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The Hardest Battle

by Amy

Prue was sitting at the table in the kitchen drinking coffee like she did every morning when Psalm came running down the stairs asking breathlessly "Have you seen a big yellow thing go by this morning by any chance?" "A bus?" Prue says calmly, "Yep about 15 minutes ago ." Piper came down the stairs grabbing another cup of coffee and saying "I am so late, see you at the club at 4:30. "Alright Phoebe," says Prue. "Phoebe, that was Piper, Prue. Are you ok?" asks Psalm . "Yeah just really tired. I got back from Bucklands at like 3 am last night and then couldn't go to sleep." Prue replies. Psalm gives her a little hug then ponces on Phoebe as she comes down the stairs. "Hey Phoebe could you give me a ride to school this morning. Please," Psalm says making a puppy dog face. "What makes you think out of all three of your sisters that I would be the one to give you a ride?" "Because Piper just ran out the door and Prue looks far to asleep for me to trust her to be able to walk out the door, let alone drive anywhere." "Has she has any coffee yet." asks Phoebe. Psalm looks in the direction of the kitchen and replies, "Only about 3 cups." "Well ok but I can only take you if Prue lets me borrow her car." Phoebe yells in the direction of the kitchen. "Sure it will give me an excuse to grab twenty more minutes to sleep." Phoebe comes into take Prue's car keys and find her asleep with her head on the table. Phoebe grabs the key lying on the table smiles at Prue then tip toes out. "I guess she finally wore out."

Phoebe pulled up to the school and Jenny and Jacob were waiting outside for Psalm. Phoebe handed Psalm a cell phone and Psalm says "Is this in case some big scary demon attacks?" "Basically," says Phoebe laughing. "I don't think any will today though, it seems pretty much a normal day today." Psalm opened the car door and froze, she was having a premonition of Prue being captured from behind by a person clothed all in black and Phoebe you see next sitting in the car frozen at the wheel she is seeing Piper at the club being grabbed by similar men. "Well I guess I can take back the normal day thing, get back in the car." says Phoebe. "We have to get to Prue before they leave the house." says Psalm throwing her bag back in the car as Jacob and Jenny yell to her asking why she is leaving. "You mean Piper right?" asks Phoebe confused. "No I meant Prue, did you see Piper?" says Psalm. "Yeah , I wonder why we saw different people," Phoebe says. "Probably because they happened at the same time which means we have two demons, I saw," Psalm looks at her watch."Three minutes ago on Prue's watch" "I didn't see anything at the club," says Phoebe. "You better stay home from school today and help catch the demon because if you are there we have all the powers if we can't find Prue and Piper right away." Phoebe says. "We have to," Psalm says seriously. "Why is that?" Phoebe says. "Did you have another premonition?" "No I just feel that I, we, will need their help soon. It just feels weird not having Prue to call and have help us." Phoebe gets a I'm hurt face and says, "Well I'm an older sister do I count?" Psalm laughs and says, "I guess I just think of you more as a friend than an older sister. But we can do this, I know it." The car zooms off back to Halliwell manor and Phoebe has a troubled expression on her face.

You see Prue and Piper standing in a dark room tied against the wall. Prue's hands behind her back with a blindfold on, Piper the same but with out the blindfold. "I guess we will just have to wait for Phoebe and Psalm to save us, because I can't use my powers at all. And it wouldn't do much good to freeze them." Piper stood beside her. "There has to be a way out of this, I don't even know if they are supernatural, and how is Phoebe supposed to know what to do." Prue says. "They both have the street smart thing going and can have premonitions and they still have every power they would have if we were there and maybe Psalm has seen it before." Piper says "Do you realize what that girls life must of been like, I mean sure we didn't have our mom but we always had each other, she had no one until we came along. She probably is a lot tougher than we are now. She can deal with it. What I'm worried about is if she will listen to Phoebe, or if Phoebe will listen to her. With all of us it was never in question, you were in charge and I think Psalm understands. But if Phoebe or I tell her something she kind of looks at us like we are joking." Prue says, "Well they better work something out before they come back." The men in black sneak back in again and one says, "We don't have the one with the most powers. Where is the youngest?" The other says, "These are the only ones I saw sir, and the other had only the power of premonition." The ruler replies, "That does us no good, but we have her sisters and since the youngest can not fight us we are going to have an easier fight now. All we have to worry about is whether her other sister will protect her." With this and a burst of black light they disappeared."Oh my God," says Piper. Prue's blindfold flies off and she says, "He is after Psalm and we are in big trouble, if we are tied up and her powers are useless."

