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Andy's Secret and Piper's Drink

by Ken Bartholomew

DISCLAIMER: All Character's are copyright Spelling television except Kevin whom I Created. Enjoy the story as much as I did writing it.

We open up to a small bedroom covered in candles and incense fumes, a teenage girl flips through a book titled "How to turn your boyfriend into a mouse". She pages through the large book until she finds what appears to be what she was looking for. The young girl cuts the stem of a long red rose and throws it into a black cauldron which contains other ingredients. "I call on Selene tonight, Show me the Power, Show me the Light", chants the young girl. Immediately the cauldron is covered in a reddish mist and the contents turn to liquid. The girl pours the small amount of liquid into a vile. The teenager smiles as we fade out to intro.

Piper is in the kitchen preparing coffee as Phoebe and Prue enter the room giggling. "Whets so Funny", Piper asks. "Oh nothing, Just that there a little pest running around the house". Piper looks in confusion when suddenly a small Grey mouse runs across the kitchen floor. Piper using her handy power, freezes the mouse in it's tracks. "You go Girl", Phoebe replies. Piper smiles and Prue quickly disposes the little intruder before he unfreezes. The sisters sit down at the table and enjoy their morning coffee. "My coffee is cold if only Leo was-" Phoebe realizes what she had just said and stops to confront her confused looking sisters. "What did you say"? Prue asks. "Oh nothing", smiles Phoebe as she tells her sisters that she has to get going. Phoebe explains to her siblings that she has a job interview. Piper and Prue grin and Phoebe heads out the door. "I love you". "We love you to", responds Piper and Prue. Phoebe smiles and then turns to open the door. "Oh no, I better get going to Quake" Piper adds.

Meanwhile in a large warehouse with shattered windows a strange looking demon appears. "Yes, Oh thank you master" the demon says. "I will not let you down." The demon then walks over to a small wooden desk an opens a bolted drawer. "My Books, My Books"! The demon picks up the old skin bound books and opens to the first page. "Now that I have my books I can destroy the Charmed Ones" he adds. The demon pages through the books until he finds a passage on the Halliwell witches. The passage reads.

In the night the demons creep
The Charmed Ones fight to protect the streets
The Halliwell line must be stopped before all demon work comes to a halt.
To kill a good witch take her love, she'll surrender her powers to the demon above.
When she is weak you must sneak to destroy her mortal life as she sleeps.

The demon smiles as he reads the passage and closes his book. "This will be the end of the Charmed Ones" laughs the demon as he walks out of the room.

Later at Quake, Piper is busy arguing with a new hostess who is carelessly seating customers in wrong places. "Can't you do anything right"? Piper snarls. "I'm really sorry its just that I am new and I am really nervous", replies the girl. Piper forgives her and walks away. The hostess who we will now call Amy turns to take care of the next waiting customer. A young blonde haired man enters the restaurant. The man greets Amy with a grin. Amy smiles as she seats him at the bar. Piper being short handed today has to bartend, the young man sitting at the bar looks at Piper and signals her to him. "Can I help you" she asks. "You sure can, how about a club soda", he replies. Piper prepares the drink when a worried busser comes out of the kitchen and tells Piper there's a problem. Piper excuses herself and than makes her way to the kitchen.

"What in the hell"? Piper says. Lying on the floor was the spice rack including the trays that were ready to be served. A waiter was just about to drop some hot coffee when Piper freezes him.

At the same time, outside the kitchen Amy is staring at the blonde haired man sitting at the bar. She notices that Piper has not yet served his drink and she has an idea. Amy walks over behind the bar tuning out a bunch of angry drinkers waiting for service. She spots a glass of club soda on the counter and takes out her vile. She opens it and pours a small amount of the clear liquid into the soda. Amy was just about to serve the blonde his drink when a large noise came from the kitchen. Amy rushes to the kitchen finding a waiter lying on the ground surrounded by black coffee. "Um, What happened here", Amy asks. Piper gives her a once over and storms out of the kitchen trying to hold back her anger.

Piper walks over to the bar, only to find the angry drinkers waiting for service. She freezes them in rage and sips some of the club soda left on the counter. She quickly prepares the drinks and was just about to serve when the customers unfreeze. "There Ya Go", Piper says with a "the customers always right smile". Amy exits the kitchen and hurries over to the entrance to sit more customers. Amy notices Piper sipping the drink, her stomach drops to her feet. "What have I done", she says. Piper looks at her and asks what she is talking about. Amy tells her nothing and laughs to herself.

