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Love Always Beats Evil

by Sara S.

It opens at Quake, the Halliwell sisters (and the fourth Jessica) have yet again vanquished another warlock and are celebrating with a dinner. "That warlock was not so hard, I could have taken him on alone," Phoebe boasted.

"Really Pheebs... especially because the spell that ended him required all three of the Charmed Ones huh?" Prue wisely replied. Phoebe smiled sweetly. They looked strangely at Piper; she was staring off into complete space. Jessica turned to see what Piper was staring so intensely at. She gasped. Leo was standing there kissing another girl! Piper's eyes flooded with tears and she shook with grief.

"That filthy son of a bitch!" Phoebe declared. Prue feeling very defensive for her heartbroken sister ran up to him and spun him around aggressively.

"What the hell Leo!" She screamed in his face. A young very confused man who was not Leo gaped at her like she was a psycho. Prue turned a few shades of red, apologized then resumed her seat at the table.

"Oh man, that always sucks!" Jessica chuckled.

"Definitely!" they agreed. Piper, finally recovering from the quick scare smiled at them shyly. "Sorry you guys, I truly thought that was him," Piper commented. "Even tough I seem to think every blonde haired guy is him."

"Oh it's alright Pipe. Its not like I'll ever see him again," Prue said with a genuine smile on her face. Suddenly Piper heard a voice in her head. "Don't worry sweetie, I love you and I would NEVER cheat on you. I miss you so much. Save me a kiss beautiful." Piper grinned widely. She believed Leo and right then she felt as wonderful as she did when she was in his arms. Well not quite that wonderful, but almost.

"Hey where did the sudden burst of happiness come from Pipe?" Phoebe questioned. It snapped her out of her thoughts and she racked her brain for an excuse. "Um I was just thinking about how we kicked that warlocks ass!" Piper paused to see whether they believed her.

"Oh I know that was so great how he tried to get us and..." Jessica continued on with the story eagerly and Piper let out a sigh of relief.

The day grew later, Piper resumed her work at Quake and Jessica went to visit an old friend. Phoebe decided to head to the homeless shelter to see if Sister Mary Catherine needed any help with anything. "I guess that means I should head over to Buckland's," Prue murmured. "I might as well get some work done." She was about to enter Buckland's Auction House when Andy Trudeau stepped in front of her. "Andy!" Prue cried, clearly surprised. "What's wrong? What do you want?"

"Just to talk, maybe have lunch," he said, his tone gentle. "Look Andy I don't have time for this right now. I have to get some work done!" His expression changed from confident to hurt.

"Oh, ok," he mumbled clearly disappointed. Prue could see that she had hurt his feelings.

"Actually, I could do my work this weekend, where do you want to go?" He perked up instantly. "You can pick," he said delightfully. "Ok how about Danomiller's?" Prue suggested.

"That sounds great!" Andy replied energetically. Andy drove her to the popular restaurant and they got a table. Prue was confused; Andy pulled out her chair, opened the car door, and was just a regular gentleman to her. They ordered and while they were waiting her mind wandered. She started thinking about their past successions of warlocks and other dangerous beings. She remembered the wendigo. That was so scary. Andy was almost killed then. She thought more intensively about that. Didn't the wendigo only kill those who were in love? But Andy wasn't in love. Unless he still had feelings for her. It was to long ago Prue decided. It would be too awkward to get back together. She glanced over at him. With the way he was looking at her now, he probably didn't think it would be awkward for them to tear off their clothes and make love on the table. She felt flattered. She smiled her sexy little smile at him and his eyes lit up like a child's on Christmas. "Awww," he likes me again Prue thought. Suddenly she had an interrupting thought. Relationships were supposed to be honest and trustworthy. The reason theirs didn't last was her fault! Andy had always confided in her about anything. She had been pretty closed off towards him. And she obviously hadn't been very honest. She remembered a million times where she had just told straight out lies. She suddenly felt very depressed. Prue realized then she had to tell him everything if she wanted to even stay friends with him. She had hurt him and she was going to fix that.

"Um... Andy we really need to talk, can you come to my house?" "Well yes Prue, but what about our lunch?" "Uh, we can take it with us, this is important."

They got doggie bags and left. When they arrived at Halliwell Manor, Prue beat Andy to opening the door and they headed inside. "So, what do you need to tell me?" Andy questioned. "Well, um... Andy I'm a witch." "You and Piper and Phoebe are the Charmed Ones right?" he quickly replied. Prue gasped. Had he known the whole time? "How did you know that Andy?" she questioned harshly. "I just know," he said in a deep voice. Prue looked up at him; his eyes were red, as red as blood. No pupils or anything, just pure red. She screamed and tried to move him but she was frozen. Frozen in fear. Just like she was with the fear demon. "No Andy what happened to you?" She cried. He stared at her intensely. "Prue, I loved you, more than anything in the world. You were beautiful and sweet. I loved you so much it was driving me crazy. I went to a psychic to see if you felt the same. All he had to do was touch one of my possessions." Like Phoebe, Prue thought to herself. "I gave him just a ring of mine. He did a series of odd things to my ring and then handed it back to me. I slipped it on my finger and instantly had visions of you desperately in love with another man. I couldn't stand it I started weeping with anger and jealousy. The psychic looked at me and said that man could be me if I would do something for him. I begged him. He looked deeply into my eyes and something clicked in my head. The love for you vanished and was instantly replaced with pure hatred. Hatred for you and your sisters. You lied to me countless regretless times and you did not care. That is why I have to kill you and your sisters.

