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Too Fleeting is Love

by Kandy & April

DISCLAIMER:. This story is based upon the series, Charmed, that was created by Constance M. Burge. All Charmed characters are the property of Spelling Productions, with the exception of Joe Montana, which is the alias of a member of a Charmed Fan Site. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction.

We open at Halliwell Manor. Piper is sleeping on the couch while Phoebe and Prue are running around looking for purses and equipment to go on a shopping excursion. Phoebe sees one of Prue's credit cards sitting on the family room table and lunges for it, hoping to get her greedy little hands on it before Prue finds it. Prue walks into the room just as Phoebe manages to stuff it into her purse. "Phoebe!" Prue says in a demanding voice. Phoebe looks up innocently. "Where is my Visa MasterCard?" Phoebe tries to shrug and put on another innocent face but she breaks into laughter and ends up giving Prue back her plastic. They leave Piper still sleeping and head downtown.

"So Prue, shall I buy this one, or this?" Phoebe asked. Prue glanced at each of the dresses debatingly, "That one." Prue responded pointing at the one on the left. "Oki dokey." Phoebe uttered hanging up the dress in her left hand back on the rack next to her. Prue turned to look for some other clothes and accessories and found herself face to face with a very attractive man that seemed to be about her age, give or take a few years.

"Hello." He murmured in practically a whisper. "Sorry about that, I didn't mean to surprise you. I'm Joe, Joe Montana." He told her in a friendly, outgoing tone. Prue smiled at his carefree manner. "Nice to meet you Joe, I'm Prue Halliwell. He stepped backwards noticing that he was still clutching her elbow from their collision. Phoebe looked over her shoulder just then and saw Prue talking to yet another hot guy. Man she's a magnet. Phoebe thinks to herself, why can't I get some dudes like that? As they wrapped up their conversation, Joe hands Prue a slip of paper with his number on it. She smiles sweetly and promises to call him.

"Who was that?!" Phoebe asked impressively. Prue smiled. "Um, his name is Joe Montana, he's really a nice guy. I just met him right here in the store. I just turned around and bumped into him. He lives kind of close to Quake." Phoebe smiled approvingly. "Nice," she muttered.

When they got back to the Manor, Piper was up and moving. "Where were you guys?" She questions them. "We went shopping, I needed something for my job interview and Prue here is to stubborn to let me borrow something of hers." Piper nodded and winked at Prue. "Did you get anything?" Piper asks turning back to Phoebe. "Oh uh yea, here lemme go try it on for you." Piper smiles and Phoebe leaves the room. Prue sticks her hands into her pocket and feels a piece of paper. Having forgotten what it was she pulls it out reads it and breaks into a sweet smile. Piper seeing the look quickly reaches for the paper. "What's this, what's this?" Piper says lightly as she reads over the scrap of paper. "Joe Montana, who's he" Piper asks curiously. Prue is about to explain when Phoebe comes back into the room in her brand spankin new dress. "You positively shine Pheebs," Piper compliments her. "I know," Phoebe responds lightly.

One week later

"Prue, Phone". "Who is it Pheebs?" "Who do you think?" Prue gives Phoebe that look and picks up the phone. "Hello? Hi, Joe how ya doin?"

"Would you look at her Piper she's positively glowing." "Shush Phoebe I'm trying to listen." "Piper!" "SHUSH Pheebs".

"Joe I'm sorry I can't tonight. Yah I'll give you a call tomorrow". Prue hangs up the phone and turns around to find Piper and Phoebe staring at her with that I can't believe you put him off again look. "What?" Prue says with obvious irritation in her voice.

"You know exactly what Prue. Why won't you go have dinner with that poor man? He obviously likes you. I can't believe he hasn't given up on you yet. Do you realize he has been calling at least once a day for the last week? And you, you are just as bad you call him just as much as he calls you. Thank God it's not long distance or we would have a $400.00 phone bill next month. Plus if you could only see yourself when you're talking to him. You obviously really like this guy and as many conversations you've had with him. Even though they are phone conversations, you do know I'd say at least, a lot, about him. So, what gives? Hmm?" "Yah, Prue what's up?" Phoebe adds.

