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A Christmas Miracle

by Tim

DISCLAIMER: This story is based upon the series, Charmed, that was created by Constance M. Burge. All Charmed characters are the property of Spelling Productions, with the exception of Jessica Llewell Halliwell, whom Denny and I created.

DECEMBER 23, 1999

Halliwell Manor is full of activity: "Okay, a little to the left." Prue commands: "No, wait. A little to the right." Phoebe and Piper, who are trying to set the Halliwell Christmas tree in place, are getting a little annoyed. "Prue, will you please make up your mind!" Piper says with irritation: "I still have Christmas cookies to bake!" At this point, Phoebe's mouth starts to water. "Christmas cookies?" she asks Piper: "You're making your Christmas cookies. Yay!! When can you start?" Piper is somewhat flattered: "Okay, Pheebs, I know you like my cookies, but please try to leave some for our guests this year." Phoebe is puzzled: "What guests? Everyone we know is out of town for the holidays." she turns to Prue: "Unless you want to invite Claire." Prue gives Phoebe "the look" and comments: "Don't even joke about that... I can't believe Claire is not giving out the Christmas bonus: 'We have to cut costs.' she says. I wonder if Claire could somehow be related to Ebenezer Scrooge. Where are those three ghosts when you need them?" Prue falls silent, but thinks to herself: I've busted my butt for that woman for almost a year now and she still doesn't appreciate my work! Sometimes I'm just tempted to tell her off and quit, but the bills have to be paid. Oh well... looking up, Prue says: "Let's just forget about Claire for a while and get back to work."

As the day progresses, the Halliwells get the tree set up (it's an artificial tree, by the way), and begin to decorate it with lights, ribbons, and various decorations. Phoebe picks up a small, blue decoration, a mini merry-go-round that you hang over a light and the heat makes it rotate. "Look." she says to Prue and Piper: "I found my merry-go-round decoration. I must have been five when Grams gave this to me." A sad look comes on to her face: "I know it's been well over a year now, but I still miss her." Phoebe's eyes start to mist up. "I know." Piper says: "I miss Grams as well, and Mom, and..." she looks over at Prue and says: "Andy." The three sisters fall silent for a moment as they remember those now departed. Then Prue pulls herself together and says: "Let's get back to work. I want this season to be a happy one."

As evening sets in, the Halliwells congratulate themselves on a job well done. All the decorations are up, including three stockings hung over the fireplace, stockings that Grams had knitted for the girls when they were still little. The stockings are red and green and each has a name on them: PRUDENCE, PIPER, and PHOEBE. The Halliwells are now sitting in front of a roaring fire, from the kitchen comes the smell of Piper's cookies, slowly baking. "Well I think we've done a great job." Phoebe says as she looks around the room. Prue and Piper nod in agreement. They are about to turn in, when a new voice says: "Is this a private party, or can anyone join in?" The three sisters turn their heads to see their adopted sister, Jessica Llewell Halliwell, standing before them. "Jessica!" Phoebe says in surprise. "It's great to see you again. I've been wondering about you ever since you left for the spirit world to join you husband, Billy (see the story I co-wrote with Denny, "Reunion", for further details)." Jessica smiles and nods her head: "Yes." she says: "Billy and I have had a wonderful time since we got back together, but pressing matters here made me come back. As you all know, only the spirits of good witches and white-lighters can take on solid form crossing over from the spirit world to here." The Halliwells concur that they indeed know this, then Prue asks: "So what's up?" Jessica sits down and replies: "Well as you all know, after our little adventure in Hell last spring, we found out Hannah was pregnant." Phoebe nods: "I remember." she says: "The Devil had her kidnaped and we, along with Rex, went to save her. Then you and Melinda came along and saved us (all this happened in my story "Journey to Hell")." Phoebe concludes. "Right." Jessica replies: "Well it's been nine months since then and it's almost time for Hannah to give birth." Jessica pauses for a second, looks around, and then continues: "I have reason to believe that the forces of Hell are planning to kidnap that child and raise it in the ways of evil. We have to make sure that doesn't happen, so much is at stake here." When the Halliwells ask Jessica for further details, she just replies: "I can't say, at least not yet. Right now what we have to do is get Rex and Hannah and bring them here, where we can protect them. They're still at my mountain home," Prue takes charge, "Let's go then." The four of them head up to the attic to use the trans-location spell to take them to Jessica's mountain home in the Sierra Nevada mountain range.

At the mountain home, Hannah, who is now very pregnant, is lying on a bed in the master bedroom. "Rex." she pleads: "Just get a club and whack me over the head. This baby hasn't stopped kicking in hours!" Rex, sitting at Hannah's side, tries to comfort her: "Easy now, Hannah. It shouldn't be long now." At this point, the Halliwells enter the room. "Sorry to interrupt." Jessica says slowly: "But please come back to Halliwell Manor with us. We have to leave soon, I only set the trans-location spell for ten minutes." Rex asks why, to which Jessica replies: "I'll explain when we get there."

