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Bury The Hatchet

by Pez

DISCLAIMER: I don't own them, I don't want to be sued, so please don't.

Piper pushed the cart absent-mindedly down the aisle as she shopped. She didn't notice the cart in front of her, and proceeded to bump the cart. The guy at the cart dropped his cereal into her cart. Piper muttered an apology and reached into the basket to give it back. But at the same time, the guy was reaching in and their heads bumped together.

"Ow..sorry," Piper said, while rubbing the side of her head. The guy grabbed the box and looked up.

"Sorry about that," he said.

"No, it's my fault," Piper said. She couldn't help but stare at him. He was very attractive, with short brown hair and deep violet eyes. When she realized she was staring, she looked away. As she was just about to walk away, he stuck out his hand.

"Ben Sway, and you are?" he asked. She stopped and took his hand.

"Uh, Piper Halliwell," she said.

"Please to me you," he said. She nodded and started to move away again. He pulled his buggy beside hers. She glanced over at him.

"What are you doing?" she asked. He just shrugged.

"Though I'd do a little shopping. That's all," he said. She nodded.

"Okay," she said. They walked along in silence, while Piper grabbed some things off the shelves.

"Making a feast?" he asked.

"Yes. Why are you interested? And why are you following me?" Piper asked.

"Is it a crime for me to shop?" he tried, but she gave him a look that said 'don't even try'. "Well, I was hoping I could ask a beautiful woman out on a date with me tonight," he said. Piper bit her lip and froze him.

"Okay, this cute guy asked me out, what do I do?" she said to herself while pacing. After a while of debating, things unfroze.

"So, tonight? 7:00?" he asked.

"Well, I don't--" she started but he interrupted.

"No, I don't want to hear that, please say yes," he said.

"Well, I, okay," she said. Ben grinned. They both entered the lines to pay for their groceries.

"I'll see you tonight!" he called as they parted ways.

* * *

Piper returned home and began unpacking groceries, a slight smile on her face as she thought about her date. Phoebe walked into the room and made a beeline for the groceries.

"Step away now," Piper said firmly. Phoebe stopped in her tracks and pouted.

"But I'm hungry, please, just a cookie?" she whined. Piper rolled her eyes and gave in. Phoebe snatched the box of cookies, and a glass of milk before running into the other room. Piper put the last box away and chased after her.

"Hey wait, I want some too," she called. She followed Phoebe and sat down next to her. She grabbed the box and took a cookie.

"Hey! Those are mine!" she said behind a mouthful of cookies.

"Learn to share," Piper said with a smile and handed them back.

After sitting watching T.V. in silence, Piper glanced at the clock and noticed her date was in an hour.

"Wow, time flies when you watch T.V." she said.

"Where are you going tonight that is so important?" Phoebe asked following Piper to her room.

"I have a date," she said.

"You!" Phoebe exclaimed. Piper glared at her. Phoebe laughed nervously. "Well, you know, you haven't been out in a while," she said, receiving a pillow in the face. Phoebe grabbed the pillow and swung it at Piper. A full-fledge pillow fight broke out, and before they knew it, it was 7:00, and Ben was at the door. Racing around, Piper, with Phoebe's help, managed to get ready in 1 minute. She rushed down stairs, and ran to the door.

"Sorry about the wait, we were just talking," Piper said out of breath as Phoebe came up beside her. She cleared her throat, making Piper roll her eyes.

"And who is this fine guy?" she asked, looking him over with a smile. Ben gave a nervous smile.

"This is Ben Sway, Ben meet my younger sister Phoebe," she muttered, while Phoebe and Ben shook hands. Before Phoebe could say anything else, Piper pushed Ben out the door.

"See you Phoebe, later, okay?" Piper called out.

"Bye, kids, have fun and don't stay out too late," Phoebe called. Ben turned his back, and Piper stuck out her tongue.

* * *

The whole evening went perfectly, without a slip up about the Charmed Ones. Piper learned Ben had been transferred just recently to San Francisco, and he was starting his job in a few weeks. They both found out that they enjoyed the same things, and Piper was happy he liked to cook. They finished dinner, and Ben took her to the new club nearby. They sat at one of the tables, and ordered a drink. A new song came on, and Ben's eyes lit up.

