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Eye For an Eye

by April

We open at Quake, Phoebe, Piper, and Prue energetically talking about the warlock they recently vanquished. A few minutes pass, and they finish their lunch, and discussion. They all get up to leave; Prue lightly mentioning that she is going to Buckland's to get some work out of the way. Piper hurries back into the kitchen of the restaurant, and Phoebe grudgingly decides to go to the market and buy some food because they were running low. She stood up and was heading out the door when she bumped into a young man on his way in. "Hi." she uttered shyly, staring into his big brown eyes. He smiled warmly at her. "Hello." he responded politely. "Damn he's hot!" Phoebe thought silently to herself. "Sorry about that." she said apologetically. "Oh, it's alright." he replied looking a bit flushed. "I'm Jared Putack, and you?" he questioned. "Phoebe Halliwell." she retorted. "Well thank you Miss Phoebe, but I have to meet someone." he said playfully. He turned away, but before he could leave, fell weakly to the floor. Surprised over what had just happened she knelt down beside him and turned him over. "Oh God, someone call 911!" She cried horrified at what she saw. His left arm was torn clean off. As if someone had sliced it right off. She backed away, fighting the urge to vomit. As people gathered around Piper came out of the kitchen. She immediately saw what all the commotion was about and raised an alarmed and questioning eyebrow at Phoebe. "Warlock?" she mouthed disbelievingly. Phoebe shrugged, shaken and terrified by the whole incident. Police came and questioned her and a few other witnesses. She told him everything she knew. When she left the diner it was dark and she looked before turning every corner.

When she got home only Prue was there, Piper had decided to work late, after the police had allowed people to come in and after they had cleared out the body. "Oh my gosh Prue! It was." she shuddered at the remembrance. Prue gazed at her sympathetically. Phoebe shakily explained for the second time that day, exactly what had happened. Piper came home, and told them what she heard from the grapevine. "I don't think it was a warlock." Prue commented. "I mean no one was touching him when it happened, and there couldn't possibly be a power that could just slice body parts like butter. Impossible." Prue finished. "Prue! We especially should know by now that nothing is impossible." Piper commented sensibly. "What I want to know, is how the loss of his arm killed him instantly?" Phoebe replied. They both shrugged, neither of them having thought of that. Piper closed her eyes. Life was so scary and complicated nowadays. "Oh you guys." Prue said, breaking Piper's thought. "Um, mom's old best friend Desirae Martin called me at work today. She said she saw my name somewhere and would love to have us come see her so she could see how much we have grown. She seemed like a lonely old lady, so I agreed. We're going to visit her tomorrow at about six. Ok?" Phoebe and Piper nodded. "I think I remember that lady. She always made us itchy old sweaters. Didn't she get in a car accident and die a few years back? "No that was Mrs. Cronjack." Prue answered. "I think." she said unsurely. "It was!" Piper replied hastily. The sisters went to bed and they all slept peacefully. (Except for Prue having the consistent nightmare of the phony Inspector Rodriguez/warlock killing Andy.)

The next morning they met downstairs for breakfast. "I don't wanna go to work!" Prue whined. "Hey at least you have a good job." Phoebe responded grumpily. Piper rubbed her temples. "Come on you guys, don't fight this early in the morning. Wait a few hours." Piper put in with a smile. They nodded understandingly. "Would you please pick up my dry cleaning, and go to the market?" Prue asked Phoebe. "If you do I promise I'll vacuum the upstairs k?" She compromised. Phoebe nodded. "Ok so we'll meet back here at 5:30 ok you guys?" Piper said "Oh ya, I completely forgot about going to see that old lady. Ok, see you then." Phoebe answered. Prue swallowed the last few drops of coffee then headed out the door. "Today is my day off." Piper said with satisfaction. "And I will make good use of it." "Go grocery shopping and stop at the dry cleaners for me?" Phoebe questioned hopefully. "Nooo, I'm going to look in the Book of Shadows for something that might have anything to do with that guy that got cut up or whatever." Piper responded with spunk in her voice. Phoebe grinned. "Then I might just hafta come home with those leeetle snack packs that you HATE!" Phoebe threatened playfully. "Ohhh you!" Piper challenged squinting her eyes at Phoebe. Phoebe plunked herself down in the chair and picked up the paper. "Hey look!" she cried. "There's an article about it." Piper leaned over to get a better look. "It says they found a swastika engraved in his forehead, scary!" Piper mentioned. "Well it definitely wasn't there when I was talking to him, but after I saw his arm, I was so panicky I wouldn't have noticed it anyway." Phoebe responded shrugging. "Well I better go, see you at 5:30!" Piper waved. Hope you find something helpful!" Phoebe cried as she skipped out the door. The day went by quickly, and even though Piper searched through the book thoroughly, she did not find even a teeny scrap of info having to do with the murder.

