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From The Old Come New Beginnings

by Pagie Halliwell and PiedPiper

DISCLAIMER: Some reference to Morality Bites, this story is set before it.

Piper was just driving into the drive way of the house her two sisters shared. Memories flooded her mind, how she grew up in this house, the endless nights talking to her sisters, her mother's death. As she walked up the steps to the familiar red and cream colored Victorian house, her sister, Phoebe, met her a the door.

"Hi Pheebs" said Piper.

"Hi Piper!" said Phoebe, pulling her sister into a hug.

"Come inside, Prue is just making us some tea" she replied, helping Piper into the house.

"So how much longer until the baby's due?" asked Phoebe.

"Oh, it's just about 4 more weeks" Piper said.

"I can't wait until the baby comes!, do you think it'll be a boy or girl?" asked Phoebe.

"Well, we're not sure yet, Leo and I want it to be a surprise, but as long as it's healthy, we'll be happy" she replied.

"Hi Piper" said Prue as she came into the living room, carrying a tray of tea.

"So what's the plan for today?" asked Piper, the days when Leo had to work, Piper usually came over to her sisters house so she wouldn't be alone if the baby was about to come.

"Oh, I just though we'd hang around and talk" said Phoebe.

"Oh, okay, but what about?" asked Piper.

"Names for your baby!" said Prue. Prue was really envious of Piper's pregnancy, she really wanted to have a family, but she had the worst luck with men, even her younger sister, Phoebe, was going out with a really sweet guy.

"Well Leo and I haven't really thought about it too much, but we both kinda like the name "Julie" if it's a girl and "James" for a boy" said Piper.

"Those are cute names!" said Phoebe.

"Anyways, ohh, ohh, pain, pain!" exclaimed Piper.

"Okay, okay, deep breath, deep breath" said Prue comfortably.

"Oh, good, it's done" said Piper "I hate when that happens!"

"Okay honey, it's all over" said Phoebe, smoothing out Piper's hair.

"So what do you guys want to talk about"? asked Piper "remember the endless nights of us talking after Grams turned out the light?"

"Yeah, those were the good 'ol days!" said Prue.

* * *

It was the summer of 1986, the sisters where in High School, Prue was 18, Piper was 16 and Phoebe was 12. The teen years have to be the best of anyone's life, boys, fun, parties, but for the sisters it was a time to be close. Ever since Patty had been killed, Prue found it hard to cope with it all. She turned to being rebellious, and only found consort in her sisters. Piper would talk to her long into the night, after Grams would turn out the light. Prue held a lot of anger for Phoebe though, because Phoebe never knew Patty, she didn't know how to feel sad about losing her, and always seemed so happy go lucky. Phoebe couldn't help it, was her personality and the fact she hadn't really known Patty to miss her. It was on this summer of 1986, that the most amazing change happened Prue was going to graduate from High School that year, and was going to see her sisters for the last time. She had plans to travel to San Diego and get a job there with her boyfriend, Rick. The two were close and she was following his job, and hopefully to where she could get one. The summer holidays had started and the first night Prue was in tears. She felt so alone and lost. She was finishing school and it was hard to know that Patty would never see her. Phoebe walked past the door and looked inside without disturbing the person inside. Phoebe watched on as Prue cried and looked at the picture of their mother beside her bed. Phoebe couldn't help but say something in hope of helping her older sister:

"Prue?" Phoebe's little voice said. Prue looked up at her little sister and hissed.

"Go away you little bitch!" she yelled throwing a picture at the door. Phoebe ran away down the hall and bumped into Piper.

"What's wrong Pheebs?" Piper said looking down at her distressed sister. "Prue just threw something at me," Phoebe said in tears. "She hates me, why can't she ever speak to me," Phoebe began to bawl her eyes out. She was only young. Piper took her into her arms and hugged her.

Grams heard the commotion and had gotten up to see what was wrong.

"What's the matter?" Grams said.

"Oh, Phoebe was just having a nightmare," Piper lied. "I'll put her back to bed," Grams grinned and nodded, saying goodnight she turned the lights out again. Phoebe did go to bed and Piper went to Prue's room to speak with her. She knocked and slowly opened the door. Prue sat in the darkness and looked at the picture of their mom. Piper slowly eased her way and sat on the bed with her older sister.

