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Brother Dear

by Big Fan (Kerstin A.)

DISCLAIMER: All characters in this story belong to Spelling Television and Constance Burge, with the exception of the doctor Carpenter and Percey who I created.

This story is produced by Kerstin. Unauthorized reproduction of text is not allowed. Contact me by clicking my name above for permission.

The day starts out like every other day in the Halliwell house. Piper is in the kitchen warming up some muffins and taking Phoebe's cereal out of the top shelf. Prue is in the sun room doing her crossword in that mornings newspaper and Phoebe, well, you know Phoebe, she is still asleep. Phoebe finally awakes to the fresh aroma of coffee filling her bed room. She gets up, and actually has a hot shower.

In the mean time Percey is standing outside of the Halliwell's house. He looks at his hands. Blood had covered them a few hours ago once he had killed that witch who lived only a few blocks away from the Halliwell's. He closes his eyes and waves his arms in front of the door. A bright white light intimates from his hands and is soon gone. He opens his eyes and smiles to himself. Maybe his power was not so bad.

As Phoebe walks down the stairs a bright light fills the room. Phoebe stops and looks around with a confused look on her face. "Where am I and who am I?" she asks herself. Prue, who is in the sun room, also stops what she is doing and wonders about the same thing as Phoebe is. Nothing looks familiar and she can not even remember her name. The same thing has also affected Piper. Phoebe slowly walks into the sun room and sees Prue sitting there. "Excuse me. I have no idea what I am doing here. Where is this place and who am I?" "Strange, I was just about to ask you the same question," Prue tells Phoebe. Just then Piper walks into the room. "Okay who are you people?" "Good question," Phoebe tells her. "You two look kind of familiar. But I just can not place you," Prue tells her sisters. Phoebe looks around the room and heads into the living room and returns a few seconds later. "We must know each other. Look," Phoebe shows her sisters the picture of the three of them in front of the house." "Okay so we know each other but yet we do not know each other. I am getting a headache. Anyone know where the aspirin is kept?" Piper questions.

Percey then decides to make his grand entrance like he has always done. Get the witches to trust you in thinking that he is family and then kill them with trust. It has never failed before. Percey opens the door and walks into the house. "Morning sister dears. What a wonderful day this is." "Who are you?" all three ask at the same time. "Why sisters what is wrong. Do you not recognize your own brother. Percey." "I am very sorry Percey but I do not remember you. I also do not remember anything else but that is okay," Prue tells him with a little laugh. "Wait. If you are our brother then why are you not in this picture?" Phoebe questions holding up the picture. "I was taking the picture. I wanted it to be a girls picture." "If you are our brother Percey then what are our names." "Always the smart one, right Piper? You are Prue, Piper and Phoebe. Our family had a thing for names starting with P's. Anyway I am the oldest, then comes Prue, then you Piper and Phoebe is the youngest. How about I get us a cup of coffee?" Percey pats Phoebe on the back and walks out of the room. Phoebe has a sudden premonition of Percey holding her against a wall with a knife in his hand. Prue and Piper ask Phoebe if everything is all right. Phoebe just smiles at them and tells them that everything is all right. Percey soon returns and hands them all cups of coffee. He tells the sisters that he had just called doctor Carpenter who thinks it sounds like temporary amnesia. Their memories should return in a few days. He tells the sisters that he raised them once the family abandoned them but tells them nothing about the fact that they are witches or that they have powers. He also neglects to mention that he never did call a doctor.

A few hours later the four of them are still talking when Phoebe walks upstairs. She can not understand why she had a strange flash and saw something happening to her. She does not understand how it is humanly possible to see the future. She sees some more stairs leading up to the attic an decides to check it out. She walks into the attic and notices a large book sitting on a stand. She walks over to the book and opens it. She reads that the book is called the Book of Shadows and continues to read about the foretold Charmed ones who are the most powerful witches on earth. Their powers consist of the power to move objects, to freeze time, and the power to see the future. Phoebe looks up from the book, wondering about the premonition she just had. Could it be that they are these foretold Charmed ones? She walks down to the second level of the house and into each bedroom and looks through the closets. All contain women's clothing and there is not one sign of a man's bedroom. "Who is this Percey person, who claims he is our brother? I trust the other two more then I do him." Phoebe walks downstairs and finds Prue, Piper, and Percey still in deep discussion. She tells them that she got lost and sits down to listen to the continued conversation of their lives.

Later in the evening Percey has ordered pizza and tells them about the time that he had forgotten where he parked the car and that it had taken them hours to find the car in the parking garage. Then Phoebe brings up a burning question. "So Percey, do you live here or do you have an apartment somewhere else?" Percey almost chokes on his pizza but recovers and just smiles at Phoebe. I have been looking for a place of my own but have been living here for a while until I get an apartment." "So where do you sleep? I mean it must be the couch because this house only has three bedrooms. Right?" Percey just continues smiling. "Right Phoebe. I guess you where looking around." "I did get lost. It is a very large house." Phoebe tells him giving him a strange look.