Ten minutes later, the trans-location spell reverses and everyone is returned to Halliwell Manor. Piper quickly rushes into the kitchen and takes her cookies out of the oven. "Just in time." she says to herself: "Nothing worse than burnt Christmas cookies!"

Meanwhile, in the living room, Hannah is laying on one of the couches while Jessica gives her a once over. "You're doing great, Hannah." For everyone's benefit, Jessica adds: "I've helped deliver a few babies in my time." Rex is grateful, but then brings up the issue of why they are here. "Right." Jessica says and then begins: "As you know, you and Hannah are one of the first Warlocks to defect from the side of evil. Not only have you turned your backs on Hell and re-embraced your humanity, but you have now conceived a child, a product of your love for one another. This will not bode well with your former Master, and he will seek to take the child and turn it to evil. We cannot allow that to happen." Hannah is upset by this: "They won't take my child. I won't let them." Phoebe joins in: "Correction. WE won't let them." At this point, Piper comes into the room with a tray full of Christmas cookies. Phoebe's mouth starts to water. "Down, Pheebs!" Piper commands: "Looks as if we are going to have guests this Christmas after all."

An arrangement is soon made. Hannah will sleep on one of the living room couches, Rex on the other one. The Halliwells will take turns guarding them, each taking two hour shifts. Prue decides to take first watch, after that will be Piper's turn, then Phoebe, and finally Jessica.

A cot is quickly set up in Phoebe's room for Jessica and the two of them prepare to get some sleep. But something is on Phoebe's mind. "Jessica, I need to ask you something. I..." she breaks off, unable to go on. Jessica figures out what Phoebe is trying to say and comments: "You want to talk about Patty, your mother. You want to know how close I was to her." Phoebe nods her head in confirmation. Jessica sits on the bed next to her and begins: "Your mother was a dear friend of mine, she and I had quite a few adventures together. That was back before she met your father, got married, and had the three of you. I still saw her whenever I could, in fact, I was there the day you were born." Phoebe looks somewhat surprised at this: "You were?" she asks. Jessica nods and continues: "I returned a couple of weeks later and... Why don't I just show you the memory, like I did that time after you defeated that rapist (which happened in Denny's story "Time and Again"). Give me your hand." Jessica takes Phoebe's hand and places it over her (Jessica's) heart. Phoebe closes her eyes, clears her mind, and soon an image begins to form:


Jessica Llewell arrives at Halliwell Manor one crisp early morning and rings the doorbell. Soon her old friend, Penny Halliwell, answers. "Hello, Penny." Jessica says: "I just thought I would come by to see how Patty and the new baby are coming along." Penny smiles and invites Jessica in. "I still can't quite get over it." Penny comments. "Over what?" Jessica asks: "You." Penny replies: "I've known you for over forty years now, and you still look exactly the same as the day I first met you. I know you're immortal, but still it seems... strange at times." Jessica smiles and replies: "Well at least with you I don't have to cover up for myself. Being a fellow witch, you can understand me more than a normal moral can." Penny nods her head at this and leads Jessica into the kitchen. Patty is there, holding two-week-old Phoebe in her arms. "Hello, Jessica." Patty says as she sees her friend come in. "Come to check up on us?" Jessica says yes and looks at the new baby. "She's so beautiful, Patty. Can I hold her, just for a minute." Patty looks at Penny and then replies: "Sure, but be warned, Phoebe here can be very fussy. Mom and I can hold her, but if anyone else does, she cries." Jessica replies that is the chance she is willing to take and soon Patty hands the baby over. Little Phoebe does not cry, but instead gurgles with delight. "Well I'll be." Penny says as she watches the happy baby. "She's accepted you, Jessica. Guess she somehow knows your a family friend." Penny then looks at a clock and excuses herself, saying that she is going to get Prudence and Piper out of bed. Jessica looks down at the baby in her arms, and an old yearning comes back to her. "Sometimes I wish I could have had a child of my own." she says to Patty: "If only that immortality potion hadn't made me sterile, if only Billy and I could have had more time together." Jessica feels herself starting to choke up and pulls herself together. "Still this is a happy time. The birth of a beautiful baby girl, the third of the Charmed Ones." Phoebe coos with happiness. Jessica smiles, looks down at her, and says quietly: "Hello little one. I hope that one day you and I can get to know each other better. You're such an adorable little girl."


The vision ends and Phoebe looks at Jessica with tears in her eyes. "You really said that? That's beautiful." Jessica places a hand on Phoebe's cheek. "I said it and I meant it. I was not there when Prue and Piper were born, of course I don't love them any less, but since I was there when you arrived, I felt a connection. In a way your like the daughter I never had. When your mother died, I was devastated, but like with Melinda, and then Billy, there was nothing I could do. Then I watched over the three of you, watched as you all grew up. Penny did a wonderful job raising you all. After she passed away, I debated whether I should then step in, but decided to wait and see what happened." Phoebe then replies: "I had that big fight with Prue and moved to New York. That reminds me of something you once said to me, how you caused me to lose my job at the club. Just how did you do that?" Jessica shrugs her shoulders and says: "In my long lifetime, I had acquired quite a bit of money. I simply bought the club, told the manager to come up with an excuse to let you go, and waited to see what would happen. I know it was drastic, but I had to get you back here to San Francisco, so you could reunite with your sisters and find the Book of Shadows." Phoebe nods with understanding. "Well I want to thank you for that, Jessica. You were able to get me and Prue to become friends, as well as sisters. Up until that point in our lives, our relationship had been somewhat strained. Thank you, Jessica, thanks for being part of our lives." The two women hug each other. "You're welcome, Phoebe." Jessica replies. "Now I think it's time we got some sleep before our watches begin."

