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When You Wish

by Demille

DISCLAIMER: The Charmed characters belong to Spelling Television. All literature found on this page was produced by Demille. Unauthorized reproduction of text is not allowed. Contact Demille to ask for permission.

It was a lazy summer evening and Piper and Phoebe were sitting in the conservatory. Piper was sitting at her laptop going through the quarterly financial reports and Pheebs was perusing through the Book of Shadows.

"Don't you ever get tired of looking through "The Book", Phoebe," said Piper as she finished the last report and pressed off.

"No. This book is magical and it never has the exact same set of spells in it each time I look through it. I don't understand it, but it makes looking through it an adventure." said Pheebs.

"I find enough adventures whenever we find a warlock or an innocent around the next corner. Try battling evil and running a night club at the same time. Does it tell you how to do that in that magical book of yours?" asked Piper tired from all of her paperwork.

"Of course not. It's here for us to help others, not ourselves. Here's something interesting. A spell that allows someone to grant wishes for others. That's neat. I could really help people then." said Phoebe.

"And what have we been doing, knitting? In two years of battling demons, we have helped a lot of people Pheebs. I have the scars and Wendigo marks to prove it." said Piper.

"That's true. But wouldn't you like to fulfill others peoples wishes? It doesn't work for us and all those people we saved were threatened by outside supernatural forces. Why can't we help others lives?" asked

"Woo. You want to live in a bottle and come out saying "Your wish is my command?" said Piper questioning her sisters marbles.

"No, just have a new power to make all their wishes come true. Like a Fairy Godmother, but not just limited to Cinderella," explained Pheebs.

"Ummm, Pheebs. Come back to reality. We are witches, not a supermarket for unfulfilled desires. Besides, I don't think we're suppose to intervene in regular mortal lives anyway. We're suppose to veer mortals away from supernatural... uh... things. I'm going to start dinner. Don't try and turn into Tinkerbell while I'm gone. Aladdin will really miss her, Pheebs."

Pheebs thought to herself. "You have all your children's stories mixed up Piper. I'll have to tell your kids their bedtime stories after I cast this spell. If I can't help myself, then maybe I can help others."

And Phoebe began to read out loud:

Blow ye winds at this hour.
Bring to me a new power.
Birds and Bees and Insect and Fishes.
I want the power to grant wishes.

Pink smoke instantly filled the whole room completely blocking Pheebs' view. As it cleared she found herself in a small room behind a storefront. Looking in a full length mirror she was wearing a long beige robe and hood and was dressed underneath like a gypsy. She was wearing at least one ring on each finger and had both ears pierced with at least then earrings. The Book of Shadows was nowhere to be found. In the front room there stood a table, chair, crystal ball and lots of long drapes around the room. In reverse she could read in the window:

Madame Xamus, Foreseer and Solver of Problems.

"What have I done to myself? Strange as this all seems I turned myself into someone else." said Pheebs to herself.

Pheebs picks up the crystal ball and tried to bring on a premonition, but nothing happens.

"A great foreseer I am turning out to be. A witch without her power. I WISH I knew what was going on." she cried.

A rolled up scroll appeared in her hand. A little surprised she pulled the ribbon and unrolled it. It said:

Congratulations Phoebe. You are now a Jin, a wish granter. You have the power to help others. You can choose whom to help and when, though they must be worthy. You will know when they are. Their wishes cannot harm others or cause great changes in the mortal world. You may be called on from time to time to help those in need. You can grant small wishes for yourself to make your life easier. To grant others anything, you must give up everything. You have great gifts to bestow on the world. Good luck.

"Whoa. This is not how I wanted my spell to turn out. I have got to get home and reverse it." said Pheebs as she walked out of the store. First she hailed a cab that took her to Halliwell Manor. "I wish I had the cab fare?" she said rather timidly and the fare with a good tip appeared on the seat beside her. "Boy, I could have used this power long ago."

She stepped up to the door and knocked. Prue answered the door.

"Yeesss. Can I HELP you?" Prue said with an especially unnatural happy look on her face.

"Prue, it's me your sister Phoebe." Pheebs said.

Prue furled her brow not quite getting what was said and called out. "Phoebe, I think she wants you."

