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Reunion Night

by Andrew Nevill

DISCLAIMER: Based on the Spelling Productions television show, Charmed, created by Constance M. Burge. All Charmed characters are the property of Spelling Productions. Any characters you don't recognize are mine. Copyright 2000 Andrew Nevill. (Based on a suggestion by Suzanne Acton. Thanks Suzanne. Hope you like what I've done with it.)

Prudence Halliwell was having the best night out she'd had in ages. But she wasn't at a hot nightclub or glitzy reception for an important client. Nor was she on a girls' night out with her two sisters, but she was definitely not alone. Prue was in a school gymnasium. To be precise the gymnasium at Baker High School, San Francisco. It was a little over 10 years ago that Prue, on Andy Trudeau's arm, looking so beautiful she'd made Grams cry, had walked into this very room for her senior prom. Now all those years later, she was back for her high school reunion.

The gymnasium was bedecked with balloons, paper chains and other decorations, including of course the inevitable banner proclaiming the words, "Welcome Back Class of 1990." At one side of the room a table groaning under the weight of a generous buffet, supplied Prue and her old classmates with food, while a bar, which had been set up nearby, supplied the necessary liquid refreshment. Near the doors, tables and chairs were set up providing a place for people to sit and eat, reminisce about old times, or just relax. At the far end of the room a DJ played the hits, which had packed the dance floors in 1990 and which did so again on the one that had been lain out on the gym's floor.

Prue had been talking to her old classmates, some of whom she'd kept in touch with and too many she hadn't. They discussed old times and what they were doing now. When she mentioned she was still living in the Manor with her sisters one of her friends said, "I remember that old house. I use to love calling round. I always fantasied that it was enchanted, sort of magical. Funny what you imagine when you're a kid."

Prue had to make a physical effort not to burst out laughing, "You have no idea!" she thought to herself. A smile played on her face as she recalled all the enchanting and not so enchanting things that had happened in the previous year and a half.

Suddenly Prue's reverie was broken by a voice from across the years, "May I have this dance." Prue turned and standing in front of her was Rob Dawson. He'd been the quarterback on the school football team and all the girls had competed for his attention. He'd given all his attention to Prue, and although she'd never objected, Andy Trudeau certainly had. They'd competed for her, and she'd shamelessly encouraged them before eventually being won over by Andy.

Prue smiled, the pleasure on her face outshining the diamond heart she wore, as always, around her neck. "I'd love to." Rob took her hand and led her onto the dance floor.

Oh my love, my darling, I hunger for your touch…

As that song from the 1990 movie, Ghost drifted out of the speakers, Rob and Prue danced. It was as if the years between high school and now had never been. They were instantly as close as they were back then. As the song continued, Prue and Rob kissed.

Elsewhere, sinister forces watched and were satisfied. They were always looking for a way to attack their enemies. Now they saw a chance to strike at the eldest and most powerful Charmed One.

* * *

They'd spent most of the night together, and now it was drawing to a close. Prue couldn't help feeling disappointed, she was having a wonderful time and soon it was going to end, although if Prue had anything to do with it, their next meeting would take a place a lot sooner than in ten years time.

Prue and Rob were sitting down and talking about their high school years, when a funny look appeared on his face. Prue looked at him, puzzled. Laughing, Rob pulled a vibrating pager out of his jacket pocket, "I better answer this, and it's a bit loud in here to use my mobile. Give me ten minutes." Prue nodded as Rob got up and exited the room to use his cell phone.

Trying to find a quiet area where he could his use phone, Rob went into one of the changing rooms. Taking out his pager, he got the number off it and started dialing. As he entered the last digit, the taps on the showers started turning of their own volition, and out of the showers came not water, but a black fog that blanketed the shower area and started spreading throughout the changing room. "Man, this is weird," exclaimed Rob, heading for the door. He turned the handle and pulled desperately but the door wouldn't open. He tried the windows they remained resolutely shut. He even tried taking off his shoe and throwing it at the glass, but it just bounced off, and all the time the somehow malevolent mist filled more and more of the room until Rob couldn't see his own hand. He felt dizzy and then started choking, totally unable to breath, before finally the world went black and Rob fell to the floor.

Half an hour later, the reunion had come to an end, and the attendees were leaving but Rob still hadn't come back. Prue was worried. She crossed the room to where Miss Williams was standing. She still taught history, and it had been her lessons, that had instilled in Prue a love of the past, a love that had seen the young Prudence spending her weekends browsing museums, fascinated by all the ancient artifacts left by peoples long dead, and a determination to know all about them. That determination and love had eventually led to her current career. "Miss Williams, I've got a problem."

