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Some Trinity Draw

by Olivia

There are lots of police vehicles around the cemetery. Morris is standing beside a dead body with a shot on its chest. Some men cover the body with a white sheet. Morris keep looking at the place where the body was. "He has that weird symbol drawn on the hand again?" he asks to another guy, who affirms with his head. "Even when I got a normal death, something strange appears... What's wrong with me?". Morris gets close to the body, uncovering the left side and looking at the dead man's hand. It's the trinity that was drawn there.

Meanwhile, at the Halliwells house, Piper and Phoebe are trying to convince Prue to make a party on her birthday, that is going to be in the next day. "Come on, I don't have anyone to invite!" says Prue. "Well, it doesn't have to be a big party, I mean, we can just... make a simple dinner, call Dan and Jenny," Piper suggests. "Yeah! Come on, Prue, at least a dinner. Five people, it's not even a party." "Good point. So, Prue, what do you say?" Prue smiles at her sisters and denies. "I give up," says Piper, siting on the couch. "Ok, Ok, you won. You can do whatever you want to. But, nothing too big, Ok? And make sure you won't need my help." says Prue. The other two smile. "Is there anyone else that you would like to invite, Prue?" Phoebe asks. "Like who?" "I don't know. I'm just asking." "Well, I have work to do tomorrow, so I hope you take care of everything," Prue says, going upstairs.

The next day at work Prue gets a phone call from Morris. "Morris, hi." "Hi, I'm just calling to say happy birthday. You know, kind of... for Andy. I saw the date on his notebook." "Thanks. We're going to have a dinner at my house, so if you want to, you can come." "Hum, maybe I'll just pass to say hi." "Ok." "Bye, Prue."

"Well that was weird," Prue says aloud. She always had the felling that Morris didn't like her very much, and suddenly, he calls her to say happy birthday?

In the evening, Prue tells her sisters about Morris, saying how weird she thought that was. "So what? The guy was just saying happy birthday," comments Phoebe, "Why can't he be just nice?" "Have you guys seen Kit today?" asks Piper. "No. Come on, cats like to walk around sometimes." says Prue angry because Piper wasn't paying attention to her. They're interrupted by the bell. "They're here," says Phoebe. "Don't worry, I'll get it!" Piper says running to answer the door. "Hey. Hi guys!" "Hi, Piper," says Dan, smiling. Jenny looks at his face, laughing. "What?" he asks. "Nevermind," says the little Jenny. Piper smiles looking at Dan. "Kids," They go greet Prue. Piper keep looking at Dan. "Are you sure you don't see Leo when Dan smiles, Piper?" whispers Phoebe getting close to her. Piper open her mouth to say something, but stops her move when someone rings the bell. She points the door, without saying anything and goes answer it. "Must be Morris!" Prue yells. "Morris?" odds Phoebe. "Yeah, I told him to come if he wanted to," "And then you say that he is the weird one."

Prue goes to the door. She looks at Morris, surprised. "So, you came!" "Yeah. Here, take this, I gotta get going. You know work," He gives her a small present and says goodbye. As he turns, he gets face to face to Leo, who's looking at Piper in the stairs. Morris apologizes and continues his way. Leo looks at Morris, with a worried face. He turns to Piper and Prue. "May I ask you something, Leo?" says Piper. "Sure." "Why are you here?" "Well, I just came to say Prue happy birthday, no special reason. Any problem?" "No. Come in," Leo gets close, smiling. Piper points the living room without knowing what to say.

"Hey Prue!" calls Morris, at the end of the stairs. "Is this your cat?" he asks looking at Kit. "Yeah, what's wrong?" She goes to him. Morris points the symbol on Kit's collar. "What does this means?" he asks. "Well, it's a mystical symbol. We just like it, you know. And so does Kit. Why?" Morris looks at the sky and take a long breath. "Look, Prue, I didn't wanted to involve you and your sisters in another one of my cases, but you see there is this killer who writes this symbol in all of his victims left hand. And we are trying to find out what it means." "Well, it's the trinity. I don't know what exactly you want to know." "Nevermind. I shall get going. Bye Prue," she nods smiling.

"Hey, dinner is ready!" yells Phoebe. They all go to the dining room. Prue goes to Piper. "I thing something bad is about to happen." "I noticed," Piper replies looking at Dan and Leo. "I'm serious Piper, we must be careful." "She's right," affirms Leo getting close. Phoebe listening to the talk, goes to them. "What's the matter, guys? Piper is not the only one who cooks here. My food is not that bad." "That guy Morris is being watched by a demon," says Leo with that same worried face. "What?" they ask at the same time. "Hey, what's going on there?" Dan asks. Piper sits by the table. "Nothing, let's eat. So, Phoebe, what is this weird green stuff?" "Food. Eat it." They all laugh. "Fine."

