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They Grow Up So Fast!

by Talula

DISCLAIMER: The Halliwell sisters, Andy, and Halliwell Manor belong to Spelling Productions. I created Ashara and the unnamed Warlock. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this story. It is not to be reproduced for commercial use.

TIMELINE: After Andy finds out the truth about the sisters, but before he dies.

Piper Halliwell walks out of quake after a long day at work and slides behind the driver's seat of her car. she's glad to finally go home. Jack, the new waiter, is even clumsier than the waiter she fired last week. Piper has spent the entire day freezing time to keep Jack from dropping trays of food. She stopped counting after 50 times. All she knows is that she is exhausted. She arrives home and heads for the kitchen.

"Piper, hey," her sister, Phoebe, says as she walks down the stairs.

"Whoa, you look horrible. Are you okay?"

"I'm exhausted. I must have frozen Jack 100 times today."

"Who's Jack, and why were you freezing him?" Prue asks as she walks out of the living room.

"He's the klutzy new waiter I hired yesterday," Piper answers as she walks into the kitchen and throws her purse on the counter. "I had to freeze him or quake wouldn't have any dishes left." Piper takes a bottled water out of the refrigerator and finds the aspirin. She pops a couple of tablets and takes a drink of water.

"Phoebe's right. You look like hell," Prue comments.

"Thank you. I try," Piper says sarcastically. "I'm going to take a long bath and then go to bed. I need to rest up so I can fire Jack tomorrow."

"Well, if you're staying in tonight," Phoebe begins. Piper is suspicious. She realizes what her sister is up to. "Forget it. You're not borrowing my car," Piper says sternly.

"Oh, come on," Phoebe protests. "I'll be careful. And I'll even leave it with a full tank."

"With my money!" Piper is starting to look angry.

"A little advice Pheebs," Prue says as she starts to leave the room. "Hit Piper up for her car when she's in a *good* mood."

Piper starts to head for the bathroom. "Piper please!" Phoebe pleads. Piper stops and looks at Phoebe, ready to reject her. Phoebe is making puppy eyes at her. "It's not going to work." Phoebe continues staring at her. "Augh! Take it! Just leave me alone!" Piper says, giving in.

"Great! Thanks, Piper." Phoebe skips into the kitchen like a child who has gotten her mommy to buy her some candy. She snatches up the keys and leaves.

"Be careful!" Piper yells after her, but Phoebe doesn't hear her.

* * *

"Ashara hear me now," a man in dark clothes says. He is sitting in front of a fire that is burning in the center of a pentagram. "Reverse the age of those in Halliwell Manor, but no one else. Make them innocent and I will take their powers. This I ask of you, Ashara."

He throws some sand in the fire and the flames turn green and shoot up. The man smiles and laughs maniacally.

* * *

It is 2 am. and Phoebe is returning home. She pulls into the driveway and gets out of the car. She walks up to the front fender and touches the dent she put there. "She'll never notice," Phoebe lies to herself. She goes inside, and as she walks past the living room she glances in. She doesn't notice at first, but then she does a doubletake. Lying on the couch she sees two little girls sleeping. Slowly, Phoebe approaches the girls. She kneels in front of the couch, about to wake them up when she notices one of the girls has a birthmark by her nose, just like Prue.

"Oh, my God," Phoebe says as she sits on the floor. "Prue? Piper?" She looks around thinking that she has gone back in time again, but she sees Prue's laptop on the coffee table and shoots down that idea. "What happened? Did a spell backfire?" Phoebe asks aloud. She stands up and paces back and forth, wondering what to do. She does the only thing she can think of; she heads up to the attic to get the Book of Shadows. She has just gotten to the attic when she hears one of the girls - she doesn't know which one - yelling.

"Mommy!" the girl yells.

Phoebe grabs the Book of Shadows and runs downstairs. She sees little Piper sitting on the couch, crying.

"Hey, Piper. Sweetie, what's wrong?" Phoebe asks. She reaches for Piper, but Piper pulls away and starts crying louder. Prue wakes up and, upon seeing Phoebe, throws her across the room with her power.

"Well, that settles that question," Phoebe mutters to herself as she picks herself up off the floor. "Prue, honey wait a second."

"How'd you know my name?" Prue asks. Piper is still crying. "Who are you? Where's my mommy?"