Meanwhile Phoebe is in her car looking for the building of her interview. She spots a large company called "Gina's Apparels" and proceeds to park her car. Phoebe is really excited about this new potential job. She walks up to the door and was just about to open it when she suddenly she has a vision of the company going out of business. Phoebe ponders for a moment and then walks away. "Only Me" she says as a smiles over comes her face. Phoebe enters her car and starts for home.

Prue is sitting at her desk when her boss Claire pays a visit. "New Shipment Prue" she says. Prue now knows she has a long day ahead. Claire leaves the office and Prue uses her power, out of frustration to slam the door behind her. Claire looks back, huffs and then walks away. Prue really wants to get home but as excepted starts to catalog the new shipments.

Night has fallen on San Francisco, Amy has left Quake and is now at home. She returns to her room and searches for her book. "Dinner Time" her mom yells. Amy heads down to the dining room to eat. Amy's parents question her about something they found in her room. Indeed it is the book. "Oh Mom, it's just a book from the library", she says. Her parents do not believe her and think she is worshiping Satan. Amy seeks her room for refuge. In her room she lies crying in a pillow.

Around 9 o'clock all the Halliwells arrive home. They are all tired and hungry. "Let's order pizza", asks Phoebe. All agree. "Pizza it is, I'll call for it". Phoebe calls in for the pizza when she has another vision, this time she sees the pizzaman being robbed. Phoebe hangs the phone up and says "forget that". She then tells her sister what she had seen. Afraid of another vision Piper calls for Chinese food.

After greasy Chinese Prue and Phoebe head for bed, leaving Piper to clean up. Piper throws the boxes away, wipes the tables, checks the doors, and starts her way to a good nights rest as she turns the lights out. Piper was just about to get into bed when she hears glass shatter. Awaken by the noise Phoebe and Prue reside to Pipers room. "Hear that" asks Piper. "Sure did, what do you think it was"? Prue and Piper slowly creep down the steps to investigate the matter.

The first thing Prue notices is a small rock on the floor of the foyer surrounded by glass. Piper looks up and shows Prue the damage done to the front door. At this point Phoebe comes from the bedroom curious of what went on. The girls look around until Piper picks up the rock and peels off the letter written by what looks like a 1st grader. Piper reads the chicken scratch to her sisters.

"Surrender the power of three or your lover will die" reads the paper. The girls have no choice but to call Andy up and have him check up on the matter. "We should hide that paper Phoebe demands". "Why"? Piper adds. Phoebe tells them that Andy would be a little suspicious of what the power of three is. They agree and call Andy.

Fifteen minutes later Andy arrives. He checks the house and tells the Halliwells all is well. The sisters half asleep now retreat to their bedrooms for some sleep. Piper looks over at the clock which now reads 11:00PM.

About half way through the night Piper awakens with terrible abdominal pain. "That damn Chinese food" she thinks as she gets up to go in the bathroom to look for some anti-acids. Piper turn the water on to dampen her face and opens the medicine cabinet. She sees all kinds of things but no tums. "Crackers" she says. Piper remembers and old remedy Mom used to have. She turns the water off and starts walking down to the kitchen to look for some saltines. Piper gets half way down when she is suddenly covered in a large red mist that over comes her body, the cloud begins to shrink. The mist becomes smaller. Finally the cloud diminishes and Piper is gone.

The next morning Phoebe and Prue wake to an empty house. There was no coffee waiting and no sister. Prue and Phoebe look baffled and wonder if Piper is still asleep. Phoebe checks in Piper's bedroom but she's not there. Prue then remembers Piper telling her that she might start work early a few days this week. Both relax and try to figure out how to make the coffee. "Yuck", Phoebe says. Prue tells her to stop whining and drink her coffee. Phoebe tells Prue that she will stop by Quake later and see why Piper left so quietly. Prue grabs her suitcase and jacket and starts to leave. "Leaving so Early", Phoebe asks. Prue explains to her that she still has some cataloging to do and will return for a lunch at Quake. Prue leaves and Phoebe decides to take a look at the employment section of the newspaper. "No, No, and no" Phoebe says. "Can't there be a job that I can actually stick too"? Phoebe gets up and locks the doors. "Day Off" she says as she walks upstairs.