After they have finished the pizza, Prue and Piper are becoming somewhat tired and Percey leads them up stairs to their bedrooms. He walks into the kitchen where Phoebe is sitting at the table. "So who are you really Percey?" "What are you talking about Phoebe? I am your older brother." "I don't think so. You see, I had a premonition about you. Plus I found a certain book that talks about the sisters three not the sisters three plus one brother. Who are you?" "I knew I should have given you a stronger dose. I am really surprised Phoebe. I thought that my plan was perfect. I would have thought that Prue or Piper would have figured it out first. I should have guessed you would be the one. I mean you do hold the power of premonition." At that very moment Percey draws a knife. "What are you?" Phoebe demands, panic starting to build as she rises from the chair. "I think you know the answer to that already." "You are a warlock!!! A person who kills good witches to obtain their powers." "I see you have been doing some reading. To bad that I have to kill you now. Oh well. One down, two to go." Percey grabs Phoebe by her shirt and slams her into a nearby wall. He draws his knife and aims for Phoebe's heart. "Percey, Phoebe. Are you two down there?" Prue's voice is calling out. The rumble in the kitchen must have been heard through the heating ducts that lead to the bedrooms. Percey swings the knife and stabs Phoebe in the shoulder and slams her with all his might into the wall. Phoebe falls to the ground unconsciously. Blood beginning to trickle to the floor. Prue and Piper run into the kitchen and ask what happened. Percey tells them that an intruder came in and attacked Phoebe. He was able to chase the man off in time, but the intruder still managed to hurt Phoebe. Piper runs over to the telephone and dials 9-1-1.

The paramedics arrive and take Phoebe to the hospital. Percey, Prue and Piper follow in Piper's car. They find themselves in the waiting room holding on to a very weak cup of so called coffee. After about an hour the doctor comes in and tells them that it was a clean wound and that there seemed to be no nerve damage. But Phoebe had lost a large amount of blood. The doctor tells them it is a good thing that Phoebe's blood type is AB because she can take on any blood type and that they do not need to do a transfusion from one of her sisters. "Unfortunately she has taken quite a blow to the head and she is not very responsive. She is in a state where she can hear but she can not answer. That is the unfortunate part about being in a coma." "How long will this condition last doctor?" Percey asks very concerned. "It is hard to say. This coma that Phoebe is in could last a few hours, days, weeks, months, maybe even years. There is a slim possibility that she might never awake from this state. We are moving her to intensive care so that you can see her." Percey thanks the doctor and leads the sisters to room 8. Phoebe is bandaged up on her left side with IVs all hooked up. A brain wave monitor is beeping away. Prue and Piper run to her side. They kiss Phoebe's hand and tell her that everything is going to be okay, that they will not leave her and that she needs to come back to them because they need her. A nurse walks into the room and tells them that if they want her to she will come back later. Percey tells her that it is all right and that they should leave anyway because there is nothing they can do to help Phoebe right now. He walks over to Pure and Piper and tells them that they better leave, but both of them pull away from Percey. "Percey our sister has just been attacked and you wish to leave her alone. Percey I am not leaving until I know that Phoebe is going to be all right. I want to know who did this to my sister and I will not rest until I know." Prue tells him defensively. Percey looks around the room uncomfortably and agrees to stay a little while longer. He never intended to have Phoebe live. He was supposed to kill her fast and simple. Now he would have to act quickly before Phoebe came to her senses.

Hours later Percey is still waiting outside the room wanting to kick himself. If he would have only doubled the power dose there would be no need to kill Phoebe and now there was no way around it. He should have done it nice and quick but no he had to try and explain himself to her. Now he would have a more difficult time to try to kill Phoebe. The hospital had security cameras as well as nurses and police crawling everywhere. A nurse walks over to Percey and tells him that a police officer will be over shortly to speak to him about the attack on Phoebe. "Excuse me?" "Yes, the police wish to know if you saw anything else. It is routine. The policeman said that he will be arriving in a few minutes. It seems a lot of women have been getting attacked lately and have been stabbed in the heart, but Phoebe is the only one who has escaped so far. The police think that it could be the same killer. The officer will be," the nurse looks at the paper in her hand. "It will be an Inspector Trudeau." She turns around and leaves. Percey slams the chair he was sitting on into the wall. Now the cops where getting closer to discovering that he was behind the murders. Percey runs into the room and finds Prue asleep in the chair and Piper standing by Phoebe's bed. Percey tells them that he thinks it is about time to leave. They can do nothing more right now and they can return a little later once they have had breakfast. Reluctantly Prue and Piper agree and head out of Phoebe's room.

Andy arrives at the intensive care room. He walks over to Phoebe and tells her that everything is going to be all right. Suddenly Phoebe starts to stir. She opens her eyes and looks at Andy. "Well I'll be," the nurse tells Andy. "How are you feeling Phoebe?" "Like I have been stabbed," Phoebe tells him a smile building on her face. "Do you know who stabbed you?" "No, I never saw his face." "Mr. Trudeau. Phoebe needs her rest. Maybe you can talk later?" Andy wishes Phoebe a speedy recovery and heads out of the door telling her if she remembers anything that she should call him. "I am sure your sisters and brother will be happy to hear that your up and about again." "Brother?" "Yes, the young men who was with your sisters. I am sorry. I thought he was family. I just assumed that he was," the nurse said.

