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The Test

by Leo's Girl

DISCLAIMER: Based on the Spelling Productions TV show, created by Constance M. Burge. All characters are property of Spelling Productions, except for Benjamin The Warlock and Dr. Peters, who are mine. Unauthorized reproduction or reposting of text is not allowed. Contact me to ask for permission.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is my first FanFic story and I would appreciate feedback. Please email me with any comments.

Piper and Leo are getting along wonderfully. They are back together and are very happy. Since Leo came back Piper sometimes wakes up a few minutes early just to look at his face. She still has a hard time believing that Leo, the man she loves with all her heart, is really there with her.

This morning she wakes up in Leo's arms and looks at his face. There is no hint of the sadness she keeps expecting to see.

After Leo clipped his wings she has kept expecting to see regret or sadness at the loss of that life. Leo seems happy and content with being mortal. At first when Leo told her he had had his wings clipped because he had saved her life, ecstatically happy as she was at the thought of being with him, she knows it had to be extremely hard on him to give up his life as a White Lighter. About a week after he had his wigs clipped, he proposed.

They were at the park and had just finished eating. Earlier that day Leo had asked her on a picnic. She had agreed and had arrived at the spot Leo had said to meet him at.

When she had arrived she was speechless. Leo had set out a table cloth with a picnic basket on it and was lying there waiting for her. They had a wonderful time talking and eating the delicious food Leo had brought. After they finished Leo had reached in his pocket and kneeled down on one knee.

He pulled out a ring and looked in her eyes. "Piper Halliwell will you marry me?" he had said.

"Yes." she had answered without having to give it any thought. They had been married a few weeks later. It had been a wonderful ceremony and Piper had felt like she was living in a dreamworld in the two months since then.

Before she can think any more about this a wave of nausea hits her. She gasps as she suddenly becomes extremely sick to her stomach. Leo wakes up and asks "What is it sweetie."

"Nothing." Piper says unconvincingly before collapsing into Leo's arms.

He holds her close and reassures her. "Come on tell me what's wrong. You know you don't have to keep secrets from me." he says softly.

"I just got really sick to my stomach all of a sudden," Piper says. She closes her eyes for a minute before getting a sick look on her face. She pulls away from Leo, jumps up from the bed, and goes running from the room. Leo follows her to the bathroom where she has shut the door.

He can hear her throw up. "Are you ok?" he says sounding concerned. A minute later the door opens and Piper steps out looking shaky.

"Are you ok?" he repeats moving closer.

"I'm fine." she replies weakly. She starts to fall over and Leo catches her. He holds her up and leads her back to their room. He gently lays her down on the bed and then lays down next to her.

"Piper are you feeling better? What can I do?" he asks.

"Just hold me," she says laying her head on his chest. He wrapped one arm around her waist and stroked her hair with the other. She falls asleep and when she wakes up an hour later Leo asks her how she's feeling.

"Better," she says.

"I still think you should stay in bed and rest today." Leo says, looking unconvinced.

"Leo, that's sweet, but you know I have to get to the club. I need to supervise the preparations for the band tonight. It took some convincing to get them to agree to play P3. Everything has to be just right. The band is very picky." Piper says.

"I know how dedicated you are to your club. And it's important that tonight goes well. But I care way more about you. I think you should call in and tell them you're sick. You have trained the people at your club well. They respect you. They'll do fine if you aren't there for one day," Leo says softly.

"It's not that I don't trust my staff. It's just that tonight is so important. They will try their best. But I still think it's important for me to be there to oversee things," Piper argues.

"I don't want to leave you but if it's the only way to get you to stay in bed and rest. I'll go into the club and supervise the set up," Leo says kindly.

"Well," Piper starts to argue but closes her mouth thinking better. "Ok, Leo."

"Great I'll get ready, you get some sleep," Leo says as he stands up. He changes and before he leaves he leans over and kisses her on the forehead. "Bye, Piper. I love you. Don't worry about the club, I'll take care of it. You just get some sleep. You call any time you need me." he says.

"I love you too. I'll see you tonight," Piper says.

Leo walked out the door and shut it gently on the way out. He then walked down the hall, down the stairs and into the kitchen. When he got there Prue and Phoebe were already there. Prue was sipping coffee and reading the paper. Phoebe was drinking tea and reading the comics.

"Morning, Leo. Where's Piper?" they asked looking up.

"Piper isn't feeling well. She's up in bed," Leo answered.

"Is she going to be all right?" Prue asks.

"I think so. It's probably just a twenty four hour stomach flu. Nothing to worry about right?" Leo says sighing. "I have to go. The only way I could convince Piper to stay in bed and rest was by promising to go into the club and supervise in her place myself," he said sadly. "I know she'll be ok. It's just that I hate to leave her alone when she feels so horrible." he said.

"Don't worry, Leo. Piper is strong. She'll be fine. If you like I can check in on her today. That's one of the advantages of being able to astral project." Prue said pleasantly.

"Thank you, that would be great," Leo replied.

"I was going to go to the library to write a paper for one of my classes. But I did all my research earlier this week. I'll stay here and look after Piper. I agree that she shouldn't be left alone. If any warlocks or demons find out a Charmed One has fallen ill and is being left alone, they will all attack the house." Phoebe said.

"Thank you, Phoebe. I would really appreciate it," Leo said sounding grateful. He started to walk to the door but hesitated.

"What is it, Leo?" Phoebe asked.

"It's nothing," he said as he started to walk out again. "Well, there is one thing. Could you make sure Piper stays in bed? You know how stubborn she is. I'm afraid if she feels better later she'll try to come to the club. I just don't want her to push herself."