"You've got to dance with me to this one," he said as the slow song started. "I love this song." He grabbed her by the arm before she could answer, and pulled her into his arms. Piper relaxed in his arms, and they swayed together.

"You don't like to hear 'no', do you?" she asked, with an eyebrow raised.

"Nope, I like to be positive," he said. They danced in silence for the remainder of the song, and when it was over, a faster song came on, and Piper had to laugh at Ben's attempt at dancing.

"Don't you like my dancing?" he asked, making a mock sad face.

"It's almost as bad as my dancing," she giggled. Ben laughed as she started dancing as well.

"You're right! You stink!" he laughed.

"Not as bad as you though," she shot back. They continued to laugh, dancing to every song. Finally, when both were tired, they ordered some drinks, and attempted to talk to each other. After several rounds, they decided it was time to go home. Both were too drunk to drive, so they decided to take a walk. They stumbled all the way home, and when they reached the Halliwell home, Piper invited him to stay the night.

"My we're fast," he said with a laugh.

"It's because you're drunk and your car is still at the club, besides, you will be sleeping on the couch," she said after giving him a light slap. Ben sighed, getting him another smack. Piper grabbed some pillows and a blanket for Ben, and set him up on the couch. She was just about to go to her own room when Ben grabbed her and kissed her. She was surprised at first but settled into the kiss. They held the embrace, only breaking it once to take in air. They were interrupted by a noise upstairs. They broke away.

"I should leave before this goes any further," she said. Ben nodded and released her. They said goodnight to each other, and both fell asleep when their head hit the pillow.

* * *

Phoebe stumbled down the stairs, passed by the sleeping figure on the couch and into the kitchen. She stopped, and frowned. She moved backwards into the other room and looked at the couch. She saw a figure hidden beneath the covers. She moved closer towards the couch, and leaned to see who it was. Suddenly whoever he was woke up, scaring Phoebe. She screamed, causing both Prue and Piper to come running down the stairs.

"Phoebe! Are you okay?" Prue called, running into the room. Piper saw who scared Phoebe and laughed. Prue glanced at her.

"Who is this?" she asked. Ben spoke up.

"Ben Sway, I'm Piper's friend," he said. Prue looked at Phoebe and Piper who both nodded. Prue took Ben's outstretched hand and shook it.

"I'm Prue, Piper's sister," she said. Phoebe, who had been silent the whole time, spoke up.

"Sorry, about that Ben, you startled me," she said.

"You scared me just as much," he said with a laugh. He glanced at the clock. "I have to hurry, I'm meeting my new boss today." he said, and got up. The cover fell off and he stood up shirtless. Both Phoebe and Piper stared with tongues and chins dropped, while Prue, pushed their jaws closed. Ben pulled on his shirt and started for the door. Piper followed him, and opened the door for him. They both stepped outside.

"I'd really like to see you again," Ben said, while stroking her cheek.

"Me too," she said, staring into his eyes.

"Tomorrow sound good? Dinner at 8?" he asked. She nodded, and they kissed quickly before he left. Piper went back inside, and both Prue and Phoebe were looking at her.

"What?" she said.

"He is so hot!" Phoebe said.

"I know!" Piper gushed. Prue rolled her eyes, and grabbed her purse and keys.

"I have to get to work, I'll see you guys tonight, around 6," she said, and left out the door. Phoebe and Piper moved into the kitchen and poured some coffee.

"So, Piper, you going out with him again?" Phoebe asked.

"Tonight, at 8," she smiled.

"Oooo, a second date and no sign of evil activity," Phoebe teased.

"Don't say that! You'll jinx it! Quick! Knock on wood!" Piper said, and, with a smile, knocked on Phoebe's head. She rolled her eyes, and faked a laugh.

"You're so funny, you should become a comedian," she said sarcastically. "But I'll get you back!" she said, and chased Piper around the house.

* * *

Later on, Ben picked up Piper, and, after dinner, rushed out to catch the later movie. They missed it, so Ben invited her to his apartment to have coffee. They saw that it was a beautiful night, and decided to walk to Ben's apartment. They walked in comfortable silence all the way to Ben's apartment. But, after realizing the time, was reluctant at first.