At the end of the night as Dan and Jenny go home, the sisters look at Leo, waiting for him to say something. "Could you explain what's going on?" asks Phoebe siting on the couch. "Well, I don't exactly know. But there was a demom watching that guy and this I can assure you. I'll go take a look at him. As soon as I understand what is going on, I'll come back and talk to you." "Ok," says Prue worried. Piper takes Leo to the hall. Before he goes, he looks at Piper and nods. "What?" she asks. "Nevermind." And disappears. "Bye angel." She returns to the room. "Piper, I got another clue," says Prue. Piper sits on the couch, looking at her sister. She asks her to keep talking. "Well, Morris told me that some killer is writing the trinity in every victims left hand. Maybe this killer is the demon." Phoebe puts her hands on her head thinking. "But are we talking about normal deaths or inexplicable deaths? This is important information." "He didn't tell me that. Perhaps because it's normal." "Yeah, but...", Piper starts talking but stops and starts looking at the floor thinking. The other two go along with her, trying to understand what does she have in mind. "What?" asks Phoebe. "You know," begins Piper, "Maybe the demon doesn't want Morris. The symbol - what if he is using Morris to get to us? Well, I don't know, it's just a shot." "It's perfect!" says Phoebe. "I really think you're right," Prue gets up. "I have to sleep. We talk tomorrow. I'm tired," and goes upstairs. "Happy birthday, Prue," the two say together. "Thanks."

"I'm late for work," says Prue going down the stairs. "Won't you have your breakfast?" asks Piper. "No, thanks, it isn't fast enough." She goes to the kitchen. "Have you seen my keys?" "Somewhere in the couch." Prue took her keys and left. "Don't forget to call Morris!" Piper yells. "I won't!" she yells back outside the house. Phoebe appears in the kitchen holding the Book of Shadows. "I can't find anything! I mean, we don't even know what are we looking for! We don't even know if the demon is the one who's killing all this people," says Phoebe sitting by the table. "I guess we'll just have to wait for Leo," continues Phoebe. "Whatever," says Piper. Phoebe opens the Book of Shadows and starts searching for something again. Suddenly, she has a quick premonition. She sees Morris at the cemetery, being shot and dying. "What?" Piper asks. "I just saw Morris. He's going to die." "When? How? Where?!" asks Piper. "I don't know. At the cemetery. He wasn't been killed by a demon, he died with a shot gun."

At Buckland's, Prue calls Morris. She didn't exactly know what to say. "So, Prue, what's the news?" "Well, I'm just calling you to say. Be careful. This guy can be really dangerous." "What do mean? What do you know about him?" "Nothing, I'm just telling that he can be dangerous. Not that he is dangerous." "Whatever, Prue, Could you, please, call me only if you got something really important to say?" "Fine," she turns off the phone, getting back to her work.

When she gets home it's almost night. Piper and Phoebe are in the hall waiting for her. "We have to go, Prue. Morris is going to die," says Piper. "What? Could you explain this to me? Who's gonna kill him?" "Some guy. Not a demon." "Where?" "At the cemetery. Let's go." Before they open the door, Leo appears behind then. "Wait!" he yells. "Leo, we're a bit in a hurry here. Could you be quick?" demands Piper. "You're looking for the wrong thing." he says. "The demon who's watching the inspector is not the one who's killing all this people." "Yeah, but we still have to stop him," says Prue. "I know. But you better listen to what I'm going to say. Don't worry, I checked. You've got enough time." They look at Leo. He starts talking. "This demon, Kurton, goes for men who can do things for him. Usually, men with money problems. They make a pact. If the man does what he asks, he make the man rich and successful." "What if the guy doesn't do what the demon asks?" "Well, he kills him. Kurton gives the man about a week." "And what this has to do with everything?" asks Piper. "Kurton is looking for the Charmed Ones. The guy who's killing people and writing the trinity on his victims hand is only doing this to make you go for him. And he's also using the inspector as a bait. But at least he doesn't have any powers." "Hey!" says Phoebe. "I remember something like that in the Book of Shadows! I'll take a look again." "Ok, it's getting late, Morris is in danger." "But what do expect us to do, Leo? Do we have to go for the demon or for the killer?" asks Piper. "Both of then. One will take you for the other." Phoebe appears with the book. "Here! There is a spell to free the guy. It says that once you have done it, Kurton will come." "And how do we kill him?" asks Prue. "It is saying that we have to use his own power against him. Well, I don't know what this means." "I still don't get it. Why can't the demon do the things by himself?" Prue asks Leo. "He's a bit powerless. He only has powers against the ones who made a pact with him. Even if the guy is already free he'll try to kill him." Phoebe finishes writing the spell on a piece of paper. "Let's go!" she says. "Be careful." says Leo before he leaves.