"Of course, Leo, I'll make sure. Now go you don't want to be late," Phoebe said pushing him towards the door.

When Leo had left Prue stood up. "I have to go or I'll be out of a job," Prue said. "I'll see you later. Tell Piper I hope she gets better." Prue then headed out the door and to her car.

After Prue had left Phoebe finished her tea and went up to check on Piper. She knocked on the door and waited for a minute. After she got no response she opened the door and peered in. Piper was curled up on the bed sleeping peacefully. She decided to leave her alone and come back later.

Phoebe went to her room and got her research and note pad. Next she went downstairs to the kitchen and set up to start writing her paper on the kitchen table. She started to write but couldn't decide how to start. She sat there for twenty minutes try to figure out what to write. She went over all her notes and research a few times before sighing and laying her head down on the table. She just sat there for a few minutes with her head down on all her papers. "I'm never going to get anything done here." she complained.

Phoebe lifted her head up from the table and stood up. She picked up her papers and headed to the attic. For some reason Phoebe found that she could concentrate better in the attic. Maybe it was being near "The Book of Shadows." Or perhaps because this was the last place she had seen Grams, she felt safe.

As she was heading up to the attic she looked in on Piper. She was still asleep. Phoebe then proceeded to the attic. When she got there she set up her papers on the floor in the middle of the room. She then laid down on her stomach with the papers in front of her and started to work.

An hour later Phoebe was looking over her paper. It had taken her a while, but she was really happy about the finished product. She was glad she had come up to the attic. As soon as she put her mind to the task at hand she got a great idea. She had spent the next hour writing down the draft. After that she had gone over the draft, made a few changes and wrote the final copy.

After Phoebe had finished reading she picked up her papers and glanced at her watch. It was ten. Phoebe stood up and headed down to the second floor. On her way to put her stuff in her room she stopped at Piper's room to see how she was feeling.

She opened the door and looked in. Piper was awake and sitting up. "Hi, Piper, how are you feeling?"

"Hi, Pheebs. I'm feeling better. What are you doing here?" Piper said.

"Leo said you weren't feeling well. He also said he was worried about leaving you here by yourself. I agreed. So I volunteered to stay home and look after you," Phoebe said walking into the room and sitting down on the bed next to Piper.

"That was really sweet, Phoebe. But I feel fine now. It must have been something I ate. I should get to work." Piper said, starting to pull back the covers.

"No, you get back in to bed. You need to rest. Leo's orders. He doesn't want you to push yourself," Phoebe said.

"That was really sweet of Leo. But I feel fine. There's no reason I shouldn't go to work," Piper argued.

"Sweetie, why don't you humor Leo? He's just doing this because he doesn't want you to get hurt. It tore him apart this morning to have you feel so bad. He felt really sorry that he couldn't stay here and sit with you this morning. I literally had to push him out the door. You are so lucky to get a guy this nice. One who loves you with all his heart." Phoebe said.

"I know I am. I guess you're right," Piper said sighing and laying back.

"Good. Now, is there anything I can get for you?" Phoebe asked.

"No, I don't need anything right now. What's that you're holding?" Piper asked.

"This is the paper for one of my classes I just finished. You want to hear it?" Phoebe said looking at Piper expectantly.

"Of course, Phoebe. Read away." Piper said.

Phoebe read the paper to Piper and then set it down. "So, what do you think?" Phoebe asked.

"Wow, Phoebe, that was really good. You'll get at least an A." Piper said approvingly. "So, how are the rest of your classes going?"

"They are going great. I'm so glad I went back to college. Prue said she hopes you feel better," Phoebe said. They spent the rest of the day talking. Later when Prue got home they all talked for a while.

When Leo got home the house was quiet. He was surprised that Phoebe and Prue had gone to bed until he glanced down at his watch. It was one in the morning. He then headed upstairs to see how Piper was. As he walked up he kept hoping Piper felt better. He should have called and he felt really bad that he hadn't. He got to their room and opened the door quietly. He stepped in softly but his foot made a small sound.

"Leo, is that you?" Piper asked.

"Yes. I'm really sorry I woke you honey. How do you feel?" Leo said apologetically.

"It's ok Leo I wasn't asleep. I was waiting for you. To answer your question: I felt pretty good," Piper said turning on the light by the bed. "Change and then tell me about today."

Leo changed into his pajamas, a t-shirt and shorts before walking over to the bed. He pulled back the covers and slid under them. He pulled them back over his chest as Piper moved over and snuggled next to him. "So, how was your day?" he asked.

"Really pretty good. After you left I slept for a few hours. Then Phoebe came in. I was going to get up and come to work. But she told me what you had said. It was really sweet of you to be so concerned. So she read me her paper and we spent the rest of the day talking," Piper said. "Now how did your day go?"

"The performance was a big hit. Everyone was really sorry you were sick. They all said to say they hoped you felt better soon. The set up was easy. I went into your office and found your notes. You really had everything planned perfectly. I can't take any credit for tonight. If I hadn't found your notes I wouldn't have had a clue what to do," Leo said. "I'm very sorry I didn't call today. It's just that with all the excitement...." Leo started.

"Shh," Piper said. "It's ok. Now I don't know about you but I'm tired. Lets get some sleep," she said turning off the light. She laid her head down on his shoulder and placed her arm on his chest. "Good night, Leo. I love you."

"Good night, Piper. I love you too." Leo said.

The next morning when Piper woke up she felt fairly good. She looked at the clock. It was a few minutes before seven.