"What's wrong Prue?" Piper asked soothingly.

"I just wish...." Prue began. She wiped her eyes. "That mom could see me now," Prue looked up at her sisters face and sniffed. "finishing high school, so I can ask her if what I am doing is right" Piper drew Prue in for a hug.

"Just do what your heart tells you," Piper concluded. "if you love Rick the way you say, then follow him where ever your love may take you."

"Thanks Pipe" Prue said grinning.

"Another thing," Piper began in a more serious tone. Prue frowned.

"You need to stop being so angry with Phoebe all the time," Piper said. Before Prue could interrupt Piper stopped her. "She didn't know mom," Piper said in a serious tone. "You can't blame her for not being sad, she hasn't got anything to miss."

"But Piper!" Prue began.

"But nothing, we have memories of mom," Piper said standing up. "the way she combed her hair, she wore her dress, the way she would walk, we have those and Phoebe doesn't," Piper's voice lowered. "and you take that for granted" Prue knew that Piper was right.

She sighed. "You're right Piper," Prue began. "I promise, before I go, I will give Phoebe the best summer of her life with me," Prue added. Piper smiled and tears fell from her eyes. They hugged for a long time. Then Phoebe peered around the door and muttered: "Can I join in?" Prue and Piper laughed, and Phoebe jumped onto the bed with them. They heard Gram's voice say: "Are you girls going to sleep?" "Yes Grams!!!" they replied with unison. They giggled as they talked after the light was out.

* * *

"I miss that," Prue said quietly.

"Yeah I miss being hated by my big sister," Phoebe added. Piper and Prue looked at Phoebe angrily.

"Kidding!" Phoebe added laughing. Phoebe looked down at Piper's belly. She looked up at Piper as if asking if she could feel if it was kicking. Piper said:

"Go ahead" Phoebe reached down and placed her hand carefully on Piper's abdomen. She felt a tiny kick and she laughed.

"I think its a girl," Phoebe said.

"Did you have a premonition?" Piper asked curiously.

"No," Phoebe said. "just knowing the women in our family they are all very strong people!" Phoebe sat back and took a biscuit from the tray.

"Speaking of women, do you remember the time when Piper and I gave you your first 'welcome to woman hood' talk?" asked Prue.

"How could I forget! you guys scared the daylights outta me!" said Phoebe.

* * *

It was the summer before Prue was going to move with Rick and get a job. She had promised Piper that she would give Phoebe the best summer of her life. She still wasn't "buddy-buddy" with Phoebe, but she planned on doing her best to get close to her youngest sister.

"Grams, Piper, I'm home-e!" sang Phoebe as she walked into the house.

"Hi Phoebe" said Prue.

"Uhh, hi Prue" said Phoebe glumly, she always felt awkward around her older sister. "where's Grams and Piper?" she asked.

"They went out to the store, so it's just you and me!" said Prue cheerfully, trying her best to be nice to Phoebe.

"Oh, well I have homework, c- ya later" said Phoebe as she walked away Prue noticed that something was wrong with her sister, but Prue decided not to say anything since she wasn't too close with Phoebe.

As Phoebe was in her room, she opened her school bag, and out fell a book. It was the book that she got in school that day. A book about the 'joy's of woman hood' Phoebe quickly shoved the book under her bed. It was a really embarrassing day at school today. She went over the details in her mind as she stared out of the window, waiting for Piper to come home so she could tell her how horrible her day was -- how she was asked to explain what menstruation was, and when she didn't know what it was, her whole class laughed at her.

As tears streamed her face, how she wished she had a mother that had explained this all to her before, so she wouldn't have felt so stupid in class.

"Phoebe, do you want to come downtown with me to get some ice cream?" asked Prue, she decided that she'd try to find out what was wrong with Phoebe, to try to get closer to her.

"Phoebe, why are you crying sweetie?" asked Prue and she sat next to her sister, who just edged away. Prue almost decided to leave the subject alone, but then decided not to.

"C'mon Phoebe, please tell me, I'll try to help you" said Prue.

"Like you care Prue, you don't care about me, you don't eve like me!'' said Phoebe.

"I do care Pheebs, I really do, I love you, your my sister, and I care about you" replied Prue.

"You love me?" asked Phoebe.

"Of course!" said Prue.