Downstairs, Prue is stoking the fire that has been lit in the fireplace. All is quite, the Christmas tree is set up and Kit is curled up, sleeping, under it. Prue goes back over to the couches. Hannah is sleeping, but Rex is still wide awake. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Rex decides to break the ice. "So how are things going at the auction house?" he asks. Sighing, Prue replies: "Funny you should mention that, Rex. After you and Hannah... left, the bank took control of Buckland's. The first thing they did was foist a new boss, an ice princess called Claire Pryce on us, and ever since, that woman has made my life a living hell." she pauses and looks at Rex: "You were a good boss, Rex. Unless you count the time you tried to frame me for murder and then kill me and my sisters. But I'm willing to overlook that if there was just some way to get you to come back again." Rex shrugs his shoulders and replies: "I don't think there is much chance of that happening." He decides to change the subject: "So how are things going with you and Inspector Trudeau?" A sad look comes over Prue's face. She realizes that Rex and Hannah, being at the mountain retreat, were out of touch. "Andy is dead." she slowly replies. "I'm sorry." Rex says: "If I had known that..." he trails off, not knowing what to say next. "It's okay." Prue says: "I've healed that wound, almost. Andy was killed by a Warlock calling himself Rodriguez, who in turn was working with another Warlock called Tempus." At the mention of Tempus' name, Rex goes pale. "You know him?" Prue asks with interest. Shaking his head, Rex replies: "Only by reputation, but if that reputation is true, Tempus is truly one of the most evil beings around, second only to my former Master."

At that same time, in a luxurious penthouse suite on the other side of town, the topic of Prue and Rex's discussion, Tempus, is sitting in an easy chair, flicking through the channels on his wide screen television set. He is not happy with the choices: It's A Wonderful Life. Flick! Miracle On 34th Street. Flick! A Christmas Carol (1951 version). Flick! A Christmas Carol (1938 version). Finally, Tempus turns off the television with disgust and wanders over to the window. Peering out, he can see Christmas lights everywhere. Everywhere I turn, it's Christmas this, Christmas that! he thinks to himself: I HATE CHRISTMAS!! What is it with these humans and their ridiculous holidays and traditions? As if it make them any different from the pathetic creatures they are the rest of the year. Hard to believe I was once one of them. Tempus smiles to himself, indeed he had once been human, with a human name, but it was so long ago now that Tempus cannot recall that name, nor would he even care if he could. Tempus wanders over to the bar, near the television, and pours himself a double whisky. "To the Human Race." he says mockingly as he raises his glass: "The most pathetic and useless creatures to walk the Earth!" He downs the whisky in one gulp and is ready to pour himself another, when he notices a glowing mist appearing in the middle of the room. Looks as if my guest is arriving. Tempus thinks as he watches the mist grow thicker. Suddenly, a figure comes stumbling out and the mist vanishes. The figure looks up, it's Gabriel Statler, the Lord of War who had been defeated some months ago by the Halliwell sisters, with some small help from two clones of Prue. Gabriel looks around, not quite sure where he is. Where am I? Gabriel thinks to himself: I was in the Pit Of Eternal Pain, along with my sister Helena, both condemned to spend the next six thousand years there, and now I'm here. He looks over, sees Tempus, and quickly puts two and two together. "You." Gabriel: "You had me released from the Pit. What is this?" he advances on Tempus. Tempus indicates a seat at the bar, Gabriel takes it and waits as Tempus explains: "I had you released and brought here because I require your assistance in dealing with three young witches of whom you have a passing acquaintance." Gabriel quickly clues in: "The Halliwells, the accursed Halliwells! It's because of them my sister and I ended up in the Pit Of Eternal Pain to begin with. Revenge will be sweet. I..." He breaks off as he sees Tempus shaking his head no. "No?" Gabriel howls with disbelief: "What is going on here?" Tempus takes a breath and explains: "I understand your desire for revenge, but right now that is secondary. Here is the primary mission." Tempus reaches down under the bar, pulls out a file, and hands it to Gabriel. As Gabriel reads the file, he sees detailed information about Rex and Hannah. After finishing it, he looks up. "Defected? Those traitors! Is it them you want me to go after?" Once again, Tempus shakes his head. "No, not quite. You see the two traitors have now conceived a child, which is due to be born any day now. Our mission is to procure that child, take it back to Hell, and raise it as a Warlock. As an added bonus, you get to kill the Halliwell sisters, and your sister will be released from the Pit Of Eternal Pain. You'll need this." Tempus reaches down and soon a crystal sword is in his hand. "Just like your old one." he says as he hands the sword to Gabriel. Gabriel gives the sword a once over and comments: "Yes, this will do very nicely. Very nicely indeed." Smiling, Tempus pours two glasses of whisky and pushes one over to Gabriel. "A toast then, to the Halliwell's last Christmas." Gabriel raises his own glass and replies: "The Halliwell's last Christmas." The two men clink glasses and down their whisky with a single swig.