Psalm and Phoebe are up in the attic, Psalm is flipping through the Book of Shadows and Phoebe is lying on the floor meditating. Phoebe opens her eyes and asks, "How did you do on your math exam?" Psalm didn't look up and says "Same as always." Phoebe says, "You mean you can make evil things fly across the room, stop time but you can't pass a math exam?" Psalm looks at Phoebe for a second and says "Ah uh, that would be it," she says pointing at the page. On the top it says Tersert and goes on for only two lines. Phoebe gets up and says, "What is it?" Psalm looks at her and says, "This is the thing that has Prue and Piper." Phoebe walks over reads what it says out loud "The younger sister of the power of three can not use her power against it. It searches to gain three powerful witches souls, and is all powerful against the original holder of the powers." Psalm says, "That does not sound good to me at all." Phoebe looks at the book saying "There must be a catch, that's it, the original, we must switch powers than i can kick his butt and we can rescue Prue and Piper and we can find something to vanquish him." "Alright, but I have to go right now." "Where , I mean you are in major danger here, if he attacks you can do nothing." Psalm walks out the door. "Ok don't listen to me, just go out and risk your life." She picks up a flyer on the floor and sees Jenny, Psalm and Jacob all sitting downstairs laughing. Alright so she's still here and she starts to walk to leave the attic but the man in black comes up behind here and says, "You did not take good care of your younger sister, but then you are used to only having to look after yourself I suppose." Psalm sitting on the sofa downstairs asks Jenny, "So where are we going tonight again?" "I think that we are going to the Trolley and then going to take it to Sherman High's dance." Jenny replies. "Are we allowed in?" asks Psalm. Jenny laughs and says "Does it matter?" Jacob says, "She does have a good point." Psalm stood and froze everyone and ran upstairs to see Phoebe struggling with the demon. "Ah the one I came for, you will not see your friends again." "Good idea," says Psalm. Phoebe looks amazed and says, "Psalm what are you going to do?" "Hey Jenny is going to figure it out eventually. She might as well help me out and if I can't use my power, I'll use man power." She opens her hand toward the door and Jenny and Jacob come up. "What is this now?" asks Jacob. "All yall need to know is to knock it down, ok?" Jenny says "Ok I thought the Halliwell sisters were maybe quirky, a little strange but this a little more than I thought." The demon says, "Bad idea girl, you have only brought me more easy victims to join your sisters." Jenny says, "Sorry to tell you," kicks the demon away from Phoebe."But we humans aren't exactly suckers for people that mess around with our friends." Phoebe stands up and says, "Thanks Jenny". Jenny smiles then the demon disappears.

You see Piper and Prue tied up in the dark of the storeroom, untied and hanging out in a room when the light is turned on and Piper says "Ok now I am hungry, any idea how long we have been in here?" Prue just stood pacing around the room. "Sorry doll, I don't have any food, or any idea how to get out. We have been here..." glances at her watch,"7 hours." Piper tenses up, "Do you think they caught Phoebe?" Prue looks scared and replies, "No if they had they would of brought her here. She can't get captured, then what in the world could Psalm do? She can't protect herself against him." Piper looks sad and says, "Look, I mean Phoebe will watch over her, she may not be as responsible as you, but she does have a brain. I mean Psalm is only 14, and without her powers it won't be that hard for them to try to take her. Phoebe on the other hand can knock someone straight across the room. She will be alright. I am almost sure of it." Prue grits her teeth and says, "Almost sure."

