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by Tj4eyes

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Halliwell sisters. This writing is not for my personal profit. It is a figment of my imagination using what someone else has created. Lance Hagen does not exist. If anything below has actually happened, then I will be careful next time I even think about writing. No reproduction without permission, all rights reserved. Comments, questions, complaints or suggestion can be sent by clicking on my name above.

NOTE: This is a story from a first person perspective that may seem odd, and even unreadable to some. Read at your own risk.

I'm not your everyday type of person. Ok, I am, but I have an idea for a movie. Now that is something not too many people have, right? Unfortunately, the studios won't return my phone calls. My solution: borrow some of the video equipment from the film school I attend and find cast members. That's easy in San Francisco. The leftovers from LA find their way here. I'm not saying I'll have a talented group of performers, but my movie is character driven. Besides, the cheaper the better.

The plot: A group of witches battle evil in and around San Francisco. How did I get such a great idea, you ask? I think I was listening to hypnotic music while watching some old B-movies. My memory is fuzzy, but my goal is clear: To make an indie supernatural flick good enough for a film festival and a passing grade for my final.

Have I introduced myself? No? I'm Lance. Lance Hagen. Remember that name: I will be famous. Where was I? Oh, yes, the movie. I figured I would find athletic women to play the parts of the witches. Why? Because there are certain rules one must abide by in order to make a decent supernatural flick. One of them is to cast good-looking girls. I didn't write the rule but I would follow it. So I went to a women's self defense class to look around for one of my stars. After a few classes, I wasn't getting anywhere and my back was sore. Did I mention I had to volunteer as the dummy in the padded suit in order to get in? Well, just when I was about to quit, I fell head over heels for a woman. Literally. As I shook my head from the fall, I heard the instructor say, "Good one Phoebe. Now, who's next? Someone must have shot up their hand because I heard, "Ok, Piper, then Prue. Remember the way I showed you how to do it."

After Prue's flip I had an idea: I had found the members of my coven. I had thought about asking other women to be part of the film, but the thought died away rather quickly. I had also been slapped by many women the past few weeks. I guess some people just don't want to be a movie star or they thought I was trying to pick them up. No need to relive a painful experience repeatedly. After class, when I removed the suit and ran for an ice pack in a nearby fridge, I encountered Phoebe. I introduced myself, told her that I was making a film, and wondered if she could be in it. Phoebe bit her lip and thought over my offer. God she was perfect. For the film! Of course for the film. But it wouldn't hurt to get her phone number, in case I had to reach her.

While I was thinking this, Phoebe brought over Piper and Prue. She introduced me to them, and I was surprised to learn that they were sisters. The surprise died away quickly and I had another brilliant idea. Not just any coven, but a coven of sisters!

"Excuse me, but what is this film about, and what is it called?" Prue eyed me suspiciously. I wonder why she didn't trust me. Oh well, this was California.

"It's a supernatural flick called Coven. It's about three witches who battle the forces of evil in San Francisco." They gave me an even odder look than my roommate when he heard the idea. "I don't think so." Prue walked away. Even Phoebe lost interest.

They were on their way out the door and I called out to them. They turned; Piper was about to scratch her head or something, then they disappeared. I cried out, "Hey, were did you go?" and looked out the door. It was dark out. They must have made a quick escape.

During the week between classes I started to work harder on the script and the story. It seemed that the harder I thought about Phoebe, Piper and Prue, the more ideas I had. The day of the next class I had a list of ideas and profiles. The oldest sister was obviously the leader. She was somewhat hard and protective of her other sisters. I hadn't figured out why yet. The middle sister was caught in-between her other two sisters. She was somewhat calm in dealing with others but was rather high-strung. The youngest was naive and gullible. She did not take criticism well and was a free spirit, something reminiscent of San Francisco in the 60's. This contrast in personalities caused conflict. This was great stuff! Conflict led to drama. Drama led to a B- in my class. If I could pull off the special effects and fight scenes, I could even get an A. Dad would finally be proud of me!

The next class was odd. It seemed that the three sisters didn't want to be there, especially near me. That didn't stop them from flipping me extra hard. I had learned my lesson last week and I had added extra padding to the suit. I caught up with them as they tried to quickly make their way out of the class when it ended. Once again, Piper was about to scratch her head. Then, suddenly, all three of them looked at me as if they saw a ghost.