"Prudence. It's lovely to see you. I've heard so much about you. You're the proof that history is worth learning. What can I do for you?" Prue explained about Rob's phone call and that he hadn't yet returned. "I suspect, he went and found a quiet corner for his phone call, and seeing as it's 10 years since he was last here he's probably got lost," Miss Williams smiled "We best go find him. Can't lock up with a pupil in the building, even an ex-one."

They searched the gymnasium area of the school, but found nothing. They were about to try the science block when Prue had a thought, "We never checked the changing rooms."

"I know but I assumed that they'd be locked. We'd best check anyway." Miss Williams turned the handle and the door to the changing room opened. The two women entered the room. It was dark. Figuring there was no one in they turned to leave, when they heard a soft footfall. Out of the dark came a fireball, headed straight for Prue. Before she could use her power to turn it aside, Miss Williams crashed into her, knocking Prue to the floor, putting herself in the path of the magical projectile, which slammed into her. Mercifully, she didn't even have time to scream before it hit her with all its power.

As Prue got up, the lights were turned on. Standing there was Rob, with his features shifted and twisted into those of a warlock. He laughed mirthlessly and then looked at the body, his voice taking on a strange quality, like speech being run through the echo function of a sound effects box, "Serves her right. She was going to flunk me. Ruin the C average I needed to be on the team."


"I wear names easily. Rob will do as well as any." He looked up; his eyes had changed. They had been gentle and brown, but now there was no distinct white, or iris or pupil, merely two black holes staring out of the figure she knew as Rob Dawson. Prue had retreated into the showers, and was quickly dialing the home number on her cell phone. The warlock snapped his fingers, and Prue's phone burst into flame. Prue swore as the plastic melted burning her hand, and she sent the phone flying away from her across the other side of the showers. "Oh no you don't. There's going to be no Power of Three here. You can't reach them, and they can't reach you. Once all our old classmates left, I sealed the building. No one gets in. No one gets out." He conjured a fireball in his palm, giving it more power, letting its size increase, "Now, witch. You're about to flunk as well. I'm afraid you get an F in Living."

With that he hurled the now massive fireball at the eldest Halliwell. Prue deflected it harmlessly aside, where it hit the changing room wall, leaving three quarters of it blackened and scorched. The warlock sent a cluster of five small fireballs at Prue, all coming at her in different directions. Thinking fast Prue cannoned one of the fireballs into one of the others then dodging out of the line of fire of the other three, she moved the combined fireball into their trajectory, letting it build into a fireball, almost the size of Rob's opening shot and sent it back towards him. It hit the warlock, knocking him backwards.

Prue knew the fight was far from over, but the changing room was cramped, giving her no room to maneuver. Also, everything was bolted down, leaving her no ammunition for her power. She ran from the changing room into the gym, which was still decorated for the reunion. At least she had room to move around in here, plus there were loads of objects, both large and small she could use as projectiles.

Rob followed her into the gymnasium a moment later. Gesturing with his hand he unleashed a continuous burst of flame, not unlike the effect of a giant flamethrower. He laughed as he advanced on Prue, flames still shooting from his hand. Prue deflected it upwards towards the ceiling. The column of flame hit the metal anchorage of a large disco ball that had been put up for the reunion. The anchorage resisted for a time but could not cope with the intense heat. With a horrendous shriek, the metal fixing gave way and the heavy disco ball dropped to the floor, just as Rob stepped beneath it.

Hearing the sound, the warlock looked up and saw his death. Then his gaze snapped to Prue, who saw that his eyes had gone brown again. Then he spoke, but the voice was Rob's, and it was pleading, "Help me!"

* * *

Prue stood there shocked, for a vital second. Then desperately she tried to turn the disco ball aside. She was only partly successful. It had already fallen too far and too fast for her to completely deflect it, but it was enough, although it struck Rob on the head hard enough to knock him out cold.

Prue paced the room. She'd thought Rob was a warlock, but now it seemed he'd been possessed. It put her in one hell of a spot. How could she kill Rob? He was an old friend, and if she was honest with herself, even after one night back together, she could already see them being more than that. That was before you even started considering that Rob was an innocent.

Problem was she didn't know what demon or hellish force she was up against. Never mind a spell to defeat it and release Rob. She needed the Book of Shadows, and quite probably the Power of Three to pull off the spell in any case, and she couldn't get either. The warlock or whatever it was hadn't lied. The school was sealed up and Prue's attempts to force the doors and windows with her power had gained her nothing, which implied that the power holding Rob was still around, and most likely when he came to, which might not take too long, Rob would not be himself.