Leo woke up a minute later. "Morning how do you feel?" he asked her.

"Ok. Yesterday I must have gotten a twenty four hour bug." Piper said. Just as soon as she had said this another wave of nausea hit her.

Leo noticed the change in her face immediately. "What is it, Piper?" he asked very concerned.

"I feel really bad again," she said.

"What can I do?" he asked.

"Nothing. I think I'm gonna...." she said standing up and running from the room. Leo raced after her. She got to the bathroom and knelt in front of the toilet and threw up. Leo stood next to her holding her hair out of her face.

After a minute she stood up shaking. Leo held his arms out and she fell into them. "It's ok now. You're all right." he said stroking her hair. He led her back to their room and they laid down. He held her close and continued to reassure her in a soft voice.

"Leo, what's happening to me? I wake up in the morning and feel awful. Then in the afternoon I feel fine. It feels like yesterday is repeating it self." she said sounding afraid.

Leo picked his watch off the night stand and looked at it. "No, that's not it." he said.

"What are you talking about?" Piper said.

"Well, you said it felt like time was repeating it self. I had to make sure that wasn't the case," he said.

She laughed for a minute. "Leo, that was a figure of speech," she said before snuggling close to him and falling asleep. She woke up later and looked over at Leo. He was still asleep. She gently took his arm off her waist and stood up. She felt a lot better and wanted to get to work. She went and took a quick shower and came back to her room to change.

When Piper stepped in the room she noticed that Leo was still asleep. She decided not to wake him. There were two reasons for this. The first was that she knew he was tired. Leo had woken up several times during the night to check on her. And he had worked late at the club so she didn't have to go. The second reason was that she was afraid that he wouldn't want her to go. She knew he was just being protective, but she felt fine. There was no reason for her not to go.

She changed into a pale blue skirt that came down to her ankles and a black shirt with a high neck and short sleeves. She was just putting on her favorite necklace, a simple crystal pendant hung on a leather cord that Leo had given her when she heard a noise.

Piper turned around and saw that Leo had just woken up. "Good morning, Leo," she said cheerfully.

"Morning, Piper. How are you feeling? And why are you getting ready for work?" Leo asked.

"Because I am going to work," Piper sated evenly.

"Piper, you're sick. You should rest today." Leo argued.

"But Leo, I feel fine. I'll take it easy today. Don't worry, I won't attempt the remodeling I have been planing," Piper said sounding determined.

Leo recognized that tone of voice. He knew she wouldn't give in. But he was worried about her. He decided to try for a compromise. "Ok, Piper, go into work. But you have to promise me two things," he said firmly.

"Ok, Leo, name them," Piper said agreeably.

"The first is that you will take it easy and not push yourself," he said.

"Ok, I agree. Now what's the second condition?" she said.

"The second is that you call a doctor and make an appointment. You have felt bad two days in a row and I'm concerned. I think it's nothing serious but I want to make sure," Leo said.

"I agree, Leo. I'll call the doctor today and schedule an appointment as soon as possible," Piper said.

"Great. Now if you'll just wait a minute I'll get ready and go with you." Leo said pulling back the covers.

"That's ok, Leo. You don't have to come with me. I know you're tired." Piper said walking over to the bed.

"Really, Piper, it's no trouble. I want to come..." Leo was about to continue but Piper silenced him with a kiss.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine," she whispered in his ear. She walked to the door and was just about to go out when she turned around and said, "I'll call and check in later. Bye, Leo. I love you."

"Love you too, "he echoed.

She stepped out of the room and walked downstairs and to the kitchen. When she arrived at the kitchen she glanced at the clock. It was a few minutes before eleven. Phoebe was sitting alone at the table totally engrossed by her latest book on witchcraft. She was so busy reading that she didn't even notice Piper come in.

"Morning, Pheebs. What are you doing?" Piper greeted her sister pleasantly.

"What?" Phoebe said, looking startled and turning around. "Oh hi, Piper. I thought you and Leo decided to sleep in. How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling pretty good. I'm just gonna grab a quick cup of coffee and get to work," Piper said heading over to the stove.

"That's great. Just don't push yourself," Phoebe said.

"I won't. I already promised Leo I would take it easy," Piper said pouring herself a cup of coffee. "Oh. I've gotta run. Bye, Pheebs." Piper walked outside and to her jeep. She opened the door and climbed in. She turned it on and started driving to her club.

She got there fifteen minutes later. When she walked in she was greeted by a chorus of people saying how much they had missed her and how glad they were she was feeling better. She thanked them and got to work

A few hours later she had finished approving the orders, and supervising the set up for tonight. She walked to her office and sat down with a sigh. She loved owning the club. It was fun and she was appreciated. But it could be stressful. She looked at the clock and decided to call Leo. She dialed the number and waited till someone picked up.

"Hello." A deep masculine voice answered. It was Leo.

"Hi, Leo. It's Piper. I was just calling to see how you were and to tell you I feel fine." she said.

"Hi Piper. I feel fine. Do you want me to come down to the club to help?" he asked.

"No, it's ok. Thank you for asking. I'll be home around nine. Bye, Leo I love you." Piper said.

"I love you too. I'll see you at nine," Leo said.

Piper hung up the phone and sat there for a minute with her eyes closed. When she opened them she remembered her promise to Leo. She picked up the phone and called her doctor to make an appointment. She reached him and made an appointment for eleven the next day. She reviewed the clubs finances to make sure they were in good shape. She then went out and continued helping with the set up for another hour. She left just as the early club go'ers were starting to filter in.

