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Lohman's Revenge

by Big Fan (Kerstin A.)

DISCLAIMER: All characters in this story belong to Spelling Television and Constance Burge, with the exception of Paul Geoderf who I created.

This story is produced by Kerstin. Unauthorized reproduction of text is not allowed. Contact me by clicking my name above for permission.

"I can't believe that Lohman is dead. I mean the guy still owned me fifty bucks. Last time I give money to a person who says they will pay it back in a week. Yeah well that week is not coming Lohman. At least I get your desk." Paul Geoderf rummages through his new desk that had once belonged to his fellow reporter Eric Lohman. It had been only a few weeks since Lohman's death and now things were getting better. The only problem was that the editor of the Bay Weekly had not liked his story on the women who gave birth to 12 kids. He said he wanted to see something a little different and not just facts. Paul turns on the computer and starts to clean out Lohman's files. He opens a file that is marked Big Story and grabs a cup of coffee. When Paul returns he almost drops his coffee. The headline reads as follows:

Women with powers exposed

This reporter has had a remarkable experience. While jogging in the park a women was seen levitating two people with her bare hands. The women who was later identified as a Ms. Prue Halliwell has been suspected of something's for a while. Police sources confirm that on numerous occasions Halliwell has been seen at crime scenes with no logical explanation. Is Ms. Halliwell a superwomen to the world or the devil himself. The police have so far refused to comment on Ms. Halliwell's actions and deny any knowledge of her powers. And when questioned, Ms. Halliwell did admit to been the devil herself and to having powers that can take over the world. Yes, ladies and gentlemen this is real. And while the police go chasing cars and give out speeding tickets then why are they not doing anything about Ms. Halliwell. My fellow readers you make the decision. More information on page 3.

Paul just looks up from the computer and shakes his head. Lohman always had a way to bring out the truth. "Paul." A young women comes in and hands him a package. "The police found this inside Eric's car and it was addressed to you." Paul thanks her and opens the package. He pulls out a small VHS cassette that looks to be from a video camera. He places it into his camera and watches the tape. This shows the women who Lohman had written about and another women. He also pulls out a letter. A few seconds later he just smiles to himself. "My, my, my. You two are going to be front page news." By five that evening Paul has submitted his story and is on his way home.

Phoebe has been up for a while and decides she needs to get a few things on this beautiful Saturday morning. She tells Prue that she is going to take the car. She picks up the groceries but is halfway home when she realizes she is out of gum. Phoebe then decides to stop at a vending booth to pick some up. She looks through some magazines while she waits for some people in front of her to pay when a certain headline catches her eyes.

Two Women with Powers EXPOSED

Phoebe grabs the magazine and begins reading, that as his last tribute to his fans, Lohman had uncovered two women with powers. In the article it talks about Piper's ability to freeze time and Prue's levitating powers. Phoebe grabs the whole stake of Bay Weekly papers and pays for all 36 of them.

Prue and Piper are talking about their dinner plans when Phoebe comes barging through the door carrying all these newspapers. "Phoebe. What's up with all these papers?" Prue just has to ask. "We are in big trouble." Phoebe tells her sisters as she throws all the papers on the table." Prue and Piper walk over to her and start to read what Phoebe is pointing at. "Oh my. But... he... he is dead... and..." "And now there's an article in the paper about your powers." Phoebe tells her sisters that it seems that Lohman had sent his tape to another reporter with a note explaining what this meant and now Prue and Piper where front page news. Just then the phone rings and Piper answers it. She then slams the phone back down. "Piper who was that?" "The circus. They wanted to know if we wanted to join their act." "I did always want to join the circus," Phoebe tells her sisters but decides to go any further with her joke. By around noon time their front lawn has become a breeding ground for the readers of the Bay Weekly. People have been calling non stop all morning and the front lawn is attracting almost everyone as well as TV reporters and newspapers.

"So what are we going to do about this? I mean now that our secret is out." "I have no idea Piper." "Well look on the bright side. They only think you and Piper have powers they have no..." Phoebe trails off in her sentence. "Pheebs what's up." Phoebe smiles and tells her sisters it is nothing. Phoebe heads out of the door and tells her sisters to see if there is a spell in the Book of Shadows about how to delete memories, preferably a lot of them. "By the way. While I am gone I would advise that neither of you use your powers till I return. Phoebe then heads outside and is immediately hounded by reporters and people asking if the story is true about her sisters powers. "Powers? What are you talking about?" Phoebe tells the reporters and heads for Piper's car and drives off.

