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The Power of Three

by April

We open in New York City. Phoebe's ex-boyfriend Clay is sitting alone in a cafe sipping at his coffee and just thinking about things. His mind soon wandered to his long lost girlfriend Phoebe Halliwell. He was angry with her. She had just stridden out of his apartment without even giving him time to explain. Angela the girl who had been with him was his like best friend, almost like a sister. He hadn't slept with her, or at least they hadn't had sex though they had slept in the same bed. He didn't know her number so he couldn't call her, and he was just to broke to fly over there to see her. He still loved her. He just was still irresponsible. Even more than Phoebe was. He couldn't handle money well either. He knew that until he started improving financially, Phoebe was just as well in San Francisco than in New York. He drummed his fingers on the table in frustration. There seemed to be no way he could see her again. He sighed regretfully. Why had he put Phoebe in a position where she HAD to go back to New York? While he was thinking about that a man about his age strode into the cafe. He had sandy blonde hair, and sky blue eyes. He was wearing a casual T-shirt, comfortable, jeans, and a worn out pair of running shoes.

The man's eyes circled the room and stopped where Clay was sitting. "May I sit down?" He asked in a smooth flowing voice. "Sure." Clay responded lightly. The man ordered nothing and for nearly a minute just stared at Clay. Clay glanced back at him awkwardly.

A second later the man looked away and Clay relaxed. His mind drifted again and he thought about the time when he visited San Francisco. He couldn't believe that the urn really was cursed! He found it odd that Phoebe and her sisters didn't seem to consider it at all strange.

"Because they always see those kinds of things." the strange man sitting across from him said suddenly. "Um I beg your pardon?" Clay replied questionably. "I said that they weren't surprised because the Charmed Ones see that kind of thing nearly every day. They always beat it to. Prue with her telekenetics, Phoebe seeing things before they happen, and beautiful Piper freezing time." The strange man responded. "What are you talking about man?" Clay questioned extremely confused. The man just smiled. This guy is scary. Clay thought to himself. "No I'm not, just different." Again Clay was baffled. Clay stared at the mysterious stranger. He tried to find an answer in the man's piercing blue eyes. "No, I am not the key. this is." He quickly slipped a ring with a black oval shaped gem onto his finger. The man smiled warmly with a spooky kind of look in his eyes. "Don't misuse the mindstone." he warned. With that the outsider stood up and briskly walked out of the building. What is he smoking? Clay murmured under his breath. He tried to pull the peculiar black ring off his finger but it wouldn't budge. The waitress came to the table to give him his bill. While she was handing it to him he heard in her strident little voice. "God, I hope he gives me a big tip. I need this. Guess I'll just hafta suck up a little more." Clay looked up sharply, surprised that she would say such things aloud. He was shocked to see that her lips weren't moving at all. "Did you have a nice time here at Nate's Place sir?" The pretty waitress asked sweetly. He nodded politely. When he left, Clay made sure to leave an extra large tip. When he got onto the street he couldn't believe his ears. He could hear the thoughts of nearly anyone that was within three feet off him. He heard thoughts of being late, sex, drugs, work, etc. He was speechless. Though the people around him sure weren't. Or at least there minds. Then a loud, powerful voice drown out all the others. "Phoebe's in trouble. Phoebe and her sisters will die." Clay searched around himself frantically looking for the thought's beholder. Then again, a little quieter this time though. "Phoebe will die." Clay knew he wouldn't find the person who had thought that since the sidewalk was so packed, so he hailed a cab down, went to the New York City Airport and bought a flight to San Francisco.