Piper arrived home a few minutes after six. She walked into the kitchen and said hello to Phoebe. Then she walked into the living room to find Leo. She found him sitting on the couch watching TV. She walked over to him and greeted him with a kiss.

"Hi, Piper. I thought you said you weren't going to be back till nine." Leo said.

"Well, I finished my work at the club. And decided I would rather spend my evening with you," Piper said laying down on the couch with her head in Leo's lap. "You're not disappointed, are you?" Piper asked in a joking tone, "because if you are I can always go back to the club."

"No, I'm not disappointed," Leo said wrapping his arms around her shoulders and giving her a kiss. Piper kissed back and was enjoying herself until she heard Phoebe say "Don't you two ever get enough!"

Piper grabbed a pillow with her right arm and threw it at Phoebe. "Ok, I can take a hint," she said dodging the pillow. Piper and Leo spent the rest of the evening cuddling on the couch. They went to bed around eleven.

The next morning Piper woke up feeling the same as she had the two previous days. For the first minutes after she woke up she felt fine. But after that time she started to feel sick again. She tried to stay quiet and not wake Leo. She didn't want to worry him.

Leo woke up anyway. "What is it? Do you feel bad again?" he asked sounding concerned.

Piper was about to answer him when she jumped up and ran from the room. Leo followed her and stood next to her the same as yesterday. He guided her back to their room and they laid down. She started to cry. "Leo, I really am scared. I don't know what to do," she said before breaking down into sobs again.

"It's ok, Piper. You'll be fine. I'm here with you. Nothing will hurt you." Leo said pulling her close. Her sobs quieted and she fell asleep a few minutes later. She woke up an hour or two later. Leo was awake holding her close.

"Hey, you're awake. How are you feeling?" Leo asked.

"I'm better. Don't worry. I'll be fine. I have a doctors appointment later today," Piper reassured him. "Speaking of my doctor's appointment, it's in an hour. I'd better get ready," she said standing up.

Leo stood up also. "I'll get dressed and we can leave in twenty minutes." he said

"Leo, that's really sweet offering to come. But I can go by myself. I'll be fine. Besides I need you to supervise at the club today. You're the only one I trust to do thing right and up to my standards," Piper said softly.

"Piper, the manager can handle thing for an hour or so. I want to be there with you." he said his voice full of emotion.

"Tell you what, Leo. After my appointment why don't we meet at the cafe near the park. We can have lunch and I'll tell you how things went," she said.

"I really want to be there. But all right. I'll meet you at the cafe at one," he said.

"Great," Piper said. They both changed and got a quick shower. After that they headed out to Piper's jeep.

Leo got in the drivers seat. "I'll drive to the club. Then you can take the jeep to the doctor," Leo said.

"Ok, Leo," Piper said. The drive to the club was pleasant. They spent the trip talking to each other. When they got to the club Leo parked the jeep and got out. He walked around to the passenger side of the jeep where Piper was getting out. He pulled her into an embrace and kissed her. They stood there like that for a few minutes. When they finally pulled apart Piper laughed.

"What's so funny?" he asked her sounding puzzled.

"I don't think I should be driving after a kiss like that. My feet won't touch the ground," she said continuing to laugh.

Leo laughed along with her. "Now I have to go. I'll see you at lunch," she said kissing him on the forehead.

"See you at lunch," he said as she walked around the jeep and slid into the drivers seat. He shut the passenger door and watched as she drove away. He really hoped she was ok. With that thought he walked into the club.

As Piper drove to the doctor one thought kept turning over in her mind. Though she had assured Leo that everything was going to be fine, she secretly feared that she was really sick. She continued thinking about this the whole trip. She arrived at the doctor's a few minutes later. She parked the jeep and got out.

She walked into the office and checked in. She sat down in one of the chairs and started flipping through a magazine absent mindedly. She got through the whole thing and realized she had no clue what she had just read. She glanced around the office. It was the same office that she had been in a half a dozen times before. The same chairs set up against the walls around a low table with magazines stacked on it.

How could the same office she had been in many times before suddenly give her a slight chill. She knew why all the other times she had been in were just for routine check ups. This time there might actually be something wrong with her.

Just as she reached that conclusion a voice called out "Piper Halliwell. The doctor is ready for you."

She stood up and picked up her purse. She walked over to the door the nurse was standing at. She stepped in. The nurse showed her to a room. "The doctor will be with you shortly," the nurse said closing the door.

Piper sat there quietly for a few minutes. After that she stood up and started pacing. What was taking the doctor so long? She had been coming to Dr. Peters since college. And in all that time she never remembered him taking this long. Just as she thought this the door opened and Dr. Peters entered.

"Hello Piper. What seems to be the problem?" he asked.

"For the last three days when I wake I feel really sick to my stomach. But then when I go back to sleep for a few hours, I wake up and feel fine," Piper said.

"That doesn't sound pleasant. Lets see what I can do." Dr. Peters said walking over to her. "If you would just sit on the table. I'll get started."

"Ok," Piper said sitting down on the examination table.

"Breathe in," he said putting his stethoscope on her back. She did as she was told. "I haven't seen you in quite a while. What's new in your life?" he asked continuing to examine her.

"Well the biggest thing that happened is that I got married two months ago," Piper said her face taking on a glow when she talked about Leo.

"Congratulations. I guess we'll have to change the last name on your medical charts," he said.

"Actually you don't have to. I kept my last name," Piper said.

"Ok then. Your breathing sounds good," he said. He then checked her blood pressure. He also asked her a series of questions.

