for the demon. "Mimi Ramsey please. Yes, connect me," Prue says to the operator. Prue waits and a woman picks up the phone on the third ring.

"Hello," the woman says quietly.

"Is this the home of Mimi Ramsey?" Prue asks.

"It used to be. Who are you?" the woman asks abruptly.

"My name is Prue Halliwell," Prue replies. "I'm…"

"The last person that talked to my sister," the woman finishes for her. "Yeah. I saw you on the news. What do you want?"

"I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about Mimi," Prue says. "I think her suicide was a bit suspicious."

"You do? I told the police that and they told me there was no possible way there could be foul play involved," Mimi's sister says. "I don't believe that Mimi would just kill herself out of the blue."

"Could you tell me about your sister?" Prue asks.

"Mimi was pretty shy and quiet," she replies. "Our family was different from most so we didn't get along well with most people."

"How was your family different?"

"I guess you could say we were gifted. And I don't mean we had high IQ's. Mimi and I had special skills that no one else had."

"What kind of skills?"

"Okay, you might think I'm crazy, but I have this feeling that you'll understand. I have some psychic abilities."

"Do you have visions?" Prue asks.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about," Mimi's sister answers excitedly. "Mimi could move things."

"Telekinesis," Prue offers.

"Right, you understand. You're not scared of this like everyone else," she says happily.

"I've got some things in common with you and your sister. I'd like to talk to you in person. I may need your help with some things," Prue says.

"Sure," she agrees. "You know I just realized I haven't even told you my name – it's Melissa. Where do you want to meet?"

Prue gives her the address of the manor and hangs up the phone. "They're witches," Prue says to Phoebe. "Mimi had the power of telekinesis and her sister has premonitions."

"So, we're looking for a demon that preys on witches. That narrows it down," Phoebe says sarcastically.

"I know, most of the demons we've encountered prey specifically on witches, but it may help," Prue says. "And the suicide thing should help a lot."

The doorbell rings and Prue hurries to answer it. "That was fast."

"I only live a couple blocks away," Melissa says as Prue leads her to the living room. "I have a good feeling about you, so I rushed right over."

"Well, since I know you're a witch, I'll let you know that I'm a witch as well," Prue says. "I have the power of telekinesis and I just recently became able to perform some sort of astral projection."

"Do you have any sisters? You must," Melissa says, looking around. "I can't imagine you living in this big house by yourself. And it's been my experience that real witches come in two's and three's."

"Yes, I have two sisters, which is partly the reason I called you. One of my sisters tried to commit suicide today," Prue says. "My sister Phoebe is upstairs right now. She has premonitions, like you, and she saw a demon that we think coerced our sister to try to kill herself."

"Caltaca," Melissa says. "I've been doing research on suicide and I've come across a couple legends about a demon named Caltaca that supposedly has a list of names, people that he has to kill."

"We need to tell Phoebe this. She's looking for information on the demon right now," Prue says. She leads Melissa upstairs. "What did you mean about real witches coming in two's and three's?"

"You must have met some of the phonies that say they're witches, but they're not," Melissa says. "A lot of times they're only children. They have a lot of issues. Witchcraft is very familial and supportive."

"Are you a psychologist or something?" Prue asks with a smile.

"Actually, yes. I just started my private practice. Some of my first patients were phony witch-wanna-be's," Melissa replies. They enter the attic to see Phoebe looking through the BOS.

"Pheebs, this is Melissa. Melissa, this is my sister, Phoebe," Prue introduces them. Melissa does a shy little wave. "Melissa has a name for the demon. It's Caltaca."

Phoebe flips through the pages quickly and then stops. "Bingo."

Prue and Melissa look over Phoebe's shoulder. "We need a potion," Phoebe says. "And this spell will bring him to us."

"Wow. What is this book? The demon encyclopedia?" Melissa asks.

Prue and Phoebe smile at each other. "I guess you could call it our family scrapbook," Phoebe replies. "It was started centuries ago by our ancestor, Melinda Warren."

"Woah, wait a minute," Melissa says. "Did you say Melinda Warren?" Phoebe nods her head and Melissa thinks for a moment. "And you said you had another sister. My God, you're the Charmed Ones."

"Word gets around," Phoebe says sarcastically. The three of them head down to the kitchen with the BOS to make the potion.

"Well, this isn't common knowledge to everyone. I'm very well-versed in legends, especially those dealing with witchcraft," Melissa says. "I guess this is another legend that I can chalk up as truth."

"Welcome to our world," Prue says.

* * *

"Ready, Pheebs?" Prue asks.

"I've got the demon poison," Phoebe replies. "You call him. I'll kill him."

Melissa is standing off to the side. Prue and Phoebe look at her, she nods her head, and Prue begins reading the spell to call Caltaca, who appears before them in all his ugliness. He looks around, confused as to why he's there.

"That thing convinced my sister to kill herself?" Melissa asks.