"But still, your probably just saying that" said Phoebe.

"I'm not, and I promise you, this summer before I leave, you and I will have the best summer ever!" replied Prue.

Phoebe wanted to get close to her older sister, but all the times that Prue was mad at Phoebe for miss having a mom, came back to her mind, but she pushed them away, if Prue could be nice, she could surly tell Prue her problems she asked herself.

"Well, today, at school..." said Phoebe.

"What at school, Phoebe?" asked Prue.

"At school, we were talking about... about, about periods, and-d the teacher called on me and I didn't know what she was talking about when she asked me to explain what one was..." said Phoebe.

"Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry that happened, I really am. I told Piper that we should talk to you about that subject, but she kept pushing it away," replied Prue.

* * *

"Well at the time, it was very embarrassing to talk about it," said Piper, "but after that night, it was easier," she said.

"Yeah, but it was not easy for me to be permanently scared for life of that humiliation! Thanks a lot Piper!" said Phoebe jokingly as she threw a pillow at her sister Piper froze the pillow with her finger and turned to Prue who sent it flying back at Phoebe. Phoebe sat and sulked then began to laugh. She stopped and noticed a picture on the table in front of her. Phoebe picked it up and looked at it, tracing her finger down the edges of the people. It was her and Prue, sitting outside the manor, on the steps with Piper behind them. Prue looked at the picture and smiled.

"I kept my word" Prue said softly with a gentle loving smile.

* * *

"Say Cheese!" Grams said aloud. The three girls giggled and the flash of the camera went off. The girls stopped laughing as Grams went inside.

"Girls dinner will be ready shortly" Grams said as she walked inside.

All three nodded then were silent again. Phoebe jumped up and looked at Prue with a giant grin.

"Guess what?" Phoebe said in a chirpy voice.

"What??" Prue replied anxiously.

"Today I am a woman," Phoebe said with a wide proud grin. "I got it."

"You got it!" Prue said smiling happily. "she got it Piper!"

"Yeah I heard Prue!" Piper replied with a sheepish grin. Prue hugged her youngest sister and repeated over and over again. It was an exciting time for Phoebe and she knew it. She pulled away from Phoebe and held her out at arms length.

"What about we go celebrate?" Prue asked Phoebe.

"Yeah!" Phoebe said happily. "ice cream?"

"Yes Phoebe," Prue said linking arms with her younger sister.

"Couldn't of said it better" she added. The two walked off together arm in arm. Piper watched and smiled. For the first time she had seen Prue actually show some respect for Phoebe.

* * *

"It's times like that I remember what its like to have great sisters like you guys" Piper said with a warm smile. Phoebe and Prue grinned then Phoebe frowned and looked at Piper this time seriously.

"It wasn't so good for you though that summer?" Phoebe said quietly. Piper sighed remembering what Phoebe was on about.

"Things happen for a reason," Piper said accepting the past again.

"I learned that from you Prue"

* * *

It was a Saturday night and Piper was out on a outing with her friends. It was the time and age when a teenager wanted to learn to drive, her friends although still learners persisted on driving that night. Piper, was usually the sensible one, but on this night she made a terrible mistake. She took the wheel. It was a dark night and she couldn't see what she was doing, and she ran off the road and into a pole. Her friends all suffered with injuries, including herself. She was in the hospital when she woke up, Prue, Phoebe and Grams were there. That's when she found out, that her best friend, was dead. She screamed, and wailed. It was her friend Mel, she had been friends with the girl for all her years at High School and her reckless driving had killed her.

"Noooo Mel" Piper said in frustration trying to get out of the hospital bed. Prue and Phoebe pushed her back and Grams began to talk to the policeman about the situation Piper was in. They weren't going to press charges. But Piper had to live with the guilt now of killing her best friend. It was a week later when Piper came home, she had suffered from a shattered arm and concussion. It was the darkest time of her life, and Piper remained silenced throughout the next week. She stayed home and wouldn't go outside, and Prue and Phoebe were worried about their sister. They hadn't seen her this sad and alone before. It was one morning when Prue went upstairs to see Piper.

"Morning Piper" Prue said quietly walking into the room. She had a tray of food with her.

