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A Woggle Of Warlocks

by BufGal

DISCLAIMER: All the characters belong to Spelling Television, except for Lindsay, Cliff, Derrick and Caltron which are all figments of my imagination.

It's early evening in the Halliwell mansion. Prue walks through the front door and drops her loads of paper work down on the table. All of a sudden she hears a loud explosion from above her. She drops her coat on the floor and runs up the stairs. She bursts through a door into the attic where she sees Lindsay and Phoebe sitting on the floor coughing. There's smoke everywhere. "What the hell is going on?!" Prue yells as she gags on the smoke. Phoebe is startled by her voice and jumps up. "Prue! What are you doing home? I thought you were working late," Phoebe says as she fans the smoke. Prue gags some more as Lindsay stands up. "Obviously," she replies. She notices the BOS laying on the floor. "Were you doing spells?" she asks. Phoebe and Lindsay look at each other. "Yeah, the book started doing that weird flipping thing while you were gone so Phoebe and I did the spell it turned to," Lindsay replied. The smoke was thinning and Prue picks up the book. "You did a spell to enhance powers?" Prue says reading out of the book. Lindsay walks over to her. "Yeah, it apparently pushes powers to the next level if they won't develop on their own," she says as she takes the book from Prue and places it back on the stand. "Who did you do it on? You or Phoebe?" Prue says. Lindsay turns back to her. "Me. My powers have been the same for almost two years. Instead of gaining powers, I'm losing them. I'm no longer telepathic (not that I ever wanted to be) and I can't pull enough heat out of my hands to light a match. It's getting annoying. I'd rather have a respectable amount of powers, or I'd rather not have any at all," Lindsay replies as she makes her way out of the attic. "I guess I see your point, but what if your powers are growing? You don't want to push them to much, it might not be good," she replies. Lindsay shrugs. "Live on the wild side I guess," she says with a smile.

We see a man walking down the street in a hurry. He's wearing all black and he's pushing past people almost violently as he turns off into a ally. At the end of the ally is a large Dumpster. He opens the top and crawls inside. You see that there's no bottom of it and there a ladder down into the darkness. He climbs down the ladder quickly. As he reaches the bottom, he's met by another man dressed like himself. "Derrick, what happened?" he says as he quickly makes his way through a small twisted tunnel. They reach a a large room with men all over. Some are playing cards, some are sleeping. "I don't know. He told me to call you immediately, and I didn't ask any questions," he replies as they reach a door and he opens it. The second man stops him. "Cliff, before you go in, I think I should tell you that he's in a really bad mood. He's killed five men already so take care when you talk to him." The man says. Cliff nodes. He takes a deep breath and steps inside. The room is dark and smells musty and old. Cliff blinks and tries to get used to the darkness when all of a sudden a hand juts out and grabs the collar of his jacket. Cliff lets out a surprised yelp. "Shhhhh," a voice says. A face appears from the other end of the arm. The face is old and twisted with gray hair. The most noticeable part is the glowing red eyes that seem to look strait through Cliff. The man drags him into the darkness. "Sir, I came as soon as I could. They... they say there's been some developments," Cliff says in a shaky voice. The man drops him and scurries off to the wall near them. The wall of covered in scribbles. The man puts his hands out on the wall and breaths deeply. "Developments are no longer a concern to any of us. I have felt it," the man says she he scurries back and forth. Cliff stays sitting on the floor, afraid to get up. "What did you feel?" The man stops and looked a Cliff for a moment before he raced at him again. "I felt it. The presence of something that is strong enough to make the Black Lighters the most powerful race in the universe again," the man exclaims happily. Cliff's eyes widen and he sits upright. "You mean the prophecy? It's here?" he asks. The man seems to almost leap around the room. "Yes, here in this very city," he says. He looks back at Cliff. "I want you to bring him to me. Are you familiar with the signs?" he says. Cliff nodes quickly. "Yes, the last full filler of the prophecy was able to wipe out an entire village by himself. They are also immune to the powers of..." the man cuts him off with a slap across the face. "I don't need you to preach me on what I've been waiting my entire lifetime on this retched planet for. Simply bring the man to me. I'll expect him by midnight tonight," the man says as he walks away. Cliff gets a worried look. "San Francisco's huge. How will I know where to look?" he says. The man turns slowly. "You won't," he says. He holds his hand up and glows it bright fiery red. He hits Cliff in the jaw and send him flying, only when he should have hit the ground, he seems to fall through it. "I wouldn't try to rely on the instincts of standard Black Lighter to find my prize."

