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...And Then You Woke Up

by Lil' Duckie P3

It's fairly early in the morning. Phoebe strolls into the kitchen in her pajamas. She notices Prue sitting at the table sipping coffee and reading the paper. "Morning," Phoebe greets. Prue puts her paper down and offers a quick hello. She glances at the clock on the microwave. It reads 8:15. "Uh-oh. I need to get to the dry cleaners. The woman told me they'd only be open until 9 today," Prue says quickly. She grabs her keys off the key rack and rushes out of the kitchen. Shortly after the front door slams, and Phoebe laughs. She picks up the front page of the newspaper, and begins reading when she gets a premonition: Piper is standing on the top of the stairs near the attic. The attic door flies open, and she falls all the way down and lands unconsciously. "Oh no," Phoebe gasps. She runs out of the kitchen, but stops dead in her tracks when she hears Piper call, "Pheebs, can you help me with something in the attic?" Phoebe tries to get to her sister in time, but right as she is about to go up the stairs, the attic door bursts open with a terrible boom. Piper crashes down the stairs with much force, and hits her head against the wall quite hard. She lands unconsciously as Phoebe saw in her premonition. Phoebe rushes over to her sister and checks for a pulse. She gives a sigh of relief when she finds one. She grabs the phone and dials numbers, and then waits a bit. She says, "Hello? 911…"

Prue walks out of the dry cleaners with two dresses in plastic covers. She smiles and says to herself, "Just made it." She opens the rear door of Piper's jeep and puts the dry cleaned clothes on the hook. She closes the door and gets into the driver's seat. As she is about to turn the car on, her cell phone rings. She answers, "Yeah… oh my God… how… where… I'll be right there." Prue jams the keys into the ignition and takes off.

Phoebe sits in the hospital waiting room. She notices Prue getting off the elevator and yells, "Prue, over here!" Prue rushes to her sister and asks, "Any news?" Phoebe shakes her head, and they sit down. "How did this happen?" Prue asks. Phoebe slowly answers, "I had a premonition Piper was going to fall down the stairs when the attic door blew open. I tried to get to her in time, but it all happened so fast." Phoebe begins to shake a bit and Prue questions, "How did the attic door fly open?" Phoebe stops and stares forward in shock. She turns to Prue and says, "I don't know. I never checked. I was so concerned with Piper I-" Prue stops her sister by saying, "It's okay, we'll find out." Phoebe notices a doctor coming toward them. The sisters stand. "Miss Halliwell?" Phoebe and Prue answer, "Yes?" The doctor finds this amusing, but goes on, "Your sister is awake. She's doing alright. You may see her as soon as you like, but I must warn you first." Phoebe asks, "Warn us what?" The doctor says, "Your sister doesn't recall what happened. How she hit her head I mean, and-" Phoebe cuts the doctor off by asking, "That is normal, right? I mean, most people who suffer head injuries don't re-" Prue hushes her sister when she notices the doctor is becoming agitated. "Your sister doesn't remember her name, either. I'm afraid she has amnesia," the doctor blurts. Prue and Phoebe stand in shock.

In the hospital room Piper flicks through channels on the TV. She turns through the channels rapidly, but shuts off the TV when she sees Prue and Phoebe walking into the room like ghosts. "Hey honey, how are you feeling?" Prue asks. Piper looks around the room and then points to herself. "Me?" she asks. Phoebe says, "Yeah, you. How are you?" Piper shrugs her shoulders and says, "I'm not quite sure actually." Prue and Phoebe force a laugh. "Do you remember your name sweetie?" Phoebe asks. Piper answers, "The doctor said something with a 'P'. Pip- Pipe- Piper! Piper." Prue asks, "You don't know who we are do you?" Piper scowls and shakes her head. Prue introduces herself and Phoebe, "I'm your older sister Prue, and she's your younger sister Phoebe." Piper smiles and nods her head. "We need you to try and remember things, okay? Do you remember anything before now?" Phoebe asks. Piper rolls her eyes and says, "I wish I could help you, but I don't remember anything that's happened before now. Sorry." At that moment Dan walks into the hospital room. He goes to kiss Piper, but she backs away. "What's your deal?" she asks. He backs away and looks at her with confusion. "Uh, it's me. Dan? Your boyfriend Dan?" Piper looks at Prue and asks, "I have a boyfriend?" Prue smiles at Piper and says gritting your teeth, "Yes, you do." Piper nods her head, and Phoebe says, "Come on Dan, let's go for a walk." He stares at Piper as Phoebe escorts him outside. As he is carted away, Piper yells, "Be careful with him. He's my boyfriend." She turns to Prue and asks, "What was his name?"

