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Make Like a Tree... And Leave

by Jeph

A thick night sky covers the tree tops in the wilderness. Nestled within the tall fir pines of northern California sits a tent next to a cozy little campfire. A blond woman sits drinking from a tin mug, as she stares into the fire's dance, listening to the crackles. Her deep concentration is broken by the cracking of twigs from behind her. She quickly jumps and looks behind her, trying to adjust her eyes to the darkness the trees emit. "Is anyone there," she asks with a shaky voice. No one answers, but she hears more twigs crack to her side. She turns waiting to see what it is, and hears more twigs crack behind her, as if she was surrounded by... something, but what? "Who is it?" No one answers, then she hears the cooing sound of a squirrel or maybe a raccoon, but it doesn't matter, because her mind is at ease now. She sits back down to stare at the fire again, as something from the shrubs watches. Suddenly it leaps out and rushes toward her. She sees something out of the corner of her eye, and screams. Her cries are carried into the night sky, throughout the woods.

The sun shines brightly down upon the Halliwell manor, and inside is another busy day for the Charmed Ones. "Phoebe, I'm going to be late," Piper yells, as she carries her back pack and duffel bag down stairs to the foyer. "Okay, okay," Phoebe acknowledges, "Here is your girls only emergency kit lovingly prepared by your sister." Phoebe hands her a make up bag, and Piper looks at her with a confused look, "A what?" Phoebe explains it has all the essentials a girl needs, make up, a brush, but more importantly- tampons, deodorant and floss. Piper says, "I'm going camping, Phoebe. By the time this week end is over, Dan won't care if I smell or have food in my teeth, because he will too." Phoebe remarks, "SO SHARE THEN," then thinks for a moment, "except the tampons." Piper crinkles her nose, "Phoebe, really!" Phoebe points out, "I know it's a camping trip, but nobody likes to be smelling like the Woogey Man," as she plops on the sofa in the living room. Piper quips, "You should know," and waits for Phoebe to respond. Phoebe perks her head up, "Oh, ha ha, very funny. You know you didn't smell so nice when you turned into that werewolf, either!" Piper enters the living room, her hands on her hips, "It was a Wendigo!" Phoebe rolls her eyes, "Whatever." Just then Prue enters talking on her cell phone, and hangs up. Prue greets her little sisters, notices Piper's bags and realizes she's all packed. Piper confirms it, and admits she's having doubts. Prue asks her why and Piper explains she is scared she is moving too fast with Dan. Phoebe smiles, "Well, if you're not sure, I'll go." Piper gives Phoebe a sarcastic sneer, "I don't think so, Phoebes." Prue gets a more detailed answer from Piper, as she explains she fears she is using Dan as a rebound from Leo. She is scared that she is pushing this new thing with Dan, so she can put Leo behind her. Phoebe says it's too bad she can't have a premonition to find things like this out. Prue snickers at Phoebe's idea, and Piper asks if she should go. "Well, it's kind of late to be backing out now, Piper," Prue points out. Piper groans, "I know, it's not that..." she pauses, then starts again, "I mean, I do like Dan... A LOT," she grins. Phoebe intervenes, "Look at it this way Piper, what better time to see if things are good between you than on this trip IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!!!" Prue once again is amused by Phoebe's point, and agrees. Piper admits that they are right. She decides to go, as a knock on the door makes Piper jump. "Guess who?" Piper answers the door, and Dan enters, asking if she is ready. Piper agrees and picks up her back pack, and he picks up her duffel bag. Phoebe jumps up to hand her the kit she put together, "Don't forget this," she says with a smile. Piper snatches it from her in minor annoyance. Phoebe is tickled at Piper's humorous reaction. Dan says, "Sorry that we gotta go like this... so quick I mean, but it takes an hour to get up there, and we were supposed to leave 45 minutes ago." Prue smiles, "It's okay, where exactly are you going?" Dan answers, "The Drakewood Ridge up in the mountains. I heard it's really beautiful up there." Phoebe asks if he needs them to check on Jenny. Dan assures them that won't be necessary, because she is staying with a friend for the week end. They leave, and Piper gives her sisters a "what am I doing" kind of look. They smile and simultaneously say, "Bye, have fun." Piper squinches her nose and shuts the door behind her. Phoebe and Prue walk into the living room, complaining that Piper has all the gorgeous men. Phoebe walks by a plant, and touches the leaf, "Now that Piper's gone, guess I'll be watering the jungle around here." Suddenly, the touch sends vibrations through her body, and she gasps, as she sees one of her premonitions. She sees a blond woman running through trees and in the dark, terrified, crying for help. She stops and sees a tree with a monstrous evil face hissing at the woman. Phoebe catches her balance, and Prue asks her what she saw. Phoebe stares at Prue with concern.

