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Fire Balls Flying

by Lindsey

"So I am guessing that things are going good with Dan?" Phoebe asked suspiciously.

"Yea I guess, since our demon fighting efforts have been laying low. We have had more time to spend together," Piper answered.

"DING, DING!" the door bell rang and Phoebe and Piper both went to answer the door. Piper opened the door to see a young girl.

"Hi, my name is Tess. I will explain about this whole thing to you but first hide me. Please don't let them take me back." Piper opened the closet door and shoved Tess in right as the door bell rang again. Phoebe opened it reluctantly.

"We are looking for a girl, she is fourteen, brown hair, brown eyes, her name is Tess, have you seen her?" there were two men, both dressed in black suits standing on the front step.

"No, but if we do we will contact you," Piper quickly replied, closing the door.

Phoebe opened the closet door and Tess stepped out. "Now explain."

"OK, well... You probably wont believe this but here goes." Prue comes walking down the steps and looks over at their young visitor. Surprised, she drops the "Book of Shadows" which she had been carrying. Piper also surprised used her power and freezes the room. "Wow, cool!" Tess said.

"Wasn't she supposed to freeze?" Prue said and walked over to join her sisters.

"Oh that is what I was supposed to tell you I am a witch, but not like evil, warts, big nose type I just have a power or something, I am not really sure. And it looks like I am not the only one here!"

"Yea, well... Anyway, who were those men chasing you?" Phoebe asked.

"Oh they were from the orphanage, that is where I live. See my parents were killed when I was five and that is where I have lived ever since," Tess was looking around examining the house. "I think they were evil, they attacked me once. They have powers like me but they used them to try to hurt me."

"So what is your power anyway?" Piper asked

"I can freeze things," Tess said strangely.

"Like me?"

"No i can literally freeze things, make them like ice but it only lasts for about thirty seconds that is how I got away from those men. I froze them and them I ran." Tess sat down in the living room. "What can you guys do?"

"She already knows so we should just tell her. Ok, first of all my name is Phoebe and I have the power of premonition, this is Piper she is able to freezes things and that is Prue she has the power of telekinesis. We are all sisters we live here together. If you want you can stay here until we figure this whole thing out, you can."

"Excuse us for one minute please." the Prue and Phoebe followed Piper into the kitchen so that Tess could not hear. "Things are going good with me and Dan and I don't need a kid or demons screwing it up."

"Hey did you guys hear that?" Prue walked into the living room to join Tess and their new guest.

Following Prue, Piper walked into the room. "What are you doing here Leo? I thought that you got your job of white lighter back?" Talking just to herself, sarcastically, "Oh, this is just what I need. Another problem."

"Oh yea this, I kinda forgot to tell you. I can't be your white lighter anymore since, well you know everything that has happened lately, I got assigned to another witch, Tess." Leo stepped back shyly.

Half talking to herself. "Now isn't this just wonderful!" Phoebe slowly walked into the room to join everyone else and walked over to Tess putting her hand on her shoulder.

"Guys..." Phoebe began to have a premonition. "I think those guards have found out where Tess is hiding. I will take Tess upstairs and look through the Book of Shadows, see what I can find. You guys delay." Phoebe grabbed the book from the stairs and hurried up. Leo followed trying not to be noticed.

Downstairs suddenly the front door came down. "You three are hiding her. Give her to us and you won't get hurt. You don't know what you are getting yourselves into." It was the guards that had come looking for Tess earlier. All of a sudden fire shot from one of the guards hands toward Piper. Instinctively she froze the guards and the fire ball.

"What are we supposed to do?" Piper began to walk over to Prue with a questioning look on her face.

"Well I guess stall. Make sure to get out of the way of that fire ball." Prue ducked behind the couch and Piper followed. "Piper, now unfreeze it" Piper unfroze the fire ball and the guards.

"I have an idea, lets split up." Piper said.

"Oh yea that's a great idea."

"If you can think of a better one at the moment please share."

"Ok fine I will go towards the kitchen and you stay here." Prue said jumping up and running toward the kitchen. Piper stood up in place.

"What happened to them." Piper said. "They must have left while we were talking. At least we delayed." Prue started to head up to the attic to see what Phoebe had found.

"So Pheebes did you find anything? The guards left but I am guessing that they will be back." Piper said, walking over to look at the spell in the Book of Shadows that Phoebe had found.

"Yea actually I found this. It is a spell to vanquish them I think. But I don't think that it will work for us three to say it. The way that it is written Tess has to say it, the victim." Phoebe read the spell out loud. "Take away the evil here, Don't let them come near. Make me free, and vanquish thee. The time will come when evil goes and this will be the end."

"So I have to say the spell to vanquish them?" Tess said surprised. "That doesn't seem so bad!"

"Well there is a potion involved! So you will need our help," Piper looked kinda mad.

"Well lets get started" Tess ran downstairs.

"Wait for us!" Phoebe said running after.

The four of them made the potion adding all of the right ingredients. "Ok we are done."

Suddenly the four turned to the door and Leo disappeared into thin air as soon as Prue took a peek to see who it was. "It is them!" Prue whispered. "Grab the potion Tess, Piper will freeze them and you pour it on them and say the spell. Beware after the potion is poured on them they will unfreezes and you will have to say the spell fast."

"Here we go!" Piper walked into the hallway and froze the warlocks. "Now!"

Tess threw the potion onto them and started to read the spell. The two warlocks began charging. "Take away the evil here, Don't let them come near. Make me free, and vanquish thee. The time will come when evil goes and this will be the end."

All of a sudden the warlocks both disappeared leaving no trace at all.

"Well that's a relief," Tess turned around and walked over to Phoebe. "I guess this would be goodbye. I can't very well hang out here forever. Well thanks!" Tess started for the door.

"Wait stay there Tess, don't leave yet," Phoebe turned to her sisters. "Can't we keep her."

"Phoebe she is not property we can't just keep her it is not like having a dog. She is expensive, and with Prue out a job we can't afford it," Piper said with discrete anger in her voice."

"She is not like a baby, I can watch her. Plus she has an active power she can help us with... everything." Phoebe said. Obviously she was very excited.

"It's fine with me!" Prue and Piper chimed in together, not sounding very happy with her.

"Tess you can stay here, don't worry about anything I will take care of it all." Phoebe had a look of satisfaction on her face.

"Cool" Tess yelled.

"How will I explain this to Dan?" Piper chuckled.