"No, Prue you don't under..." was all Pheebs could say when another woman came to the door. She was dressed in black leather, was smoking a cigarette and had a tattoo on her right arm. She was taller than Pheebs and had a redder shade of hair.

"Thanks Prude. What's up? Who are you collecting for? I don't mean to be rude, but we're not really interested in your cause. My sister was just trying to be polite." she said.

"I'm her sister, too. I'm Phoebe Halliwell," said Pheebs.

"Yea, like I would dress up in that get-up. I don't even like Hungarian Goulash. For your misguided misinformation, I am Phoebe Halliwell. I would know if there were more than three of us sisters. If you'll excuse us, my boyfriend and I have a gig to get to." she said turning to leave.

"WHAT'S going on here?" said Piper as she stomped into the hallway.

"This gypsy claims to be Phoebe." said Prue. "She's real weird."

"Prue?" asked Pheebs. "What's wrong with you?"

"There is NOTHING wrong with our sister." said Piper. "Now get OUT of here. You don't want to mess with us." Piper warned.

"Please Piper, Prue. Something has happened to me and you have to help me out." said Pheebs.

"I'll help you out and off our property." said the other Phoebe.

"I can't take this anymore. Prue, get rid of her." said Piper.

Prue waved her hand and Pheebs flew across the yard and landed next to the street scraped and scratched with one huge migraine. The door had been closed and Pheebs found herself left all alone.

Back in her humble little storefront residence, Pheebs sat down to think. "To gain the power I requested, I have lost everyone I loved and they don't seem to be better off in this alternative reality. I wish I hadn't cast that incantation." she thought to herself.

Nothing happened.

"All right then, let's explore my current power. I wish I had a veggie burrito." she thought.

And one appeared next to Pheebs. It was really quite good. She hadn't eaten since she had arrived here.

"OK, I wish I had a million dollars." Nothing. "I wish I had next month's rent." Then $895. appeared next to her. "I wish I lived in a penthouse in the Hyatt." Nothing. "I wished I lived in an apartment over looking the bay." Puff! Pheebs found herself in a loft in an old house with a gorgeous view of San Francisco Bay. "Cool. Now we're getting somewhere. OK, I wish I had my old wardrobe in the closet." Puff! "I wish to get rid of these rings and earrings and body piercing." Puff! Pheebs changed and looked at herself in the mirror. "There, now that's more like it. I at least don't look weird anymore. Now I wish that Piper would call me and know who I was." Nothing. "I wish I knew what happened to Piper, Prue and whoever is claiming to be me." Puff! Another scroll appeared next to Pheebs and she found the history of the Charmed Ones, ala this reality.

Her counterpart had never been involved with Prue fiance, whom Prue had married. She had found him cheating on her and threw him, but was never sure of her actions again. She was still working at the museum and Piper was still working at Quake's. The two alternative sisters had never raised the money for P3. Piper was the major breadwinner and the strongest of the three. She had also developed a darker prospective on life than the optimistic Piper, Pheebs was used to. The responsibility of caring for her sisters and the Charmed Ones had put an edge on her. And Phoebe two? Instead of a free spirited sister full of good old common sense, she was more of a biker chick type who played locally in a band. Piper is the sister who had actually found the Book of Shadows several months before Pheebs had found it. The prophesy of Melinda Warren still came true, but with a different set of Halliwell sisters. They still had the same powers and were dealing with evil just as well, but the their lives were just not the same.

"Whoa. What a difference a spell makes. I can't change things back with my current power, so I have to check out the Book of Shadows. Somehow I have to convince Piper to let me see it. So I'll head down to Quake's and talk to her." Pheebs headed straight down to the Quakes and took a secluded booth in the back.

Piper came over. "Can I get you something to drink?" she asked.

"Piper, you have got to help me." Pheebs said.

"YOU! Whoooa, I....."

Next thing Pheebs remembers is that Piper vanished.

"Great, I can be frozen like anyone else. But then I am not a good witch right now. How will I get close to her?" thought Pheebs.

She got up and marched back to the kitchen. One of the waitresses told her she wasn't allowed back there. Pheebs saw Piper picking brooding in the corner and called out. "Piper, I have got to talk to you. Stop freezing me!"