Dan and Piper have set up their camping area, and Piper feels much more relaxed now that she's up in the majestic natural beauty called the Drakewood Ridge. The trees are so tall, and their trunks so wide. Piper looks at Dan's smile, and the way he looks at her, and realizes she truly likes him for who he is, and not because she is on the rebound. She kisses him, and he asks what that was for. She responds with another, explaining he is just too irresistible. Dan looks deep into her brown eyes, and softly says, "You know what I'm thinking?" She asks, looking deep into his blue eyes. He reveals, "We should start getting some fire wood so we'll have it later." Piper shakes her head, coming out of the attraction lock, "Oh..yeah, good idea." They walk off to find some wood, as something from the bushes watches them.

Prue and Phoebe are searching the Book of Shadows, as Phoebe says, "Nothing on demonic trees!" Prue asks if she's sure it was a tree, or whatever. Phoebe declares she's had premonitions for over a year now, she's pretty confidant she can interpret them. Prue hisses back, and asks Phoebe to go over it again. Phoebe suddenly finds a page, "Wait a second, listen to this," she says, reading, Stones, water, trees and flowers can be charged with powerful magic to further one's needs. "So what does that have to do with your premonition? Do you think that someone charged a tree to be evil?," Prue asks. Phoebe adds,"I don't know, but isn't it funny how Piper has just left for a camping trip, and I get a premonition of some tree in need of an attitude adjustment?" Prue looks at Phoebe, "There are no coincidences. The question is what are we going to do about it?" Just then, the Book's pages begin to flip and the girl's know it's Grams giving them a helping hand. It stops on a page with the title To Send a Psychic Message. "I love it when Grams does that," Prue says.

Piper and Dan decide to do a little fishing, and she just isn't very good at it. He sits quietly and just fishes with patience. Piper, on the other hand, is becoming impatient, and pokes her finger on her hook. Dan is amused at her awkwardness, but tries not to smile. She struggles with her pole and its line, as he offers to help her. Getting impatient and irritated, Piper insists she can do it herself. She stands to get the knot out of the line, when she slips in the moist mud along the river bed, and falls into the river up to her waist. Dan can't help but laugh, as Piper is completely embarrassed, "It's slippery right there." She didn't know what else to say. Dan laughs, then attempts to help her out, but he slips and although he doesn't fall into the river, he does land flat on his glutes in the mud. His fall left Piper to fall back all the way in, up to her neck. She jumps up and gasps. Dan laughs, and Piper laughs at Dan's predicament as well. They are completely unaware that they are being watched from the tree tops.

Back at the manor, Prue and Phoebe light two dark blue candles, and Phoebe says, "Okay, the spell says to use dark blue to enhance psychic ability, and since I have some of that, we are moving right along." Prue says, "It also calls for a personal item of the one you wish to send the psychic message to, so here's Piper's necklace." Prue sets it in the middle of the coffee table, as they begin to read the spell,

Through the air and through the time,
send this message from our mind.
To the owner of this tiding it shall go,
so this message, she shall know.

"Did it work," Prue asks. Phoebe hopes so. She then turns to another page. She says she found this one when Prue was getting the necklace. Prue reads, "A dowsing rod? Why would we need a dowsing rod?" Phoebe explains that dowsing rods are used to help locate water, and oil, but they can charge it with magic to find Piper. Prue looks at Phoebe and admits she is brilliant. Prue says they'll take Piper's jeep, because she is not taking her car into the mountains. Phoebe thinks out loud, "We need a stick."

A knock at the door interrupts her thoughts, and Prue answers. It's Jenny, and she's obviously disappointed. Prue and Phoebe both exhale, "JENNY?" Jenny swooshes in and reveals her friend has mono, and Dan has her key to the house, so she asks if she can hang here until they get back. They look at each other, and realize this isn't the best time for a house guest. Prue says, "Sure, but you'll have to wait here, until we get back from running an errand. We'll be gone a few hours." Jenny asks to go along, and the sisters refuse, assuring her it will be too boring. Jenny pleads to go, because she hasn't been alone since her parents left for Saudi Arabia. Prue sighs with frustration, trying to explain she really shouldn't go, but Jenny gets this pathetic look on her face and Prue accepts, but making her promise to stay in the car when they go. Jenny asks where they are going, and Prue snips, "On a little road trip."

