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They Reminisce Over You

by Sprewell

It's an uneventful Friday night in the Halliwell house. Phoebe and Piper were in the living room.

"I have a feeling that this is another one of them low-lifey nights," Phoebe said. She was sitting comfortably on the couch, reading an Archie comic book. "It's been like, ages since I've gone clubbing! I can't believe it! I'm a single, attractive young lady stuck at home on a Friday night."

"Pheebs, you crazy little party girl," her sister Piper said. "Low-lifey? You've got me here. We can watch TV together."

Piper got the remote, but it slipped from her fingers. "Oops," she said. "My bad." She picked it up, turned on the TV, and began searching for programs. "COPS... Greatest Car Chases... hmm, not for me. I wanna watch Melrose Place. It's the episode where Jennifer sleeps with her---"

"There's nothing on, Piper," Phoebe interrupted. "Prue ordered the cable company to take every channel out except for the cop shows and pre-1994 episodes of Beverly Hills 90210. She still misses Andy, you know." Phoebe said. "And I miss my soap operas!"

"Oh man! That means I can't watch Melrose then," Piper said as she turned off the TV. "Why would she do that? There are other people who live here!"

"Piper," Phoebe said sweetly. "You know as well as I know that she calls the shots around here. And with Andy's passing, it seems like she's sad everyday. I feel real sorry for her." Phoebe looked sad, obviously with concern for her older sister.

"You should feel sorry for me too, Pheebs. I haven't had any luck with love, except for bad luck. Speaking of Prue, where is she?" Piper wondered. "She's usually home at this time. Maybe she went out."

"Well, no matter where she is, she's probably somewhere fun. She's having the big fun. Unlike me! I'm stuck here!" Phoebe exclaimed as she threw the Archie comic in the air.

Piper jumped up, caught the comic book and slammed it on the ground. Phoebe was surprised by this sudden reaction. She had the look of shock in her face.

"What's your deal, Pheebs? If you're going to complain about not going out, then go! I don't wanna hear it anymore!" Piper exclaimed as tears began to roll down her cheeks. "Take my car keys and leave." She was crying uncontrollably.

"Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry. Oh my god, Piper, please do not cry. I'm terribly sorry," Phoebe apologized. She took out her hankie and she proceeded to wipe the tears from Piper's eyes. "I'm really, really sorry."

"Pheebs," Piper said between sobs. "I know; I shouldn't have reacted like I did. I'm just as frustrated as you are. I'm a big failure when it comes to romance."

"Oh, Piper, I love you so much. You're so precious to me. Someday, you'll meet Mr. Right," Phoebe said as she gave Piper a warm hug.

"They always say that, but I don't know. Maybe it doesn't apply to me. Is there something wrong with the way I look?" Piper wondered.

"Piper, please. You're so beautiful. I remember when we were kids; I wanted to be like you so much. I admired your style and grace, and until now, that has not changed," Phoebe said as she stroked Piper's silky-smooth hair. "I love you, and I always will." She smiled sweetly at Piper, who in turn smiled back.

"Really? Oh, Pheebs, I love you too." Another touching and caring moment between the two sisters ensued.

Prue was putting the finishing touches on her shopping. She had just worked on an exclusive project and she got a huge bonus for her efforts.

"Oh yeah, baby. I'm going out in style," she said.

"It's about time I enjoy myself!" Prue headed to her car with her shopping bags and was about to open the trunk when she noticed an Archie comic book on the car roof.

"I wonder who owns this," she said as she looked through the pages. She stopped at a particular page with some handwriting on it.

"I've had the hots for you since kindergarten. Call me at 555-2022," Prue read to herself. "Is this a childish prank?" She can't help but laugh. "I'll bring this home and let Phoebe touch it so I'll know who did it." Prue put her bags in the trunk, got in her car and headed home.

Back at home, Phoebe was braiding Piper's hair while the radio was playing "Westside" by TQ. Piper was reading the latest issue of People. The microwave alarm went on.

"That's my leftover pizza," Piper said. "Pheebs, excuse me, but I have to get up and get my food."

"Okay, while you're there honey, could you give me an Evian?" Phoebe asked.

Piper put her magazine down. She left the living room and headed for the kitchen. As she opened up the microwave door, she noticed that the pizza kind of got overcooked.

"Darn it! I left it in there too long! Oh well, Prue can eat it," she said. "I'll have a banana." She went to the fridge, took out a banana and a bottle of water then returned to find Phoebe missing.

"Pheebs, sweetie, where are you? Here's your bottled water!" Piper exclaimed. "Pheebs!" All of a sudden the phone rang. Piper picked it up.