Amy sits at Quake and wonders why Piper is not yet there. At this point Amy starts to think that the book she bought at The New Age shop wasn't just for entertainment. Amy calls the Halliwell Manor and does not get an answer. Phoebe has her earphones on and is practicing martial arts on her gift from Prue. Amy sits and waits, business is slow and she does not have to work much. As time goes by she starts to feel scared and even worried about her boss who by now she thinks is a frog, or a mouse, or whatever that was. Glancing over at the clock she notices that the lunch hour is soon arriving. Sure enough Amy is back full force waiting table while she starts to forget about Piper.

Phoebe and Prue meet up at Quake around one and notice Piper is nowhere to be found. Amy notices that they are Piper's sisters and tries to avoid them. "Have you seen Piper today" asks Phoebe. "We can't find her anywhere". Amy walks over to the sisters and is about to explain what happened when their is a loud scream from outside. The demon who I will now call Kevin has a young woman by the neck. "Tell me were they are" he demands. "I don't know what your talking about" fends the young woman. By now there is a large crowd around the courtyard. Kevin hears the faint sound of sirens in the distance. He knows then it's the police and he tries to run away. Phoebe and Prue believe that Kevin is the reason Piper is missing but doubt it when the man is arrested by Andy. Prue turns "Where's Piper" she says. "Let's check home".

A few minutes later the sisters arrive home. They both search the house for Piper only to have find nothing and to be left right back were they started. "Okay, I am really starting to worry" shouts Phoebe. Prue doesn't know what to do and resorts to the Book of Shadows for help. "Nothing, Nothing and Nothing"! Prue says. "This is not like Piper, she's never left and not told us were she's going". Phoebe comforts Prue by hugging her. Both sisters let tears flow from their faces.

Later at the station Andy questions Kevin about his public incident. Kevin confesses under pressure. "I was trying to make Andrea break" he says. Andy looks puzzled and asks about what. Kevin fishes a story about Andrea. "She knew about the affair" Kevin says. "My wife has been cheating on me for quite sometime now". Andy believes his story and books Kevin under assault charges. Andy goes to check the sisters.

At the Halliwell House the sisters are happy to see Andy. He tells them that he is just checking up on them and needs to return back to the station soon. "I need to tell you something Andy" Prue says. "We can't find Piper"! Andy asks the girls if they had checked every possible place. Both sisters agree and Andy tells them that he will do anything in his power to help the sisters out. "I can't file a missing persons report until 48 hours after her disappearance" Andy says. "I can however have every damn cop on the look out for her"! Phoebe and Prue hug Andy as he returns to work.

Only minutes later Phoebe and Prue are sitting at the table thinking of where Piper could be. "This really is not like her" Phoebe comments. "She has never done something like this before". Prue nods her head and wonders if Kevin has anything to do with this. "Are you hungry" Prue asks. "Yes, actually I am" replies Phoebe. Prue walks over to the cabinet and takes out some crackers while Phoebe takes out the milk and peanut butter. The sisters don't each much but try to eat as much as they could stand. Phoebe proceeds to pick up the cracker box when she suddenly has a strong vision. Phoebe sees Piper covered in a large red smoke. Phoebe can also see a small grey mouse lying on the floor before her vision ends. "What's wrong Pheebs" asks Prue. As soon as that thought comes to mind the telephone rings. "Hello" Prue answers. "I need to tell you both something" Andy responds. "Kevin, the guy that was arrested earlier today has no records". "I mean it's like he never existed". Immediately the sisters know where Piper is, or think they do.

"What kind of demon is he" asks Phoebe. Prue suggests that they find Piper. Phoebe tells her what she seen in her vision and both sisters search the house. "Oh this is no use, we'll never find her, she's to scared to come out" Prue demands. "I got an idea" Phoebe adds. Phoebe calls for Kit (the Halliwell cat). Kit appears moments later. Sure enough Kit has the frayed little body of a mouse in her mouth. "Oh No Piper" screams Prue! Phoebe points the mouse to check for any sign of life. The mouse didn't move or even react. Second later scratching noises came from the wall. Kit's ears extended and ran toward the area. "Oh no you don't" says Prue as she raises her hand to stop Kit. There lying behind the trash can lies a little grey mouse shaking in fear. Prue elevates the little critter and places her in a shoebox that Phoebe has provided.

Back at the warehouse Kevin reads his books. We now find out that he has retrieved the books of essentials. Whomever carries these books has the potential of a very powerful source of black magic. Kevin laughs as he reads the passage on the Halliwells again. "There's no stopping me" he says. "Poor mortals, I will have Andy and the powers at last. Kevin blinks out of the room.