"He can change form," Phoebe explains.

"It's very effective," Caltaca says with an evil grin. "Mimi was devastated to hear her own sister tell her she's worthless." Caltaca laughs maniacally.

"You bastard!" Melissa says angrily.

"And Piper was more than happy to oblige when her beloved ex-whitelighter told her they could be together if she slit her wrists."

Phoebe is steaming with rage. She hurls the potion onto Caltaca. He growls in rage.

"No! What have you done? I haven't fulfilled my destiny," Caltaca says before he disappears.

* * *

Prue and Phoebe made Melissa promise to keep their secret. She was more than happy to. Her sister's death was avenged thanks to Prue and Phoebe.

It had been a week since the whole Caltaca incident and Piper's condition had not changed. Her wounds healed, but she remained in a coma. Phoebe had tried to use her healing power, but it didn't work.

"Does that mean she'll never wake up?" Prue asked in a panic.

"No, it just means she has to do it herself," Phoebe replied, trying to reassure her sister.

Now, Prue is asleep in a chair next to Piper's bed. She and Phoebe are taking turns staying with their sister. After a while, they knew Piper would need to be moved to a facility that is better equipped to handle people in her condition. Prue just doesn't want to accept it.

* * *

Piper is sitting in a room that resembles a doctor's office waiting room. The woman at the desk looks at Piper.

"Piper Halliwell," the woman says. "Go through this door."

Piper does so and she is standing in what appears to be Golden Gate Park. Leo is standing underneath a tree. Piper runs up to him with tears in her eyes.

Leo holds her for a moment and then looks into her eyes sadly. "That wasn't me that told you to kill yourself, Piper. I would never even think of suggesting that," Leo says. Piper is confused. "It was a demon that was playing your emotions. Prue and Phoebe killed him, but they still need you."

Piper is thinking about this. "I wanted to be with you so much. I haven't felt like that in months."

"You need to go back," Leo says. Piper nods her head. They kiss and then she leaves him under the tree. "I'll be waiting."

* * *

Piper opens her eyes. Apparently time moves slower where Piper was because Phoebe is now asleep in the chair next to Piper's bed. Piper looks at the clock. It reads 8 a.m. She can't find anything in the room that would tell her what day it is. Piper looks at Phoebe, who is sound asleep, regardless of the uncomfortable-looking position she is in. Piper decides to let her sleep and then looks at her wrists. 'I can't believe I would even consider this,' she thinks as she touches the scars that are forming.

Piper tries to push herself into a better sitting position and accidentally knocks the pulse monitor off her finger. The machine flat lines. "Oops!" Piper says as she fumbles to put it back on. Meanwhile, two nurses and a doctor rush into the room. They startle Phoebe and she falls out of her chair. Piper finally gets the thing put back on and gives everyone a sheepish grin.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to do that," she says. "I was trying to get more comfortable."

The medical staff gives a relieved laugh as Phoebe picks herself up off the floor. "Piper," she says, tears of joy filling her eyes.

"Yep, it's me Pheebs. I'm glad you remember my name," Piper says with a smile. Phoebe moves forward and hugs Piper tightly. "Pheebs! Air!" Piper says. Phoebe pulls away, laughing and crying. She wipes at her tears.

"We were afraid you would never wake up," Phoebe says. The doctor moves forward and checks Piper's vitals while she and Phoebe talk.

"How long have I been here?" Piper asks, thinking that it didn't seem like she was out very long.

"A little over a week," Phoebe explains. "A couple more days and we would've had to move you to a long term care facility."

Piper is amazed at how long she was out. The doctor looks at her in surprise. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you had never been in a coma. I guess we'll keep you one more day for observation and then you can go." The doctor and nurses leave the room.

Phoebe looks at the clock. "Prue's probably at work by now. I should call her."

But Phoebe doesn't have to. Prue walks in with two cups of coffee. She sees Piper awake and is shocked. "Hey, where's my coffee?" Piper asks with a smile.

Prue hands Phoebe the coffee and gives Piper a hug. "Thank God you're awake," she says through her tears.

"She gave everyone quite a scare when she woke up a little while ago," Phoebe says. She describes what happened and Prue gets a good laugh out of it. Then she turns to Piper. "Do you remember what happened?" Prue asks.

"Yes, and I want both of you to know that I would never do this, normally," Piper says. "I know that a demon was responsible for this and I'm okay."

"Are you sure?" Phoebe asks.

"I think so," Piper replies. "I was just so overwhelmed. It's like all I wanted was to be with Leo."

"You know the doctors are going to suggest counseling," Phoebe says.

"Yeah, I know," Piper says. "And I might actually take their advice. Just to be on the safe side. Just because I feel okay now, doesn't mean this is how I'll always feel."

"That sounds like a good idea," Prue says. Then she smiles at Phoebe. "And I think I know a psychologist you could talk to." Phoebe smiles thinking of their new friend, Melissa.