Sitting in front of the fire, Dan and Piper get closer as they dry off. They nearly kiss, but Piper hears a ringing in her head, Beware. She pulls back and wonders what it was. She asks Dan if he heard it, and he doesn't know what she means, but leans in to kiss her again. She hears it again, and pulls back, wondering if it's her subconscious warning her not to get involved with Dan. She doesn't know what to do, and suggests they clean the fish Dan caught. Dan raises his eye brow in confusion to her behavior.

In the jeep on the way to the mountains, Jenny is listening to her headphones too loud, and Prue grits her teeth. Jenny talks loud, so she can hear herself, "I can't believe you're going to drop Piper's purse off to her in the middle of the woods. You wouldn't even think she'd need it. Boy, are they gonna be surprised to see us!" Phoebe chuckles, then asks Jenny to turn up her head phones so she can hear too. Prue looks at Phoebe like she's crazy, and Jenny turns them up. Phoebe reveals, "Now we can talk without having to worry about Jenny hearing the 411." Prue asks Phoebe to look at the map, because they're getting close. When Phoebe touches the map, she gets another premonition. She sees Dan standing in the woods, he is terrified. A tree grabs him and hangs him upside down, lifting him higher off the ground. Prue is told to hurry up, as Phoebe whispers what she saw.

Piper tries to prepare the fish, but is grossed out at cutting off their heads. Dan smiles, as he builds up the fire. "Here I was a chef, but the food I prepared usually didn't wiggle and flap around while I cut their heads off." Dan finds Piper quirky and attempts to help cut the fish. Their close position and his hand on hers as they slice through the fish makes her feel that attraction again. She suddenly hears that inner warning again, and she grunts, "Get out of my head!" Dan asks what she is talking about, and Piper chuckles at her predicament, "I have this annoying song stuck in my head. I can't get it out." Dan is confused, but buys it. Dan asks her if everything is okay, because she seems t be pulling away from him a lot. Piper doesn't know what to say, and says everything is okay. Dan sighs, not satisfied with her response. Just a few feet away, something watches from the shrubs. It is little leafy creatures that blend into the forest. They scamper to view Piper and Dan near the fire.

Prue and Phoebe stop at a local store along the mountainous road. Prue has the attendant fill it up with gas, and Phoebe goes to asks directions to Drakewood Ridge. The gas attendant says, "No one goes up there much anymore." Prue and Phoebe asks why not. Jenny rolls the window down to hear, and he continues, "because it's haunted." Jenny exhales, "COOL!" Phoebe asks him to elaborate, and he explains that an old witch's cult cursed the land years ago. The remark strikes a cord in Prue and Piper that they keep to themselves. The attendant finishes, "There used to be some cult or coven up there that called themselves the Drake Coven. They would meet and do black magic, and the town's people found them and hunted them down in those woods out there. Rumor has it that upon their death, they cursed the land. The whole cursed ridge is named after them now to let the local folk know not to go up there." Prue is shocked to hear that actions like that happened only 25 years ago. Actions like that sound more like the Burning Times than their own time era. The attendant agrees, revealing that mob of people all died within the next year, before they could be brought to justice. Still, the woods along Drakewood Ridge are said to be haunted and no one really goes up there, no one wants to. Prue pays the gas attendant, and Phoebe goes in to get some snacks for the rest of the way. Inside, an elderly lady asks Phoebe if old Hank has been telling the tourists about Drakewood Ridge again. Phoebe admits so, and the lady tells her to pay no attention to the ramblings of the old man. Phoebe insists she found it interesting, and asks what more the lady could tell her. The elderly lady says, "Well, I hate to start in on the subject, but legend has it that the curse continues to exist because it feeds off innocent souls, of the pure and untouched if you know what I mean." Phoebe smiles and assures her she does. The lady says, "I can't remember the exact legend, but it goes something like... the curse lives through the souls of the pure. It sure makes you wonder if it's true, with all the hikers and campers that have disappeared up there." Phoebe swallows a gulp in her throat and quickly leaves, "Yeah, well...we gotta get going." Phoebe rushes to the jeep, and insists they need to get going.