"I'm gonna grab something to eat, then we better leave. MacMahon Drive is almost 20 minutes from here." Prue yelled to her sisters. "Be right there!" Phoebe yelled back. A few minutes later they were on the road with Piper at the wheel. They chatted on the way, but it didn't take long to find the house they were going to. They pulled into the driveway of a house with faded blue paint and white shudders. They rang the doorbell, and a middle-aged lady opened the door. "Piper, Prue, Phoebe?! How you three have grown! Oh my, it's so nice to see you." Mrs. Martin cried eagerly. She hugged them tightly. They smiled politely, wishing they remembered more of this lady who seemed to know them so well. Suddenly Piper felt a tight tug at her hair. "Ouch!" she cried loudly. "Oh I'm sorry dear, my fingernails must have caught in your beautiful long hair." Desirae apologized with a spark in her old gray eyes. Piper smiled and they entered the house. "Your mother and I used to love to go on picnics with you and my little one." she said smiling. She walked them through a room filled with memorable old pictures and souvenirs. Phoebe touched a small wooden box and had a premonition of a young woman lying dead on the ground with a swastika engraved in her head. She jammed it into her purse hoping the dear old woman would not miss it. Mrs. Martin pointed at the cheap copper ring on Phoebe's finger. "May I see that?" she asked politely. "I think it was your mother's." All thoughts of her premonition quickly departed from her mind when she heard the last sentence. She had always felt some kind of special link with her mom when she wore it. They continued looking at pictures and as they were walking near the wall, Prue's sleeve caught on a loose nail sticking out of the wall. "Oh damn!" she cried, then instantly regretted swearing in front of Mrs. Martin. "Brand spankin new to." she said quietly. The sisters were about to enter another room when Mrs. Martin ran in front of them and blocked the door. "Not this room ladies, I'm afraid I was lazy and it is a dreadful mess." Prue gave her an odd look, but they obeyed. They had supper, and talked about "the good old days" and then said their good byes and the Charmed Ones departed. Only halfway home when Phoebe was searching for a piece of gum in her purse did she find and remember the box. She told her sisters about the premonition and they got worried. They tried to pry open the box but it would not open so they resolved to find its contents tomorrow. Only when they got home did Phoebe realize she left her ring with Desirae.

The so-called Desirae Martin walked through the room that she had told the girls was unbearably messy. Actually it was very organized, but she couldn't think of anything else to say in the short amount of time she had to think. She picked up three balls of wax and started molding, when she was finished with that, she painted exquisite features onto her little wax dolls. She reached deep into her pocket and pulled out a few strands of hair, a ring, and a satin piece of cloth. She placed the piece of hair onto the first wax dolls head. "Piper!" she said wickedly. She then placed the ring around the hand of the second doll that looked identical to Phoebe, and finally she made a miniature doll dress out of the scrap of satin from Prue's dress and put it on the third doll. She mixed a few ashes from wood, a drop of her blood, and a pinch of rosemary together and started reciting an incantation. "Blood fire death, blood fire death, summon thy demon of voodoo give life to thy dolls, blood fire death, blood fire death!" A small red glow appeared in each of the doll's eyes. "My precious voodoo dolls! Piper, Phoebe, Prue!" The shape shifter changed back to her natural form; after all it is more comfortable. The warlock/shifter then poured a dark liquid into Prue's (the doll) wax lips.

