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Double Sided

by BufGal

DISCLAIMER: The following characters are property of the WB network and Aaron Spelling except Lindsay and her dad (the black lighter).

It's Quake at around dinner time so the outside is packed. So is the inside, making it very hard for Phoebe to make her way from the Ladies room to the bar. Piper is working behind the bar as Phoebe walks over. Piper smiles. "Oh sure laugh just because your behind the counter" Phoebe remarks. Piper laughs at that too and pours Phoebe another drink. Phoebe notices Prue near the door looking around the sea of people for her sisters. Phoebe stands up and waves, but her hand hits the glass that Piper is pouring. Piper quickly reaches for it, freezing the restaurant accidentally. Piper groans and Phoebe giggles as Prue easily walks over to them and glares at Piper. Then, they hear a chair being pushed back. All of them turn around in time to see a girl making her way toward the door. "Hey" Phoebe yells and the girl turns around for a split second before she runs out the door. Phoebe starts after her. The outside of the restaurant is frozen too. Phoebe looks around and doesn't see anyone moving. Prue and Piper join her as the line unfreezes and people begin talking again.

The next day, Piper is making coffee and Phoebe is reading the paper. Prue walks into the kitchen grabbing a cup and sitting down at the table. Piper walks over and gives Phoebe her cup and sits down. "What are we going to do about last night" Piper asks while stirring her coffee. Prue looks up. "Nothing, I guess. There's another witch in the San Francisco area. Big deal" she answers looking back down at the paper. Phoebe looks at Piper waiting for her response. Piper just sighs and drinks her coffee. "She did look a little young" Phoebe says more to her coffee than to Prue. Prue tries to ignore her by reading the paper. Phoebe hands Prue the rest of the paper and puts her coffee cup in the sink. "I wonder what her powers are" she asks herself. Prue walks to the sink too and puts her cup in. "Probably nothing to impressive. She grabs her purse and gives Piper a kiss on the head. "I'll be home early tonight" she says as she walks out the door. Piper sighs again then gets up to get dressed.

It's about 6:00 that night and the sisters are getting dinner ready. There's been no talk of the girl all evening. As Phoebe is setting the table, the doorbell rings. She sets the plates down to answer it. She opens the door to see a girl standing on the porch looking out at the street. The girl turns around when she hears the door. She's tall, taller than Phoebe with short blond hair. Phoebe recognizes her from the restaurant the other night. "Is this the Halliwell house?" she asks softly. Phoebe looks at her for a second then points at her. "Your the girl from Quake last night right?" she says. The girl nods. "Yeah, I freaked when the place froze. Sorry I ran out so quickly. You and your sister are witches right?" Phoebe looks at her for a second then grabs her arm and pulls her into the house. The girl backs up quickly, accidentally running into Prue who is walking into the room with her evening coffee. The coffee cup tilts, and Piper quickly throws her hands up, freezing time. All three sisters look at the girl, who is gaping at the coffee suspended in mid air. Piper quickly grabs another cup from the kitchen and scoops up the coffee in the air. As time resumes all three sister look at the girl. The girl looks at Piper and grins. "Cool" she says. "Who are you?" Piper asks. "My name's Lindsay" the girl says as she takes off her coat. "I saw you three at Quake last night. Are you the Charmed Ones?" she asks. Phoebe's eyebrows shoot up and Prue asks "How do you know?" Lindsay shrugged. "My mom used to tell me about the Halliwell line. Your grandmother I think it was saved my mom's life when she was a little girl, so that's what got her involved in the Halliwell line. She would tell me stories almost every night about the Book of Shadows and how there would be three Halliwell sisters who would be the greatest wicca power known in the world. I'm guessing that's you three" Lindsay says as she looks around at the living room. "Why didn't your mom bring you over"? Piper asks. Lindsay laughs slightly. "My moms dead. She died about two years ago. It's kinda a long story" she says. Phoebe motions toward the kitchen. "Care to stay for dinner? You can tell us about it." she says. Piper added some more soup and Phoebe brought the Book of Shadows down. Lindsay was able to look through it as Phoebe continued setting the table. "My mom would have killed to have touched this book, let alone look through it", Lindsay says as she reads some of the spells. Prue sat down next to her with her sandwich. "This book has helped us so many times, I feel sorry for all the witches who don't have it", Prue says as she runs her fingers over the cover. Lindsay does the same. "True, this book may have saved my mom, but I think her death was meant to be", she says as she carefully closes the book and gives it to Piper who sets it on the counter. Phoebe sits down next to her and gives her a sandwich. "Can you tell us about your moms death?" she asks. Lindsay takes a bite out of her sandwich. "Okay, let me start from the beginning."