Later on, Dan sits with Piper. She says, "…and I only know what my, um, sisters told me." Dan holds her hand and shakes his head. "Piper, I don't understand, I don't. Why does something always have to happen?" Dan says. Piper shakes her head and says, "I'm not sure, but I really want to know. It bothers me that I'm sitting with strangers, and they know me better than I know myself. That's crazy. I mean, I didn't even know my name until the doctor said it. I don't know who my own birthday, or to say the least, my own boyfriend." Dan smiles and brushes a hair off the side of her face. "You're going to remember someday. I promise," he assures.

At the manor Phoebe and Prue search the attic for what caused the door to blow open. "Nothing," Phoebe says angrily. Prue puts her hand on her sister's shoulder and tells her, "Calm down. We'll find something." Prue moves a sheet off of an old chest of drawers. Nothing. Phoebe says, "I'm going to grab a soda. Want one?" Prue says, "I'll come with you." They walk down the stairs and into the living room. On the couch a man in a cloak sits. "I've been waiting for you," he says. Phoebe and Prue back away in fear, but the man assures, "I'm nothing you need to fear. I'm what you call a Godfather. I take care of witches in a semi-magical way. When the white lighters came in they nearly made us obsolete, but luckily I found a way to keep myself in use, you see." Prue and Phoebe lose the fearful look in their faces. Phoebe asks, "What's your name?" The old man laughs and says, "Wesley. Please, sit." Prue and Phoebe have a seat on top of the coffee table across from Wesley. He speaks, "I take care of the things White Lighters do not know of. What hurt Piper was an ancient thing really. It's called an Astral Force. They were common in places of great power many years ago. For a while I thought they were as obsolete as my Godfather colleagues, but I guess not. They seek witches with incredible strength and power, and try to impair them. You can't see them or sense them, only the Godfathers can. We need to cast an old spell, older than your Book of Shadows, if we want to get rid of it. When we do, your sister will regain her memory. Ready?"

In the attic Prue, Phoebe, and Wesley stand in a circle. They hold hands and chant, "Ye old spirit from the days of yore, we seek to conquer thee, if not with sight, and without sound, we do so magically." The attic is filled with a bright blue blast and a swirling wind. Prue and Phoebe hold on to the sofa bed, and Wesley clings to the chest of drawers. A terrible screeching sound is heard, and within seconds, everything is calm. Prue and Phoebe stand up and go to thank Wesley, but he is gone. They hear his voice say, "Out of sight, out of mind." They smile.

In the hospital Dan sits with Piper still. She is talking to him, and all of a sudden her eyes close and she slowly shakes her head. When she opens her eyes, Dan asks, "Are you okay? Should I get the doctor?" Piper hugs Dan and kisses him. "Dan! Oh my God. Where am I?" she asks. Dan smiles widely and hugs her. "You remember?" he asks. She nods her head, and her sisters walk in to greet her, "Hey Pips!" She laughs and Phoebe asks, "Guess you can remember now?" Piper gives her sister a puzzled look and says, "Huh? What do you mean now?" Prue and Phoebe laugh, and Piper asks, "Why am I in the hospital? What did I do now?" Prue laughs as she says, "We'll explain later."