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by April

San Francisco 1995

"Lord! Katrina what in God's name are you doing? How are you doing that?" shrieked thirteen-year-old Katrina Hudson's best friend Emily Trawae. Emily stared bewildered at Katrina as she elevated her schoolbooks. "I have powers, Em, I'm a witch!" Emily turned ash pale. Katrina's chum narrowed her eyes at her. "You swear Kit that you only do good, and you were not sent by Satan?" Emily questioned doubtfully. Katrina frowned at her old nickname but went on to answer. "Of course Emily! I would never do anything to hurt you, and my powers have nothing to do with the devil." The two young girls hugged and left the restroom heading toward class. As soon as the two girls were gone a girl only a year older than them exited a stall with a gleam of excitement in her eyes. As soon as the adolescent named Jennifer Haggerty who overheard them got home, she ran to her parents. "Mom, I know who the rotten witch who killed your cousin is?" She told her mother and father and the three warlocks slept peacefully that night.

The next afternoon

"Katrina I have to show you this place I found in the woods, it's beautiful, you would love it!" Jennifer cooed. Katrina smiled curiously. "When can you show me it Jen? I'm sure I would like it." Katrina replied politely. "Today! Right after school." Jennifer explained. "I'll see you by the swings at four."

Later that day

"Jen! Jen where are you?" Katrina called. "Right here." Jennifer said popping up behind her. Katrina smiled. They made small talk as Jennifer led herself and Katrina blindly through the underbrush. "Almost there." Jennifer stated her nervousness descending. At last they reached a clearing. There was a sparkling pond, and a ring of flowers. "Its beautiful!" Katrina exclaimed though it wasn't that pretty. Jennifer smiled at her sinisterly. "Isn't it." she muttered dryly. "Look Kit-" "Katrina" Katrina corrected. "Katrina I mean, well I heard you and Emily talking in the bathroom. Katrina's mouth dropped. "You won't tell anyone." she pleaded. "Of course not, in fact I have a little secret to tell you." Katrina gazed at her quizzingly. "I am also a witch. Katrina broke into a sweet smile. "Really?" she questioned. Jennifer nodded. "I have the ability to... to um... freeze time." Katrina nodded believingly. "My favorite Aunt Carole can do that." The girls smiled happily at each other. "Do you wanna cast spells?" Jennifer asked. Katrina smiled admiring her bravery. "Yes, that would be fun." Katrina replied daringly. "I have a good spell I bet you would like." If you like being tortured, Jennifer thought to herself. "Ok it's like it shows what your power will be like when it grows stronger. You like get to experience your power at its strongest for like 15 minutes." Jennifer made up quickly. Katrina smiled excitedly. "That sounds like fun, I'm surprised I've never seen it in the Book of Shadows." Katrina layed down on a stone bench Jennifer showed her and Jennifer began the spell. As soon as Jennifer started Katrina knew it was a trap. It was the incantation to kill witches. She tried to move but seemed glued in place. She wanted to slap herself for being so gullible and trusting. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. She noticed Jennifer mess up one of the lines with a different spell and she prayed for her life. All of a sudden a bright light seemed to burst in her head and moments later she found herself still staring up into the face of Jennifer, but for some reason Jennifer seemed farther away. She opened her mouth to scream but all that came out was a very pissed off meow. Her eyes blurred and she felt a wave of nausea. When it finally dawned on her that Jennifer had somehow messed up the spell so she wasn't dead she was just a cat she jumped to her feet (all four of them) and started to run. She ran unbelievingly fast and was away from Jennifer in an instant. She didn't know what to think. She considered suicide but finally decided that it wouldn't help anything. After awhile she decided she would protect future witches and never let what happened to her happen to another witch ever again.

"Piper! I'm leaving for work now, don't let Pheebs sleep past 9, she has a job interview at 9:30am." Piper nodded calmly while sipping the hot coffee. Prue waved appreciatively and slipped out the front door. A few seconds later, Phoebe came down the stairs. "Hello!" She said in a perky voice. Piper smiled sweetly at her. "What's up, and um why are you up?" Phoebe laughed. "Oh I have a job interview at 9:30." "Ya Prue told me." Piper replied. Phoebe picked out a small carton of milk out of the refrigerator. "What's with these like teeny milk cartons?" Phoebe asked. Piper glanced over. "Oh, well Quake sponsored the like Milk Foundation of America or whatever, and they gave us all these little things of milk like the kind they have at elementary schools." Phoebe smiled. "Nice." she responded.