"Well, from what I've seen so far you seem to be fine. But I would like to run a few blood tests to make sure," he said.

"Ok. I really want to find out what's wrong." Piper said.

Forty minutes later Piper was driving to meet Leo at the Cafe. The doctor had drawn some blood and said the results would be in the next day around noon. She parked the car and walked the block to the cafe. Leo was waiting for her. "Hi Piper. How did it go?" he said standing up to greet her.

"Hi, Leo." Piper said walking up to him and giving him a hug. She then sat down. "Why don't we order and then I'll tell you what happened," she said.

"Ok, that sounds good," Leo said. They both studied their menus for a minute. They both decided what to order and set their menus down.

A minute later a waitress came over to the table and asked "Are you ready to order?"

"Yes, we are." Leo said. "I'll have a club sandwich and a lemonade."

"And I'll have a Caesar Salad and an iced tea," Piper said.

"Ok," the waitress said, walking away. She brought their drinks over to the table a minute later.

They thanked her and turned to each other. "So, how did it go?" Leo asked.

"It went fine. The doctor couldn't find a thing wrong with me. He's running a few tests just to make sure," Piper said.

"That's good," Leo said sounding extremely relieved. "I'm sure he won't find anything."

"I hope you're right," Piper said.

After lunch they went to the club and worked for the rest of the afternoon. At nine Phoebe and Prue got there. They spent the rest of the evening having fun and dancing to the live music. They got home at about one thirty. "Boy, does it seem hot in here, or is it just me?" Phoebe said as they stepped into the living room.

"You're right. It does seem pretty hot in here," Piper said sitting down on the couch.

"I'll go check the air-conditioner," Leo volunteered standing up.

"Thanks, Leo, that's really sweet," Piper said.

"Wow, tonight was pretty great, wasn't it?" Prue said.

"Yah, I had a lot of fun. It took my mind off of whatever is happening to me. How about you Phoebe?" Piper said.

"I had a lot of fun. I spent the whole night dancing with a guy named Greg. He was really nice. I gave him my number. He said he would call," Phoebe said.

"Nice? Did I hear that right, Piper? Did our younger sister just say she had a good time with a guy she described as nice?" Prue said faking shock.

"Well, I think you did. But this can't be Phoebe. She didn't comment on how he looked in any way. And from what I saw he was really cute," Piper said.

"What? I care about more than just great looks. Which he did have! I mean there's always a guys job and car to consider," Phoebe said jokingly.

"And what were you doing looking, Piper? You're married." Phoebe said using her older sister tone of voice.

"What? Because I'm married I can't look?" Piper protested. "Besides I was just glancing over to see how you were doing. I didn't see much of him. I spent most of my time dancing with Leo. Gazing into his clear eyes..." Piper started.

Prue and Phoebe exchanged looks before throwing pillows at her. Piper froze them in mid air and ducked.

"Hey, unfair! You've got an active power!" Phoebe shouted as the pillows dropped to the ground.

Just as she shouted this Leo walked into the room. "I found the problem. It's easy enough to fix. But It'll take a few hours. I'll start tomorrow. Piper, what are you doing on the floor?" he said noticing where Piper was sitting for the first time.

"I was just keeping from getting hit by pillows Phoebe and Prue threw at me. Well, since there is nothing you can do tonight, lets get to bed."

"Ok," Piper said standing up. "Night Phoebe, Prue." Piper said. "See you in the morning."

"See you in the morning," Prue and Phoebe said. Piper and Leo headed up to bed. They changed into their pajamas and got into bed.

Piper snuggled closer to Leo and laid her head down on his shoulder. "Good night, Leo. I love you," she said closing her eyes.

"Good night, Piper. I love you." Leo said wrapping his arm around her waist and closing his eyes.

The morning Piper woke up dreading the day. She knew that even though she felt fine now, that within a few minutes she would become nauseated. Her prediction came true. She jumped up from bed and ran into the bathroom. Leo followed her. She shut the bathroom door and threw up. A minute later she stepped out and fell into Leo's arms. They laid down on their bed and she fell asleep.

When she woke up Leo was there right beside her. "Leo, you didn't have to stay. You could have started work on the air-conditioning." Piper said.

"That's ok, sweetie. I wanted to stay with you. How do you feel." he asked.

"Pretty good. Just like yesterday," Piper answered. "I need to get to work." she pulled back the covers and stood up.

"Are you sure you feel up to it?" Leo asked her getting up.

"Yes, I'm sure." Piper said. She changed and got ready to go. She turned to Leo and gave him a kiss. He held her around the waist and said "I really want to come with you this morning. It's just I said I would fix the air-conditioning today. And I hate to back out."

"Leo, don't worry about it. I'll be fine," she whispered. She gave him on final kiss and walked out the door. She drank a quick cup of coffee and left for work. She got there and worked for three hours before stopping for a break. She went out and grabbed a quick lunch to-go and came back to the club. She went into her office and ate her lunch.

After she had finished her lunch she remembered that Dr. Peters had said the results of the tests would be in around noon. She decided to call and see what the results were.

She dialed Dr. Peters number and waited till someone picked up. "Hello, this is Piper Halliwell. I was calling to find out the results of the tests Dr. Peters ran yesterday," she said.

"Please hold just a moment," the voice on the other end of the phone said.

A few minutes later a voice on the other end of the line said "Hello, Piper. This is Dr. Peters. I just got the results of the tests back and wanted to tell you myself," he said.

Piper caught her breath. It wasn't often that a doctor told you the results himself. What if something was seriously wrong with her. She breathed deeply for a second before answering. "What were the results?"