The Halliwell manor is casting a friendly glow through the windows when suddenly a red hole opens from above the front lawn and Cliff falls through it as it closes back up. He lays in the yard gasping for breath for a moment then attempts to stand up. He looks around at where he is and he sees the house. He stands up and still breathing hard as he walks over to a window on the lower floor. He looks through and sees four women sitting in the living room. Two are playing what looks like a board game and the other two are reading. He looks around the room and sees no men. Well, he thought, might as well destroy these women and find the man later. Inside the house, Phoebe and Piper are well into a game of chess and Lindsay and Prue are sitting by the fire reading. Piper takes one of Phoebe's pieces and smiles. "You know, we should spend more evenings like this. No work, no boyfriends..." "And especially," adds Phoebe, "No demons." Suddenly, Cliffs kicks through the front door. All the sister look up as he storms into the living room. "Knock on wood! Knock on wood!" Phoebe exclaims loudly as he lunges at Prue. Prue reacts quickly and throws him against the table that the chess game was on. "Damnit Prue, we were almost a hour into that game!" Piper exclaims loudly as chess pieces fly everywhere. Cliff recovers quickly and looks up in anger. "Witch!" he hisses as he jumps up and lunges for Piper. He hits her across the face and attempts to grab Phoebe when Lindsay jumps on his back. She scratches at him as he struggles to throw her off. Phoebe attacks him and Prue tries to kick him as he throws Lindsay over his shoulder onto the destroyed table. He backhands Prue suddenly as his right hand glows red with anger. Lindsay lays dazed on the table as he brings his hand down onto her chest. She screams in pain then she struggles against the hand, kicking and punching Cliff. She lands a good kick right in his face and he fall back, stunned. Lindsay clutches her chest and stands up. Cliff, now furious, grabs Lindsay by her shirt and throws her against the wall. His hand glows red as he holds her by her throat. She screams and kicks him over and over again. They struggle against each other until Cliff drops her out of frustration. He stumbles back, then a dawn of realization dawns on his face. He looks up at her as she glares at him, unable to stand up. "I found you." he says. He stands and disappears quickly into a cloud of black smoke. Lindsay, holding her throat, crawls over to Prue who's waking up. Piper lifts her head and winces in pain. Phoebe comes running back into the room with a tennis racquet raised above her head. All she sees are the four dazed women still on the floor." "Where'd he go?," she asks. "I was gonna save you." Prue lets out a loud sigh and slumps to the ground as Lindsay gives Piper a exhausted look.

Back at the lair of the Dark Lighters, Cliff storms into the room and grabs Derrick away from a card game. He pulls him into a corner. "I found her," he says with a smile. Derrick looks slightly confused. "You found who?" he asks. Cliff looks around quickly. "The prophesy, it can be fulfilled by someone in this city and I found her," he replies. Derrick laughs. "You must be mistaking. You said that you found her," Derrick replies. "Call me old fashioned, but I've always looked at the prophecy as being a man," he says. Cliff grabs Derricks coat. "I couldn't kill her! I had full power going for almost thirty seconds! That would have burned any normal human out of existence completely! She's it, she has to be!" he exclaims loudly. Some people look up and Derrick quickly hits him. "Okay, how do we get her here?" he asks quietly. Cliff's getting frustrated. "I'm pretty sure she's befriended some good witches, one for sure. We need to get her alone," Cliff replies after a moment of thought. "Tonight, and I need your help." Derrick smiles. "I'm flattered, but I need to see this for myself," he says.