"It's getting late, maybe I should just go home," she said. Ben pulled her into her arms and looked down at her.

"Don't worry, neither I nor my apartment will bite," he said slyly, and leaned in close, until their lips were inches apart.

"Oh really?" she chuckled.

"Well, maybe just a little bit," he said and closed the gap. The kiss was deep and passionate, and Ben pushed her against the door without breaking the kiss. He struggled to unlock the door, and when he did, they tripped over a chair that had been knocked over. The kiss was broken. Both looked at the apartment. Chairs were tipped over, and boxes were spilled.

"What the...?" Ben started. He told her to call the police, while he checked out the apartment. Satisfied no one was still in the apartment, he went back to Piper, who just hung up with the police. He ran his hand through his hair, nervously waiting for the police. Suddenly the phone rang. Ben snatched it up.

"Where are my jewels!" a voice on the other end yelled.

"What jewels?" Ben said quietly. The line went dead. Ben slowly replaced the receiver.

"What was that? What jewels?" Piper asked.

"Wrong Number," he said. He stopped Piper when she tried to press further.

The police arrived, and checked out the place, before telling Ben to write an inventory of what was missing. Ben and Piper thanked the officers, and they left.

"I'll drive you home, Piper," Ben said quietly. He led her to his car and they drove to the Halliwell house in silence.

* * *

A week after the break-in, Piper noticed a change in Ben. He never spoke of the call, nor the break-in since it happened, and it worried Piper. They had gone on several more dates and Piper could tell this relationship was going somewhere, but Piper knew Ben had to be honest with her about everything, even if it meant she had to be honest about her little secret. But she had to speak to Prue and Phoebe about it first before she could tell Ben her secret, and she wanted to make sure he wasn't a warlock like Jeremy. She pulled up to Ben's apartment and went up to his floor. She knocked on the door and he let her in, pulling her into his arms immediately. He swung her around.

"We finally get to spend time together!" he said, with a large grin. But he lost his grin when he saw her face. "What?" he asked.

"We need to talk. About that phone call. I want to know what you are hiding," she stated.

"You really know how to kill the mood," he said miserably. Piper took his hand.

"I need to know. Something's has been bothering you, and I want to know now," Piper said. Ben was about to say something when the phone rang. He went over to the phone and picked up.

"You and your little girlfriend better watch out. That break-in was just a warning. Now we move on to something a little more closer to home," the voice said.

"Who is this! What is this! Some sort of sick joke! Because I'm not falling for it!" he yelled. Piper immediately moved next to him.

"No joke, Benny. If I don't get my jewels anytime soon, you'll see just how serious I'm being," the voice said, and they hung up. Ben knew that voice. He remembered it from a long time ago. A time he chose to forget.

"Ben, it was the same person who called you before. Wasn't it?" Piper asked, shaking him out of his memories. Ben nodded and replaced the receiver. He took her hand and lead her over to the couch, and sat down.

"When I was 17, I was involved with some bad people. These people were jewelry thieves, and I thought I could make some money fast to help my family. On this one heist, the leader, Vince Spadone, shot a guard. We stole the jewels, and before he could get away, Vince was arrested. He told me to take the jewels and keep them until he got out of prison. A few years ago, he was released and he came looking for them. But I had gotten rid of them. I ran away, changed my name and started a new life. But he keeps finding me. I'm so scared he'll blow me away like he did that guard, I just..." he said. Piper sighed.

"We have to go to the police if he is harassing you," she said. Ben shook his head.

"I can't. They'll know I was involved, and I'll go to jail," he said, fearfully.

"It's better to go to jail then to go to a grave," she tried. Ben shook his head, and he wouldn't listen to anything else she had to say. Piper got up and headed for the door. Ben followed her.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Home. I can't stay here," she said, and left. Ben chased after her down the hall. He pleaded with her to stay.

"We haven't been alone together in awhile. Please, stay," he said. She couldn't look at him.

"I don't think we should see each other anymore," she stated, and moved to her car. At her car, she struggled to put the keys in the lock, but she was so upset her hands were shaking. Ben came up behind her.