"It's okay. I'm Phoebe, your..." She almost said sister, but stopped. *I can't tell her that. She won't believe me and she'll throw me around some more.* "...your babysitter."

"No, you're not! I don't know you," Prue protests. Piper's crying has toned down to sniffles and light whining. Prue scoots closer to her younger sister and puts her arm around her.

"Where's my mommy?!" Piper asks loudly. "I want my mommy!"

"Piper. Prue." Phoebe doesn't know what to say. *How about a stab at the truth?* Phoebe thinks. *Why not?* "Okay, first off, I have special powers like you."

"Prove it," Prue demands.

"I knew you would say that. Okay. You know when Piper freezes stuff, only people with powers like yours can still move? Piper, freeze time," Phoebe says.

Piper waves her hands to freeze time just as the cat walks in. the cat stops moving, and Phoebe walks over to him. "See," she says. "Okay Piper. Unfreeze."

Piper does so and Phoebe picks up the cat. Piper is smiling, but Prue is not trusting Phoebe yet.

"Where's my mommy?" she asks again.

*If I tell her mom's dead she'll be upset, and I know Piper will start crying again,* she thinks. Suddenly, she has an idea. She jumps up and dials the phone while Prue and Piper stare at her. "Mommy and Grams don't like it when babysitters use the phone," Piper says.

"It's okay, sweetie. I'm calling a friend," Phoebe says while she waits for Andy to pick up the phone. "Come on, Andy. Wake up."

Andy finally picks up the phone. "This better be good," he answers sleepily.

"Andy, it's Phoebe," she says.

"Phoebe? Phoebe who?"

"Phoebe Halliwell. Prue's..." she lowers her voice so the girls can't hear. "...sister. Something's happened. I need you to come over.

"It's 2 a.m." he protests.

"Trust me. It's important. Just get over here," Phoebe says. She hangs up the phone without saying goodbye. She then turns to her little older sisters. "All right, someone's coming over to help me explain what's going on."

"Who?" Prue asks.

"You're just full of questions, aren't ya?" Phoebe says dryly. "Um... Andy. You see Prue, you might have a hard time believing this, but I'm your *younger* sister, Phoebe."

"You said you were the babysitter," Piper says quietly.

"I know, um, I lied."

"How can you be younger? You're too big," Prue says.

"Prue, something has happened so that you and Piper have become little kids again. You should actually be 27 and Piper should be 25. When Andy gets here it might help you to understand," Phoebe says. She sits on the coffee table, facing them. "Um... do you know what the word dead means?"

"Yeah," the girls say together.

"Well, the year is 1999, and mom and Grams are, um," Phoebe clears her throat. She knows she has to tell them, but she's afraid to. "They're dead."

Prue scowls at Phoebe, and Phoebe can see Piper is about to crumble into another crying fit. "Piper, sweetie, it's okay," Phoebe tries to reassure her. But Piper bursts into tears and Prue throws Phoebe out into the foyer just as Andy walks in. Phoebe lands at Andy's feet. "Hi, Andy," she says as he helps her up.

"Phoebe, what's going on? And who's crying?" he asks as he walks into the living room. He sees little Prue and Piper sitting on the couch and asks, "Who are they?"

"The one who's crying is Piper," she explains. "And the one who wants to kill me is Prue. Of course you probably could have guessed that. Prue always wants to kill me."

"What?" he asks with bewilderment.

"Something happened to them while I was out tonight. I don't know if they screwed up a spell or what, but I haven't had a chance to look in the Book of Shadows for an answer yet."

"Which one is which, again?"

"The one that's crying is Piper," she says as she leads Andy into the living room. "And that's Prue."

Andy sits on the coffee table in awe. He has no idea what to say. Then he blurts out, "What'd you do to make her cry?"

"Why do you assume I made her cry?" Phoebe asks defensively. Andy looks at her skeptically. "I told them mom and Grams are dead."

Piper starts crying louder. Andy gets up and pulls Phoebe aside. "Man, I don't remember her being so vocal," he mutters. "What are you going to do?"

"Well, I have to look this up in the Book of Shadows, but we need to get them calmed down," Phoebe looks hopefully at Andy.

"What?" he asks.

"You knew them at this age. What made them happy?"

