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The Warlock Is Back...
With More Power Than Ever!

by Leo

DISCLAIMER: All of the characters belong to Constance M. Burge and Aaron Spelling except: Metempus (pronounced Me-Tempus also known as Tempus' little brother)

It was a hot 11/9/99 at 1:00. Prue was typing when suddenly she had a premonition, Piper came running in with Doug (the clumsy waiter that Piper employed) and Phoebe came in after them.

Phoebe: How come i just heard a... (Phoebe freezes) what the...

Piper: How did you?

Prue: Yeah I wanna know why I have premonitions, she can freeze time and...

Piper: I can (Piper sends a lamp flying into the wall) do that.

Metempus: Ha, ha, ha (climbs in the window and tries to kill Prue, but Phoebe freezes Metempus and Piper sends him flying.)

Piper: Yah, take that.

Phoebe: And that.

Prue: Deja Vu I think.

Piper: Yeah this seems way familiar.

Phoebe: That's funny.

Prue: That's weird I swear I saw Andy.

Andy: Prue, Piper, Phoebe, It's me.

Piper/Phoebe/Prue: I heard that.

Andy: Time to cast the Time Bewildered Spell.

Prue: Okay, Andy.

All Except Andy: Ones of time gather round, give me wings to speed my way rush me on my journey back, let today be tomorrow.

Andy: Ahhhhh! (Burns In Flames) Noooooo!

Prue: Hey, how come.

Andy: I know i'm a warlock. Ahhhhhh!

Phoebe: Hey, I... (suddenly the Book Of Shadows flicks to 1 page at the back of the book.)

Piper: Know

Prue: The book Phoebe, the book Piper.

Piper: It...

Phoebe: says...

Prue: The warlock that posses The Charmed Ones, makes friends with them, and kills them gets an upgrade to a copy power warlock.

Phoebe: Yahhh. Take... (Piper has premonition of Andy dying, going through a window. Andy still lives then Prue gets a stake and shoots it through his heart. Then he screams and dies.)

Prue: Let me guess, a premonition right?

Piper: What else!

Phoebe: Go easy on her!

Andy: (Andy goes through a window) Ahhhhh!!!!

Piper: My, premonition.

Phoebe: Forget about your stupid premonition,

Prue: (Freezes) What about your premonition?

Piper: In a couple of seconds you are going to stab Andy in the heart with a stake.

Prue: Damn, right! (Prue stabs Andy in the back with a stake. Then Andy unfreezes.)

Andy: Noooo!