Back at the mansion. Prue is bandaging up Piper's head with some gauze while Phoebe is treating some burns on Lindsay's neck and upper stomach. "We should really get you to a hospital. These burns are pretty bad, especially the one on your neck," Phoebe says. Lindsay just winces for a moment, then shakes her head. "How about you Piper?" she asks. "Are you okay?" Phoebe asks. Piper nodes. Prue finishes up the bandaging and sits back. She has a cut along the side of her mouth. "This is frustrating. This guy was definitely a Black Lighter, but he seemed a lot more powerful than Alec," Prue says. Phoebe finishes the treatment and sits back. "Well, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that you're supposed to be dead right now," she says to Lindsay. Lindsay just smiles and touches her neck gingerly. "That hurt so bad I almost wished he did kill me. It felt like he was burning through my neck," Lindsay replies. Prue dabs her mouth with a wet towel. "I guess we have you mom to thank for why your not a fried egg right now?" she says. Lindsay shrugs. "I guess. I wonder why he came here?" she says. Prue puts the towel down. "I don't know. All he said was 'witch' when I threw him against the table. That doesn't give us a lot to go by," she says. Lindsay looks up thoughtfully. "Wait, he said something to me. After he couldn't kill me, he dropped me and said 'I found her' or something. I have no idea what that means," Lindsay replies. Prue looks at Piper as she slightly adjusts the bandage on her head. "Well, maybe we scared him off. I think we should forget about him. That guy was big and scary and I really don't want to mess with him again unless we have to," Piper says as she stands up. "Amen to that," Phoebe answers. They all stand up. Lindsay stretches. "Well, I'm off to bed, I think I've had the most excitement that I can take in one night," she says as she climbs the stairs. Prue walks into the kitchen. "Okay, see you tomorrow, good night!" she says up the stairs as she puts a pot of water on the stove. Lindsay gets to the top of the stairs and walks to the door of her bedroom. She opens it to see Derrick and Cliff standing in the corner. She doesn't even have time to react before Derrick blows a fiery flame out of his hand. It hits her in the chest, full force and she blown against the wall. She falls to the ground unconscious. Derrick lets out a laugh. "I told you! She's not it, it's impossible," he says as he looks at the body. Cliff just shakes his head. "You idiot! You threw her against a wall, of course she's gonna get knock unconscious, it has nothing to do with your powers. It's simple body structure," Cliff says as he kneels down next to her. "And we can't bring her back to Caltron if she has brain damage now can we?" Cliff continues as he pulls her into a sitting position. Derrick looks sheepish and stands up. "Lindsay?" a voice says from outside the door. Derrick and Cliff look up to see Phoebe push open the door. Cliff snarls and dematerializes (taking Lindsay) and Derrick is soon to follow. Phoebe looks dazed for a moment then runs from the room. "Prue!" she screams.

