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Another Sister

by Amy

DISCLAIMER: This is my first try at writing fan fiction so please tell me what you think about it. These characters (except Psalm and her friends) are not mine and I'm just using them to write a story for fun. Please email me by clicking my name above and tell me whatever you think so I know someone is actually reading this.

Phoebe ran down the stairs only to crash into Piper who is resting at the bottom of the stairs playing with Kit. Kit runs to the door as Piper falls on the ground. "Oh my gosh Piper im so sorry but i had the strangest premonition about.." exclaims Phoebe. Piper says rubbing her head, "Its alright, I'm ok I guess. "The front door opens and Prue walks in saying "Guys there is another witch in this town and she needs our help." "So what else is new, we should have a a hotline for the supernaturally challenged" grumbles Piper. "Whats wrong?" asks Phoebe. "Oh nothing just get on with it Prue" answers Piper.

"Alright then here it goes: a 13 year old female freshman at Lincon High is suspected of having 'powers' beyond any normal beings. She is under investigation by inspector Morris who says "She is a nice girl she just skips school a little too much and is a little to good at it. Thats all it says" finishes Prue. "So do we have to save her?" asks Piper with a not so happy about it tone in her voice. "Well I bet so" replies Phoebe, "You leave for work guys I'll check and see if I can find any thing out. "Thank Phebes, I'm already late for work and I think I've ran out of excuses to give Claire." says Prue as she walks out the door. Phoebe looks after her and says "Now how am I supposed to know where to find this girl." "I would take a bet in the Attic" says Piper. In the attic the book started to flip pages leading to a page that says:

Charmed ones take head this warning,
for their is a sister who's power is forming,
All must hear her name Psalm Halliwell
the strongest of all she shall save her sisters three
If they find her before she turns 15.

Instinctively they both yell "Prue" even though they knew she couldn't hear her but somehow she did at work. She turned to Claire and said "I have to go home to give something to my sister she forgot to take out of my car, I'll be back before the end of lunch break. Claire was glad to of had Prue on time at all agreed quickly to Prue's proposal. Prue knew something was wrong as she opened the door to the house. Phoebe touched the book and and a premonition of a girl sitting in school working on math and it had the name Psalm Halliwell on the top. Phoebe gasps and says "She's in math class at Lincon High. Come'n I'll take your car." "Are you going to explain to me at all?" asks Piper knowing the usual answer to this question is no. They go down the stairs where Prue is just coming inside. Phoebe grabs her and brings them out the door. Prue says to Phoebe "Where are we going Piper." "I don't know ask Phoebe, something to do with a girl named Psalm Halliwell." "Halliwell?" Prue replies. Phoebe stops, throws the keys in the air and says "Who remembers the way to Lincon High ?" "I do" says Prue and Phoebe throws her the keys. Prue and the rest get in the car. They pull up in the parking lot and Piper says in a annoyed tone of voice "So I just go in and freeze all the Math classes?"

"Nope" Phoebe says cheerfully, "just the freshman ones." They walk into the first class, open the door a little and Piper freezes the entire class. One girl, a petite blue eyed brown blond haired ( ok my friends reading this is a girl who looks like me ) is still at work before she looks around and realizes that everyone else has stopped she stand up and says "Ok you scary demon whatever things that keep attacking me could you do it in between classes, like in the hall ways. "Phoebe walks in and says "Psalm" "Oh my God you you are one of those people I saw in my premonition." says Psalm. Piper and Prue walk in and Prue questions "who was your dad?" Psalm replies "Victor Halliwell." Piper falls back into the hallway and Psalm freeze her so Prue can catch her. Not looking surprised, unlike Phoebe, Prue continues to ask "and your Mom?" Psalm looks sad and says "I dont know my father didn't want me so I was put up for adoption when I was three he never told me who my mom was he said she had been dead a long time. Why do you want to know? I mean a typical icky thing would of been throwing fireballs already." Prue smiles and replies with that motherly tone in her voice "We are the Halliwells, your sisters." Phoebe and Piper look at her with a strange look on their face and Piper whispers in her ear "How do you know that?" "I feel it, she is so much like you Phoebe, can't you see?" says Prue. Just like Phoebe and Piper, Psalm really doesn't know what to do with this. "Show me, I know if you are my sisters, well then when did you get your powers?" says Psalm, hoping that they really are her sisters so she can finally have a home to go to. "About a year ago, you too?" Prue says. "Well i'd hate to spoil this but like they are about to unfreeze so Psalm get out of here and we can talk somewhere else." says Piper. Psalm considers it a second then turns to the desk of a dark brown haired tan muscular guy next to her and writes,