"Here, let me," he said simply, and unlocked her door. She jumped in the seat and turned on the engine. Ben stood in the doorway. "Please, Piper, just listen to me. I'll go to the police, and tell the police what's happening, if that will make you happy. Please, don't go," he said. She turned to face him. Tears were in her eyes.

"Ben," she started. He put a finger to her lips.

"Shhhh, don't speak," he said, and kissed her. He pushed her back into the car and climbed in, while shutting the door.

* * *

Piper awoke in Ben's arms, smiling at the day and night's events. She loved being in Ben's arms, and she rubbed his arms as he slept. She felt so warm where she was, she didn't want to get up, but she knew she had to work in an hour, and the phone was now ringing. Reaching over, she snatched up the receiver.


"Piper?" the voice asked. Piper frowned.

"Yes," she said.

"Tell Ben if he goes to the police, he'll never know what hit him," the voice said. Piper was about to wake up Ben when the caller hung up. She shook Ben awake.

"Ben, wake up," she urged. He smiled and opened his eyes.

"Hi, beautiful," he said. Piper immediately told him about the call. He sat up in bed and put his head in his hands.

"I'm going to the police still," he said. Piper nodded.

"I want you to be okay. Hey, I know someone that might be able to help us," Piper said. "But right now I have to go to work. I'm going to be late," she said, and dressed quickly. She crawled on the bed and kissed Ben goodbye. She rushed out of the apartment and drove home. She ran into the house, and straight towards the shower, beating out Phoebe who was just stumbling out of her room.

"Hey!" she shouted.

* * *

After her shower, Piper had changed and was rushing around drinking her coffee, looking for clothes to wear. Phoebe, who had been robbed of a shower earlier was in there while Prue was downstairs reading the paper. Piper ran downstairs, grabbed her purse and coat, and waved to Prue.

"Bye!" she yelled, and ran out to her car. Prue looked up from the paper and frowned. Phoebe came down drying her hair with a towel.

"I haven't seen Piper in 2 days, and when I do see her, it's while she's speeding around the house," Prue said.

"Well, she's finally in a relationship that isn't with a demon, dead guy, so on...." Phoebe said. Prue smiled.

"It's about time, too. She really needs this," Prue said. Phoebe nodded, but gave Prue a look. "Okay, okay, we all need this," she said with a laugh.

"Yes, some hot guy to wake up to, mmmm," Phoebe laughed.

* * *

Piper was having a hard time at work. She had just arrived late, and the new waiter sucked. He couldn't get any of the orders right, and he was making the customers angry, and when customers are angry, it affects the restaurant. She had him now in the kitchen working on dishes while she served the food. She had been rushing around the whole day, and now, being one of the waitresses was not helping her mood. She was tired and sick of Quake. When her shift was over, finally, she left as quickly as possible, and drove to Ben's. She knocked on the door, but didn't get an answer. She kept knocking, but still no answer. She was just about to leave when Ben stopped her. He smiled and kissed her.

"Hi, how was your day," he murmured, and kissed down her neck slowly. Piper sighed.

"Terrible, until now," she said with a smile. He grinned.

"I'm glad I helped change your mood, now let's go inside, and I'll improve your mood even more," he said, and pushed her inside.

* * *

Piper was sitting on the couch watching t.v when Ben woke up. He was only wearing his pants and he looked so good.

"That's where my shirt went," he said when he saw her wearing his shirt. She gave him a smile and he kissed her. He went into the kitchen and came out with milk. He sat down next to her.

"Piper, I went to the police. I didn't tell them the whole story, just that Vince Spadone was stalking me," he said, and sipped his milk. "They said they'd bring him in to question him."

"I hope this was a good idea," Piper said, feeling doubts for the first time since Ben told her about his past. It was the phone call that made her feel doubtful in the abilities of the police to help Ben. The phone rang, and they both looked at each other. Ben reached for the phone.


"Big mistake, Ben. Your time is up,"

* * *

Piper shook Ben and he hung up the phone.

"What is it Ben?" she asked worried. Before he could tell her, a the phone rang for the second time, and he picked it up quickly. After a few minutes he hung up.

"My boss wants me to go on a business trip for three days. And my time is up," he said. He looked her in the eye.