It's later that evening and we're back at the underground home of the warlocks. Lindsay is sitting in a cell of some sort. It's very cold and damp and the only light is from a torch on the wall. There's large cut down the side of her head and she's trying to recall how she got there, why her head is cut and why she has a major headache. She looks around questionably. The light from the torch is bouncing off the walls and making everything look really freaky. Suddenly, the door opens and two men walk in. Derrick and Cliff. Derrick is holding a bowl and a towel. Cliff grabs a set of keys off of the far wall and opens the door to her cell. Lindsay struggles to stand up but she can't. Cliff walks over to her and stands her up roughly. She tries to pull her arms away from him but he holds her tight. He looks into her eyes for a moment, then drops her on the ground. "Well, you'd better be glad that she doesn't have a concussion. Get that cut cleaned up and bring her out, Caltron wants to see her," Cliff says as he leaves the cell. Derrick watches him leave and looks down at Lindsay who looks more angry than scared. "Hi," Derrick says, obviously at a loss of words. Lindsay looks at him, confused. "Where am I?" she asks. Derrick kneels down slowly and dips the towel into the water. "Well, this place doesn't exactly have a name, but if I had to call it something, I'd probably call it a nightmare." Lindsay looks confused as he begins to clean her wound. She looks around again. "Who was that guy who just left?" she asks. Derrick looks down at her face. "Why are you asking so many questions?" he asks sitting back on his heels. Lindsay shrugs. "I don't know. I wake up in a cave somewhere, I have no idea how I got here, and suddenly I'm getting a large head wound cleaned by some guy I don't know. You have a point, it doesn't raise a lot of questions," Lindsay replies, obviously annoyed. Derrick laughs. "Good point. okay, I'll make a deal with you. I'll answer your questions if you answer mine, deal?" Lindsay shrugs. "Okay, answer mine and you can ask me one," she says. Derrick gets back to cleaning her wound. "That's Cliff. He's the guy who found you and he's the one who's gonna get all the credit, he always does," replies Derrick. Lindsay looks up. "I sense a tad of hostility." she remarks. Derrick smiles. "My turn. Who were those women who you were with when he found you?" Lindsay thinks and remembers when she and the sisters were attacked in the living room. "They're friends. They were letting me stay there for a few nights," she lies. Derrick puts the towel back in the bowl. "Okay, I'll buy that. Okay, your heads as good as I can get it. Come on, you gotta meet Caltron," he says as he stands up. Lindsay stays sitting. "Who's Caltron?" she asks with caution. "He's in charge of all the Dark Lighters," Derrick replies. Lindsay's eyes go wide. "Wait, you didn't say anything about Dark Lighters. I hate Dark Lighters," Lindsay replies. Derrick looks confused. "But, you are a Dark Lighter right?" he says. "Not by choice, but yeah," she replies. Derrick kneels down again. "You're not evil or anything are you?" he asks. Lindsay laughs. "Defiantly not." she says. He gives a half smile and stands up. "Well, you have to come meet him or I'm gonna be in a lot of trouble," he says offering his hand. Lindsay looks at it for a second and then takes it. They walk out of the cell and into a area with a dozen Black Lighters all looking at them. Cliff was at the far wall talking to a few of them. He sees Derrick and Lindsay and walks over to them. "Well, the good news is that he knows she's not completely dark. The bad news is that five of our men lost their lives over it," he says with a evil look at Lindsay. Lindsay begins to look worried as he pushes her towards a door on the far end of the room. Before he opens it he turns to her. "You'd better not piss him off. He'll destroy you," Cliff says through gritted teeth. Lindsay gives him a expressionless face. "You, of all people, should know that it'll sting, but it won't kill me," she replies. Cliff grabs her shirt and pulls his mouth close to her ear. "Well, he doesn't have to kill you. He'll simply make you wish for it," he says as he opens the door and shoves her inside.

Back at the manor, the sisters are extremely confused as they look through the BOS in the attic. "So you're saying that you walked in, and he dematerialized," Prue says. Phoebe is pacing near the door. "Yes, taking Lindsay with him," she replies. Piper flips through the book one last time and then slams it shut. "Well, there's absolutely nothing on Black Lighters of any sort in this book," she says with frustration. Prue is about to protest when they suddenly hear a noise from downstairs. They enter the front hallway to see Leo sheepishly pulling himself off the ground. "Stealthy," comments Prue with a smile. Leo doesn't look amused. "Leo, you just in time. We have a..." begins Phoebe. Leo cuts her off. "Lindsay's missing," he says. The sister look confused. "Yeah, how'd you know?" Prue asks. Leo looks impatient. "The elders told me, but unfortunately it's much bigger than you think" he starts. He stops and motions to the kitchen. "Maybe you'd better make some tea," he says to Piper. Piper nodes and hurries to the kitchen.