She was putting it back when her hand bumped another one in their fridge. As soon as she touched it she had a premonition. It showed a young girl, probably an early teen laying on a stone table or something in the woods. Another girl stood above her reciting a spell, and then the girl laying on the table or bench or something turned into a cat. Confused Phoebe pulled out the milk carton that had triggered the premonition. She turned it around and saw the pretty girl that had turned into a cat staring up at her from the MISSING section. She scanned the information about the girl. Katrina Hudson 5'5 creamy blonde hair with emerald green eyes. 13 years old, and 115 lbs. Last seen at school with fellow classmates. She concentrated on the picture. Something was strangely familiar about that girl's eyes. "What are you doing?" Piper asked as she came up from behind Phoebe. "Hun, you have an interview in half an hour." Phoebe looked up at her "Screw the interview, I think I'm on to something Pipe." Piper looked at the contents in Phoebe's hands. "Pheebs you are reading the nutrition facts! Go upstairs and get ready pronto!" Phoebe shook her head. "No Piper, you see I accidentally touched one of your milk cartons, and it triggered a premonition I saw a girl, this girl be turned into a cat or something by a warlock." Piper frowned and snatched the container out of Phoebe's hands. "Hmmm, well I guess that means that your premonition was from the past since this girl is missing." Phoebe nodded. Piper picked up the phone to call Prue and Kit jumped into Phoebe's lap. She scratched her behind the ears just they way she liked it and looked adoringly at her playful feline. As she looked at her cat's eye's she jumped when she instantly recognized them. They were the mysterious Katrina Hudson's eyes. Exactly. "This is to freaky." Phoebe murmured as she snatched up her cat and ran to tell Piper her discovery.

"Ok, so go over it one more time. Our cat is not really a cat. She is a girl named Katrina Hudson, and was turned into a cat by a warlock." Prue asked. Her two sisters nodded. All three of them glanced nervously at Kit cleaning herself peacefully on the armchair. "Katrina?" Prue asked questioningly. The cat's ears perked up and she leaped off the chair and jumped daintily into Prue's lap. "Scary." Piper muttered. Prue and Phoebe nodded.

Ring ring ring.ring ring ring."Hello?" A sleepy voice murmured. " hi, my name is uh Phoebe, Phoebe Halliwell, I might know something about your daughter Katrina. Could my sisters and I possibly come over later today or tomorrow and we could discuss it." When she finished Phoebe noticed she had bitten all of her nails off. There was silence at the other end for a few seconds. Then the woman sounding more alert this time started talking. "What do you know about Katrina?" The woman asked demandingly. "Well Mrs. Hudson, it's not really something I can explain over the phone." Phoebe could hear the woman sigh. "Very well Phoebe, right? You may come over tonight at six o'clock. My address is."

"Come on in girls." Mrs. Hudson led them into a homely room decorated with memorable pictures of their family including Katrina. "So ladies, what do you know about my little girl." Lori Hudson asked them. Prue gulped. "Mrs. Hudson, well you see, if we tell you how we know about Katrina and what we know about her, you will have to learn a little bit more about us. Well we come from a very extraordinary family tree. Well we, we. are um.-

"Witches!" Lori Hudson cut in. All three of the Charmed Ones mouth's dropped open in astonishment. "So am I!" she exclaimed merrily. "I have the power of vision. I can make enemies see things that aren't really there." The three sisters smiled with relief. "I have the power to freeze time, Phoebe has premonitions, and Prue can move things with her eyes and hands." Piper explained. Lori smiled sweetly. "So I take it the three of you are the Charmed Ones?" she questioned. They nodded. "Yes Katrina was also a witch. She had the same power as you Prue. So anyway, what do you know about her?" Phoebe took a deep breath. "This is what we know about Katrina. Phoebe reached behind the chair she was sitting and pulled out a small animal carrier. She pulled Kit out and patted her head. Mrs. Hudson wrinkled her eyebrows. "What does that cat have to do with my daughter?" Phoebe bit her lip. "Well, this morning I touched a milk carton with a picture of your daughter on it-" "yes we did have pictures of her printed on milk cartons." Lori interrupted. "Anyway, I had a premonition. I saw a girl, Katrina, laying on a stone table or something. There was another young teenager around her age standing over her casting a spell. She didn't move. All of a sudden she turned into a cat and took off into the woods. Our cat, named Kit her eyes they look so alike to Katrina's it gave me the chills. Kit is Katrina!" Tears formed in the corner of Lori Hudson's eyes. "Katrina's nickname has been Kit since she was just a baby." she whispered. The sisters smiled sympathetically. Mrs. Hudson's expression then changed from grievance to determination. "We will find the warlock who did this, but first we will find where she did it!" Her face expression became soft again and she looked tenderly at the cat resting in Phoebe's arms. "Katrina.?" she whispered. They feline opened her eyes. Lori repeated it and Kit leaped into her lap and nuzzled her stomach. She looked up and meowed contently. Mrs. Hudson started crying again. Prue stood up. "We better get moving you guys, we want to find the place in Pheeb's premonition early, because I don't know about you guys, but I'm not particularly fond of hanging out at warlock spell sites or whatever you want to call it." They all agreed, loaded Kit back into her carrying case and left.