In San Francisco, the day is just starting because of the time difference and Prue is gulping down a cup of coffee while Piper is calmly munching on a Snackwell's cereal bar. Phoebe is sitting at the table, or should I say slumped right over the table, her face practically in her cereal bowl. "PHEEBS!" Piper yelled in a demanding voice. "Eh." Phoebe manages to stutter. "I told you you shouldn't have been at that party all night." Piper replies in a told ya so voice. "Eh." Phoebe responds again. Phoebe's head starts to fall directly into her cereal bowl so with a flick of her fingers, Prue moved the bowl across the table and Phoebe's head lands on the table, clear of the bowl. Before Prue and Piper leave they direct Phoebe to her room and leave her there fast asleep on the bed snoring loudly. For about 2-3 more hours Phoebe slept soundly to make up for lost time that night. Clay arrived in San Francisco and immediately drove to Halliwell Manor. He saw a few lights on, and he clearly remembered how strict Prue was about saving money, so he knew that at least one of them was home. He knocked lightly on the door and no one came, so he was about to turn back when he remembered the words. "Phoebe will die without your help." What if she was already hurt? What if she was lying in there dying?! Without a second thought Clay strode right into the house and looked around half expecting to find a body. He ran upstairs and there he found Phoebe soundly sleeping in her bed. He remembered when Prue had walked in on him and Phoebe. He blushed at the memory. Clay gazed at her longingly. He walked up to her and touched her cheek tenderly. Her eyes fluttered open, and she peeped at him only half-awake. When her brain recognized who she was looking at, Phoebe's eyes went wide and she sat straight up in bed.

"CLAY?!" She screeched bewildered. "What are you doing here? How did you get out here?" Then a remembrance of the young lady (Angela) that she had seen in his apartment registered. "What happened?" Phoebe yelled harshly. "Did you run out of money to pay your prostitutes? Wanna borrow some from me?" She cried angrily. Hurt showed in Clay's eyes. "Nothing like that Phoebe." He said affectionately. Her angry expression softened at his sensitivity. "Then why are you here?" She asked him doubt still clear in her voice. "Well you aren't gonna believe this Pheebs but its true. Well you see early this morning I was sitting in this coffee shop and then." Clay filled Phoebe in with the whole story, up until when he entered her bedroom. He also added what really happened at his apartment and who Angela really was. "I don't know what this means Phoebe, and I don't know why anyone would want to hurt you, but that's what happened. I know you don't believe me but really its true. "I believe you." She cut him off suddenly. Phoebe bit her lip. She debated whether to tell him about her powers. No, he might freak out and book a flight back to New York. Anyway, she thought wisely this reading people's minds thing sounds pretty good to me. "Well I don't want you reading my thoughts take the ring off please." "I can't." Clay replied stubbornly. "It won't come off." To prove his point he yanked at the ring as hard as possible. "Let me try." Phoebe said wisely. With a swift pull, and barely any strength the ring slid right off his finger and into his pocket. "So someone said, or I mean thought that it you didn't come here to San Francisco then we would die?" Clay nodded. "Ok, then I'm calling my sisters." Phoebe leapt out of bed and ran down to the kitchen where she dialed Quake. After she had explained what had happened to Piper then she called Buckland's. She quickly explained the situation to Prue, so Prue reluctantly told Claire that Phoebe was having a severe asthma attack and she had to get home immediately. Claire sighed, rolled her eyes up to the ceiling and dismissed her. Prue quickly jogged out the door and hopped into her car. She was pulling out of the parking lot when a pair of gloved hands grabbed her from behind. In her surprise she hit the gas pedal and rammed her car right into the building across the street.

Inspector Trudeau headed toward the accident on Graham road. Right across from where Prue works. He thought without even meaning to. As he got nearer he cringed at the sight of the car. It was completely totaled. He stopped his car nearly 10 feet from the accident and as he got closer, realized with horror that the car was Prue's. "PRUE!" He cried frantically. He sprinted to the driver's door and hastily opened the door. He gagged and almost fell over with hysteria. Prue was lying there, her face was smashed, and it looked like her skull had cracked open. Hot tears burned his eyes and he could barely breathe. "Prue." He muttered weakly before dropping to his knees and sobbing. There wasn't really romance between them anymore, but she was still practically his best friend. He always had felt bad when telling a family there child had been killed by a hit and run, or their husband fell off a balcony and died or some other tragic thing, but Andy had NEVER even imagined this kind of grievance. How would he tell Piper and Phoebe? They would go insane. He knew how close they were to each other. They wouldn't be the power of three anymore either, he thought.