A gentle breeze swept through the room rustling the banners on the ceiling. Prue turned towards the sound, and saw that the large welcome banner had changed. Instead of "Welcome Back Class of 1990" the banner displayed the words, "Changing Room."

Leaving the gym, Prue crossed to the changing room and cautiously, entered. On the floor, weak but conscious was Miss Williams.

"I thought…" Prue began, kneeling beside the history teacher

"Not quite, but I haven't long. So Listen. He must be after you because you saw him kill me. He's a warlock. It's a…"

"A witch turned evil who seeks to gain the powers of good witches. But he's not. He's been possessed." Prue was about to continue explaining when both women were struck by the same thought.

"How did you know…?" they both asked together.

"You're a witch!"

"Yes," acknowledged Miss Williams, "And so are you. I always knew there was something odd about your family." Miss Williams looked as if she was going to continue but she didn't. Instead she stared into Prue's eyes as if searching for something. "You had two sisters, Piper and Phoebe. Oh my, the Charmed Ones!"

"Yes," Prue said nodding. "What did you have to tell me?"

"Oh yes of course," said Miss Williams, starting to get weaker now, "There is a book that may help you. It's my family's spell book. The Williams' have been witches almost as long as your family. It's locked in the bottom left hand drawer of my desk, in the history room. The key is in my purse."

"But a spell to get rid of whatever has Rob may need more power than I've got. And I can't get my sisters."

Prue's history teacher took her former pupil's hand, "I didn't know you were a witch. What I was going to tell you is there's a spell that will give a non-witch the power temporarily. I hoped you might be able to use it to cast a spell to at least escape. But for a witch, it increases power; you may get enough to defeat the demon if you can find a spell.

"It won't clone me," asked a worried Prue, remembering a similar spell she'd cast before.

"The Warrens. Always went for the dramatic," said Miss Williams quietly, now fading fast, "No, it just jump starts your powers, as it were."

"I can never repay you. The book and…" Prue couldn't say it. "Thank you," she finished, knowing the inadequacy of her words.

"No. Thank you. I always tried to do good in a small way, but my powers were no great thing. You and your sisters have more power than I can imagine, and you can do so much that I always wished I were able to. If I helped that to continue, then it was worth any price. Even my life." Miss Williams smiled beatifically, then her eyes closed forever.

Releasing her teacher's hand, Prue picked up the purse lying by Miss Williams and then stood up, brushing away her tears. She stepped out of the changing room, to see the doors of the gym burst open. Rob was awake.

* * *

Prue headed for the history room, with Rob in hot pursuit. They ran through the school, Rob hurling fire after Prue. His aim was erratic, and much of it missed, although enough came close enough to give Prue some nasty moments and force her to use her power to avoid the fiery projectiles. For her part, Prue tried to slow him down without actually harming him. Anything she came across to obstruct his path, trolleys, benches and lockers, she moved into the way as an obstacle. If something could be used as a missile Prue used it, and as she passed through the numerous double doors that separated the different areas of the school, she used her power to bolt them. Finally, an exhausted Prue made it to the history room.

Breathing hard, she locked the door. Crossing to the desk, she opened the bottom left drawer. In the drawer lay a book, that looked as ancient as the Halliwell's own Book of Shadows. It was almost but not quite as thick as the grimoire in the attic. On it’s cover was the emblem of a winged W in a circle. Prue opened the book, carefully turning the pages with as much speed as she dared, looking for the spell. Eventually, five minutes later, she found it. Prue read the spell through then recited:

"Spirits of Light, Hear my plea
Give your Wiccan power to me.
My peril is great; my need is true.
Grant the magic I beseech of you"

Prue felt a shudder run through her and then it was gone. "Is that it?" she asked aloud. She lifted her hand to turn a page, and the contents of the room, all the desks, chairs and cupboards, rose toward the ceiling. Lowering her hand, the objects followed suit, and Prue channeled her power through her eyes using it to turn the book's pages, searching for a spell to free Rob. Unfortunately, she didn't know the specific demon or warlock she was dealing with, which made finding the right spell almost impossible. None of the invocations in the Williams' spell book seemed to match up to a demon that possessed innocents in order to kill. Prue was on the point of giving up when she found something.