Something big came up and I'm going to have to leave school again. Call me tonight and I'll tell you more. Tell the teacher I'm sick.

Love, Psalm

"Your boyfriend?" says Phoebe with a sparkle in her eye. "Yeah, or something like that" Psalm says as she kisses Jacob on the cheek. Prue and Psalm walk ahead leaving Piper and Phoebe to discuss the turn of events. "What do you think about this?" asks Piper. "She seems alright to me. But isn't it impossible for her to be our sister I mean our mom died not long after you were born." remarks Phoebe. "I think she is not our sister. I mean do you realize what a big deal that would be. It would be huge!" practically yells Piper freaking out and its evident in her voice. "My gosh be quiet Piper. Besides I think we should trust Prue she is usually right about that sort of stuff anyway." Then up to Prue and Psalm Jenny walks up and asks "Prue, Phoebe, Piper what are you doing here?" "Well um this is our friend Psalm, Do you know her?" says Piper running up to cover for them. "Are you kidding, everyone knows Psalm, like you'd have to be deaf not to. Hey, Psalm are you skipping again?" says Jenny. "Well on that note you guessed precisely what I'm doing but if anyone asks I'm sick and please don't tell anyone else!" says Psalm pleading. "Oh I would never." Jenny says running off to her class. "I think there may be some thing after us." says Prue facing all three of her sisters. "I have had this feeling that someone is watching me all day. "

"I say we get to the Book of Shadows" says Phoebe. "Thats your answer to everything!" says Piper. "Would anyone mind telling me what the book is?" says Psalm, obviously confused. "Its the thing that tells us how to kill demons and all that stuff that attacks in the night." says Phoebe. "Or at football games," adds Psalm "all that happened to me was I say you three a year ago saying some incantation and poof I had these powers and things start coming after me telling me to give them this book and then are really mad when I don't know what they are talking about." "You mean you didn't know how to vanquish them " asks Phoebe in disbelief. "No I didn't know anything, so what are we anyway?" says Psalm "Witches" regards Prue as tall man appears in front of them holding a knife.

"Fourth ones spell added to her sisters power she shall die before this hour." he chants as Psalm falls down and Prue tries to send him flying but all he does is stand there and continue to drain Psalms power. "Please, Prue look into my eyes" Psalm pleads as she falls down to her knees. Prue does and sparks start to fly as all four witches lift above the ground and appear in the attic where the book is flipping pages rapidly turning to a page where the symbol of three and a new symbol like a flower in a circle is on the bottom. Phoebe says "Here it looks like it is a Warlock that drains witches powers by chanting so the next time they can't defeat them on their own. It says you have to have the power of the youngest and the oldest and then with the two middle sisters." "Oh so that would mean Prue and Psalm and then Phoebe and I, right?" says Piper uncertain. "I hope so or else I don't know what to do" says Prue. "By the way what was that you did at the school Psalm, I've never seen that power and you have more than one." "I really don't know what I did there but I guess I connected with you and our powers fought him together. I've always had the other powers." replies Psalm. "That has to be it! You and Prue have already connected, you must have to use your powers as one against that thing!" says Phoebe excited, you can see a plan forming in her eye. "So what do we do sherlock? We have never connected before like that." says Piper, exasperated. "I say we hold hands close our eyes and try to use our powers with our mind." say Phoebe all excited at the idea of having a new power to try out. "I don't really have a choice on this do I?" Piper says, resigned to doing whatever Phoebe wants her to do. "Nope" Phoebe replies holding out her hands as Piper grabs them the room starts to spin and the warlock, known as Timothy appears. "Why have you witches brought me here you do not know how to defeat me?" he asks. Prue looks into Psalm's deep blue eyes and he lifts up and crashes against the wall. "Ok Psalm now what do we do with him?" says Prue. "My gosh Prue is asking someone for help!" notices Phoebe. Psalm looks scared and says "I don't know," and with that Prue and Phoebe disappered with the warlock, Phoebe screaming with ether fear or pain. "What happened to them Psalm!" yells Piper. "I don't know! Why would Prue think I did, it would of been far better if you and your sisters had just left me to deal with him. Then I would be the only one who would of gotten hurt." she says showing the same feelings Piper knows Prue would of had if she had been there. Piper says "Well I frankly wish you had because those are my only sisters, I'm not so sure about you but I care about them more than anyone else and this is the first time they've ever disappeared like that. In all the demons and things we have fought! I can try this on my own, you just go back home. You are just a little kid anyway." Piper finishes.