"I don't see anything!" Piper yelled. "YOUCHERS!" Prue cried. They all looked over in surprise. "Prickers." she exclaimed. They kept walking with their eyes ahead. "Oh crap my toe ouch!" Phoebe squealed holding her stubbed toe. "I shouldn't have worn these little sandals!" she stated. The rest of the hiking party looked up to where she had stubbed her toe. She had banged it on a small cement brick. They looked at each other and smiled. After hiking a few more steps they could all see a clearing. In the middle was an elevated stone slab. They all looked at Phoebe expectantly. She nodded. "This is it! This is the place from my vision." They all smiled and started walking around the site, looking for something to show Katrina had been there. Prue walked nearer to the table like structure. "Hey you guys what is this?" Prue asked demandingly as she held up what looked to be a worn out rag. Lori's eyes widened. She sprinted over to Prue and ripped it from her hands. "This is what she was wearing when she disappeared!" Mrs. Hudson cried with tears in her eyes. "Which means wherever she is, she's nekkid." Piper joked trying to lighten the mood. The rest of the party smiled appreciatively. "Let me see that." Phoebe ordered reaching for the scrap of clothing. Lori Hudson tossed it to her and Phoebe clutched it for a moment before a premonition struck. "Katrina I have to show you this place I found in the woods, it's beautiful, you would love it!" A broad girl with long blonde hair stated. "When can you show me it Jen? I'm sure I would like it." The girl Phoebe recognized as Katrina replied back. "Today! Right after school." The blonde girl explained. "I'll see you by the swings at four." The premonition faded away and Phoebe jerked back to normal position. Phoebe opened her eyes to find three more pairs staring at her questioningly. She cleared her throat. "Ok when I had my first premonition I saw a girl around Katrina's age cast the spell on her, but this time I saw the girl's face, and I've got a first name." Phoebe exclaimed proudly. "Ok listen, I know I could recognize the girl, even four years later. It was her eyes, they were so sinister she was definitely a warlock. And Katrina, Katrina called this girl Jen, and she obviously trusted her, she agreed to meet her outside the school at four o'clock." Mrs. Hudson put her head in her hands. "I... I think Katrina once mentioned a friend named Jennifer. I can't be sure it was so long ago." she trailed off. "It's alright." Piper comforted. You don't remember her last name at all?" Piper questioned. She shook her head apologetically. "No, I don't." she whispered. Prue walked over and hugged Mrs. Hudson. "Don't worry. We will figure out how to change Katrina back, and vanquish whoever did this to her. I know how it feels to lose someone you love." Prue whispered as hot tears built up in both of the women's eyes.