"I shouldn't leave you here alone. I have to tell my boss I can't go," he said, suddenly. Piper shook her head.

"You may get fired. You can't take the chance. Besides, you might be safer if you leave town for a little while. I will stay with my sisters. I will be okay. You just concentrate on your business trip. Okay?" she said. He was about to protest but she silenced him. He agreed, and they changed the subject, and soon the phone call was almost forgotten. They lay on the couch holding each other and just sat in silence. Piper broke the silence.

"Have I ever told you I love you?" she asked

"No," he said.

"I do," she said. She turned to face him.


"Always," she said, and she kissed him.

* * *

Piper stood with Ben at the front of his apartment building, waiting for the cab that would take him away from her for three days.

"Maybe I shouldn't go. Besides, I'd much rather stay here with you," he said, a slight grin. She laughed.

"Easy boy! I will be waiting for you when you return," she said, and kissed him as the cab pulled up. While the cabbie put Ben's luggage in the trunk, Ben and Piper said there goodbyes.

"I will be thinking of you every second of the day," Ben said. Piper laughed.

"You have to think of the whole point of this business trip, remember," she said. He smiled.

"I love your laugh. I love you," he said seriously, and kissed her once last time before climbing in the cab. He waved as the cab pulled away.

Piper sighed as the cab pulled away from the curb, and she climbed into her jeep and drove home. She came in the house and plopped down in front of the t.v. Phoebe came down and saw her home.

"Well look what the cat dragged in. It's been a long time, Piper, and how are you?" she said. Prue came down the stairs and was surprised to see her.

"Wow, Piper, long time no see," she said and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Okay, I get it, I haven't been home in a while," she said. "But Ben's away for three days, and he wants me to stay here, so I'm okay," she said. Prue frowned.

"Is there something wrong, something we should know about," she asked, hinting to the fact of the power of three. Piper shook her head.

"It's really nothing, but it's worrying Ben. Just something from his past," she said. Prue and Phoebe could tell she didn't want to talk about it anymore, so they dropped it.

The rest of the day, Prue, Piper and Phoebe stayed at home and caught up on the last week. At the end of the day, after the delicious meal Piper fixed, they all headed to their beds, and drifted off to sleep quickly.

* * *

A few hours after they had gone to sleep, two men circled the house. One held a bottle, and the other held a lighter. The one with the lighter lit the end of the cloth that was sticking out of the bottle, while the other threw the bottle through the window. There was a loud crash inside, and instantly the flames grew. The two men ran off to the waiting car and sped away.

* * *

Prue awoke at the crash and explosion. She rushed to her sisters bedrooms and shook them awake. All three sisters peered downstairs and saw the flames rising high up the wall. Piper raised her hands and froze the flames, while Prue and Phoebe grabbed a blanket and started patting out the fire. Piper ran and called the fire department, and soon the sounds of a siren could be heard.

Later on, at Ben's apartment, all three witches finally fell asleep, but Piper fell into restless sleep, knowing that because of Ben, her sisters' lives were in danger as well as her own. She finally gave up on sleep after an hour of tossing and turning. She got up and walked into the living room, where she looked to door to check the locks, and she noticed a small white paper lying on the ground. She frowned and picked it up. It was a note and it said:

That was a warning. Next time, you'll be dead.

* * *

Piper stared at the note and did not realize Phoebe was standing right behind her, having just read the note as well.

"What's going on, Piper," she asked, breaking the silence and making Piper jump.

"Uh... nothing.. uh... is going on. This is probably a sick joke," she said and folded the note. She stuffed it in her pocket.

"Piper, I can tell when you are lying, so cut the crap and tell me what's going on with you and Ben," she said sternly. Piper sighed, and led Phoebe over to the couch. She told her about everything that had happened, up to the fire.

"Piper, this is serious!" Phoebe cried.

"Shhhh!" Piper hissed. "I know it's serious, and we've gone to the police already, so they know what's happening. But that's all we can do," she said.

"What about me and Prue, we can help," she said.

"It's not a job for the Power of Three. We can't banish these guys, because they aren't demons," she said. "Besides, the less you're involved, the less danger you two are in."

"But--" Phoebe started.