Back at Halliwell Manor, Phoebe, Piper, and Clay waited impatiently for Prue. They then got a call from Andy that every loving family dreads hearing. Andy explained the situation to them. Piper started to shake along with cry hysterically. Andy shut his eyes tight, willing himself not to cry as well. Her head was smashed into the dashboard and. "Stop Andy!" Piper cried. "I feel really sick now." "I'm sorry." Andy replied. Andy heard Phoebe start to wail like a baby, and freely let tears fall down his cheek as well. They finished the terrible discussion and hung up. Andy covered his eyes with his hands. How could this happen to Prue? He had known her since they were 5. How? Why didn't she use her powers and just move whatever made her crash out of the way?

"OH MY GOD!!!" Phoebe flung herself onto the couch. "NO! She can't be dead. She isn't killed when all-powerful warlocks attack her. A stupid car crash wouldn't kill her! She's lived through death once!" Piper ran over and she and Phoebe cried together, hugging each other as tight as humanly possible. Clay walked over and hugged them as well. "I thought if I came, none of you would die?" Clay whispered sadly. "Piper? Phoebe?" Prue's voice rang out. The two sisters ran out into the hall where they met with Prue's spirit. They wanted to hug her so bad, but her arms would just go right through theirs. "What happened? Why did you not use your powers to prevent the accident? Phoebe questioned. "Well I was pulling out of the parking lot when someone that had already been in my car when I entered grabbed me from behind and covered my eyes. I was so surprised that I accidentally pressed the gas instead of the brakes. We went flying across the street and rammed into the orthodontics office. That's all I remember." Prue looked at them sadly. Suddenly they heard a window breaking. They turned around quickly to see a warlock coming in through the back. They watched his moves closely; not realizing that another warlock was coming in the front door that had been left wide open. Piper was about to freeze the one coming in from the back when the front door warlock brought a heavy metal bar down on her head. She collapsed on the ground unconscious.

Before Phoebe could wham him harder than she's ever whammed a warlock he spit a ball of fire onto Piper's unconscious body. Then he and his warlock friend bolted out the door and were gone before you could say stop drop and roll. Piper's clothes immediately caught fire. Phoebe and Clay ran to the kitchen and grabbed a bucket of water. By the time they got back, it was to late. Part of Piper's shoulder and chest were burned off and the bone charred. She would not live. Maybe if Jessica was here with her healing powers, but even then it would be negotiable. Phoebe fell down onto the floor next to Piper's badly burned body and just lay there. "I guess I'm next." she said flatly. "Hope they kill me quickly." she said, her voice containing absolutely no emotion. A single tear ran down her pale cheeks and she closed her eyes. When she opened them she noticed her hair was almost completely white, with only a few brown strands left. "Piper and Prue's spirits stood over her. "No Phoebe don't give up. You can beat them." Piper and Prue cried. "Without you." Phoebe responded, not moving. "No Pheebs, save yourself! At least look in the Book of Shadows." Phoebe glanced up at them. "I guess it's worth a try." she stood up and started toward the attic. "Clay stay here!" she ordered.

By then Clay was thinking maybe Phoebe was hallucinating or something. She was talking to herself and hearing voices. He didn't know whether he should let her go up by herself, in case she had a nervous breakdown. He listened anyway. He wondered why no one had called the police about Piper. He was so shaken, and astonished by the whole thing that he didn't even consider calling them himself.

As soon as Phoebe stood in front of the Book of Shadows, it opened to a spell called Time Transfer. You could go back in time and be there for as long as you set the time for. It warned that anything drastic would change the future. It noted that it did not require the power of three. Phoebe couldn't believe her good fortune. She could save her sisters from being killed. She told Piper and Prue's spirits of her plan and they were delighted that they would get another chance at life. Phoebe warned them though that they would not remember, they would just consider it a normal day. Only Phoebe would remember. She started the incantation.