The doctor must have heard her nervous tone because he said, "Don't worry. There is nothing wrong with you. You're going to have a baby. Congratulations!"

"What? I mean wow! I never expected that. Thank you, doctor. I have to tell my husband." She hung up and just sat there for a minute. This was the last thing she had expected. She didn't know what to think. She was so surprise it took her a minute to realize her true feelings.

She was extremely happy. She just hoped Leo felt the same way. She picked up the phone to call him. She hesitated. No, this was not the kind of thing to tell him over the phone. Piper decided to go home and tell him in person.

She grabbed her stuff and told the day manager she was leaving. She got in her car and drove home.

She got home and parked quickly. She raced inside to find Leo. "Leo, where are you? I have something to tell you!" she shouted.

Leo came racing in from the kitchen. "What is it, Piper? What's wrong?" he said. He was wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans.

"Nothing wrong. Something really great just happened," Piper said running over to him and giving him a hug.

"What is it?" he asked sounding excited.

She pulled back from him and said "Well I just found out..." Before she could finish her sentence a flash of movement caught her eye.

A second later a man materialized. He was wearing a black cape that shrouded his face. He had a red amulet hung around his neck. "Now that your alone without the protection of the Power of Three, I will finally be able to kill you and drain your power." he said. It was a Warlock.

Twenty minutes before across town Phoebe and Prue were sitting and eating lunch. Phoebe had just picked up her sandwich and was about to take a bite when all off a sudden she went stiff.

She was having a premonition. She saw a Warlock attacking Piper and Leo at the Manor. The Premonition ended right after the Warlock killed Leo.

She came out of it and gasped. "We have to get to the Manor. Right now." Phoebe practically shouted.

"What is it? What did you see?" Prue asked.

"I saw a Warlock killing Leo. At the Manor. We have to get there to stop it," Phoebe said. Prue and Phoebe stood up and threw some money on the table. Then they raced to Prue's car and climbed in. They started driving back to the Manor as fast as the law would allow.

The Warlock held up his hand and sent lightning bolts straight at Piper. Leo dove in front of her and knocked her out of the way.

The energy hit him full on, and he fell to the floor. Just as the Warlock was taking aim to kill Piper, Phoebe and Prue came bursting through the door. Prue threw him into the wall and Phoebe was about to karate kick him when he blinked out. Piper crawled over to Leo and felt his pulse.

"He doesn't have a pulse. Call nine, one, one!" she shouted. She turned him onto his back and started CPR.

"Come on, Leo! Come back to me," she said pushing on his chest. Prue had gone over to the phone and was telling their situation to the emergency operator.

Phoebe came over and started helping Piper try to revive Leo. She started to push on his chest while Piper tried to breathe life back into him. After a few minutes they still could not get a pulse. They heard the distant wail of the ambulance siren.

A minute later the paramedics rushed through the door. They came over and moved Phoebe and Pier back as they started to work on Leo.

They started to try to shock his heart back into beating as the sisters watched. Prue was off the phone and had come over and was standing with Piper and Phoebe. They were all hugging Piper and crying. A minute later they saw the paramedics shake their heads. They covered him with a sheet and one of them came over to them.

"I'm sorry. We tried. But even with all our efforts we could not revive him," the paramedic said sounding extremely sorry.

Phoebe and Prue lead Piper over to the couch and sat down. "Piper we're really sorry. We know you loved Leo," they said crying.

Piper had stopped crying and was sitting in silence. She just stared straight ahead at the wall with a blank expression on her face. Phoebe and Prue just sat there hugging her and telling her how sorry they were. She gave no response of any kind.

About a half an hour later Inspector Darryl Morris walked in. "I just heard. I'm really sorry," he said.

"Hi, Darryl. Thanks. Why are you here?" Prue asked.

"I got assigned this case," Darryl said. "I know this is a tough time for all of you but I need to ask you some questions about what happened."

"It's ok, Darryl. I'm just glad that you are the one asking them." Phoebe said.

"Who was home at the time the attacker broke in?" he asked.

"Piper was home with Leo," Prue answered. "But since he died she hasn't talked at all."

"It's ok. What do you need to know?" Piper said breaking her silence.

"Well, how did the attacker get into the house?" Darryl asked.

"He came to the door and said his car had broken down. Leo and I let him in so he could call a tow truck," Piper answered her voice clear of any emotion.

Darryl had been expecting Piper to be a wreck. Her answers we're clear, and not just that her voice had a complete lack of emotion.

"What happened next?" he asked shaking his head to clear his last thought out. There was nothing too odd about the way she was acting. She was probably in shock. After all she had just watched her husband die.

"He pulled out a device of some sort. He aimed it at me and pulled the trigger. It was a weapon of some sort. It shot out electricity. Leo dived in front of me and it hit him instead of me," Piper said with the same lack of emotion.

"That's when we came in," Phoebe said.

"When he saw us he ran," Prue said.

"Could you describe the man?" Darryl asked Piper.

"He was about five ten with a medium build and no facial hair. He didn't look like a threat," Piper said. "Oh, and he was wearing all black."

"Thank you for your time. If I have any questions I'll contact you." Darryl said standing up. "I'm very sorry for your loss," he said looking mostly at Piper.

"If you remember anything else please call me. And if you want to talk as a friend. Call me at this number. It's my home number," he said writing a number on the back of his business card and handing it to them.

Prue stood up and walked Darryl to the door. "Thank you for your help. I feel so sorry for Piper. She finally realized that she loved Leo. And now he's gone. Time feels like it's repeating itself," Prue said.

