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The Red Dress

by Demille

DISCLAIMER: All characters in this story belong to Spelling Television and Constance Burge. Unauthorized reproduction of text is not allowed. Contact me by clicking on my name above for permission.

It was the prettiest dress Phoebe had ever seen as she stood in front of her mirror; a long formal red dress that she borrowed from a co-worker to wear on a special date the following night. An old high school beau had run into her last week and asked her to go to a celebrity auction and dance. She said yes immediately and asked around for an evening gown. The girl that owned the pretty red dress was more well-endowed than Phoebe and it would take a lot of tissue to help her fill it out. Of course if you are a determined little witch, there might be another way.

Phoebe went to the attic to look through the Book Of Shadows and found a spell that could change a person's physical attributes. She recited over the cauldron, "As I am and as I be, make, Oh make, a change in me. I want by chest to fill up the red dress and to continue that way for the next seven days." There it was done, she thought, and if I turn a few heads for the rest of the week, that's fine with me. She also tired to convince herself that since it was only a temporary spell, she wasn't using it for personal gain.

In the morning Phoebe checked herself out in the mirror and she had filled out during the night. "Cool," she thought. Next she dressed, went downstairs saying "Good morning" to Piper and Prue, and went off to work. At lunchtime she went shopping and bought some pretty lingerie to go with and to fit the pretty red dress. By the end of the workday, Phoebe had to wear her new bra. On the way home she noticed all the men turning and smiling at her as she walked by. Phoebe never felt so good about herself or so sexy. When she came downstairs that night, Prue and Piper had never seen her look so grownup or so sophisticated before in the red dress and white shawl. There was definitely something different about her, but her sisters could not see the extra cleavage under her shawl. They both wished her luck and she was off with her date. At the dance she felt like Cinderella at the ball. Men never noticed her as much as they did that night because she looked and felt so stunning in her pretty red dress. Her date was charming and attentive. It was a very very romantic night. They danced and danced. She didn't even notice that her bra was getting a little tight.

The next morning she woke up at his place after the most perfect night of her life. She went to get a shower and was shocked by what she saw in the mirror. Her breasts had kept on growing and were huge. She would never fit back into her dress like that. She borrowed a dress shirt from her date telling him that she had a broken dress strap and she left for home. She stopped only long enough to buy some extra large bras. Many men were now starting to stare at her and as she walked by. When she got home, both Prue and Piper had left for work. She called work and told them that she had sort of a chest cold. Upstairs she changed into the biggest sweater she had and went upstairs to consult the Book. Going through it several times she could not find a spell to reverse her earlier one. With nothing else to do, she went downstairs and plopped onto the couch in front of the TV. She was much too clumsy at this point to try and practice her martial arts. If only she could talk to someone, but she didn't have the courage yet to face Prue and Piper and her friends would ask too many questions. She felt all alone. The bell rang and a UPS package was delivered for Piper. The driver almost dropped his delivery computer when Phoebe answered the door. Phoebe was not looking for this kind of attention. Being too well endowed made her stand out too much and was emotionally draining. How do all of those Hollywood starlets and pin-up playmates put up with it, thought Phoebe. She plopped back on the couch feeling miserable. Her back got sorer and sorer as the afternoon wore on.

Prue came in the door in a good mood. "You must have had quite a time last night. We didn't see you come home at all." Then she stopped when she saw poor Phoebe lying on the couch next to tears. The consequences from her spell were each the size of volleyballs and nothing she had to wear still fit. Prue was disgusted with her. "You've been using the Book of Shadows again and look what happened to you. There are always consequences when you use it for personal reasons. YOU have obviously learned nothing from your past experiences. We use our magic to help the innocent and not to..." Just then, Piper came home and asked what the yelling was about this time until she saw Phoebe. "Whoa, what happened to you? You look terrible. Prue, we have got to help her out!" said Piper. Phoebe tried to explain, "I only wanted to look good in the red dress. I just asked that I fit in it this week." Piper concluded, "It looks like they're going to keep growing for the rest of the week. Are you sure you got your spell right?" "No," said Phoebe weakly. "Let's see how we can bail you out of this one," said Prue and they helped Phoebe up to the attic. Phoebe said, "I've been through the whole book and couldn't find a way how to reverse the spell." Prue suggested, "Did you ever try to use the same spell to return yourself to normal?" Phoebe had not thought of that, but did try. As she had two days before, Phoebe recited, "As I am and as I be, make, Oh make, a change in me. I want by chest to be its normal size again." She crossed her fingers for luck hoping that it would work. "You need to get to bed and get some sleep, Phoebe," said Piper, so they help in her into bed. She fell fast asleep.

The next morning she hopped out of bed and checked the mirror. Everything was back to normal. She was greatly relieved and told herself; "Pheebs, you are looking great and let's just try to be me from now on." And the pretty red dress went back to her friend without a single regret.