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How Do You Kill A Warlock?

by cd

DISCLAIMER: This story is based upon the series, Charmed, that was created by Constance M. Burge. All Charmed characters are the property of Spelling Productions.

It's been two months since Andy's death. Things have been quiet around Halliwell manor. A few vanquished demons nothing much to speak of. Prue has been throwing herself into her work. Piper has been busy trying to find a location for her new restaurant, trying recipes, and in general worrying about everyone and everything. And Phoebe the same old thing, job hunting.

It's early on a beautiful Friday morning. Piper's in the kitchen making coffee and cooking breakfast. Phoebe drags herself into the kitchen and sits down at the table.

"Morning Phoebe. You look like you got home late last night." Piper says as she walks over to Phoebe with a cup of coffee for her.

"Thanks, I did. Brent (see episode Blindsided) and I kind of lost track of time." Phoebe says and drinks some of her coffee hoping that it will help open her eyes a little more.

"Really...." Piper says with a big grin.

"Funny Piper real funny. After dinner we went back to his place. We talked for hours. I've never met someone that I could talk to like that." Phoebe says.

"I'm happy for you Pheebs. He seems like a really nice guy. Does he have a brother?" Piper replies.

"Piper! No he doesn't." Phoebe answers.

They both have a laugh and continue theIr conversation.

"Well Pheebs what are you up to today?" Piper asks.

"Brent and I are going out, he has a surprise for me. He's picking me up at 11:00. Hey not to change the subject but is Prue gone already?" Phoebe wonders.

"No. She is still asleep. I turned off her alarm this morning when I got up. She hasn't been sleeping well lately so I thought I would let her sleep in." Piper says.

"She is going to be mad at you." Phoebe tells her.

"Yeah I know but she really needed some sleep. She is getting run down." Piper says with concern.

"I know but doesn't she have to go to work?" Phoebe asks.

"I called Claire and said she was sick and wouldn't be in today." Piper answers.

"Piper she is really going to be mad at you."

Just before Piper is about to answer they hear screaming coming from upstairs. They both head up the stairs to see what is going on.

* * *

Prue is still asleep. She is having the same dream she's been having since Andy died. They are sitting under a tree in the park talking, smiling at each other and kissing. Everything is perfect. Andy has accepted that she is a witch and wants them to have a future together. Then all of a sudden out of nowhere a warlock appears, kills Andy and disappears. Everything happens so fast Prue doesn't have time to stop the warlock and save Andy. Prue looks at Andy and screams, "No!"

Piper and Phoebe walk into Prue's bedroom and find her screaming in her sleep. They try to wake her.

"Prue, wake up, Prue." Piper says as she grabs Prue's hand.

"Andy!" Prue cries out as she wakes up to see her sisters sitting by her side.

"Prue you had the dream again didn't you?" Piper asks with a concerned look on her face.

"Yeah I did." Prue says she sits up and tries to shake it off. "What time is it?"

"8:30." Phoebe answers.

Prue jumps out of bed."I'm late for work why didn't you guys wake me?"

"I turned off your alarm this morning. I called Claire and told her you were sick and that you wouldn't be in today." Piper tells Prue.

"Piper you did what? I have a lot of work to do before next weeks auction."

"Prue you've been working six days an week, twelve or more hours a day since.. ." Piper leaves out since Andy died. "You need a break. You need to rest. You are going to burn out."

"Prue we are just worried about you." Phoebe adds.

"I know but I'm fine. I have to get ready for work." Prue says as she rushes to get ready for work.

Piper and Phoebe leave Prue to get ready for work. They know that it is no use arguing with her. She can be so stubborn. They return to the kitchen. Moments later Prue comes in and grabs some coffee on her way out the door.

"I'll see you two tonight." Prue says on her way out the door.

"Bye, Prue." Piper and Phoebe tell their sister.

* * *

Prue is finally at Buckland's she on her way to her office when she hers that all to familiar voice.

"Prue, Prue." Claire bellows.

"Yes Claire." Prue responds with a big smile. The one she always gives Claire.

"I thought you weren't coming in today. Your sister said you were ill." Claire says.

"I'm feeling better. Besides I have a lot to do before next weeks auction." Prue replies.

"Alright. Well I'll check with you later." Claire says as she heads back to her office.