It wasn't a spell but it gave a ray of hope. "There are many forms of evil. Too many for any book to hold all the spells that may vanquish them. Yet, a witch is tied not to books. Books are only the recording of wisdom, and not the source. A witch, who is sufficiently puissant, may call upon incantations of their own devising. Such charms require only that the evil be named within the invocation."

"Sufficiently puissant," thought Prue. "So a powerful witch can make up their own spells. I reckon a hyped up Charmed One is puissant enough. Just need his name." With that thought, Prue picked the Williams' Grimoire up off the desk and went to make some introductions.

* * *

They met in the locker area, where all the pupils had their lockers and hung out during recess. Prue was standing in the middle of the hallway, as Rob forced the door Prue had bolted, as she'd passed through on her way to Miss Williams' room. "I've had enough of running," Prue told him, staring straight into the black holes that were its eyes.

"Foolish witch," mocked Rob, "You make this too easy."

"Maybe. Just one thing. If I'm going to die, at least tell me who's killing me. You said you wear names easily, but whose name will the legions of hell be proclaiming as the vanquisher of the Charmed Ones. I know it won't be Rob Dawson."

"I am Vito" it gloated, "Your affection for this mortal is your weakness. And I, Vito have found it. You can't harm me for fear of harming him, but I can destroy you. Once the eldest Charmed One is no more, the rest will be easy."

"Talk's cheap. And you ain't got no proof," Prue challenged Vito, "Back in school, we had a cure for that. The locker." Prue nodded and a locker door flew open. Before Vito knew what was happening Prue threw him backwards into a locker, then slammed it shut. "Sorry about this Rob," she said quietly, then levitated the locker into the air and started it spinning. Inside Vito banged and kicked the side of the locker trying to escape. Prue knew it wouldn't hold him long but it might be long enough.

Now she knew his name, Prue quickly composed a spell that she hoped would destroy him. She finished it just in time. The door of the locker flew off and a dazed Vito stepped out of the still spinning locker, and landed heavily on the floor. Before he could recover enough to throw a fireball, Prue began

"Let innocents be freed. Let demons cower
The eldest Halliwell summons the Charmed Ones' power
Let Rob Dawson, his own will regain.
Go to Hell, Vito. Know everlasting pain"

Vito/Rob screamed in agony as Prue completed her spell, then collapsed to the floor. A black fog emerged from the still figure, writhing and twisting, as it fought the inexorable power pulling it out of Rob's body. Finally, a black cloud hovered over Rob, and then a hole opened at his feet and the black cloud was sucked down into it before the opening closed as if it had never been.

Groggily, Rob got to his feet, "Oh my head."

Quickly Prue said, "You're probably going to ask why we're both in the school gym long after the reunion finished."

"No," replied Rob.

"Well, what happened was… What?"

"I remember. All the time I could see what Vito was doing, but I couldn't push him out of my head. He was too strong." Prue's face fell. "Don't worry. I promise I won't tell anyone your secret. You saved my life, Prue. Someone else wouldn't have tried. They'd have taken the easy solution."

"I couldn't do that," answered Prue. "And I believe your promise. You never broke one all through high school."

"I still haven't. Especially one. There was never anyone after you Prue. But Andy won and I lost. I vowed to myself not to interfere in your happiness. But everyday for these last ten years, as that line in Unchained Melody says, I've hungered for your touch." He kissed her then; Prue let him, but pulled away when he tried to continue the kiss.

"My touch comes with the possibility of the touch of other things. You saw that tonight," she told him, staring into his brown eyes.

"You take a chance whatever you do. At least if we give this a go, we go into it, with our eyes wide open. What'd do you say?"

"Next Thursday, 8pm at P3?"

"It's a date."

* * *

Prue had done some research through Buckland's historical database and genealogical sites on the Internet. The William's line included in it's number a Sarah Jameson, Melinda Warren's second cousin, who'd married into the family a year before Melinda's burning. Sarah's daughter, Angela had been the first Williams' witch. Prue stood in the attic. The Book of Shadows stood on its lectern. Prue placed the Williams' Grimoire next to it. Now her sisters and her had two sources of knowledge.

Then the Books opened by themselves, and a golden glow surrounded them, it grew brighter and brighter filling the whole attic, making Prue cover her eyes. When it dissipated, there was only one book on the lectern. It was the Book of Shadows but now it was noticeably thicker. Prue flicked through it and saw that all the spells from the Grimoire were now in the Book. Then she noticed the cover. In the centre of the Triquetra symbol on the front of the book there was now a winged W. Prue smiled. It appeared she'd been present at another reunion.