They stop the car next to the cemetery. Soon, they notice a police vehicle near the entrance. "He's already here, let's go," says Prue. "Watch out, guys, don't forget that the guy is behind us too," says Phoebe. They enter the cemetery. Prue sees Morris with his hands on his pockets looking around. "Prue, Piper, Phoebe. What are you guys doing here?" he asks nervously. "You're next," says Phoebe. "What do you mean?" "You're the next victim," completes Piper. "What a hell are you talking about?" Prue looks at the entrance of the cemetery. She sees a guy with a gun. "Piper, over there!" Morris turns looking to the place where Prue pointed and lifting his gun up. Piper freezes then. Morris was pointing the gun to the guy and the guy pointing the gun to Phoebe. "For God's sake! He was going to kill me," says Phoebe walking to where Prue was. "So, what do we do now?" asks Piper. "I have an idea. Take the gun from that man. Let Morris do his job," says Prue. "But we have to set the guy free. Otherwise, Kurton will kill him and look for someone else to kill us," says Phoebe. "Yeah but we can't just disappear with Morris here," completes Prue. "She's right. We'll see what we can do later," says Piper going to the man. She takes his gun and throws it away. Going back to the place she was before she unfreezes them. "Stop! Police!" yells Morris. The man, cotta confused, puts his hands up. Morris arrests him. Before he goes to the car he gives the sisters a look. Without saying anything, he enters the car and goes.

The next day they go talk to Morris. "His name is Ted Harrison. A few months ago, he lost his job and got divorced." "He's is danger Morris," says Prue. "I don't get your point. How can that he be in danger? He is in prison!" he says. "It's hard to explain. When did he start killing people?" Prue asks. "About six days ago." The sisters look at each other. As Phoebe touches Morris desk she has a premonition. She sees Kurton killing Ted at the same cemetery they were before. Prue and Piper notice and say goodbye to Morris. "I had a premonition," says Phoebe when they're on the street. "We noticed. What did you see?" says Piper. "Kurton killing Ted. At the cemetery. With some kind of magic sword. And we were there." "Was Kurton too scary and ugly?" asks Piper. "No. He was pretty normal. I guess."

In the following day afternoon, Prue receives a call from Morris. "Ted Harrison just escaped. You said that he was in danger. What were you trying to tell?" he asks. "I... I don't know. I told you. I don't think I can explain what..." "Ok, Prue, let's forget the part where you say that you can't explain things. Just tell me what do you know." "This is the problem. I don't know anything." "You just said that he's in danger!" "Yeah, but I don't know how." "Forget it. I have to go now. Bye."

"Ted escaped from the prison," Prue says as she gets home. "What?!" asks Phoebe surprised. "Great. Who's in danger now?" Piper says, going down the stairs. "We have to find him." "He'll kill us, Prue. That's exactly why he escaped from prison," says Phoebe. "Oh, come on! He has a gun. We have powers! And besides we can let the demon kill him. Like Phoebe said Kurton will look for someone else to do this. We must go to the cemetery tonight, free him and then kill Kurton." "Sounds a great idea to me," Piper says.

In the evening, they go to the cemetery even without knowing exactly what to do. The darkness is worse then before. "This is frightening," says Phoebe. Suddenly, they hear a crack. The sisters turn to the place where the noise came. Phoebe sees Ted standing behind a grave. "Piper!" she yells pointing at the guy. Piper freezes him. "Ok. First of all, go see if he has a gun," says Prue. Piper goes to him and gets his gun. "Not any more. What do I do with this?" she asks. "I have no idea." The guy unfreezes. He looks around. "Where's my damn gun?!" he says, looking at the Halliwells. He takes a knife from his pocket, going to Piper. Prue was about to uses her power but Piper points the gun at the man. "You stop right there!" she says. Ted puts his hands up. Prue and Phoebe look at each other. "Prue, Phoebe, the spell." Phoebe takes a small piece of paper from her pocket.

As they say the spell, a huge fog appears next to then. They hear a scream. The three step back. When the fog disappears, they see a man with a black mantle holding a silver sword. He looks at them, nervous. He turns to Ted. "You failed, I see," Kurton raises the sword and points it at Ted. The sword begins to shine. "Piper, freeze them!" She tries, but the demon doesn't freeze. "He'll kill the man!" yells Phoebe. "Uses his own power against him. The sword! Prue, get his sword!" With a hand move Prue takes the sword from Kurton. He screams. "Now, kill him!" says Phoebe. "I'm trying!" Prue points the sword at him. It begins to shine, and it throws a ray of light against Kurton making him disappear. As he goes the sword disappears too. They look at each other. Piper looks around. "Where's Ted?" "Over there!" yells Phoebe. "He's running away, freeze him Piper!" Piper puts her hands on the air and makes the guy stops. "So, what do we do?" Phoebe asks. "Let's call Morris," says Piper. "No way! What will he think! Let's arrest him. Then we give the police an anonymous call," says Prue. "How about his gun?" asks Piper that was still holding it. "Bury it," she answers. "Good idea," agrees Phoebe.

They arrest Ted on a light post, using a rope that they found somewhere in the cemetery. Phoebe calls the police. A few minutes later, Morris is there. He puts Ted in the car looking around. He nods, smiling. Maybe he already knew that the Halliwells did that.