* * *

Phoebe is getting ready for her date with Brent. She is having a hard time finding something to wear and considers checking out Prue's closet when Piper walks in.

"Phoebe when do you think you will be home?" Piper asks.

"I don't know, why?" Phoebe responds.

"I was thinking that we could pick up Prue at work and have a sisters night out." Piper says.

"Sounds good to me. She has been working way to much. When do you think she is going to be able to deal with Andy's death?" Phoebe wonders.

"I don't know Pheebs. We've left her alone now it's time we but in. She needs to do something besides work and come home and go to her room." Piper says with concern.

"Yeah your right. What time do you want me home?" Phoebe asks.

"4:00. That should give us enough time to get there and talk her into leaving at 5:00." Piper answers.

Just then the doorbell rings.

"Hey that must be Brent, Phoebe. You better get that." Piper says with a smirk on her face. They both walk down the stairs to the door. "I wonder where he's taking you. Isn't about time you two had the talk. You know the sex talk."

"Piper! Stop that." Phoebe says as she opens the door. "Hi, Brent I'm ready lets go."

"Hold on Phoebe what's the rush? Hi, Piper how are you on this beautiful summer morning?" Brent asks.

"Fine. How are you?" Piper answers.

"Great. I've got a fun filled day planned to Phoebe and I. Well I guess if you really what to go Phoebe we can." Brent says with a serious look on his face, then he gives her a smile.

"Of course I want to go. Don't be silly." Phoebe says with as she returns his smile. "By the way where are we going?"

"You'll see." Brent says.

* * *

Brent and Phoebe arrive at their destination. They get out of the car to find a picnic lunch waiting for them on a secluded beach.

"Oh Brent it's beautiful. This is great." Phoebe says as she gives Brent a kiss on his cheek.

"I'm glad you like it." Brent says as he blushes after Phoebe's kiss.

"Like it, I love it." Phoebe says as they walk over to where their lunch is. "Wow you brought a feast."

"Yeah I didn't want to forget anything I wanted to make sure you had everything you would want."

"Brent you are so sweet." This time Phoebe hugs him and softly kisses his lips. He kisses her back harder. They kiss. It feels like time has stopped to Phoebe. Phoebe thinks how good it feels in his arms. And what a great kisser he is. She smiles.

"What? What's so funny?" Brent asks.

"Nothing. I think we should have lunch now." she answers.

They have their lunch. They are both quiet over lunch. They are both thinking about their kiss. Finally Brent breaks the silence.

"Wow I can't believe how beautiful the ocean is. Almost as beautiful as you Phoebe." He says.

Phoebe blushes and smiles.

"Look at how many different shades of blue and green the water is. See how the water crashes against the rocks. I've always heard it, but somehow it sounds different now that I can see it again. I had forgotten how beautiful it was. Thank you Phoebe." He says to her as he kisses her cheek.

"For what?" She asks.

"Your the reason I can see again and I plan on enjoying things like this with you if your interested." Brent says.

"I would love to spend more time with you. You see things differently than anyone I know. I always have fun with you." Phoebe replies.

"I have fun with you to. I hate to say this but it's getting late. We better get going if you want to get home on time. I don't want to have to answer to Piper about bringing you home late." Brent says.

"Yeah we better go. I had a great time, but there is just one more thing I want to do before we go.." she says.

"What?" Brent questions.

"This." Phoebe give Brent a long passionate kiss. She feels so close to him. She hasn't felt like this in a long time.

* * *

Prue is in her office. She has been working for hours cataloging items for next weeks auction. Time is passing quickly. Prue glances at the clock. It's 3:00 already she thinks to herself, I forgot lunch again. Maybe Piper and Phoebe were right. I need a break, I'm exhausted. Just then Claire walks in with a client, David Thompson, we have been working with him over the last couple of months selling his fathers estate.

"Prue, Mr. Thompson stopped by to see us." Clarie says.

"Hello Mr. Thompson. How are you?" Prue asks.

"Fine and please call me David. I stopped by to thank you both for all that you've done. You have helped me so much these last couple of months. It has really made sorting through my fathers estate easier." David says.

"Your welcome David. It was our pleasure." Claire chimes before Prue can speak.

"Yes, David your welcome." Prue adds.

"Well I would like to thank you both with a late lunch or early dinner, if your interested." he asks them both.