Prue and Phoebe still search for an answer in the Book of Shadows. "We've got frogs, toads, dogs, every single animal except a mouse" Prue says. Phoebe just remembered when they battled the shapeshifters. "How did we defeat them" she asks. Prue tells her that they used a spell that killed everything in the house. "But then what about Kit" Phoebe asks. "Why did she not vanish". Prue wonders also and then passes it out of her mind, she tells her sister to look back at that spell. Sure enough right beneath it was the reverse of shapeshifting effects. "Okay here goes" Phoebe says.

When all has fallen and warlocks have fun
The Charmed Ones power is like no other one
Return this Halliwell back to her life
And regain the power of three this night

Nothing happened and the sisters wonder why. "Our powers have never let us down before" Prue says. "Something doesn't feel right".

At the same time Andy walks toward the Halliwell house and is stopped with a electric shock. Phoebe and Prue hear the disturbance and peek out the attic window. Andy regains position on his feet and looks around. Standing there is Kevin. "I am coming back for you and your powers". Andy looks at Kevin and tells him he will never return. The door to the Halliwell house flies open and Prue and Phoebe walk outside. Prue attempts to use her power on Kevin but is stopped when he mumbles a Latin phrase "Yee hass de monne come to loveta". Prue's power is turned back and used against her, she is flown through the air and lands on her back. Andy does something neither sister has seen before he attempts to chant a Latin incantation. "Locafer Tualer Cometesu Avex Eglee" Andy yells. A cloud of thunder roars over Kevin and breaks his field of protection.

Prue regains herself and with what little strength she has channels her power through her hands and smashes Kevin into a tree. Both sisters run into the house and Andy follows. The sisters and Andy run upstairs and page through the book. Footsteps can be heard as Kevin floats to the top with a new power he had just gotten. "With the books of essentials Kevin is invincible, only one force can defeat them and that is the power of three" Phoebe reads. At this point Kevin had become angry and morphs into demon form. Kevin screams and covers himself with fire. Andy runs in front to stop a fire ball. It was just about to hit Kevin when it stopped. For some reason Kevin did to. He was frozen. Piper runs in the attic and tells the sisters she's back! Andy had also frozen and the sisters read more of the information on the book of essentials. They find nothing but Phoebe has an idea.

Kevin and Andy unfreeze and wonder were Piper has come from. Phoebe tells Prue to use her power to elevate the Book of Shadows. Prue does so while Piper tries to freeze Kevin again. Her power fails and Prue has now got the book in front of them. Kevin lashes a fire ball at Andy who flies into the corner. "Okay, use you powers on the book sisters, NOW" Phoebe screams. Phoebe holds the book calling on premonitions while Piper and Prue challenge there powers through the book. A intense buildup of energy surrounds the sisters and grows and grows. "You think your petty witchcraft will help you" laughs Kevin. "You fools will die". Kevin attempts to make his final attempt to dissolve the Charmed Ones, the fireball breaks the energy the sister created. Phoebe yells again. Calling on premonitions Phoebe see flashes of her life and her families past life before them. Prue and Piper also do to. The energy gets so intense the Charmed sisters seem to be floating. "We Charmed Sisters protect the night, we wipe warlocks and demons out of sight, do not give up cause we will always fight" yells Phoebe. Kevin attempts again to destroy the circle but now a change occurred.

Kevin throws a fire ball at the Charmed Ones only to have it ricochet and smash him. Piper quickly freezes him and Pure uses her power to bring the book of essentials to them. The sisters quickly page through the book when suddenly the book unbinds and the Book of Shadows open. Flares of lights shine as both books join. The book of essentials and the book of Shadows combine perfectly in a mence of light. Kevin unfreezes the sisters stand there Prue uses her power along with Piper's to form a ray of light. Phoebe joins her hands and directs it to Kevin. Kevin blows into millions pieces. The sisters are amazed by the power they just used.

Piper notices Andy and runs over to him with her sisters. "Okay Sisters Let's try this" Phoebe says. The sisters joins hands. Clouds of peaceful and beautiful fumes cover the sisters and Andy's body. "Power of Three we Call Thee" chants the sisters. Andy floats in the air and vanishes. He reappears standing full form next to the Halliwell sisters. "How's everything" he says. "Boy, and I thought I had a secret" Prue says. "So Andy and you are what, a witch, ghost, whitelighter, demon or a cop with special powers"? "Well, I'm sort of and kind of like a..." as we fade out.