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by Erica

DISCLAIMER: The characters of the wonderful show Charmed they belong to the brilliant writers, this is for entertainment purposes only.

Phoebe yawns as she walks into the kitchen.

Piper: Good morning, Pheebs.

Phoebe: Good morning, Piper.

Piper: No job interviews today?

Phoebe: Not until this afternoon.

Phoebe goes to get the mail she has a premonition:

A girl is standing there, she looks a lot like Piper and she begins to laugh and runs upstairs.

Phoebe keeps that letter and hands Piper the rest.

Phoebe: Where is Prue?

Piper: She had to leave early to go to Buckland's.

Phoebe: Okay I am going upstairs to get dressed.

Phoebe opens the letter as she walks upstairs. The letter reads:

Dear Prue, Piper, and Phoebe

Well it is Patricia, you probably don't remember me much but after your mother died and Phoebe and I were born,

Phoebe stops reading and says a loud, "Who is Patricia?" Then she continues to read.

I went with Leigh-Anne and Phoebe to be taken care of for awhile and then Phoebe moved back with you and I stayed with Leigh Anne and then our grandmother died so I just stayed here. Now I am going to ask of a favour. I am coming to San Francisco for work and I was wondering if I could stay with you for a while.

Sincerely Patricia

Phoebe: I don't remember Patricia.

Phoebe gets dressed and goes downstairs to catch Piper before she leaves for work.

Piper: Okay uh, we are witches how are we going to keep that from her?

Phoebe: We don't have to, we can tell her.

Piper: How old is she?

Phoebe: It didn't say.

Piper: I am going to call Prue.

Piper calls Prue.

Prue: What?!? Where can she sleep?

Piper: The guest bed room.

Prue: Okay. How old is she?

Piper: I don't know.

Prue: When is she coming?

Piper: Anyday!

Prue: Bye!

The doorbell rings and Phoebe goes to answer it.

Patricia: Hi, Phoebe remember me?

Phoebe: Sort of.

Patricia: Well let me introduce myself. I'm Patricia Halliwell, your twin.

Phoebe: Twin?

Phoebe shuts the door and calls Piper into the hall.

Piper: You look like you have seen a ghost.

Phoebe doesn't reply. Just as Piper freezes time Prue walks in the door.

Prue: Phoebe what's wrong?

Phoebe: That girl is our sister.

Piper: Oh.

Prue: Do you think she knows that we are witches?

Piper: Yeah probably.

Time unfreezes.

Patricia: Hi, Prue.

Prue: Hi, Patricia.

Patricia: I am going upstairs to un-pack.

Piper: Okay I'll show you where your room is.

Patricia and Piper walk upstairs and Phoebe sits down at the table to read the paper. Piper comes back downstairs.

Prue: She doesn't seem the same as when I remember her.

Piper: What do you mean?

Prue: I mean I remember Phoebe and her were always identical twins, and she always had a personality like you Piper.

Piper: Oh, let me guess, your instincts are telling you that it isn't right.

Prue: Right.

Piper: Phoebe, I have to get to work can you take Patricia around the city?

Phoebe: Sure.

Patricia walks in the kitchen.

Prue: Where do you work?

Patricia: Well I got a job from where I worked, to come here and work at a new like modeling agency that is going to open here soon in a couple of days or something. I am a photographer.

Prue: Oh, well Phoebe is going to show you around San Francisco.

Patricia: Okay.

Prue and Piper both rush to work and Patricia and Phoebe head for the mall.

Patricia: So you like running up Prue's bill.

Phoebe: She gets used to it.

Patricia: I figured.

Phoebe: So where do you wanna go first?

Patricia: I don't care.

After they go to ALL of Phoebe's favorite stores they head for Quake.

Piper: So what did you guys do all morning?

Patricia: Phoebe bought a lot of stuff and I think that Prue might have a heart attack when she sees the bill.

Phoebe: She never has before.

Piper: Yeah.

Prue walks over to the table.

Piper: Hey, Prue.

Prue: Hi, you guys.

Phoebe: I have a job interview this afternoon, where can Patricia go?

Piper: She can come with me, I have this afternoon off.

Prue: Okay. Well I have to go because Claire is in a really bad mood and I have a lot of work to do.

Prue heads for Buckland's, Phoebe heads for the interview and Piper and Patricia go to see the rest of the city (like other than the mall).

After Piper shows Patricia where every thing is in town (pretty much) they head for home where they find Phoebe sitting at the table reading the newspaper that she didn't get to finish this morning.

Patricia: Hi Phoebe.

Phoebe: Hi, you guys.

Piper: Pheebs, did you get the job?

Phoebe gives Piper you know that I didn't get the job look.

Patricia: Where is Prue?

Phoebe: She will be late because she still has a lot of work to do.

Piper: Patricia I was wondering did you know that we are witches?

Patricia: Yeah you can freeze time, Phoebe has premonitions and Prue can move things.

Phoebe: You guys wanna order a pizza?

Piper: Okay.

Phoebe goes and orders the pizza. A couple minutes later it comes.

Phoebe: I rented a movie do you guys want to watch it?

Patricia: Yeah Sure.

They watch the movie and just as it is ending Prue walks in.

Prue: Hi.

Piper: Oh hi.

Phoebe: Hard day at work?

Prue: Yes. I am going up to bed.

Phoebe: Me too.

Patricia: I am too.