Piper looked up and just vanished again. "This is not going to be easy." Pheebs thought again. She decided to wait till later when Piper wasn't on her guard so much. Pheebs left Quake and headed back to her apartment when she got a strange feeling to turn onto Market St. There she found a girl sitting in a doorway crying uncontrollably.

"What's wrong little girl?" asked Pheebs.

"My Mommy's not well. They say she's going to die. If my Daddy doesn't come home I'm going end up in a foster home. I don't want to leave here!" she cried.

Somewhere inside Phoebe, the Jin, knew that this girl had always been a good girl and she deserved happiness. Without a moment's hesitation, Phoebe wished for her father to be there and he came running around the corner.

"Little girl, who's that running toward you?" she asked with a big smile on her face.

The girl looked up, "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! I needed you so. I wished that you'd come home. Mommy is so sick." she said grabbing on and hugging him.

"I know, I know. I just heard Mommy had gotten worse and I just came home. I have missed you so..." her Daddy said.

Phoebe walked away feeling very good inside. Making people happy was a much bigger kick than vanquishing demons. As a Charmed One you always got gratitude for saving someone, but here you are giving them their heart's desires and it means so much more to them. Phoebe hurried back to the gypsy storefront to see what more she could do. She changed into one of the outfits left in the sparsely furnished backroom and put out the "Opened for business" sign. Several of her customers were looking for their fortunes or advise. Pheebs felt like Dear Abby for these people. A few special people came in whom were pure of heart and had special needs. One had lost his job and needed the final payment for his mortgage. One had lost her wedding ring and did not know where to find it. Yet another was looking for a long lost brother or a chance for happiness. Each time Pheebs gave them some kind of place to go or task to do and she knew they would find their happiness with Pheebs help. She headed back to her apartment feeling that she had done more good in one afternoon than all the months she had been a witch.

Late that night she waited for Piper to come out of Quake's. As she got into her Cherokee Pheebs wished that she would be locked in the car and not able to drive away or signal for help. First Piper couldn't get the car to start and tried to call the auto club. Then, after the phone didn't work she found that she couldn't get out of the car. That was too much and she started beeping the horn that did not work.

"Good!" Pheebs thought. "And she can't freeze me through the window." Pheebs walked over to the Cherokee to find Piper beating on the glass. She had terror in her eyes when she saw Pheebs walk up. Trying to freeze her didn't work either.

"Let me out here, you little (expletive deleted) gypsy. I told you earlier you didn't want to (expletive deleted) around with us!" said Piper.

Phoebe had never heard Piper speaking like this. She would not be easy to convince. Pheebs walked up to the class and said. "Piper, I know you and your sisters are witches. I was one of them, too." said Phoebe.

Piper stopped banging on the window and looked in shock. Phoebe ran through her own history and what happened to her earlier that day. Piper started looking a little more like the sister she knew as she showed more compassion for this lost soul.

"Let me out of here and we will try to help you." she said. They left the Quake's parking lot and went to get some coffee at a local coffee shop.

"A lot of what you described never happened to me, but you had enough obscure details that you couldn't have made it all up. And I really did open up a nightclub? I know I have greater ambitions than being a waitress at Quake's." said Piper.

"But what happened to Prue? She was so ambitious and decisive." asked Pheebs.

"After she broke up with Roger, she was never sure of her decisions again. All the spark has gone out of her. I had to take over the family responsibilities. It's been awfully tough. You seem to have quite a spark yourself. Our Phoebe wants to help the Charmed Ones, but she her music is really her life." said Piper. "So what happens if we help you?"

"I don't know exactly, but I'm hoping I can find answers in the Book of Shadows. I will return to my existence and you should be able to continue here." said Pheebs.

"And if not, our Phoebe will cease to exist." said Piper.

"And both you and Prue will be a lot better off. And I will get my life back." said Pheebs.

"After you messed it up in the first place. And all because you couldn't get what you wished for with the powers you had." reminded Piper.

"Yes, that part was my fault." Pheebs said reluctantly. "I still don't seem to worry bout the consequences, but this time I wanted to help others and lost everyone that I loved. Will you help me out?"

"Let's see what the Book says." said Piper as she headed home. "But if we can't help you, you are just going to have to LIVE WITH IT."

Pheebs left thinking to herself this Piper definitely has a chip on her shoulder. Not the sensitive sister she left behind.