"Take back a week, or take back a day, I'll go for 24 hours, don't leave me to stay." Suddenly Phoebe felt a warm hand tenderly stroking her cheek. She opened her eyes looked up at Clay and smiled. "I know why you are here Clay, you don't have to explain." He stared at her questionably. Just give me the ring. Again Clay could not pull the beautiful ring with the precious black mindstone off his finger so as before Phoebe delicately slid it off. This time she put it in her pocket instead of Clay's. She called Prue, told her it was a family emergency, and insisted on picking her up. Then she called Piper and told her the same. Phoebe and Clay arrived at Bucklands, and as soon as Phoebe saw her, she ran up and gave Prue a tremendous bear hug. Prue looked at her strangely and asked again why Phoebe was so determined to pick her up. "No, no. I'm not picking you up, I just drove here with Clay, and you are going to take me home." Phoebe explained. "That makes literally no sense. I swear Phoebe Marie Halliwell, you are again never partying all night for the rest of your life!" Prue demanded. "K." Phoebe responded glad to be getting her own way. Phoebe stumbled on a pothole on the way to the car, and didn't notice a particular silver ring with a particular black gem fall from her pocket. They entered the car, and right before they pulled out of the parking lot Phoebe looked in the rear-view mirror, noticed a petite man dressed in black with a ski cap on ready to grab Prue. She turned around quick, and threw a punch even the slam man would be proud of. Prue dumbfounded over what had just happened; accidentally rear ended another car and grabbed for the warlock at the same time. Before he jumped out of the car, he lost his ski cap to Prue's firm grip. A police car arrived, and Prue swallowed hard. How much damage had they done to the car in front of them? Andy got out of his police car and came over to Prue's. "P.Pr.Prue?" He stuttered astonished at the site of his long time friend alive. Oh my God! Phoebe thought to herself. The spell only made the people in my house forget! "How are you alive?" He cried, overjoyed to see her skull in one piece. Without letting her reply he opened the door and hugged her almost as hard as Phoebe had. "How did this happen?" Andy questioned Phoebe. "Just witch stuff." she replied telling him that she would explain it all later. Andy sauntered over to his car and left, completely forgetting about how Prue rear-ended the other car. "What was that all about?" Prue asked giving Phoebe the evil eye. "I'll tell you when Piper is with us I promise." Phoebe replied for the millionth time. They arrived at Quake to find Piper waiting outside for them. "Get in Pipe, now!"

Piper jumped into the back seat. "Hey where's Clay Phoebe? When you called you told me he had come up from New York." Piper questioned, noticing he wasn't with them. "Oh, I told him to stay in the parking lot, he has the other car. We are supposedly going out to dinner and then we'll be home." The other sisters nodded satisfied with her explanation. "Ok Phoebe, you have stalled long enough, tell us what happened, and why you want us here?" Prue ordered. "OooooK." Phoebe responded. "Well yesterday when you guys went to work and I went back to bed." Phoebe continues on.

Andy was halfway back to his post when he remembered why he had gone to Graham road in the first place. He was heading back, half-hoping they were still there. He got back and didn't see anyone, until he noticed Piper's car in the parking lot. He headed for it, but instead of finding Piper or another one of the sisters, he found an unfamiliar looking man. He knocked on the window extremely hard because the man had the music up so loud that the car was vibrating. The man turned his head, then turned down the music and rolled down the window. "Yea?" Clay uttered, not having expected to be interrupted. "Have you seen a certain Miss Prue, Piper or Phoebe Halliwell?" Andy said in his I'm a cop, I'm in charge voice. "Uh yes, all three of them in fact." Clay responded. "I'm just watching Piper's car for about an hour or so cause they went out to eat together. I'm Phoebe's boyfriend, or I guess ex, we aren't really sure. I'm visiting from the Big Apple." Andy nodded believing the story. Phoebe had said a few things about some boyfriend from New York hadn't she? "Ok then I'll be on my way. Just checking around." Clay nodded and then rolled up the window and started listening to music again. As Andy was leaving something shiny caught his eye. A ring. He picked it up and studied it. On the inside of it he noticed, and recognized the Charmed symbol. He slipped it on his finger, making a mental note to give it back to the first one of them he saw.