"I'm just don't think I'm ready yet o.k. Loosing Andy after I thought I might finally get him back hurt, it hurt a lot," Prue says with a tremble in her voice.

"Oh Prue where so sorry." "Yah Prue I'm sorry," says Phoebe too. "But listen it's been three months. He's gone Prue we know that you loved him but you also know that you need to get on with your life. Nobody is telling you that you need to fall in love with this guy. We're just saying go have some fun. Like Piper said you should see yourself in the mirror when you're talking to him. Please call him back and go out for a 'no strings attached' date. You'll thank me for it if you do."

Prue hesitates a little but walks over to the phone and dials Joe back. "Hi Joe? Yah it's Prue, listen I've been thinking I'd love to go out with you tonight."

At this Piper and Phoebe leave Prue to her conversation with Joe. "You'd better hope that this doesn't go bad Phoebe. I can't believe you told her she'd thank you for it if she went out with this guy. You are just inviting trouble." "No I'm not," Phoebe says with a grin on her face. "Phoebe what are you up to?" "Oh, nothing. Just the last time Joe called I had a premonition and lets just say, a good time will be had by both".

With this said the chase is on Piper wants to know just what it was she saw and she is off and running with Piper close behind begging for details.

Later that Night

Prue and Joe are sitting down to a casual dinner in a new place that had just opened up by the ocean. Prue is saying what a wonderful view this place offers. "How did you ever find it?" "Oh I was doing a interview with a football player and he suggested we come here. So when you asked if we could go someplace other than Quake, I immediately thought of this place. But to tell you the truth I haven't noticed the view out the window since we sat down. I just keep getting lost in those beautiful green eyes of yours and lady that smile of yours could stop my heart."

"What do ya say we go for a walk along the cliffs. There's a trail just down the road." Prue agrees and Joe pays for dinner and they leave for his car. Outside Joe opens the passenger side door on his 70 Chevy Impala and Prue slides in. They head down the road to where the parking area is beside the hiking trails. He parks the car and they start walking leisurely down the deserted trail. "I'm surprised there's nobody else out here." "I'm not," says Joe with a light grin. "Why not?" It's just been opened. My friend owns the land and we've been working for months to get this done. I've been staying with him while working on it. Come over here. Now if you lean out a little and look around the bend you can see his house."

"That's your friends house? It's huge. What's he do for a living?" "He's a retired quarter back." Joe is grinning at Prue again and she finally asks, "Why do keep looking at me like that?" "Well other than the fact that you still have some whipped cream on your nose from desert, I'm just happy that you finally agreed to go out with me." Joe leans forward and kisses the whipped cream from Prue's nose very gently not wanting to scare her away or move anything to quickly. But to his relief Prue just giggles, blushes and wipes the remainder off with her hand.

Several hours later the sun has been down for many hours and Prue and Joe are still talking having completely lost track of time. By now they are completely at ease with each other. Prue looks over at Joe and says, "You know I should really be getting home. I do have to work for the dragon lady in the morning." "O.k. Prue when ever your ready, but if we wait just another 15 minutes we can watch the sun rise." "O.k. what's another 15 minutes any way. It's not as if I'm going to be able to get any sleep any way. Not that I mind, I've had a really nice night Joe."

Joe and Prue get out of the car, Joe walks her around the front of the car climbs up on the hood and pulls Prue up to join him. They sit there in silence Prue between Joe's legs leaning back into his chest just watching as the sun comes up over the ocean, listening to the waves come in against the cliffs below.

"Are you chilly Prue? Joe asks. "Just a bit," and she snuggles back closer to him. He wraps his arms about her and nuzzles his face into her hair. They sit there like this quietly watching the sunrise for a half an hour. Prue then turns to Joe with a disappointed smile and says, "Joe I should relay go," and gives him a quick kiss on the lips. "Mmm you taste nice" Prue says and quickly gets up before she loses herself in his kisses.

