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by Nikki Beach

DISCLAIMER: Piper, Phoebe, and Prue Halliwell are properties of Aaron Spelling.

Piper looked up as the door opened. "Leo!" They kissed. Suddenly, the door burst open. Rodriguez threw a fire ball at Piper. She flew into a wall. Rodriguez laughed and disappeared. Leo rushed to Piper's motionless body.

Phoebe and Prue ran into the ER. "Piper Halliwell, please." "She's in intensive care." The two sisters rushed to her room." Leo was sitting next to the bed, holding Piper's pale hand in his. "Leo what happened?"

"Rodriguez, he came to the house." Phoebe looked at him, confused. "Rodriguez? We vanquished him." "No, he came back because Tempus is back." The doctor walked in. "Piper has three broken ribs and internal injuries. We've done everything we've could. I'm sorry." Leo fell back in his chair. Prue looked down at Piper. She laid there, not knowing what was going on.

A week later, Phoebe was in the attic, looking through The Book Of Shadows, looking for a spell to bring Piper back. They had had the funeral on Monday. Since then Phoebe had been scanning the book. Prue came up and sighed. "There is nothing in there." Phoebe looked up. "You just don't want her back. Your jealous." "Of what?" "Piper had the man, job, everything." "Phoebe, what are you talking about?" Phoebe just walked out. Prue sighed. Phoebe just didn't get it. Piper was gone.

Piper walked around confused. No one in the hospital would listen to her. "Piper." Piper turned. "Mom! Wait. Whoa. Oh no, tell me I'm dead." Patty nodded. "Oh no!" "Come on I can get you alive again. I have a spell. But, there's someone you need to talk to." She turned. "Andy!"

Phoebe looked sleepily over The Book. She had not slept a wink. "Come on. There has got to be something in this stupid book!" She set down the book and went downstairs. Prue was sitting at the kitchen table, reading the paper. Phoebe glanced at the front page and gasped. "Prue, did you see the front page?" "No, why?" Phoebe held it up. 'Local woman killed in house; suspect arrested.' Prue choked. "What does it say?" Phoebe read it. "Local Piper Halliwell, 26 who was murdered in her home has been avenged today. The suspect has been identified as 'Leo'." Phoebe looked up. "Prue, Leo is in jail for something he didn't do." Prue looked worriedly at her sister.

Piper couldn't believe what she was hearing. And neither was Andy. "So you died when the same demon who killed me came back?" Piper nodded. "And he's still out there."

Leo sat in jail, when Prue and Phoebe rushed in. "Leo." "Phoebe, Prue I didn't kill Piper. I love her." "We know, she didn't die in the house. She died at the hospital. Anyway, we have bail." Prue explained. When they got home, Leo and Phoebe went upstairs. Prue stared after them.

Piper loved this. No worries, no demons, no problems. Perfect. "Piper?" She snapped to attention. "What?" Patty came in. "We have to do the spell before midnight tomorrow. I have enough potion for two people." Piper looked at Andy. He looked down. Patty left. "Andy! This is great! You can comeback, and" "Piper, no. I can't." "What? Um, no. You have to come." "Piper, I..." "No, Andy. You have to come." He sighed. "I'll think about it."

Phoebe sat silently, looking at Leo. He had fallen asleep. She alarmingly realized she 'liked' him. She looked away. She went downstairs. "Prue, I need help." "I could've told you that." "No, Prue, I think I have a crush on Leo." "Phoebe, even though Piper is dead, it doesn't mean she's not coming back. You can't take the man she loved." "No, Prue. Loves. I don't know why, but I know she'll come back. She wouldn't leave us." Prue smiled.

Andy turned to Piper. "You know? I had the biggest crush on you in 8th grade." Piper laughed. "Why?" "I don't know! Piper, you're like my sister. I lost that feeling with Prue when we started dating. And Phoebe is way too wild." Piper blushed. But her smile faded. "You're not coming." Andy shook his head. "Piper, I love you and your sisters, but my place is here." Tears down Piper's face. "Piper, don't cry. We'll always be together." He handed her a locket with a picture of her and Andy.

"Good bye, Piper. I love you." "Bye Andy." Patty came in and cast the spell. Piper felt woozy. She saw Andy and Patty fade before her.

Prue and Leo where downstairs when they heard Phoebe scream. They rushed upstairs. A shimmering wall was in the middle of the attic. Phoebes' hair was being blown wild from the wind. Leo and Prue rushed to her. Suddenly, the wall disappeared and Piper was standing in it's place. Leo and Phoebe rushed to her. Prue just stared, amazed. Piper hugged Leo, Phoebe, and Prue when she heard a crash. "Oh, no. That's Rodriguez." Phoebe said, "Are you sure?" Piper nodded. "Then let's vanquish him." The sister and Leo ran down stairs. The demon was caught off guard. He was vanquished. A glowing light was around Piper. Leo smiled and turned to Phoebe and Prue. "She's alive." Everything was soon back to 'normal' at the Halliwell Manor.