"I thought I might bring you breakfast!" Prue added slowly placing the tray beside her bed. She stayed back, as if Piper was going to bite her, but she continued to stare into nothing. Prue slowly sat down beside the bed on a chair and took Piper's hand. She thought for a while then mustered up what she wanted to say to comfort her ailing sister.

"Piper," Prue began. "things happen for a reason" she continued.

"What was the reason then!?" Piper yelled pulling her arm away.

Tears began to fall from her eyes. Prue pulled back then replied. "the reason is, she lost her life showing you and your friends that driving like that can kill someone." Prue added in hope of getting through to her sister. Piper looked at Prue and shifted her head to the side, tears falling.

"That isn't a good reason!" Piper yelled picking up a vase beside her bed she threw it at Prue's head. Prue dodged it.

"If I hadn't of driven the car I wouldn't of killed her!" Piper added throwing something else at her sister. Prue began to cry too. "I had the choice Prue!" Piper added, she threw another fragile object at Prue. "and I decided to kill my friend!" Piper threw a picture across the room It smashed and Prue looked at her sister who cried on the bed. She looked behind her on the floor to see the picture. She slowly bent down and picked it up and looked at it. It was a picture of Patty, with Prue and Piper. Prue smiled as she traced her finger down the picture. She looked up at Piper and slowly approached her. Placing the picture down she looked at her sister and attempted to take her hand again. Piper pulled away.

"Piper," Prue began. "if mom was here, would she be able to talk to you?" Prue said. Piper nodded slowly.

"Well, I can't replace mom," Prue began. "but if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, or just someone to talk to, I'm here" Prue said with a warm smile. Piper bit her bottom lip then slowly wrapped her arms around her older sister. Phoebe looked around the door and saw her sisters hugging.

"Thank you Prue." Phoebe whispered under her breath.

* * *

"Do we still have that picture?" asked Piper

"One minute, I'll be right back" said Phoebe quietly as she got up and went to her room. She returned back with a picture frame in her hand. She handed it to Piper.

"Here it is, when the old frame broke, Grams had gotten a new one, and gave it to me" said Phoebe.

"It's a pretty important picture to you, right Pheebs?" asked Piper, who looked up at Phoebe who just nodded, her eyes brimming with tears.

"You know, I remember this day so good," said Prue, who took the picture and looked at it, it showed a smiling Prue, Piper, and Patty holding a little bundle in her arms - Phoebe.

"Do you?" asked Phoebe.

"Yeah, of course, it the worst day of my life!" joked Prue, "No, but honesty, I was a little upset when Mom had you Pheebs, I had enough of Piper crying all the time, and I didn't need another crier in the family," said Prue.

"Hey! I didn't cry too much," said Piper.

"Sure you didn't, just all the time!" said Prue.

"Hey, what about me? Finish with the story!" demanded Phoebe.

"Well, it was a sunny day and Grams was taking Piper and me to the hospital to see you and mom..."

* * *

"Grams, why are we going to the hospital? Are you sick?" asked a young Prue.

"No, sweetie, you and Piper are going to meet your new baby sister" replied Grams.

"A baby? I don't like babies!" said Piper.

"Of course you don't like babies, since you are a big baby!" said Prue to Piper, which made her burst into tears.

"Now, Prudence, don't be so rude to your little sister, your now going to be a big sister to two younger sisters, you have to set an example for them" said Grams.

"Mommy!" said Prue who ran across the hall to where her mom was standing.

"Hi sweetie, are you and Piper ready to see Phoebe?" said Patty.

"Who's Be-Be?" said Piper, who couldn't pronounce words too good.

"Phoebe is your little sister, do you like the name?" said Patty.

"No, I don't like the name and I don't wanna another cry baby living with us!" said Prue, who was starting to feel the jealously that was just about to start.

"Oh, Prue, honey, don't say that, your Phoebe's big sister and she loves you!" said Patty, "here come inside the room, and you can see her" Piper took Patty's hand, and Prue took the other as they walked into Patty's room.

"Isn't she beautiful?" said Patty to Grams.

"She is a true Halliwell, Patty, oh, I knew you'd give birth to the "Charmed Ones" said Grams.

"Shh, Mom, I don't want the girls to hear" replied Patty.

"Prue, Piper, come see your sister" said Patty as she picked up Phoebe and leaned over to show her to her sisters.

"She's so small, Mommy" said Piper "when is she going to live with us?"