Psalm winced at the term telling her to go home cause she was a little kid. "Look I may be younger but I have had to raise myself my whole life and I have never let someone down of a mess that I got them into. I know your mad that Prue and Phoebe accept me as their sister like that but I don't know why anymore than you do. But I've always wanted a family and even at the slightest chance that I could have one I would do anything. It say's you need the power of two and I am only one and so are you so we need to work together on this. Even if you don't like me"

Piper looked sad and said "Look I'm sorry about that, I'm just so scared about Prue and Phoebe."

They appear in a old building sneaking along the walls. "So whats the plan again?" asks Piper. "I throw him against the wall unleash Prue you get Phoebe and we say the spell together." Psalm says calmly. "I still am scared we will end up dead." Piper says nervously. "Well in this sorta stuff you get scared like that alot just don't worry about it and fight!" As Psalm said fight the warlock appeared and Piper kicked him and he flew across into the wall. A rope was lying against the wall and with her eyes Psalm made it tie around the warlock. "I don't know how long that will hold him so lets get going!" whispered Psalm as she froze him. She leaned against the wall and had a premonition of Phoebe and Prue tied up in room 134 a warlock taking their powers. Psalm starts running and Piper struggles to catch up mumbling "No one ever tells me whats going on." Pslam rushes into room 134 and throws the warlock against the wall. "I couldn't do that" says Prue as Piper rushes in and Psalm unties them. "Lets say it now!" says Piper as the other warlock rushes in.

We are the four sister witches
(Psalm and Prue) the ones who watch over the night
(All) you have come to take our powers and with it our lives
but the tables have been turned
(Psalm and Prue) for our love for our sisters is stronger
(all) And you shall die and bother us no longer.

The warlocks scream and disappear leaving a letter thats says:

Psalm Halliwell you are my daugther and Prue, Piper and Phoebe are your true sisters. They will take care of you. Even though I was dead before you were born by magic I am your mother.

Prue hugs Psalm and says "I knew you were our sister from the second I met you." "Oh this is so awesome I'm not the youngest anymore!" exclaims Phoebe and she gets the look from all her sisters. "I am glad your our sister too" she walks over and gives her a hug. Piper looks at all three, smiles and says "I couldn't of imagined it.

