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Elemental Force

by Water and Air

The day started out like any other at the Halliwell Manor. Prue and Piper were up all ready for work and Phoebe as usual woke up late in the morning. "Good morning you two," Phoebe says while helping herself to a cup of coffee. "My, my, my, look it's laziness herself!" Prue says sarcastically. "Hahaha, very funny," replies Phoebe she turns on the faucet to wash her hands but just as the water touches her she has a premonition of three young teenagers, two boys, one girl at the manor in front of a very powerful warlock or demon with flames surrounding her. The premonition abruptly ends and Phoebe is left bewildered. Piper asks "What is it, what did you see?" Still confused Phoebe answers, "I'm not sure I think it was three teenagers, fully equipped with powers." "Good or evil?" questions Prue, Phoebe then tells her sisters that there was a fourth figure a demon and that she was very powerful. Prue decides it's time to go to work and she grabs her keys and exits the door. As Prue's car pulls out a young woman in her late teens with fiery red hair walks up to the Halliwell residence, she says to herself "So this is where the legendary Charmed Ones dwell, soon they will be mine!" Then a puff of fire appears and she is gone with her mocking laugh fading as she disappears.

After Piper leaves for work Phoebe goes upstairs to the attic and investigates what she saw in her vision. Flipping through the pages she finds a page about a legacy of four very powerful witches called the Elements who come together to create a force known as the Elemental Force the most powerful energy field the world has ever known. She reads the page carefully to herself. The elements are four witches who's family line began 200 years ago. The powers are passed on from generation to generation each time growing stronger. For about 150 years the elements fought for good and the preservation of the innocent. All was well until the early 1900's when one of the four elements turned on the team. The young woman by the name of Amaya who turned on the team had the power of fire. She surrendered herself to the dark side in return for immortality after being betrayed by her lover who was really a warlock. Ever since that time the power of fire in the elemental circle has been missing and the other three powers earth, air, and water have continuously tried to return Amaya to the good side but hate has engulfed her and she grew stronger as every generation of elements passed without the power of fire.

After reading up about this Phoebe realizes that what she saw was a vision of the future and the newest generation of elements fighting Amaya to return the power of fire to the elements. Knowing that the three members of the elements would come to the "Charmed Ones" for help Phoebe quickly phoned Piper and Prue telling them about what she found and telling them to hurry home. Piper said that she would be home in an hour and Prue would be home at about eight o'clock that night. Phoebe then looked at the clock it was twelve o'clock in the afternoon. Suddenly she hears a loud thump in the attic. She goes to investigate and finds three lights sparkling in the air one blue, one green, and one white. Out from the lights appear three figures, two males and one female. Phoebe awestruck says, "You must be the elements..." The three of them nod yes in reply. They are young teenage witches new to the craft like the Charmed Ones. The first one by the name of Jonathan speaks up, "Hello Phoebe, I am Jonathan I possess the power of water." He introduces the other two, Gregory who possesses the power of air and Kimberly who possesses the power of earth. Gregory explains to Phoebe that they are here to help the Charmed Ones defeat Amaya and gain the power that rightfully belongs to them.

Phoebe is consumed with astonishment and explains that she needed a cup of water. "No problem," Jonathan exclaims, and within a split second a wooden glass appears in front of Phoebe compliments of Kimberly and with a zap of his finger Jonathan makes water appear in the cup. "Thanks!" Phoebe says enthusiastically. About an hour later Piper comes home and she introduces herself. "So, Piper what power do you have?" Kimberly questions, "Oh I can freeze time." Piper responds. Phoebe then fills Piper in on why the elements are here and how the three sisters can help them. After talking amongst themselves Piper and Phoebe decide to find out more about the elements. "Where are you guys from?" Phoebe inquires, "Not far from here, we live in Cupertino," says Greg. "Oh I see, but you couldn't have traveled here alone, how old are you three?" asks Piper. "Ten, twelve, and thirteen," replies Kim. They go on into their conversations explaining what their newly found powers can do and finally Prue arrives home.

The Elements introduce themselves and Prue comments, "So, you three are the ones with the powers of nature..." With this note Jonathan says, "We have to find a way to kill Amaya, she is very powerful but I am hoping with the help of you three we can beat her."

In response Piper says, "We have to look in the Book of Shadows, our answer lies there." Phoebe tells the rest of the group that she has already looked for a spell to kill Amaya but there isn't any. A moment after that a puff of fire appears and there stands Amaya red darkness in her eyes with flaming hands of fire. "So you three are the latest in the Element line, and now you will be the last!" exclaims Amaya. She then throws a huge ball of fire towards the group but Piper freezes it just before it touches them. Jonathan then shoots water out of his fingers with tremendous force at the fireball and it disintegrates. Realizing what Jon can do to her, Amaya retreats and the Elements and Charmed Ones are left with a puff of smoke in the living room.