Joe slides down off the hood and helps Prue in the car and drives her back to the manner. "Bye Prue, I had a great night, sorry I kept you out so late." "Thanks Joe I had a nice time to and don't worry about how late you kept me out. I didn't want to be any other place. Don't bother getting out, I'll just walk myself in. Thanks again Joe." Prue leans toward Joe for a good night kiss and Joe does not let this chance pass him by he encircles Prue with his arm for a lengthy kiss. He pulls back after a while and releases her. "Call me Joe?" He laughs, "Wild horses couldn't stop me."

Things progress along this same steady, comfortable coarse for weeks. Phoebe comes down for breakfast one morning to find Joe and Prue sitting at the kitchen table. Not missing a beat, Phoebe says, "Well Joe am I mistaken or is that one of my fathers old shirts"? She asks with a wicked I know what you did smirk.

Joe replies with "Well Phoebe if I didn't know better I'd say you were psychic." Both Phoebe and Prue look at each other with huge eyes and Piper walks in to say, "What? He knows? When did you tell him? Shouldn't we have been asked first?"

"What asked what, Prue what's she going on about and why do the three of you look like you just watched the cat eat the canary?" Piper takes her cue and freezes him.

All three sisters sigh. "O.k. what's happening here?" Piper asks demandingly. Prue rolls her eyes. "Nothing it was just an innocent comment. He doesn't know anything. He wasn't even suspicious until you started raving about how we told him."

Phoebe continues where Prue left off. "All he said was, 'if I didn't know any better I'd say you were psychic'. So Prue and I were a little taken back by his choice of words." At this point Piper is nodding now understanding how she may have messed up. "O.k. then, now what do we do? What should we tell him?" There's a moment of silence before Prue in an agitated voice responds with, "The truth. We'll confuse him and make him suspicious if we lie. Andy and I broke up because I couldn't just tell him the truth. I will not let this relationship end for the same reason."

"O.k., o.k., then that's what we will do." Phoebe replied patting Joe on the shoulder. "Joe here seems to know the tru-" Phoebe suddenly broke off her expression clearly shows she is having a premonition. Both Prue and Piper wait until it has passed and then Prue pounces her for information.

"Oh God, oh God" Phoebe starts narrating, "Joe driving a Chevy, pulling away from Prescot street, he's rammed head on, the car is totaled. I think; I think he's dead." Phoebe finishes stuttering at the last few words. Piper and Prue's mouths drop open. "Phoebe are you sure?" Piper asks softly. Phoebe just nods and looks at Prue. "Damn it why; do all my boyfriends have to be killed? Can't I have just one normal relationship without some warlock or demon screwing it up?"

"Wait a minute Prue, we know that my premonitions can be changed. He doesn't necessarily have to die. We just have to keep him out of that Chevy convertible. It was a nice car by the way. And keep him off Prescot Street." Just then time unfreezes and they are all once again the victims of Joe's questioning glare. "Um Joe, Um well we, meaning my sister and I have a little secret." Joe raises an eyebrow, "What kind of secret?" "Well we're witches" Piper blurts out. "Huh?" Joe responds wrinkling his forehead and grinning in disbelief. "Right witches that's a good one. Boy Prue you were right they are a couple of pranksters," he says laughing.

Prue just looks at Joe and says "I know this is not easy to believe but trust me, we are good witches." Joe is just sitting there nodding at Prue with an expression of disbelief, like o.k. Where is this joke going? So Prue feeling she has no other choice, knowing that to save his life he must believe them, levitates herself (a new talent she has recently been practicing) and Joe a few inches above the floor. While the two of them are hovering above the floor Prue moves forward so she is in Joe's arms. "See we weren't lying, and I am sorry you are finding out like this but we have more we need to talk about. Phoebe does have premonitions and you are going to have a bad accident and I need you to not drive the Impala for a while. You take my car and you cannot drive down Prescot Street. Just trust me on this I can not loose you, she says and kisses him very passionately. After a few minutes Joe asks "Um, Prue can you put us down now. This is nice and all but it still makes me nervous." Prue giggles and lets the both of them gently down.