"Well then I saw this spell called Time Transfer, and..." "I saw that in there one time when I was leafing through it." Piper interrupted. "Good for you." Phoebe stated, annoyed that she had been interrupted. "Well anyway I did the incantation and restarted the day, that is why I was so cautious with you guys." They nodded silently. It was frightening hearing about there own deaths. "These warlocks will try again to kill us." Prue declared. "Probably all at once though, so there is no one left to use the Time Transfer spell again." Piper added. "We need to find out where they are, and attack them before they rebound back and get us." Phoebe replied wisely. "Do you have anything of theirs that might trigger a premonition?" Piper asked them. With a smile Prue handed Phoebe the warlock's ski cap. At first nothing happened, Phoebe concentrated harder on the cap and suddenly she had a premonition. Their lair was in Halliwell Manor! It showed them in the Prue's room hiding in her closet. They were armed with knives and guns. It showed Prue opening the closet and them gutting her like a fish, then chopping off her head. Phoebe closed her eyes to block out the image, but it stayed. "Oh God, oh God, Prue ehhh." She said making the chop off the head motion with her hands. Prue started breathing a little quicker, and a sweat broke out on her forehead. "Helllo ladies." Andy's cheery voice rang out. They all glanced up to see Andy standing outside their car. "How are you this evening?" He said just as merrily. "Great!" they replied in unison.

At the same moment that they all told him their evening was great, Andy also heard three separate voices, saying three separate things. Piper's said. "Crappy!" Phoebe's said. "Worst one I've had in a while thank you very much." And Prue's said. "Oh my God, am I really gonna get my head cut off?" Andy was mystified. He stared at them in amazement. He could hear what they were thinking! They smiled sweetly at him. "Man, this is absolutely the worst time for Andy to show up, we have to get back to Halliwell Manor, and kill off those warlocks!" Phoebe thought.

Andy cleared his throat. "Girls, I have a feeling that this is probably the very worst time for me to pop up in your lives because you have to get back home and work a little witchcraft, so I'll talk to you later." He winked at Phoebe and walked off with her jaw left wide open. Andy was walking towards his car surprised yet happy with his find about the ring when all of a sudden he felt a powerful blow at the back of his head and everything went black. He was to far away from the girls to be noticed by them.

Phoebe gaped at him shocked that he had read her thoughts. Then she remembered Clay's ring. But it had been in her pocket! She reached her hand down into her pocket, but it was missing. It must have fallen out somewhere or something. Phoebe guessed. Unless Andy is a REALLY good pick pocketer. She decided the first one was more logical. She shared her discovery with her sisters and they laughed. "Oh man!" Prue cried heartily. "I was thinking what it would be like to get my head cut off! He musta thought I had gone off the deep end!" They all laughed a little while longer then got into deep discussion on what to do about the warlocks. After discussing for nearly 15 minutes they came to the conclusion that they would take some caffeine pills so they could stay up all night, and just wait in the family room until the warlocks got impatient and came after them. They would set some form of trap, that would catch them by surprise, then go in for the kill. After they finished plotting, Piper brought up an interesting point. "Hey Phoebe, I just thoughta something. Well the guy that gave Clay this mysterious mindstone ring anyway, he had like blonde hair and blue eyes you said?" Phoebe nodded, not really getting what Piper's point was. "Do you think it was Leo?" She blurted. Once again Phoebe's mouth dropped open in astonishment. "It had to have been." Prue responded. "Who else would it have been?" Piper leaned back in her seat and smiled.

