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The Power of Two... A Different Ending

by Big Fan (Kerstin A.)

DISCLAIMER: All characters in this story belong to Spelling Television and Constance Burge, with the exception of the two spells that I created.

This story is produced by Kerstin. Unauthorized reproduction of text is not allowed. Contact me by clicking my name above for permission.

As we left off. Prue and Phoebe are listening to the phone call by Claire saying that Prue is fired. In the mean time the sisters do not see Jackson enter through the kitchen wall. He grabs a vase and tries to hit Phoebe in the head but Prue sees this and tells Phoebe to duck. Phoebe ducks and Prue sends the vase flying with her power as well as Jackson into a wall. Phoebe tells Prue to hurry up and that she will hold back Jackson. Prue grabs the deadly drink and begins to gulp it down. Meanwhile Jackson and Phoebe battle it out. This time he grabs a candle holder and tries to hit Phoebe with it. Phoebe blocks the oncoming candle holder but through all the excitement tries to overpower Jackson. Jackson however is able to overpower Phoebe instead and backhands her in the face. Phoebe is momentarily dazed but before she can come to her senses, Jackson sends Phoebe flying into a wall. She hits her chest area with such force that her heart is monetarily caught off guard and stops. Meanwhile Prue looks on in horror. Phoebe is her only hope to be brought back to life. That is all Prue can think of before the poison makes it through her system and she collapses to the ground. Dead! "You two are making this to easy." Jackson tells the two dead sisters.

Mean while Piper is enjoying the beautiful scenery by the ocean when she suddenly has this nagging feeling that something is not right at home. Piper takes her fruit drink along and walks back to her hotel room. She calls home but only gets the answering machine. "Something's wrong!" Piper tells herself. She can't shake the feeling. She walks over to her purse and pulls out a piece of paper. She carefully unfolds it. "I knew you might come in handy." Piper tells herself. The first spell is a view spell and the second is a movement spell. Piper fills the sink with water and pulls out a picture of Phoebe and Prue together. She places the picture on the water and begins to chant while adding a few fresh flower pedals and some perfume to the water.

The two that I hold closest to my heart
Show me what is being done where they are
Show me the truth and hold nothing back

The picture becomes unclear and instead of showing Phoebe and Prue standing next to each other smiling it shows both of them laying on the kitchen floor with a strange man walking over to Prue with a cake server. "That's Grams antique cake server." Piper yells at the picture in the water. Piper grabs the second spell and begins to recite it as well.

Through time and space
Send me home to were I am needed
For 3 hours at the most send me home to my sisters two
To the place I call home
To the house on Prescott.
By the number of 1329
Send me now and send me fast
Send me before time has past

Piper finds a glowing light surrounding her and before she knows it she finds herself in the kitchen at home. She sees Prue rising from her body in spirit form. "Oh my God, Prue..." Prue's spirit looks over at Piper. Piper rushes over to Prue's dead body and wants to began CPR. "No, Piper, not yet." The ghost continues forward with the cake server. Piper turns around and freezes him. "Prue what..." "Piper, I will explain everything later. I have to vanquish him first." Piper just nods and Prue begins to recite the spell.

Ashes to ashes.
Spirit to spirit.
Take his soul.
Banish this evil.

Jackson unfreezes and begins to shake violently. After reciting the spell about three or four times his spirit begins to shrink in a glowing ball of fire. "Piper, now!" Piper quickly begins to perform CPR on Prue. Prue's spirit is at first shocked by the sensation of being pulled and forced back into her body, but slowly Prue's spirit permits herself to be forced back into her body. Prue begins breathing after a few seconds and Piper helps her sit up. They look over to see Jackson's spirit glowing in the hand of a women, who has appeared out of nowhere. She collects the spirit and smiles at Prue and Piper. "Too bad. I had hoped to collect two witches spirits but one shall do." She makes Jackson's glowing spirit ball disappear and floats over to Phoebe. "You were able to save one sister but not the other." She waves her hands over Phoebe's body and slowly Phoebe's spirit exits her body and appears standing next to the red headed women. "You shall have to do." She tells Phoebe. "Who are you?" Piper demands. The women just smiles. "Your souls are trophies and now I have another one." She begins to force Phoebe's spirit to shrink and it turns into a ball. "No," Piper yells at the women and freezes her. Remarkable the soul collector freezes. Piper runs over to Phoebe's body and begins CPR. After a few seconds Prue joins Piper even though Prue has a few cracked ribs, do to the CPR she received. "Pheebs. Come on. We need you." Piper tells Phoebe while doing 15 more compression's on Phoebe's heart. "Prue! Call an ambulance. Quick!" Prue manages to grab the phone and dials 9-1-1. "Come on, Pheebs. Come on. Live. Want to live." Time unfreezes and the soul harvester backs away from Phoebe's spirit. "I shall return for you some day, Phoebe Halliwell. One day your sisters will not be able to save you. And that day will come. And when it does. I will be waiting. For now your soul is safe. But beware. Your soul shall be mine." With that said the soul harvester disappears in a flash of fire.