The sisters stumbled downstairs the next day. "Man I tossed and turned all night! I don't think I slept a wink!" Piper stated wearily. Phoebe had started to respond when they both heard a retch coming from the bathroom and barged in to find Prue sitting by the toilet looking weary. "Sweetie! Are you sick?" Phoebe asked placing her hand on Prue's forehead. Prue nodded weakly swaying with fever. "This just isn't our day!" Piper exclaimed. They helped Prue back to her bed, and put a bucket at the side in case nausea struck again. Piper dashed off to get the thermometer. "Call in sick for me." Prue murmured before falling asleep. She woke up a few minutes later when Phoebe and Piper insisted on taking her temp. "Hmmm. it's normal." Phoebe said slowly. And your head doesn't really feel that hot either Prue. Are you sure its not morning sickness, did you not tell me and Piper something?" Phoebe asked jokingly. "Not unless its immaculate conception." Prue practically whispered. She then got a pained look on her face and threw up in the barf bucket. After a few moments she drifted off to sleep again. Piper and Phoebe stood outside her room, quietly debating whether to take her to the hospital or not. The finally concluded it was better to be safe than sorry and got prepared to leave. When they arrived at the hospital she was taken to the emergency room and the doctors performed a few tests. Phoebe and Piper patiently sat in the lobby, reading People magazine, and Vogue. "Miss Piper and Phoebe Halliwell!" A controlling voice rang out. The girls looked up from there magazines. "That's me." they said in unison. "Well." he said rubbing his hands together. "It appears that Prudence right has swallowed a small amount of gasoline." Their eyes widened with surprise. "So unless one of you snuck into her room and managed to feed it to her without waking her up. Which is extremely unlikely. Then she, it seems has attempted suicide." Even though the room was noisy with excited children, and worried parents, it seemed like one of those sappy depressing movies where the room goes silent and the victim or in this case victim's sisters feel lost in despair. "She's having her stomach pumped right now, she is expected to have full recovery." The confidant doctor stated breaking the so-called silence. "I... I don't think, or I mean I know Prue would not do that. We have had an experience somewhat like this before." (Phoebe continued thinking of the ghost of Alcatraz.) "When that happened Prue wanted to live more than anything in the world. You don't understand sir. Prue has an obligation here on earth I mean, and there is no way she would ever, ever back out on that obligation." Phoebe finished her voice breaking. "I understand." The doctor said in a comforting voice though there was confusion in his eyes. The girls nodded hot tears running down their faces. How had this happened? Prue hadn't poisoned herself, who had tried to hurt her? Piper thought desperately. "What are we going to do?" Phoebe cried shakily. Piper's confusion changed to steel determination. "Find out who did this to her." Piper replied. Phoebe straightened up and nodded and they headed back to Halliwell Manor. When they reached their home Piper ran upstairs to look once again in the Book of Shadows and Phoebe noticed the wooden box on the table. "Hmmm, lets see what's inside it now." She said curiously. After around 15 minutes of wedging, straining, pulling, and banging, she finally found a solution and sawed open the box. When it finally cracked apart a pile of pictures fell onto the table. Phoebe groaned, disappointed that she had spent all that time only to discover some pictures of Desirae Martin's grandchildren or something. She glanced at the picture on top and gasped. It was a picture of Jared, the young man she had witnessed die at Quake. She picked up the pile and studied the picture intensely. She turned it over. On the blank side it said Jared Putack, white lighter. Below the writing was a box with a checkmark in it. "Oh my God!" Phoebe thought to herself. Desirae must be a witch or something to then. She must be trying to figure out who the warlock that killed Jared was. She turned to the next picture and went pale. It was a picture of Prue, when she got her picture taken to go in the newspaper. She frantically flipped to the back of the picture. She couldn't breathe. It said: Prudence Halliwell, Charmed One. Again there was a box under the writing, but this one was not checked. "I guess that means dead." Phoebe thought feeling relieved to see it not checked. Where did Desirae get these pictures, even if she was a witch, she would not know they were the Charmed Ones. "She must be a..." Phoebe thought, not even meaning to. Desirae couldn't possibly be a warlock. Not after all these years, when she was best friends with her mother and everything. That's the only way she would've known though. She must have been the one killed in a car accident. Phoebe decided, to scared to move. The lady we met yesterday was an imposter. She must have come during the night and poisoned Prue. Phoebe breathed in deeply accepting the situation. She flipped to the next picture and was once again speechless when she realized she was gaping at a picture of herself. She turned it over slowly scared of what she might find. "Phoebe Halliwell, Charmed One. Once again the box was left unmarked. She flipped through the rest of them quickly vaguely recognizing a few, Piper, Leo, Daisey, Brendan, etc. Each one had their name listed and a reason, or some kind of occupation. They were all a white lighter, witch, priest, future white lighter, and other jobs that were for the sole purpose of helping others. At the bottom there was a crisp piece of paper. Phoebe remembering the spell, which turned her to stone, recited this unusual spell in her head. Mix rosemary with a drop of blood and some anonymous ashes. Recite the following. "Blood fire death, blood fire death, summon thy demon of voodoo give life to thy dolls, blood fire death, blood fire death!" As it dawned on her what the warlock/Desirae had done, Piper clamored downstairs, frustrated that there was nothing in the Book of Shadows that gave her a clue. "PIPE! I know who did it, why they did it, and how!" Phoebe shouted. Piper raised her eyebrows. "So what's the conclusion Miss Holmes?" She asked smartly. Phoebe picked up another folded piece of paper; She opened it up and scanned it. Then she handed it to Piper. "Read this, I think you'll get the idea!" Piper started to read the old script.