Darryl leaned over and gave Prue a hug. "We'll get this guy. No matter how long it takes," he reassured her.

After Darryl left and the cops had cleared out Prue and Phoebe turned to Piper. "Piper what really happened?" they asked.

"He blinked in and threatened me. He then held up his hand and shot lightning at me. Leo dived to save me and it hit him instead." Piper stated evenly.

"Sweetie, we're really sorry. You should get to bed and lay down. Prue and I will find out how to vanquish him," Phoebe said softly.

"No. I was the one who saw him for the longest. I'll help you look in the BOOK OF SHADOWS." Piper said.

"Piper, you should take it easy. You just went through a terrible ordeal. We'll do fine researching it our selves," Prue said.

"I'm fine. Leo died. Not me. I'll take time to morn later. Right now we need the Power of Three," Piper said determinedly.

"Ok, Piper." they said after exchanging a look. They headed up to the attic and started going through the Book of Shadows for information on the Warlock. And hopeful a way to vanquish him.

They looked for an hour before Phoebe found what they had been looking for. "This has to be it. His name is Benjamin. He's from the an old order of Warlocks. It says that he is protected by his magic amulet that he wears around his neck. It protects him from all spells cast to vanquish him. He has been attacking previous generations of our family for years. Our ancestors found a spell to defeat him. But it required the Power of Three. Here it is.

Evil from ages past,
come to destroy.
We the Charmed Ones,
with the Power of Three.
Banish thee to hell,
for Eternity.

This should work. But we need to get the amulet off him first." Phoebe said.

"Ok, when he comes back, you freeze him, Piper. Then you take the Amulet off him, Phoebe. We say the spell and he gets banished to hell." Prue said.

"There is one problem with that plan, Prue," Phoebe said.

"What's that?" she asked.

"He won't come back," Phoebe said.

"What are you talking about, Phoebe?" Prue asked looking puzzled. "Of course he'll come back. All Warlocks want to destroy the Charmed Ones."

"What Phoebe means is that he won't show himself while all of us are together. He has survived previous generations of Charmed Ones by never coming when they were together and could destroy him," Piper spoke up.

"Oh," Prue said looking defeated.

They sat there for a while thinking. Piper suddenly broke the silence. "I just thought of something," she said.

"What? "Phoebe and Prue asked turning to Piper.

"Well, I don't think that he knows you can Astral Project. What if you went to work. When he got here I could freeze him and call you. You could Astral Project over here. Phoebe could take off the Amulet and we could then say the spell and banish him," Piper said.

"That's brilliant, Piper. Let's get right to it," Prue said.

An hour later Prue had driven to work and was waiting for the call. Piper and Phoebe were at home trying to act normal, waiting for the Warlock to show up. They waited for another hour. Piper and Phoebe were sitting in the living room watching TV.

All of a sudden they heard a noise behind them. Piper turned around and froze the Warlock just as he was about to raise his hand. She called Prue while Phoebe took the Amulet off him. A minute later Prue appeared in the living room.

They linked hands and said the spell.

Evil from ages past,
come to destroy.
We the Charmed Ones,
with the Power of Three.
Banish thee to Hell,
for all eternity.

Piper unfroze the Benjamin and they watched as he started to smoke and then go up in flame. He screamed as he turned to dust.

"Well, I'm glad that's over," Piper said sitting down. "I had better get to sleep. Tomorrow I have to make funeral arrangements." With that she stood up and started walking upstairs. Just before she reached the top of the stairs she turned around and said, "Good night. Thanks for all your help."

Prue and Phoebe said good night before turning to each other. "What is up with her? She keeps acting like Leo's death doesn't phase her," Phoebe said.

"My best guess is that she's in shock. If we just hang in there with her I'm sure she'll come out of it and deal with her true feelings," Prue said

Meanwhile Piper had changed into her pajamas and was laying on her bed. She kept telling herself that she would fall asleep. She spent the whole night like this. Laying on the bed her head staring at the ceiling trying to fall asleep.

"Dearly beloved we are here to morn the passing of Leo Wyatt. A great husband, friend and a kind soul," the pastor said.

It was Leo's funeral. They were all standing outside gathered around the pastor as he said a few words. After the pastor had finished they lowered the casket into the ground. Piper threw a single flower onto the casket and then the pastor threw a hand full of dirt onto it.

They watched as the casket was covered by dirt. Prue and Phoebe were crying and had there faces in there hands.

Piper was just looking on with a blank face. She shed no tears. In fact she showed no emotion of any kind. She just watched as Leo's casket was buried.

They then headed to the reception. Piper walked around and thanked people for their concern but that she was fine.

Phoebe and Prue looked on. "Prue, I'm really worried about her. Since Leo died she hasn't cried or showed any emotion. I know you said she'll come out of it, but when? It can't be good for her to keep her hurt bottled up like this," Phoebe said.

"I know Pheebs. But let's give her some more time," Prue said.

Over the next two weeks Phoebe and Prue continued to become more and more concerned. Piper still was going on like Leo's death didn't phase her. They decided to talk to her about it. When Piper came home from work that night they asked her to come sit with them in the living room.

"Piper, we're concerned about you. You keep walking around like Leo's death hasn't phased you," Phoebe said.

"What do you mean?" Piper asked.

"Piper, you aren't dealing with his death. You are ignoring your emotions. It's not good for you. You deal with things by talking them out. By admitting how you feel. I think you feel guilty about Leo dying," Prue said.

"I am doing this my way. I'll be fine. Leo is dead. I accepted that. Stop telling me how I should do things," Piper said.