DECEMBER 24, 1999

The sound of music drifts through Halliwell manor on the morning of Christmas Eve.

Good King Wenceslas looked out,
On the Feast of Stephen,
When the snow lay round about,
Deep and crisp and even;
Brightly shone the moon that night,
Tho' the frost was cruel,
When a poor man came in sight,
Gath'ring winter fuel...

Rex and Hannah are listening intensely to the music playing on the radio. The is the first time in many long years that Christmas Carols have had any meaning for them. The Christmas tree has been lit, and Phoebe and Piper are placing presents underneath it, much to the objection of Kit, who has been sleeping under the tree all night.

Soon after, the Halliwells sit down to breakfast. Jessica, while in solid form requires food like everyone else, asks if anything interesting happened last night. Phoebe shakes her head. "Nada." she says: "It was all quiet on my watch." Prue and Piper say the same thing. Taking all this in, Jessica comments: "Okay, but we mustn't let our guard down for a second. Something is up, I can feel it."

In the other room, Rex is ever vigilant at Hannah's side. Although she doesn't want anything to eat, Hannah does accept a glass of orange juice. Suddenly a strange look comes over her face. "What is it?" Rex asks with worry in his voice: "Is something wrong?" Shaking her head, Hannah says: "No, it's nothing like that. I just realized that I have absolutely no idea as to how to be a mother. I'm flying blind here." She pauses for a second and then continues: "If you had told me a year ago that I would be pregnant, I would have scoffed at the idea right then and there, yet here I am." she manages a smile. Placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, Rex says in a soothing voice. "We're in this together, Hannah. Both of us. A year ago, we both were slaves, bound to the forces of Hell, condemned to do their bidding. We've left that all behind now, we can start over, and this child is the first step in that direction."

Back at the table, Phoebe announces that she has to go down to St. Joseph's Shelter and help Sister Mary get things ready for Christmas there. "I promised them I would. I can't back out now." Prue just smiles at her baby sister: "You have a heart of gold, Pheebs." she says: "Go to St. Joseph's. The rest of us can handle things here while you're gone." Phoebe thanks her sisters and asks: "Piper, could I borrow..." She gets no further as Piper reaches into her purse and pulls out her car keys. "Way ahead of you there, Pheebs." Piper says and she hands the keys to Phoebe. Phoebe heads out.

It is a crisp and bright morning that Phoebe steps out into. Taking a deep breath, Phoebe notices all the decorations on the other houses up and down the street. No doubt about it. she thinks to herself: Christmas is in the air. She quickly gets into Piper's car, starts the engine, and is soon on her way down the street.

What Phoebe had failed to noticed was the black car parked across the street from Halliwell Manor. In the drivers seat was Gabriel, who has been monitoring the Halliwell residence for about half-an-hour now. Gabriel had watched as Phoebe came out of the house and drove away in Piper's car. "Well, well, well." Gabriel says to himself: "Now where could the youngest Halliwell sister be off to. Think I'll follow her and find out." Gabriel starts his car and drives off in pursuit of Phoebe, staying back far enough that Phoebe doesn't see him.

In Halliwell Manor, Jessica is checking Hannah again. "Yes, it could come at any time now." she says as she places a hand on Hannah's belly. "I wish it would." Hannah replies and then winces in pain as the baby delivers another kick. "So it would stop trying to kick it's way out. Ouch!!!" she winces again. At this point, Prue comes into the room. "Piper kicked me out of the kitchen. Says I was getting in the way. I swear when that girl starts preparing food, she turns into a monster." She looks at the scene before her: "So what's the latest update here." Jessica stands up and replies: "Well our spunky little baby could show up at any time now." Prue looks down at Hannah and asks: "So how are you feeling?" Wincing, Hannah replies: "Like a mini kick boxer is stuck in my belly, trying to punch his way out." she pauses, looks at Rex, and then continues: "Prue, can I talk to you alone for a minute?" With that, Jessica announces that she has more presents to wrap and asks Rex for help. Rex is somewhat reluctant to leave Hannah's side, but with some gentle prodding from Jessica, he gives in and goes with her into the dining room, where some unwrapped presents still remain. Once they are alone, Hannah continues: "Prue, I don't think I ever properly apologized for the way I treated you at the auction house last year. When I said I would destroy you." Smiling, Prue replies: "I believe your exact words were 'It's my mission in life to destroy you.' I remember that." Nodding, Hannah continues: "But it's much more than that. I murdered a man in cold blood." she says, referring to the security guard, Jaime, whom Hannah had killed as part of the plot to frame Prue. Prue puts a comforting hand on Hannah's shoulder and says softly: "The white-lighters cleared you of all responsibility for that action." Prue had gleamed this information from Leo a few months back: "They concluded that you were under the control of Hell at the time." Hannah agrees, but continues: "That doesn't undo the crime. Jaime's blood will stain my hands for the rest of my life, no matter what." Tears are now spilling down Hannah's face. Prue gently embraces her former enemy: "Let it out, Hannah. Let go of the pain and the guilt, let the last remains of your evil past be washed away." Hannah does just that, weeping gently as Prue holds her. I had almost forgotten about Jaime myself. Prue thinks to herself: After he was killed, Andy and Morris tried to locate family members, but it turns out Jaime had no family, at least none that could be located. In fact I seem to remember Andy telling me that his employment records were also spotty, almost as if... Prue shakes her head and continues to hold Hannah. Soon Hannah cries herself into an exhausted sleep. Prue looks up as Rex comes back into the room. "It's okay." she says to him: "Hannah was just banishing some old demons from her past. Now it's time to look to the future."