"Piper, it's me, Phoebe. I'm heading to Palo Alto for a shindig." Phoebe said. "Sorry to leave you alone, honey. I took your Cherokee."

"What?" Piper said in disbelief. "You said you'd never go. We were just talking a minute ago then now you're driving to Palo Alto?" She was on the brink of tears.

"I'll make it up to you sometime. I just had to take off; I feel so restrained at home." Phoebe replied.

Piper did not answer. She was too stunned to speak.

"Piper, are you still there? Hello?" Phoebe said. "Piper, darling, are you there?"

"Yes I am, and I'm not pleased," Piper answered. "You just took off without letting me know." She started to sob.

"That's why I called, honey. I called to let you know that I'm clubbing over there and..."

Her words were abruptly halted by Piper, who slammed the phone down.

At that same instant, Prue entered the house carrying her shopping bags. She had overheard the tail end of Piper's conversation and rushed to her side.

"Who was that? An old boyfriend?" Prue inquired as she placed her arm over Piper's shoulder. "Seems like you've been slamming the phone down almost everytime you get off it. Another bad breakup, huh?"

"You too! Don't rub it in, Prue! You're the one who mopes around after your deceased honey." Piper shook Prue's arm off and started to cry hysterically. "Don't make fun of me and my bad luck." She ran up the stairs and Prue followed her.

"Come on, Piper, you can tell me everything. What's wrong?" Prue wondered. "We'll zap him across the room if he's that bad." She reached into her purse and took out the Archie comic.

"Whatever," Piper said as she plopped down face-first on her bed. She grabbed her pillow and hugged it.

"So, talk to me Piper, what's up." Prue said, as she hit Piper playfully with the comic book. "Check this out. I'm finally over that dead cop."

"Good for you, because I can't find love, and I can't get over my past loves," Piper replied. "I'm cursed." She had stopped crying.

"Well, Piper, I've got a love," Prue replied with a smirk.

Piper turned around and faced her sister and smiled. "Really? Tell me all about it."

Prue showed Piper the phone number.

"Should I call this number? I don't know who he is. Maybe he's not a he, maybe he's a she," Prue said. "I think Phoebe should touch it right about now so I'll know who I'm dealing with."

"Ummm... Prue, there's a slight problem. That was Pheebs on the phone. She's in Palo Alto." Piper said. "She was braiding my hair, then she just left." Piper turned her back on Prue and squeezed her pillow.

"Oh no! Now when something comes up we can't have the Power of Three! She did not even tell me. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to find out tomorrow," Prue said as she stared lovingly at her sweet younger sister. "I love you, Piper."

"Three times a day, Prue? I love you three times a day. Please tell me you love me three times a day," Piper asked. Her voice was slightly muffled by the pillow.

"More than you'll ever know, Piper. My love for my sisters is never-ending and it knows no bounds," Prue replied as she left the room. "Good night." With a wave of her hand she turned out the light and closed the door.

In Palo Alto, Phoebe had parked the Cherokee outside a club called Heartbeat. The marquee read "DJ Johnny Krush Live Tonight." She looked real cute and was dressed to electrify everyone in the place. Finding guys isn't an issue with Phoebe, since she's so comfortable with her appearance.

"Time for some action," she said to herself as she entered the crowded club. The place was bursting with people, dancing, talking, and having a good time. It was loud, and it was hard to see because of the excessive smoke. Phoebe made her way to the bar and found an empty seat near the DJ.

"Hey lady!" screamed DJ Johnny Krush. "Whoa, you look mighty fine tonight, shouldn't you be hitting the dance floor?"

Phoebe smiled. "I will, soon. I'm just waiting for someone." She ordered tequila from the bartender and just sat by herself, politely turning down overtures from every guy who came up to her. Finally, after about two hours, she stood up. "My dream boy is here," Phoebe said, as a man made his way next to her.

"Hey, Phoebe, thanks for inviting me," the man said. "Nice to see you again." He took Phoebe's hand and they kissed.

"Hi Ken. I heard on the radio that there was an accident in Davis. I thought I'll be left alone in here," she said as she gave him the sweetest of smiles.

"I will cross the ocean for you, Phoebe. Traffic jams won't prevent me from seeing you tonight. You look amazing. I'll never let you down." Ken said as he and Phoebe made their way to the dance floor. They danced and were basically in each other's arms until the wee hours of the morning.

The next day, Prue picked up the phone and dialed Phoebe's cellular. "Where's Phoebe? I want her to tell me who wrote that note in the comic." She waited patiently for Phoebe to pick up.