"Piper, we aren't telling you what to do. We're worried about you," Prue said.

"Well, thank you for your concern. But I feel fine. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go up and go to sleep. I have a very long day tomorrow." Piper said heading up the stairs.

She got in her room and shut the door. She had made it just in time. She fell on the bed sobbing. What Phoebe and Prue had said had hit home.

"Oh, Leo! I'm so sorry! It was my fault you died. If I had just frozen him you would still be here with me. I never got to tell you. I'm going to have a baby. You were going to be a father. It was my fault that you died!" she said crying. "I loved you. I still love you. As long as live I will never love anyone other than you." she said sobbing.

A second later she felt someone sit down on the bed next to her and place a hand on her shoulder. She sat up and turned around expecting to see Phoebe or Prue.

It was Leo. "Leo, is it really you?" Piper gasped.

"It's me, Piper!" he answered.

She threw her arms around his neck and knocked him over onto the bed. She hugged him close. "I can't believe it's really you," she said burying her head in his shoulder and crying.

"It's really me Piper. It's ok. I'm not leaving," Leo said softly.

"But how? I saw you die," she said.

"Piper, you saved me. It was you who brought me back," Leo said.

"But Leo! I let you die!" she said.

"No, Piper, it was you who saved me. It was the power of our love. Let me explain. When I died I was met by the elders who control the White Lighters. They had come to tell me how sorry they were that I had died. They said it was not my time." he said. "They also said that they were sorry that I had given up my wings. That they had lost a great White Lighter. I told them that I was sorry I had died. But that I couldn't let you get hurt. I pleaded with them to let me prove our love. I asked them to make a deal with me. That if we could prove our love they would resurrect me. They agreed.

"They have been watching us. Then when they saw you just now they said we had proved our love. So they brought me back," Leo said.

"That's great, Leo. I still can't believe they brought you back as a mortal because we proved our love," Piper said.

"Well, actually that's the other thing I need to tell you. They brought me back as a White Lighter," he said.

Piper's face fell. "It's ok. I know you'll have to leave soon. I'm just glad you're alive." she said.

Leo saw her face fall. "Piper, you didn't let me finish. They saw how much we loved each other and they realized that it would be better if I could help and protect you. So they made me a White Lighter again. Your White Lighter. And only your White Lighter. We can be together and I can help you," he said wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Leo, I'm so happy!" Piper said. She kissed him.

A few minutes later Leo asked "Don't you think we should tell your sisters?"

"We can tell them tomorrow." Piper said kissing him again.

The next morning Piper woke up. Before she opened her eyes she had a momentary flash of fear.

What if last night had been a dream. What if Leo wasn't really there. She opened her eyes expecting the worst. What she saw was Leo right next to her. He had his arms around her waist. She sighed in relief and leaned back into him.

She started to wonder why she didn't feel sick. Until she looked at the clock. It was already noon.

Leo woke up a few minutes later. "Morning. How do you feel?" he asked.

"I feel really good. Especially since your here. I have a question for you though," she said.

"What is it, sweetie?" he said turning on his side to face her.

"Well, last night there were two topics we didn't get to last night. The first was that now that you’re back, what about the grave, and police investigation?" she asked.

"Well, the elders fixed it so that no one except you, your sisters and I will remember what happened. The grave had disappeared and my death has been erased from all the records," he said.

"Great. My other question was: I assume you heard all that I said last night. And I wondered what you thought." Piper said.

"Piper, I'm thrilled! I can't wait to be a father. To have a child with you. I will be with you every step of the way," Leo said.

"I'm so glad. I was worried that you would be mad," she said.

"I'm not mad at all. I'm thrilled! My feet are barely touching the ground!" he said.

"Great! I can't wait to tell my sisters that your back and that we're going to have a child," Piper said.

"You mean you haven't told them yet?" Leo asked.

"I didn't want to tell them before I could tell you. I wasn't dealing with my feeling of loss," she said.

"I'm sorry. But I'm kind of glad I get to be there when you tell them." he said.

They got up and took a shower. They then got dressed and headed downstairs to find Phoebe or Prue. They went into the kitchen and looked for Phoebe. She was not there. Piper walked over to the table and found a note.

It read: Dear Piper, I'm sorry that we pushed you so hard last night. It's just that we are so worried about you. Well, see you tonight. Take it easy. Your loving sisters Prue and Phoebe.

"They went out for the day. They won't be back till the afternoon,," Piper said.

"Ok then, we'll tell them tonight," Leo said.

That evening Phoebe and Prue walked in. They had seen Piper's car in the driveway. They walked into the living room to find Piper sitting on the couch kissing a guy.

"Hi Piper." Phoebe said. "Why don't you introduce us to your friend."

"Oh hi, guys." Piper said. "I think you all know Leo."

"Hi Phoebe. Prue." Leo said. "How are you?"

"Leo. How can you be here? You died." they both asked in amazement.

"Well, the gist of it was that Leo was brought back by the elders as my White Lighter because we proved our love. Don't worry. His death was erased from the memories of everyone except us," Piper said.

"That's great! We're so happy for both of you!" they said.

"We have one more thing to tell you," Piper said putting her hands on Leo's knee. Leo placed one of his arms on her shoulder and the other over her hands.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" Prue asked.

"Leo and I are going to have a baby," Piper said. Leo gave her a loving look.

"I'm so happy for you!" Phoebe said standing up and walking over to Piper and giving her a hug.

"Me to! You're going to be parents!" Prue said. She also jumped up and hugged Piper and Leo. Piper and Leo just looked at each other smiling.