"No. I don't want to see you two get hurt. I could never forgive myself and I know Ben wouldn't be able to either. So that ends it. Please don't tell Prue. I don't want to worry her even more, you know, with all that has happened recently," Piper said, trailing off. Phoebe understood and nodded right away.

"Okay, I won't tell Prue. But you know how I am with secrets. So you're risking it," Phoebe said with a smile, trying to lighten the mood. Piper gave a slight smile, and they pinky swore it.

* * *

Piper paced anxiously in the Halliwell house, while waiting for Ben to come by. Nothing had happened since the fire, and Piper was beginning to think that nothing would. She was just about to create a grove in the carpet when the doorbell rang. She rushed to the door and pulled it open. Ben was there with a dozen red roses. He handed them to her, and kissed her deeply.

"I missed you so much," he said, and kissed her again.

"I missed you too," she said. "Prue and Phoebe aren't home," she said seductively. Ben smiled and followed her to her bedroom.

"You don't need to tell me twice," he grinned.

Piper and Ben sat on the couch together, and were watching a movie, when both Phoebe and Prue came home. They said their hellos, and Ben and Piper started work on dinner. They prepared a magnificent meal. They all sat at the table and discussed everything. The meal was great, and the conversation did not lead to anything that would be uncomfortable. After the meal, Prue and Phoebe both felt tired and went to bed soon after. Ben and Piper lingered longer, but went to bed together quickly.

* * *

In the morning, Piper and Ben came down together and Phoebe had a 'I know what you did' look, but didn't say anything. She just had a smile the whole time they were there. Soon after though, Prue, Piper and Ben all left for work and she was left alone. She decided to check up on Vince Spadone. She locked the doors and went to the library to check out the past newspapers. She printed up several articles, and folded them up, and shoved them in her pocket. She pulled out her phone and called Piper.

"Hey Piper, I've got some news," she said.

"About Vince Spadone," Phoebe said.

"What?" Piper yelled. "I told you I didn't want you involved!" she yelled. Phoebe rolled her eyes.

"You know I wouldn't listen to you," she said. She heard Piper sigh.

"What do you have Phoebe," she said. Phoebe relayed all the information she had found on Spadone, but everything she said Piper already knew.

"Phoebe, none of that is useful. I know it all already. You've just wasted your afternoon," Piper said. It was Phoebe's turn to sigh. She apologized for bothering Piper, and hung up. She left the library, upset. She didn't notice the car until it was too late. The car hit her and she flew over it, hitting the ground hard. On the verge of darkness, she saw a man walk over to her, and stuff a note into her pocket before running off. The car had screeched away long before, and in her haze of pain, she saw people scrambling around her, trying to help her.

* * *

Piper and Prue ran into the emergency room to the admitting desk.

"You called us about our sister, Phoebe Halliwell, she was hit by a car?" Prue said. The nurse typed the name on the computer, and nodded.

"Yes, she's still in surgery, if you'll just sit in the waiting room, a doctor will inform you of your sister's injuries," she said. Prue thanked her and she and Piper sat and waited for the doctor.

One hour later, the doctor called for them. Prue and Piper immediately jumped up.

"How is she? Is she okay?" Prue asked. The doctor nodded, and raised his hands to calm her down.

"The surgery to repair the internal injuries was a success, she has a few broken bones, and a minor concussion. She'll be out of here in a week," he said.

"Thank God," Prue whispered. "Can we see her doctor?" she asked.

"Well, visiting hours are over now, but you may see her for a few minutes. Tomorrow, visiting hours are from 9-5." he said. "Oh, by the way, which one of you is Piper Halliwell?" he asked. Piper raised her hand and he handed her a note. She didn't read it as he lead them to Phoebe's room, and left them alone. Prue stepped up to the bed, while Piper hung back. Prue held Phoebe's hand while she brushed the hair out of her eyes. Piper felt tears sliding down her cheeks, and she felt like she was going to be sick. She held the note in her hand, and read the note over and over again, wishing it wasn't true. A small smear of blood was on the corner. Piper reread the note.

Dear Piper,

Tell your sister to leave it alone, or she may never wake up. And to you, we're waiting for you and Ben. And you won't even be alive to say goodbye.