You see Psalm standing over Phoebe she is saying to herself "What happened to her, why is she falling down like that. Oh, my God is seeing Prue and Piper. I hate being useless." She tries to make something move and nothing happens, "Phoebe, come back, I really need your help here. "You see the room where Prue and Piper are and it is in the morning, Piper is lying on the ground and Prue is standing beside her saying "They better get here soon." Phoebe opens her eyes to Psalm and asks "What time is it?" Psalm looks surprised and says "6 am, I am so glad your back, what happened to you, you just fell down." Phoebe says, "I saw Prue and Piper and they looked bad. They have been gone for a day now. We have to get to them. Soon." Psalm makes that face Prue does when they are in trouble then says, "Ok I have an idea, lets switch our powers right now. Phoebe stands and says "I offer up this gift to share switch our powers through the air." Psalm stands and the sparks fly around the room. Psalm has a premonition of Prue and Piper both asleep, Prue's hand around Piper. The black demon appears and throws them across the wall. Prue tries to move him but he only moves a few feet. He says "You witches will not last much longer, your sisters will not be able to save themselves much less you." Prue sits on the ground and Piper sniffles, "What are we going to do?"

You see Psalm standing saying, "Prue I offer up this gift to share switch our powers through the air." she opens her eyes and says. "We are not going to let you down Prue, I will figure out a way to do this. Phoebe says "So what do we do now?" Psalm stands for a moment then says "You take Piper's Jeep to the warehouse district, I'll be there a minute later." Phoebe says "Ok." Downstairs in the kitchen you hear Phoebe drive off. Psalm is mixing up a potion that is entitled in the Book of Shadows as to imprison an Power of Three stealer. Psalm says to herself "I hope Piper and Prue will have enough strength to help me." Psalm picks up the vial with the potion in it and walks out the door grabbing Prue's car keys lying on the front table. "Hey driving can't be that hard." The car zooms out of the driveway and turns into a bad neighbor hood, on a street corner Phoebe is standing shivering against the wind. Psalm stops the car, Phoebe starts to walk away as Psalm get out and yells, "Phoebe." Phoebe stops and says "How did you get here." Psalm shrugs her shoulders and says, "I drove." "Yeah I can see that but you don't have a license," says Phoebe. "Why would that stop me? Come on we need to get to them and I have a potion to destroy the thing that is attacking them." Phoebe had concern in her eyes as she mentions, "Are you sure?" Psalm stops a moment pauses and says, "Yes I am sure." The door to the warehouse swings open and Phoebe walks in as Psalm stays out a moment, makes the sign of the cross with her hands then walks in. Phoebe walked under the overhang and ducked as a bunch of plaster nearly hit Phoebe on the head. She hears Prue saying in the distance "Don't worry Piper it will be ok. Our sisters are close I can tell." "Prue?" asks Phoebe almost yelling. Psalm runs up behind her saying "You heard her?" Phoebe says, "Uh huh," nodding, "she was telling Piper that we were close by." Psalm says "Give my your hand I want to try something." Phoebe says "Now what exactly will this do?" Psalm grabs her hand and says "Well frankly I don't know." You hear their voices as you see the Book of Shadows open up to a new page and write:

Take us to the ones we want see
Let us not only see them but have them standing next to me
Combine our powers into a new one
And let us be with our loved ones.