Dan and Piper get their sleeping gear ready, and Dan asks if she still wants to sleep in the same tent. Piper assures him it's okay. They can sleep in the same tent. Dan gets a twinkle in his eye, but before he can get into specifics, they hear the cracking of twigs around their camp. Piper gets instinctively nervous, and asks what that is. Dan is sure it's just animals. Piper hopes it's the cute, fuzzy kind. Dan will go check for her. Piper smiles, finding it cute that he is playing the big hero. Dan grabs a flashlight and peaks out. He sees what appears to be a little boy running away from the camp with one of his back packs. Dan yells for him to stop, explaining what he saw to Piper. She is confused, and Dan says he will be right back. He thinks the child is lost from his camp and is hungry or scared. Piper is uncertain of the situation and offers to go with him, but when she hears a funny noise from the woods, she lets Dan go. Dan follows the trail the boy took. Piper slaps her forehead, "What's wrong with me? I'm the one with the supernatural powers, and I'm the one that's afraid?"

Dan chases after the boy, as he sees him run into a thicket of trees. It's beginning to get dark and he realizes he's lost him. Dan looks around with his light. The boy watches from behind a tree, then suddenly morphs into one of the little leafy men, and fades into the tree. Dan yells out for the boy not to be afraid, and he walks slowly, hearing twigs crack. He stands in front of a huge tree, and turns to see where the sound is coming from. Believing he's located the hidden boy, he attempts to step towards a bush, but before he walks away, roots emerge from the ground and pull him to the base of the huge tree. Branches lunge down to lift him from his feet high into the air. Dan hangs upside down, face to face with a large tree. An evil face appears in its trunk, and Dan is paralyzed in fear. The branches pull him closer to the tree's evil face, and Dan drops his flashlight.

Dan yells for help, and the tree holds Dan closer to study the young man. The tree says in a deep, scratchy voice, "I have no use for this one," as the branches toss Dan's limp body to the side. Dan hits some shrubs, and continues to tumble down a high embankment, and drops several feet to a rocky bed along a creek. Just then, the tree sniffs and sways in an unnatural movement. "I smell a witch within the forest," the scratchy voice determines, "Bring her to me before the night is over." Then, several little leafy elves emerge from various trees and bushes and mumble. They scamper through the shrubbery to fulfill the tree's wishes.

Prue parks Piper's jeep along a two track trail in the mountains, siting this as good as place as any. They remind Jenny of her promise to stay in the jeep, and they will be right back. Jenny says she doesn't want to stay in the jeep. She wants to go see her Uncle Dan, and check out these woods, they are cool!!! Prue is stern and strict and almost makes little Jenny cry, but she puts her foot down and Jenny is told to wait in the jeep. Jenny gets in and slams the door shut, as Prue asks Phoebe if she got the dowsing rod. Phoebe jokes and says she left it at the manor, which Prue doesn't find too funny. They start off in the woods, as they get to a clearing where Phoebe and Prue each take an end of the rod and tie a hair of Piper's they'd gotten off her comb in the bathroom to the tip of the rod. They hold it to the sky, and asks the winds of dusk and dawn to charge the rod to find the lost one. Suddenly the rod begins to vibrate with life, and it points in a direction. Phoebe and Prue follow it.

At their campsite, Piper begins to grow increasingly anxious, "This just isn't right." She hears the warning to beware again, and then gets the creeps. "Okay, what the hell is going on here? Grams? Mom, is that you?" She hears it again, Beware. "Okay, that's it!" Piper grabs a kerosene lantern and heads off after Dan, unaware that the little leafy elves are watching from the bushes.

Dan lies unconscious on the rock bed along the creek. Little leafy elves study him over and look at his cut forehead. They smell him and frolic around him, making cooing sounds. He begins to awaken and his stirring startles them. They scamper to their trees and bushes. Dan comes to and tries to focus his blurry vision. He leans over to feel the water and wash his cut out. It stings and he regains his vision to see three little leafy elves across the stream staring at him. He says, "Wow, I must've really hit my head." He remembers he left Piper at the camp, then asks, "Wait, what am I doing here? I must've fallen getting wood. Gotta get back to the camp before she worries." He tries to stand, but is dizzy. He looks around and realizes he has to climb the embankment.