At St. Joseph's Shelter, Phoebe is busy organizing the kitchen, getting it ready for the Christmas meal tomorrow. Soon after, she goes into the main room and starts placing presents, donated by charitable citizens, under the tree. As she works, Phoebe realizes that she is no longer alone. Looking up, Phoebe sees a little girl, about twelve years old, standing in front of her. "Hello there." Phoebe says softly to the girl, so not to frighten her. "What's your name?" After a second, the little girl replies: "Heather." Smiling, Phoebe says: "Hi Heather, my name's Phoebe." At this point, a homeless woman walks up to them and says: "Heather, there you are." she looks at Phoebe: "I hope she wasn't bothering you?" Smiling, Phoebe replies: "Of course not. She's adorable. In fact I think..." Phoebe reaches onto the tree, pulls off a wrapped candy cane, and gives it to Heather. "Here you go, sweetheart." Taking the candy cane, Heather asks: "Are you an angel." Looking down on the little girl, Phoebe replies: "No, not me, but some of my best friends are angels. In fact my older sister is dating one, kind of." Both Heather and her mother smile at this. "Thank you." Heather's mom says to Phoebe: "Maybe you're not an angel, but your the next best thing. God bless you."

Later, Phoebe finished for the day at St. Joseph's and is ready to leave. "Thank you, Phoebe." Sister Mary tells her. "You're welcome." Phoebe replies: "I'll be back tomorrow to help feed everybody." A grateful Sister Mary thanks Phoebe again, just before Phoebe heads out.

Getting into Piper's car, Phoebe turns the ignition key, but nothing happens. Oh no! she thinks to herself: Don't tell me this car has decided to break down now, on Christmas Eve. It'll be murder trying to get somebody to fix it at this late date. Getting out of the car, Phoebe decides to take a look at the engine herself, before deciding on a course of action. Popping the hood, Phoebe is amazed to see the wiring in the engine all cut up. "What in..." is all she gets out before the chloroform cloth is placed on her mouth and nose. "You're coming with me!" Gabriel snarls as Phoebe loses consciousness.

Back at Halliwell Manor, Jessica seems to tense up. "Are you okay?" Prue asks her. "I don't know." Jessica replies: "I think something has happened, but I'm not sure what."

Back at the penthouse, Tempus is fixing himself another drink, when the door opens and Gabriel, carrying the unconscious Phoebe, enters. Tempus is stunned by this latest development and follows Gabriel into the bedroom. "What is this?" he asks the Lord of War. "This wasn't part of our plan!" Gabriel, having procured some rope and is busy tying Phoebe's hands and feet, replies: "I'm changing the plan. Think about it, now we have a bargaining chip. If those witches don't want to give the baby up, we merely offer them the life of their sister as a trade off." He finishes tying Phoebe and walks up to Tempus. "Strategy, my friend. Strategy."

As the day wears on and evening sets in, Prue starts to get really worried about Phoebe. Surely she should be finished at St. Joseph's by now. Prue decides to make a quick phone call.

Jessica is in the kitchen with Piper. "That Christmas cake you're making sure smells good." Jessica says. "I know." Piper replies: "But to tell you the truth, the recipe isn't really mine. Grams taught it to me a few years ago." Jessica smiles and replies: "I know. Who do you think taught it to Penny to begin with?" Piper is thinking of a witty comeback when a worried looking Prue comes into the kitchen. "We've got a big problem." she tells them: "Phoebe is missing. I was getting worried about her, so I called St. Joseph's to see if she was still there. Sister Mary told me she left hours ago. Something has happened to her." Jessica is equally upset. "Damn, I felt something was wrong earlier, but I didn't think it was this." She looks at the worried Prue and Piper. "I know how to track her down. My powers are similar to hers, so I can locate her. I'll need some quiet while I go into the trance." Prue and Piper nod and soon Jessica sits cross- legged on the kitchen floor. "This may take a while." she tells them. Piper just says: "Well then you better get started." Jessica nods, closes her eyes, and goes into the trance.