"Okay, for starters, my dad wasn't human. He was a Black Lighter I think they're called. He tried to get my mom to fall for him so he could impregnate her, but he made a slight mistake. Apparently Black Lighters aren't supposed to seduce good witches because the offspring gets slightly screwed up. He didn't find this out until my mom was pregnant with me. So, he disappeared after I was born. I lived with my mom and she never told me about my father or my powers because she was scared that I would have some sort of weird cross between good and evil in me. It stayed that way until I was about thirteen. Then, my dad came back and tried to turn me into a warlock, or something bad, I'm not really sure." Lindsay took a bite of her sandwich and a spoonful of her soup. She looked up at the sisters. "Are you bored yet?" she asked. Phoebe laughs. "Nope, keep going" she says as she takes a bite of her soup. Lindsay shrugs. "Well, my dad began to be in and out of my life for about a year. Then, my mom tried to banish him with her magic. She was able to limit his powers for a little while so she could find some way to protect me from him. It took her two days, but she finally came up with a spell that would prevent any Black Lighter from killing me. She told me that it was up to me to stay good and not to turn. Then, after my dads spell wore off, he came to the house and killed her. That's when I took off. I haven't heard from my dad since then." She sighs and eats the rest of her sandwich. Prue leans back in her chair. "What sort of powers do you have"? she asks. "I'm telepathic. I got that from my mom and I can produce heat through my hands. I'm guessing I got that from my dad", Lindsay answers. Piper stands up and puts her dishes in the sink. "Do you have anywhere to stay?" Prue asks. "Not really, I'll just find somewhere" Lindsay answers as she finishes her sandwich. "Want to stay here?" Phoebe asks. Lindsay's eyes light up. "Sure" she says with a smile. She finishes her sandwich and Phoebe takes her upstairs.

Later that night, Piper knocks of Prue's door and goes in. Prue's asleep, but Piper wakes her up anyway. "I'm a little nervous about Lindsay." she says. Prue sits up. "How come? She's just a witch like us." Piper shakes her head. "No, she's half witch, half warlock. I didn't even know you could do that." she says as she sits down on the bed. "There has to be a catch somewhere" she adds. Prue sighs. "I don't think we really have anything to worry about from Lindsay. I think she's a innocent that we have to protect", she answers. Piper buys that and goes back to bed. Prue goes back to sleep.

It's about three hours later and the clock next to Lindsay's bed reads 3:27 a.m. Lindsay is sound asleep. The window is halfway open and the curtains are being blown around. Then, dark little sparkles float through the window and form a human figure in the corner of the room. The figure steps out into the light. It's a man dressed in all black. Lindsay remains asleep. The figure makes his way silently toward the bed. Lindsay stirs and slowly opens her eyes. She notices the figure immediately and sits strait up. "What do you want" she asks the man. The man sits down on her bed. "I just want to make sure that you're safe." he says as he tries to brush the hair out of her eyes. She pulls her head away. "I am, after all, your father." he says with a smile. Lindsay glares at him. "You are not my father so leave me alone" she says. The man frowns and motions toward the door. "I'm going to advise you to stay away from these witches. There not good people. They'll fill your head with crazy ideas." "In case you've forgotten, I am a witch and I should be with people like me." she says back. The man stands furiously. "No, you are a warlock. Didn't you learn anything from your mother. She wanted you to be something that you're not and look what happened to her", he yells at her. Lindsay jumps out of bed. "You killed her! You burned her to death while she was sleeping. I will never be a warlock! You can't force me to and I never will become as evil as you," Lindsay yells. Her father grabs her shirt and hold his hand up. His hand glows deadly red and holds it next to her head. "I will destroy you", he says through clenched teeth. Lindsay doesn't even twitch. "You can't kill me", she says with a smile. Her father throws her into the wall and brings his mouth close to her ear. "I don't have to. I will destroy anyone or anything that you care about", he says as he twists her shirt. He lets go and backs up. "I'll start with the Halliwells and then move on until you join me, or you take your own life. Either way, I'll win." he says. Lindsay begins to look scared and beaten. Her father smiles. "Good night" he says and disappears. Lindsay's mask of bravery is gone and she begins to cry and shake as she sits back down on her bed. She curls into a ball and cries.

The next morning, Piper is making coffee as usual. Prue walks in and relaxes while reading the paper. Phoebe and Lindsay aren't up yet. "Maybe I should go get them up" Piper remarks. Prue shakes her head. "You can go get Phoebe, but let Lindsay sleep." Piper goes upstairs and wakes Phoebe up. On her way back downstairs, she pokes her head into Lindsay's bedroom. The bed is made and the room is empty. Piper calls Phoebe in and they look around. They notice some male boot prints near the bed and some smaller prints near the window, meaning that Lindsay must have gone out the window. Phoebe kneels down and lightly touches the male footprints on the floor and immediately had a premonition. It's dark out and Lindsay is in a warehouse. A Dark Lighter is walking toward her with his hand glowing red. He grabs Lindsay's throat and she screams. She falls to the ground and the man laughs as her body burns. The premonition ends and Phoebe looks seriously scared she tells Piper what she just saw and they run downstairs. After telling Prue, they walks upstairs to the Book of Shadows to look for some other way of banishing a Black Lighter without switching powers. "I still don't see why I can't just kill him with his power", Phoebe says as Prue frantically looks through the book. "Because I barely was able to handle it and you have no idea what it feels like to kill someone with their own power" Prue answers. Phoebe rolls her eyes and continues pacing as Piper and Prue frantically look through the book. "Wait, we still don't even know where this place is. How are we going to find her before it happens?" Piper asks looking up. Phoebe has a look of bewilderment on her face as she thinks about her vision. She leaves the attic and walks back up to the bedroom where Lindsay had been staying. She walks over and casually sits down on the bed. A split second later, she has another premonition, although it's the exact same one. She studies what she sees more and notices a highway. She smiles as she realizes that she knows where it takes place.