"In a few days" said Patty.

"Can I hold her mommy?" asked Prue.

"Sure, but be careful" Patty told her.

"She feels like my dolly, but more bigger" said Prue. Patty took Phoebe back into her arms and smiled down at her.

"Smile girls!" said Grams. Patty, Prue and Piper looked at Grams, as she took the picture.

"We'll have to frame this and show it to Phoebe when she is older" said Patty as she smiled down at her three beautiful girls.

* * *

"And that was that day, too bad mom never was able to show it to you," said Piper.

"That's okay, at least I have two great sisters!" said Phoebe as they all gathered into a group hug.

"So what else is there to talk about?" asked Piper.

"What about the time when we came home from camping Prue," Phoebe began. "we all were covered in mud, in fact from head to toe."

* * *

"Why did you have to bring us here Prue?" Piper grumbled. Piper looked at her clothes and sighed, they were covered in dirt.

"Well I thought that camping would be good thing to do," Prue announced. "gets us sisters together, seeing I won't be seeing you both too much longer. Phoebe frowned along with Piper. Prue shook them off and continued to walk.

"Come on, lets just set up camp here" Prue announced, stopping in the middle of a cleared area of the forest. There was a stream nearby too.

"Fine" Phoebe and Piper muttered in unison. After setting up camp the sisters sat down and played truth or dare as the sun began to set.

"Phoebe, truth or dare?" Piper asked her younger sister.

"Truth" Phoebe replied glumly.

"Have you ever kissed a guy?" Piper said after thinking of a question.

Phoebe screwed up her face.

"I'm not answering that!" Phoebe said whilst she was turning red.

"Dare then," Prue added. Her and Piper looked at each other thinking then Piper turned back around.

"Phoebe you must go to stream, get some water and return here," Piper said smiling. "alone."

"No not alone!" Phoebe said frightened. "its getting too dark."

"Oh stop being babyish!" Piper said. "its only just over there" Piper added indicating the direction of the stream. Phoebe groaned then stood up slowly, grabbing a flask, she walked towards the stream. As she walked she muttered to herself annoyed, and also with fear. She eventually came to the stream. As she couldn't see where she was going, as she stepping towards the stream the ground beneath her gave way, and she sank and slid into a mud hole. She screamed as she fell down into the hole, and she landed at the bottom in sinking mud.

"Help!!" she screamed gasping for air. Piper looked up as did Prue as they had heard the scream of their sister.

"Did you here that?" Piper asked her older sister.

"Yes, come on!" Prue said leading the way. With a flashlight they came to a stop as they noticed the mud hole besides the stream. Piper looked down and lit the torch over Phoebe who was crying. Piper looked at Prue panicked.

"We have to get her out" Piper said frantically. The ground began to slip as Piper peered over again and she screamed as she plummeted down below.

"Piper!" Prue screamed. She looked down with no flashlight, then screamed down the hole: "I'll be back you two," she paused looking around. "hold on!" Prue ran back to the camp site with haste and came to her tent. She looked through it and her bags and found what she was looking for - a rope. She rushed back to the site this time with a torch of her own. She flashed it down the hole and onto Phoebe who was sitting over Piper's prone form crying. Phoebe looked up at Prue.

"Are you alright?" Prue yelled down.

"Yeah," Phoebe sniffed. "but Piper won't wake up" Prue now even more scared, took the rope and tied it to a tree nearby. She then tied the other end around her waist and lowered herself down slowly. As she reached the bottom Phoebe jumped towards her and hugged her. Prue then held Phoebe at arms length.

"We have to get you out first" Prue said tying the rope around her smaller sisters waist. She and her sister then climbed up the rope and towards the top again. Once Phoebe was up top Prue made her way back down again. When she reached the bottom, she tried to wake Piper up.

"Come on Piper," Prue said shaking her sister. "come on wake up now!!" Piper muttered and opened her eyes slowly.

"Prue?" she whispered.

"Yeah I'm here," Prue said helping her sister up. Supporting her, she tied the rope around her.

"We're going up," Prue added.

"Hold on" Prue climbed up the rope with her sister behind, holding on for dear life, they reached the top and Prue lay Piper back down onto the ground. Prue untied the rope then supported Piper against her with Phoebe's help.