They are transported to the little room where their sisters are and Phoebe runs over to Piper and grabs her in her arms asking everyone around her "Is she alive?" Prue stands up, falls back down and says, "For now," as Psalm uses her power to catch her then hug her saying, "You and Piper will stay alive and we will get home." Psalm turns to Phoebe and says "Take them home. I will be able to take care of this." Phoebe says "No way girl am I leaving you here helpless to be taken by the demon .They can just chill a little longer till we are done kicking this mean old demons butt. Trust me " Psalm looks around a moment then stops. "Ok but we are locking them back up in this room." Phoebe looks back with a questioning look on her face "Wait what? Lock them back up? Why?" Psalm looks at Prue and says "I know Prue to well if we look like we are in trouble then she will come and try to help. And she absolutely can't without hurting herself. Plus I have a feeling if we do they will be safe from the demon." Prue says "Um I do not like the idea of being locked up in here again. What if you lose, then what will we do?" "Do you even know how to kill him Psalm or were you just bluffing because you knew we needed to get in here to save Prue and Piper?" says Phoebe. Prue cuts in saying "It doesn't matter, you did need to get here and now you are. I say we go home then regroup." Psalm says "No that is not what we need to do, we need the Book of Shadows, and I think I know of a way to get it here but we will need Piper." Phoebe takes a look at Piper and says "She is out, and we might hurt her to wake her up, any other ideas?" Psalm says, "Yep, give me her hand and lets join in a circle." Phoebe does it but looks confused. "And why are we doing this?" Psalm says, "For a chance for this to work." Prue tired looking says "That is always why we try Phoebe, nothing is ever a lost cause until we give up. Especially if you are a witch, especially then." They hold hands and sparks swirl surrounding them as they chant:

Bring the book to the ones with the power
Bring the book to the ones with the power
Bring the book to the ones with the power

The book appears sitting on the ground and Psalm turns it to a page where it says, "To give a witch back her strength chant hibucus bring back what was lost until the demon is gone, Hibucus come. Warning only use when the witch is needed as in the end they lose even more strength than they had in the beginning. Phoebe says "I say we don't risk it, look at Piper. It might kill her." Psalm says "As opposed to if we don't she definitely does." Prue says "As much as I know how much it would hurt to feel worse later I can't fight like this and it says you must use her sisters strength to defeat this thing and that me and Piper. We really don't have much of a choice Phoebe." Psalm says "Alrighty then lets get started Prue hold Piper's hand and chant while I call Jacob." Phoebe says "Well since I have no lover to call I will watch." Prue says, "Can't be any worse than becoming a guy, can it?" Phoebe and Psalm shudder and say, "Eww." Then they say the spell and Piper opens her eyes a saying "Oh thank God you are here Phoebe. I thought I was going to die." Phoebe hugs her and says, "I would never let that happen, Never," Prue bounces up and pulls Psalm around saying "Come on we have some demon kicking to do. And I am so glad you are here! I have a really fun idea!" Piper and Phoebe say, "Well some one is happy." Prue smiles and says "Au huh, I realized that I might of died back there and now I am alive now I am happy . I saw my life flash before my eyes, and now I know we will be ok." Psalm flashes a huge smile and says "Well we better, besides I told Jacob he is meeting me at P3 tonight so lets try to finish by 9." Phoebe says "You do realize both of you are kind of under 21, right ?" Psalm says "Yeah, but um really don’t think anything more dangerous is going to happen there than what happens here tonight." Prue says "The girl has a point. I mean she can freeze a room, throw things across it and see in the future. I think she can get past a bouncer." Phoebe says, "Of course, shes a lot like you so she should be really good at that." Prue says "Very funny, simply hilarious Phebbs" "Oh my Oh my he is back now what do we do?" says Phoebe pointing toward the two men appearing in the corner. Psalm looks terrified and says "I hadn't really planned that far yet, all I know is we need to have my sisters kill him." Piper looks annoyed and says "Exactly how do we do that?" Psalm says "Oh I read it in the book once, I think it was like um bring my friends here to me to save me from this and lead me to safety." Jacob and Jenny appear in the room. "Ok go home yall, slight mess up. Send them back the untrue friends to their homes in a foreign land," Jenny disappears and Jacob says "So I guess you sent her to Suidi Arabia." Psalm makes a face and says "Opps, I guess I will have to explain that to Dan." Piper says, "I volunteer!" Prue says "Anything to see precious Danny boy." Phoebe says, "Hate to bother yall but we still have a demon to kill." Prue says "Freeze them Piper." Piper does and then say "Ok faithful leader what is the plan." Phoebe and Psalm start to giggle and then Piper says "Just joking sis, now tell me what are we going to do anyway?" Prue says "Well I think we should all use our powers at once." Psalm says "Ok I better give you yours back then." Prue says "What?" Psalm says "I thought ma bye if I switched powers I could use yours against him but I tried it, and I can’t use them at all. Its like my ability to use magic, that isn't a spell anyway, is like suspended or something. I really don't like it thats for sure." They switch back to the rightful powers with Phoebe giving Psalm back hers.