At Halliwell Manor, Phoebe poured over the Book of Shadows and found nothing to help her.

"You sure know your way around that book Jeebie. I never found that much interest in it. I can't use it to help my band out, so what good is it?" said Phoebe Two.

"We have helped a LOT of people with it and it saved our lives on more than one occasion." said Pheebs. "You just don't have my passion for Wicca. Unfortunately it's my interest in it that put me in this situation. And I don't see a way out of it. Wow!"

"Ummm. Look, uh, Phoebe. Why don't we make up our own spell. Can you remember what spell you cast?" said Piper.

"Sort of. We have written some of our own spells before." said Pheebs.

"Won't that get us into trouble? We're not suppose to help others. We're suppose to help ourselves!" said Prue.

"Prude, you mean we're not suppose to do Wicca things for ourselves. Think before you speak." said Phoebe Two.

"Sorry. I open my mouth before I speak sometimes. I'm just not sure of how I think sometimes." said Prue. "Sorry, gals."

"Now if we help you, I definitely have one stipulation." said Piper sternly. "Since our sister here may have been created due to your mistake, you should be willing to help her out."

"Help her out?" said Pheebs not quite getting it.

"Take her with you. At least she won't be sent to oblivion." said Piper.

"What is she going to do in my world?" asked Pheebs.

"Yea, Pips! What am I going to do with them? I don't know anyone there and I don't have a life there." said Phoebe Two.

"Isn't it better than no life at all. Prue and I at least exist in some form. We may not see eye to eye, Phee, but I don't want to lose you." said Piper.

To Pheebs it sounded like these two had the same problem Prue and she had in their world. Two Phoebe's she thought., "What will the world think?"

"Pheobe, you'll have the same problem I am having now. You'll be a stranger in a strange land, but at least you'll be." said Pheebs. "All right. I'm willing to take her if she's willing to go."

"Jeez, follow Jeebie to her world? I guess I'm game. I'll have to start a new band. How about Phoebe's Jeebies." said Phoebe Two.

"Sounds wild." said Piper.

"I hope not," thought Pheebs. "Let's try the spell." After several drafts they were finally ready. The various Halliwell's went up to the attic, surrounded the cauldron and began to recite:

Blow ye winds at this hour.
Take from one her new power.
Send away the Phoebes as we wish.
From the sisters that they will miss.

Pheebs who did not participate felt a little dizzy as pink smoke filled the attic. Before she passed out she saw Phoebe Two also getting weak in the knees. When the smoke cleared she was sitting back in the conservatory with the Book Of Shadows back on her lap. Piper comes running in.

"Pheebs, Pheebs. What is all this smoke? Did you try that hokey spell?" asked Piper.

"Yea, sort of. But I had to reverse it. It didn't really work. So how's my favorite sister?" asked Pheebs.

"You know that's not really fair to Prue. She works so hard at Buckland's to keep us afloat." said Piper.

Pheebs thought, "Everything sound's like it's back to normal." Then she asked Piper, "Are there any other Phoebe's running around here?"

"Ummmm? Should there be? You haven't been multiplying your power, Pheebs." asked Piper. "Don't you think one of you is enough?"

"You're right, sis. You're absolutely right." beamed Pheebs.

That night at P3, the band had the music really rocking off the walls.

"Great band, Piper." said Phoebe as the three sisters sat around the bar. Pheebs was having her beer when someone tapped her one the shoulder. Pheebs turned around and there stood her other worldly counterpart.

"PHOEBE! WHERE did YOU come from?" said Pheebs with great surprise.

"Are you alright Phoebe, why are you calling our cousin Dee-Dee your name?" asked Prue.

"Our cousin?" repeated Pheebs.

"Come on, Jeebie, cut me some slack. I know were not exactly best friends, but we are all Halliwell's. I'm here in town with my band and we're playing P3 tomorrow night. Piper's a great bro for giving us a chance. So Pipe let's go over the gig for tomorrow." said Dee-Dee.

"Whoa, holy Twilight Zone. I'm the only one that knows the difference. Well, at least she still has a life and we have new cousin. Since I have my life back, I can live with it, except the "Jeebie." No more personal spells for me. I have learned my lesson." she thought to herself.

Pheebs called out to her new cousin. "Hey, Dee-Dee. How about a right on your motorcycle?"