Jenny sits in the Cherokee, and resents the way Prue talked to her. She decides she will go anyway. She'll just follow their trail, and see Uncle Dan. Who does Prue think she is anyway? Jenny gets out and shuts the door. She hears an owl and it startles her. She starts on her way, following Prue and Phoebe's trail with an ounce of uncertainty.

Walking in the direction the dowser points, Phoebe tells Prue she was kind of hard on Jenny. Prue knows, but she didn't have time to mess with that, when they have some possible demonic tree to take care of... besides it is for her own good. Phoebe agrees, but it was still harsh. Prue reminds Phoebe about the part of the legend that says the curse needs a pure and virgin soul in order to continue. Phoebe quips, "Well then, we're safe." Prue reminds Phoebe that Jenny wouldn't be, so she's better off in the jeep. Phoebe gets her point. Speaking of point, the dowser points for them to head into the darkness of the woods.

Jenny realizes it's getting quite dark and quickly. She wonders if she should've just stayed in the jeep. Too late for that, she thinks. She's out here now, and she better find someone. "Hey, you guys, wait up," she yells, as she hikes along.

Piper continues to look for Dan, holding up her lantern. She finds the flashlight he'd dropped. Piper panics and yells for Dan. The tree opens its evil eyes to see Piper standing nearby. He smells the witch so close, and Piper turns to look for Dan. Suddenly, roots spring up from the ground and wrap around her feet. "What the...," she says completely confused. The roots trip her, pulling her to the trees base, where its branches swoop down and wrap around her, pining her arms and hands behind her back. Unable to freeze the tree, she is lifted high into its branches. She gasps and panics, "What are you?!" It reveals, "What I am is of no concern to you, Witch. It's what I request of you that is important." Piper declares she will not help it, but it says, "You dare not refuse me, Witch. I need souls to feed my existence and you will bring them to me." Piper is brought closer to its evil face, and she squirms to escape, but to no avail.

Dan staggers back to their campsite, and finds no Piper. He becomes worried and decides to look around nearby for her. He takes a long piece of wood from the fire, and uses it as a torch for light. He grabs a hatchet with him for protection and sets out to find Piper.

Phoebe and Prue search, Phoebe holding the dowsing rod, and Prue the flashlight. Prue says they need to hurry, because Jenny is probably getting scared. Phoebe thinks they are getting closer, because the rod is getting stronger vibrations.

Jenny is completely surrounded by darkness, and she yells out for someone to hear her, but no one answers back. She hears twigs cracking, and she asks who's there. No one answers and she panics, remembering the gas attendant saying these woods were haunted. She wanted so badly to explore them, but now she's terrified. She just wants to be home with her Uncle Dan. She begins to run, and hears footsteps behind her. When she stops, they stop a few seconds afterward. She runs faster, and falls, then hears the footsteps stop. She begins to cry, and then the night woods are filled with her cries of terror.

Phoebe and Prue stumble upon an abandoned campsite, and they determine that it isn't Dan and Piper's. The dowser goes ballistic, and begins to point in a direction. The sisters follow it through the darkened woods. "We have to be getting close!"

Piper demands to know what the tree wants from her. It reveals, "I was born by your kind, Witch. These lands were cursed in the name of black magic, and the forest was brought to life to punish its intruders." Piper asks, her hands still pinned behind her back by its branches, "So you need souls to survive?" The tree answers, "Only pure souls will sustain me, and I need you to bring them to me." Piper snaps, "How do you expect me to bring them to you? On a paper plate?" The tree tightens its grip, and she groans, as he explains, "You will cast a spell that will lure bypassers into the forest where the woodland elves will bring them to me." Piper's confused, "Woodland elves?" The tree lifts her high at an angle, where she witnesses the little leafy creatures drag an unconscious Jenny to the tree's base. Piper is shocked to see Jenny in the forest, wondering what she is doing there. The tree lifts her high by its branches, upside down over the forest ground. "Yes," the tree says, "a pure soul." Piper yells for the tree not to sacrifice Jenny, offering to cast the spell to lure bypassers on one condition. The tree hears Piper demand that Jenny is not to be sacrificed and in return she will cast the spell. The tree accepts the offer, and then smells more witches. Piper realizes that Prue and Phoebe are nearby. The tree grows upset by this, accusing Piper of trying to trick it. Piper is squeezed by its branches, and Jenny is lifted higher above the ground. "Rest assured, Witch. The others will soon be at my mercy. Bring them to me!!!!" Piper is startled by all the leafy little elves that scamper to do the tree's bidding.