"Why did she run?" asks Kimmy. "I'm not sure she has enough power to defeat us yet she runs," a confused Piper responds. "No, her power is not as great as you think," everyone turns in surprise as they see Melinda's spirit floating in the air. "Why have you come?" questions Prue. Melinda continues explaining, "Because legend has it that the elements of this generation are the key to defeating Amaya and gaining the power of fire back, she ran because she was scared of being defeated after seeing what you three could do, she is weak to her opposite element water, the only way of defeating her is by surrounding her with the force which gave her, her power." "Now how the hell are we supposed to do that?" Piper asks. "By using the Elemental Force," Phoebe says. "I read about it in the Book of Shadows it's a lot like the power of three except you could call it the power of four." "Good Phoebe you three are learning, I have to go but I will always be watching," with that Melinda disappears into the sky. "But how are we supposed to summon the Elemental force when the power of fire is missing?" says Kimmy. Prue then thinks of the power switching spell that Piper used on Leo. "We can switch our powers with her!" she says. "Yeah but who will do it?" Greg asks. "I will," Phoebe steps forward, "I am the only one with a non active power, if I switch with Amaya it will have no effect on her." The six then run upstairs to the attic. "Okay why are we up here again?" Piper asks grudgingly, "Because we have to find out how to summon the force, the book might help us," Prue says.

They begin to flip through the pages and half an hour later they have given up. "We can't even find a simple clue!" a frustrated Phoebe comments. "Maybe our book can help," says Jon. "You guys have a Book of Shadows too?" Piper says in a surprised voice. "Almost the same, our book is a little bit thinner than yours," Kimmy responds. Prue then asks how they can get the book here without leaving the house. "We can summon it using a transporting spell," Greg says. "A what spell?" Phoebe asks confused. "A transporting spell it teleports whatever we want to us, it comes in handy," Jon explains. The six decide to do so and with that the elements begin reciting an incantation:

Through the gates of time and space
Transport what we want to this place
Where us elements be
Now teleport it to where our eyes can see

A light begins to twinkle and out of a white mist a book appears much like the Book of Shadows only a little bit thinner. They begin to search through the Element Book and find what they are looking for the section reads as follows:

To summon the Elemental Force the four elements must stand hand in hand and summon their towers, each must trust in each other in order for the force to be summoned. Once hands are joined each member of the team shall recite their incantation to summon their tower, the four incantations are as follows:

The group reads on and now they know what they have to do. As Phoebe lights the candles she has a premonition of Amaya returning that night at about one o'clock in the morning. She tells the others what she saw and they prepare for Amaya's arrival. Sure enough at one o'clock Amaya returns more angry and determined. As the six are talking in the living room ready and waiting they hear a loud blast and Amaya suddenly appears in front of them. At that very moment Amaya creates a gigantic fireball and throws it toward the six, but Greg and Prue push the fireball back at Amaya with their powers. It hits Amaya but nothing happens. Piper then freezes her and Prue screams, "Phoebe now!" Phoebe begins to recite the power switching spell and as Amaya unfreezes Phoebes hands become fiery red. Phoebe says, "I got her power, let's begin." The six run up to the attic with Amaya right behind as soon as they reach the attic they all hide as Amaya goes up and looks for them. She tries blasting fire out of her fingers but nothing happens she looks down at her hands confused "WHAT HAPPENED?" Piper jumps out and freezes her just as she does so Phoebe lights all the candles in the room with her new power and the four elements grab each others hand and circle Amaya. "We trust you four now begin!" exclaims Prue. They begin to recite as follows:

Jonathan: Hail to the lords and ladies of the watchtowers to the west, by the powers of water and intuition I summon thee!

Gregory: Hail to the lords and ladies of the watchtowers to the east, by the powers of air and invention I summon thee!

Kimberly: Hail to the lords and ladies of the watchtowers to the north, by the powers of earth and rejuvenation I summon thee!

Phoebe: Hail to the lords and ladies of the watchtowers to the south, by the powers of fire and feeling I summon thee!

After that is said light emits from each element one blue, one green, one white, and one red. The lights combine and right before it hits Amaya Phoebe recites the power switching spell. Amaya is blasted into oblivion and Phoebes natural powers return. Now that the power of fire has returned to the elements they must go find the fourth. They all say their thank you's and goodbyes and are gone with a flash of light. Phoebe says "I'm going to miss them, I'm also going to miss that cool power!"

The next morning Piper and Prue are up as usual and Phoebe comes running downstairs. "Good morning!" says an excited Phoebe. "And what are you so excited about?" asks Piper. "Oh my friends and I are going to the beach and then the park," Phoebe exclaims. "I'm gonna bring my stereo, t.v., and the car phone of course!" Prue stops Phoebe and says "Now why don't you just enjoy the true beauty of the sandy earth, the clear ocean water, fresh air and fiery red sun?" "Because that's so boring," responds Phoebe. "Phoebe! You should know by now to never take the elements for granted," Piper says with a smirk. Phoebe just smiles.