The Origins of Voodoo

Adolph Hitler was the master of torture. The pain of other people was what he thrived on. After he had tortured millions and millions of innocents, He was overtaken, refusing to be conquered, he killed himself. The all-powerful evil himself was so impressed with the mortals work and accomplishments, he granted him the power of voodoo, so through him there would be torture for eternity. All Hitler requested was his sacred Nazi sign left on the forehead of each voodoo victim. Satan accepted. Recite the incantation given and the voodoo process will be complete! Mix rosemary with a drop of blood and some anonymous ashes. Recite the following. "Blood fire death, blood fire death, summon thy demon of voodoo give life to thy dolls, blood fire death, blood fire death!"

Piper sighed. "That's how she hurt Prue. But she needed something that belonged to each one of us. I read that in a book of magic somewhere. She has some of Prue's dress." Piper said, staring into space. "My ring! She still has it and that means I'm screwed!" Phoebe cried with terror. Piper patted her shoulder. "You will be fine, so will Prue and I. The power of three can beat any evil no matter how powerful." Phoebe slipped into Piper's slender arms and they embraced, both fearing for their lives.

At the same moment the sisters were hugging, Desirae Martin picked up an anonymous wax doll. It was of a white lighter named Denise Kilshud she had saved many lives and was well known to most white lighters. Desirae ripped the head off savagely and smiled. A few hundred miles away, A sweet and beautiful woman fell to the ground decapitated. "Two down, six to go." The non-merciful warlock whispered.

"Piper, Pheebs?" Prue murmured quietly. "Its us honey, we're here, you are allowed to come home now. Do you feel better sweetie?" Piper asked gently while Phoebe tenderly rubbed Prue's hands. Piper bobbed her head lightly to show them she did feel better. They smiled sympathetically at her. When they got home they curled up on the couch with Prue and gave her chicken soup. "Should we tell her?" Phoebe mouthed to Piper. "Yea, she deserves to know what happened no matter what condition she is in." Piper replied mouthing out the words so Prue could not hear. "Ok, we found out what happened to you. It's scary Prue, please don't get to upset." Phoebe explained tediously. "Ok." Prue whispered weakly. The sisters started to tell the story. Prue's tired eyes grew wide when she realized they were completely vulnerable to this warlock. They soon filled with tears. "How do we kill them? There has to be a way!" Prue questioned frantically. "There is honey. We have to get one of her possessions which, is easy because we already have the pictures and parts of the box. We just hafta get to her before she gets to us. Suddenly Piper got a pained look on her face. "What's wrong Pipe?" Phoebe asked with a confused look on her face. Piper held up her hand. There was a large slit at each of her wrists. She started to cry. "No!" Phoebe ran into the kitchen and frantically grabbed a wet cloth. "Apply pressure. Tell me if you feel sick or anything. Suddenly Phoebe fell to the ground. Her right leg was folded in a very unnatural position. "It's broken." Phoebe said quietly, looking very pale. Prue bit her lip until it was bleeding fighting back tears. They escaped anyway. "No, you guys. It said that any injuries caused by voodoo are immediately reversed if the victim is not dead." Phoebe cried desperately. "We have to do the spell, come on!" She dragged herself over to the table. Piper collapsed on the couch. "I'm cold." She whispered wearily. She wrapped a blanket around herself. Phoebe gulped hard, partly from fear and partly from her leg. A second later she replaced her scared pathetic face with a determinated fearless expression. "Rosemary, ash," She said lighting a piece of paper, and grabbing for the spices. "Blood." She whispered slitting her finger with a cutting knife. Prue stood up to help but fell weakly to her knees. She pulled herself back up and wobbled over to the table in the kitchen where Phoebe was preparing the spell. She grabbed a beeswax candle and shaped into human form with a butter knife. They looked desperately at Piper lying unconscious on the couch, and began to work faster. They saw a faint outline of a swastika start to appear on Piper's forehead and Phoebe started the chant. "Blood fire death, blood fire death, summon thy demon of voodoo give life to thy doll, blood fire death, blood fire death!" They watched with horrific admiration as faint red glows appeared in the doll's eyes. They stuck a piece of the wooden box in the doll's side and rubbed on blackish gray hair with ash. With that each of the two sisters exchanged nervous glances, one grabbed the head, one the legs and pulled. When a part of the doll came off in each of their hands they heard a brief scream that seemed to be coming from the doll and instantly Phoebe felt the strength come back in her leg. Prue's queasy stomach returned to normal and they smiled as they saw Piper sit up from her lying position on the family room.

On MacMahon Drive in a small isolated room six balls of wax lay in a melted glop, their owners safe from the harm Desirae Martin had caused.