Phoebe has waken up to find herself in a strange bedroom, with no idea as to how she got here. What happened? she thinks: I remember seeing the engine of Piper's car all messed up and then somebody... I've been abducted! Realizing she is tied up, Phoebe begins to struggle with her bonds, but stops when the door opens and two men enter the room. One Phoebe recognizes as Gabriel Statler, the Lord of War, but the other man is unfamiliar to her. "Ah Miss Halliwell." Gabriel says as he pulls up a chair beside the bed. "Welcome back to the land of the living. Sorry that I had to chloroform you, but I don't think you would have come with me willingly." He grins mockingly at her. "You got that right." Phoebe grimly replies: "So you're back again. Why can't you Warlocks stay in Hell?" she looks over at Tempus and asks: "Who's your friend?" With this, Tempus steps forward and announces: "We never actually met the first time I fought you and your sisters. I am the Devil's Sorcerer, Tempus." At the mention of the name, Phoebe's blood turns to ice water. "Tempus." she says slowly: "You're the one who got us caught in that time loop last spring." Anger begins to creep into her voice: "You got Andy killed, you son of a bitch!" Tempus is somewhat puzzled. "Andy?" he asks and then dismisses the subject: "It doesn't matter to me, he was only a human. Worth nothing." Phoebe fixes Tempus with a look that could kill. "He was worth a lot to my sister, and to me as well. What kind of inhuman monster are you?" Tempus merely yawns and says: "This conversation is starting to bore me." he turns to Gabriel: "If you want me, I'll be in the other room." Tempus turns and leaves. Phoebe now turns her attention to Gabriel. "You're not much better than he is. After all, you did murder your own sister." Anger flashes in Gabriel's eyes and he nearly strikes Phoebe in rage. "Never say that again! I had no choice! Your accursed sister, or rather one of her clones, saw to that. But now all that is going to change. In return for my part in this, Helena will be released from the Pit Of Eternal Pain." Gabriel reaches into his coat and pulls out a cell phone. "Now we have a phone call to make."

Prue and Piper have gone into the living room to give Jessica some privacy. Suddenly the phone rings and Prue answers it: "Hello, am I speaking to the real Prue Halliwell this time, or have you conjured up some more clones of yourself." Prue instantly recognizes the voice: "You." she says. "Yes." Gabriel replies: "Me. Also I have someone here who wishes to speak with you..."

At this point, Gabriel holds the cell phone up to Phoebe's mouth. "Sorry, Prue." she says: "They got me." Suddenly, she adds: "Prue, Gabriel's not alone, Tempus is also..." That's as far as she gets before Gabriel yanks the phone away.

Prue hears what Phoebe says, but before she can reply, Gabriel comes back on the line. "Okay, witch, here's the deal. When that traitorous hag your sheltering gives birth, we make a trade. The baby for your sister. If you want to see Phoebe alive again, you better come through." There is a click as Gabriel hangs up.

Back at the penthouse, Phoebe has figured out the obvious. "You don't really intend to trade me back, do you. Come on, I'm not going anywhere, you can be honest." Grinning, Gabriel replies: "Of course not. I intend to kill all of you. Once the baby is safely in our hands." He leaves the room. Suddenly, Phoebe feels something touch her mind. Jessica! she thinks and slowly begins to work at loosening her bonds.

In the kitchen of Halliwell Manor, Jessica comes out of her trance.

Prue and Piper are still in the living room when Jessica comes out of the kitchen and walks up to them. "I found her. I know where Phoebe is." she tells them. "I have to get going." When Prue and Piper offer to come with her, Jessica refuses them. "I need the two of you here to guard Rex and Hannah. I know you're worried about Phoebe, but trust me. I WILL bring her home."

Back in the penthouse, Tempus and Gabriel are going over their final plans. "Here is how it's going to work." Tempus says: "I'm leaving for Halliwell Manor now. Once the baby is safely in my hands, I'll signal you and then you can kill Phoebe Halliwell and then dispose of her sisters at your leisure." Gabriel is eager: "I can hardly wait." Tempus says a quick farewell and then heads out.

In the bedroom, after what seems like forever, Phoebe has succeeded in freeing her hands and is now at work on the rope around her feet. Slowly she gets off the bed and walks over to a corner of the room, not visible from the door. I'll only get one chance at this. Phoebe thinks: So I'll have to make it count. In a loud voice, Phoebe shouts: "HEY, I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM! HEY, ANYONE LISTENING OUT THERE?"

In the living room, a somewhat irritated Gabriel hears Phoebe shouting. "Oh, very well!" he growls and head towards the bedroom door.

From her corner, Phoebe watches as the door opens and Gabriel comes into the room. He has just enough time to register the fact that Phoebe is missing from the bed, before she comes flying out the corner and lands a well aimed drop kick to Gabriel's chest. Taken by surprise, the Lord of War goes flying backwards and crashed into the wall. He slumps to the floor, stunned, as Phoebe bolts out the door.

Having made it out the penthouse, Phoebe soon heads down the stairs of the apartment building.

Back in the bedroom, Gabriel gets to his feet: "That little bitch!" he shouts to the empty room: "I'll skin her alive for this!"