Lindsay is standing in the middle of a pitch black room. She can't see anything. "Hello?" she calls slowly. She hears a scratching sound and turns slowly to see a figure in the dark. He's slumped over a table near the wall. "I guess Caltron had one to many drinks last night," she says to herself as she approaches him slowly. She tries to roll him over and he falls onto the ground. She sees it a man who's had half of his faced ripped off. Lindsay jumps back in surprise, then in horror. "He spoke out of turn," says a voice from behind her. She turns slowly to see a small figure behind her. The figure is hunched over with two small glowing eyes staring at her. She swallows hard. The figure approaches her slowly. "Don't even think about doing something stupid like that. I don't have to use powers to do that to you," he says motioning to the body. "Or that," he says motioning across the room. Lindsay looks to see a man impaled on the wall with several stakes. His face is frozen with fear almost as much as Lindsay's is. Caltron shuffles over to her and stands up fully. He reaches her shoulders. He looks deep into her eyes. "I know it's you," he says as he runs his gnarly hand in front of her face. Lindsay's eyes follow it's every move. "I can feel it," he says. He shuffles away to the wall and pulls a stake out of the body. He hurries back to her. Lindsay steps back as he holds the stake up to her face. "Now, some of my fellow Dark Lighters tell me that your not like us. They tell me that you aren't in tune to the evil that I know lies within you somewhere," he says as he pokes her chest. She steps back, afraid to make a move against him. He hold the point up to her neck. "Well, all I can say to that, is that if ruin my party that I've been planning for almost five hundred years for, I'll make sure that your remains are never found," he says sticking the point into her neck so much that it draws blood. "I'll destroy your friends, family, and everyone you ever loved while you watch. Then, I'll create a death for you, more insufferable then you've ever imagined," he says as he digs the stake in further as Lindsay holds back screams. Then, he drops the stake and steps back. "Well, now that you've seen it my way, I'll give you some time to think it over," he says as he steps to the door and bangs on it. It opens and Cliff grabs her and drags her out of the room.

Back at the manor, Leo and the sisters are sitting on the couch with their tea. "Well, I guess I'll start from the beginning," begins Leo. "About three hundred years ago, a demon named Caltron was formed. He was the first Dark Lighter and he is definitely the most powerful. He caused destruction and violence for almost two hundred years before a group of White Lighters were able to banish him into a candle. If the candle was ever lit, he would resurrect and continue his destruction. They put the candle in a holy place somewhere in Europe and it stayed there, protected from evil for almost three hundred years. Somehow, a Black Lighter got a hold of it and brought it to San Francisco. He freed Caltron and they decided to rally the Black lighters together to revolt against humans and witches. It wasn't going to be that bad, until a few days ago, Caltron discovered something." Prue sets her coffee down. "Lindsay right?" she says. Leo nodes. "Yeah. Apparently Lindsay is the prophesy of the Black Lighters," he says. Phoebe holds up her hand. "Hold on. Lindsay's a prophecy? As in Star Wars prophecy? As in balance to the force type prophecy?" she says. Leo nodes. "Well, balance to evil. She'll make the Black Lighters the most powerful force in the universe if they can turn her," he says. "Turn her to what? Evil? That probably won't happen. Lindsay's not at all Dark Lighter, she's not evil at all," Piper remarks. Leo gives a stern face look. "Well, Caltron's good at persuasion," he says. He looks down at his cup. "Which is why I'm here. The elders said that I have to go and destroy the prophecy. If she ever turns, it's over. The Black Lighters will destroy all the witches, mortals and White Lighters on the earth," he says. The sisters sit up and look at him like he's crazy. "Leo, you're not going to kill Lindsay. I mean, how do you know she's the prophecy? They might be wrong! I mean why is it that Caltron suddenly, yesterday, discovered the prophecy? Nothing has happened! And he's been here for almost two hundred years!" Piper exclaims. Prue gets a dawn of realization on her face. She looks at Phoebe and then at Piper. "Not exactly. Lindsay cast the power enhancing spell on herself yesterday," Prue says. "That must have triggered it," Phoebe says. "How is the prophecy different than other Dark Lighters?" Phoebe asks. "Well, the stories say that he'll be more powerful than all the others and that no Black Lighter can kill him." Leo replies. Phoebe gets a confused look on her face. "A Dark Lighter can't kill Lindsay, but that's because of a spell her mom put on her," she says. Leo shrugs. "She must've been mistaking." Prue stands up. "We have to find her. The White Lighters are not going to kill her," she says with a death stare at Leo. Leo stands. "I'll give you until midnight tomorrow to save her. If you can't or she's already turned, there's nothing I can do," he says. He orbs out before Prue can reply. Piper stands up. "I'll make coffee, you two starts with the Book," she says as she leaves the room. Phoebe and Prue head upstairs.