"Ring! Ring!" went the phone which was in Phoebe's purse. She was lying alone in Ken's bedroom in his Davis apartment. They had indulged in hot and heavy lovemaking after their night out in Palo Alto. Ken had already left for his job at The New Arena in Oakland, where he is employed as an usher.

"I wonder if this is an emergency," Phoebe said with anxiety as she reached for the phone. "Hello?"

"Phoebe, you gotta head home right away. I need to show you something important," Prue said. "Where are you anyway?"

"Davis," Phoebe replied. "I'm on my way. See you later, Prue. I love you."

"Love you too. Now go. You're not the only one who's getting some this weekend," Prue said teasingly. "Drive safely, sweetie." She hung up the phone.

Phoebe smiled as she reflected on her sister's comment. "Finally she's over Andy, I guess," she muttered to herself while she dressed. "Good for sweet old Prue." She took her purse and left.

Piper was eating her breakfast, healthy as usual while reading the comics. "Even the little girl in 'The Family Circus' has a date," she said to herself. "I don't." She sighed. "Morning, Prue," she greeted her sister as she joined her for breakfast. "You called Pheebs yet?"

"She's heading home. She's coming from Davis," Prue said as she poured herself a steaming cup of coffee.

"Davis? I thought she was in Palo Alto? She lied to me, didn't she, Prue? Pheebs lied to me!" Piper started to cry as she placed her hands over her face. "I still can't believe how she just left me here last night."

"Piper, honey, please. She knows she made a mistake and she's sorry. Now please stop." Prue was also near tears as she stared affectionately at her weeping sister. She gave Piper a loving embrace. "Someday your prince will come."

"Ring! Ring!" The kitchen phone rang.

"Speaking of a prince, maybe it is indeed him calling for his dear, beloved Piper," Prue said as she picked up the phone. "Hello."

"Hi, I'm Surfer Dude. Can I please speak with Ms. Piper Halliwell?"

Prue recognized the caller. "Oh, you're the bartender from Quake right? Sure, just one second please." She handed the phone to Piper. "It's for you, honey."

"Who is it?" Piper asked with eagerness. "Is it Leo?"

"No, silly. It's one of your workers." Prue said. "I'm gonna be in the shower. You know how long I take." She headed to the upstairs bathroom.

"Of course. It's just another worker. Piper, you're so stupid. Of course no guy will call you," she mumbled to herself. "Hello, this is Piper."

"Hi, Piper." Surfer Dude said. "I have something to ask you."

"Surfer Dude. What a surprise. Ooh, don't tell me. You're calling sick again, no, wait, you're quitting again, are you? Come on, say it," Piper inquired.

"Well, Piper, I'm not gonna hide this any longer. I really like you a lot," Surfer Dude said. "I would love to go out with you."

"Huh? Is this some sort of a joke? Last time I checked it ain't April Fools, Surfer Dude," Piper said. "Now come on, I don't have all day. You're calling in sick on a busy Saturday night, right?"

"I'm sick, all right. I'm deliriously in love with you, Piper. Like I said, I want to ask you out." Surfer Dude could not contain himself any longer. "I've had this, this huge crush on you. I can't stop thinking about you. Ever since I first laid my eyes on you, I knew you were someone special, and I want to show my true feelings. I hope you agree with me, Piper. I know that I deserve you more than anyone else in this world."

Piper could not believe what she had just heard. Listening to those words of affection from someone who obviously cares about her is just as shocking as Phoebe's sudden departure. She blushed.

"Oh, Surfer Dude, do you really mean that? That is so cute," she said. She was ecstatic with delight. "How about tonight, around 7:30? I'm not working today."

"Unfortunately, I am, but I can always call in sick. Miss Halliwell, I'm calling in sick," Surfer Dude said. "Piper, you're so hot, you're giving me a fever."

"Cut it out, Surfer Dude. I'll pick you up at Quake, okay. See you later," Piper replied sweetly.

At the other end, Surfer Dude couldn't believe that his pretty manager agreed to go out with him. "My dreams are turning to reality!" he exclaimed.

Phoebe entered the house right after Piper hung up with Surfer Dude. She dropped down on the couch.

"Hi Piper, honey. How are you?" she asked her sister kindly.

"I'm okay, Pheebs. Very, very okay." She took Phoebe's hand and smiled at her. "Let's put last night behind us, okay?" she said in a melodious tone.

Phoebe couldn't help but notice Piper's change in attitude. Last night she was the epitome of sadness, now her radiant smile filled the entire room.

"Okay, Piper, you're not mad at me and your face is glowing. Tell me the truth, okay? What's going on?" Phoebe asked. "Did Leo call you?"

"No, Pheebs, he's not Leo, but for starters he's a guy." Piper went on and told Phoebe the madcap events that just transpired.