"Oh man my neck is stiff from sleeping on the floor." Phoebe complained. "Get over it we have work to do." Prue said a tad to harshly. Phoebe was about to argue back when Piper sat up and gave them both a really dirty look. "Quit it now you guys!" she ordered. "Yes mother." Prue replied smartly. Phoebe rolled her eyes. "Look you guys, we aren't here to fight and carry on like teenagers, we have to find a warlock and vanquish her. Lori told me she read that in their version of the Book of Shadows. That in this kind of spell the only way to change Katrina back, is to kill whoever cast the spell. Unless of course they voluntarily decide that they will uncast it." "I have a feeling that miss teenage warlock will not want to do that." Prue added. "Hey ya know what's really weird?" Piper broke in. Her sisters looked at her acknowledging her to tell them. "Well you are obsessed with our little kitty Phoebe, and of all the millions and trillions of times you've scratched her or brushed her or petted her, you've never had a premonition about who she really is." There was silence for a few seconds. Then Phoebe's sweet voice broke the moment. "You are right Pipe. I wonder why. Do you think there might have been some kind of spell to prevent that?" Her sisters shrugged. The three of them were thinking about Piper's comment when the door opened and Lori Hudson stepped into the room. "You girls awake? Once again I'm very sorry about this. There weren't enough beds for the three of you and-" "That's fine!" Prue cut in. "We all slept very well!" Prue exclaimed giving Phoebe the evil eye. Phoebe immediately stopped rubbing her sore neck. She nodded at Lori and smiled sweetly. "Well I found something that could help us very much!" Mrs. Hudson stated happily holding up a thin booklet. "A yearbook!" Phoebe cried jumping to her feet. Lori Hudson nodded and handed it to Phoebe. "Hmmm. maybe this one." Phoebe said pointing at a tall blonde girl's picture. "No no, definitely not that was Katrina's best friend Emily. "Okey dokey." Phoebe flipped the page. Her eyes scanned the page and landed on a tall broad blonde haired girl with dark sinister looking eyes. "Her! That's the girl!" Phoebe cried pointing wildly at the picture of the girl labeled Jennifer Haggerty. "No, that is definitely 100% not her." Mrs. Hudson exclaimed. "Yes it is, that is the girl from my premonition!" Phoebe cried. Lori Hudson shook her head. "My little girl wouldn't hurt anyone." She said in a quiet monotone voice. They turned to her quickly. "What did you say?" Prue screamed. Mrs. Hudson responded in her normal perky voice. "I said that little girl wouldn't hurt anyone." She replied calmly. "That is not what you said!" Phoebe shrieked as she smashed her in the head with the lamp on the nightstand. They ran down the stairs toward the front door. There was a bolt on the outside or something because it wouldn't budge. "The windows." Piper yelled. They pulled the curtains aside and saw strong metal bars about 5 inches apart from one another. "Crap we're trapped! Prue shrieked. They ran through the kitchen and saw a door. Piper grabbed her sister's hands and pulled them into the basement. "Is this some kind of trap? Was this whole thing just a setup, a plan?" Piper whispered urgently. "No, I had a premonition about it. Premonitions are not fake." Phoebe whispered back. They quietly snuck farther into the basement. They heard some noise coming from the room attaching to the basement. They snuck into the room and saw Mrs. Hudson tied up and gagged. The Charmed Ones rushed over and Prue undid her binds with her powers. "Thank God!" Mrs. Hudson whispered. Last night while you guys were asleep I heard a voice calling me. It sounded like Prue. It was coming from the kitchen. I came down to see what was wrong, and was hit in the head with something. Next thing I know, I'm down here tied up." "We are trapped in here Lori, there are bars over the windows, and something is blocking the doors." Phoebe whispered. Lori bit her lip. They heard the basement door open and heavy footsteps coming down the frail stairs. "So, shall I say the "other" Mrs. Hudson is just a shape shifter?" Piper asked. "Must be." Lori replied. "It must be Jennifer." Mrs. Lori Hudson replied. "Prue shook her head. "It's not Jennifer. It's her mother. Did you guys notice she said my little girl would not do that, not I would not do that." Prue pointed out. They were talking about that when all three of them heard a crash and then a soft meow. They rushed into the adjoining room and the girl they recognized as Jennifer and her mother was standing there holding a knife to the feline's throat. "Whoa!" Piper breathed as she threw her hands into the air and the evil in the room froze. Lori Hudson grabbed Kit and layed her on a couch under a blanket where she wouldn't be seen. Then Prue grabbed the knife and put it up to Jennifer's neck. Phoebe snatched a thick pipe that was lying on the floor and knocked the warlock mother on the head with it as hard as she could. When she was finally satisfied the mother was dead she stood next to Prue for support. Time unfroze and Jennifer found herself change from the challenger to the victim in less than a second. Phoebe held a piece of paper in front of Jennifer's face. "Read this aloud!" She said motioning toward the piece of paper that reversed the spell that had turned Katrina into a cat. "NEVER!" She shrieked. Prue embedded the knife a little into her neck. Jennifer felt blood start running down her chest and started reading. "Reverse thy spell thy cast before; change thy back original form restore!" They all watched, as a cat form under the blanket became human form. Prue slit Jennifer's neck and walked over to Katrina. She wrapped herself in the blanket, and sat up. At first she and her mother had a tearful reunion, then Katrina turned to the girls. "Phoebe." she said looking at the youngest sister. "You loved and cared for me so much, I will never forget how special I felt when you took care of me. Prue, at first you seemed so tough and unbreakable. But really you were just as tender and loving as the next person. You always used to snuggle and hug me when you were going through hard times. Piper. You never once forgot to feed me. I can't say that much for my own mother." She said laughing with her mom. She stood up and gave each of the sisters a giant hug. She then waved her hand under the blanket and a cat form again appeared under the blanket. "I'm sorry. Kit is just a regular cat now, but." she trailed off. They lifted off the covers, and a content little kitten that looked identical to Kit stared up at them curiously. Phoebe lifted it up and set in their lap and started petting it affectionately. Mrs. Hudson rushed over and hugged the three girls with passion. "Thank you so much! I can't thank you enough." Tears of happiness started running down her face. The Charmed Ones smiled. After a dinner of rejoicing and leisure the girls loaded back in the car and headed home. Later that night they were sitting in the family room and Prue was mentioning how Claire had left three messages on the machine complaining how Prue hadn't called or come to work. "God Claire is such -" Prue stopped short when she noticed how their new cat had perked up when she said Claire. "Cl... Claire?" she said unsurely. The feline leaped into her lap and started purring intensely. The three sisters looked at each other with worried expressions on her face.