Phoebe's soul slowly begins to reenter her body. Phoebe suddenly takes a long deep breath. "That's a girl, Phoebe. That's a girl." Piper tells her helping Phoebe sit up. "The ambulance is on its way." Phoebe just nods her head.

A few minutes later an ambulance arrives and takes Phoebe and Prue to the hospital. Piper is sitting in the waiting room filling out some forms about her sisters when a doctor approaches her. "Ms. Halliwell. Your sisters are going to be fine. It is a good thing that you knew how to do CPR. Your sisters would not have made it without it." Piper thanks the doctor for his help. "Just one more question, Ms. Halliwell. Is there any reason you can think of that your one sister has a high toxic level of organic poison in her system?" "I really can't say doctor. But can you tell me why Phoebe's heart stopped?" "It seems she hit her chest pretty hard. Sometimes a major impact like that can cause the heart to stop. I had a school friend who had this happen to him once. But instead of a wall he was hit by someone. He still lived to tell his tale." Piper nods and gives the young doctor a smile. "Your sisters will be pretty sore for a few days. The ribs cracked a little while you were performing CPR. But it is nothing we can't fix. You can see them if you want to." Piper thanks him and walks into her sisters room. Piper looks at her watch and notices that she only has a few more minutes until her placement spell wears off. She walks over to Prue and Phoebe and gives them a kiss. "I will be back in a little while. My spell is almost over, so take care you two. And please do not die while I am gone." Prue just smiles at her. "I think we can handle that what do you think Pheebs?" "I believe it can be possible." Piper smiles and suddenly finds herself in Hawaii in her hotel room. She looks at the wet picture in the sink and smiles. "What would I do without those two?" Piper walks over to her luggage and begins to pack up.

Piper arrives home and finds Prue and Phoebe both asleep on the couch. Piper walks over and places a garland of pink flowers on each of them and gives them each a kiss. "Piper! What are you doing home so early?" "I though that you two needed me. Plus it is no fun in Hawaii without the two people I love the most." Piper tells them with a smile. She sits down on the couch. "So. Now I want to know why you two ended up dead!?" Piper asks them, trying to keep a straight face. "Trust me, Piper. It is a long story." "Well as they say, Prue. Long stories are always the best. Especially if you share them with the ones you love." "Okay. It all happened when Maryanne called...." And Prue and Phoebe tell Piper the whole story. And from that day forth the bond of sisterhood grew a little strong. The power of three safe again.

The next day Prue walks into Claire's office to find Phoebe sitting there. "Well Prue! After a long hard discussion with your sister, I have decided to rehire you. If that is expectable with you?" "Yes. That's fine." "Good! Well, Phoebe it has been nice chatting with you." "Same here, Claire." Phoebe shakes Claire's hand and exits through the door. "I expect no family emergencies today do I, Prue?" "Of course not, Claire!" Prue walks out of Claire's office and runs after Phoebe, who is already at the stairs. "Pheebs! Wait up! What did you tell Claire?" "The truth. I told her that I had been attacked and that you and Piper had done CPR and that is the only reason why I am still here. I told her it happened just as you were leaving for work and that she should not blame you but me." "Phoebe you said that?" "Yes." "Why?" "Because, Prue. I know how much you love your job and I felt I should pay you back for not being able to bring you back from the dead." Prue smiles at Phoebe and then hugs her. "Thank you, Phoebe. I don't know what I would do without you and Piper." "You would lead a very dull life Prue! Well I promised Piper I would meet her for lunch. Care to join us?" "Might as well. Its my lunch break anyway." Prue takes Phoebe's arm and leads her to the elevator. "Lets take the stairs instead Prue." "Phoebe I am your older sister. I would never let anything bad happen to you. Trust me." The elevator doors open and Prue leads Phoebe in. "Whatever you say, Prue." Phoebe tells her pushing the button to go down to the garage.