Joe, Prue, Piper & Phoebe are all visiting the fair that is in town for one week. "Lets go ride the 'Tilt a Whirl'" Phoebe says with a huge grin. "Oh no not me," Prue says, "You know that thing makes me sick, you three go ahead," Prue offers and Joe declines saying that he would much rather stay with the most beautiful lady in the world. "Let's ride the 'Ferris Wheel' instead," Joe offers. So the foursome split up and Prue and Joe get in line for the 'Ferris Wheel'.

Piper and Phoebe are enjoying the ride when something goes wrong, the ride stops while they are at the very top. It stops so quickly and with such force that Piper bangs here head and is knocked unconscious. Phoebe gathers herself up and notices that Piper is unconscious and has a nasty cut on her left temple. "Oh, come on Piper don't do this to me, Piper?" Piper moans but does not gain consciousness. "Good at least your still with me."

Phoebe is now talking to herself, "o.k. I've done this before, I sure hope I can do it now. But we were never this far apart when I was practicing. Here goes nothing." Phoebe is now concentrating very hard. "Prue, Prue, come on Prue I need you."

Prue and Joe are completely wrapped up in each other. They don't notice any of the noise that has suddenly sprung up and they have eyes only for each other. So they don't notice the crowd milling around the 'Tilt a Whirl' and the excited screams coming from both the people stuck on the ride or the shouts from the fair employees trying to figure out what has happened and how to fix it.

"Joe," Prue is giggling, "We can't do that here people will see us. We'll get caught." "Hmm that's half the fun. Come on Prue live a little." Joe is coaxing Prue gently. "Joe stop there are children here. Not that I don't want to too," she says a little out of breath. So they embrace again in a very deep, passionate kiss. Suddenly Prue pull back, "Did you hear that?" "Here what?" Joe asks. "I thought I heard," she pauses and looks confused. "I thought I heard Phoebe calling me."

"Prue I need your help, oh come on let this work." "Phoebe?" "Oh, thank God, Prue look at the 'Tilt a Whirl'." Prue finally looks over at the 'Tilt a Whirl'. "Oh my God, Joe look." Joe looks in the direction that Prue is pointing and sees her reason for concern. The 'Tilt a Whirl' at its full extension was hanging precariously by what looked like a couple of wires. Prue waits till the 'Ferris Wheel' has brought them down and using her power stops the ride so she can get off. "Phoebe can you hear me?" "Yeah Prue thank God." "How's Piper can she freeze this crowd?" "No, she's unconscious when the ride stopped it gave us quite the jolt she bumped her head pretty bad." Prue nods at this, just then a grinding moan is heard as the Tilt a Whirl lurches from some of the last wires snapping. Prue desperately tries to use her powers but she is not nearly strong enough and only manages to rock it back and forth a little.

Phoebe sits near the top of the Tilt a Whirl desperately trying to think of a plan. Piper moans again. Phoebe shakes her frantically but she doesn't wake up. The sisters see the circus act dragging mats over near the Tilt a Whirl and people somewhat nearer to the bottom manager to jump safely onto them. Phoebe shakes her unconscious sister desperately. "Piper, come on you hafta wake up, you HAVE to wake up. Piper I can't risk letting you fall on the mat you might break your neck." Phoebe starts weeping in despair.

Below Prue is also crying. She burrows into Joe's arms. "Joe, Phoebe won't jump unless Piper does and Piper can't she's unconscious." Joe kisses the tears off Prue's swollen face. "Stay right here sweetheart, I'll be right back." Prue stops crying and stares after him confused. He blows her a kiss and then runs toward the dangerous Tilt a Whirl. He climbs onto the first cart and works his way up to where Phoebe and Piper are.