"Thank you David, but I really can't go. I'm sure that Prue would like to.." Claire answers.

"Claire I really have a lot to do." Prue says as she tries to make and excuse for not going.

"Prue it's alright. It can wait until Monday." Claire answers.

"But..." Prue tries to get an excuse in, but Claire interrupts.

"Prue, go." Claire insists.

"Well Prue I guess you can't argue with that." David says as he smiles at Prue.

"I guess your right. I'll see you on Monday Claire." Prue says as she gives in.

* * *

Prue and David arrive at near by restaurant and sit down at their table. There is the usual small talk about the weather and how warm its been lately. Then the waitress comes and takes their order. The waitress comes back with their drinks, but little does Prue know that the waitress has put something extra into her iced tea.

"Thanks." they both say to the waitress after getting their drinks.

"So David how are things going with your fathers estate?" Prue asks. She then takes a drink of some of iced tea.

"Everything is almost settled. I should have it taken care of in about another month. Thanks again for all of your help. You have made it easier settling his estate." David replies.

"Your welcome. I was just doing my job." Prue says and drinks some more tea.

"You did more than your job. You worked extra hours to get things ready. You've been working a lot the last few months that we've know each other. And if you don't mind me saying you look a little tired." David says expressing his concern.

"You sound just like my sisters." she says with a smile.

"They are right. In fact you look a little pale. Are you feeling okay?" David says with concern.

"I feel a little dizzy. Do you think we could skip dinner and could you take me home?" she asks.

"Sure." he answers.

Prue stands up and almost falls back down to her chair, but she is able to steady herself.

"Prue are you alright?" David asks.

"I don't feel so well. Can you help me to the car?" Prue asks. Her face is pale and she breaks out in a cold sweat.

"Sure, Prue maybe I should take you to the hospital." he says.

"No, that's alright, just take me home." she answers.

"Sure Prue, take it easy." David says as he walks Prue to his car. He starts to drive her home. Half way there he notices that Prue is unconscious. David smiles to himself. He then proceeds to to the destination he intended. David pulls up to a warehouse near the docks. He gets out of the car, gets Prue out of the car and carries her into the warehouse. He takes her into a small room, there are no windows and only one door. The room is empty except for a chair. David ties Prue to the chair. Her hands behind her back and blindfolds her. He says to himself I'm not sure how long the drug will block her powers so I'm not taking any chances. Prue is still unconscious as David leaves the room and locks the door.

* * *

Phoebe arrives at home just in time. Piper is ready to go. Phoebe changes and they are off to Buckland's. When they there they find that Prue is already gone. Her assistant tells them that she left a couple of hours ago with a client and that she wouldn't be back today. Phoebe notices that Prue left her date book and picks it up to bring home. Suddenly she has a premonition. She sees Prue blindfolded tied to a chair in an empty room. She sees a sign on the wall it says Thompsons Dock Storage.

"What is it Phoebe?" Piper asks knowing what the look on Phoebes face means.

"It's Prue she's in trouble we gotta go. I'll explain on the way." Phoebe says as they both rush out of the door.

* * *

Prue is slowly beginning to wake up when she hears someone calling her name.

"Prue, Prue wake up." the voice says.

"Andy is that you? Where are you?" she asks.

"Yes Prue it's me. I here with you. I'm sorry its taken me so long to talk to you, but I had to give you time." Andy says.

"Time for what?" She asks.

"Time to heal. I know about your nightmares. Your not responsible for my death. I choose to go to your house that night. I had to try to protect you." he answers.

"I know Andy, but I could have saved you. I could have let the day repeat again." she says.

"No, Prue then you and your sisters might have been killed. This is how things were meant to be." Andy says knowing that she won't except his answer.

"Andy I still feel responsible. We could have figured out a way to save you." Prue says. Andy can hear the pain in her voice.

"Prue it's alright you can't keep doing this to yourself. You have to get past it. And the first thing we have to do is get you out of here. Can you open the door?" he asks.

"No. I can't use my powers. I can't see and my hands are tied." she says with worry in her voice.

Just then Prue hears someone open the door. David walks in.

"Prue are you feeling any better?" David asks. Somehow to Prue his voice sounds different.

"David is that you?" She asks.

"Yes it's me." He answers.