Running down the stairs at breakneck speed, Phoebe all but runs over Jessica. "Jessica!" she says with delight: "So it was you I felt in my mind. I'd like to chat, but right now I have unpleasant company who will soon be hot on my heels." Looking up the stairs, Jessica says: "I know. I think I know a way we can take care of him. Come with me."

With fire in his eyes, Gabriel charges down the stairs and soon ends up in the underground garage of the apartment. "Come out, come out, wherever you are." he calls mockingly as he slowly searches the rows of parked cars. "I know you're in here somewhere." Suddenly, Jessica shoots up from between two cars like a jack-in-the-box and shouts: "Over here!" Turning, Gabriel sees her, but has no idea who she is. Suddenly, something heavy hits him in the back of the head and everything fades to black.

Smiling, Jessica watches as Gabriel falls to the ground, out cold. Phoebe is standing over him, a fire extinguisher in her hands. "Well that certainly laid him out." she says to Jessica. "Come on." Jessica says: "We have to get back to the Manor." Nodding, Phoebe says: "Right behind you." she bends over, picks up Gabriel's crystal sword, and tucks it under her coat. "He's powerless without this." she says to Jessica as the two of them head out.

Back at Halliwell Manor, the others are getting more worried as night sets in. "Perhaps I could go look for them." Rex suggests. "Forget it." Prue says: "You're about to be a father. Your place is here." Suddenly, the front door flies open with a bang and Tempus strides in. "Well, well." he says to the little group before him. "Hope you don't mind me dropping in, but I have a baby to collect." Prue and Piper closes ranks in front of Rex and Hannah to protect them. "You'll have to get through us first!" Prue declares. "With pleasure." Tempus replies and starts forward. Quickly, Piper freezes him. "Come on." she says to the others: "We have to get to the attic. We can use the Book of Shadows to banish this creep." Prue turns to Hannah and asks: "Can you make it?" Hannah nods slowly and says: "I'm sure going to try." Gently, with the help of Rex, Prue, and Piper, Hannah is eased off the couch and the little group slowly makes it's way up the stairs. "We have to get there before he unfreezes." Piper says.

Soon, Tempus does unfreeze and sees an empty room before. With mounting anger, he charges up the stairs.

Prue, Piper, Rex, and Hannah have made it to the attic. Hannah is gently laid on the floor, a pillow taken from one of the bedrooms cradles her head. Prue and Piper are going through the Book of Shadows, when the door bangs open and Tempus is standing there. Before anyone can do anything, Rex decides to take matters into his own hands. "Tempus, wait." he says: "It doesn't have to be this way." Mildly interested, Tempus replies: "What do you mean?" Rex collects himself and then continues: "I mean that you don't have to do this. Don't you realize that your nothing more than a slave, serving a fanatical dictator. Sooner or later, he will tire of you and throw you in the Pit Of Eternal Pain. Don't you want to be free? To leave behind the evil and hatred. It can be done, Hannah and I did it. You can be human again." Rex stops and watches. Tempus appears to consider for a moment, but then replies: "I see. You think that's what I want? To be a weak, pathetic human again? If that's the case, then you're a lot stupider than I took you for." Tempus pauses, looks at the others, and then continues: "Humans are nothing, they are vermin to me. If I could, I would crush them underfoot without a second thought. I would rather die, than become one of them again. Now if you will, Buckland, step aside." Tempus is about shove Rex aside, when something happens. A look of surprise and then pain comes onto Tempus' face. He looks down, just as a crystal sword, Gabriel's sword, bursts through his chest. Gurgling, Tempus staggers over to a nearby chair, the sword in his chest starting to glow. As the others watch, Tempus writhes with agony as the glow from the sword spreads over his body and begins to consume it. With a final cry of anguish and defeat, Tempus vanishes and the sword clatters the floor.

Everyone looks at the door and see Phoebe standing there. Looking at the spot where Tempus was consumed, she says: "That was for Andy." She comes into the attic, Jessica following behind. Prue and Piper run over to their sister, glad to see that she is okay. They are in the middle of this, when suddenly Hannah cries out. Quickly, Jessica rushes to her side. "It's time. This baby is coming!" she begins barking out orders like a military officer. "Phoebe, I need hot water now! Prue, come here and give me a hand." At this point, Piper, with her weakness for blood top on her mind, announces that she will wait this out in her room. She heads out.

Piper has almost made to her room, when she sees something out of the corner of her eye. Too late does she realize that it's Gabriel before he slams her into the wall. Piper slumps to the floor, semi-conscious.