"Jump Phoebe, I've got Piper." Phoebe gives him a quick peck on the cheek and thanks him appreciatively. He just nods and picks an unconscious Piper up in his strong arms. Phoebe jumps and lands safely on one of the big tumbling mats. She runs over to Prue and they hug and watch Joe intensely. "That's quite the man you've got their Prue." "I know."

Joe starts slowly climbing back down with Piper over his shoulder. He is still pretty high up when they all hear a frightening snap and the last clump of wires snap. As the Tilt a Whirl falls forward it throws Joe and the still unconscious Piper from the cart. Prue and Phoebe watch with horror as they watch Joe fly through the air still clutching Piper. They hit the ground hard but Joe has managed to maneuver himself beneath Piper during the fall. Prue gasps and they run toward Joe and Piper. Piper is lying on top of him and is barely injured other then her minor concussion and a nosebleed from knocking noses with Joe. Since they landed in a position where Piper barely even touched the ground, Joe took all of the impact and saved Piper's life.

"He's dead isn't he!" Prue shrieked starting to get hysterical. She shook with sobs and wrapped her arms around Phoebe's still shaking body. "It's alright Prue, he'll be alright." Phoebe murmured trying to sooth a distraught Prue. An ambulance arrives and loads both Piper and Joe onto stretchers and away to a hospital. Phoebe and Prue are allowed to sit in the back for the ride over to the hospital. Piper finally comes to halfway to the hospital complaining of a wretched headache.


Prue and Phoebe are sitting in the waiting room when a doctor comes through a set off twin doors. "Miss Piper Halliwell has a concussion, a broken nose and three broken ribs. She should be back to normal in about 3-5 weeks." The sister's nod relieved that Piper's condition is not serious and permanent. "And Joe Montana?" Prue asks not quite sure whether she wants to here what the doctor is about to say. "Well actually Pure, Mr. Montana is doing pretty well for what he has been through." Prue brightened up a little.

The doctor than continues with, "He does though have a broken back. He has broken three vertebrate and his spinal cord has been damaged in three areas. If he can pull out of this he will be a quadriplegic for the rest of his life. He has also fractured his wrist, numerous ribs and his nose. We have detected internal bleeding in the brain but we cleared that up quickly. His current condition seems stable, but he is in a coma. The girl's eyes swell up with tears. Prue bites her lip and tries to keep herself from breaking into another round of tears. The doctor leaves and the girls sit staring at each other in silence. A few nerve-wracking minutes later the doctor comes running in and grabs their hands. "Joe is waking up you'd better come see him!"

Prue sprints down the hall after the doctor and slides into Joe's room. Pure kneels next to his be and slides her hand in his good one. "Hi," she whispers sweetly as he squints at her. "Prue," he replies in a soft, raspy voice. "You saved Piper's life honey, I- I-" tears come to Prue's eyes "love you" she finishes. Joe gives her a weak smile. Prue leans in and gives his chapped lips a gentle lingering kiss. Joe looks at her with sleepy eyes "I love you too Prue. When I get out of here I am going to take you on a vacation. Just you and me with nobody to worry about but us." Then he slips back into a deep sleep. Phoebe walks over to Prue takes her by her shoulder turns her around and lets her sob uncontrollably on her shoulder. "I do love him Pheebs, and now I might lose him just like I lost Andy." Prue's petite body wracks with unwilling sobs. Phoebe embraces her tighter, feeling great sympathy for her wonderful older sister.


"No, no I've got it, Phoebe it doesn't hurt that bad, I can get it." Phoebe shrugs and lets Piper toddle over to get the ingredient she needs. "You are supposed to be immobilized for a while Piper." Phoebe responds in a worried tone. "I'm fine Pheebs, thanks. I really am good though." Phoebe gives in and slumps down in a chair at the table. "So how's Prue?" Piper asks. "If you consider depressed beyond imagination, o.k. Then I'll have to say she's fine." Piper nods understandingly.

The night before Prue had been with Joe in the hospital when he had died in her arms. "She was saying that 'everybody she lets close to her dies', I'm really worried about her Piper."