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He Will Return

by Erin C.

Ding Dong. The Halliwell's door bell rings and Piper answers it. "Hi, is this the Halliwell residence?" the older woman asks. "Yes it is," Piper answers. "Oh good, is Prue Halliwell here?" the women questions. "Yes I am, " Prue answers coming to the door, "Why don't you come in." "Oh that would be great," the women states coming in the door. The women's eyes are sad as she says, "So this is where it happened." Prue confused asks," What happened?" " Oh I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Betsy Trudeau," she said. "Mrs. Trudeau!" Prue exclaims. "How are you? You must be devastated." "I'm doing better, I just need to warn you of something." The sisters wonder what she would need to warn them about as Phoebe walks in to the room." Don't worry I know your secret, and now I will tell you our family secret. On the men's side there is some evil, but it only appears if the man is murdered. And Andy was murdered. Andy will return to kill his murderer. But if his murderer is dead he will kill the one who killed his murderer." The woman pauses and takes a breath. "Oh my god," Phoebe replies, "His murderer is dead." "Do you know who killed the murderer?" Mrs. Trudeau asks. Phoebe looks at Prue who is staring at the floor. "I did," claims Prue. "My only advice is trust your heart," the woman said, "and now I must be going." Andy's mother leaves. The girls hear a crash upstairs. "It's probably Kit," Piper reassures Prue. They all return to what they were doing. They are all a little shaken. "Phebes will you get my some water," Prue yells. A few seconds later, "Here you go," a voice says handing Prue the class. "Thanks," Prue replies. She pauses and looks up. "Andy?" Andy's eyes are flaring, a blood red. "Don't take it personally, but now I have to kill you!" Prue wakes up with a jolt. "Phew, it was only a dream!" "What are you mumbling about?" Piper asks. "Nothing I just had a bad dream that's all."

Ding Dong. The Halliwell's door bell rings and Piper answers it. "Hi is this the Halliwell residence?" the older woman asks. "Yes it is," Piper answers. "Oh good, is Prue Halliwell here?" the women questions. "Yes I am," Prue answers coming to the door," why don't you come in." "Oh that would be great," the women states coming in the door. The women's eyes are sad as she says, "So this is where it happened." Prue confused asks, "What happened?" " Oh I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Betsy Trudeau," she said. "Mrs. Trudeau!" Prue exclaims. "How are you? You must be devastated." I'm doing better, I just need to warn you of something." The sisters wonder what she would need to warn them about as Phoebe walks in to the room." Don't worry I know your secret, and now I will tell you our family secret. On the men's side there is some evil, but it only appears if the man is murdered. And Andy was murdered. Andy will return to kill his murderer. But if his murderer is dead he will kill the one who killed his murderer." The woman pauses and takes a breath. "Oh my god." Phoebe replies," His murderer is dead." "Do you know who killed the murderer?" Mrs. Trudeau asks. Phoebe looks at Prue who is staring at the floor. "I did." claims Prue. "My only advice is trust your heart," the woman said, "and now I must be going." Andy's mother leaves. "That was too weird," Prue replies, "That was my dream exactly." "I thought I was the one with the premonitions?" Phoebe says. The girls here a crash upstairs. "It's probably Kit," Piper reassures Prue. "No it wasn't," Prue yells.

I probably should go get those files back from Prue, Inspector Morris thinks. He goes to his car and heads for the Halliwell's house. He goes to the door and hears Phoebe scream. So he goes in armed and ready.

Andy is standing in front of the Halliwells. He grabs a pair of scissors and lunges at Prue who throws him against the wall. Morris has seen the whole thing. The scissors that were once in Andy's hand are now in his stomach. He cries out in pain. Prue can't take it any longer. She runs over to his side. She takes the scissors out of his stomach, and lays them next to him. "Oh Andy," she cries, the tears are pouring out, "Will you forgive me?" he asks. "Of course," she answers. Andy picks up the scissors and stabs Prue in the chest. Her eyes pop out in shock she gasps as she falls back. Piper and Phoebe cry as she dies. "I love you Prue," Andy yells as he disappears in to space. Piper looks at Prue and sees the scissors disappear, then her wound closes up. Her eyes flicker open, confused she looks around. "Prue?" Piper yells. Prue stands up. "Love was the key!" she says. "Darryl, I think it's time you learn our secret," Prue says with a smile.