Later Phoebe finds herself in a recovery room. She is no longer hooked up to all the machines and tubes. The doctor comes in and gives her a clean bill of health telling her that he would like to keep her a few days to make sure she is completely recovered. Phoebe tells him that she would much rather return home instead of staying in the hospital. The doctor is just about to object when Phoebe tells him that he did say that she had a clean bill of health except for the stab wound. The doctor just smiles and agrees that he really can not argue with that and tells Phoebe to come back in a few days for another check up and gives her a prescription for some pain killers. Once the doctor leaves Phoebe gets dressed and heads out of the door. Her arm is still very sore. She hails a cab and begins to wonder what the nurse meant by having a brother? Just then it dawns on Phoebe. Percey! He had tried to kill her and he had said something about being their brother. "A warlock," Phoebe whispers to herself.

Percey, Prue and Piper are at home, in the sun room, picking at their lunch. Percey suddenly throws down his fork. "Percey. What is wrong?" Piper asks concerned. "It's nothing Piper. Just leave me alone." "Percey I know you are worried about Phoebe but we all are..." "Just shut up Prue okay. I have no time for this." "Percey what is wrong with you?" Percey stands up and walks over to Piper. "Give me your hands Piper." Piper does so slowly and Percey pulls her out of her chair and cuffs her arms behind her back. "Percey what the hell do you think you are doing?" "What warlocks do Prudence." He draws his knife and holds it to Piper's neck. "Percey what on earth are warlocks?" "He is one," Phoebe tells her sisters as she walks into the room. "Phoebe! What a pleasant surprise. I take it that you have all your memories back. It is a shame. I never wanted to hurt you. I just came for the book but I guess killing the three of you will have to do." Percey brings the knife blade closer to Piper's neck. "It was very clever but there is one thing you forget." "Oh. And what is that Phoebe?" "This," Phoebe kicks the knife away from Percey with one of her self defense moves. Percey pushes Piper away and draws another knife. "I stabbed you in the shoulder last time sister dear. But this time it will end up in your heart." He runs towards Phoebe but she ducks and runs toward Prue and Piper. "Prue use your power." Seeing that Prue has no idea what Phoebe is talking about Phoebe improvises. "Just look at the handcuffs and think of them opening. Prue does and the cuffs fall to the ground. Phoebe grabs Percey's arm and twists it around his back, a bone snapping is heard. Phoebe then rams him into a wall. "Piper freeze him quick." Percey trips Phoebe and she falls to the ground. He spins around and prepares to stab Phoebe. "No," Piper shouts and puts up both hands. Percey freezes only inches away from Phoebe's heart. "Good. Thanks Piper." Phoebe says very shaken. She gets up and places the cuffs on Percey. She then takes aim and kicks him into the wall. He unfreezes and looks at Phoebe. "I should have known that you would be my undoing." He smiles at her and begins to chant. A red light fills the room and Percey is gone. "Good riddance," Phoebe walks over to her sisters. "My god Phoebe..." "Are you two okay?" "Yeah. I feel fine." "Yeah my memories are back as well." "Phoebe who was...?" "That Piper was a very sneaky warlock."

"I can not believe that we fell for Percey's act." Piper tells her sisters now seated around the breakfast table. "I know. If it was not for Phoebe who knows what would have happened. But why would he try and erase our memories like that." "I am just going to guess and say that that was his power. And that he just wanted the book. But when I came close to finding out the truth he almost killed me. If you and Piper would not have heard the fight in the kitchen I would be as good as dead. Unfortunately I can not practice on slam man for a few days. Doctors orders." "I am just glad that we have our memories back." "The worst part was that this all could have been stopped sooner." Her sisters ask Phoebe to explain. "When he first came into the house I had a premonition of him trying to hurt me. I guess I just felt that I could not trust you two or else I would have said something sooner." "Don't blame yourself Pheebs. If you would have told me that you could see the future I would have thought you to be the crazy one and Percey to be the sane one." "It just goes to show you that the only ones you can trust are family." "Or at least you two." Phoebe tells them with a smile. "I say we stick to the power of three. May we never add or delete any of you." "To the sisters three. No more and certainly no less." "I will pour coffee to that," Piper tells them filling up the coffee cups. "Okay what is a word with 11 letters for being able to see the future?" Prue asks while doing her cross word puzzle. "I wonder what that could be?" Piper tells her. "I wonder could it be... premonition?" Phoebe asks innocently. "Our first line of defense." Piper tells her and kisses Phoebe on the cheek. "Got to go." "See you later Pheebs." Prue tells her and kisses Phoebe on the other cheek. "See you later and hope you feel better." Phoebe just smiles and grabs the newspaper and begins to read the funnies. Just another day in the life of the Halliwell house unfolds.