"You have to help me." she says, happy to hear David's voice.

"Help you, I'm the one who brought you here." he says. Prue can hear the evil in his voice.

"Your a warlock." she adds.

"Yes. I intend on bringing your sisters here and taking all you powers. I haven't decided if I am going to let you live." David walks over to Prue and removes her blindfold. Prue tries to use her powers on David, but nothing happens. "Don't bother trying to use your powers. The drug I gave you blocks your powers. With you, the strongest sister not able to use your powers it should be easy to take all of your powers."

"You won't, we'll stop you." Prue threatens.

"You are in no position to make threats. I'm surprised it's taking them so long to find you." David says.

"How do you know the will find me?" Prue asks.

"I have many different powers. Your sister will have a premonition and it will tell her where to find you. I'll be back when your sisters arrive." David says as he leaves the room.

"Andy are you still here?" She asks.

"Yes I'm still here." Andy says. Prue sees a ghostly figure in front of her. It's Andy. He's smiling at her. She smiles back.

* * *

Piper and Phoebe race to the docks. They reach Thompsons Dock Storage and search for a way in. They finally come across an unlocked door and enter the building. It's dark inside but it appears to be empty.

"Phoebe do you know where Prue is?" Piper whispers.

"I'm not sure but I think it's that way." Phoebe says as she points in the direction of what look like small storage rooms. They slowly walk in that direction checking out the warehouse as they go. They get to a locked door. They try to open it. Prue hears someone at the door.

"Prue are you in there." Piper says just loud enough for Prue to hear.

"Piper is that you?" Prue asks.

"Yeah it's me. The doors locked. Can you open it?" Piper questions.

"I can't Piper. I can't use my powers." Prue tells her sister.

"Yes, you can Prue. You can do it. You have to fight the drug. Relax and concentrate. Think only about opening the door clear everything from your mind and you can do it." Andy tells her.

Prue does what Andy says. She concentrates and clears her mind. She thinks only of opening the door. The door slowly unlocks and opens. Piper and Phoebe rush in and untie her. They help her up out of the chair. Prue is still a little dizzy and stumbles. Suddenly David enters the room and with a wave of his hand he sends Phoebe across the room into the wall. Quickly Piper freezes David. Phoebe is stunned, but she starts to get up.

Piper tells her sisters "The power of three spell."

The three sisters hold hands and begin to say the spell.

"The power of three will set us free."
"The power of three will set us free."
"The power of three will set us free."

David unfreezes and falls to the ground.

"Do you think he's dead?" Phoebe asks.

"I don't know." Piper Says. "He looks dead."

Phoebe carefully walks over to David and checks. "Yeah he's dead." she says.

"Good. Lets get Prue out of here. The spell made her pretty weak." Piper says and she helps Prue out of the room. They get to the car and head for the manor. When they get home Piper and Phoebe help Prue into the house and up to her room.

"How are you feeling?" Phoebe asks Prue.

"I'm feeling better now. Thanks for saving me. I think I just need some rest." Prue answers.

"Are you sure your okay? Do you want us to stay with you tonight?" Piper asks with concern.

"I'm fine you guys don't have to stay. How about tomorrow we have a sisters day out. We'll have lunch and do some shopping my treat." Prue says.

"Sounds good to me." Phoebe answers. She is always up for some shopping, especially if someone else is paying.

"Aren't you going to work tomorrow?" Piper asks.

"No. I think you guys were right. I have been working to much since Andy died. I've been blaming myself. Now I know that everything happened the they did for a reason. I need to rest and spend some time with my sisters." Prue tells them.

"We're glad that you realize that. Now get some rest and we'll see you in the morning." Piper answers.

Phoebe and Piper give Prue a hug and leave her alone to get some rest.

* * *

Prue is fast asleep after her exhausting day. She is having that same dream again. They are in the park sitting under a tree, talking and smiling at each other. Everything is perfect. Andy tells her that her that it is time to let go and forgive herself. Remember all the good times we had just like this one. Prue gives him a kiss and tells him " I love you Andy." he answers "I love you to Prue and remember I'll always be with you."

* * *

Outside the manor a dark figure watches as the lights go out in the house. It's David Thompson. He says out loud, "You can't get rid of me that easily. I still have a few lives left in me. I'll be back when you least expect it. You have no idea what your up against."