"Phoebe, you're home at last!" Prue yelled. She had rushed down the stairs with the Archie comic in hand. "I have some good news for you."

"Oh, Prue, is love in the air or what? You have a date too?" Phoebe spotted the Archie comic. "Yay, Prue, thanks for the comic. I'm glad you bought it for me." As soon as she grabbed it, she had one of those "premonition thingies."

"Phoebe, what is it?" Who did you see?" asked an excited Prue.

"What do you mean, who did I see? I saw nothing. Well, I, umm, I saw someone," Phoebe replied with hesitation.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Tell me who it is, tell me, tell me!" Prue exclaimed with excitement.

"Come on, Pheebs, who is it?" Piper asked excitedly. "She's been waiting for this for the past 24 hours or so. We don't have all day."

Phoebe ran up the stairs. "I'm not telling, Prue. Five bucks first." She ran to her room and shut the door.

Prue chased after Phoebe, entered her bedroom and handed her a five-dollar bill. "Okay, you win, here's five bucks. Just tell me who it is."

"Okay, Prue." Phoebe said. She sighed. "It's Andy. He's alive. I know it's him."

"Are you sure, Phoebe," Prue inquired. Tears started to form in her eyes. "I mean, he's dead. Or was. Whatever."

"I'm not making this up. If you do not believe my power then you don't trust me then," Phoebe said with a tone of hurt in her voice.

"I believe you, it's just that, I don't know, it's impossible, but in my life I learned that nothing is impossible anymore. I mean, we met Mom, and..." She paused and broke down in tears.

"Prue, listen to me. I know that you loved him so much. From what I saw, he wrote it in Golden Gate Park. He might be waiting for you," Phoebe said. "If I were you I'll meet him there."

Prue finally managed to contain herself. "I'll go. I mean, it doesn't make sense but I really miss him so much. I just have to see him." She wiped the tears in her eyes. "Oh, Phoebe, I don't know what to expect." She was getting ready to cry again. Phoebe drew Prue closer to her and gave her a hug.

"I know you're happy, Prue, I'm very happy for you too," Phoebe said. "You wanna tell Piper?"

Prue rested her head on Phoebe's shoulder. "I'm so excited and scared at the same time, Phoebe," she said. "My life has been so magical, but this is an unbelievable miracle."

Piper was trying on one of the outfits that Prue bought the other day. She's always looked stunning but she wanted to be impressive for her date with Surfer Dude. Prue and Phoebe approached her, hand in hand.

"Piper, sister dear, you look so cute in that outfit!" Phoebe squealed. "Ooh, you're so attractive!"

"Hey, Pheebs. What's up with you and Prue? Who is the mystery man?" she asked.

"It's Andy, Piper," Prue said. "He's alive."

"Andy? Alive? No way," Piper said in disbelief. "Are you going to see him?"

"Yes I am, sweetie. And I'm never gonna let him go again." Prue's voice was full of love. "I need to be with him for eternity."

"That's so sweet," Piper said. "Good luck." She gave Prue a hug. Phoebe did the same.

"Goodbye, you guys." Prue took her car keys and headed out the house to meet Andy in Golden Gate Park.

"Real sweet, just like you, Piper. I love you so much," Phoebe said with sincerity as she brushed her hand slightly against Piper's hair. "I'm taking a nap. I feel so tired after what seemed like an endless night of passion." She smiled adoringly at Piper.

Piper smiled warmly. "I'm so happy for all of us. Isn't this the best weekend of our lives? We've got each other, and oh, romance."

"You're right, honey. There's nothing in this world that I cherish more than true happiness for us sisters," Phoebe replied. "Seeing my cherished Piper in high spirits is incomparable. Have fun with Surfer Dude."

"I will, Pheebs," Piper assured her sister.

Phoebe went back to her room. After two seconds, she opened the door. "Ooh Piper, you look drop-dead gorgeous," she added then closed her bedroom door.

"Thanks, sweetie."

Prue had arrived at Golden Gate Park. The wind was blowing harder than usual. It was unusually cold for this time of day.

"I wonder where Andy is. I miss him so much!" she said. She walked towards the waterfront, and started to reminisce about the happy times they spent together in this very spot. Suddenly, she felt someone tapping on her shoulder.

"Prue, what do you think about our latest project? Prue, are you asleep again?" her boss said frantically. "We need your honest opinion."

"Huh, oh... sorry, umm... yes, I think it's great. Excuse me please," Prue replied as she left the Buckland's conference room, with tears in her eyes. She got in her car and headed for home. In her haste, she didn't notice an object fall from the roof of her car.

It was an Archie comic book.