Later on at the house Prue, Piper and Phoebe are sitting on the couch. "So what do you say we do about having another sister?" asks Phoebe. "I say we ask her to live with us, she is practically living on t he streets now and I would never let that happen to her. Plus she needs us." says Prue. "But can we afford it?" asks Piper. "It doesnt matter, we have to, she is our sister and she's only 13. Mom told us to take care of her and this is the best way to do it. I can't even think of doing anything else." Prue replies. "Piper are you ok with that?" asks Phoebe, concerned for her sister. "Yeah I'm fine, all I'm worried about is having four people and one bathroom." Piper says laughing. Afterward Psalm walks in from school saying "I'm not sure what to tell Jacob anymore. I've run out of good excuses of why he can't see where I live or exactly why I cut class all the time." "Well about where you live." mentions Prue. Phoebe to excited to wait bursts out and says "Do you want to live with us?" "Oh my gosh, I would love too!" says Psalm really happy, they hug and the doorbell rings. "I'll get it" yells Psalm. She opens the door and its Jenny. "Hi Psalm, I thought I could find you here, this is a note from Jacob Trudeau" says Jenny then she turns around to leave. Prue was watching and says "Jacob Trudeau?" "Yeah, my boyfriend, Bye Jenny" Psalm yells out the door.

Psalm ran down the stairs past Piper and Prue to leave in a hurry out the door then she jumped in Josh's car without saying a word to ether about where she was going or anything else. Prue looks out the door stunned and says "Did I miss something or did she just get up and leave with who knows who and not TELL US A WORD?!" Phoebe walks in and says "Its her boyfriend and they are going to his beach condo, or rather his families." "Are his parents there?" asks Prue getting that motherly look on her face. Phoebe gets her scared look going and says "I didn't ask.." then Prue chases her around the house saying "Our 14 year old little sister went to the beach with her boyfriend and all any one knows is its his families condo!" Phoebe yells "In Covo". Piper being the calm one looks around the room picks up a envelope which has Prue's name on it in script and says "Prue look at this, I think its from Psalm." Prue races in the room and Phoebe plops in a car. Prue, saying to Phoebe "It better be or she won't be the only sister that's not here any more!" She tears open the letter and it says

Dear Prue,

I know you need a vacation from everyone and every thing so I have a surprise for you (airplane tickets to Covo fall out) be at room 315 at 9:00 p.m tomorrow and someone will be there to meet you, and its not me. I'm fine just taking a vacation of my own, don't worry about me. (Prue mutters "Too late")

Love, Psalm

"Oh you have to go Prue!" screams Phoebe excited, "I wonder who she set you up with." Prue looks confused and says "But I'd have to miss work," then remembering about her future she saw she smiles and says "Oh well now I'll finally get to go to the beach, I wonder why it was just for me though, and what happens if a demon attacks? You would only have you two. "Phoebe laughs and says "You think I'm saying here, no way im going to the beach too, just me and Piper are going to a different hotel and we don't have any secret visitors. Besides I would never miss Psalm's surprise for us either." Piper looks at her and says "What surprise?" Phoebe says "I don't know, but I bet its good."

On the plane over Prue sits, fidgeting mummers to Piper sitting next to her "I wonder who she knows to set me up with? Who is her boyfriend anyway?" "Jacob Trudeau" answers Phoebe. Prue turns white faced and and says "Trudeau as in was related to Andy?" Phoebe looks at her sister with a tender face and says "yeah, I looked it up, its his younger brother." "They just can't learn how dangerous it is to date a Halliwell can they?" mutters Piper. At this moment Phoebe has a premonition of Psalm and Jacob on the beach running away from something and Psalm standing in front of Jacob with blue sparks flying from her hands as Psalm obviously weakens protecting Jacob. "Oh my God " says Phoebe "Psalm is in major trouble and we don't have the book." "What did you see?" asks Piper. "Them running from something and Psalm trying to save Jacob but she looked like she was being hurt by it, like it weakened her or something." says Phoebe. "Well there is nothing we can do about it till we land and get to her. I hope that Jacob doesn't find out about our powers." says Prue looking calm as she flips through Vouge. "I can't believe that even matters, plus Psalm has probably already told him anyway." replies Phoebe horrified at the thought of losing her sister.