"I don't remember! I was seven," he said. "Come to think of it, Piper would freeze me a lot. I didn't realize it then, but I would be playing with them one second and the next they'd be gone."

Phoebe can't help smiling. "Well, okay. Maybe that will help. go over to them and tell them that. Maybe they'll believe you. They won't believe me."

"I guess I can try," Andy says as he goes back to Prue and Piper. Piper's crying has gone on so long that she's just hiccuping now. "Hey Prue. Hey Piper." Andy pulls a handkerchief out of his pocket. He reaches to wipe Piper's nose. She starts to pull away, but gives in and loudly blows her nose. Andy cringes and then sets the handkerchief aside. "Do you know who I am?"

"No," Piper whines through her subsiding tears. Prue shakes her head. Piper asks, "Who are you?"

"I'm Andy. Your friend, Andy Trudeau," he says.

"Andy's my age," Prue says indignantly. "You're not Andy."

"Yeah, I am," Andy says defensively. "I'll prove it. When we were little, Piper would freeze me and then you would both run away. I'd be really confused when I unfroze."

"Hey, I do that!" Piper says enthusiastically. "But that's Prue's and my secret. How'd you know?"

"Because you did that to me. I'm older now, and you're supposed to be older, too," he explains. "Did Phoebe tell you about that?"

"Yeah, but Prue didn't believe her," Piper says. She is not upset at all anymore. the only evidence of her previous mood is the tear streaks down her cheeks. "I almost did," she says proudly.

"Did not! Liar!" Prue says. "You were a big cry baby."

"Was not," Piper says. Her lip starts to quiver again.

"Hey, Prue," Phoebe says. "Don't say that. Be nice." *Oh, this is too weird. I'm babysitting my OLDER sisters.*

"So, do you girls understand what's going on?" Andy asks. *Because I'm not sure that I do. Maybe you can explain it to me.* he thinks.

"Yeah!" Piper says energetically. Prue hesitates, but finally nods her head.

"Okay, then," Phoebe says. "So, I guess you two should go to bed while I try to figure out what happened."

"I don't wanna," Prue says stubbornly.

"I'm not tired," Piper says as she suppresses a yawn.

Phoebe rolls her eyes. "No, come on now," she says.

"It's okay, Phoebe," Andy says. "I'll keep an eye on them."

"Are you sure?" Phoebe asks doubtfully.

"Yeah. You go figure this out."

"Okay," Phoebe says as she picks up the Book of Shadows and heads for the kitchen. She walks out the door and then turns back. "Piper, no freezing!" she says sternly.

"Okay," Piper says innocently. Phoebe doesn't totally believe that Piper will obey her, but she goes into the kitchen anyway.

* * *

The man who had prayed to Ashara drives by Halliwell Manor. Two lights are on. He can't see in the windows at all. He decides to wait until morning.

* * *

Phoebe wakes up and looks at the clock. 8 a.m. At first she thinks it was all a dream, but then she sees where she is at. She's sitting at the kitchen table with the Book of Shadows in front of her. She gets up and heads for the living room. On the couch, Andy is sleeping with Piper and Prue on either side of him, also asleep. Phoebe just stands there, thinking how cute that image is. *He'd make a great dad.*

Andy groggily lifts his head and looks around. He notices Prue and Piper and then smiles at Phoebe. "Cute, huh," he says. "Should I wake them?"

"Not yet," Phoebe says. "I haven't found an answer to our little problem. I'm just glad it's Saturday. Prue and Piper both get Saturday's off from work."

"Yeah, I'll have to call in sick," Andy says. "You'll need help watching these two."

"I just hope Piper doesn't freeze you like she did when you were kids," Phoebe says as she and Andy head for the kitchen.

"I don't think she will," Andy says. "She has always been a respect-your-elders kind of kid."

Phoebe laughs at that comment. Then she notices that the Book of shadows is turned to a different page. "Hey, it wasn't on that page when I woke up," she tells Andy. She walks over and begins reading.

"What does it say?" Andy asks.

"It talks about a spirit named Ashara. Usually, warlocks call upon Ashara to reverse the age of good witches in order to make the witches vulnerable so the warlock can steal their powers. Witches can call upon Ashara, too, but it doesn't happen as often. The three of us - me, Prue, and Piper - have to recite this spell in the presence of the warlock that started this in order to get things back to normal."