The demon unfroze, drew Psalm to him using telekinesis. Phoebe cried "Oh my gosh Prue do something!" Prue tried to get Psalm back but it wasn't working. "I can’t Phoebe!" Piper tried to freeze him and kicked the wall when it didn't work. Phoebe says "It said something about using the power of our sisters, could that mean something else? " The other demon tried to draw Prue toward him but Piper gets in the way and the demon does nothing. Piper say "I think that's it Phebbs, risking our life for each other," Prue says. "Well then lets get Psalm." They lunge at the demon holding Psalm as he disappears with her. Jacob had stood on the wall and at seeing Psalm disappear he says, "I sure hope yall put up a better fight for my brother. You didn't even think in the beginning to risk your life for your sister Phoebe. I know she is new and all but she loves you, even though you aren’t to sure of whether you love her yet." Jacob shrugs his shoulders then walks out the door disgusted with Phoebe and her sisters. Phoebe looks terrified and like a child asking her sisters "Did I not even do that for Psalm?" She sees the seen over again in her mind, Psalm at her side and all she did was scream to Prue for help ."Oh my god its my fault." Piper breaks in with "Phoebe honey." Phoebe pays no attention and goes on "It is, if it was you or Prue you would of jumped in, done something. Prue you always are the protector, Always putting yourself last for your sisters, doing what we expect even if it means no thanks and us gripping at you. If you think something will help someone else you will put everything down to do it for them. Im the one always complaining about how much you care, and never realizing how important it is to be there for others, even when they don’t ask for help when they really need it." Piper says, "Phebbs you didn't know that would save her." Phoebe says "I know, but I should of done it, automatically like you did for Prue. Psalm would have." Prue wipes her eyes "No would have's, could have’s here. What we need to do is do something. Psalm has always been there for us as long as she’s been with us. Now we get a chance to show her that we care too. I will go look in the book, Piper you call Jacob and probably Dan too. I’ll cancel my date with Jack tonight at P3." Phoebe stands wringing her hands and asks "Prue what do I do ?" Prue smiles and says "Whatever you need to do to figure out how to get your priorities straight girl. I know you don’t realize it but you need to figure out how to act like an older sister. Because you are one now and you need to be ready when we bring the demon back with Psalm." Piper whispers in Prue’s ear, "You shouldn't of said that, you have sent her off crying again." Prue says "I know, but she needed to hear it." You see Prue flipping through the Book of Shadows on the cordless saying her famous Andy line, "I'm sorry but something came up. No I really can’t say what." She pauses, says Andy, then says "Look I have to go my little sister is missing. Yeah Psalm and I'll meet with you when I find her. Yeah, I'll call you tonight. Bye." Phoebe is up in her room telling herself as she pulls out a suitcase, looks at it then pushes it back under the bed. "Prue is right, I always look for a way out if something involves me giving back a little. Not any more, its like we have a daughter, well not really. But she is a little sister and I need to try to learn to take care of her like Prue takes care of me." She walks to the door stops, "Well not exactly". You see Piper pacing in the living room as Dan is sitting on the couch asking "So exactly what happened to Jenny?" Piper says "She um toke a flight back to Saudi Arabia," Dan says "I don’t understand, with what money?" Piper thinks for a moment, "She was a stowaway. Psalm found a letter from her saying she was leaving in her locker, and she called her when she got there." Dan stands up and says, "I need to talk to Psalm then." Prue walks in, blocks the stairs and says "Sorry, she’s not here." Dan says "Well then where is she so I can call her?" Piper gestures toward the door pushing him saying "How about you call Jenny? We are working on something and I’ll call you tomorrow." Dan looks at Piper before he leaves and asks "Are you ok, you look tired, well hyper but tired." Piper kisses him, lays her head on his shoulder a moment and says "I'm fine, now you better go call Jenny." Dan says confused "Well ok." Then Piper shuts the door. Prue says "If he could tell something was wrong the spell must be wearing off, we need to get him here fast, and this is the spell." Piper says, "So what do we do when he gets here?" Prue says "Hope it works." They go up to the attic, put the book down in its place then say:

Take us to the ones we want see
Lets us not only see them but have them standing next to me
Combine our powers into a new one
And let us be with our loved ones.

Phoebe says as the demon appears with Psalm. "She wrote that spell to save Prue and you." As the demon gets closer and asks "Why did you bring me here?" Phoebe says "To make a trade, me for my sister Psalm." The demon laughs and says "When your sister is safe I will not let you go. Do you really care for someone other than yourself that much. Come on I can tell you aren’t sure now you learn it actually involves sacrifice. You don’t do that for your sisters a lot huh." Phoebe goes up to him and says "Now I do." He took her with Phoebe screaming in agony as she disappeared. Psalm fell to the ground and ran over to her remaining sisters. Demon said "You really have grown older," drops Phoebe and disintegrate. Phoebe stood up shaking. Psalm ran over "Are you ok? Oh my God I can’t believe you did that." Phoebe says "You would have, I am fine. What's wrong with Piper and Prue?" They run over where Prue starts to fall down. Psalm tries to move her closer with her power but stares at her hand when nothing happens. "Prue," then runs over holding her hand and starts weeping when she feels no pulse. "Oh, Prue" Phoebe stood next to Piper and helps her on the ground then says, "She seems ok, alive anyway." Phoebe turns around and runs to Psalm's side as she keeps repeating "No you can’t leave me, Prue," Psalm laid her head down and put her hand in Prue’s sobbing. Phoebe just looked on and said "Prue can’t die, what would Piper and I do. She knows that." Psalm lifts her head "She’s dead Phoebe, don’t you understand? And I would do anything to be able to give some of my strength to her." Sparks surround them as Leo appears "All I can do is orb you home. I can do nothing for Prue." Psalm looks up at him with tear stained eyes pleading "You can’t do nothing. You just can’t." They appear in the living room Prue lying on the sofa. Psalm lies down next to her and puts her hand in Prue’s. It glows blue and Psalm rolls on the ground. Prue opens her eyes then falls back asleep. Leo and Phoebe are in the kitchen. He is trying to convince Phoebe not to hyperventilate as she stutters "But what can we do? Piper is just tired but Prue, oh god Prue. She is always the one to save us. Why, why she was trying to protect us again. Why did I let her do it." She paces into the room and says "Psalm!" Leo says, "She gave up her strength for Prue." Phoebe turns, "So is she dead?" Leo goes by Psalms side, "No they are both just really tired. Give a week they will be back to normal with their powers,I better leave before Piper wakes up." He leaves Phoebe sitting next to her oldest and youngest sisters crying. Prue stretches, reaches over to Psalms hand and whispers "Thank you," Psalm opens her eyes, smiles, then they sit up and put their arms around their crying sister. Phoebe mumbles "I was so scared when I thought you two were dead." Prue says, "Well we aren’t so don’t worry anymore." Jacob pounces in the room with two bouquets of flowers. "Delivery for the Halliwells maidens." He places one on Psalm and hands the other to Prue. "From Jack, when are you going to finally admit you like him?" Prue laughs and says "The next time I see him." Psalm reads the card and gets up to kiss Jacob. As they are kissing Jack walks in. Prue says "I might as well go along." And kisses Jack. Phoebe smiles at the two couples and walks up stairs to find Dan with Piper. Phoebe throws up her hands and asks, "Am I the only one without a boyfriend?"