Meanwhile Jacob and Psalm are surfing on the coast. Jacob laughs at Psalm's attempts to stay up on her board from the shore and something comes up behind him and not thinking in front of about 20 people lying out on the beach Psalm raises her hands and the person all in back behind Jacob goes flying into the jeep pulling up. Piper and Phoebe get out and Psalm runs in from the water having a panic attack as she looks for the attacker that is running of down the beach. He turns around and you can see his green eyes and face from his all black outfit and he looks in Psalms eyes and blue sparks fly from her hands and she falls to the ground. Piper freezes time and Phoebe runs to Psalm, picks her limp body of the ground and hugs her as Prue draws them back to the car with her power, crying as she does. Later on in a hotel room Psalm lying on the bed and Phoebe beside her Piper at the table flipping through the book of shadows says "I'm glad Leo could bring it here for us but I dont see anything on a guy in black with a green face that kills witches by somehow draining their strength by blue sparks." Phoebe looks at Psalm and says "I wish she would do something to show us she's alive, anything," with this Phoebe puts her hand in Psalms and falls asleep beside her. Prue walks over and feels Psalm's neck and says "She has a pulse! She didn't before I thought maybe I didn't feel it but somehow Phoebe transferred energy to her. "Piper walks over and hugs Psalm saying "I never realized till this that she really was my sister and not just you and Phoebe's." Prue lies down next to them and puts her hand in Psalm's and falls asleep also. "So leave me to take care of the boyfriend that's unconscience and the nasty demon" says Piper as she flips through the book. She falls asleep at the book saying to herself "I wonder why we are all so tired..." Later on Psalm opens her eyes and sees her sisters all asleep around her smiles at Prue asleep beside her looks at her and says "You would do this too, I know it." After that Psalm gets up and walks out. But before she leaves she writes:

Prue meet me at room 315 like I said I'm going demon hunting I'll bring back the Book of Shadows then.

Love Psalm

Later on when Phoebe wakes up and looks at the empty space in between her and Prue she gets up tripping on her feet stumbles to Piper and shakes her saying "Where is Psalm?" Piper opens her eyes snaps up and says "Where's the book, Prue?" Prue opens her eyes and struggles to sit up on the bed. "I don't know, what's wrong why are we all so tired." "I think Psalm transferred some of our strength into her or something. Have you read her note" Piper asks throwing the note over to Prue. "What does she think she is doing? I guess I better go meet her but what happens if something goes wrong, who is their to help her?" Phoebe looks to the sofa where Jacob had laid before but is now empty, and reply "Apparently Jacob." "Why him if she needed help she should of asked us, doesn't she know how dangerous it is for him? We actually could help her." asks Prue freaking out. "Maybe thats why, she was so afraid we would get hurt she only wanted to risk her own life, and she has all the powers we three have anyway." Piper says trying to understand someone elses feelings as usual." But he almost, did, kill her last time and what if he does she has the book. "Prue says." Well there is nothing we can do till 9:oo tonight so I am going to go to the beach and make sure no one is making a fuss about seeing her use her powers." says Phoebe grabbing a towel and as she walks out the door mentions, "and get a tan." As she lay on the beach soaking up the rays Prue pulls up in the jeep, jumps out and walks up to Phoebe "Found any new male prey yet?" just as Dan walks up to them saying "What are you and your sister doing here? It's really nice out here though." He says, clearly talking to Prue. "Oh hey Dan, this is my sister Prue in case you haven't met her" Phoebe says slipping away. Dan gives Phoebe a thumbs up sign behind Prue's back. "So Dan how is it you came out here?" asks Prue, motioning behind Dan's back to Phoebe to come back. "Well actually it was Jenny's idea, she wanted me to meet this person who I have no idea who it is at a hotel room tonight." Dan replies. "Oh really?" says Prue "It was Psalm's idea for us to come here, or rather we had to follow her after she left with her boyfriend." "I'm glad I don't have that problem with Jenny, or at least I don't know about it. But I could sure see a guy running of with one of the Halliwell sisters." Prue blushes and smiles like we haven't seen her since Andy died. Phoebe yells "Prue!" from down the beach so Prue brushes the hair out of her eyes, kisses Dan on the check and runs off saying "Hope to see you later" as Dan stares after her saying to himself "I don't know why I love her."