Phoebe goes back up into the attic and Prue is writing something down out of the book. "Did you find something?" Phoebe asks. "Yeah, unfortunately it doesn't destroy a Black Lighter completely, but it banishes him for about three hundred years", Prue says with a shrug. "Good enough", Phoebe says. She tells Prue and Piper about her premonition. "Did you recognize the street?" Piper asks. "No, but I do know that there's only one abandoned building on a highway that I know of", Phoebe explains. Prue nodes. "Okay, all we need to do is go and check out the building and see if it rings any bells" Prue says. "This might take awhile, I mean, we still need to find some ingredients for the spell too. What if we don't get it done in time?" Piper says. "It's okay. My premonition took place at night." Phoebe reassures her. "Okay, Phoebe and I will go check out that building and Piper, you stay and get the stuff together for the spell." Prue says closing the book.

It's about 10:00 as the Prue and Phoebe pull into the driveway to pick up Piper. Piper jumps in and they drive to the warehouse. When they get there, they notice a smashed window on the lower floor. Phoebe quickly runs to it and looks into the building. She sees Lindsay sitting on table. The next thing she notices is a man walking up behind her. "Lindsay, watch out!" Phoebe screams. Lindsay reacts quickly jumping off the table. Piper runs to the window, but can't freeze him because she's not inside. Phoebe helps Piper (a.k.a shoves) her through the window. The man creates a ball of fire in his hand and throws it at Lindsay. She ducks and it hits the table causing it to catch fire. Piper, now inside throws her hands up, freezing the man. Lindsay, who is on the ground jumps up quickly. "What the hell is going on?" she yells as Phoebe and Prue quickly climb through the window. Prue runs over to her pulling out the piece of paper. "After we save you, I'm going to kill you" Prue mutters to Lindsay. Lindsay looks at her frozen father. "What's that?" she asks motioning to the spell. "This is going to send daddy bye-bye for about three hundred years" Piper answers. Phoebe looks at the burning table and notices that it's growing rapidly. "Hurry up, we don't have a lot of time" she says. Prue begins reading the spell. (Authors Note: I can't think of any good spells, so just use your imagination) As time unfreezes, the Black Lighter begins to dissolve. He screams as he disappears. In his place is a black feather. "A feather? I was thinking something a little bit more threatening" Phoebe says. Then, part of the roof falls onto the ground floor. The fire has grown incredibly large. Prue grabs her sisters and Lindsay as they run back to the window. Prue shoves Phoebe and Piper out as another part of the roof falls in front of the window. Prue and Lindsay are trapped inside. Lindsay grabs Prue's jacket and runs to another window. She covers her eyes and smashes it with her arm then clears the glass out. Prue tries to push her out first. "Get going, I'll find another way out!" Lindsay yells as she pushes Prue out. Prue struggles to get all the way through the window as her clothes rip from the glass. She drops out of the window, jumps up immediately and runs back to the car. Phoebe and Piper run to her to give her a hug. "Where's Lindsay?" Phoebe asks. Prue doesn't answer as she sees the half the roof collapse into the building. Some fire trucks and a ambulance begin to pull up as the sisters look at the destroyed building.

In the hospital, Prue is being treated for some second degree burns and some pieces of glass that were stuck in her arms and legs. Phoebe and Piper are both okay. As Prue's getting a bandage put on her arm, a policeman walks into the room. "Were you familiar with anyone else in the building?" he asks. Prue looks at him questionably as he motions for her to follow him. In the room next to hers, she sees Lindsay lying on a bed talking to some other policemen. Prue smiles. "We found her passed out about a hundred feet behind the building from inhaling too much smoke. Do you know her?" a cops asks. Prue smiles. "Yeah, she's my cousin" she says. The next day both Prue and Lindsay were released from the hospital. On the drive home Piper checks out Lindsay's injuries. Second degree burns, a broken elbow from smashing the window and a minor concussion. Lindsay is quiet as Piper makes her some soup at the house. "What's up?" she asks. Lindsay shakes her head. "I bailed out on you all that morning because I thought I would help you, and yet you still found some way to find out where I was going to be and still save my butt. I feel like a total loser" Lindsay remarks. Piper smiles. "You saved Prue's life that night. You had all of the best intentions the entire time" Piper says with a smile. "I still feel like I'm a total waste of space compared to you three". Piper gives her a hug. "You're a waste of space that I like having around."