"What are you?" questioned Prue. "I told you, I am a director and I want you to be in my movie." What was with them? "You aren't a witch are you?" This came from Phoebe. "No, but that is what my movie is about. Witches." Had they forgotten about me and the film already? All three of the sisters stared at each other and gave me their number and address. As they walked away I think I heard one of them say, "We should find out about this guy, just in case."

That weekend I stopped by a Wicca store I had found in the phone book. I had bought an amulet there for good luck a few days before. It was supposed to protect me from bad luck and other things. I guess it had worked, since I managed to get the Halliwells' phone number. That was their name; Halliwell. It had a nice ring to it, but what was with all those P-names? As I purchased some books and things to gain an understanding in witchcraft, I found a book on prophecies. It hit me; I could build the entire movie around a prophecy, like that one with the Damien kid. I purchased the books and some other things, and gave the cashier my name for her records. She looked up at me, and said, "Lance Hagen? Someone has been asking about you." That was odd, but I figured I may as well know who my secret admirer was. "Can you describe them?" I asked. "You bought $50 worth of stuff, right? Ok, I'll tell you. She had shoulder length black hair, and I think someone in the store called her something with a P." She began rattling off names until I interrupted her. "Prue?" "You know, I think that was it." She looked like she had remembered it herself and brimmed with pride. I walked out the door thinking about why Prue had asked for me by name, especially in a Wicca store.

It hit me later that night; Prue liked me. What else could it be? Ok, maybe she was researching her part of a witch and wanted to know if I had done the same. I called the Halliwell's and was greeted with a cheerful hello. It must have been Phoebe. "Hi. It's me, the movie director." "Oh yeah, what was your name again?" I almost shouted into the phone "LANCE HAGEN!" but said it casually, as if it didn't matter. I had to play cool with the talent.

I heard the phone being handed off to someone else. It was Prue. "Hi Mr. Hagen.." I interrupted her, saying, "Call me Lance." Prue changed her tone. "Ok Lance. My sisters and I have thought over your offer and we want to do it. When does the shooting begin?" My joy was cut short when I thought about how easy this was. Almost too easy. They hadn't even mentioned money. I would have gone on until Prue derailed my train of thought. "Hello, Lance? Are you there?" "Well, um, I just wanted to clear up some things on the script with you. Now isn't a good time, but can I come to your house tomorrow?" I had no urgent matters, but I wanted to see where they lived. Tomorrow was Sunday: I could meet them all in one place. "Sure that's fine. See you then. Bye." Prue said this and the phone went dead. There was something she wasn't telling me. Was she playing hard to get? I had to get my good clothes out for tomorrow. I couldn't wait.

I arrived early in order to get off to a good start and perhaps get a free breakfast. No breakfast, but I had an interesting talk with Phoebe, Piper, and Prue. Their mother had died and their father had abandoned them. They were raised by their grandmother, or "Grams" as they called her. I offered my condolences when I heard she had passed away last year, but I had another idea. This was why the oldest sister was so protective and hard! She was afraid to show her feelings and be abandoned the way her father left her and was protective because of losing her mother at a young age.

I noticed they had a cat with an odd symbol on its neck. I though about including a cat into the script, but passed. Who would actually believe in the witches' cat? That idea was so old and somewhat corny. No, I would stick to my main focus: the sisters. I wondered if Prue had been in the Wicca store to buy that for her cat. That didn't make any sense, and I quickly dismissed that thought.

"Since this is an indie flick, I'm open to any ideas or suggestions. Who would you like to play, and what type of supernatural things would you like in the film? I was thinking of including this old Wicca prophecy about three sisters who would be the most powerful witches ever. Since they are powerful, maybe they would have supernatural powers besides spells and stuff. Telekinesis is easy; I learned how to do that in High School with strings and a fishing pole. Seeing the future is even easier; all you have to do is insert footage in later. I can't think of a third power. Any ideas?" As I rattled my ideas off, I couldn't help but notice the looks they were giving each other and especially me.