Lindsay is sitting in the corner of her cell. Her knees are up to her chest and her face is red and blotchy like she's been crying. She gives a shudder and stares at the torch on the wall. The flames send a light out on the walls that seem to dance. She shudders and realizes how cold she is. She slowly stands up and walks over to the door of the cell, closer to the flame. Suddenly the door opens and Cliff walks in. He's smiling a evil smile as he walks to the door. Lindsay takes a step back as he leans on the bars. "Well, I guess you had a nice talk with Caltron," he says still smiling. Lindsay just stares at him with no expression. He laughs. "Man, all I can say is I hope he scared you bad. I can guarantee you'll be seeing things his way in no time," he says. Lindsay smiles and leans on the wall near him. "Well, over all, it seems like a bargain. I become the most powerful force on earth and I lead all you into a battle, watch you loose pathetically, and celebrate with all the rest of the witches," she says with a smile. Cliff's smile fades and his eyes turn dark. He stands up. "Well, sorry to rain on your parade, but we're gonna take care of those witches that your friends with and I assure you that you'll be able to watch," he says. Lindsay stands as well. "By the way, was I supposed to say hi to you two friends while was in there? Sorry, that one guy just seemed so "stuck" on things that he was seeing much on anything really. And the other on have half his face ripped off," she says with a smile. Cliff's anger is growing and Lindsay continues. "Well, let me give you a little tip. It's gonna be a long wait of Caltron killing witches, mortals, demons, Black Lighters, and probably you before I turn. So, you have three options," Lindsay begins counting with her fingers. "You find some way to kill me, I kill myself, or you try to kill my friends and I kill you," she says. Cliff controls his anger and walks toward the door. He turns suddenly. "Well, remember. There's always the option. 'None of the Above!'. So keep that in mind while Caltron's sucking all the good out of you head straw with the new spell he found," he says. He leaves and closes the door. Lindsay, somewhat proud of herself, sits back down on the floor.

Back at the manor, the sisters are pulling ingredients together for a spell. They found a spell that can locate someone instantly by planting a thought into a persons head. They sit in a circle in the attic with three candles lit around them. There's a bowl in the middle of them with one of Lindsay's shirts in it. "I hope Lindsay wasn't very attached to this shirt," says Phoebe as she lights a piece of rope and throws it into the bowl. "I think she'll understand," replies Prue with a smile. The bowl bursts into flames as they begin the chant.

Spirits of the upper world,
help us to fight time.
Locate the soul we seek to find,
by the repeating of this rhyme.

Suddenly, Phoebe jerks back ward with a premonition. We're speeding down a road in the city. We speed past people and into a ally with a Dumpster in the back. We speed down the dumpster, through dark halls, past men sitting on the floor and into a room where Lindsay is sitting on the floor. Phoebe's eyes fly open and she smiles a big smile. "Found her," she says. the sister stand up. "Okay, we have to find her tonight and try to stop them from doing anything to her. "To the car!" Phoebe yells imitating a war movie. The run downstairs, grab their jackets and run outside to the car.

Lindsay is laying on her back with her legs in the air. She's singing the song "Cest La Vie" as she flicks rocks at the door. The door opens and Derrick walks in. She doesn't even bother to look up. She continues singing and Derrick opens the door. She stops singing and looks up. "Interesting song selection," he says. She sits up. "It seemed to fit the circumstances," she replies. Derrick walks into the cell. "Do you know what it means?" he asks. Lindsay nodes. "Yeah, 'that's life'. It's my favorite group," she says. Derrick looks guilty for a moment. "I have to take you to Caltron," he says. Lindsay smiles. "Oh goody," she says, voice dripping with sarcasm. Derrick motions toward the door and she stands and slowly walks out.