Meanwhile later on at nightfall Psalm looks over the book mumbles "Banish this night taker into the sun take his energy and give to the witch to of whom it belongs." Jacob looks on saying "So tell me again what you are and what this is." "Oh my gosh Jacob I'm sorry but it's taken me so long to figure it out myself," says Psalm stalling. "But we can figure out everything together Psalm, we are a team." says Jacob not understanding why Psalm hesitates to talk to him. "Not in this Jacob, I know you want to help but it is so dangerous" Psalm says. "I am strong, I can help don't brush me off as a nuisance."

Psalm looks at him almost teary saying. "You aren't strong against what I'm up against here. Jacob if you want to take care of someone and be the tough one your going to have to find yourself another girlfriend because the best thing for you to do for me is to stay away tonight. Your brother was older and. ." "And what" asks Jacob. "And he dated my sister Prue, they had been dating for a while, and when a demon came to attack, he came he thought to save them. Jacob he ended up dead! Your strength can do nothing against them. Your brother died to save my sisters and I don't want you dying to save me! I may be only 14 but I love you to much to watch you put your life in danger when you can't defend yourself and I can't always defend you." Jacob thinks for a moment picks up the book and says "My brother loved your sister and died for her. And I already love another." Psalm and Jacob kiss after word Psalm whispers "You bring the book back to the hotel room and give it to Piper or Phoebe. I will go kill this demon." Jacob says "Shouldn't you have one of your sisters in case something goes wrong." "I'll be fine" says Psalm as she walks off. Jacob looks after her saying "I hope so."

Jacob sneaks back into the hotel room running into Piper who stops him in his tracks and questions him with a stern face showing her concern for her sister "Where is she? Is she ok, you better not of let her go fight that demon alone!" Jacob turns white faced and says "All she told me was to give you the book and stay out of her way because it was to dangerous." Piper says getting stressed "To dangerous is right! She almost died last time, even with her powers, she needs us as back up in order to do that, I need to know where she is." "Well your guess is as good as mine on that, She knows the spell to vanquish him and he is called a night taker." Piper looks flustered for a moment then freezes him, gets her cell phone out and calls Prue.

Prue is coming back from the beach picks up her phone and says "Psalm?" "No unfortunately its Piper and Jacob got back with the book and says Psalm has gone to fight the demon on her own." Piper says. "Well does she know how to vanquish him now?" asks Prue "Yeah," says Piper. Prue cutting her off with "I met Dan on the beach I think he is the guy I'm being set up with tonight. I am so excited!" You see Piper standing flustered as Jacob unfreezes walks out the door saying "I'm going to watch on the beach and see if Psalm is there."

Later on as Prue is getting ready for her date with Phoebe looking on giving fashion tips "Yeah those shoes look good but let your hair down, it looks silly up." "Silly?" asks Prue teasing "Well however it looks it will have to do because I have to go to meet him now." Prue walks to the room and knocks Dan opens it and says "I could of figured Jenny and Psalm had set us up (he kisses Prue on the check) I'll have to remember to thank them." "Me too" says Prue smiling.

A scream echoes from outside and you see Psalm standing in front of the demon and everything is frozen including Dan upstairs "Psalm" yells Prue opening the window and jumping out believing Psalm will use her powers to save her "Prue what are you doing?" screams Psalm as she uses the last of her power to make Prue safely. Then Psalm falls to the ground. Prue stands asking herself "What did I do?" Then everything unfreezes and the demon stares into Prue's eyes making her fall down next to Psalm. Psalm stumbles over stands up and says:

Banish this night dweller into the sun
Take his strength and give it to the witches
To whom it belongs

With that the creature disappears and Prue gets up and both are resumed to their normal selves. "You better get back to Dan" Prue laughs as Psalm freezes time and says "You better get back to Jacob, he is a real keeper, don't hesitate to let him in our little secret life." Psalm gives her a hug and says "Don't worry, I love him and he knows it. Now you get back to your friends "They both hug and run off to their respective boyfriends. You see Phoebe and Piper come across a spell "To see the one you are destined to marry."