Piper couldn't read the note anymore. Her eyes were tearing so much, it was blurry, and her hands were trembling. She could hear Prue calling her name.

"Piper! Are you okay? What's wrong, what does the note say?" Prue asked. She had noticed Piper getting paler and paler every second, while tears poured down her face and she trembled. Prue was getting worried. "Answer me!" she cried. Piper finally looked up.

"We did this. It's our fault!" she cried, and ran out of the room. She heard Prue calling her name, but she kept going. She ran all the way to Ben's apartment, where she found Ben just unlocking his door. Just before he opened his door, Piper called to him. Seeing her distress, he held her in his arms. She pulled away.

"Phoebe's in the hospital. She was hit by a car, and this note was with her," Piper said, handing the note to Ben. He took it and started to read it. She could see his anger build up as he tightened his jaw.

"You have to tell the truth, Ben," Piper said. Ben nodded.

"I'll call the police now," he said, and opened the door. Before either could react, they were tackled. Piper landed on her arm awkwardly, and she felt the bone snap. She cried out in pain, and heard Ben call her name before he was punched in the stomach. Piper and Ben were pulled to their feet. The leader, obviously Vince Spadone, came forward, holding a gun. He aimed it at Ben.

"Benny, I asked politely for my jewels, and you ignored me. Now I'm not going to ask again. Where are my jewels?" he said.

"I don't have them. I got rid of them long ago," he said. Spadone shook his head. He walked over to Piper and grabbed her by the hair, holding the gun to her chin.

"I don't like being lied to. Now, tell me where the jewels are and she can live," Vince threatened. Ben stuck by his story, even when Spadone dug the gun deeper into Piper's chin.

"Ben, I'm tired of this game, you're being a fool," he said.

"You're the only fool for thinking he'd keep them," Piper said. She was greeted with a gun cracking across her face.

"Do not speak unless spoken to, bitch," Vince said. Ben didn't like what Vince did to Piper, and he broke away from his two holders, and charged Vince. Vince spun around and fired the gun twice. Ben stopped suddenly, and collapsed to his knees before falling onto his side.

"No!" Piper cried and struggled against her captors. Vince hit her on the side of the head with the gun and the rest was darkness.

* * *

Piper awoke to the sounds of the door banging. She ignored it and crawled to Ben's still form. She rolled him onto his back with her good arm, and cradled his face. She felt tears running down her face.

"Ben? Please Ben! Don't die on me!" she sobbed. Ben's eyes slowly opened, and he gave a weak smile.

"Hi, beautiful," he said. He coughed. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you and your sisters," he said, tears running down his face.

"I forgive you," she said. "It's not your fault. It's Spadone's fault, and don't you believe it's yours," she cried. He whispered `thank you', and closed his eyes. Piper shook him.

"Don't you leave me!" she sobbed. He opened his eyes slowly, and Piper tried to smile through the tears. "You're okay, you're going to live. Can you hear the ambulance coming? They're going to help you," she said, trembling. But Ben knew.

"Have I ever told you I love you?" he asked weakly.

"No," she said, her eyes pouring tears.

"I do," he whispered.

"Still," her voice cracked.

"Always," he said, barely audible. He took one last breath, and closed his eyes forever.

* * *


Piper closed her eyes, as the priest read on. She stood in front of her sisters in the rain, with Ben's family surrounding the casket. Prayers were being read, and Ben's life was recalled, but Piper barely heard any of it. She stood there, and opened her eyes. She stared at the casket.


She moved up to the coffin and stared down at the rain soaked wood. She could feel everybody's eyes on her, but she didn't care. She just stayed there, staring at the coffin, knowing that inside held a person whom she loved. She placed a hand on the coffin, and felt tears threaten her eyes.


As she stood there with her hand on the coffin, she remained there after the service had ended and reflected on her own memories of Ben. The happy times together, even though she knew she would never share or make new memories with Ben.


She held the single red rose, while thinking of Ben. The time he had given her the 12 roses. She remembered he had said he loved red roses. She slowly placed it on the coffin, thinking of how fitting the single rose was for him. His last request. She knew that no matter what, he'd be in her heart always.


"Have I ever told you I love you?"


"I do."