Phoebe finally finds the Bay Weekly publishing company and walks inside to speak to Paul. The secretary points him out and Phoebe thanks her and walks over to him. "Mr. Paul Geoderf? Hi. My name is Phoebe Halliwell. I was reading your article in today's paper and I was wondering if I might be able to get a nice sum of cash from the Bay Weekly." Phoebe tells him with a little smile. Paul just smiles at her. "So you would like a job. Well tell me one thing Ms. Halliwell. Are you single and if so how about a date?" Phoebe tells him that she would love to go on a date with him. But that she did not want a job but that she would discuss her plans over dinner. "Then how about later tonight. Say my place around sixish?" Phoebe waves him good-bye and heads on home. When she does she sees hundreds of people in front of their house. Some people asking for help while others have signs saying 'Go back from were you came.' Phoebe parks Piper's car a block away and heads for the house. "Look its one of them." A reporter shouts to the rest of the crowd. They all take off to where Phoebe is standing. "Ms. Halliwell. Is it true that your sisters are evil and they wish to take over the world?" Phoebe just looks at the 25 year old reporter who just asked the question and continues to walk toward the house the best she can. "Ms. Halliwell do you refuse to comment on the fact that this is true and that your sisters are truly evil?" Phoebe spins on the reporter and gives him a wicked smile. "Why don't you get your facts straight first off. First of all I have no idea what you people are talking about and second... how much are you willing to give me for an exclusive interview?" The reporters start handing Phoebe checks and cash. Phoebe gratefully takes the money and puts it into her pocket. "Now then where was I? Oh yes. Not only are they not my sisters but they are witches. My oldest so called sister, Prue, can move objects with her mind. And then Piper can truly freeze time. Now if you want some more information you know who to call." With that said, Phoebe walks up the stairs and into the house.

"Any word from Andy?" Piper asks Prue who just shakes her head. "I still think Andy has to do some serious thinking about the fact that we are witches and I don't want to get him farther involved." Phoebe then comes through the door. "Pheebs where did you go?" "Out. Is that such a crime?" Phoebe walks over to the television and turns it on. The young 25 year old reporter was doing a live broadcast. "Yes folks you heard it here first. Phoebe Halliwell claims that these are not her true sisters and that they are in fact witches with magically powers..." "Phoebe what the..." "Phoebe why did you tell them that?" Phoebe just pulls out all this money from her pockets. "Look at all this money. I mean come on people where bound to find out about us and what is the harm in getting some cash while we are at it?" Just then two bricks come flying through the window. "Phoebe, warlocks are going to come looking for us." "Hey it is not my problem. I was not the one who was tricked into using my powers in front of everyone. And I never told our secrets to a reporter who had a video camera. I am going on a date and I need to be ready." "What? We are being hounded by almost everyone and your going out on a date?"

Later that evening Phoebe knocks on Paul Geoderf's door. He lets her in with a smile and tells her that he has looked forward to this evening. "So am I Paul but first I want to know how much you are willing to pay for the whole truth about my sisters?" Paul pulls out a piece of paper and writes a large sum of money on the paper. Phoebe looks up at him and tells him it is a deal.

At the Halliwell house hold everything is falling apart. Andy had called and said that Prue never trusted him with her secret but it is okay for them to tell the whole wide world that they are witches. They turn on the TV again and find Phoebe on live TV telling the world that her sisters where witches and that they really did have powers. Piper just looks at Prue with sad eyes. "What are we going to do now Prue? Our lives are ruined. And our sister has turned on us as well." Prue just shakes her head. "If only I would have checked that tape sooner then none of this would have happened." Just then there is a loud banging on the door. Piper looks out of the window and sees people with torches trying to break into the house. The door suddenly breaks open and people start entering the house. They grab Piper first and ram her into a wall. Prue screams but they lead her outside. "PIPER. NO, LEAVE HER ALONE. PIPER. PIPER...

Prue suddenly finds herself in her bed with all the covers thrown off. Piper and Phoebe barge into Prue's room. "Prue are you okay?" "I had a... I had a nightmare. It was about Lohman. They found his story and his tape and everyone knows about Piper and myself. And Phoebe was giving all the facts because of the money they where offering." "You can really tell how much Prue loves me by her dreams. Can't you Piper?" Piper just breaks out into a grin. "Prue if it will make you feel any better we can check the tape now. Prue hands Phoebe the tape. After a few minutes Phoebe comes back with her own camera. She pops in the tape and it clearly shows when Piper froze time and Prue telling him that she was a witch and when Lohman had died. "Are you happy now Prue?" Phoebe questions. "Yes. Oh yes. I feel better. Thank you Phoebe. But what about the story he claimed he wrote?" Piper and Phoebe look at each other. "I think some breaking and entering shall be the only way to find out. Come on." Prue tells her sisters.

They finally arrive at the Bay Weekly and Prue breaks the door open with her powers and Piper freezes the guards. They make it to the writing room and Phoebe begins to hack into Lohman's computer. "Well, Lohman was not lying when he said he was writing a story. He had the whole article already written." Phoebe deletes the file and then tells Prue to slam the computer into the wall. Prue complies.

Once at home Prue tells her sisters that they have to be careful about using their powers. "I really have no desire to see my dream actually coming true." "Just out of curiosity, Prue. How much money did we get for telling the whole story?" Prue gives Phoebe the look and Phoebe just smiles at Prue. "Just kidding." "Well, it is good to know that our secret is still a secret." "Right, Piper?" "And we will never have to worry about this tape again." Prue walks over to the fireplace and throws it into the fire. "Problem solved," she tells her sisters as they head on up to bed again. They still had a few more hours of sleep before the day actually started.