All of them walk upstairs and go to bed.

Late in the morning Prue Phoebe and Patricia are sitting downstairs worried about Piper who hasn't gotten out of bed yet.

Prue: I'll go see if she's up.

Prue runs upstairs and into Piper's room and then let's out a scream. Phoebe and Patricia run upstairs knowing that there is something wrong.

Phoebe: What's wrong?

Prue: Look.

They see Piper lying in bed tied unconscious to her bed with some blood coming through her pajamas, a big cut on her forehead and some more cuts that didn't seem as big.

Patricia: Call 911!

Phoebe: Okay.

Phoebe runs and calls 911 and in minutes the paramedics are in Piper's room getting the ropes untied. They follow the ambulance to the hospital and wait for Piper to come out of trauma. Finally the doctor comes out to talk to the sisters.

Doctor: She should be fine in a little while.

Phoebe: When can she come home?

Doctor: When she feels that she is okay enough.

Prue: Okay what about like cuts and broken bones and stuff.

Doctor: Her arm is broken, some cuts were deep and she needed to get some stitches and she is quite weak.

Patricia: Can we see her?

Doctor: Yeah go ahead.

They walk in and find Piper lying in bed.

Phoebe: Hey Piper.

Piper: Oh hi you guys.

Prue: When do you wanna come home?

Piper: Oh whenever. In a little bit because I still can't walk that well.

Patricia: Piper who did this to you?

Piper: I don't know. This guy came into my room last night and he must have like knocked me out because I just remember him coming in the bedroom window and him tying me up and then all I remember is being here.

Prue: Oh.

Phoebe: Why do you think he stopped hurting you?

Piper: I don't know, he reminded me of Jeremy. Did you see that?

Piper attempts to freeze time and fails.

Patricia: You are probably just weak.

Prue: What do you mean Piper? What did you see?

A man walks in the room.

Piper: God that's him the guy that tried to like kill me.

Colin: I wasn't going to kill you Piper. I wanted this.

He pulls out a bottle with a bright light in it.

Phoebe: What is that?

Patricia: Her power.

Prue: How did you know?

Patricia: I don't know I just figured.

Phoebe: Yeah Right.

Patricia: What do you mean Pheebs don't you believe me?

Prue: Not really, I never believed from the start.

Patricia: Why Prue? I am telling the truth.

Colin: She is. Come on Phoebe and Patricia let's go.

Colin grabs Patricia and Phoebe and runs out of the room.

Prue: I have to go and get them Piper.

Piper: I'll stay here I will be no use to you anyway.

Prue: Okay I'll be back I promise.

Piper: Okay

Prue runs outside and starts her car she doesn't really know where she is going but she decides to head for Jeremy's old apartment. She arrives and runs around in the halls to find nothing. Then she hears a scream then another and another she follows the screams to a room at the end of the hall. She opens up the door and finds both Phoebe and Patricia tied up to chairs and Colin coming at Phoebe with a knife.

Phoebe: No Colin! Stop!

Patricia: Prue!

Phoebe: Prue Help! Me!

Prue makes Colin fly half way across the room. Prue then helps Phoebe get untied then she then helps Patricia out of her bonds. All 3 they head for the door. They start to walk down the hallway.

Prue: Wait Piper's power!

Patricia: We have to go back.

Prue: I will you guys stay here.

Phoebe: Okay be careful.

Prue: I will be.

Prue turns and walks back to Colin's apartment.

Colin: I knew that you would be back.

Prue: I need Piper's power.

Colin: Fine have it. I don't need it. It doesn't help my brother turned me evil I wasn't meant to be this way it must have worn off the spell I mean.

Prue: Do you promise that you will never come near my sister's or hurt anyone again?

Colin: I promise. I am moving back to New York anyway.

Prue: Okay Fine.

She takes Piper's power and runs down the hallway.

Prue: That was way too easy. Oh well.

Patricia: What do you mean too easy?

Prue: He just kind of gave it to me.

Patricia: Shoot.

Phoebe: What's wrong?

Patricia: Nothing.

Prue: Let's get to the hospital.

They go to Prue's car and drive to the hospital. When they arrive they find Piper sitting up in bed ready to leave.

Phoebe: I take it you are ready to go.

Piper: Yeah I just want to get home.

Piper gets up and leans on Phoebe because she is still pretty weak they walk out to the car and drive to Halliwell manor.

Piper is sitting on them couch when Prue walks in with some lunch.

Prue: Hey Piper I have something to tell you.

Piper: What is it?

Prue: Look.

Prue takes a picture of Phoebe and Patricia when they were young.

Piper: What is wrong with that?

Prue: That girl and that girl are Phoebe and Patricia.

Piper: Okay confused.

Prue: They are identical twins.

Piper: Oh so what you are saying is that that girl is not Patricia?

Prue: Exactly I am thinking that she is a shape shifter that would explain why she was mad about him just giving me your power.

Piper: Okay so.

Prue: We looked in the Book Of Shadows and found out that vanquishing a shape-shifter didn't take the power of three so Phoebe and I vanquished her.

Piper: Oh. Okay.

Then there is a knock at the door Phoebe goes to answer it.

Patricia: Hi, is this Halliwell Manor.

Phoebe: Yes.

Prue and Piper come out into the hallway. A girl that looks almost exactly like Phoebe. Prue and Piper smile.

Patricia: Yeah, okay, I am Patricia Halliwell.