Dan is getting weary and tries to find Piper in the darkened wilderness. He turns in different directions wondering where to go.

Prue and Phoebe are lead to a tall tree, where the dowser's tip touches. Phoebe is confused, and Prue shines the light upon the tree. They discover a woman's body embedded in the trunk of the tree. Phoebe recognizes her from her premonition from early this afternoon. Prue determines that the tree or the forest must feed off pure souls and they are entombed within the forest. Phoebe assumes the dowser lost Piper's trail when they stumbled upon the woman's campsite. It must have picked up her trail. Now how are they going to find Piper? They suddenly hear twigs snap and cooing sounds. "What is that," Prue asks. "I don't know, but I really don't want to stick around to find out," Phoebe says. Then they hear Piper's voice, "Over hear." They believe they've found Piper, and asks her to specify where she is. They search in circles, then realize her voice is coming form different directions. Prue states, "It must be some kind of trick, Phoebe." Suddenly roots and vines spring up from the ground and they scream. They hear the little leafy men jump from the branches and Prue grabs a hold of Phoebe, and runs into the woods, through the trees. They run in the opposite direction of the sounds, as the emerging roots and vines that spring up behind them almost seem to be pushing them into a direction navigated by the forest. Phoebe and Prue scream, and run to escape the roots. With nowhere to go, they run along the only path which is not covered with living roots, unaware they are being lead into a trap.

Dan hears their screams, and holds his torch to find his way. He stumbles along, calling, "Piper?"

Prue and Phoebe run into a clearing where the moonlight glows around the surrounding trees. Suddenly, a fire materializes from a stump in the center of the clearing. They see Jenny hanging upside down, and Piper bound by branches. Phoebe calls for Piper, but Prue holds her back, looking for the one responsible. The tree's face appears and they are shocked at the monstrosity. It says in its deep, scratchy voice, "Welcome, Witches. It's been a long time since Witches have stepped foot into this forest, and I assure you, you will not step out." Prue says, "Don't bet on it." Just then, Phoebe touches a tree, and she gets the premonition of the Drake Coven performing human sacrifices around the fire in this very clearing. Then it flashes to the angry mob surrounding them with torches and rifles. Then again, to the Coven about to be hung from the very branches of this tree, and the leader of the Coven says, "As the spirit of the forest bares witness, we curse this land forever, that all who trespass be given to the forest, their sacred land, in their name. Only the pure and righteous that you believe you are be tortured within these trees... forever!!!" Phoebe gasps, telling Prue what she just saw. Prue declares this is over, and attempts to free Piper, but the tree's branches swoop down and knock her to the ground, then grab her and lift her into the air. Its branches pull her arms far to the side, enabling her to use her powers. Phoebe tries to help, but roots and vines shoot up from the ground and trip her. She falls to the ground, as they surround her, tying her down. The tree moves Jenny over the fire in order to sacrifice her, but Dan suddenly appears from the side and swings the hatchet into the tree trunk. "No," Dan yells to save his niece, as the tree screeches a blood curdling scream, as its boughs come down to hit Dan. He flies into another tree, and lays unconscious. Phoebe manages to free one arm from the roots during the tree's injury. Prue sees the hatchet stuck in the side of the still angered tree. She telekinetically tosses it to Phoebe's free hand. Phoebe grabs it and chops herself free from the vines and roots, who try to dodge her swings. Channeling her power through her eyes, Prue levitates Phoebe away from the roots and vines, up to her, where Phoebe chops Prue free. Prue falls to the ground, as the branches wrap around Phoebe and the hatchet. Prue's legs are tied by roots and vines, but she motions her hands to telekinetically free Piper from her branches. Piper slides out, falling to the ground. Branches and roots emerge and swing from everywhere to capture them, but Piper freezes everything right down to the spying elves and every branch and root. Phoebe jumps from the branches and Prue unwraps the roots from her legs, then uses her powers to set Jenny down out of harms way. Quickly with no time to spare, Piper reveals they must stop the curse. Phoebe knows they cannot reverse another coven's curse, especially in a place where the magic is so powerful for that coven, but then again they are the Charmed Ones and they can think of something. Phoebe says, "Although we can't reverse a curse, we can bind it from further harm." Piper snaps, "How Phoebe?!" Basically, they will need a black rope and a quick rhyme to bind the curse, and they need to use the tree as the center point, since the Drake Coven died in its branches. The tree unfreezes and Piper squeals, quickly freezing it again, "Hurry, Phoebe!" Phoebe says this is a powerful place because the Drake Coven died here, so it's why the tree is so powerful over the rest of the forest. Prue donates her black leather jacket for the dark rope, as Phoebe quickly chops it to be able to tie around the tree trunk. They quickly tie it around the base of the tree, and circle around it, holding hands. Phoebe leads the chant, as she instructs them to repeat after her.....