"Andy Trudeau." he heard in a deep scratchy voice. His head throbbed! His vision was somewhat blurred also. He glanced at his surroundings and knew immediately where he was. Halliwell Manor! "Prue's ex-boyfriend and lover, and a good friend to all three of the Charmed Ones." The scratchy voice continued on. "To bad you all will die." The voice chuckled. "Without mercy." he added. They poured some kind of weird mixture down his throat, and he immediately passed out. The warlock's drag the unconscious Andy to Prue's bedroom and they all hid in the closet.

"Ok you guys. I've got the Relic, City of Angels, and There's Something about Mary. Anything else you guys want, that won't put us to sleep?" Phoebe asked her sisters sweetly.

"How bout Practical Magic?" Piper added. "Oh and The Craft also." Prue commented. "I love the way they make witches out to be." she said smiling. They rented the movies and then headed home. "Oh my gosh!" Phoebe suddenly cried. "What, did you have a premonition?" Her sisters asked eagerly. "No, I just remembered something. We left Clay sitting in that Parking lot, over three hours ago!" she said laughing. They laughed together, picturing what he was thinking. "Let's drive by just to make sure he's still there k?" Prue commented wisely. They nodded and took the long way taking them by Buckland's. Sure enough, Piper's car was sitting in the exact same place they had left it.

Andy groaned lightly, and opened his eyes. He looked up to see two warlocks standing above him. There was another young man beside him; it was the guy from New York. He had a big welt on the back of the head, and was still out cold. He heard voices, and soon realized that the two warlocks were plotting together, telepathically. "Ok, as soon as Prudence, opens the closet door to change, we strike. Just jab your knives into her; wherever there are high amounts of blood flow. I'll behead her and then we will go after the other ones before they know what hit them." One of the warlocks plotted evilly. "Ok, I want to go after the youngest one, she reversed all the hard work we had done. I have found that this Andy Trudeau figure is Prue's ex-boyfriend, she is still close friends with him though. This other man, that was in Piper's car, Clay I believe he is Phoebe's ex-boyfriend. He has the mindstone. Somewhere. We have to get it, then we will be unstoppable towards the Charmed ones, we will know their every move." Trying not to be noticed, Andy silently slipped the ring off his finger and swallowed it. They will never find it now, he thought cleverly.

The girls quietly slipped into the family room. They each swallowed a caffeine high and Prue started making some coffee. "So, they are upstairs in Prue's closet right?" Piper questioned cautiously. "Yes ma'am." Phoebe replied. They started watching City of Angels, and about 3/4s of the way through it they were all wiping tears from their eyes when they heard a loud sound coming from upstairs. "Shhh." Prue whispered. "Phoebe get back here now!" Prue whispered frantically to Phoebe who had entered the kitchen to get more popcorn. Before Phoebe could move, a warlock appeared in the doorframe. They were about to freeze him then send him flying into a wall when he held up his hand. "Wait." he responded, and behind him another warlock held up Andy, and then Clay. Two of the Charmed ones gasped. They sure hadn't seen this coming. "One false move, and eeeeeeh." The warlock said threateningly. He tickled Andy's neck with the blade. "If you knock this blade out of my hand with your powers. He dies he said motioning toward Clay. And Miss Piper, if you try to freeze time, you will miss your friend Clay and my brother, and again we will slit his neck. Now where is your sister?" The warlock questioned them. Glaring at them evilly. Prue and Piper shrugged while they watched Phoebe sneak up behind the warlock holding Clay. "NOW!!!" Piper cried freezing the first warlock brother, while Phoebe high kicked the second one's head. They surrounded the warlocks. They hadn't looked in the book of shadows for an incantation to kill these particular warlocks, so they just decided to try and banish them with the old-fashioned warlock vanquishing incantation.

"Damn thy evils down to hell, Damn thy warlocks by thy Charmed ones spell!" They unfroze, and as most warlocks do, roared with anger and frustration of their loss. Andy and Clay landed on the ground, unharmed except for the minimal amount of injuries that the warlocks did to them. They looked up at the girls wearily. "Hey anyone up for a movie?" Phoebe questioned.