"I'm right" Piper said, trying to stand herself, she swayed.

"No you received a knock down there on the head" Phoebe said with a grin.

"Let's get you home" Prue said walking with her.

* * *

"That was scary" Prue said quietly.

"I thought I was going to lose you two that night" Phoebe smiled and moved in to give Prue and hug, so did Piper, as Piper did, she pulled back and winced.

"Ow!" Piper said breathing in.

"ow, ow, ow!" she repeated.

"What's the matter Piper?" Phoebe asked concerned.

"The baby..." Piper said breathlessly, "It's coming."

"No it can't be Piper," Prue began.

"You know about these pains they aren't the real thing."

"They are Prue!" Piper yelled, breathing off another pain. "It hurts bad" Prue leapt into action.

"Okay Phoebe can you go call Leo to tell him to meet us at the hospital," Prue began, Phoebe nodded and rushed off, Prue turned to Piper and raised her feet laying her down on the couch. She brushed her bangs from her face and held her hand.

"Ow!!" Piper shrieked again, this time the pain was more, she began to cry.

"I wish mom was here" Prue looked at Piper and frowned, she then remembered something that would calm Piper down.

"The stars are out at night, they look upon you so, and when you see them blinking there, you will know that I will care, When you see them blinking, when you're alone, I will be home, in your heart, alone..." Piper looked at Prue amazed, she had calmed her down with the soothing song. Prue smiled.

"I knew you'd like that," Prue said in a whisper. "the night before I was going to leave you and Phoebe I heard you were crying, and I sang that to you, like mom did when you were upset when you were little" Prue added, as she remembered that night.

* * *

"Piper, what's wrong"? asked Prue, as she woke to the sound of someone crying.

"Nothing, it's okay, just forget" said Piper.

"No, please tell me, it's our last night together, let's talk one last time" said Prue, as she flicked on the lamp on the night stand between their beds.

"That's it, our last night, we'll never be able to talk anymore" said Piper

"Sure we can talk, but we won't be able to at night" replied Prue.

"Well I know that, but Prue, I need you, it won't be the same with out you, I'll have no one to talk to" said Piper.

"You'll have Pheebs" said Prue "I know that, but I mean I need someone to talk to, and not Phoebe and Grams, you is what I need" said Piper, as she started to cry again.

"C'mon Pipe, don't worry, it'll be okay" said Prue.

"But Prue, you were always there, from when I had my first crush, to my first period, you were always there, and now, if I'm gonna need you, I won't have you" said Piper.

"Oh, Piper, I understand, but I'll come back every once in awhile" replied Prue.

"I know you will, but still" said Piper as she went to Prue bed to hug her.

"The stars are out at night, they look upon you so, and when you see them blinking there, you will know that I will care, When you see them blinking, when you're alone, I will be home, in your heart, alone" Prue sang softly to Piper, it was the song Patty used to sing to them when they were upset.

"Hey, wasn't that the song mom used to sing to us?" asked a little sleepy voice Phoebe.

"Yeah, it was Phoebe, do you remember?, Here come into bed with me" said Prue as she started to hum the song for Phoebe.

"Thanks Prue, I love you" said Piper as she went back to her bed.

"I love you too Piper, and Phoebe, and you too Mom" Prue whispered.

* * *

"Okay Leo said he will be right over..." said Phoebe, coming into the room, seeing Prue and Piper, both hugging.

"What did i miss?" asked Phoebe.

"What, oh nothing, I'll tell you later, we have to get Piper comfortable" said Prue.

"oohhh, hurry, ahhhhhhhh!" screamed Piper as her pain came unbearable "I'm going out side to wait for the ambulance" said Phoebe.

A few minutes later, Piper still screaming in pain, the ambulance, and Leo came.

"Piper, oh, Piper, I'm here, I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner," said Leo as he stroked her hair and gave her a kiss.

"It's oka- ahhhhhhhh!" said Piper as she screamed in pain.

"Alright Miss we'll just give you a short now to ease the pain," said a paramedic as he loaded Piper into the back of the ambulance.

"Okay, Leo, me and Phoebe well meet you at the hospital, tell Piper we love her" said Prue.

"I will, see you soon!" said Leo.