We the Power of Three, release thee
May all who trespass, leave freely
May the curse be bound and magic unwound
We, the Power of Three, release thee.

Suddenly, as the tree unfreezes and tries to attack the sisters, it hears the spell and declares no magic can undo the curse, but it weakens, and it hears they are the Power of Three. "We didn't undo the curse," Piper yells, "we just bound it." Prue adds, "We are freeing this evil from you and the rest of the land!" The tree cries, as the branches retreat. The fire flickers, and the little elves, who have done the trees bidding, suddenly begin to smile. The fire flickers out, and a bright glow sweeps across the forest, and lights up the night filled woods. The young woman held captive by the tree falls from within it, disoriented from her ordeal. Another tree releases its captives, and another its captive. All the souls the forest had collected over 25 years are set free. The woods are filled with dazed people, and the woodland elves begin to giggle, and frolic into the night, scampering into the bushes. "Look," Piper says, "they must all be free of the curse." They all hear the night wind whisper thank you in the breeze. They realize the forest is grateful to be free, and Phoebe reveals, "Everything is freed from the curse as if it were reversed, but... I read that a curse cannot be reversed." Piper adds, "The forest must have wanted to be free from the beginning, so it probably just needed someone to bind the curse somehow." Prue states the problem with people practicing witchcraft is that they take something natural and beautiful and warp it for their own selfish and evil desires, "like revenge." Piper asks them how they knew to come and help her. Prue reveals that Phoebe had a premonition and then Phoebe interrupts explaining they tried to send her a psychic message to beware. Piper squeals, "That was you?! I thought that was my subconscious telling me to not get involved with Dan!" She suddenly remembers Dan, and rushes to his side. Just then, Jenny starts to come to. Phoebe and Prue rush to her side, as Prue says, "we are going to have a lot of explaining to do."

At a local hospital in the mountains, Prue and Phoebe walk into Dan's hospital room to check on them. Prue smiles at Jenny and apologizes for being so strict with her last night. Jenny tells her it's okay, because she was right. "Eventhough the woods weren't actually haunted, they were scary, and I feel kind of stupid for even wanting to go out there." Phoebe smiles, "Yeah, well we know how you feel, believe me." Prue smiles, as Phoebe asks Piper and Dan how he's doing. Piper reveals the doctor said he can go home today. Prue asks Dan, "You still don't remember anything, Dan?" He snickers, then holds his head, because it hurts when he laughs. "Not much," he answers, "Everything is jumbled and doesn't make much sense. I remember looking for fire wood, and falling in the river, and little green men and a talking tree." The Halliwell eyes all widen with concern, then Dan says, "If I hadn't had hit my head in that fall, I'd say those woods really were haunted." The girls laugh, hoping he buys his own excuse. Phoebe reads the paper headline, MISSING PEOPLE FOUND IN WOODS, and says, "Definitely weird, huh?" Piper sees the paper and tosses it to the side to avoid that topic. Dan can't believe they came up to give Piper her purse, that was unnecessary, but lucky because they found Piper alone, with an injured Dan (that's the story they are sticking to). Dan is sorry their trip turned out to be such a disaster, and Piper quips, "the next time, you decide to take me camping, let's go to Yosemite." Dan smiles as she leans in to kiss him. Dan smiles, "Now that's enough to get a guy on his feet." Piper smiles, and Prue says, "Okay, it's time we get out of here." Jenny agrees, "No problem." Phoebe adds, "Yeah, let's make like a tree and leave." Prue and Piper give Phoebe a sarcastic glare and Dan's eye brow raises in curiosity, as Phoebe says, "sorry, bad joke, bad joke." The three ladies leave the room, and Piper cuddles her face next to Dan's bandaged head.