Back in the attic, everyone is gearing up for the arrival of the baby, when Phoebe turns and sees Gabriel standing in the door, holding a knife to Piper's throat. "Looks like I got here just in time." he says: "Now I am going to take that baby, or else I'll slash this witch's throat." Prue is about to try and use her powers, when suddenly a bright light appears around Gabriel. "What the..." he says and lets Piper drop to the floor. Before anyone can react, Leo is suddenly standing there. With rage in his eyes, he grabs Gabriel by the throat and picks him up with one hand. "You hurt my Piper!" he says to the Lord of War. "Big mistake!" Leo then throws Gabriel across the room and watches as he lands in a crumpled heap. The white-lighter then walks over to where Gabriel's sword is still lying on the floor, picks it up, and breaks it in two. "No!" Gabriel shrieks as he watches the source of his powers destroyed. Leo then advances on Gabriel, who now cringes with fear. Looking down on his helpless enemy, Leo declares: "This is a time for love, caring, tenderness, and sharing. You, and others of your kind, have no place here. I banish you, back to Hell where you belong. Begone!" Leo's hands glow fiercely and Gabriel screams as Leo banishes him back to Hell.

Prue and Piper walk up to Leo just as he picks Piper up in his arms. "She'll be all right." he tells them: "I'll take care of her. You look after Hannah." Holding Piper lovingly in his arms, Leo heads out of the attic. "Come on!" Jessica calls: "We have a baby to deliver!"

Piper awakens to feel someone lovingly stroking her cheek. Opening her eyes, Piper sees that she is in her bedroom and Leo is leaning over her. "Leo!" she says with delight: "I'm so glad to see you. But how..." she trails off. "I couldn't let him hurt you, Piper. Besides, what would Christmas be if I couldn't spend it with the woman I love." Piper smiles and the two of them kiss tenderly.

Back in the attic, things are a little more frantic. "Push, Hannah! Push!" Jessica shouts. "I AM PUSHING!" Hannah shrieks. "Just a little more." Jessica says with encouragement. "I think I see the head."

In a break between kisses, Piper asks: "So you will be spending this Christmas with me?" Leo smiles and replies: "Yes I will." Piper is overjoyed: "That's the best present anyone could ever give me." she says before they kiss again.

Hannah cries out and gives one final push. "That's it." Jessica says: "I've got it, or perhaps I should say, I got her." While all this has been happening, Phoebe has been glancing at her wrist watch.

Piper and Leo are still kissing, when a knock sounds on Piper's door. Sighing, Piper calls: "Come in." The door opens and Phoebe enters. Seeing the two of them, Phoebe blushes somewhat and then says: "I just thought I would tell you that Hannah has delivered a beautiful little girl. We've cleaned up the mess, if you want to come and see." Looking at Leo, Piper says: "Sure, we'll be right there."

Soon everyone is gather around Rex and Hannah, who are sitting on a small couch in the attic, their new daughter cradled in her mother's arms. "This is a miracle. Where's Hallmark when you need them." Piper says. Putting a hand on her sister's shoulder, Phoebe comments: "It's more of a miracle than you know. While the baby was being born, I was watching time and the exact moment the baby arrived was midnight, right at the beginning of Christmas Day." she looks around the room. "It's now DECEMBER 25, 1999. Merry Christmas!" At this point, Rex stands up and makes an announcement of his own. "Hannah and I are grateful for this miracle, and we have decide what to name our daughter. The whole name will be rather long, but we feel it's right that she should bare the names of those who made her existence possible." He takes the baby and holds her up for all to see: "Say hello to Phoebe Piper Prudence Jessica Webster-Buckland."

Later the festivities have moved down into the living room. Although the hour is late, everyone is too happy to sleep. The baby, or "Little Pheebs" as everyone has taken to calling her, now rests in a crib, the same crib that all three Halliwell sisters had once lain in when they were babies.

A bottle of champaign is opened and everyone, even Leo, joins in. Soon Prue stands up and makes an announcement: "This has been quite a year." she says to the little group: "We have seen enemies become friends, Warlocks become human." she looks at Rex and Hannah: "I know you will do a wonderful job of raising Little Pheebs." At this point, Jessica joins in: "There's more, something I could not say until now. One day, this new baby will grow up to become a special young woman, a young woman who will succeed in turning many Warlocks away from the path of evil. We in the spirit world foresaw that possible future, now it looks if that future will be real." Everyone says an amen to that. Prue continues: "This year we have also seen our share of grief." she says, thinking of Andy: "But we have also seen joy as well. Our adopted sister, Jessica, although now temporally separated from him again, has been reunited with her husband, Billy. Piper has found true love with Leo, and finally, Phoebe, although still without a paying job, has found work that gives her joy at St. Joseph's. Merry Christmas to you all." Prue toasts. Everyone toasts back. This is perfect. Prue thinks: This will be the best Christmas we ever had. If only Andy were here to share it as well.

They were there, although they had chosen to remain invisible: Melinda Warren, Penny and Patty Halliwell, and Andy Trudeau. All of them look on as the celebrations continue. "This is a beautiful moment." Patty says. Melinda agrees, saying: "Our family has always treasured love among each other. Now it looks as if this new family we have seen begin here tonight will do the same." Penny is about to add her own comments, but then notices Andy looks somewhat sad. "It something wrong, Andy?" she asks him. "Yeah." Andy replies: "Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for all of them, but sometimes I still regret that Prue and I never got back together. Now it's too late." Penny smiles and exchanges a glance with Melinda and Patty, before replying: "Andy, you mustn't give up hope just yet. There are always possibilities..."