* * *

Piper lay in the ambulance as her husband Leo stroked her hair. Piper couldn't help but look into his loving eyes, seeing the man she loved. She began to think back to when she chose Leo over Dan.

* * *

Piper was working at P3, preparing for a huge wedding reception. She couldn't avoid Leo as much as she wanted to, she just couldn't. And it annoyed her so. Leo stepped into the kitchen ready to take some more dishes out to customers.

He looked at Piper, and gave her a gentle grin and wink. Piper looked away and continued preparing the dishes.

Leo stopped walking out of the kitchen and turned around. He placed the dishes back down opposite Piper and looked at her. The way she did anything was beautiful to him. He got Piper's attention. She looked up and shook her head.

"What Leo?" she asked in a firm voice.

Leo placed his hand in his pocket, and pulled out a small box, covered in a blue velvet. Piper watched, as he slowly, then handed it to Piper, placing it gently in her hand.

"This is a gift," Leo began. "I have nothing else to offer you but my love and this precious thing, that is so important to me, and I wish for you to have it" Piper looked at the box, then opened it. Inside it lay a beautiful necklace. It had a small diamond, heart on it, and the chain was silver. Piper looked at it for some time overwhelmed by the gift. Leo, took it from her hands and offered to put it on her neck for her.

"It was my mothers," Leo said quietly. "she gave it to me during the war."

"I can't take it" Piper said giving it back.

"No," Leo continued. "you take it, its just a special gift I wanted to give you to show my affection," Leo paused and admired the necklace. "I have nothing in the world, and though you may not love me, and you love that Dan guy, I will never stop loving you Piper." Piper looked at Leo's face, and into his eyes. Leo turned around and picked up the dishes again ready to continue his work, when Piper then opened her mouth to speak.

"I love you Leo," Piper whispered. Leo turned around and watched Piper, he then placed the dishes down again and walked towards her and held her hand in his.

"Me too," Leo said. "and forever more."

Leo wrapped his arms around her slender waist and Piper placed her arms around his shoulders, and the two embraced for the first time in ages.

* * *

Piper looked at the necklace around her neck and sighed. Leo noticed her expression and held her hand tighter, and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Its alright Piper," he said with a gentle smile.

"Prue and Phoebe?" Piper said noticing that they weren't there.

"They will meet us at the hospital," Leo began. "they wouldn't miss the birth of their niece or nephew for the world."

"I bet they wouldn't," Piper said with a cheeky grin.

* * *

When Piper reached the hospital, her sisters were waiting there for her. The paramedic's unloaded her from the ambulance and rushed her inside the hospital.

It was a long wait for the sisters, but Leo soon emerged from Piper's room with a bad expression on his face.

"What's wrong Leo?" Phoebe asked worried.

"They say that, there has been a complication," Leo said quietly. "and that if they don't get the baby from her in the next 24 hours it and her could die," Phoebe and Prue looked at each other, their sisters life and the babies were in danger, and this was something that the Charmed ones couldn't stop.

* * *

"Leo, are you sure there isn't anything in the Book of Shadows that could help Piper?" asked Prue "I'm not sure, you could go check, but I'm just not sure" said Leo, even he couldn't think of anything with his wife, and future child in danger.

"Well, c'mon Prue, Leo, we'll got check and come right back, tell Piper we love her!'' said Phoebe.

* * *

"So, do you think we'll find anything?" asked Phoebe.

"I don't know, i sure hope so," said Prue fixing the review mirror in her car. A few minutes later they arrived at the manor.

"Okay, I'll go check the BOS, and you go pack a suitcase for Piper," said Phoebe.

"Okay, sure" said Prue, who wasn't used to getting orders.

Upstairs to the attic, Phoebe flipped through the BOS. As she flipped to the front of the book, she came across the story of Melinda Warren, the beginning of her family. She quickly slimmed the story and found nothing. She flipped to another page, and found something that might help. It was a spell that Melinda Warren wrote for all of her female family members, Phoebe read it and found out that Melinda had a terrible pregnancy with her daughter and almost lost both of their lives, and when her pregnancy was over, she wrote a spell for all the women of her family to just of they were having a difficult pregnancy. She had struggles enough, and didn't want any of her family to suffer anymore. Phoebe ripped out the page and called to Prue "Hey, Prue, I found something, come here" called Phoebe.

"What did you find?" asked Prue.