"Well, Lance. How about freezing time?" Piper said this to me. For some reason her sisters were upset she had said this. They still weren't comfortable with this movie or me. "Well, Piper, I can do the time freeze thing, but not that well. The other actors could just stand in place, but other objects, like the wind blowing trees in the background, I couldn't control. I would need a blue or green screen, as well as some special effect guys, and that costs too much money. Besides, I want to make this somewhat believable." That was the truth. Piper looked disappointed; she really wanted her character to freeze time. Phoebe gave me a puppy dog look that Piper also gave. I had to give in. "Ok, fine. But no guarantees, except that it will look cheesy." I think this made them happy. Prue hadn't joined in with a similar look. She was still inquisitive.

"So, what's the plot?" Prue asked coldly. What would it take to loosen her up? I just began rattling off sentences using things I had picked up from my books. "Well, uh, some warlocks, or evil witches, use an unsuspecting person to infiltrate the sisters' privacy. He serves as a conductor; he "beams" back whatever he picks up to these evil witches, who plan to use the information against the sisters. He doesn't have to actually take in the information, he just picks it up every time he sees or thinks about the witches. Since the guy wants to use them in one of his projects, he visits or thinks about them constantly. Hence, the warlocks gain a deeper knowledge of their adversaries without actually facing them." Somehow, my ramblings had formed coherent sentences. I didn't know how it happened, it just came to me naturally. Like everything else about my movie.

"You said that he was using them for one of his projects. What type of project?" Piper had started to grow serious. I guess emotions were contagious in this family. "Uh... How about a movie? Yeah, that idea would be great. This filmmaker is so caught up in his film he doesn't realize he is a pawn. Sooner or later the witches discover this, and then the warlocks appear. This leads to the final showdown." Now Phoebe looked suspicious. "Where do the warlocks hide?" she asked like there were real warlocks and I knew where they were. "Good question. They would have to be close. Maybe they moved in near the house. Or they are on the street. It doesn't matter where they are, just what happens when they show themselves."

I think Prue was about to ask me another question when the front door burst open. Two tall men walked in. One held out his hand, and threw what looked to be a fireball or something... then everything went dark.

I woke up to see Phoebe standing over. I thought she was an angel. Well, wouldn't you if you woke up to see a beautiful woman standing over you? Once I realized where I was, I tried to get up. My chest hurt and my head was spinning. "What happened?" I asked this while downing some aspirin Piper gave me. Prue was on a phone somewhere, on hold while calling an ambulance. "What? Oh, um.." Phoebe trailed off and Piper talked. "What do you remember?" "Well, I was discussing the movie, then two guys came in. I think one of them had something in his hand..." "Well, um, you see..." Piper couldn't explain either. Something wasn't right. So I spoke up. "I think I know what happened." "You do?!" Phoebe said this while giving me an odd look. "Sure," I continued, "Those two guys were friends of yours who were auditioning for the parts of the warlocks. One of them had his own special effect, which went wrong and hit me. It must have been orange streamers or something tied to a projectile, because it looked like fire came from his hand. I was knocked out, and your friends went away, scared." Prue looked at me, and canceled the ambulance. She came over and questioned if I was ok, and if I knew what had happened. I gave her my explanation, and she pulled her head back in surprise. I took a look at her hand. In it was my amulet. I guess it had absorbed whatever hit me. They gave it back to me, but it looked all mangled. I guess I had landed on it and bent it when I fell over. Anyway, I thanked them for their time, forgave their friends, and was about to leave when someone called out, "What about your movie?" "Well," I replied, "I just lost everything. My memory is kind of fuzzy. All the details about the witches are gone. I can just do something else and wing it with some emotional drama. Sorry. I guess you wanted to be stars." "No, its just.." Prue couldn't find the right words, so Piper finished for her. "We don't think we're ready for Hollywood. See you at the next class."

They closed the door, and I could have sworn I heard laughing. Weird. Anyway, I stopped being the dummy at the class. I had to get out of there, out of San Francisco. Maybe move to a suburb or something. There are plenty of small towns up and down California that would suit me. Looking at the map, I saw one in particular; Sunnydale. Sounded like a nice place. On the way there, I had an idea for a movie based on something I found in the back of the prophecy book. Something about a chosen one who would fight evil ones. She wasn't a witch, but she did have supernatural strength. Why all the female heroes? Maybe I could turn this into a vampire flick. Those are even easier than witchcraft flicks. The lead would obviously be another strong girl, but I was leaning towards the High School/College type. Maybe a gang of friends or something. A regular Scooby Doo like thing where the monsters were real. I wonder if they need a good dummy for the self defense class there...