Prue gasped. Her Andy, the sweetie she had known since they were toddlers. He wanted her dead. A single tear ran down her cheek as she remembered how much she had cared for him. He licked it off her cheek and smiled at her, delighted with her agony.

"Prudence!" a cheerful voice rang out. "Prue! Where are you?" Phoebe called again. She stopped to take off her shoes and leaned against Andy's coat. She had a sharp vision of Prue, Piper and herself laying dead on the ground and Andy standing over them laughing. She backed out the door and got back in her car. Andy was in their house! He still had the key from when he and Prue were dating. Phoebe checked the driveway. Prue's car wasn't there so she must be at Bucklands. Phoebe quickly called there on her cell phone but she got no answer. She must be on her way home, "Thank God", Phoebe told herself. She then called Quake, Piper answered. She quickly told her of the situation and Piper said she was coming home now without delay.

Meanwhile inside the house Andy was still talking to Prue and gently kissing her neck to make her loathe him even more. Prue was shaking so hard with fright she couldn't believe she hadn't fainted with fear by now. What had happened to Phoebe? Had she hallucinated hearing her call? No, because Andy had heard it to. She couldn't believe Andy hated her so deeply. No, she told herself. This is not Andy. This is what the demon did to him. She closed her eyes tightly and fell completely silent.

Piper and Phoebe headed up the driveway. They had already waited a while for Prue, but it didn't look like she was coming. They tiptoed in, not making a sound. They peered into the living room and saw Andy softly kissing Prue. Her eyes were closed and she wasn't moving, she looked like she was enjoying it. "Are you sure it was Andy standing over us? Because he doesn't look very dangerous at the moment?" Piper whispered. "It was definitely 100% him!" Phoebe insisted. "Let's interrupt them for a second ok?" Phoebe said. "Fine, you do it, I'm not gonna have Prue pissed at me," Piper replied. "Um you guys?" Phoebe exclaimed loudly. Andy raised his head. The sisters gasped when they saw his eyes. Piper immediately froze him.

"What the hell is going on here?" Phoebe shrieked. Prue explained the story as quickly as she could. They gasped when they heard the story.

"You liked him that whole time to!" Piper commented. "You were just to stubborn to admit it." With Andy still frozen the sisters ran upstairs to the attic. "We have to find something that will change him back!" Prue cried. Seconds after she said that the book hastily opened and flipped to a page. At the top was written: "The Love Spell." It explained that the only way to kill off the evil inside of a mortal that was possessed with the love spell was to truly love them for who they were and nothing else.

"Well that's easy," Phoebe muttered. "Prue, you love Andy more than anything, right? We will be able to change him back in an instant!" Prue sighed deeply. She didn't even know anymore. She was so confused. Did she love Andy? "I, I think I love him, I'm really not sure whether what I feel for him is love," Prue responded. "Ok, then I guess we'll have to cross our fingers and hope for the best," Piper decided. "You and your superstition again," Phoebe joked. The Charmed Ones headed downstairs. Andy wasn't there! "He must have unfrozen early!" Piper cried. They concluded that he had left and were settling down to watch an old movie that was being replayed on TV when Prue decided to go to the bathroom, and Phoebe go make some popcorn. Prue stepped into the bathroom, did her business while listening to the kernels pop and then was washing her hands when a hand clamped over her mouth. "Hello gorgeous," Andy whispered nastily into her ear. Her eyes widened in terror. "I was stopped from slaughtering you before, but this time there will be no interruptions. He turned her around sharply. Prue stared directly into his eyes. Though red she still noticed that familiar playful glint in his eyes. She knew right then that she did love Andy Trudeau for everything he was and nothing else.

She pulled his hands off her face and pressed her lips into his. She closed her eyes and kissed him harder. When she opened her eyes again his were the normal friendly brownish green that she recognized. They were filled with surprise, sorrow, happiness, and wisdom all mixed into one. She smiled and kissed him again, lighter this time though. He remembered everything, but he didn't care. All he felt for her was intense undying love. She felt the same. Prue and Andy exited the bathroom and they told Piper and Phoebe how Prue had broken the spell. Andy decided to stay for the movie. They cuddled on the couch the whole time and when it was time for him to leave they couldn't stop kissing. "Marry me," he whispered in Prue's ear. "Yes!" She murmured back. They stood at the doorway not kissing just standing looking into each other's eyes. "Man, if the people thought the red eye thing was a love spell, they should see this!!!" Phoebe cried.