The sister are walking down a street looking in all the alleys. "Phoebe, you're sure we're on the right street?" Piper asks. Phoebe nodes. "Definitely. It should be anywhere around here," she replies. They approach another alley and see a large Dumpster at the far end. They run to it and open the lid. Sure enough, there's a ladder going down into the darkness. Prue goes first, followed by Phoebe then Piper pulling the lid closed over them. The reach the bottom and make there way down a curvy hallway. "Prue," Phoebe whispers. "Um, I think I should tell you, we'll be encountering some Black Lighters in a second," she says. Before Prue can answer, they round a corner and come face to face with almost a dozen men. Phoebe squeaks and Piper quickly freezes them all. The sister make there way to the cell and don't see Lindsay. "Where is she?" Prue asks. Phoebe looks around the room and sees a door in the shadows. "Might as well check in there," she says. The run to the door and burst through it. The sight that reaches their eyes is surprising. They see Lindsay sitting on the floor curled in a ball while a small man is holding her head while chanting. He looks up in anger when the sister burst through the door. Piper screams at his glowing eyes as he lunges at them. "Piper!" Lindsay screams. Piper throws her hands up and the room freezes. Prue is standing almost a foot away from the demon. "I'm guessing that this is Caltron," she says. When there's no answer, they look at Lindsay. She's frozen as well. "Oh no, they got her," Phoebe says in horror. Piper's eyes go wide as they stare at her face, frozen while screaming for the sisters. Prue takes a deep breath. "It's okay, we've reversed evil before, we can do it again," she says she walks over to her. "Piper, can you just unfreeze her?" she asks. Piper moves behind Caltron and throws her hands up. Lindsay unfreezes and falls to the floor. She's breathing hard and shaking. She whimpers and looks up. Both her eyes are glowing red and she has a pained look on her face. Prue drops to the floor and grabs her shoulders. "Come on Lindsay, fight it. You can do it," she says. Phoebe holds her wrists so she can't use her hands. Caltron unfreezes and turns quickly. "NO!" he screams. Lindsay screams as well, then relaxes. She opens her eyes and they're clear, but the evil look on her face gives it away. Prue stands and Lindsay pulls her hands away from Phoebe. They're glowing red. She smiles and glances at Caltron. He's so happy he seems to be bouncing. "You're too late, she's mine," he says with a evil laugh. Lindsay grins at the sisters and moves to Caltron's side. Prue shakes her head. "No, it can't be," she says to herself. Lindsay just grins. "You're probably right," she replies. Caltron places his hand on her shoulder. "So, are you ready to feel burning flesh?" he asks her. She smiles at him. "Absolutely," she says as her hand glows red. She lifts it up and calmly places it in the center of Caltron's chest. He screams and his hands glow as well. He grabs Lindsay shoulder. She winces as her anger grows more and more until her hands burst into flame. Caltron screams in pain and disappears into a burst of flame. Lindsay stares into space for a moment then drops her hands. She shrugs. "I told you it probably wasn't true," she says to Prue. Prue smiles slightly then shoves her. "That wasn't funny!" she yells. Lindsay laughs. "Oh come on, you get to play a hit woman, but I can't play Dark Lighter?" she asks with a smile. Prue smiles too and puts her arm around her. Piper holds up her hand. "One more question," she says as she throws up her hands. Lindsay freezes, then smiles and waves her hand in front of her face. Piper smiles. "Okay, we'll discuss this at home," she says as they leave the room.

Back at the manor, Phoebe is putting a fresh bandage over Lindsay's cut. "The spell didn't turn me evil like it was supposed to. It just opened the possibilities for my powers that I couldn't access before now," she explained to Prue. Phoebe finishes with the cut and takes a drink of soda. "Well, as long as you don't freeze, I'm perfectly okay with this," she says. "This just means we have one more active power," she says. Lindsay looks at her hands. "Yeah, but I can't wear rings anymore. It burns them off," she complains. Prue smiles and Piper walks in. "Well, Leo stopped by and said he's glad your okay and that he'll tell the elders that there's no need to invade, or whatever." she says. Lindsay stands up and stretches. "Well, I haven't slept on a mattress in two days, so I'm off," she says as she puts her drink in the sink. "Hey, can you orb?" Piper asks. Lindsay smiles slightly and walks out of the room. The sisters look at each other. "We'll find out tomorrow," Prue says.