"A spell, written by Melinda Warren, to help with a difficult pregnancy" replied Phoebe.

"Why would she write s spell like that?" asked Prue.

"Well, it says here that when Melinda was giving birth to her daughter, they both almost lost their lives, so Melinda wrote a protection spell for all the women on our family to help if their pregnancy is not going well" said Phoebe.

"Well, do we need anything to make the spell work?" asked Prue.

"Hmm, let's see, all it says here is that we need the mother- which we already have- Piper, and not mortals present, so lets go!" said Phoebe.

* * *

Piper Halliwell please" said Prue to the nurse at a desk.

"I'm sorry Miss, but she is in a difficult pregnancy right now and can't see anyone," said the nurse.

"Prue, Phoebe!" called out Leo as he ran to them.

"Did you find anything?" he asked quietly.

"Yes, but we need Piper to cast the spell" said Phoebe.

"Okay, I'll get you into the room, but we'll have to make it quick, the doctor wants to do a c-section" said Leo.

"Ohmigod! we have to get to her quick!" said Prue.

"Here, come with me," said Leo as he lead them into a room.

"Prue! Phoebe! come here," said Piper.

"Hi, honey, we have a spell to help you," said Phoebe, "excuse me doctor, can we please have a minute with our sister?" she asked.

"Yes, but quickly, I would like to her the baby out as soon as I can," replied the doctor as he left the room.

"Okay, Piper, let's do this fast, I found a spell to help you with your pregnancy, just repeat after me," said Phoebe.

"Okay, but please hurry, the contractions are getting worse," said Piper.

"Okay, 'Shield of light, shield of dark, take my child with burning bright, make my pain, leave out of sight, and make with me all happy sights.'" said Phoebe.

Suddenly a bright light burst into the room and out stepped at figure, Melinda Warren.

"Piper, your child is in my care, do not worry, everything will be okay" said Melinda, and suddenly as she appeared, she vanished.

"Ahhhhhh" screamed Piper.

"Okay, the baby is definitely coming now!" she screamed.

"I'll get the doctor" said Prue, but there was not need, the doctor had just came in.

"What is going on?" he asked.

"The baby is comminggggggg!!" screamed Piper.

"It, is!, nurse get me a mask, quick," said the doctor as he went to Piper.

"Okay, deep breath, in, out, in, out," said Leo as he held Piper's hand Phoebe and Prue were clinging on to each other, on the other side of Piper.

"Okay, one more deep breath, Piper, and then push as hard as you can," said the doctor.

"Ahhhhhh," screamed Piper.

"It's a... girl!" replied the doctor, as the room filled with a baby's cry.

"Oh! Piper!" said Phoebe as she went to hug her sister, and then hugged Leo.

"Here you go" said a nurse as she handed Piper a little bundle.

"Awww," said Phoebe and Prue unison.

"Look, Leo, look how beautiful she is," said Piper.

"Yes, she is," said Leo, all teary eyed.

"Hi, sweetie, I'm your aunt Phoebe," said Phoebe talking in baby talk.

"So what's the name going to be?" asked Prue.

"Well, it's definitely not going to be James... what about 'Melinda' since Melinda was the one who helped us," said Piper.

"It's perfect," said Leo as he smiled down as his daughter.

* * *

Up in the attic, three sisters sat on the floor boards. Piper was just out of hospital and was watching as Phoebe was cooing Melinda.

"I always knew that this future event would take place," Phoebe said handing the baby to Prue. Piper smiled motherly.

"I always knew I was destined to have kids," Piper added. They all giggled. They turned to the sound of someone coming up the stairs. Leo stuck his head inside.

"Any of you want something to eat?" he asked with a grin.

"Yeah sure sweety," Piper replied. Leo nodded and exited the room.

Handing the baby back to Piper, Prue sighed as did Piper, and Phoebe.

"You know in all the times we had rough as kids," Prue began. "we always came out with something better."

"Yeah Prue you're right!" Phoebe chirped.

Leo brought in a bottle of wine and some food, and sat down on the floor with them, pouring a drink for them all. They picked up their glasses, as Piper set Melinda in her lap.

"A toast," Prue announced. "to new beginnings."

"To new beginnings" everyone said in unison, then with the clinking of the glasses, we fade away from the happy scene.