"It's a good thing this didn't affect you," Andy says. "You'd be only a year old."

"Yeah," Phoebe says. She thinks for a moment. "Why didn't it affect me? If the warlock knew about Prue and Piper, he had to have known about me."

"I don't know, but we should try to figure out who this warlock is, right?" Andy asks.

"We really don't need to," Phoebe explains. "He did this so he could steal our powers, which means he'll come to us. You call work. I'm going to wake them up. They need to learn this spell."

* * *

The warlock decides it is time. He steps out of his car and walks toward the Halliwell Manor.

* * *

"All right, girls, repeat after me," Phoebe says to Prue and Piper. The three are all sitting at the kitchen table. Andy is standing by the sink sipping a cup of coffee.

"Ashara take your spell away," she begins.

"Ashara take your spell away."

"Make us the age we should be today."

"Make us the age we should be today."

"Turn your spell on the one who asked of you."

"Turn your spell on the one who asked of you."

"His childhood returns until he is gone from view."

"His childhood returns until he is gone from view."

"Good," Phoebe says. "Now, we just have to wait for the bad man to come. And then, Piper, you'll freeze him and we'll say this together. Understand?"

The girls nod their heads.

"Is this going to work?" Andy asks.

"I'm hoping," Phoebe answers. She turns to Andy. "Stay back when all of this happens. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Can't I help?"

"No. This is too dangerous. Prue would kill me if you were hurt."

"No, I wouldn't," little Prue says.

"Well, you wouldn't," Phoebe says, "but the older you would."

Suddenly, they hear the front door crash open. "Where are you?" the Warlock screams.

"Right here," Phoebe says as she enters the living room, holding her sisters' hands. "Now, Piper."

Piper freezes time and the three begin reciting the spell.

Ashara take your spell away
Make us the age we should be today
Turn your spell on the one who asked of you
His childhood returns until he is gone from view

They repeat the spell as a bright light envelops them. This light envelops the warlock as well. Prue and Piper start to return to their normal age, and, finally, they collapse to the floor. At the same time the warlock is getting younger. He screams until he disappears.

Phoebe is shocked for a moment, and then she kneels down between her unconscious sisters. Andy runs in and kneels on the other side of Prue. He grabs her hand as she begins to wake up. Piper also starts to wake up. They all just stare at each other for a moment. Then Andy breaks the silence. "It worked."

The three sisters can't help laughing while Andy looks confused, as usual.

* * *

"It's so weird," Piper says as she pours herself a cup of coffee. "I remember everything, but it feels like it actually happened when I was four."

"Then you remember being a cry baby," Phoebe says bluntly.

"I was not!" Piper says defensively. "You told me mom and Grams were dead! I was four."

"Actually, Piper, you did cry a lot when we were little," Prue says as she sits next to Andy at the kitchen table.

"Well, if you hadn't been so stubborn..." Piper begins, but Andy interrupts her.

"Ladies, does that really matter?" he begins. He looks at Piper. "I want to discuss the issue of you freezing me and then running away. I was a very confused little boy."

"That you were," Piper jokes as she sits at the table.

"Come on, now. You can at least apologize! Who babysat you two last night?"

"Okay, Andy," Piper says. She freezes Andy, and smiles. "I'm sorry."

"Piper, you're horrible!" Phoebe scolds her while laughing.

"Ooh, that reminds me. I was going to fire Jack today." She looks at the clock. "Quake has probably exploded by now." She stands up to leave and Phoebe remembers the dent in Piper's fender. She tries to keep Piper from leaving.

"Don't you want to change first?" Phoebe asks nervously.

"I'm just gonna fire him and leave," Piper says, grabbing her keys. "It's my day off." With that she walks out the back door. Andy unfreezes and looks around for Piper.

"She did it again!" he screams.

Prue laughs, but Phoebe is cringing as she waits for Piper's reaction to the dent.

Suddenly, Piper comes back in. Phoebe slowly turns to look at her. Piper is furious. Phoebe runs out of the kitchen and Piper is at her heels.

"Phoebe! I'm gonna kill you!"

Prue and Andy run after them to catch the action, and another typical day begins at the Halliwell Manor.